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SHG- 7


Proposal No. Pri196-3 /

Date : 4,28.11.0117
Cluster Dffice / Branch :
MALI tilten el 10.9
Name of SHG : Madura - NitAncl
I Distance from CC / Branch :tc km
Village (Town Area : MittrA kfr Pcdto
State :171 4rn6) 194c/14 Pincode ei i 3 11
Taluk : o ft)ei \ lay; District: Sed ,e,n)
Group Identity No : ge,79)
Constitution : Association of Individuals
No. of Members 13
Date of Formation of SHG :
Name of CLM / Branch Manager
Cluster Office / Branch Code No
Mrs.! Mr. ,
aglatAnciervii4k) Name of CMR a
Code No
Cluster centre (if applicable) Mrs. / Mr. R. .
f1/4 77ahek, tm
I 50\
int 434"
wi A tO
Name of M A / Clerk cum MWA/ MBA : Mrs./ Mr. M , kennAtti IE.No. I
1 Interest Rate : 2 2 . so % p.a.
L-I / II / III / IV / V : Rs. S, 70, Olf3D).-
Limit : ELL / Al
Loan Amount Rs. 3,()) 066 f 8 %
Agriculture No. of Members I
iNo. of Members 1.2 Loan Amount Rs. J. )12,DaCif '
Loan installments of Rs. 15930 + interest per month/fortnight/week
Repayment schedule: 1 + .24
Date of Balance
Outstanding Loan Ale No. Sanction Outstanding Rs.
Load Amount Rs.
Loan position
11i 5111314 2-2 Oct !Ails
MMFL - ELL / ATL 9, 8 Dibtai,..
Other MFI
following members have been inducted against the members opted out of the SHG (in between last loan tenure) and necessary
resolution(s) passed to that effect is reproduced in Form No. SHG-1. Certified that newly inducted members were screened by

CMR / BM / CLM on
Name of the member newly inducted
M.No. Name of the member opted out
S' gbcrcti , /2, A;14ta
12 A ga;v,.14
_A- A 1443 0A wcw;
R. cirnthI n B twia)
l2. Kt. en Aervileacchr-..;

55 years, one member from

Certified that the SHG is formed as per MADURA-SHG norms [such as married women, aged below
km radius), within the income ceilinglassessed the income and expenses of
one family, residing in the same location(within 1
the members and details of which are recorded in the FSR. We confirm that all the applicants have repayment capacity to repay
(6) meetings
the loan. With close monitoring, we shall ensure (a) group meetings are conducted as per laid down procedures
recovery of loan installments are made as per
are attended by MWA/MRA in time without fail (c) groups are linked in time (d)
[date) of every month, along with BDUCAL instalments,
repayment schedule one/ TV 3rd day or
(f) proper maintenance
(e) remittance into cash points by all members on rotation on the same day/next day of collection meetings
successful conduct of awareness meetings. Mg, sprtifiecUbat thtaus agibwrp View vaile d
of register and accounts and (g)
BDUCAL have utilized BDUCAL amount in promoting income generation atetieP~a DileartliblarintrAns and
documents were duly signed and executed before us. Hence, recommended for
promptly repaying the loan instalments. The
Signature of mrtAfilMeter Mentor - Jalakandapuram.
Signature of WA
Mobile Not ill Ad al 81 81 Slt 111 f Mobile No. .2 2.

Date :118114n Place : .0.434 3ordeptfrvez-

[Amount in Rupees]
ror cluster UTIII;t1 / la.........
Instalments Balance
Existing Arrears if any
Limit Sanctioned Interest Charged Total recovered Outstanding
Loan Type
Other MFI
Page No. 2 YounNo,ai-1
Las at me ena or previous calendar month)
S.No Details -Cluster Office / Branch Cluster Centre (if applicable) Village to which the SHG belongs
1 No. of accounts
2. No. of default accounts
- - - '
ra mg points secure out of 30 - as per SHG G?ading Report 'dated'
.. ,

The balance outstanding in the existing ELUATL loan account (Rs . . . + Interest up-to-date),
shall be adjusted in the loan amount now proposed.
Signatures of SHG members were verified with F. No. SHG-1 and Loan Agreement and found correct.
The proposal together with enclosures is forwarded to Regional Office. Recommended for sanction of ELL / ATL as proposed

Date: Cluster / Branch Manager Mobile No. J11111.1111!

End. 1) In the case of ELL: F. No. SHG - 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7, Photo copies of KYC Documents [Aadhaar, Ration Card; Voter ID]
and SB Pass Books.
2) In the case of AIL: F.No. SHG- 1,1A,2,3,4,5,7 & 8, Photo copies of KYC Documents [Aadhaar, RC,Voter ID],
SB Pass Books, Loan pass books of the existing ELUATL -1 /2 /3 /4 /5 and BDL-1/ 2 /3 / 4 / 5 / CAL - 1 / 2 and
Photo copy of latest SHGR- Minutes cum collection registeic collection meeting minutes.
Regional Manager's Recommendation
The proposal together with enclosures is forwarded to Corporate Office - Credit Dept.
Recommended for sanction of loan as proposed as modified as follows. (Grading for ATL-4 and 5 directly by RM)

Place .
Date Regional Manager
( Name :
For Corporate Office - Credit Dept. use
Report of Mr. ,Internal Auditor, dated
Corporate Office-Credit Dept. to the proposal and the enclosures as above. on the visit of SHG, .:s attached by

Serious comments found in this visit report of internal auditor and action taken by Corporate Office-
Credit Dept. thereon:

Serious comments found in Quarterly - Short internal audit report, communicated by Corporate Office -
Internal Audit Dept. and action taken by Corporate Office-Credit Dept. thereon:

Recommended for sanction of loan as proposed/as modified as follows.

ELI, / ATI I / II / III / IV / V Amount Rs.
Repayment period : 1 + monthly /fortnightly/weekly installments on 172s/3 day
or [date] of every month.
Rate of Interest % p.a.

credit Officer

Orders of Sanctioning Authority

Sanctioning Authority
(Designation : Date:
Loan Account No.
Date of sanction
Loan amount sanctioned Rs.
Less PC + GST + Insurance Premium Rs.
Adjustment towards previous loan Rs.
Net loan credited thro' cheques / pre-paid Cash / NEFT Rs.

Credit Officer

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