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VILLAGE BUILDING 11/2/17 at 7p.m. Like us on Facebook!

1) Call meeting to order

2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call
4) Approval of minutes from 10/5/17
5) Water Bill issues
6) Additions to the Agenda
7) Treasurers Financial Report
A. Approve payment of bills
B. Financial Report
8) Public Comment
9) Old Business
A. Update on truck box replacement for 1- ton truck
B. 105/107 S. Depot Property Demo & Asbestos Removal
C. Village building updates
D. Vacate south section of Park street
E. Revisit Stop Sign Ordinance for Walnut & E. Ward
10) New Business
A. Announcements
B. Tax Levy
C. Closed Session - Annual Employee Review
D. Closed Session - Review Closed Session from April
E. Stump Grinding along ROW & Parks
11) Committee Reports
A. Water/Sewer
a-1) Water Works building remodel update
a-2) Varies Repairs Needed update
B. Streets/Garbage
b-1) Wayne Street Culvert update
b-2) N. Olin St. Drainage Issue update
C. Parks/Sidewalks
c-1) Park Equipment & Fundraiser update
12) Employee report
13) Adjournment next meeting 12/7/17

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An Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer

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