Egal Ethods: C A A S O L

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Presented By:
Roll no. - 6
BA.LLB. (Hons.) (Self-Financed)










1. Conventional Custom

2. Legal Custom




1. Historical Theory

2. Analytical Theory



In the modern jurisprudence the term sources of law is broadly used in two sense.

Sometimes it is used in the sense of State or the sovereign from which the law derives its

force and validity. In the other sense, it is used to denote the causes of law or the contents or

matter of which the law is composed. Dr. C.K. Allen asserts that the true sources of law are

agencies through which the rules of conduct acquire the character of law because of their

certainty, uniformity and binding force. According to Fuller, the source of law includes the

material from which the Judge obtains rules for deciding cases. In this sense, it includes

statutes, judicial precedents, customs, opinions of legal experts, jurists etc.1

According to the natural law philosophers, the law has a divine origin. It is a gift of God

contained in Holy Books. As stated earlier, Vedas and Smritis are sources of law according to

Hindu jurisprudence as they have originated from the sages. Likewise, the Quran is the word

of God and therefore, a positive source of Muslim Law. The hadis contains the precepts of

the Prophet as inspired and suggested by God.

T.E. Holland also supports the view that the term sources of law has been used in a variety

of senses. Sometimes it denotes the material from which all knowledge of law of obtained.

This may include statutes books, treatises or law-reports etc. In another sense, the source of

law denotes the ultimate authority which gives law its binding force. Such authority is

undoubtedly the State which is sovereign. Sometimes the term is used to denote the causes

acquired the force of law e.g. Religion, Custom etc. and sometimes the agency of organ

through which State creates law or grants legal sanction to existing rules is also called the

source of law, e.g. legislation etc.

Fuller L: Anatomy of the Law, p. 69


Salmond preferred to emphasize on two main sources of law. He calls them i) material
source, and ii) formal source of law. The material sources are further sub-divided into legal
sources and historical sources. He defined a formal source of law as that form which a rule of
law derives its force and validity. He, however, clarified that from the material source, the
law derives only its matter and not the validity. Thus the will of the State as manifested in the
Statue book or decisions of Courts are the formal source of law while the legislation,
customs, agreements and professional opinion of jurists etc. are the material sources of law.
Salmonds classification of sources of law can be briefly summarized as under:



Legal Sources Historical Sources

(These are authoritative) (These are un-authoritative
Eg., writings of eminent jurists,
Foreign judgments etc)


(Enacted law) (Case Law) (Law based on Customs) LAW

(Based on agreements, eg., local laws, treaties etc.)

In addition to the historical and legal sources of law, Salmond also talks about literary

sources of law which refer to original and authoritative sources of knowledge of law. It

consists of all text books, commentaries and law reports from where we trace any rule of law.

Of the two kinds of material sources, namely, legal and historical, the first is authoritative

while the second is un-authoritative. To quote a concrete example, an Act passed by the

legislature becomes a law which has a binding force therefore; it is a legal material source of

law. On the other hand, opinions of eminent jurists have only a persuasive value and are not

binding upon the courts. Therefore, they are historical material source which are un-

authoritative. Historical sources may become legal if they are incorporated in law or are

recognized by law.

Salmond further pointed out that historical sources pertain to legal history and not to legal

theory. It is for this reason that Salmond has discussed only legal and not the material sources

and even among the legal sources he has included only legislation, precedent and custom and

not others.


The classification of sources of law by Slamond into formal and material sources has been

criticized by some jurists, notably, Allen and Keeton.

Dr. Allen objected to Salmonds assertion that legal sources are the only gates through

which new principles can find entrance into the law and historical sources operate only

mediately and indirectlythey are merely links in the chain of which ultimate link must be

some legal source to which law is directly attached.2 He alleged that Salmond has

P.J. Fitzgerald: Salmond on Jurispurdence. 12th Edition, p. 112

undermined the importance of historical source. Keeton has also criticized Salmond for his

views on formal source of law which in modern time is the State. In his view, the State

cannot be termed as law in modern technical sense because it is only an agency to enforce

law. In real sense it is the public opinion which finds expression through legislature which

gives law its authority and force.

Dr. Glanville Williams also prefers to distinguish legal and historical sources of law; the legal

sources being legislation and precedent while the historical source is the actual origin of the

rule adopted by the Court in arriving at a decision.


According to Keeton, the sources of law can be classified into two broad categories, namely,

1) Binding Source of Law; and 2) Persuasive sources

Binding Sources may further be classified as: i) Legislation, ii) Judicial precedents, and iii)

Customary law. Likewise, persuasive sources may also be of three kinds, namely, i)

Principles of equity, ii) Professional opinions, iii) Writings of Jurists etc. He asserts that in

modern time, the only formal source of law is the state, but it being an organization which

enforces law, it is not correct to consider it as a source of law in real sense of the term. In his

opinion, persuasive sources are useful only when there is no binding source of law.


