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Let Wisdom Guide Your Choice

Abraham and his nephew, Lot, became so wealthy that the land couldnt accommodate
them together. There had been regular bitter arguments between their servants. Abraham
knew both of them had to separate in order to stop the continual rancour between the
two households.
So he called Lot, Take your choice of any section of the land you want, and we will
separate he said, If you want that part over there to the east, then Ill stay here in the
western section. Or, if you want the west, then Ill go over there to the east. (Genesis 13:9
TLB). Abraham didnt have to wait too long for Lots response. Lot took a look at the
fertile plains of the Jordan River, well watered everywhere; the whole section was like the
Garden of Eden, and that was where he chose (Genesis 13:10 TLB).
Lots choice was based on what he saw. What he didnt know was that God was
already angry with the people of that country. In the course of time, God destroyed that
whole region of Sodom with fire and brimstone, and Lot ended up in a cave, with
nothing (Genesis 19). He was too ashamed to go back to his relatives, all because of the
wrong choice he made. He could have asked his uncle to choose for him, instead of
choosing according to his senses.
Life presents us with choices everyday, and many times the more appealing
option turns out to be the wrong one in the end. Just as someone rightly said, All that
glitters is not gold. Dont make your decision just because it appeals to your senses;
rather, let the wisdom of God guide you in your choice. If your choice is based on your
carnal perception, it might be destroyed like Sodom was.
Dont make your lifes decisions on the basis of outward appearance of things;
ask the Lord to guide you and show you what He would have you do. He sees beyond
the surface, and it is only with His wisdom that you can make the correct choices in life.
"wisdom is profitable to direct" (Ecclesiastes 10:10).

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