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Section A

Question 1 to 6. Look at the picture and circle the correct answer.

1. A. Cat 4. A. Duckling
B. Kitten B. Chicks
C. Dog C. Kitten

2. A. Hen 5. A. Kid
B. Chick B. Duckling
C. Kid C. Calf

3. A. Cow 6. A. Duck
B. Sheep B. Cow
C. Chicken C. Chicken

Question 7 to 10. Circle the correct answer.

7. Ali is a ___________

A. teacher
B. postman
C. doctor

8. Miss Tan work as a ____________

A. policeman
B. nurse
C. teacher
9. Soloman like to help others. He is a _____

A. postman
B. housewife
C. doctor

10. Azman is a ______________

A. singer
B. dancer
C. policeman

Question 11 to 16. Read the passage and circle the correct answer.

This ___11___ Lina. Lina is eight years __12__. She likes reading. She __13__
books every day.

Linas best friend is Ali. Ali is a __14__. Ali likes playing __15__. He plays football
at the school __16__.

11. A. is 14. A. girl

B. are B. boy
C. the C. cat

12. A. month 15. A. football

B. all B. doll
C. old C. hopscotch

13. A. watch 16. A. canteen

B. read B. field
C. play C. classroom
Question 17 to 21. Look at the cover book carefully.

By Samuel Ku

Illustrated by Kevin Shin

17. The title of the book is ________________.

A. The Happy Barn B. The Barn Happy C. Happy The Barn

18. The writer of the book is ______________.

A. Ramli Awang B. Akashah C. Samuel Ku

19. The illustrator are done by _____________.

A. Salim Ali B. Kevin Shin C. Pettroza

20. How many animals are on the cover of the book?

A. 7 B. 4 C. 10

21. The animals live in a ______________.

A. barn B. school C. hospital

Question 22 to 26. Read the story. Then, circle the correct answer.





Section B
Base on the ticket below, answer questions 27 to 30.

Little Red

Riding Hood
Time: 1:00 p.m
Date: 29th September 2012
Place: School Hall

27. What is the title of the show?


28. What time is the show?


29. When is the show?


30. Where will the show be held?

--- End of questions ---

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