IAS Mains Philosophy 2012

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[Time Allowed: Three Hours J [Maximum Marks . 300 J

Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the
Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly
on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the
purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a
medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5 which
are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions
selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried hy each question is indicated
at the end of the question.
Important : Whenever a Question is being attempted, aU its
parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This means
that before moving on to the next Question to be attempted,
candidates must finish attempting aU parts/sub-parts of the
previous Question attempted. This is to be strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck
out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may
not be given credit.
W E94T # I
<i'4/d( 'fl"f-"'1"'[ * f?tmf

1. Write short notes on the following m about
150 words each : 5 x 12=60
(a) 'Logicial positivism broadly claims that
Metaphysics and Theology are meaningless
because they are neither matters of logic nor
verifiable empirically.' Critically examine.
(b) John Locke said that 'No man's knowledge can
go beyond his experience'. Discuss critically the
implication of this statement.
(c) According to Wittgenstein 'Philosophy is a battle
against the bewitchment of our intelligence by
means of language'. Explain the function of
philosophy in the context of above statement.
(d) How does Descartes' 'Cogito Ergo Sum' affect
Hume and Kant's transcendental philosophy ?
(e) Soren Kierkegaard clarified that "The function of
prayer is not to influence God but rather to change
the nature of the one who prays". Comment on
this statement.

2. Answer the following in about 200 words each :

(a) If 'every determination is negation' then how can
substance have attributes ? Explain.



(31) "iTififR <ffi" <;[qT 'f>U!T \if; d cq >il '"I i<:11 3Th:
g 'fliT!if; '1 111 i1'ffQIIf'1 -if;
3Th: '1 tt "\0[ B g I'
311cfl"i1'11c'"lifi I

(<f) ;;[i'] <'if'!; it '41 'fiT >rR ;m<f;

or:!,"''! B <IT ffi "'T WRIT I" qiq;f <f;
'fiT 311C1l"i111c'"lifi
(B) <:1 c: I <f; '<fT1IIT lim li'llft
ii ii m 1" aq(lifij qiq;f

<f; B'o:>f it <f; 9il1:f qit I

(<:) 'fiT BA' m

'fi1UC ii lll <1 Gi'l '!i't :."'lfil<r 'f>U!T 7 "f'l1'C

ffit'l <!l1111s' it <ffi" "f'l1'C !it>m \if;-"'.mhT 'fiT

9il1:f -{r1rr qit :."'lfil"d" 'f'{'"fT ffi "J"<:l

ii Br'TI'! '!i't qfl:qRfu 'f'{'"fT "Gi\ 'f>U!T I"
q;q;f 'R fV:qufi I

2. it B 1R ('[TT'l1'T 200 it "Jn<

: 4xl5=60
(31) Rl!Riifi(OI 111 J:Cl:[ <f; TT
fiT wW 7 "f'l1'C I


(b) Why is Kant's philosophy known as a Copernican
revolution in metaphysics ? What was
revolutionary about Kantian philosophy ? Give
reasons for your answer.
(c) Does Leibnitz succeed in combining the mechanical
with the teleological view of the world? Explain
his theory of Pre-established Harmony.
(d) Was Hume a Sceptic ? If not then what is his
contribution to Philosophy ?

3. Answer the following in about 200 words each :

(a) Elucidate Existentialism and indicate its strong and
weak points in your own words.
(b) Discuss Aristotle's metaphysical theory as a
polemic against Plato's theory of Ideas.
(c) If 'To be is to be perceived' then how does Berkeley
explain the permanence of things ? Explain.
(d) Explain the theory of definite descriptions
according to Russell.

4. Answer the following in about 200 words each :

(a) Does monadology sufficiently explain the nature
of substance ? Are monads independent of each
other ? Ex plain.


('!) 'fi!Uc if; cl1 'lit <frq'11'1 i<:1 1 1 ififfif if;
1i"1 lr 'fliT "!FIT U\lCff ? 'fi!Uc if; ci1 lr <liif<i<t>l {)
'fllT m? m * !Bit d ,
(<'!) 'fllT "flT\l if; 3i'\<: qfl:UII11ql<fl
'lit 1 m ? ;,1<F fll"i" 'liil
ffl O!il(f 'fit fY1SG I
(G) 'fllT l:(<t> it ? 1tf ciT cl1 'lit
;,'f<t>T 'fllT <iPro1 ? I

3. PI f?1 Ri1rr 1 it <FT \'fl1'llTl 200 1f :

4x 15=60
(3!) ;)lfWril'll<; 'fit <ftrr w<f; 3ih: f.r-.ffi
crffi 'lit m <F wif 1 1

