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First of all, let us pray toward gratitude for all the blessings which is given by Allah SWT so that we

can gather in this room in a healthy state.

And let us convey blessings and greetings to our great prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought
us out of the dark ages into the light of this era. Hopefully, we can be met with him in heaven. Amin

The Honorable Mrs.Ami

And all student that I proud of

In this opportunity, allow me to stand here in front of you all to deliver a brief speech about

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Indonesia is a big country and also really rich. We have millions of such natural resources from the
sea, forest, mining, and many more. However, why until now Indonesia has not been able to become
a developed country? All the problems that we have is actually comes from corruption.

Nowadays, the word of corruption is already familiar to us. Corruption is taking or stealing the rights
that do not belong to its right by taking advantages secretly for their own personal interests.

Currently, corruption has become a culture in our country now. Many people commit to do
corruption to enrich them. Goverment, civil servants, officials, and even law enforcement is also
doing corruption. Such as Akil Mochtar corrupt when he served as chairman of the
constitutional court. This can damage morale and causes the Indonesian people to be

Many factors that cause corruption in this country:

The first is less of assertive sanction which is received by corruptor. It makes the corruptors are not
afraid of doing corruption. Therefore, government should give a heavy punishment for them. We can
follow China which imposes die punishment for the corruptor so that they will afraid of doing

The second factor is the lack of control. They can freely use our money to enrich themselves. Even
they can make cooperation one another to cover their actions by doing corruption together.

The third factor is the lack of honesty that is owned by them. Even they are no longer concerned
about their religion which clearly prohibits corruption.

My friends

Even tough there is KPK which bravely wipe out the corruption in this country, we as smart
generation shall prevent corruption happen in our future. Being honest is the key. Do and speak with
honest will help us to maintain our country from the danger of corruption. Corruption must die!!!

I think enough for my speech, I apologize if there are many mistakes, and thanks for your attention

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