Prior to the Bristish rule in India, Hindus and Muslims who constituted the major population

of this country were governed by their personal laws, namely, Hindu law for Hindus and

Mohammadan law for Muslims. It is interesting to note that original Hindu law recognized

four sources of law i.e. 1) the Sruti, 2) the Smritis, 3) the conduct of the virtuous, and 4) ones

own conscience.3

In the course of time, the last two receded into the background.

The Primary source of Mohammedan Law were also more or less similar, namely, 1) Quran,

2) Sunnat and Ahadis which meant tradition, 3) Ijma (consensus of opinion), 4) Kiyas, i.e.,

analogical deductions. Both these laws claimed transcendental origin and recognized King as

a magisterial official. The Sruit as a source of Hindu law and the Quran as a source of

Mohammedan law are supposed to be a direct revelation from God but the language of both

is of human origin. The two, however, differ on one major point- while Mohammedan law

claims human being, namely, Prophet Mohammad as its founder, no such claim is made by

Hindu law.

With the introduction of English common law in India, the English legal source of law

replaced the earlier sources of indigenous laws and they have now become an integral part of

the modern Indian jurisprudence which owes its origin to the British Legal system.

In the modern legal system legislations occupies a prominent place as a source of law since

most of the laws are made by the Union or State legislatures. The role of custom as a source

of law is diminishing day y day as the societies are changing fast adopting new ways of life

and living. The role of precedent as a source of law is also limited because the judges have to

take the help of many other sources, such as juristic writings, foreign decisions, moral and

social values of the time and place in deciding cases and handling down judgments.

Manu, p. 11-12


Custom occupies an important role in regulation of human conduct in almost all the societies.

In fact it is one of the oldest sources of law making. Only a few people are likely to concur

with the classical Greek poet Pindars maxim, Custom is the king of all. A custom may be

defined as a continuing course of conduct which by the acquiescence of express approval of

the community observing it, has come to be regarded as fixing the norm of conduct for

members of society4. However, the importance of custom is slowly diminishing away as the

legal system grows and the reason being that with the emergence and growing power of the

State, custom is largely superseded by legislation as a source of law.

De Allen defines customs as the uniformity of habits or conduct of people under like

circumstances. When people find any act to be good and beneficial, apt and agreeable to their

nature and disposition, they use and practice it from time to time, and it is by frequent use and

multiplication of this act that the custom is made.5 He holds that custom and legal social

phenomenon grows up partly by forces inherent in society, forces of purity of reason and

necessity and partly of suggestion and imitation.

Salmond is of the opinion that custom embodies those principles which are acknowledged

and approved, not by the power of the state but by the public opinion of the society at large.

When states takes up its functions of administering justice, it accepts as valid the rules of

right already accepted by the society of which it is itself a product and it finds those

principles already realized in the customs of the realm. Thus he states custom is the

Dias & Hughes: Jurisprudence,(1957) p.34
Allen, C.K.: Law in the Making, p. 87

embodiment of those principles which have commanded themselves to the national

conscience as principles of justice and public utility6.

Jhon Austin was of the view that no folkway regardless of the fact how respected it is or how

much is it followed can influence the law. He was of the view that only those conventions

and folkways recognized by the sovereign through some judicial act or legislative disposition

might be certified as a customary source of law.

The judicial committee of the Privy Council, in Harprasad v Shivdayal7 observed that custom

is a rule which has obtained the force of law in a particular family or region due to long


Keeton defines custom as those rules of human action, established by usages and regarded as

legally binding by those to whom the rules are applicable, which are adopted by court and

applied as a source of law because they are generally followed by the political society as a

whole or by some part of it.


Custom exists as law in every country, thought it tends to lose its importance relatively to

other sources of law with the changes in society. The law that originated in England on the

basis of prevailing customs is known as the common law, which is adopted in the form of

Acts of Parliament ever since the sixteenth century.

Fitzgerald P.J.: Salmond on jurisprudence
(1876) 1A 259

Customs are not laws when they arise, but that they are largely adopted into the law by the

State recognition. Customary law assumes binding authority provided it fulfils certain

requirements and provided it is not suspended by law by a higher authority.

When a particular conduct is followed by people continuously for a long time, it is called a

habit. But if some conduct or rule is followed by most people of a particular class or locality,

then whether the others should follow the same would invariably depend on the generality of

practice. It is not always necessary that the court should recognize all the practices which are

prevalent in a community as custom. For instance, there is a practice among Hindus that the

male relatives of the deceased shave off their heads as a mark of condolence, but if a man

does not follow this custom, the court will certainly not punish him. Thus, these are

conventional customs established by usages and long practices and the courts shall not take

judicial note of such customs. In other words, such customs are not obligatory.

