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ZXA10 C220

GPON Optical Access Convergence

Command Manual (Volume IV)

Version 1.1.2

ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South,
Hi-Tech Industrial Park,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
P. R. China
Tel: (86) 755 26771900
Fax: (86) 755 26770801

Copyright 2006 ZTE CORPORATION.

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

1.0 19/06/2009 First Edition

Serial Number: sjzl20093772


Preface............................................................... i
MSTP .................................................................1
instance ........................................................................ 1
name ............................................................................ 2
revision......................................................................... 3
show spanning-tree inconsistentports................................ 3
show spanning-tree instance ............................................ 4
show spanning-tree interface ........................................... 4
show spanning-tree mst configuration ............................... 5
show spanning-tree statistics ........................................... 5
show spanning-tree transparent ....................................... 6
spanning-tree ................................................................ 7
spanning-tree bpduguard ................................................ 7
spanning-tree digestauto ................................................. 8
spanning-tree edged-port ................................................ 8
spanning-tree forward-delay ............................................ 9
spanning-tree guard ......................................................10
spanning-tree hello-time ................................................10
spanning-tree linktype ...................................................11
spanning-tree max-age ..................................................11
spanning-tree mcheck....................................................12
spanning-tree mode.......................................................12
spanning-tree mst configuration ......................................13
spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest.......................................14
spanning-tree mst hmd5-key ..........................................14
spanning-tree mst instance priority (Global)......................15
spanning-tree mst instance priority(interface) ...................16
spanning-tree mst instance path-cost...............................16
spanning-tree mst max-hops ..........................................17
spanning-tree transparent ..............................................18
spanning-tree packet-type ..............................................18
LACP................................................................ 21
clear lacp .....................................................................21
interface ......................................................................21
lacp port-priority ...........................................................22
lacp system-priority .......................................................23
lacp timeout .................................................................23
show lacp .....................................................................24
smartgroup load-balance ................................................25
PIM Snooping .................................................. 27
ip pim snooping.............................................................27
pim snooping ................................................................27
show ip pim snooping all-statistic ....................................28
show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear .............................28
show ip pim snooping entry ............................................29
show ip pim snooping neighbor-info .................................29
show ip pim snooping port-info........................................30
show ip pim snooping port-statistic clear interface .............30
show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface .....................31
DHCP ............................................................... 33
DHCP Snooping Configuration .........................................33
ip dhcp snooping enable .............................................33
ip dhcp snooping .......................................................33
ip dhcp snooping quota ..............................................34
ip dhcp snooping trust................................................34
ip dhcp snooping vlan ................................................35
show ip dhcp snooping configure .................................35
show ip dhcp snooping port ........................................36
show ip dhcp snooping trust........................................36
show ip dhcp snooping vlan ........................................37
show ip dhcp snooping port quota................................37
DHCP L3 Publish Configuration ........................................38
ip dhcp enable ..........................................................38
ip dhcp logging on .....................................................38
ip dhcp user quota.....................................................39
ip dhcp mode ............................................................39
show ip dhcp configure...............................................40
DHCP Relay and DHCP Proxy Configuration .......................41
ip dhcp database .......................................................41
ip dhcp relay server retry ...........................................41
ip dhcp relay update arp.............................................42
ip dhcp proxy client leasetime .....................................42
ip dhcp relay server vclass-id ......................................43
ip dhcp helper-address ...............................................43
ip dhcp relay agent ....................................................44
ip dhcp relay server ...................................................44
show ip dhcp relay server vclass-id ..............................45
show ip dhcp relay user..............................................45
show ip dhcp proxy client ...........................................46
DHCP Server Configuration .............................................46
ip local pool ..............................................................46
ip local pool conflict-ip................................................47
ip dhcp server dns .....................................................47
ip dhcp server leasetime.............................................48
ip dhcp server update arp ...........................................48
ip dhcp server gateway ..............................................49
peer dafault ip pool....................................................49
show ip dhcp server user ............................................50
GPON............................................................... 51
GPON Global Commands ................................................51
abort onu-version ......................................................51
activate onu-version ..................................................52
bandwidth-profile ......................................................52
commit onu-version ...................................................53
innerport ..................................................................54
onu-batch-cfg ...........................................................55
performance-threshold bridge-port ..............................56
performance-threshold ces .........................................57
performance-threshold dot1x ......................................58
performance-threshold eth .........................................58
performance-threshold gem ........................................60
performance-threshold radius......................................61
rate-limit igmp ..........................................................64
treat .......................................................................65
update onu-version....................................................67
virtual-onu ...............................................................68
scb-port-mode ..........................................................69
voip-media-profile .....................................................70
flood-broadcast .........................................................75
show gpon-scb-port-mode ..........................................76
show gpon dial-plan...................................................77
show gpon dial-plan-table...........................................77
show gpon filter-rule ..................................................78
show gpon flood-broadcast .........................................78
show gpon performance-threshold bridge-port...............79
show gpon performance-threshold ces..........................79
show gpon performance-threshold dot1x ......................80
show gpon performance-threshold eth..........................80
show gpon performance-threshold gem ........................81
show gpon performance-threshold radius......................81
show gpon profile bandwidth.......................................82
show gpon profile traffic .............................................82
show gpon pw-profile .................................................83
show gpon rate-limit igmp ..........................................83
show gpon treat ........................................................84
show gpon virtual-onu................................................84
show gpon voip-media-profile .....................................85
show gpon profile ......................................................85
show onu-ver............................................................86
show dial-plan-table ..................................................87
show dial-plan...........................................................87
GPON OLT Commands ....................................................88
interface gpon-olt ......................................................88
authtype ..................................................................88
ber ..........................................................................89
broadcast bandwidth..................................................89
description ...............................................................90
discover-period .........................................................90
flood bandwidth ........................................................92
ip access-group .........................................................92
linktrap ....................................................................93
lock .........................................................................93
multicast bandwidth...................................................94
pon-bandwidth ..........................................................94
name ......................................................................95
onu-def-reg ..............................................................95
register ....................................................................97
weight-mgmt ............................................................98
shutdown .................................................................98
show fec ..................................................................99
show gpon olt allocid..................................................99
show gpon olt flood bandwidth .................................. 100
show gpon olt multicast bandwidth ............................ 100
show gpon olt config ................................................ 101
show gpon olt broadcast-bandwidth ........................... 101
show gpon olt schedule-mode ................................... 102
show gpon olt dot1p-to-queue-map ........................... 102
show gpon olt weight-mgmt...................................... 103
show gpon olt pon-bandwidth.................................... 103
show gpon olt portid ................................................ 104
show gpon olt range-mode ....................................... 104
GPON ONU Basic Management Commands ...................... 105
interface gpon-onu .................................................. 105
interface ................................................................ 106
action .................................................................... 106
description ............................................................. 107
dhcp-option82 trust ................................................. 107
gemport ................................................................. 108
gemport-weight-mgmt ............................................. 109
max-mac-learn ....................................................... 110
gemport priority-regeneration ................................... 111
gemport priority-regeneration mode........................... 111
name .................................................................... 112
onu-state ............................................................... 112
portid-encrypt ......................................................... 113
port-location format................................................. 113
pppoe-plus ............................................................. 114
pwmode ................................................................. 115
qos-mgmt .............................................................. 115
range .................................................................... 116
sn ......................................................................... 117
tcont...................................................................... 117
type-name.............................................................. 118
shutdown .............................................................. 118
vlan-xconnect ......................................................... 119
show allocid ............................................................ 119
show gpon onu gemport ........................................... 120
show gpon onu gemport priority-regeneration
configuration................................................... 120
show gpon onu baseinfo ........................................... 121
show gpon onu detail-info......................................... 122
show gpon onu gemport statistic ............................... 122
show gpon onu state................................................ 123
show gpon onu uncfg ............................................... 123
show gpon onu weightmgmt ..................................... 124
show performance onu ............................................. 125
show gpon onu tcont................................................ 125
show gpon onu update-status ................................... 126
show gpon onu version-running................................. 126
show portid ............................................................ 127
GPON ONU Remote Management Commands................... 127
pon-onu-mng.......................................................... 127
pon-onu-mng ......................................................... 128
action ................................................................... 128
bridge .................................................................... 129
bridge-port uni-bind................................................. 130
bridge-port host-bind ............................................... 131
bridge-port uni ........................................................ 131
bridge-port ip-host .................................................. 132
bridge-port uni traffic-limit........................................ 132
bridge-port uplink.................................................... 133
device admin-state .................................................. 134
device battery-backup.............................................. 134
device sec-mode ..................................................... 135
dot1x..................................................................... 135
dot1x ethuni ........................................................... 136
ex-vlan bridge-port uni............................................. 137
ex-vlan bridge-port uplink ........................................ 138
ex-vlan eth ............................................................. 139
ex-vlan-table bridge-port uni .................................... 139
ex-vlan-table bridge-port uplink ................................ 140
ex-vlan-table eth..................................................... 141
interface ces admin-state ......................................... 142
interface ces arc ...................................................... 142
interface ces ds1-framing ......................................... 143
interface ces ds1-mode ............................................ 143
interface ces expect-type.......................................... 145
interface ces line-coding ........................................... 145
interface ces line-length ........................................... 146
interface ces line-type .............................................. 146
interface ces loopback .............................................. 147
interface eth admin-state ......................................... 147
interface eth arc ...................................................... 148
interface eth bridgeorip ............................................ 148
interface eth dotlp-mapper ....................................... 149
interface eth eth-loop............................................... 150
interface eth expect-type.......................................... 150
interface eth max-frame ........................................... 151
interface eth pause-time........................................... 151
interface eth power-control ....................................... 152
interface eth pppoe-filter .......................................... 152
interface eth speed .................................................. 153
interface eth wiring.................................................. 154
interface pon alarm.................................................. 154
interface pon current-threshold ................................. 155
interface pon rx-optical-threshold .............................. 155
interface pon sf-threshold ......................................... 156
interface pon tx-optical-threshold .............................. 157
interface pon vol-threshold ....................................... 157
interface pon sf-threshold ......................................... 158
interface pon gem-blocklen ....................................... 159
interface pots admin-state ........................................ 159
interface pots arc .................................................... 160
interface pots impedance.......................................... 160
interface pots rx-gain............................................... 161
interface pots tx-gain ............................................... 161
interface pots tx-path............................................... 162
interface uplink dot1p-mapper................................... 162
interface video admin-state ...................................... 163
interface video arc ................................................... 164
interface video power-control .................................... 164
interface gemport bridge .......................................... 165
interface gemport dot1p ........................................... 165
interface gemport dot1p-bridge ................................. 166
interface gemport uni............................................... 167
mac-filter ip-host..................................................... 167
mac-filter uni .......................................................... 168
mac-filter uplink ...................................................... 168
mc-interwork .......................................................... 169
performance dot1x ethuni......................................... 169
performance eth...................................................... 170
performance gal-eth ................................................ 171
performance gem .................................................... 171
performance mac-bridge .......................................... 172
performance bridge-port uni ..................................... 172
performance bridge-port uplink ................................. 173
performance mgc .................................................... 174
performance ces...................................................... 174
performance radius.................................................. 175
performance bridge-port ip-host ................................ 175
performance call-ctrl ................................................ 176
performance rtp ...................................................... 176
performance sip-call-init ........................................... 177
power-shedding ...................................................... 177
pre-filter ip-host ...................................................... 178
pre-filter uni ........................................................... 179
pre-filter uplink ....................................................... 180
pw delete ............................................................... 181
pw ethernet ............................................................ 181
pw ip ..................................................................... 182
pw optional............................................................. 183
pw rtp.................................................................... 184
pw tdm .................................................................. 185
up-queue-map ........................................................ 186
vlan-filter ............................................................... 187
vlan-filter uni .......................................................... 187
vlan-filter uplink ...................................................... 188
vlan-filter-mode ...................................................... 188
vlan-filter-mode uni ................................................. 189
vlan-filter-mode uplink ............................................. 190
vlan-tag ................................................................. 191
vlan-tag uni ............................................................ 192
show gpon remote-onu bridge ................................... 193
show gpon remote-onu bridge-port ............................ 194
show gpon remote-onu bridge-port uplink................... 194
show gpon remote-onu device................................... 195
show gpon remote-onu distance ................................ 195
show gpon remote-onu dot1x.................................... 196
show gpon remote-onu dot1x ethuni .......................... 196
show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan bridge-port uni ........... 197
show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan bridge-port
uplink ............................................................ 198
show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan eth............................ 198
show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table bridge-port
uni ................................................................ 199
show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table bridge-port
uplink ............................................................ 199
show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table eth.................... 200
show gpon remote-onu interface ces .......................... 201
show gpon remote-onu interface dot1p-mapper
eth ................................................................ 201
show gpon remote-onu interface dot1p-mapper
uplink ............................................................ 202
show gpon remote-onu interface eth .......................... 202
show gpon remote-onu interface pon ......................... 203
show gpon remote-onu mac-filter .............................. 204
show gpon remote-onu interface video ....................... 205
show gpon remote-onu interwork .............................. 205
show gpon remote-onu performance bridge-port
ip-host ........................................................... 206
show gpon remote-onu performance bridge-port
uni ................................................................ 206
show gpon remote-onu performance bridge-port
uplink ............................................................ 207
show gpon remote-onu performance ces..................... 208
show gpon remote-onu performance eth..................... 208
show gpon remote-onu performance gem ................... 210
show gpon remote-onu performance mac-bridge ......... 210
show gpon remote-onu performance ip-host ............... 211
show gpon remote-onu performance call-ctrl ............... 212
show gpon remote-onu performance rtp ..................... 212
show gpon remote-onu performance sip-call-init.......... 213
show gpon remote-onu power-shedding ..................... 214
show gpon remote-onu pre-filter uni .......................... 214
show gpon remote-onu pre-filter uplink ...................... 215
show gpon remote-onu pw........................................ 216
show gpon remote-onu up-queue-map ....................... 217
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter uni ......................... 217
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter uplink ..................... 218
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode uni ................ 219
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode uplink ............ 219
show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag uni ........................... 220
show onu running config........................................... 220
VoIP Management Commands ....................................... 221
bridge-port host-bind ............................................... 221
bridge-port ip-host .................................................. 221
interface pots admin-state ........................................ 222
interface pots arc .................................................... 223
interface pots impedance.......................................... 223
interface pots rx-gain............................................... 224
interface pots tx-gain ............................................... 224
interface pots tx-path............................................... 225
ip-host dhcp-enable ................................................. 225
ip-host id ............................................................... 226
ip-host ip ............................................................... 226
ip-host primary-dns ................................................. 227
mac-filter ip-host..................................................... 228
performance bridge-port ip-host ................................ 228
performance call-ctrl ................................................ 229
performance ip-host ................................................ 229
performance rtp ...................................................... 230
performance sip-call-init ........................................... 230
pre-filter ip-host ...................................................... 231
sip-agent proxy-server ............................................. 231
sip-agent reg-exptime.............................................. 232
sip-agent registrar-server ......................................... 232
sip-agent rereg-starttime ......................................... 233
sip-agent ss............................................................ 233
sip-agent validate .................................................... 234
sip-user ................................................................. 235
vlan-filter ip-host..................................................... 237
vlan-filter-mode ip-host............................................ 237
vlan-tag ip-host ...................................................... 238
voip-ctp ................................................................. 239
show gpon remote-onu bridge-port host-bind .............. 240
show gpon remote-onu bridge-port ip-host ................. 241
show gpon remote-onu interface pots......................... 241
show gpon remote-onu ip-host .................................. 242
show gpon remote-onu performance bridge-port
ip-host ........................................................... 243
show gpon remote-onu pre-filter ip-host..................... 243
show gpon remote-onu sip-agent............................... 244
show gpon remote-onu sip-user ................................ 244
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter ip-host.................... 245
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode ip-host........... 246
show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag ip-host ..................... 246
show gpon remote-onu voip-ctp ................................ 247
show gpon remote-onu voip-linestatus ....................... 247
GPON Protection Commands ......................................... 248
protection group...................................................... 248
protection prop ....................................................... 249
protection switch-command ...................................... 250
protection sync-data ................................................ 250
show protection group count ..................................... 251
show protection group prop ...................................... 251
show protection switch-command .............................. 252
show protection request ........................................... 252
show protection sync-data progress-bar ..................... 253
CES................................................................ 255
CES Global Property Management .................................. 255
ces ........................................................................ 255
tdm-profile ............................................................. 255
show ces tdm-profile................................................ 257
mac-address ........................................................... 258
ip-address .............................................................. 258
show ces global-prop ............................................... 259
sdhprot group ......................................................... 259
sdhprot prop ........................................................... 260
sdhprot switch-command.......................................... 260
show ces sdhprot group count ................................... 261
show ces sdhprot group prop .................................... 262
show ces sdhprot switch-command ............................ 262
show ces sdhprot request ......................................... 262
show ces sdhprot sync-data ...................................... 263
Interface Property Management..................................... 263
interface tdm_X/X/X ................................................ 263
admin-status .......................................................... 264
clock-source ........................................................... 264
line-coding ............................................................. 265
line-type ................................................................ 266
loopback ................................................................ 266
range..................................................................... 267
framing .................................................................. 267
au-3 ...................................................................... 268
au-4 tug-3.............................................................. 268
tug-2{e1 | t1} ........................................................ 269
show ces interface ................................................... 270
CES-PW Service Property Management ........................... 270
pw......................................................................... 270
admin-status .......................................................... 271
name(ces-pw)......................................................... 271
psn........................................................................ 272
tdm-service ............................................................ 273
show ces pw count .................................................. 274
show ces pw prop ................................................... 274
SDH Protection Configuration ........................................ 275
sdhprot .................................................................. 275
sdhprot prop ........................................................... 275
sdhprot switch-command.......................................... 276
Performance Management............................. 279
pon ........................................................................... 279
onu-type .................................................................... 280
onu-type-attr gpon ...................................................... 280
onu-if ........................................................................ 281
performance cesmsb2 .................................................. 282
performance cesprotocol .............................................. 282
performance cesrfc1213 ............................................... 283
performance cesrfc1757 ............................................... 284
performance ceswanport .............................................. 284
performance GponOlt ................................................... 285
performance GponOnu ................................................. 286
performance cesrsb1.................................................... 286
performance cesvc4b3 ................................................. 287
performance cesvc12v5................................................ 288
performance cesvc12v5rei ............................................ 288
performance-threshold ................................................. 289
show onu-type ............................................................ 290
show onu-if ................................................................ 291
show onu-type-attr gpon .............................................. 292
ip-pool epon ............................................................... 292
power-switch .............................................................. 293
show performance olt................................................... 294
show performance onu ................................................. 294
Ethernet Interface Configuration................... 297
byname ..................................................................... 298
clear counter .............................................................. 298
description ................................................................. 299
duplex ....................................................................... 299
flowcontrol ................................................................. 300
hybrid-attribute........................................................... 300
interface .................................................................... 301
jumbo-frame .............................................................. 301
monitor session........................................................... 302
monitor session (Port).................................................. 302
multicast .................................................................... 303
negotiation auto .......................................................... 304
range......................................................................... 304
shutdown ................................................................... 305
speed ........................................................................ 305
port-protect ................................................................ 306
trust-cos .................................................................... 306
trust-dscp .................................................................. 307
ip address-group ......................................................... 307
ip arp inspection trust .................................................. 308
traffic-shape ............................................................... 308
priority....................................................................... 309
lacp timeout ............................................................... 309
lacp port-priority ......................................................... 310
rmon collection statistics .............................................. 310
rmon collection history ................................................. 311
eth-switch broadcast-limit ............................................ 311
eth-switch multicast-limit ............................................. 312
eth-switch unkowncast-limit.......................................... 312
eth-switch port-protect................................................. 313
eth-switch mac-protect ................................................ 313
eth-switch vlan-limit .................................................... 314
eth-switch mac-anti-spoofing ........................................ 314
show eth-switch .......................................................... 315
show eth-switch vlan-limit ............................................ 315
show interface ............................................................ 316
show ip interface ......................................................... 318
show monitor session................................................... 319
Uplink Port Protection Configuration ............. 321
uaps-group................................................................. 321
revertive .................................................................... 322
Protect-time ............................................................... 322
swap.......................................................................... 323
switch ........................................................................ 323
retry-link-detect .......................................................... 323
interval-link-detect ...................................................... 324
port master-portlist ..................................................... 324
show uaps groupid....................................................... 325
Tables ........................................................... 327
Index ............................................................ 329
List of Glossary.............................................. 337

