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After the Task - Reflection

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on these
and consider why you could implement these in a UAE KG classroom in the future.
Explain how these practices will affect student learning in a KG class.

- In my Teaching Practice, I observed many practices of the students in the classroom. The
first practice was each morning students do some exercises with their teacher before
they start, this can help the students moving their bodies in a right way. Second practice
was, teacher always use the reward system for the students, this can affect on their
learning positively and they will be going to follow the rules of the classroom. Last
practice I observed during my TP was, when they learn a new letter or number they
write it on the book then on the white board with the teacher, this can affect on them
positively because they will know and recognize the number\letter.

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