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srereeens | SS co a = oe Thanlagiving a 2 faistele ~ Minister's Musings As I write this mesing I can see the ocean and see the waves pound against the shore. As some of may or may not know, Tracy and I took a much-needed vacation. We ‘went to the panhandle of Florida with 3 other couples from college. We rented a house on the beach and spent most of our time by the pool or by the ocean. ‘Lam not using this musing to brag about our vacation I promise, so please keep reading. As I was sitting in the house alone on our last day I was inspired to write these musings. Vacation, sabbatial, rest, relax, recharge or whatever you want to call it. We do not do that well do we? Our lives become very busy with jobs, school, kids, church, volunteering, caring for parents, and the list seems endless. Before we know it, we look. up and the kids are gone, we've spent 20+ years at the same job, we've aged and we've barely taken any time toslow down and take it all in, ‘There are statistics that say American's are the worst at taking vacation time. What's the typical allotment...2 weeks? 14 days of vacation for a whole year. How many people don't even use all ofthat up? We become easily consumed with rising to the top ‘that we forget to stop and enjoy the ride. We very quickly become overwhelmed by kids’ activities that we are a bas service and don't stop to look around and enjoy the activities. Of course there are othe: responsibilities that consume us and before we know it have ‘taken over our lives. One of my favorite movie characters Ferris Bueller stated, “Life ‘moves pretty fast. Ifyot don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss ‘That fact hit me on vacation. I too have been caught up in the race of life and I realized that I hadn't taken a step back to truly enjoy my life How about you? Do you feel life moving by too fast? Do you fel like you're overwhelmed and doingall you can to simply keep your head above water? Do you figure that you'll be able to slow down and enjoy life once this phase of your life is over? Maybe...but if we don’t make ita priority to stop and look around we are going to miss it. God himself took rest after 6 days of pretty intense work. Jesus himself took time to be alone and talked often of the need for sabbath. 1f God and Jesus needed reset then ‘we certainly do to! 1 found that taking these days and unplugging, as best I could, really helped me focus more on God and helped open myself up to the Spit. Our ehirch family is going to be facing some choices in the next couple of years. In the rat race of life, I hadn't had. a chance to slow down ard really talk to God about this so I was becoming more and ‘more worried and distressed. As I was on vacation I was able to decompress more and really give the worries to God. Now, I didn't geta vision giving me the answers, what I got was the working ofthe Spirit reminding me that God will be with us during all of this and itis going to be justine, Any of you feel like life isa freight train and you're just along forthe ride? Are you facing decisions and wonder where God is in all of it? The answer my friend, is found in taking some time for yourself and truly connecting with God. Vacation, relaxation, whatever you want to call itis vital to your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. It doesn't have to be a week on a beach, but it needs tobe some time away from the hectic nature of life PS-more about the decision facing our church fa following in the newsletter Church Board Meeting October 17", 2017 Those attending: Bonnie, Amanda, Tom, Pam, Richard, Kaylee, Pastor Brian. Pastor's report + Going on vacation Bonnie has the service on Sunday ‘Visited nursing home members and people that had surgery—all good * December 3% Danielle Elictt wants to have blood drive in our church-board agreed ‘Wedding in our church, Pastor Brian officiated the Hackett wedding Wedding in November ané a baptism christmas program December 17" Christmas Eve regular servce 10:00am and candlelight 6:00 pm * December 10% budget mesting forthe congregation atthe Annual meeting forall the lowa UCC churches, Pastor Brian spoke + Tri Conference iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota) Bridget Stevens is our conference minister- she lives in Des Moines and her position will take effect January 2018 Set the budget scheduled for November 12 after church fr the board ‘Health insurance forthe minister will go up close