Purpose This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the
operation of the ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2).
Intended This document is intended for engineers, technicians and sub-
Audience scribers who perform operation activities on the ZXA10 C220.
Prerequisite Skill To use this manual effectively, subscribers should have a general
and Knowledge understanding of network technology. Familiarity with the follow-
ing is helpful:
Networking basics
Access Network (AN) technologies
GPON technology
ZXA10 C220 system and its various components
What Is in This This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, MSTP Describes the commands related

to MSTP.

Chapter 2, LACP Describes the commands related

to LACP.

Chapter 3, PIM Snooping Describes the commands related

to PIM snooping.

Chapter 4, DHCP Describes the commands related

to DHCP.

Chapter 5, GPON Describes the commands related

to GPON.

Chapter 6, CES Describes the commands related

to CES.

Chapter 7, Performance Describes the commands related

Management to performance management.

Chapter 8, Ethernet Interface Describes the commands

Configuration related to Ethernet interface

Related The following documentation is related to this manual:

ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Documentation Guide
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Technical Manual

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION i

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence

Equipment Hardware Manual
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Hardware Installation Manual
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Command Manual (Volume I)
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Command Manual (Volume II)
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Command Manual (Volume III)
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Operation Manual (CLI)
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Operation Manual (NetNumen)
ZXA10 C220 (V1.1.2) GPON Optical Access Convergence
Equipment Maintenance Manual
Conventions ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.


Typeface Meaning

Italics References to other Manuals and documents.

"Quotes" Links on screens.

Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input fields,

radio button names, check boxes, drop-down lists,
dialog box names, window names.

CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and

company name.

Constant Text that you type, program code, files and directory
width names, and function names.

[ ] Optional parameters

{ } Mandatory parameters

I Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it.

Note: Provides additional information about a certain


Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs to

be checked before proceeding further.

Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things

easier or more productive for the reader.

Mouse Operation Conventions are as follows:

ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION



Typeface Meaning

Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the

left mouse button) once.

Double- Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button

click (usually the left mouse button) twice.

Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually

the right mouse button) once.

Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and

moving the mouse.

How to Get in The following sections provide information on how to obtain sup-
Touch port for the documentation and the software.
Customer Support
If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions
regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at support@zt You can also call our customer support center at
(86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.
Documentation Support
ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the qual
ity and usefulness of this document. For further questions,
comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can
contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax
your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You
can also browse our website at,
which contains various interesting subjects like documentat
ion, knowledge base, forum and service request.
Declaration of To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility
RoHS Compliance to the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declara-
tion that ZXA10 C220 manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION is in
compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parlia-
ment - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect
to the following substances:
Lead (Pb)
Mercury (Hg)
Cadmium (Cd)
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))
PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)
PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

This declaration is issued based on our current level of knowledge.

Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTE CORPORATION
makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in
connection with the use of this information.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION iii

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

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iv Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1


Table of Contents
instance ............................................................................ 1
name ................................................................................ 2
revision............................................................................. 3
show spanning-tree inconsistentports.................................... 3
show spanning-tree instance................................................ 4
show spanning-tree interface ............................................... 4
show spanning-tree mst configuration ................................... 5
show spanning-tree statistics ............................................... 5
show spanning-tree transparent ........................................... 6
spanning-tree .................................................................... 7
spanning-tree bpduguard .................................................... 7
spanning-tree digestauto ..................................................... 8
spanning-tree edged-port .................................................... 8
spanning-tree forward-delay ................................................ 9
spanning-tree guard ..........................................................10
spanning-tree hello-time ....................................................10
spanning-tree linktype .......................................................11
spanning-tree max-age ......................................................11
spanning-tree mcheck........................................................12
spanning-tree mode...........................................................12
spanning-tree mst configuration ..........................................13
spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest...........................................14
spanning-tree mst hmd5-key ..............................................14
spanning-tree mst instance priority (Global)..........................15
spanning-tree mst instance priority(interface) .......................16
spanning-tree mst instance path-cost...................................16
spanning-tree mst max-hops ..............................................17
spanning-tree transparent ..................................................18
spanning-tree packet-type ..................................................18

Syntax instance instance vlans vlan-id
no instance instance
Purpose To create an instance in MSTP mode and map the instance to cor-
responding VLAN table
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

instance Instance ID Range: 1 31

vlans vlan-id VLAN identifier (range Range: 1 4094

or single VLAN)

Mode ZXAN(config-mstp)#
Example The following example displays how to create an instance in MSTP
mode and map the instance to corresponding VLAN table:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXAN(config-mstp)#instance 1 vlans 10-20

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

spanning-tree mst configuration
Related By default, all VLANs are mapped to the Common Internal Span-
Information ning Tree (CIST).
Execute the no instance command to remap the specified
VLAN(s) or all VLANs to the CIST (MST instance 0).
User cannot map same VLAN to different MST instances. If the
user maps an already mapped VLAN to a new instance, the old
mapping is automatically removed.

