HR Outline

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Human Resources Outline

How do the Human Resources recruit new employees?

Human resources recruit new employees by the Affinity Medical Center website, Career Builder, Indeed,
and internally by managers.

What media are used to advertise job openings?

The media that is used to advertise job openings are through the internet on Career Builder, Indeed and
Affinity Medical Centers website.

What are the costs of recruitment?

The costs of recruitment can be as high as $400 for a newspaper ad or an annual fee for the use of
Career Builder.

How many people are usually interviewed before a position is filled?

At least three people are interviewed before a position is filled. The normal number of people
interviewed is between three and five.

Job Description

What format is used in the facility?

The format that is used in the facility is a document created by the hospital. The first part is basic
information such as position title, name, who they report to and department. The second part includes
purpose of the position, qualifications/skills, position description and physical requirements.

What are the criteria-based job descriptions?

The criteria-based job descriptions are different depending on the position. Normally they include ability
to speak & hear required, must be able to stand of sit for long periods of time, the ability to lift 50
pounds, mentioning that the job includes stooping and bending, work requiring to reach and grasp with
arms and hands, work that requires proofreading and checking documents for accuracy and working
with a keyboard to enter or transform words or data.

Update or develop a job description for a position as suggested by your preceptor.

Performance Appraisals

Who determines the standards for evaluating the performance of current employees?

Corporate determines the standards for evaluating the performance of current employees.

How similar is the performance appraisal to the job description?

According to the HR direction, the performance appraisal and the job description are the same thing.

Observe a performance appraisal session if possible (Schedule in advance).


What is the policy regarding grievances?

The policy regarding grievances is first it gets reported to the manager and then they need to document
it within 30 days by filling out a document of the complaint.

How are grievances handled?

Grievances are handled by first getting reported to the manager, then it goes to the department director
and then CEO and lastly the President.

What is the role of the food service manager in a grievance placed by a food service worker?

The role of the food service manager if a grievance is placed by a food service worked is to tell them to
fill out a report within 30 days. Then the food service manager will alert his manager about the

Personal Actions

Are promotions / demotions based on the performance appraisals?

Yes, promotion and demotions are based on the performance appraisals.

Are promotions / demotions reviewed and acted upon by HR or by the food service manager?

The promotion and demotions are reviewed and acted upon by the food service manager. Depending on
the situation, HR may be included when it comes to promotion and demotions.

Review the procedures required to place an employee on probation / warning level, and/or to
terminate. Summarize this procedure and indicate when the department manager is involved.

If an employee does not follow requirements for their position or is involved in any issue they will be
written up. For example, an employee was caught smoking outside of the hospital and the food service
manager wrote them up for breaking the rules that were discussed during orientation. Some other rules
are uniforms and name badges must be worn every day, fingernails should be no longer than inch
long, body art must be covered during work hours, use of loud offensive language, smoking inside of the
facility, threatening another employee. The first offense is a verbal coaching, the second offense is a
written coaching and the third offense is discharge. Depending on the offense such as threatening
another employee, you will be terminated immediately.

Professional Training

What credentials does the facility require for its professional staff? (i.e. Director, RDN)

The credentials that the facility require of its professional staff are first the dietitians need to be
registered by the state and the director needs a four year degree in food service, five years of
experience with 3 being in management level, prior experience in a hospital, food service certification
and ServSafe.

How is maintenance of credentials documented?

The maintenance of the credentials is documented by the Edd System.

Is there a professional educational plan in place for the RDN?

Yes, the hospital offers tuition reimbursement for the RDNs and will pay for professional development.

Is there in-house staff development?

Yes, there is in-house staff development called the Learning Center Portal. The hospital requires all
employees to read material and take monthly quizzes.

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