On the contrary, there are certain customs which are binding and are enforceable by a court

of law since they are backed by the sanction of the State. For instance, a Hindu marriage

solemnized without the performance of Saptapadi is not legally valid and can be set aside by

the court.

Custom necessarily involves two conceptions, namely, 1) the conviction or faith; and 2)

constant use. It must be said that custom has played a very important part in building up the

system of International Law. Article 38 of the Statute of Internal Court of Justice provides for

the application of International Customs as evidence of a general practices accepted as law.

As Oppenheim rightly pointed out, whenever and as soon as a line of international conduct

frequently adopted by States is legally considered as an obligation or right, the rule which is

abstracted from such conduct becomes a rule of customary International Law. A rule to

become a rule of International Law must satisfy two criteria: 1) its existence as constant and

uniform practice 2) its acceptance as a rule of International Customary law.8 Therefore, the

diplomatic relations between States under International Law are generally regulated by

customary usages and practices which are recognized as law of nations.


It is not necessary that a custom should be practiced all over the country. There may be a

custom which is practiced authoritatively only in a particular locality. Broadly speaking, there

are two kinds of custom, namely,



The two are explained as under:

I. Conventional custom

It is an established practice whose authority is conditional based on its acceptance and

incorporation between the parties bound by it. When two parties enter into a contract

generally all the terms of the contract are not set expressly and a large part of it is implied.

The intention of the parties entering into an agreement can be gathered by the customary law

prevalent at that time.

The convention custom has three stages of development. In the first stage it should have

attained the status of usage. In the second stage it gets recognition through some judicial

decision, and presumes the form of a precedent. After this it is finally accepted as a statutory


Opinio juris sive necessitatis

The first section of the Indian contract act, 1872 recognizes the customs that are prevalent in

the trade.

II. Legal Custom

These are those which are operative per se as binding rules of law independent of any

agreement between the parties. These, are of two types:

Local Custom

Halsburys defined local custom as a particular rule that has existed actually or

presumptively from time immemorial and has obtained the force of law in a particular

locality although contrary to or not consistent with the common law of the realm. 9 So it can

be said that a local custom prevails in a small locality.

Bigamy in India is allowed in some tribal parts on account of the local custom prevalent at

those places.

General Custom

A general custom prevails throughout the country and is the main source of the common law

of the country. The custom of prohibiting the remarriage of widow in most of the

communities of India, before its abolition was a general custom in the country. A general

custom is prevalent is usually practiced by all the people living in the country, and is

practiced throughout the land.

Halsbury: Laws of England, Vol.X.p.2


There were many customs but it is not necessary that all are the customs are accepted. For the

customs to be accepted as a valid customs it should have some requisite characteristics:

1. Reasonableness

A custom must be reasonable. It must be understood that the authority of any custom is never

absolute, but it is authoritative provided it confers to the norms of justice and public utility. A

custom shall not be valid if it is repugnant to right and reason and is like to do more mischief

than good if enforced.

The true rule seems to be not that a custom to be admitted if reasonable but that it will be

admitted unless it is unreasonable. The custom of recognizing the channel of the river or the

stream as the boundary between two villages irrespective of the change in the path cannot be

said as unreasonable and hence it was held as a valid custom10.

2. Consistency

A custom to be valid must be in conformity with statutory law. In other words it must not be

against any act of Parliament. A custom should necessarily yield where it is against any law,

but in many cases there can be some exception to the law or some modifications can be made

to it due to any custom.

3. Compulsory observance

A custom to be legally recognized as a valid custom must be observed as a right. It means the

custom should be followed by all concerned without the use of force. It must be regarded not

Ram Dhan Lal v.Radhey Shyam, 1951 SCR 370

only an optional rule but as an obligatory rule or binding rule of conduct. If a custom is left to

the choice of the individuals, then it is not a costmary law. If the observance of a custom is

suspended for certain time than it is assumed that the custom was never in existence11.

4. Continuity and immemorial Antiquity

A custom to be valid should have been in existence from time immemorial. To quote


A custom in order to be legal and binding, must have been used so long that the memory of

man runneth not to the contrary, if anyone can show the beginning of it, it is no good custom

English law has made an arbitrary limit to the legal memory. It has been fixed as 1189 A.D.-

the year of accession of King Richard 1 to the throne which means, if any custom has its

roots back to 1189 AD or backwards would be regarded as a valid custom. This time limit
was applied in the case of Simpsons v. Wells . However in India the limit of 1189 A.D. is

not valid14. In India no definite year has been laid down to determine the antiquity of a

custom. It need not to be beyond human memory15.