Syntax name name
no name
Purpose To create an MST configuration name
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name Configuration name Range: 1 32


Mode ZXAN(config-mstp)#
Example The following example displays how to create an MST configuration
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXAN(config-mstp)#name zte

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

spanning-tree mst configuration

2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Syntax revision revision
no revision
Purpose To configure the MSTP revision number
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

revision Revision number Range: 1 65535

Default: 0

Mode ZXAN(config-mstp)#
Example The following example displays how to configure MSTP revision
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
ZXAN(config-mstp)#revision 10

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

spanning-tree mst configuration
Related The MSTP revision level, MST region name and VLAN-to-instance
Information mapping table jointly determine the MST region the device belongs

show spanning-tree
Syntax show spanning-tree inconsistentports
Purpose To display the information about inconsistent ports
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the information about inconsistent
ZXAN#show spanning-tree inconsistentports
Mst Instance interface
Name name Inconsistency
MST00 gei_1/21/1 Root Inconsistent

Related show spanning-tree instance

show spanning-tree interface

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

show spanning-tree instance

Syntax show spanning-tree instance instance
Purpose To display the information about an instance and its ports
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

instance Instance ID Range: 1 31

Default: 0

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the information about instance 0
and its ports:
ZXAN#show spanning-tree instance 0
Spanning tree enabled protocol MSTP
Root ID: Priority 4096; Address 00d0.d0c7.ffe0
Hello-Time 5 sec; Max-Age 20 sec
Forward-Delay 10 sec;

RegRootID: Priority 4096; Address 00d0.d0c7.ffe0

BridgeID: Priority 4096; Address 00d0.d0c7.ffe0

Hello-Time 5 sec; Max-Age 20 sec
Forward-Delay 10 sec; Max-Hops 5
Message-Age 0 sec; RemainHops 5

Interface Prio.Nbr
Name Port ID Cost Sts Role LinkType Bound
tdm-gei_1/214/1 128.59 20000 Forward Designated p2p MSTP


Related show spanning-tree interface


show spanning-tree interface

Syntax show spanning-tree interface port-name
Purpose To display the information about all instances of a designated port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

port-name Interface name -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the information about all instances
of designated port gei_1/21/1:
ZXAN#show spanning-tree interface gei_1/21/1

4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Mst Instance Prio.Nbr

Name Port ID Cost Sts Role
MST00 128.31 200000 forward root
MST01 112.31 200000 forward root


Related show spanning-tree instance


show spanning-tree mst

Syntax spanning-tree mst configuration
Purpose To enter the MSTP configuration mode
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the MSTP con-
figuration mode:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

Related In MSTP configuration mode, users can configure parameters of
Information MSTP such as MST configuration name, MST configuration version,
configuration digest etc.

show spanning-tree statistics

Syntax show spanning-tree statistics port-name
Purpose To display the STP port statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

port-name Interface name -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the STP port statistics:
ZXAN#show spanning-tree statistics gei_1/21/1
statistic of port gei_1/21/1
BPDU-related parameters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

port spanning tree enable

state forward
port_priority 128
port_number 31
path cost 200000
designated_root 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
designated_ext_cost 0
designated_int_cost 200000
designated_bridge 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
designated_port 41
PORT based information & statistics
All bpdus xmitted 2
All bpdus received 123
Mst bpdus xmitted 2
Mst bpdus received 123
Rst bpdus xmitted 0
Rst bpdus received 0
config bpdus xmitted 0
config bpdus received 0
tcn bpdus xmitted 0
tcn bpdus received 0
spanningtree based information & statistics
spanningtree type MSTP
multicast_mac_addr 01-80-c2-00-00-00
bridge priority 32768
bridge mac address 00-0d-0d-f0-01-01
bridge hello time 2 sec
bridge forward delay 15 sec
bridge Max age 20 sec
bridge Max hop 20


Related show spanning-tree interface


show spanning-tree
Syntax show spanning-tree transparent
Purpose To display current status of the STP transparent-transmission flag
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the current status of the STP trans-
parent-transmission flag:
ZXAN#show spanning-tree transparent
transparent flag:disabled

6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Related spanning-tree transparent


Syntax spanning-tree {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable or disable the MSTP globally
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable MSTP -

disable Disable MSTP -

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable MSTP globally and
disable MSTP on an interface:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree enable
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree disable

Related None
Related By default, MSTP is enabled globally but disabled on interfaces.
After enabling MSTP, MSTP dynamically monitors and maintains
spanning tree status of corresponding VLANs based on the re-
ceived configuration BPDUs.

spanning-tree bpduguard
Syntax spanning-tree bpduguard action {discard | shutdown}
no spanning-tree bpduguard action
Purpose To specify spanning tree BPDU guard action for interfaces
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

action discard Discard BPDU packet -

action shutdown Shutdown port -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays how to specify spanning tree BPDU
guard action for interfaces:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree bpduguard action shutdown

Related None
Related By default, the BPDU guard is disabled.

spanning-tree digestauto
Syntax spanning-tree digestauto
Purpose To configure Cisco auto-generated digest value
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure Cisco autogen-
erated digest value:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree digestauto

Related spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest


spanning-tree edged-port
Syntax spanning-tree edged-port {enable | disable}
Purpose To specify (enable) or block (disable) an interface as edge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Specify as edge port -

disable Restore to default -

(non edge port)

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable an interface as span-
ning tree edge port:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree edged-port enable

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Related spanning-tree linktype

spanning-tree packet-type
Related By default, this command is disabled for interfaces.
This command can be used by administrators to specify an edge
port. Enable this option if an interface is attached to a LAN seg-
ment that is at the end of bridged LAN or to an end node. Since
end nodes cannot cause forwarding loops, they can pass directly
through to the spanning tree forwarding state. Specifying edge
ports provides quicker convergence for devices such as worksta-
tions or servers, retains the current forwarding database to reduce
the amount of frame flooding required to rebuild address tables
during reconfiguration events, does not cause the spanning tree to
initiate reconfiguration when the interface changes state, and also
overcomes other STP-related timeout problems. However, edge
port should only be enabled for ports connected to an end-node

spanning-tree forward-delay
Syntax spanning-tree forward-delay time
no spanning-tree forward-delay
Purpose To configure the spanning tree forward delay
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

time Forward delay in Range: 4 30

seconds Default: 15

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the spanning tree
forward delay as 16 seconds:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree forward-delay 16

Related spanning-tree mst max-hops

spanning-tree hello-time
Related This command sets the maximum time (in seconds) the root device
Information waits before changing states (i.e., listening to learning to forward-
ing). This delay is required because every device must receive
information about topology changes before it starts to forward
frames. In addition, each port needs time to listen for conflict-
ing information that would make it return to a discarding state;
otherwise, temporary data loops might result.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 9

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

spanning-tree guard
Syntax spanning-tree guard {loop | root} instance instance-range
no spanning-tree guard {loop | root} instance [instance-ran
Purpose To configure STP guard mode on an interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

loop Set guard mode -

to loop guard on

root Set guard mode -

to root guard on

instance instance-ra Instance range Range: 0 31


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure STP guard mode
on an interface as root guard:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree guard root instance 0

Related None

spanning-tree hello-time
Syntax spanning-tree hello-time time
no spanning-tree hello-time
Purpose To configure the spanning tree hello time (interval for sending
BPDU packets)
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

time Interval between Range: 1 10

generation of Default: 2
configured BPDUs
in seconds

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the spanning tree
hello time:

10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree hello-time 3

Related spanning-tree mst max-hops

spanning-tree forward-delay

spanning-tree linktype
Syntax spanning-tree linktype {auto | p2p | share}
Purpose To configure the spanning tree link type
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

auto Automatically derived -

from the duplex mode
setting (p2p in full
duplex mode and
share in half duplex

p2p Point-to-point link -

share Shared medium -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the spanning tree
link type to point-to-point:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree linktype p2p

Related spanning-tree packet-type


Related By default, link type is auto.

User can enable the fast status change function when the link type
of the port is p2p.
Specify a point-to-point link if the interface can only be connected
to exactly one other bridge, or a shared link if it can be connected
to two or more bridges. When automatic detection is selected, the
switch derives the link type from the duplex mode. A full-duplex
interface is considered a point-to-point link, while a half-duplex
interface is assumed to be on a shared link.

spanning-tree max-age
Syntax spanning-tree max-age time

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

no spanning-tree max-age
Purpose To configure the maximum age of the STP BPDU packet
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

time Maximum age of the Range: 6 40

STP BPDU packet in Default: 20

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the maximum age
of the STP BPDU packet:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree max-age 21

Related spanning-tree mst max-hops

spanning-tree forward-delay
Related This command sets the maximum time (in seconds) a device can
Information wait without receiving a configuration message before attempt-
ing to reconfigure. All device ports (except for designated ports)
should receive configuration messages at regular intervals. Any
port that ages out STP information (provided in the last configura-
tion message) becomes the designated port for the attached LAN.
If it is a root port, a new root port is selected from among the
device ports attached to the network.

spanning-tree mcheck
Syntax spanning-tree mcheck
Purpose To configure the spanning tree mcheck
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the spanning tree
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree mcheck

Related None

spanning-tree mode
Syntax spanning-tree mode {mstp | rstp | sstp}

12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Purpose To configure the spanning tree mode

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

mstp Multi spanning tree -


rstp Rapid spanning tree -


sstp Single spanning tree -


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the spanning tree
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mode rstp

Related spanning-tree
Related Default spanning tree mode is MSTP.

spanning-tree mst
Syntax spanning-tree mst configuration
Purpose To enter into MSTP configuration mode
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into MSTP configura-
tion mode:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration

Related show spanning-tree mst configuration

Related In MSTP configuration mode, users can configure parameters of
Information MSTP such as MST configuration name, MST configuration version
and configuration digest.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

spanning-tree mst
Syntax spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest {cisco | huawei} key
no spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest {cisco | huawei}
Purpose To configure MST HMD5 digest key parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

cisco Cisco key -

huawei Huawei key -

key HMD5 digest value 34 characters (For

example: 0x...32)

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure MST HMD5 digest
key parameters
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest cisco 0x123456789012345678

Related spanning-tree mst hmd5-key

Related As different manufacturers (such as Cisco and Huawei) implement
Information MSTP (via MSTP packet format) differently from IEEE standards,
the user must configure a key or digest value for ZTE switch before
connecting to the equipment.
The default value is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000.

spanning-tree mst hmd5-key

Syntax spanning-tree mst hmd5-key {cisco | huawei} key
no spanning-tree mst hmd5-key {cisco | huawei}
Purpose To configure the MST HMAC MD5 digest
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

cisco Cisco key -

huawei Huawei key -

key HMD5_key (0x... 32 34 characters (For

HEX- KEYs) example: 0x...32)

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the spanning tree
MST HMAC MD5 digest:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst hmd5-key CISCO 0x12345678901234567890

Related spanning-tree mst hmd5-digest


Related As different manufacturers (such as Cisco and Huawei) implement

Information MSTP (via MSTP packet format) differently from IEEE standards,
the user must configure a key or digest value for ZTE switch before
connecting to the equipment.

spanning-tree mst instance

priority (Global)
Syntax spanning-tree mst instance instance priority priority
no spanning-tree mst instance instance priority
Purpose To configure the MST instance priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

instance Instance ID Range: 0 31

Default: 0

priority priority Interface priority Range: i x 4096 (i =

0 15)

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the MST instance
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst instance 0 priority 4096

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related spanning-tree mst instance priority (Interface configuration mode)


spanning-tree mst instance

Syntax spanning-tree mst instance instance priority priority
no spanning-tree mst instance instance priority
Purpose To set the the port priority in some created instance
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

instance Instance number Range: 0 16

priority priority Port priority Range: i*16 (i=0

Default: 128
Maximum Value: 240

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to set the port priority to be
112 at port gei_0/6/1 in the instance 0:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree mst instance 0 priority 112

Related spanning-tree mst instance priority (global)

Related Using this command, the administrator can change the topology
Information of spanning tree.

spanning-tree mst instance

Syntax spanning-tree mst instance instance {path-cost cost | prior
ity priority}
Purpose To configure the MST instance path cost and priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

instance Instance ID Range: 0 31

Default: 0

16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP

Parameter Description Value

path-cost cost Interface path cost Range: 1 2000000

priority priority Interface priority Range: i x 4096 (i =

0 15)

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the MST instance
path cost:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree mst instance 0 path-cost 30000

Related spanning-tree mst instance priority (Global configuration mode)

Related By default, the device automatically calculates the path cost of
Information ports in each MST instance based on corresponding standard.

spanning-tree mst max-hops

Syntax spanning-tree mst max-hops hop
no spanning-tree mst max-hops
Purpose To configure the number of hops in an MST region before the BPDU
is discarded and the port information is aged out
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hop Maximum hops of the Range: 1 40

BPDU packet Default: 20

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the number of
hops in an MST region before the BPDU is discarded and the port
information is aged out:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree mst max-hops 23

Related spanning-tree mst max-age

Related Devices other than the root bridge in an MST region use the max-
Information imum hops setting on the root bridge.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 17

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

spanning-tree transparent
Syntax spanning-tree transparent {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable or disable the spanning tree transparent flag
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable STP -

transparent flag

disable Disable STP -

transparent flag

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the spanning tree
transparent flag:
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree disable
ZXAN(config)#spanning-tree transparent enable

Related spanning-tree

spanning-tree packet-type
Syntax spanning-tree packet-type {IEEE | CISCO | HUAWEI | HAMM
no spanning-tree packet-type
Purpose To configure the MST BPDU packet-type
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value



CISCO Cisco BPDU packet -

HAMMER Hammer (Harbour -

Networks) BPDU

HUAWEI Huawei BPDU packet -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the MST BPDU
packet-type to cisco:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#spanning-tree packet-type CISCO

18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 1 MSTP


Related spanning-tree linktype

spanning-tree edged-port
Related By default, BPDU packet type is IEEE.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

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20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2


Table of Contents
clear lacp .........................................................................21
interface ..........................................................................21
lacp port-priority ...............................................................22
lacp system-priority ...........................................................23
lacp timeout .....................................................................23
show lacp .........................................................................24
smartgroup ......................................................................24
smartgroup load-balance ....................................................25

clear lacp
Syntax clear lacp [smartgroup-id] counters
Purpose To clear the count of received and transmitted LACP packets
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

smartgroup-id Smart group number Range: 1 32

counters Counters -

Mode ZXAN#
Example The following example displays how to clear the count of received
and transmitted LACP packets:
ZXAN#clear lacp 1 counters

Related None
Related This command clears all counters if smartgroup-id parameter is
Information not used.