to $5,000 this year and the same for next year. Treasurers report + Loan for general expensesis up to $14,800.00 which is down for last year’sloan amount at this time ‘With the health insurance going up, we will need to talk about how to cover these costs. The last few years the rates haven't gone up due to his age. After 40, the rates increase dramatically Pam moved and Kaylee seconded to approve the report/pay bills “Mission Fund was depleted due te the scholarships forthe seniors—some funds have come in now and wil hop 3 Christmas family ‘Trustees report-we will wait on striping parking lines for now Deacon's Fund-no one has asked for money "Memorial Fund—the parsonage bathroom that the boys use the shower is leaking behind the wall and the ‘cupboards/vanity arein bad shape. Pastor Brian wil get estimates on some repairs and new vanity. Also the ‘memorial committee has already ok'd funds for new video cameras for Pastor Brian's services for TV. ‘Youth group-2:16 will have Christian magician come and preach the word while preforming magi. Friday, March 9* Unfinished business—Carroll Olsesis replicating our church to be used on a float for any parade. Vivian Dau, Bonnie Dollen, and Pam Danker have volunteered to help Maureen with her Sunday school class. December ‘meeting bring up food pantry. Pam Danker Clerk cocrosen 2017 UCC Sunday School Newsletter Sunday Shoo! 20172018 offal bogan on September 10% Ths fa, sudan ae on this year’ ostel Stents were eager greted by tha tencers Sarah iter Pre Cy Maar), Meith Martens 2 53} Kristina Brotha (5) and Maureen Oken ane Par Canker 63). Mew hs years the math standanc raving ach week _tugens pt helenae ina og On 25" week one wane I draw for tara rck- and one wna vn for grades 8, Pres wl vary eh Student willoon be making tens for the upcoming church sueton, Grau en wl be actoned of whl inv ualters wl beso throush sent auction, Ths isa pret opportunity to gt stared on some fey Cntr shorn saa Pun re underway forth ya’ Christmas pageant which wl be eld during church serie on December 37%, \otuntcers are need tal wth stones and props, Please et me kaow you terested n hee ‘contact nflomaton sheet were sent September 17, you ave not rtured onefor Your ci, we would appeal f you would anor brig soon. Fiala the new Sunday Stool Sperntenden, | would Eke to hak alarent for bring her chien to Sunday Shoal now how fit can be get upon Sindoy morning ate thoelang and et weak Pease fed ree to contact Imei any qvesons or concer yeu may have. Mara cand Activity of the Month: Grades 2-3 submitted by Teacher: Meriith Martens We havea beach bl with ible questions ween in sectioned off areas. We snd (ort depending on energy eve In a él and ‘bump the ballin he ai unt sy “sop” The student wth the inner then sins and calls out “let” or "right. The student wth the | bal hen ansners the question unde that hand, After the answers ‘ive everyone else as a chance to answer more teacher questions ‘on the matter, This is epeateduntl everyone has answered 2 question and had the spinner. ‘Adlee Conringharn Eleabah Wiggins Prek—rd Grade 4-86rade RESIDENTS OF CARE CENTERS and RETIREMENT HOUSING and HOMEBOUND ‘The following is alist of names and address of the residents, friends, and members AVOCA. Lois Kahler, Apt, 22 Judy Nisen ‘Avoca Nursing & Rshab Center {610 East York Road, Box 578 ‘Avoca, Towa 51521 COUNCIL BLUFES ‘Abe Van Rockel, 3" Floor Bethany Lutheran ‘Elliot Steet Council Bluffs, Towa 51503 Ruth Geige ‘Risen Son Village 3000 Risen Son Bl ‘Council Bluffs, Town $1503 Eloise Haight ‘Northerest Living Center 34 Northerest Drive Council Bluis, own $1503 November Usher List November 2017 David & Cindy Manhart, Charles Leaders, Lynn Peterson November 12,2017 ‘Tracey Roane, Sally Dea ‘November 19,2017 Gale & Pam Rihner November 26,2017 Kyle & Sara Amold December Usher List December 3.2017 Dave Fischer, Mona MeDonald, Dean & Joyce Olson December 10,2017 Jeff & Sherri Guerrero December 17,2017 Carroll & Karen Olsen, December 24,2017 10:00 asm. Dana & Meridith Martens 6.00 pm, ~ Tudy Martens & Paula Schnack ‘December 31, 2017 Pam Danker, Carolyn Siebels God Is Calling You to Serve The Nominating Committee announces that the following positions ani their terms ace up for the following offices as of Janvary 2018, ‘Three Church Board positions fora thre year term which will include one ‘Trustee and ‘va Deacons need tote fille. ‘A cone year term on the Church Board of Clerk, Treasurer, Financial Recording Secretary, Pastor/Parish