5. Certainty

Not only a custom should be practiced from time immemorial but, it should also be observed

continuously and uninterruptedly with certainty. A custom cannot said to be valid from time

immemorial unless its certainty and continuity is proved beyond doubt.

Hamperton v. Hono, (1876) 24 WR 603
Blackstone: Commentaries, p.76
(1872) 7 QB 214
Gokul Chandra v. Praveen Kumari, AIR 1952 SC 926
Mst. Subbhani v. Nawab, ILR 1947 PC 21


Customary law has not only been established by legislatures or professionally trained judges,

but it has come into existence because of popular acceptance and practice. There are two

popular theories in this regard (1) Historical theory and, (2) Analytical theory

1. Historical Theory

The main components of the historical theory school, namely, Savigny, Blackstone and

Henry Maine have suggested that law has its existence because of the common consciousness

of the people and the customary observance is not the cause of law but the evidence of its

existence. Savigny observed, customary laws completely modify or repeal a statute; it may

create a new law and substitute it for statutory rule which it has abolished. Maine regarded

custom as formal source of law. James Carter also supports historical view and is of the

opinion that

What has governed the conduct of men from the beginning of time will continue to govern to

the end of time. Human nature is not likely to undergo radical change and law will forever

continue to be custom16.


Dr. Allen points out that all the customs cannot be contributed to the common consciousness

of the people. For instance, a ruling class quite often imposes custom on the governed. It does

Carter James: Law, its Origin, Growth & Function, p. 120

so for its own interests rather than the interest of the people. The customs in India such as

untouchability cannot be contributed to any kind of common consciousness. Therefore any

custom cannot be a source of law it should not be again public sentiments.

2. Analytical Theory

The main supporter of analytical theory is John Austin who regarded custom as a historical

material source. He points out that custom derives its binding force not from its own nature

but by state legislation. It means custom becomes a law when it is adopted by an act of

parliament or its validity has been established by any judicial decision.

He further states that custom only has persuasive value. Customary practices have to be

recognized by court before it can become law. Being of persuasive nature it is recognized as

historical material source of law. Austin thus concludes that Customary law is nothing but

judicial law founded upon anterior system.17


Dr. Allen has criticized Austinian theory of customary law and pointed out that the fallacy of

the Austinian doctrine is in supporting that custom is not law until it has been so pronounced

by a court. He observed that the truth is exactly the reverse of it. According to him, custom

is firstly and essentially a law. Custom is enforced by courts because it is already a law, it

does not become a law only on enforcement of court.18

Austin: Province of Jurisprudence, (1945) p. 165
Allen C.K.: Law in the making, pp 84


Of all the various sources of law The Customary Laws are definitely the most significant

source of law. In the ancient days in the absence of any legislative laws the customary laws

were only the prevalent law. These are very important as these are already followed by the

people and it is the very reason why many of the customary laws are even recognized today.

These customary laws had the approval of the public opinion.

There is no doubt that with the development of the judicial process and with the

modernization of the society, the importance of custom is receding. When states came into

existence they immediately gave recognition to the customs prevailing at that time and thus

they were recognized as valid laws. But with time customary laws have receded to the

statutory laws.

The laws relating to sale of goods, inheritance of property, succession, property, contract, sale

of goods etc. have all evolved from the customary laws. The codified Hindu laws are nothing

but the codification of the prevalent customary laws with some exceptions.

It would be wrong on the part of any one to say that the customary laws need recognition

from the court. The customary laws are always recognized since they are always in practice.

Most of the customary laws that were just in nature and were good for the society have been

recognized by the parliament or the court. These laws can be sometimes invalidated if it

appears that these are against the public policy and justice.

One of the most important reasons why the customs are important source of law is that it that

it is highly practiced in the society. So, if any new law is made that is contrary to the

practiced customs and traditions, will not be accepted by the society. This may lead to chaos

and anarchy in the society. So any law that is passed takes into consideration the customs and

traditions prevalent in the society at that time. The state by its legislation only validates the

existing customs. It may in some exceptional cases also modify or nullify some of the

customs if it is for the welfare of most of the people of the society. So in this way the state

makes laws mainly based on the customs that are good for the society



1. Dr. V.N PARANJAPE, Studies in Jurisprudence and Legal theory.

2. TRIPATHI, Jurisprudence: The Legal Theory.







1. Austin: Province of Jurisprudence, (1945) p. 165

2. Allen C.K.: Law in the making, pp 84

3. Carter James: Law, its Origin, Growth & Function, p. 120

4. Blackstone: Commentaries, p.76

5. Halsbury: Laws of England, Vol.X.p.2

6. Fitzgerald P.J.: Salmond on jurisprudence


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