Syntax interface smartgroup smartgroup-number

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

no interface smartgroup smartgroup-name

Purpose To create a smartgroup and enter the smartgroup interface con-
figuration mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

smartgroup Smartgroup interface Range: 1 8

smartgroup-number number

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to create a smartgroup and
enter the smartgroup interface configuration mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface smartgroup1

Related None
Related Use the no form of this command to delete the smartgroup inter-
Information face.

lacp port-priority
Syntax lacp port-priority priority
Purpose To configure the LACP port priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

priority LACP port priority Range: 0 65535

Default: 0

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the LACP port
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#lacp port-priority 100

Related show lacp

Related Use this command to add ports to link aggregation group according
Information to their priorities.

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 LACP

lacp system-priority
Syntax lacp system-priority priority
Purpose To configure the LACP system priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

priority LACP system priority Range: 1 65535

Default: 32768

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the LACP system
ZXAN(config)#lacp system-priority 100

Related show lacp

Related After configuring this command, add ports to the link aggregation
Information group according to their priorities.

lacp timeout
Syntax lacp timeout {long | short}
Purpose To configure the interface LACP timeout
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

long LACP long timeout -

short LACP short timeout -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the interface LACP
to short timeout:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#lacp timeout short

Related show lacp

Related By default, long timeout is configured.
When long timeout is configured, the system sends LACP packets
every 30 seconds.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 23

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

When short timeout is configured, the system sends LACP packets

every one second.

show lacp
Syntax show lacp {[smartgroup-id] {counters | internal | neighbors}
| sys-id}
Purpose To display the current LACP configuration and state
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

smartgroup-id Smartgroup number Range: 1 32

counters Counters information -

internal Internal information -

neighbors Neighbors information -

sys-id System ID -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the current LACP configuration and
ZXAN#show lacp 1 counters
Actor LACPDUs Marker LACPDUs Marker
Port Tx Rx Tx Rx Err Err
ZXAN#show lacp internal
Flag *--LOOP is TRUE
Actor Agg LACPDUs Port Oper Port RX Mux
Port State Interval Priority Key State Machine Machine
ZXAN#show lacp neighbors
Smartgroup 1 neighbors
Actor Partner Partner Port Oper Port
Port System ID Port No. Priority Key State

ZXAN#show lacp sys-id


Related smartgroup

Syntax smartgroup smartgroup-id mode {passive | active | on}

24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 2 LACP

no smartgroup
Purpose To add interface to smartgroup and configure interface link aggre-
gation mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

smartgroup-id Smart group ID Range: 1 8

passive Passive mode -

active Active mode -

on Static trunk -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to add interface to smart
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#smartgroup 1 mode active

Related show interface

show lacp
Related The VLAN configuration of member interface must be identical to
Information that of smartgroup. Otherwise, it is not allowed to join smart-
The smartgroup VLAN property can be modified after the interface
is added to the smartgroup. The member interface automatically
modifies its VLAN property to keep consistent with smartgroup.
Execute the no form of this command to delete smartgroup.

smartgroup load-balance
Syntax smartgroup load-balance mode
no smartgroup load-balance
Purpose To configure the load balancing policy for smartgroup
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

mode Smartgroup mode Keywords: dst-ip,

dst-mac, src-dst-ip,
src-dst-mac, src-ip,

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the load balancing
policy for smartgroup:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 25

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config)#interface smartgroup1
ZXAN(config-if)#smartgroup load-balance src-mac

Related show lacp


26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3

PIM Snooping

Table of Contents
ip pim snooping.................................................................27
pim snooping ....................................................................27
show ip pim snooping all-statistic ........................................28
show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear .................................28
show ip pim snooping entry ................................................29
show ip pim snooping neighbor-info .....................................29
show ip pim snooping port-info............................................30
show ip pim snooping port-statistic clear interface .................30
show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface .........................31

ip pim snooping
Syntax ip pim snooping
no ip pim snooping
Purpose To enable PIM snooping
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable PIM snooping:
ZXAN(config)#ip pim snooping

Related None

pim snooping
Syntax pim snooping
no pim snooping
Purpose To configure PIM snooping for VLAN
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-vlan)#
Example The following example displays how to configure PIM snooping for

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 27

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config)#ip pim snooping

ZXAN(config)#vlan 2
ZXAN(config-vlan)#pim snooping

Related ip pim snooping

Related This command takes effect only when snooping is globally enabled.

show ip pim snooping

Syntax show ip pim snooping all-statistic
Purpose To display all PIM packet statistics
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes
Example The following example displays how to display all PIM packet sta-
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping all-statistic
RxHello = 0; RxJoinPrune = 0;
TxHello = 0; TxJoinPrune = 0;
DropRxTotal = 0;
RxTotal = 0; TxTotal = 0;

Related show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear

show ip pim snooping port-statistic clear interface
show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface

show ip pim snooping

all-statistic clear
Syntax show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear
Purpose To display all (accumulated) statistics of PIM packets in clear mode
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays all (accumulated) statistics of PIM
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear
RxHello = 0; RxJoinPrune = 0;
TxHello = 0; TxJoinPrune = 0;
DropRxTotal = 0;
RxTotal = 0; TxTotal = 0;


28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 PIM Snooping

Related show ip pim snooping all-statistic

show ip pim snooping port-statistic clear interface
show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface

show ip pim snooping entry

Syntax show ip pim snooping entry [vlan vid]
Purpose To display all VLAN entries for PIM snooping
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vlan vid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays all VLAN entries for PIM snooping:
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping entry
group entry number = 0:
index vlan Source-ip Group-ip

Related show ip pim snooping port-info

show ip pim snooping neighbor-info

show ip pim snooping

Syntax show ip pim snooping neighbor-info
Purpose To display IP PIM snooping neighboring routers information
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays IP PIM snooping neighboring
routers information:
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping neighbor-info

Port vid neighbor-ip-address remain-time


Related show ip pim snooping port-info

show ip pim snooping entry

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

show ip pim snooping

Syntax show ip pim snooping port-info vid
Purpose To display the VLAN port information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the VLAN port information:
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping port-info 2

PIM Snooping is globally enabled.

PIM Snooping is enabled in this vlan.
vlan Source-ip Group-ip Ports Remain-time


Related show ip pim snooping entry


show ip pim snooping

port-statistic clear interface
Syntax show ip pim snooping port-statistic clear interface interface
Purpose To display statistics for all received PIM packets
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the statistics for all received PIM
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping port-statistic clear interface gei_0/11/1
RxHello = 0; RxJoinPrune = 0;
TxHello = 0; TxJoinPrune = 0;
DropRxTotal = 0;
RxTotal = 0; TxTotal = 0;


30 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 3 PIM Snooping

Related show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear

show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface

show ip pim snooping

port-statistic interface
Syntax show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface interface-name
Purpose To display IP PIM related interface statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the port statistics
ZXAN#show ip pim snooping port-statistic interface gei_0/11/1
RxHello = 0; RxJoinPrune = 0;
TxHello = 0; TxJoinPrune = 0;
DropRxTotal = 0;
RxTotal = 0; TxTotal = 0;


Related show ip pim snooping all-statistic clear


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 31

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

This page is intentionally blank.

32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4


Table of Contents
DHCP Snooping Configuration .............................................33
DHCP L3 Publish Configuration ............................................38
DHCP Relay and DHCP Proxy Configuration ...........................41
DHCP Server Configuration .................................................46

DHCP Snooping
ip dhcp snooping enable
Syntax ip dhcp snooping enable
no ip dhcp snooping enable
Purpose To enable DHCP snooping globally
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable DHCP snooping glob-
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp snooping enable

Related None

ip dhcp snooping

Syntax ip dhcp snooping {enable | disable} [pvc pvcno]

Purpose To enable or disable DHCP snooping on an interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 33

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable DHCP -


disable Disable DHCP -


pvc pvcno PVC number Range: 1 8

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable DHCP snooping:
ZXAN(config)interface vdsl_1/4/1
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp snooping enable

Related None

ip dhcp snooping quota

Syntax ip dhcp snooping quota max-session [pvc pvcno]

no ip dhcp snooping quota [pvc pvcno]
Purpose To configure the maximum number of DHCP snooping sessions
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

max-session Maximum DHCP Range: 1 255

snooping sessions

pvc pvcno PVC number Range: 1 8

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the maximum
number of DHCP snooping sessions:
ZXAN(config)interface vdsl_1/4/1
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp snooping quota 100

Related None

ip dhcp snooping trust

Syntax ip dhcp snooping trust interface

no ip dhcp snooping trust interface
Purpose To configure the interface (or a range of interfaces) as trusted
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

Parameter Description Value

interface Interface name gei_1/21 Interface

range: 1 2
Smartgroup Interface
range: 1 8

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure interface
gei_1/21/1 as trusted:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp snooping trust gei_1/21/1

Related None

ip dhcp snooping vlan

Syntax ip dhcp snooping vlan {vlan-name | vlan-no}

no ip dhcp snooping vlan {vlan-name | vlan-no}
Purpose To enable DHCP snooping on a VLAN or VLAN range
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vlan-name VLAN name -

vlan-no VLAN ID Range: 1 4090

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable DHCP snooping on
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp snooping vlan 2

Related None

show ip dhcp snooping configure

Syntax show ip dhcp snooping configure

Purpose To display the global DHCP snooping configuration
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the DHCP snooping global config-
ZXAN#show ip dhcp snooping configure

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 35

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

DHCP snooping configure information

DHCP snooping globally state :enable(running)
not insert relay information in BOOTREQUEST
relay information policy: default(replace)
relay information format: default(china-tel)

Related None

show ip dhcp snooping port

Syntax show ip dhcp snooping port interface [pvc pvcno| vport vport]
Purpose To display the DHCP snooping ports user information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface Interface name Keywords: adsl_1/16,

adsl_1/17, vdsl_1/4
ADSL Interface
Range: 1 - 64
VDSL Interface
Range: 1 - 32

pvc pvcno PVC number Range: 1 8

vport vport Vport index Range: 1 - 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the DHCP snooping ports user in-
ZXAN#show ip dhcp snooping port vdsl_1/4/1
Status : enable
Current online users are 0.
Index MAC addr IP addr Vlan State Expiration


Related None

show ip dhcp snooping trust

Syntax show ip dhcp snooping trust

Purpose To display the DHCP snooping trusted interfaces
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the DHCP snooping trusted inter-

36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

ZXAN#show ip dhcp snooping trust

Interface State
gei_1/21/1 Trusted

Related None

show ip dhcp snooping vlan

Syntax show ip dhcp snooping vlan [vlan-name | vlan-no]

Purpose To display DHCP snooping VLAN information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vlan-name VLAN name -

vlan-no VLAN number Range: 1 4094

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to display DHCP snooping
VLAN information:
ZXAN#show ip dhcp snooping vlan
DHCP snooping state on vlans
Vlan State
2 enable
300 enable

Related None

show ip dhcp snooping port quota

Syntax show ip dhcp snooping port quota interface [vport vportno]

[pvc pvcid]
Purpose To display the maximum number of DHCP sessions on DHCP snoop-
ing port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface Interface -

vport vportno Vport ID Range: 1 255

pvc pvcid PVC ID Range: 1 8

Mode All modes except exec mode

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 37

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays maximum number of DHCP session

on DHCP snooping port:
ZXAN(config-if)#show ip dhcp snooping port quota gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
Onu Vport Quota
gpon-onu_0/9/1:1 1 255