Committee and Youth Board Member need to be filled, ‘Ther is one position open on the Nominating Committee (three year term), All other committee members will be contacted to see if they will continue serving on ‘heir committees. ‘The Altar Committeeneeds help putting up banners. ‘We would also lke to thank the many people who gave of ther time and tlents this past year! We realize that your time is valuable and we appreciate all that you dol! THANKS AGAIN! We really aro in need of volunteers for the Board Member positions, so please contact us if you are interested, Ifyou are interesting in volunteering to serve on a committee or a hosed positon or have any questions concerning the committees or positions that are open, please contact Mona McDonald, Doreen Koch, or Vivian Dau. ‘Thank You, Nominating Committee November Scripture Readings November S~ Joshua 3:7-11, Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37 or Micah 3:5-12, Psalm 43, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, Matthew 23:1-12 November 12 ~Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25, Psalm 78:1-7 or Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16 ‘or Amos 5:18-24, Wisdom of Solomon 6:1-20 or Psalm 70, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Matthew 25:14-30 November 19 — Judges 4:1-7, Psalm 123 or Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18, Psalm 90:1-8 (11), 12, 1 Thessalonians S:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30 November 26— Rzekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Psalm 100 or Ezekiel 34:11-16,20-24, ‘Psalm 95:1-7a, Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 25:31-46 Congregational Budget Setting Meeting December 10, 2017 Following Worship Everyone Welcome be | informed (Our church is going to face some decisions soon. Pastor Brian’s health. insurance is going to increase $4851 for 2018 and a similar amount in 2019. ‘These big increases are happening because the UCC Health Insurance broke ing into age groups a few years ago. When this breakdown happened, approximately 6 years ago, it saved our church about $6,000/year. As Pastor Brian gets older and hits the last two age groups, age 40, and 41-65, we experience a significart increase and have to pay some of that savings back. Remember, because of the age groups the church has saved about $36,000 over the past 6 years, ‘There is good news and bad news as the old joke goes..the good news is there is enough money to cover the increases, the bad news is the money is in our pockets. There are options... 1) Giving increases to cover the increase 2) Pastor Brian is raduced to a % time or & time pastor 3) Pastor Brian could go on Tracy's insurance and the church pays for that 4) Church could look for a different pastor with less health insurance costs Giving in 2016 was about $69,000 from Sunday offering only. To cover the increase from health insurance giving would have to increase 7%. A monthly offering of $50 would increase to $53.50/month. We would need a similar jump in giving next year to offset the increase again. When broken down that way the amount isn’t insurmountable at all. The question is...does the church want to commit to a 7% giving increase. ‘There is more discussion to be had about our options, and we are going to have a few informational meetings to discuss the entire health care situation/budget as it pertains to our church family Sundays after worshi the chapel Nov. 5 and Nov. 12 ¢vents in our Church Life November 1 - Group 3:16, Minden, 6. 0 November 6, 13, 20, 27 — Parenting Class, 57:30 November 15 - Group 3:16, Neola, 6-7:30 November 19 ~Church Dinner and Sale 11:30 — 1:00 Minden United Church of Christ Monthly Mission Fund Report Savings Account #) BOxpar~ | Buti Ontind “Dee S=1S> 7 s[owaso | Hecke; Cadet pase cad $90 ect pa pars Hil ! ay, PGP, 12 se | ite Ame =o Oe Dea par oe | TalRes 3 [IDA Witiamgis «S94 sp BH Lowe 5294 torino 2 BS Soin Ca Leet Goll $1509 eas Oe CE ak a tes a ‘not Tred Bsus Ras esing zou $—_ O Avon Tamil to Goer Chash Chee Ac. $_O ‘Tod Withdrawals: *3_ [UY flan Ontind ae_[0-4-17 SMhde aie oT L otis nd anes Christmas Eve Service December 20 24 SOOO $190.69 80 0 0 0% 0 0 0% o# Annual Reports Officers who have items for the Annual Report will need to have them in the church office no later than December 1, 2017. The Treasurer's Reports probably will not be available until the Annual Meeting. Sunday School] Christmas Program December 17, 2017 Ire-e-e~e7y PTT ® Christmay 2017 