('!) if; F?!os.;:J(f 'FT, '<'tit if; 'R4"1i1 if;

f?! O!ih1 if; if; 1i"1 lr, I
Jlt ffq_ tn'1T
tn'11 ciT if;
<Ft T<fill: Cl1W!T ?
(G) (fffi if; fcl<RuTt 'fit I

4. 1f it if; \'fl1'llTl 200 1f om :

4x 15=60
(3!) 'fllT '\'1il I <; rc<1 if; q\T CJ:!Tiii!lT 'l'\<fT
? 'fllT l:(<t> # ? I

5 (Contd.)
(b) Critically examine John Locke's categorisation of
primary and secondary qualities and explain the
problem it posed to Later Empiricists.
(c) Explain Hegelian dialectical method and show how
it is useful in explaning the historical development
process ?
(d) Explain critically Quine's rejection of the analytic
synthetic distinction and his subsequent
philosophical arguments.

5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words
each: 5xJ2=60
(a) Why do Carvakas not believe in the validity of
inference ? What logic do they give for their
(b) Critically evaluate Jaina doctrine of relative
pluralism or Anektintvada.
(c) How Siimkhya theory of causation is different from
that of Nyaya theory of causation ? Explain.
(d) Why does Mimamsa give utmost importance to
SHABDA-PRAMANA the verbal testimony ? Is
it anything to do with Vedas ? Give your comments.
(e) Do you agree with the view that in early Buddhism
more importance was given to Four Noble Truths
than to systematic metaphysics? Give reasons for
your agreement or disagreement.


(<r) ufi"! <1'i"fi lmT 'R 3i'R ifroT :rTI if; iR
cf'.lT J '\i <ifi lc11 1 3J1'1 qq 18>ri if; fffil: T<"F! WlBl!
"'fiT 311 <fi i1 '11 r'1 ifi I
(B) <Ft <it c!'.JT '11\"
wm- fii; itR1 t' Rlifi 1 ""' <it "f'l\'c: m it
% fi\;B m ?
(G) 3i'R if; itt; lmT
"@l6'l Cf'.lT ;m;f; GI ifi <f'!iT "'fiT 311ctl'i1 '11 r'1 ifi

5. it n 1R <'f1T'l11T 150 it
(3!) 3!'j;'lH '!ft it 'fliT 'Tiff
? % m 'lCf <f; m 9'llT cr<F g ?
(<r) if; iii!;Cirqql<; liT 3/ii'Pi"ri'M if;
"'fiT 311 ! i1 '11 r'1 ifi I
(B) GV"f"! "'fiT ifil <'1<11 "'fiT ffiE:Id GV"f"! if;
ifii{01<11 ffiE:hi n fi\;B m f"F1 ?
() 7fl>lim GV"f"! Vf<G-1Jl1TUT <it 'fliT
g ? 9'llT iRf n ? 3!'l'fi fta:!uf\

9'llT 3TTif fii;
'lCf -u g GVt"
it Cl:f'lft?.lC! Cl cq li'l '1 i(i I '!ft ;WJ;m 3!l<f wm <i\
3!fuq; 1JllT ? 3l'1-ft 'lT 61 (i $ '1 R1
if; fuir crF I


6. Write short notes on the following in about 200 words
each : 4x 15=60
(a) Discuss the views of Mimamsa and Ny7iya on the
theory of Pramanyavada. Which of them do you
find adequate ? Give reasons for your answer.
(b) Examine critically the statement that 'the doctrine
of paticcasa muppada was given only to explain
the problem of sorrow and not to solve the
problems of metaphysics'.
(c) Explain the theory of illusion accepted by
Buddhists. Is it consistent with their philosophy ?
Give reasons for your answer.
(d) Do you agree with Ramanuj 's view that the nature
of Brahman is qualified ? Give reasons for your

7. Write short notes on the following in about 200 words

each: 4xl5=60
(a) Write a note on Shanlwra s Vivartavada and discuss
its implications.
(b) Explain why maya and avidya are considered as
anirvacaniya (indescribable) in Advaita Vedanta ?
(c) On what basis does Carvaka reject the cause-effect
relationship ? Give reasons for your answer.
(d) Critically evaluate the statement that "Yoga Sutra
emphasises more on praxis (action) than on theoria