Related None

DHCP L3 Publish
ip dhcp enable
Syntax ip dhcp enable
no ip dhcp enable
Purpose To enable the DHCP function
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the DHCP function:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp enable

Related None

ip dhcp logging on

Syntax ip dhcp logging on

no ip dhcp logging on
Purpose To enable the DHCP logging
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the DHCP logging:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp logging on

38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

Related None

ip dhcp user quota

Syntax ip dhcp user quota num

no ip dhcp user quota
Purpose To configure DHCP user quota
Usage Guidelines The following table provide the parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num DHCP user quota Range: 1 2000

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP user quota:
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp user quota 2000

Related show ip dhcp relay

ip dhcp server dns
ip dhcp server gateway
ip dhcp server leasetime
ip local pool
peer default ip pool
Related This command is valid for relay, server and proxy modes.
For DHCP Server, the user quota controls the maximum number of
DHCP users on port directly as well as the number of the allocated
IP addresses on port indirectly.
For DHCP Relay, since DHCP Relay protocol itself does not support
DHCP user quota, the DHCP user quota is ineffective. However,
when DHCP Relay IP address is bound to ARP, the DHCP user quota
configuration takes effect.
By default, there is no user quota.
Use the no form of this command to waive the user quota.

ip dhcp mode
Syntax ip dhcp mode {relay | proxy | server}
no ip dhcp mode
Purpose To configure DHCP work mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

relay DHCP relay mode -

proxy DHCP proxy mode -

server DHCP server mode -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP work mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp mode proxy

Related None

show ip dhcp configure

Syntax show ip dhcp configure

Purpose To display the DHCP configuration information
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the DHCP configuration informa-
ZXAN#show ip dhcp configure
DHCP process state information
process state : disable(stop)
logging flag : off
DHCP server configure:
available dns for client.master: slave:
lease time of ip address: 3600 seconds
update arp state : disable
DHCP relay configure:
not insert relay information in BOOTREQUEST.
relay information policy: default(replace)
relay information format: default(china-tel)
relay retry times to server: 10
update arp state : disable

40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

Related None

DHCP Relay and DHCP

Proxy Configuration
ip dhcp database
Syntax ip dhcp database {read | write}
no ip dhcp database {read | write}
Purpose To read from or write to DHCP database
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

read Read database from -


write Write database to -


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to write to DHCP database:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp database write

Related None

ip dhcp relay server retry

Syntax ip dhcp relay server retry num

no ip dhcp relay server retry
Purpose To configure the retry times for packets from relay to server
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num Request retry times Range: 5 1000

Default: 10

Mode ZXAN(config)#

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 41

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays how to configure the retry times
for packets:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp relay server retry 1000

Related None

ip dhcp relay update arp

Syntax ip dhcp relay update arp

no ip dhcp relay update arp
Purpose To update ARP entries of DHCP bindings
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to update ARP entries of DHCP
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp relay update arp

Related None
Related This command is transparent to the user. When this command is
Information executed, secured ARP table entries (created by a DHCP server)
cannot be removed from the ARP table by executing the clear
arp-cache command. If a secure ARP entry created by the DHCP
server is required to be removed, the clear ip dhcp binding
command can be used. This command clears the DHCP binding
and secured ARP table entries.

ip dhcp proxy client leasetime

Syntax ip dhcp proxy client leasetime seconds
no ip dhcp proxy client leasetime
Purpose To configure DHCP proxy client lease time
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

seconds Proxy client lease Range: 60 18000

time in seconds Default: 60

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP proxy client
lease time:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp proxy client leasetime 1000

42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

Related None

ip dhcp relay server vclass-id

Syntax ip dhcp relay server vclass-id string ip [standard | security]

no ip dhcp relay server vclass-id string [ip]
Purpose To configure the map of vclass ID to DHCP relay server
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

string Vendor class identifier Range: 1 50

name characters

ip DHCP relay server A.B.C.D


standard Standard DHCP -

forward mode for

security Security DHCP -

forward mode for

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the map of vclass
ID to DHCP relay server:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp relay server vclass-id test standard

Related None

ip dhcp helper-address

Syntax ip dhcp helper-address policy vclass-id

no ip dhcp helper-address policy vclass-id
Purpose To configure DHCP helper address selection policy to forward re-
quest packet as per Option60 in relay and proxy modes
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the DHCP helper
address selection policy to forward request packet as per Option60
in relay and proxy modes:
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp helper-address policy vclass-id

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 43

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)


Related None
Related If the Option60 field does not find matching server IP address,
Information discard the request packet.

ip dhcp relay agent

Syntax ip dhcp relay agent ip-address
no ip dhcp relay agent
Purpose To configure DHCP relay agent
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ip-address DHCP relay agent A.B.C.D


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP relay
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp relay agent

Related None

ip dhcp relay server

Syntax ip dhcp relay server ip-address [standard | security]

no ip dhcp relay server ip-address
Purpose To configure DHCP relay server address
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ip-address DHCP relay server A.B.C.D


standard Standard DHCP -

forward mode for

security Security DHCP -

forward mode for

44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP relay server
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp relay server

Related ip dhcp relay agent


show ip dhcp relay server vclass-id

Syntax show ip dhcp relay server vclass-id [string]

Purpose To display DHCP server IP address and mapping relationship
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

string Vendor class identifier Range: 1 50

name used to map characters
DHCP server

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays DHCP server IP address and the
mapping relationship:
ZXAN#show ip dhcp relay server vclass-id
DHCP server : standard

Related None

show ip dhcp relay user

Syntax show ip dhcp server user interface-name

Purpose To display the DHCP server online user information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name VLAN Range: 1

Super VLAN Range: 1

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the DHCP server online user infor-

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 45

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN#show ip dhcp server user vlan 2

Current online users are 0.
Index MAC addr IP addr State Expiration

Related None

show ip dhcp proxy client

Syntax show ip dhcp proxy client

Purpose To display DHCP proxy client parameters
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays DHCP proxy client parameters:
ZXAN#show ip dhcp proxy client
DHCP client configure information in proxy mode:
leasetime :60 seconds

Related None

DHCP Server Configuration

ip local pool
Syntax ip local pool pool-name begin-ip-address last-ip-address net-m
no ip local pool pool-name begin-ip-address last-ip-address net-
Purpose To configure IP local pool
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pool-name Pool name Range: 1 16


begin-ip-address Beginning IP address A.B.C.D

last-ip-address Last IP address A.B.C.D

net-mask Subnet mask address A.B.C.D

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure IP local pool:

46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

ZXAN(config)#ip local pool test


Related None

ip local pool conflict-ip

Syntax ip local pool conflict-ip timeout

no ip local pool conflict-ip
Purpose To configure the timeout interval for conflicting IP addresses
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

timeout Conflict IP timeout in Range: 1 60000

minutes Default: 30

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the timeout in-
terval for conflicting IP addresses to 60 minutes:
ZXAN(config)#ip local pool conflict-ip 60

Related show ip local pool conflict-ip

clear ip pool conflict-ip

ip dhcp server dns

Syntax ip dhcp server dns master-ip [slave-ip]
no ip dhcp server dns
Purpose To configure DHCP server DNS address(es)
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

master-ip Master DNS address A.B.C.D

slave-ip Slave DNS address A.B.C.D

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP server DNS
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp server dns

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 47

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related show ip dhcp server user

ip dhcp server leasetime
ip dhcp server gateway
ip local pool
peer default ip pool

ip dhcp server leasetime

Syntax ip dhcp server leasetime time
no ip dhcp server leasetime
Purpose To configure DHCP server lease time
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

time Lease time in seconds Range: 60 18000

Default: 3600

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP server lease
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp server leasetime 1200

Related show ip dhcp server user

ip dhcp server dns

ip dhcp server update arp

Syntax ip dhcp server update arp
no ip dhcp server update arp
Purpose To update the ARP entry of DHCP binding
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to update the ARP entry of
DHCP binding:
ZXAN(config)#ip dhcp server update arp

48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 4 DHCP

Related show ip dhcp relay server vclass-id


ip dhcp server gateway

Syntax ip dhcp server gateway ip-address

no ip dhcp server gateway [ip-address]
Purpose To configure DHCP client gateway address
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ip-address DHCP client gateway A.B.C.D


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure DHCP client gate-
way address:
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#ip dhcp server gateway

Related show ip dhcp server user

ip dhcp server leasetime
ip dhcp server dns
peer default ip pool

peer dafault ip pool

Syntax peer default ip pool poolname
no peer default ip pool
Purpose To configure default IP pool parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

poolname Pool name Range: 1 16


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure default IP pool
ZXAN(config)#interface vlan 2
ZXAN(config-if)#peer default ip pool test

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 49

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show ip dhcp server user

Syntax show ip dhcp server user interface-name

Purpose To display the DHCP server online user information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name VLAN Range: 1

Super VLAN Range: 1

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the DHCP server online user infor-
ZXAN#show ip dhcp server user vlan 2
Current online users are 0.
Index MAC addr IP addr State Expiration

Related None

50 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5


Table of Contents
GPON Global Commands ....................................................51
GPON OLT Commands ........................................................88
GPON ONU Basic Management Commands .......................... 105
GPON ONU Remote Management Commands....................... 127
VoIP Management Commands ........................................... 221
GPON Protection Commands ............................................. 248

GPON Global Commands

Syntax gpon
Purpose To enter into the GPON mode
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the GPON mode:

Related None

abort onu-version
Syntax abort onu-version gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt onu-list onulist
Purpose To abort ONU update version
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

olt number, OLT interface characters

onu-list onulist ONU numbers -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 51

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to abort ONU update version:
ZXAN (config)#gpon
ZXAN (config-gpon)# abort onu-version gpon-olt_0/4/1 onu-list 1-128

Related None

activate onu-version
Syntax activate onu-version gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt onu-list onulist
[onu-slot slotnum] region {0 | 1}
Purpose To activate ONU version
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

olt number, OLT interface characters

onu-list onulist ONU numbers -

onu-slot slotnum ONU slot number Range: 0 255

region {0 | 1} Activated region -

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to activate ONU version:
ZXAN (config-gpon)# activate onu-version
gpon-olt_0/4/1 onu-list 1-128 region 1

Related None


Syntax bandwidth-profile profile-name type tcont-type [fixed bandwid

th] [assured bandwidth] [maximum bandwidth]
no bandwidth-profile profile-name
Purpose To configure the bandwidth profile parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Bandwidth profile Range: 1 63

name characters

type tcont-type Bandwidth template Range: 1 5

TCONT type

52 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

assured bandwidth Assured bandwidth: Range: 64 1244160

only for type 2/3/5 Kbps

maximum bandwidth Maximum bandwidth: Range: 64 1244160

only for type 3/4/5 Kbps

fixed bandwidth Fixed bandwidth: only Range: 64 1244160

for type 1/5 Kbps

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the bandwidth
profile parameters:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#bandwidth-profile band1 type 1 fixed
ZXAN(config-gpon)#bandwidth-profile band1 type 3 assured
10000 maximum 100000
ZXAN(config-gpon)# bandwidth-profile band3 type 5 fix
10000 assured 100000 max 1000000

Related None
Related The table describes the required and optional parameters based
Information on T-cont value.

T-Cont Fix Assured Maximum Remarks

1 Required Optional Optional -

2 - Required Optional -

3 - Required Required Assured


4 - - Required -

5 Required Required Required Fix +


commit onu-version
Syntax commit onu-version gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt onu-list onulist
[onu-slot slotnum] region {0 | 1}
Purpose To configure ONU version initiation region
Usage Guidelines The following table provides the parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

olt number, OLT interface characters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 53

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

onu-list onulist ONU numbers -

onu-slot slotnum ONU slot number Range: 0 255

region {0 | 1} Version region -

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure ONU version ini-
tiation region:
ZXAN(config-gpon)# commit onu-version gpon-olt_0/4/1 onu-list 1-128 region 1

Related None


Syntax innerport {enable | disable} slot-id interface-number

Purpose To enable or disable the inner port between main control card and
line card
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable inner port -

disable Disable inner port -

slot-id Inner port slot ID Range: 2 14

interface-number Interface number Range: 1 4

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the inner port be-
tween main control card and line card:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#innerPort enable 2 3

Related None

Syntax onu-ver {delete | download} version-name slot slot-id
onu-ver update version-name slot slot-id olt olt-id onu-list
Purpose To manage the ONU version
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

54 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

delete Delete ONU version -

download Download ONU -


update Update ONU version -

version-name ONU version name Range: 1 13


slot slot-id ONU slot ID -

olt olt-id OLT ID -

onu-list onu-list ONU number Range: 1 31


Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to manage the ONU version:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#onu-ver delete version1 slot 2
ZXAN(config-gpon)#onu-ver download version1 slot 2
ZXAN(config-gpon)#onu-ver update verssion1 slot 2 olt 4
onu-list 10

Related None
Related ONU version update work flow is as follows:
Download version update software file to main control card by
executing the download command in version mode.
Download update version from main control card to line card
by executing the onu-ver download command in GPON global
configuration mode.
Update line cards in batch by executing the onu-ver update
command in GPON global configuration mode.

