Open Mind Advanced Unit 1 Wordlist

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Open Mind


Unit 1 Money-free
Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
acquaintance noun /kwentns/ someone you know a little, He recognised Mr Hunter as
who is not a close friend an old business acquaintance
from his years in banking.
barter verb /b(r)t(r)/ to exchange goods or services We barter our home-grown
for other goods or services fruit and vegetables for other
instead of using money things that we need.
bring phrase /br t m(r)kt/ to begin selling a product or Were bringing our new
(something / offering a service to consumers product to market, it will be in
a product) to shops by the spring.
community noun /kmjunti/ the people who live in an area; It is important to establish
a group of people in a larger good relationships with people
society who are the same in in your local community.
some way
consume verb /knsjum/ to use a supply of something The new light bulbs consume
such as time, energy or fuel less electricity.
consumer noun /knsjum(r)/ someone who buys and uses The store has always shown a
goods and services shrewd understanding of what
consumers want.
consumerism noun [uncountable] /knsjumrz()m/ the belief that it is good for a These policies simply promote
country if people buy and use greed and uncontrolled
a lot of goods and services consumerism.
enthusiast nouns /njuzist/ someone who is very The company was started
interested in something or ten years ago by two young
excited by it, and spends time computer enthusiasts.
doing it or learning about it
ethical adjective /ek()l/ morally right Is it really ethical to keep
animals in zoos?
exchange verb /kstend/ to give someone something in The vouchers can be
return for something that they exchanged for goods in any
give you of their shops.
factory noun /fkt()ri a system in which animals or Many animal welfare
farming f(r)m/ birds are kept in small spaces organisations are against
and made to grow or produce factory farming.
eggs very quickly
forage verb /frd/ to search in a wide area for They spend their days foraging
something, especially food for food around the city.
get phrase /et f i 'rand/ if you get something, for My team are all working hard
(something) example a project, off the to get the project off the
off the ground ground, you start it and make ground.
it successful
hold a phrase /hld mit/ to schedule and take part in a We held a meeting yesterday
meeting meeting to brief the team about the
new client.
inherently adverb /nherntli/ relating to the basic or Being a politician is an
essential feature that gives inherently risky career.
something its character
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Open Mind advanced

Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

interpret verb /nt(r)prt/ to understand an action, His actions can be interpreted
situation, etc in a particular way in two different ways.
like-minded adjective /'lak mandd/ like-minded people, groups, A group of like-minded people
etc have similar tastes, set up the Wildlife Protection
interests and opinions Society.
livelihood noun /lavlihd/ something such as your work Local hotel owners rely on
that provides the money that tourism for their livelihood.
you need to live
markup noun /m(r)kp/ the amount of money that Theres a fixed markup of 20%
someone who sells goods adds on these shoes.
to the price of the goods in
order to make a profit
monetary adjective /mnt()ri/ consisting of money, or able to The paintings are not of any
be measured in money great monetary value.
repercussion noun /rip(r)k()n/ a bad effect that something The collapse of the national
has, usually lasting for a long bank will have serious long-
time term economic repercussions.
round-trip noun /rand trp/ a journey to a place and back My journey to work and home
again again is a 20 mile round-trip.
skip noun /skp/ a very large metal container The skip was full of garbage.
used for waste
supplement verb /splment/ to add something extra in They supplemented their diet
order to improve something or with home-grown vegetables.
make it bigger
swap verb /swp/ to give something to someone If you like this one better, Ill
in exchange for something else swap with you.
sweatshop noun /swetp/ a factory where people work The clothes in that store are
very hard in bad conditions very inexpensive because they
and earn very little money are produced in sweatshops.
threaten verb /ret()n/ to be likely to harm or destroy Their actions threaten the
something stability and security of the
trade verb /tred/ to exchange something you Tony traded his computer for
have for something else a bike.
unaware adjective /nwe(r)/ not realising that something Tom carried on reading,
exists or is happening seemingly unaware of my
unsustainable adjective /nsstenb()l/ not capable of continuing at Unsustainable economic
the same rate or level growth often leads to a crash.

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Open Mind advanced

Useful Expressions
Expression Topic / Category Sample Sentence
I suppose Hedging I suppose theyre generally a good thing.
I tend to think Hedging I tend to think they might do some good.
I would argue that Hedging I would argue that theyre one of the
most useful things on the internet.
Im fairly sure that Hedging Im fairly sure that a site like that would
benefit students.
It seems to me that Hedging It seems to me that not everyone is on
there for the right reasons.
more or less Hedging Theyre more or less a waste of time.

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