8 (Contd.)
6. if "' C'PT'11f 200 if
fuf@t : 4x]5=60
( 31) ')I'll u4 4 I of> fB 'lJ: hi '1<: 1/t1m:rr 3\h: ClJTl[ GVf '1 of>
liciT 'liT I 31T'! J Ygifd
m tWt
("f) W 'P1'f 'fiT 311Mii111c'l'!i f't; ')l(lifliA:Jr<lM
'liT RJ 'll:hl m <tt <tt C<IWD of> tWt
fir><rr 1J1IT '1 f't> <tT of>
WTIUR of> fWt' I
(\1) G"Vf'T of> 'PI" of> fB'll:ld 'liT 't!IT
<ll' GV!" m ? m of> tWt

(G") 't!IT 31T'! of> w fil<m: f't;
'liT ? 3l'R of> fWt <l'f>' I

7. Pi 1RiR'11l if "' <'PT'11T 200 if

Rll1f"t14i fuf@t : 4x]5=60
( 31) "ilfcR of> f<l q'{F'll <; '1<: fZuruft fuf@t 3\h:
1J"'T1if 'liT I
("f) iRRr if 'Jn<:rr' 3\h: <tit 31f.'tcfii1l4 'fliT
'lim "1Tc!T ? I
(\1) 3ITUR '1<: 'fiRDT-'!>Tlf 'liT 1i'f1IS'!
m tWt
(G") fB 'll:ld <tT 3Titm 'filf n 31f!l<!i <m
W 'liT I

9 (Contd.)

8. Write short notes on the following in about 200 words
each: 4xl5=60
(a) Give your critical comments on the assertion that
the school of Yoga broadly accepts Stimkhya
(b) 'Involution is the presupposition of Evolution.'
Explain the role of involution in the world-
(c) Explain the notion of ego or ahankara and its role
in the doctrine of Vedanta.
(d) Write a note on Nagarjuna s contributi on to
Madhyamica School of Buddhism.

10 (Contd.)

(3!) "lim GVf'l mz <01 trfl!iJ <FT +1nl<il'l1+11 qij
'liTill .. W '!<: 3l'Rt 3!1<1lil11<'N' f?-aluft

3l(rlfu.., <FT 1' it 3lCn:ffi1"
<F1 <F1 C'lR"l!J I

(<!) <F1 3fifUWIT <f!.TT GVf1" it

if?r I

0") GVf1" if lfr!Ilfiw> if?r <F1 it1"

'!<: f?-aluft I


Serial No.(..__ _ _ _ _] (F-DTN-M-QJMA]

G!IT"''llll f3l


!lfW> >IV'1 Jh< MiMf it f.9'TI I
9V'it if; Yfl< 3fft "liTWr it ffr& urrit
3fT'l'f> -r:m- it fit>llT 7fli7 '*' w "liTWr 'fiT
Yfl<- if; 'Jiff-Y"" atfil;rr f.rfifr;c
If( If( fit>llT OfT'1T

-r:m- If( "liTWr if; 31Fr1fffif 3RT fi1>6T "liTWr

it ffr& m; Yfl< If( <in{ 3i<t> ffl fi?rfrill
>IV'1 ifr!irr 1 Jh< 5 31f.7qpf I "SIV;jt it it !lfW> IAU5 it
'fi11-it-'fi11 l{'n >1V'1 "ifR" "SIV;jt if; Yfl< 1
"SIV"f if; /'frr:: f.'rlrrr 3i<f> "SIV"f if; 3Frf it 1J[!; I
til; q;r if, O'f
mtt mm/"3'l-mm tiN-tiN 1
aN- t f<F m q;r fffi.<f.l" an7t
mtt mm/"3'l-mm m- 1
w <110 q;r dljfl(Oj
Yfl< it li'ITt'fT gc: '["ill <iT f<lrtr it li"T it
'fiTC I li'ITt'fT fl.:i' Cf '["if if; 'IR ffm Cf ;mfl' if; 3i<f> '1
Qw it Wl>fJT I
Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on
the front cover of this question paper.


Paper II

I Time Allowed: Throe Hours I I Maximum Marks . 300 I


Each question is printed both in Ilindi and in English.

Answers must be written in the medium specified in the
Admission Certifi.cate issued to you, lohich must be
stated clearl.Y on the cover of' the in the
space provided (or the purpose. 1Vo marin.; will be given
for the answers written in a medium other than that
specifled in the Adrnission Certificate.
Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1 and 5 which
are compulsor.v, and any three the rernuining or
questions selecting at least one question from each
The number of marks carried by each question is
indicated at the end oftlw question.
Answers should be precise and
IMPORTANT Whenever a question is being
attempted, all its parts/sub-parts must be attempted
contiguously. This means that before moving on to the
next question to be attempted, candidates must finish
attempting all parts/sub-parts of the previous question
attempted. This is to be strictly followed.
Pages left blanh in the answer-booh are to be
clearly strucll out in inh. Any answers that follow
pages left blanh may not be given credit.

u:rR : i:f5T fbiT w-frr:f i)J fCrrm' '['0 'R

mr f! 1


1. Write critical notes on each of the following in not more

than 150 words each :

(a) "Democracy, committed tn trPrrting everybody

cqual1y, is ineffective as a system or government."