Syntax onu-batch-cfg {[gpon-onu_shelfId/slotId/oltId:{[onuId1,onuI
d2..] | [onuId1 - onuId2]}] | [gpon-virtual-onu_name]} from
{[gpon-onu_shelfId/slotId/oltId :onuId | [gpon-virtual-onu_na
Purpose To copy one ONU configuration to other ONU(s)
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelfId/slo Destination ONU Range: 1 128

tId/oltId:{[onuId1,o interface
nuId2..] | [onuId1 -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 55

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-virtual-onu_n Virtual ONU interface -


gpon-onu_shelfId/slot Real ONU interface -

Id/oltId :onuId

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to copy one ONU configuration
to other ONUs:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#onu-batch-cfg gpon-onu_0/3/1:1,3 from gpon-onu_0/4/1:1

Related None
Related Source ONU and the ONU to be configured must be registered
Information to avoid errors.
ONU may be real or virtual. If destination ONU is real ONU,
ONU batch configuration can be made only under the same

performance-threshold bridge-port
Syntax performance-threshold bridge-port profile-name [delay-exc
eeded-discard value1] [mtu-exceeded-discard value2] [rece
ived-and-discarded value3]
no performance-threshold bridge-port profile-name
Purpose To create the ONU bridge-port performance statistics alarm thresh-
old profile
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63


bridge-port Bridge port -

performance statistics

delay-exceeded-dis Delay discarded frame Range: 1 (232 1)

card value1 alarm threshold value

mtu-exceeded-disc MTU-exceeded Range: 1 (232 1)

ard value2 discarded frame alarm
threshold value

received-and-disca Error discarded frame Range: 1 (232 1)

rded value3 alarm threshold value

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU bridge-port
performance statistics alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)# performance-threshold bridge-port default-uni

56 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

delay-exceeded-discard 100 mtu-exceeded-discard 200 received-and-discarded 300

Related None

performance-threshold ces

Syntax performance-threshold ces profile-name [down-missing

value1] [down-reordered value2] [down-misordered value3]
[down-buffer-underrun-overrun value4] [down-malformed
value5] [down-stray value6] [down-remote-loss value7]
[down-es value8] [down-ses value9] [down-uas value10]
no performance-threshold ces profile-name
Purpose To create the the ONU CES performance statistics alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63


ces CES performance -


down-missing Packet loss statistics Range: 1 (232 1)

value1 alarm threshold value

down-reordered Reordered packet Range: 1 (232 1)

value2 statistics alarm
threshold value

down-misordered Discarded unordered Range: 1 (232 1)

value3 packet alarm
threshold value

down-buffer-under Buffer abnormal Range: 1 (232 1)

run-overrun value4 packet statistics alarm
threshold value

down-malformed Malformed packet Range: 1 (232 1)

value5 statistics alarm
threshold value

down-stray value6 Stray packet statistics Range: 1 (232 1)

alarm threshold value

down-remote-loss Remote packet loss Range: 1 (232 1)

value7 statistics alarm
threshold value

down-es value8 Error second statistics Range: 1 (232 1)

alarm threshold value

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 57

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

down-ses value9 Severe error second Range: 1 (232 1)

statistics alarm
threshold value

down-uas value10 Unavailable error Range: 1 (232 1)

second alarm
threshold value

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU CES per-
formance statistics alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)# performance-threshold ces default-ces down-missing 1000
down-reordered 1000 down-misordered 1000

Related None

performance-threshold dot1x

Syntax performance-threshold dot1xprofile-name [rx-invalid-eapol

received-invalid-eapol-frames] [rx-len-err-eap received-length-
no performance-threshold dot1x profile-name
Purpose To create the ONU dot1X performance alarm threshold profile
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

rx-invalid-eapol Received invalid Range: 1

received-invalid-eapol EAPOL frame 4294967295
-frames threshold value

rx-len-err-eap Received length- Range: 1

received-length-er errored EAP frame 4294967295
ror-eap-frames threshold value

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU dot1X per-
formance alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#performance-threshold dot1x default-dot1x rx-invalid-eapol100

Related None

performance-threshold eth

Syntax performance-threshold eth profile-name [fcs-err value1] [exc

essive-collision value2] [late-collision value3] [too-long valu

58 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

e4] [rx-buf-overflow value5] [tx-buf-overflow value6] [singl

e-collision value7] [multi-collisions value8] [sqe value9] [def
erred-tx value10] [internal-mac-tx-err value11] [internal-ma
c-rx-err value12] [carrier-sense-err value13] [alignment-err
value14] [pppoe-filtered value15] [drop-events value16] [und
ersize value17] [fragments value18] [jabbers value19]
no performance-threshold eth profile-name
Purpose To create the ONU Ethernet UNI performance statistics alarm
threshold profile
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63


eth Ethernet UNI interface -

performance statistic

fcs-err value1 Frame-check-serial Range: 1 (232 1)

error alarm threshold

excessive-collision Discarded collision Range: 1 (232 1)

value2 frame alarm threshold

late-collision value3 Delay collision times Range: 1 (232 1)

alarm threshold value

too-long value4 Too-long frame alarm Range: 1 (232 1)

threshold value

rx-buf-overflow Received buffer Range: 1 (232 1)

value5 overflow times alarm
threshold value

tx-buf-overflow Sent buffer overflow Range: 1 (232 1)

value6 times alarm threshold

single-collision Single-collision and Range: 1 (232 1)

value7 successfully sent
frame alarm threshold

multi-collisions Multi-collision and Range: 1 (232 1)

value8 successfully sent
frame alarm threshold

sqe value9 Signal quality error Range: 1 (232 1)

times alarm threshold

deferred-tx value10 Deferred transmission Range: 1 (232 1)

frame alarm threshold

internal-mac-tx-err Internal MAC Range: 1 (232 1)

value11 transmission error
alarm threshold value

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 59

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

internal-mac-rx-err Internal MAC received Range: 1 (232 1)

value12 error alarm threshold

carrier-sense-err Carrier sense error Range: 1 (232 1)

value13 alarm threshold value

alignment-err Alignment error alarm Range: 1 (232 1)

value14 threshold value

pppoe-filtered PPPoE filtered frame Range: 1 (232 1)

value15 alarm threshold value

drop-events value16 Packet loss events Range: 1 (232 1)

alarm threshold value

undersize value17 Undersized packet Range: 1 (232 1)

alarm threshold value

fragments value18 Fragment alarm Range: 1 (232 1)

threshold value

jabbers value19 Jabbers alarm Range: 1 (232 1)

threshold value

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU Ethernet
UNI performance statistics alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)# performance-threshold eth default-eth fcs-err 1000
excessive-collision 1000 late-collision 1000 too-long 1000

Related None

performance-threshold gem

Syntax performance-threshold gem profile-name [lost-packets valu

e1] [misinserted-packets value2] [impaired-blocks value3]
no performance-threshold gem profile-name
Purpose To create the ONU GEM port performance statistics alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63


gem GEM port -

performance statistic

lost-packets value1] Lost GEM frame Range: 1 (232 1)

threshold value

60 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

misinserted-pack Mis-inserted GEM Range: 1 (232 1)

ets value2 frame alarm threshold

impaired-blocks Impaired blocks alarm Range: 1 (232 1)

value3 threshold value

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU gem port
performance statistics alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)# performance-threshold gem default-gem lost-packets 1000
misinserted-packets 2000 impaired-blocks 15

Related None

performance-threshold radius

Syntax performance-threshold radius profile-name [retx-access-req

retransmission-access-req-pkts] [rx-invalid-radius received-inv
no performance-threshold radius profile-name
Purpose To create/delete the ONU RADIUS performance alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

retx-access-req Retransmitted access Range: 1

retransmission-acces request packet 4294967295
s-req-pkts threshold value

rx-invalid-radius Received invalid Range: 1

received-invalid-radiu RADIUS packet 4294967295
s-pkts threshold value

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU radius per-
formance alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#performance-threshold radius default-radius retx-access-req 100

Related None


Syntax pw-profile profile-name [jitter-buffer-max-depth max-depth]

[jitter-buffer-desire-depth desire-depth] [fill-policy {ont-def
ault | ais-according | all-1s | all-0s | repeat-previous | ds1-
idle}] [misconnected-packets-declare percentage] [misconn

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 61

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ected-packets-clear percentage] [loss-packets-declare perce

ntage] [loss-packets-clear percentage] [buffer-declear percen
tage] [buffer-clear percentage] [malformed-packets-declear
percentage] [malformed-packets-clear percentage] [r-bit-tra
nsmit-set number] [r-bit-transmit-clear number] [r-bit-recei
ve-policy {policy0 | policy1 | policy2}] [l-bit-receive-policy
{policy0 | policy1 | policy2}] [ses-threshold number]
Purpose To configure the PW parameter profile
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name PW property profile Range: 1 63


jitter-buffer-max-d Maximum jitter buffer Range: 0 65535

epth max-depth depth Default: 0

jitter-buffer-desire Minimum jitter buffer Range: 0 65535

-depth desire-depth depth Default: 0

fill-policy Fill policy when there Default: ont-default

is no data
ont-default to be
determined by
ais-according to
send AIS data
all-1s to send all
all-0s to send all
vious to repeat
the previous data
ds1-idle to send
DS1 idle data

misconnected- misconnected- Range: 1 100

packets-declare packets alarm-
percentage generated threshold

misconnected-pack misconnected- Range: 0 99

ets-clear percentage packets alarm cleared

loss-packets-decl loss-packets Range: 1 100

are percentage alarm-generated

loss-packets-clear loss-packets alarm Range: 0 99

percentage cleared threshold

buffer-declare buffer alarm- Range: 1 100

percentage generated threshold

62 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

buffer-clear buffer alarm cleared Range: 0 99

percentage threshold

malformed-packets malformed-packets Range: 1 100

-declare percentage alarm-generated

malformed-packets malformed-packets Range: 0 99

-clear percentage alarm cleared

r-bit-transmit-set Set R-bit threshold Range: 0 255


r-bit-transmit-clear Clear R-bit threshold Range: 0 255


r-bit-receive-policy Policy when error Default: policy0

at remote end is
policy0 ignore
policy1: RAI/REI/RDI
indication that
generates specific
policy2: send idle
signaling and idle load
to all DS0 channels

l-bit-receive-policy Policy when TDM Default: policy0

error at remote end is
policy0 AIS indication
that generates
specific services
policy1 repeat the
previously received
policy2 send idle
signalling and idle
load to all DS0

ses-threshold SES counter threshold Range: 0 65535

number The counter Default: 3
increments when
loss or errored
packet number in
one second exceeds
the threshold.

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following examples displays how to configure PW parameter
ZXAN(config-gpon)#pw-profile pw1 jitter-buffer-max-depth 100
ZXAN(config-gpon)#no pw-profile pw1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 63

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None
Related This property configuration must be proceeded before PW link is
Information connected.
When PW link is connected, it is not allowed to modify or delete
this profile.

rate-limit igmp
Syntax rate-limit igmp slot-id igmp extract-rate
Purpose To configure IGMP rate limit
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slotId Slot number Range: 1 14

igmp extract-rate Extracting rate Range: 0 1000

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following examples displays how to configure IGMP rate limit:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#rate-limit igmp 5 256

Related None


Syntax traffic-profile profile-name sir information-rate pir information-

Purpose To configure the traffic profile parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Traffic profile name Range: 1 63 characters

sir information-rate Sustainable Range: 64 1244160

information rate kbps

pir information-rate Peak information Range: 64 1244160

rate kbps

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the traffic profile

64 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(config-gpon)#traffic-profile traffic1 sir

100000 pir 200000

Related None

Syntax treat profile-name [remove-tag tagNum] [inner-prio{{insert
priority} | copy-inner | copy-outer}] [inner-vid{{insert vid}
| copy-inner | copy-outer}] [inner-tpid{mode0 | mode1 |
mode2 | mode3 | mode4 | mode5 | mode6 | mode7}] [out
er-prio {{insert priority} | copy-inner | copy-outer}] [outer
-vid{{insert vid} | copy-inner | copy-outer}] [outer-tpid{m
ode0 | mode1 | mode2 | mode3 | mode4 | mode5 | mode6
| mode7}]
no treat profile-name
Purpose To configure the profile for extension VLAN
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63

remove-tag tagNum Remove number of Range: 0 2

tags from the received Default: 0

inner-prio{{insert Inner-tag priority -

priority} | operations:
copy-inner |
insert priority: in-
sert priority
copy-inner copy
the original inner-
tag priority
copy-outer copy
the original inner-
tag priority

inner-vid{{insert Inner-VLAN ID -
vid} | copy-inner | operations:
insert vid insert
copy-inner copy
the original inner-
copy-outer copy
the original outer-

