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Name: Devin Zaragoza

Date/Age: 17
English Literature (12th grade)
Instructor: Ms. Trotter

Allow these questions to serve as a guided discovery towards the feelings, drives, and emotions that
inspire you to do those things you love most about your life, your talents, and your skills and to utilize
these unique gifts in a way that enables you to make an impact and an income doing what you love and
are passionate about.

Save this document in your Google Drive in your Capstone folder.
Answer the questions in complete sentences in blue under the question.Most answers should be 3-5
sentences For example: 1. If I knew I wouldnt fail, I would try out for the Chamber Singers.
Number your answers.
Proofread your paragraphs carefully.

1. What would you do if you knew you wouldnt fail? What is stopping you from attempting it?
If I knew I wouldnt fail, I would try and climb Mount Everest
2. When was the last time you were in a state of flow, during which you lost track of time, and you
just couldnt stop doing something? What was it that you were doing?
The last time I was in a state of flow was friday, I was out with my brothers at their high school football
3. How do your friends and family members finish the following sentences when they are talking
about you:
a. You should be a _________engineer________
b. You should get into ____the marines_____________.

4. When was the last time you lost sleep over an exciting idea? What was the idea? Why did you
lose sleep?

5. When was the last time you put your whole heart into something and delivered more than
anyone expected of you?
What was it?
Why did you work so hard?
The last time I put all my heart into something was at my summer league water polo games and
practices in commitment for my team.
6. If you could donate your time for free to one cause, what cause would that be? Why?
It would be a hospital so that I could help people in need.

7. What if you won the lottery tomorrow and you were set for life (financially)? Fast forward one
year. What would you be doing?
Where would you be living?
What people would surround you?
I would be living a successful life with a successful career, Im not sure where I would be living but it
would be peaceful and isolated
8. Name two to three jobs/careers you dreamt about pursuing throughout your life.
Serving as a marine was one career I thought of pursuing as well as becoming a robotics engineer and a

9. Why do you think you wanted to be that? I wanted to be those things because they interested
me as a kid and I knew I would be good at them.

10. Are you hopeful that you will find your passion and pursue it to the fullest extent?
Why or why not?
Yes I am hopeful that I will find my passion and pursue my career to the fullest extent because I dont
Now proofread the document, and submit the document to Google Classroom with the title: My Passion
Reflection- (your last name-first name)

**This document will be a part of your Senior Digital Capstone Project

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