Poinsettim Order Form Minden United Church of Christ . _ Orders must be received at the church office no later than noon November 12 Price Color | Dedication (if any) [8b pex pinot] Red, wat, Tomar oJ Sn Gi5.00 inch po) | ormale | Inmemory of Mary Jone, Total payment due with order Checks may-be made payable to Minden U.C.C. Vive do__ donst____ wish to have my/our names included in the bulletin, Poinseitias will be on display in the sanctuary during Advent and may be picked up following the December 17 | worship service or Christmas Eve service, Please be sureto take home the size (6” or 8” pot) and color you ordered. BR PF ES eS a a ee a2 T | BP Sia Sib“ Sint ts Sty a sky Sink iSite eat sa nn ats Sib, Sas bet i, SS _& Spaghetti Dinner re “) 11:00 - 1:00 “Reaep Auction 12:30 November 19, 2047 Minden United Church of Christ at the Minden Community Hall Pasta, Garlic Bread, Salads & Desserts To Go Orders call: 712-483-2903 or 712-483-2109 Everyone Welcome Puzzje! his matting chalege ines wads om stor n Jon’ gospel rales comet | ‘the pars that est belong ogee. | Dove SIMON PETER | ‘ELUAH JESUS. | ee || —_— == || — = | wor Pint | neat pany an Sippam | seen un anpn_| tose a sea mpi ade nolan ec od ao ads mapey SN Of the book of Acta?™ "Could we study Exodus instead | Ceri ‘Aer Stade, Minch an Abeloeo wee te, oun tos ling fae rg ‘Grahip fit: pu hw many mene King [Nobodies lig ean in he et A. Nece— they weal ed BT ero and ‘abana fear and be ar (eked doe cn AA) Pore ‘ommuning with nature | Th Now Tan Wak (Wenner Join Kos, En ‘athe el serungm por at check where, fo Toning communion the ite ake the Lever esd ‘ide forthe ide One dy, Wades own oungess ‘Tse pling cute when hey somone ero ane Ing fora new hurd ple "Pa ksi planned everhing the balding eyes, snoner of wos, prayer ben, «rid opening peti snd someting ce, which Wathen n't Teil undertand Then Ber eae veld wth jo fo ‘he recon that het daughter ment she ose Eachatt ‘dpa ofbrend whic cay othe cl was at Sd num pref chor Te aed apace” thee Ste easly or te ail to ave eomsnion” Thank you, veterans! ‘On Vee Day, we honor en snd women who've sere nd teil i on of Ameria re ero ‘Oo Novenber I, 118, Ameen pd eral signed steve with Gen ary cading Wold Wa 1919, Dresden Wien died the United Stes Soold remeber wih gatiode he ed of that wae ad bonot ‘aly ner by maskng Armistice Dy "ose" ‘iy In 1954, Conger cane he mame 0 Veterans Day enor veterans of eee. ‘Veer Dy highligh our une gut or peace, June nd feedom throghoet the word Fallow {tf he eine of Peace, py frum lk ‘atone forthe day when "ton wl not take Sord aint nation, nor wl hey can fo wat anor” ‘saab 2:4, NIV, | Special dates Sa iy Nowne 2007 1 Dataheserg Te ends Aen 5, 2017 2 NewaneDiy Rowe 2077 1 Thain Day, Roc 23 2007 1 Gh Ring Sundy Roel 26, 2017 | Siero oases ca wb ‘www. i io yr ys ‘hug tad ag % 4 ee at youre: ate esate AE 1 Several age eres + crayons ll clos) gp erm che nat you do: 1. Working ona a surfice, plsceche leaves under Death he pape 2, Peel he wrappers off the ‘rajons Rab eryons ‘Ssways over the paper othe dtl ofthe eaves become vile 43. Ureotherrjonstoadd ‘additional deals, if sited, With the marker, Her wha you'e thankful forand add a ible verse bout thankfulness. 4, Opeona: Laminate he places chepte Fesible OTA CIV UA TCO) Go gives us many bessings very day. How can we thank hia? tins: camp h Sevee a wt ce an rs | ett Lt, tetahe4 015, Pat, Oot, et, 2tN=22, 223, 3224, ¥225, 2228 AI 0c wie] Bani mys pw Sues aut = Po a ANSE reor78) [MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Receipts nd Expenses forthe Month of September Balance in Bank September 1, 2017 Ss 96625 Income: Envelopes & Loose Ofings 5846.00 ‘Sunday Scoot sian ‘Lom From Bank ‘ol borowed to date 14,800.00) 5,500.00, coffe Hour 4625 Micllneous Hoc Tithe 016 Tora come 8 7861 Expenses ‘OcwM 32000 Salaries ssonn3 ‘Aun. & Cont Exp. sn00 Insurance — Pastor aass91 Amuty Pastor 190082 Pastor — Cont, Bd soo (Cure Insurance 1ssr00 Soe See.— Medion Utes ~ char sor Postage 337 tice Suppis sos coer 629 Worship Soppties so129 Maitenince cures ‘Grounds 24824 ‘Transfer to Packing Lat 26499 (Cvistian Bd. Depatment, Adil Sun Se saan Othe: Transfer to ison Fund 2136 Micllancous ‘Total Bepeses: 8 26647 Balance in Bank September 30, 2017 Ss 107339 THE CORNERSTONE. NON-PROFT? ORG. U.S. Postage PAID MINDEN, Towa Permit #7 Return Service Requested Mailed October 80, 2017 Spirit! Lovet FORGIVE! "KEEP THE SPIRIT" "BE YOURSELF” eg

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