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Disability category Autism Spectrum Disorder

Goal/Objective To make sure the student grasps how to use and

organize daily schedules and planners
When to use this strategy This strategy can be used by allowing a student to
use any planner they desire. You can give them the
freedom to pick, but when it comes down to the
content in the planner. You should double check it is
being used. Organizational skills are very important
for children with Autism spectrum disorder.

It should be used for a student with ASD that has

trouble organizing their information and often
forgets assignments or tasks expected of them.
Step by step instruction- How to use This passage can be used in a Social Studies class to
this in a put your content area help student follow along with the content.
here(Social Studies) classroom. You
will partner with a classmate to teach 1. Demonstrate how to effectively use the
them your strategy so be explicit and planner.
provide a sample for your partner. 2. Supervise the child who is required to use
the planner for classroom activities

Who: ASD students can easier follow along

with what is going on in class if they have a
place to visual what is coming next.

When: when you feel the childs,

organizational skills are not where they
should be.

Where: in classroom time, you can have a

one on one with the student to ensure their

Why: so, the student can be better organized

and get work done in a timely manner.

3. Check the planner frequently to ensure the

understanding and effectiveness of the
4. One the child is consistent with using the
planner then give them the freedom to use
and work on their organizational skills.
Assessment- How could this strategy After a couple weeks of using the planner I could
be used to evaluate student learning? assess and see if the planner has made any
difference in the amount of work turned in. If there
is a significant difference, then I know the planner
was helping the student follow along and identify
what is needed next.

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