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 65

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

inner-tpid{mode0 Inner TPID -

| mode1 | mode2 | operations:
mode3 | mode4 | mode0 copy inner
mode5 | mode6 | TPID (and DE) from
mode7} the received frame
mode1 copy outer
TPID (and DE) from
the received frame
mode2 set TPID to
be output-tpid (this
parameter is set in
ex-vlan command
and copy inner DE
from the received
mode3 set TPID to
be output-tpid (this
parameter is set in
ex-vlan command
and copy outer DE
from the received
mode4 set TPID to be
mode5 remain
mode6 set TPID to
be output-tpid (this
parameter is set in
ex-vlan command
and set DE to be 0
mode7 set TPID to
be output-tpid (this
parameter is set in
ex-vlan command
and set DE to be 1

outer-prio Outer priority -

{{insert priority} operations:
| copy-inner |
insert priority in-
sert priority
copy-inner copy
the original inner-
copy-outer copy
the original outer-

66 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

outer-vid{{insert Outer-VLAN ID -
vid} | copy-inner | operations:
insert vid insert
copy-inner copy
the original inner-
copy-outer copy
the original outer-

outer-tpid{mode0 Outer TPID -

| mode1 | mode2 | operations:
mode3 | mode4 | mode0 copy inner
mode5 | mode6 | TPID (and DE) from
mode7} the received frame
mode1 copy outer
TPID (and DE) from
the received frame
mode2 set TPID to
be output-tpid (this
parameter is set in
ex-vlan command
and copy inner DE
from the received
mode3 set TPID to
be output-tpid (this
parameter is set in
ex-vlan command
and copy outer DE
from the received
mode4 set TPID to be

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure profile for exten-
sion VLAN:
ZXAN(config-gpon)# treat 1 remove-tag 2

Related None
Related When the profile is in use, it is not allowed to delete the profile for
Information extension VLAN to avoid error occurrence.

update onu-version
Syntax update onu-version version-name gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt onu-l
ist onulist [onu-slot slotnum]
Purpose To inform ONU of updated version

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 67

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

version-name Version name Range: 1 13

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

olt number, OLT interface

onu-list onulist ONU number -

onu-slot slotnum ONU slot nubmer Range: 0 255

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following examples displays how to inform ONU of updated
ZXAN(version)#download onu-version f621.onu
ZXAN#configure terminal
ZXAN(config-gpon)# update onu-version f621.onu gpon-olt_0/4/1 onu-list 1-128

Related None
Related 1. Execute the download onu-version command to download
Information ONU version file to main control card in version mode.

ONU version file needs to add a layer of version head informa-
tion with pc.exe tool to generate xxx.onu version file. The d
ownload onu-version command allows to download xxx.onu
version file only. The currently saved ONU version file can be
viewed with show onu-version. Execute the delete to delete
ONU version file.

2. After ONU version file is downloaded to main control card suc-

cessfully, execute the update onu-version command to in-
form ONU of updated version. Execute the show gpon onu
update-status command to view the updated status.

Syntax virtual-onu onu-name [type onu-type-name]
Purpose To create a virtual ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides the parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu-name Virtual ONU name -

type onu-type-name ONU type -

68 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to create a virtual ONU:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#gpon-virtual-onu F621 type ZTE-F621

Related show gpon virtual-onu



Syntax threshold-profile profile-name [value]

no threshold-profile profile-name
Purpose To configure the threshold profile parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Threshold profile Range: 1 64

name characters

value Threshold value Range: 1


Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the threshold pro-
file parameters:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#threshold-profile thresholdprofile
ZXAN(config-gpon)#threshold-profile thresholdprofile val1 100000

Related None


Syntax scb-port-mode slot-no {independent | shared}

Purpose To configure the SCB port mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot-no SCB port mode slot ID Range: 2 14

independent Independent mode -

shared Shared mode -

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 69

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays how to configure the SCB port
mode to independent:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#scb-port-mode 2 independent

Related None


Syntax voip-media-profile profile-name

voip-media-profile profilename [fax-mode {passthru
|t38}] [codec-1st {pcmu | gsm | g723 | dvi4-rate8khz
| dvi4-rate16khz | lpc | pcma | g722 | l16-2channel |
l16-1channel | qcelp | cn| mpa| g728| dvi4-rate11khz
| dvi4-rate22khz |g729}] [pkt-period-1st 10-30ms]
[silence-suppress-1st {off | on}]
voip-media-profile profilename [fax-mode {passthru |t38}]
[codec-2nd {pcmu | gsm |g723 | dvi4-rate8khz | dvi4-rat
e16khz | lpc | pcma | g722 | l16-2channel | l16-1channel
| qcelp | cn| mpa | g728 | dvi4-rate11khz | dvi4-rate22
khz |g729} ] [pkt-period-2nd 10-30ms] [silence-suppress-
1st {off |on}]
voip-media-profile profilename[fax-mode {passthru | t38}]
[codec-3rd {pcmu |gsm |g723 | dvi4-rate8khz | dvi4-rate
16khz | lpc | pcma | g722 | l16-2channel | l16-1channel |
qcelp | cn |mpa | g728 |dvi4-rate11khz | dvi4-rate22khz |
g729}] [pkt-period-3rd 10-30ms] [silence-suppress-1st {off
| on}]
voip-media-profile profilename [fax-mode {passthru | t38}]
[codec-4th {pcmu | gsm | g723 | dvi4-rate8khz | dvi4-rate
16khz | lpc | pcma | g722 | l16-2channel | l16-1channel |
qcelp | cn | mpa | g728 | dvi4-rate11khz | dvi4-rate22khz |
g729}] [pkt-period-1st 10-30ms] [silence-suppress-4th {off
voip-media-profile profilename [oob-dtmf {disable |
enable}] [announce-type{silence | reorder-tone fast-busy
| voice-announce | na}] [jitterTarget targetvalue] [jitterMa
xBuf buffervalue] [echo-cancel {true | false}] [pstn-variant
variant] [min-port min-port] [max-port max-port] [dscp-mark
inHEX] [piggyback-event {enable | disable}] [tone-event
{enable | disable}] [dtmf-event {enable | disable}]
[cas-event {enable | disable}]
no voip-media-profile profile-name
Purpose To configure the VoIP media profile parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name VoIP media profile Range: 1 63

name characters

70 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

announce-type VoIP media profile Fast-busy, na,

announce type reorder-tone, silence

cas-event VoIP media profile -

CAS event

enable Enable CAS event -

disable Disable CAS event -

codec-1st VoIP media profile pcmu, gsm, g723,

codec-2nd codec-1st, codec-2nd, dvi4-rate8khz,
codec-3rd, codec-4th dvi4-rate16khz,
codec-3rd lpc, pcma,
codec-4th g722/l16-2channel,
l16-1channel, qcelp,
cn, mpa, g728,
dvi4-rate22khz, g729

dscp-mark inHEX DSCP mark number Range: 1 2


dtmf-event DTMF event -

echo-cancel VoIP media profile -


false Echo cancel type false -

true Echo cancel type true -

fax-mode fax-mode passthru, t38

jitterMaxBuf Jitter maximum buffer Range: 0 65535 ms

buffervalue value

jitterTarget Jitter target value Range: 0 65535 ms


max-port max-port Maximum port Range: 0 65535

min-port min-port Minimum port Range: 0 65535

oob-dtm oob-dtm

piggyback-event Piggyback event -

pkt-period-1st VoIP media profile Range: 10 30 ms

pkt-period-2nd pkt-period-1st
pkt-period-3rd pkt-period-3rd,
pkt-period-4th pkt-period-4th

pstn-variant PSTN variant Range: 0 65535


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 71

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

silence-suppress- VoIP media profile ON, OFF

1st silence-suppress-1st,
silence-suppress- silence-suppress-2nd,
2nd silence-suppress-3rd,

tone-event Fast-busy type tone -


enable Enable oob-dtmf, CAS -

event, DTMF event,
piggyback event, tone

disable Disable oob-dtmf, -

CAS event, DTMF
event, piggyback
event, tone event

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the VoIP media
profile parameters:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#voip-media-profile profile1

Related None


Syntax dial-plan-table table-name [size size] [critical-timeout time]

[partial-timeout time] [format {not-defined | h248 | nsc |
no dial-plan-table table-name
Purpose To configure the dial plan table parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

table-name Dial plan table name Range: 1 63


size size Maximum table size Range: 1 255


critical-timeout Critical timeout in Range: 0 65535

time milliseconds

72 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

partial-timeout time Partial timeout in Range: 0 65535


format Format type H248

Not Specified

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the dial-plan-ta-
ble parameters:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#dial-plan-table table1 size 255
critical-timeout 20 partial-timeout 20 format h248

Related None


Syntax dial-plan table-name id token name

no dial-plan table-name id
Purpose To configure the dial plan parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

table-name Dial plan name Range: 1 63


id Dial plan ID Range: 1 255

token name Token name Range: 1 28


Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the dial plan pa-
ZXAN(config-gpon)#dial-plan table1 100 token token1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 73

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

Syntax filter-rule zero-tag filter-rule-name [{any | IPoE | PPPoE |
no filter-rule zero-tag filter-rule-name
filter-rule single-tag filter-rule-name [{any | IPoE | PPPoE |
ARP}] [inner-prio priority] [inner-vid vid] [inner-tpid {mode0
| mode4 | mode5 | mode6 | mode7}]
no filter-rule single-tag filter-rule-name
no filter-rule single-tag filter-rule-name
filter-rule double-tag filter-rule-name double-tag [{any |
IPoE | PPPoE | ARP}] [inner-prio priority] [inner-vid vid]
[inner-tpid {mode0 | mode4 | mode5 | mode6 | mode7}]
[outer-prio priority] [outer-vid vid] [outer-tpid {mode0 |
mode4 | mode5 | mode6 | mode7}]
no filter-rule double-tag filter-rule-name
Purpose To configure filter rule for extension VLAN
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

filter-rule-name Filter rule template Range: 1 63

name for extension

zero-tag Filter untagged -

Ethernet frame

{any | IPoE | PPPoE Indicate the filtered -

| ARP} Ethernet type
Default: any

single-tag Filter the single-tag -


inner-prio priority Inner-tag priority Range: 0 7

Default: unfilter

inner-vid vid Inner-tag VLAN ID Range: 0 4094

Default: unfilter

74 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

inner-tpid {mode0 Inner-tag TPID filter Default: unfilter

| mode4 | mode5 | mode
mode6 | mode7} mode0 unfilter
mode5 tpid=input-
tpid ignore DE
mode6 tpid=input-
tpid and DE=0
mode7 tpid=input-
tpid and DE=1

double-tag Filter Layer-2 tag -


outer-prio priority Outer-tag priority Range: 0 7

Default: unfilter

outer-vid vid Outer-tag VLAN ID Range: 0 4094

Default: unfilter

outer-tpid {mode0 Outer-tag TPID filter -

| mode4 | mode5 | mode:
mode6 | mode7}] mode0: unfilter
mode4: tpid=8100
mode5: tpid=input-
tpid ignore DE
mode6: tpid=input-
tpid and DE=0
mode7: tpid=input-
tpid and DE=1

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the filter rule for
extension VLAN:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#filter-rule zero-tag zero-tag-rule

Related None
Related The filter rule cannot be deleted when it is in use.
Use no command to delete the filter rule.

