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memerangi kebiasaan menunda

1. cari tahu apa sumber penyebab menunda

2. buat deadline
3. Minta bantuan seseorang mengingatkan
4. buang mindset yg salah (takut sanksi, bentar dulu, belum disuru ....)
5. hidari the poewr of kepepet
6. Jangan terbawa perasaan (harus lawan rasa malas, cemas, takut ,dll)
7. mulailah 5 menit (nnti akan ketagihan mengerjakannya)

5 cara
2. Beri instruksi pada diri sendiri
3. Melibatkan teman untuk melatih tanggung jawab
4. Berhenti jadi Pahlawan (too much komitmen)
5. Menjauhkan hal-hal yang memecah fokus

11 way
1.Break work til many step
2. change your enviroment
3. Create a spesicif deadline time
4. Eliminate your procastinaiton pit-stops (eliminate Facebook, Instagram, youtube,
5. hangout with people who inspire you to take action (not theory)
6. Get a buddy.
7. Tell others about yout goal
8. Seek out someone who already achieved the outcome
9. Re-clarify your goals
10. stop over-complicating things
11. get a grip and just do it

It Always Starts With A Choicething you want to become

A possitve attitude
Need plan
put a gun in your head
do action

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