Respect Narrative

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Zaragoza 1

Devin Zaragoza


English Literature (1)

29 August, 2017


Azul is the name of my dog. He was a service dog in the military for a while so he

knows to treat his master not as an equal but as someone in charge. Azul shows a

great amount of respect towards my brothers and I. He shows his respect by obeying

what he is told he never does anything out of control or things hes not suppose to,

when we walk him he never leaves our side unless we give him permission and

strangely he knows when we allow him to leave and he comes back. He would never

wander out of our site and would always protect us from any danger which shows a

tremendous amount of loyalty a act of respect. Azul is a well trained dog we may not

know everything he can do but we do know he respects us as masters and knows right

from wrong. He doesnt play much but we show him love and treat him as family as an

equal out of respect because after all family deserves respect. Im not sure what anyone

else would consider respect from a dog but what Ive seen from him is respect and

loyalty which is pretty respectable in my opinion. Every dog that shows affection, sticks

by your side, obeys you, or shows loyalty is considered as respect if Id say so Now

that is respect.

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