(b) Who amongst Austin, Bodin and Laski, is the most

consistent in his analysis of the concept of
sovereignty ?

(c) The 'political ideology' of Anarchism.

(d) Woman empowerment and Social Justice.

(c) Can we dissociate rights of citizens from their

duties ?

2. (a) ':Secularism in the Indian context is not a rcjccllon

of religion but a fellowship of religions." Discuss. 20

(b) Is there a necessary connection between social

progress and protection against female foeticide ?
Discuss. 20

(c) In what ways lS Humanism different from

l.Vlarxism ? Discuss. 20

F-DTN-M-QJMB 2 [Contd.l

1. '"'11<:11@ <i if it cr: +1 '11<1i i"l 1eli "h lc "1 fU 'll, 1

31f't[q;- it- 31f't[q; 150 if, ft:lfun:!: : 12 x5=60

("'i) it "'1fui i't "+11"1 "f11i<iT "'iT

q:;f.t i't fi11J: t m"'iR <if >f1TTT('[t
if :mrwft I"

("&) 31Tfu:;r, 311<: ii it <if

;8 "'i c"H I i't 31'8 lq M4 0 I ii m 31f't[q; Wr<i

(s) <FIT Ql1 i't ofit it

Fi1'1il"'i1 '"' ?

2. ( "'i) ""1fl:{f i't W::'lf ii' '11f <if 31

"1'IQ "'iT I"
I 20

("&) 'FIT f11'1il"'"'i Wlfu 311<: 1iTC!J it :l'8JT i't

illi'H'l"h ? 1 20

(TT) '11+"1\"11'-11<; '!fill if GI'Rf'-11<; it f"l?l ?


F-DTN-M-QJMB 3 [Contd.]

3. (a) What is multiculturalism ? Can it be an
impediment for development and progress '7

Discuss. 20

(b) Which of the theories of punishment would help us

prevent the crime of corruption in Indian society ?
Discuss. 20

(c) "Denial of access and inheritance of land and

property to women is a denial of their fundamental
rights as humans." Discuss. 20

4. (a) What were Gandhi's views on varna and .Jati ?

Critically discuss Ambcdkar's disagreement with
Gandhi's treatment of varna. 30

(b) What can be the causes for mass violence ? Can

mass violence ever be justified on moral grounds?
Discuss. 30

F-DTN-M-QJMB 4 [Contd .]

C<tl "l>flil?lfci<t<il it q:<jj ilJi"l7.f ' q:<jj mm
WTfu ii "11m -m ? 1 20

(<Sf) cts 'lil ii it <nh- mrm '1Tfr;q WlJ01

ii it 31'!U'l" it f.rc!RuT ii fl $I "1 <"1 I
q;'trjt ? 20

(Tf) mfu qi\ q;r

cit eRR, 1iRiiT it ii m T q;r
eRR I" I 20

". C<t l crut 3ih: "llfu 'R lJim it q:<jj it ? crut it

lJim it Qfciqlc;'i it 'lil iiifli?Afci 'R
\1111 <1l i'J 'i Ifll ill f2:u1"uft I 30

(<Sf) fil'tJ%ill Will it q:<jj CflRUT mW<li\ 'g ? q:<jj

flll{c:'ll Will cit ;'jfuq:; 31TmU 'R q;'lft zfiTrr
;,rr B"'llill t ? I 30

DTNM-QJMB 5 [Contd.l


5. Discuss all five of the following in not more than

150 words each : 12x5=60

(a) "God permitted suffering to discipline the human


(b) Can the existence of God be proved with cogent

and convincing rational arguments ?

(c) Arc rebirth and liberation analngous concepts ?


(d) Can the notion of absolute truth be justified on

ratlonal grounds ?

(e) Do the concepts of lshvara and Brahman signify

the same reality in Advaita Vedanta ?

6. (a) "If God does not exist then why should one be
moral all the time '?"Discuss. 20

(b) Analyse Paul Tillich's statement that "symbolic

language alone is able to express the ultimate." 20

(c) Discuss the cogniiivisi account of the nature of

religious language. 20

F-DTN-M-OJMB 6 [Contd.]

5. f-il<1f<.1f@ B'4\ l:li<if '11: ;oft
150 B i'f "'1 it :

(C!i) "{Tcn: 'lit it fu"Q: '0f'l:iM


(13) q:<jj frq1: it 'lit

iichB' I<1 it fiTD fc1i<lT '3!! ?

(TJ) q:<jj :dR '

(tT) q:<jj R"1:1ley BCll ( il;>('iI "'lG 2! ) it 3TI'J1>1T1l" 'lit

a:rrtWi '11: '3!! t ?

(:S) q:<jj 31tcr i'i :dR 'SiW <8 fi <'h01 'i 1

it 'lit wit )

6. (C!i) "'lfc:: {Tcn: <'hT it 'iit t ill c;qfu:; B'4\

B'i'l it q:<if <iRT W ?" I 20

(13) 1:['f('f it nT Cli2l'i <'hT fq Mq 0 I fcn

. ll<ftq:; 'llT'!J it "i'i"Di iW'1 <8 &rf'ljOijfu;
i'f <11';111 I" 20

fDTNMOJMB 7 IContd.]

7. (a) Explain the distinction between Deism and
Theism. 20

(b) Is the idea of immortality of the soul utopian or it

is realizable ? Discuss. 20

(c) "I can be moral without being religious, but I

cannot be religious without being moral." Do you
agree ? Give reasons for your answer. 20

8. (a) What is the object of religious experience ? Is it

empirical or trans-crnpirica] ? Explain in detail. 30

(b) The concept of revelation is essentially opposed to

religious pluralism. Do you agree'? Give reasons for
your answer. 30


7. (on) dR {Well<;
V11! 20

(<9) CfliT 3'11('111 'liT 'h 0HI C''l1 'hl 'IT fon
Qlqofl'l I I 20

(Tf l "r "lT1ir'h foRT -;jfu-q:; -m B"'hd1 t 'ltJ it

foRT mfi'i"'h 'l1it -m B"'hd1 1, cp:rr 31T'i
% I wR 3m cmuT I 20

B. (on) mfi'i"'h 3=f:l'l1cl q;r cp:rr ? cp:rr CFo

'IT fon CfQ
% )
fcR:iln: i\ Vl1! I 30

(<9) qi\ B'h0'HI 311 <"H'Fh il mfi'i"'h q ('Cj q Ic::

"CfiRUT I 30





w.r fE;.tt :Jtfuii!Jft M # r.wr ft I
w-iT "' 3m :fflt TJTU/l! # ffr& Ji7"r f':imitJT 3ffffl
Jlim-rpr # filxrr TfiT{ ft, 3fk "iJTUllT CPT N<G
3ffffl "' ':J'ff '['0 'R 3ifctxr ?'i'JR 'R
fiJxrr JfRT rrrfF;rr I >lim- rpr 'R Jtfr1f&?1 "iJTU/lT i}J :3!frrffip
3R:r fi5?iT "iiTU/l! # ffr& lTf! 3m 'R ctiit 3iCP "fifr firiiir I

'ff.f 1 3fk 5 :3rFrcwf tf I 'lTCf5T w.:fT # ?f GUS ?f

ctJI'T- &- ctJI'T l!<ff w.r fiFtl' <fr.r w-iT i}J 3m t/f5rr! I
w.r i}J ffw f.mn 3iw w.r i}J :Ji?r # ffu! lTf! tf I
3m -m/Hff[ 3tk nr!'riP m 1
Jff'fd'J.Uf : lfi! 3//cilt4Cb t fiJJ J1oT 1ft fi5?iT CPT ;Jf'ff if
'<t f!f, rnl :m "' mft 'm11'f!JCT- 'm1l'f "' :Jf'ff ?112!- WT2l
ff I 3T2f lfi! t fiJJ 3f1n1 CPT :Jf'ff i}J fffl!
:m & 'if! filrffl
"' mft 'm11'f;JCT- 'm1l'f "' :Jf'ff
<fllTC<f f't JfTif I iifl(1 CPT ?M?Tf ?f
i!ft&n! I
:Jf'ff !JR<ICbl >t Wfft EM Sf! '!'ill 11ft >t """ &
Cf5TC ff I Wfft W Sf! '!'ill i}J <l1ii ffrd Sf! 3fRl' i}J 3iCP
'1 JfTif, ffir f't ?fifXI1 t I

Note: English version of the Instructions is printed on

the front cover of' this question paper.


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