Syntax flood bandwidth bandwidth
Purpose To configure the flood bandwidth for OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 75

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

bandwidth Flood bandwidth size Range: 64 2488320

in Kbps

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the flood band-
width for OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#flood bandwidth 100000

Related None

Syntax schedule-mode slotid slot-no {OnuOrGemport | pon}
Purpose To configure the schedule mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slotid slot-no Slot ID Range: 1 255

OnuOrGemport Schedule at OMCC or -

GEM port level

pon Schedule at PON level, -

each PON interface
support eight queues,
arithmetic by SP +

Mode ZXAN(config-gpon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the schedule
ZXAN(config-gpon)#schedule-mode slotid 1 OnuOrGemport
ZXAN(config-gpon)#schedule-mode slotid 1 pon

Related None

show gpon-scb-port-mode

Syntax show gpon scb-port-mode

Purpose To display the GPON SCB port mode configuration
Usage Guidelines None

76 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the GPON SCB port mode:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon scb-port-mode
Slot Mode
9 independent

Related None

show gpon dial-plan

Syntax show gpon dial-plan dial-plan-table-name [dial-plan-id]

Purpose To view dial plan information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

dial-plan-table-name Network dial plan Range: 1 63

table name

dial-plan-id Dial plan ID Range: 1 255

Mode Any mode except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view dial plan information:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon dial-plan test
Dial plan id Dial plan token
1 zte

Related None

show gpon dial-plan-table

Syntax show gpon dial-plan-table [table-name]

Purpose To view network dial plan table information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

table-name Network dial plan Range: 1 63

table name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view network dial plan table
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon dial-plan-table
TableName MaxSize Critical Partial Format

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 77

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

test 255 20 20 h248

Related None

show gpon filter-rule

Syntax show gpon filter-rule [name filter-rule-name]

Purpose To view filter rule for extension VLAN
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name filter-rule-n Filter rule name for Range: 1 63

ame extension VLAN characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view filter rule for extension
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon filter-rule
RuleName: 11
TagNum: 1
EtherType: any
InnerPrio: 1
InnerVid: 1
InnerTPID mode0
RuleName: zero-tag-rule
TagNum: 0
EtherType: any

Related None

show gpon flood-broadcast

Syntax show gpon flood-broadcast [slotno slotid]

Purpose To display flood broadcast configuration information of OLT card
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slotno slotid Slot number Range: 1 14

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays flood broadcast configuration in-
formation of OLT card:
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon flood-broadcast
Slot FloodState BroadcastState
10 disable enable

78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon performance-threshold


Syntax show gpon performance-threshold bridge-port [profile-na

Purpose To display the alarm threshold profile configuration information for
ONU bridge port performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Alarm threshold Range: 1 63

profile name

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the alarm threshold profile config-
uration information for ONU bridge port performance statistics:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon performance-threshold bridge-port

Profile name: default-uni

Delay exceeded discard: 100
MTU exceeded discard: 200
Received and discarded: 300

Related None

show gpon performance-threshold

Syntax show gpon performance-threshold ces [profile-name]
Purpose To display the ONU CES performance statistics alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU CES performance statistic
alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon performance-threshold ces

Profile name default-ces

Down missing packets 1000
Down reordered packets 1000
Down misordered packets 1000

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 79

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Down buffer underrun overrun packets 0

Down malformed packets 0
Down stray packets 0
Down remote packet loss 0
Down errored seconds 0
Down severely errored seconds 0
Down unavailable seconds 0

Related None

show gpon performance-threshold

Syntax show gpon performance-threshold dot1x [profile-name]
Purpose To display the ONU dot1X performance statistics alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU dot1X performance statistic
alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon performance-threshold dot1x
Threshold profile: 1
Rx Invalid EAPOL packets: 0
Rx length errored EAP packets: 0

Related None

show gpon performance-threshold

Syntax show gpon performance-threshold eth [profile-name]
Purpose To display the ONU Ethernet UNI performance statistics alarm
threshold profile
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63

Mode All modes except exec mode

80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays ONU Ethernet UNI performance

statistic alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon performance-threshold eth
Profile name default-eth
Fcs error packets 1000
Excessive collision packets 1000
Late collision count 1000
Too long packets 1000
Rx buffer overflow count 0
Tx buffer overflow count 0
Single collision packets 0
Multiple collisions packets 0
Sqe count 0
Deferred transmission packets 0
Internal mac tx error packets 0
Internal mac rx error packets 0
Carrier sense error count 0
Alignment error packets 0
Pppoe filtered packets 0
Drop events count 0
Undersize packets 0
Fragments 0
Jabbers 0

Related None

show gpon performance-threshold


Syntax show gpon performance-threshold gem [profile-name]

Purpose To display the ONU GEM port performance statistic alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU GEM port performance statis-
tic alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon performance-threshold gem
Profile name default-gem
Lost packets 1000
Misinserted packets 2000
Impaired blocks 15

Related None

show gpon performance-threshold

Syntax show gpon performance-threshold radius [profile-name]

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 81

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Purpose To display the ONU RADIUS performance statistic alarm threshold

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 63

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU radius performance statistic
alarm threshold profile:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon performance-threshold radius
Threshold profile: test
ReTxAccessRequest: 0
RxInvalidRadius packets: 0

Related None

show gpon profile bandwidth

Syntax show gpon profile bandwidth [profile-name]

Purpose To view broadband profile information related to GPON
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Broadband profile Range: 1 63

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view broadband profile in-
formation related to GPON:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon profile bandwidth
Name :default
Type FBW(kbps) ABW(kbps) MBW(kbps)
1 10000 0 0
Name :66
Type FBW(kbps) ABW(kbps) MBW(kbps)
1 1000 0 0

Related None

show gpon profile traffic

Syntax show gpon profile traffic [profile-name]

Purpose To view traffic profile information related to GPON
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

82 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Traffic profile name Range: 1 63

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view traffic profile informa-
tion related to GPON:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon profile traffic
Name :default
10000 10000

Related None

show gpon pw-profile

Syntax show gpon pw-profile [profile-name]

Purpose To view PW property profile information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name PW property profile Range: 1 63

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view PW property profile
ZXAN(config)#show gpon pw-profile
pw-profile: pw1
jitter-buffer-max-depth: 100
jitter-buffer-desire-depth: 0
fill-policy: ont-default
misconnected-packers-declare: 0
misconnected-packers-clear: 255
loss-packers-declare: 0
loss-packers-clear: 255
buffer-declare: 0
buffer-clear: 255
malformed-packets-declare: 0
malformed-packets-clear: 255
r-bit-transmit-set: 0
r-bit-transmit-clear: 0
r-bit-receive-policy: policy0
l-bit-receive-policy: policy0
ses-threshold: 3

Related None

show gpon rate-limit igmp

Syntax show gpon rate-limit igmp [slotId]

Purpose To display IGMP rate limit for GPON

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 83

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slotId Slot number Range: 1 14

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to display IGMP rate limit for
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon rate-limit igmp
Slot IGMP rate
3 256
5 256
12 256

Related None

show gpon treat

Syntax show gpon treat [name treat-name]

Purpose To view operations for extension VLAN
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name treat-name Operation name for Range: 1 63

extension VLAN characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view operations for exten-
sion VLAN:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon treat
TreatName: 1
TagsToRemove: 2

Related None

show gpon virtual-onu

Syntax show gpon virtual-onu [virtual-onu--name]

Purpose To view virtual ONU configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

virtual-onu--name Virtual ONU name Range: 1 14

Mode All modes except exec mode

84 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to view virtual ONU configu-
ration information:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon virtual-onu
OnuName OnuType
F621 ZTE-F621

Related None

show gpon voip-media-profile

Syntax show voip-media-profile [table-name]

Purpose To display the VoIP media profile information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

table-name VoIP media profile Range: 1 63

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the VoIP media profile information:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show voip-media-profile profile1
profilename: profile1, faxMode: t38
codecMode1st: qcelp, pktPeriod1st:
10,silenceSuppression1st: off
codecMode2nd: pcmu, pktPeriod2nd:
10,silenceSuppression2nd: off
codecMode3rd: pcmu, pktPeriod3rd:
10,silenceSuppression3rd: off
codecMode4th: pcmu, pktPeriod4th:
10,silenceSuppression4th: off
oobDTMF: enable, announceType: na
jitterTarget: 0, jitterMaxBuf: 0
echoCancelInd:true, pstnVariant: 0
minPort: 50000, maxPort: 60000,dscpMark: 46
piggybackEvents: disable,toneEvents: disable
dtmfEvents: enable,casEvents: enable

Related None

show gpon profile

Syntax show gpon profile {bandwidth | traffic} [profile-name]

Purpose To display the GPON profile configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 85

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

bandwidth Bandwidth -

traffic Traffic information -

profile-name Profile name Range: 1 64


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the GPON profile configuration:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon profile bandwidth
default 1 10000 0 0
band1 1 10000 0 0

ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon profile traffic
default 10000 10000


Related None

show onu-ver
Syntax show onu-ver gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu region {0 | 1}
Purpose To display all information relating to ONU version
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ OLT shelf number, slot -

olt:onu number, port number
and ONU number

region Version region 0,1


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following examples displays all ONU version information:
ZXAN(config)#show onu-ver gpon-onu_0/12/1:1 region 0
version: R1.2.52.1
active : true
commit : true
valid : true

86 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show dial-plan-table

Syntax show dial-plan-table [profile-name]

Purpose To display the dial plan table information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profile-name Dial plan table profile Range: 1 63

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the dial plan table information:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show dial-plan-table
TableName MaxSize Critical Partial Format
table1 255 20 20 h248

Related None

show dial-plan

Syntax show dial-plan table-name id

Purpose To display the dial plan information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

table-name Dial plan table name Range: 1 63


id Dial plan ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the dial plan information:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show dial-plan table1
dialPlanToken dialPlanEntryId
token1 201326592
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show dial-plan table1 12
dialPlanToken dialPlanEntryId
token1 201326592

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 87

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

GPON OLT Commands

interface gpon-olt
Syntax interface gpon-olt_shelf/card/oltId
Purpose To enter into the GPON OLT interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/card/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 64

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the GPON OLT
interface mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1

Related None


Syntax authtype {regid | sn}

Purpose To configure OLT interface authentication mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

regid Registration code -

sn Sequence number -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure an OLT interface
authentication mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#authtype regid
ZXAN(config-if)#authtype sn

88 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

Syntax ber {both | down | up} {disable | enable} [calculate-interval
Purpose To configure the uplink and downlink Bit Error Rate (BER) for an
OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

both Both -

down Downlink error rate -

up Uplink error rate -

disable Disable -

enable Enable -

calculate-interval BER counting interval Range: 8000 64000

interval in seconds

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the uplink and
downlink Bit Error Rate (BER) for an OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#ber both enable
ZXAN(config-if)#ber both enable calculate-interval 8000
ZXAN(config-if)#ber up enable calculate-interval 8000

Related None

broadcast bandwidth
Syntax broadcast bandwidth bandwidth-size
Purpose To configure the broadcast bandwidth for an OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bandwidth-size Broadcast bandwidth Range: 64 2488320

size Kbps

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 89

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays how to configure the broadcast

bandwidth for an OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#broadcast bandwidth 100000

Related None


Syntax description description

no description
Purpose To give description of an ONU interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

description Description Range: 1 127


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to give description of an ONU
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#description zteonu

Related None


Syntax discover-period {new_onu time} {miss_onu time}

Purpose To configure the time for discovering new ONU login or missing
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

new_onu time Time for discovering Range: 0 3600

new ONU login

miss_onu time Time for discovering Range: 0 300

missed ONU

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the time for dis-
covering new ONU login or missing ONU:

90 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#discover-period new_onu 1000 miss_onu 100

Related None


Syntax dot1p-to-queue-map [dot1p type {queue number}]

Purpose To configure the mapping relationship between CoS and queue
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

dot1p type Dot1p type Dot1p0, dot1p1,

dot1p2, dot1p3,
dot1p4, dot1p5,
dot1p6, dot1p7

queue number Dot1p queue number Range: 0 7

Default: CoS 0 map
to queus 0, CoS 1
map to queus 1

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the mapping re-
lationship between CoS and queue:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#dot1p-to-queue-map dot1p0 0
ZXAN(config-if)#dot1p-to-queue-map dot1p0 0 dot1p5 5

Related None

Syntax fec {bidirection | downstream | none | upstream}
Purpose To configure the FEC
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bidirection Bidirectional -

downstream Downstream -

none None -

upstream Upstream -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 91

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the FEC:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#fec bidirection

Related None

flood bandwidth
Syntax flood bandwidth bandwidth-size
Purpose To configure the flood bandwidth for an OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bandwidth-size Flood bandwidth size Range: 64 2488320


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the flood band-
width for an OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#flood bandwidth 100000

Related None

ip access-group

Syntax ip access-group group-number in

no ip access-group group-number in
Purpose To configure ACL rule for GPON OLT
Usage Guidelines
Parameter Description Value

group-number IP access group Range:

number Standard ACL: 1
Extension ACL: 1000

in ACL rule direction -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure ACL rule for GPON

92 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(config-if)#ip access-group 349 in

Related None
Related Use no command to delete ACL rule.


Syntax linktrap {disable | inform}

Purpose To configure link-up/link-down trap on an interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter:

Parameter Description Value

disable When link status -

changes, do not
inform NMS.

inform When link status -

changes, inform NMS.

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to disable link trap on an in-
ZXAN(config-if)#linktrap disable

Related None
Related This command is disabled by default.

Syntax lock
no lock
Purpose To lock (shutdown) an interface
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to lock the interface gpon-
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/2/1

Related None
Related When an OLT interface is locked (shutdown), the OLT does not
Information report alarm if the current alarms are removed.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 93

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

By default, GPON OLT interface is unlocked (no shutdown).

multicast bandwidth
Syntax multicast bandwidth bandwidth
Purpose To configure the multicast bandwidth
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bandwidth Multicast bandwidth Range: 64 2488320


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the multicast
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#multicast bandwidth 100000

Related None


Syntax pon-bandwidth bandwidth

Purpose To configure the PON bandwidth for an OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bandwidth PON bandwidth Range: 64 2488320


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the PON band-
width for an OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#pon-bandwidth 10000

94 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

Syntax name oltname
no name
Purpose To name an OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

oltname OLT name Range: 1 127


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to name an OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#name oltname

Related None
Related Two OLT interfaces cannot have same name.


Syntax onu-def-reg state {deactive | ready} pwmode {force |

none} [password password]
Purpose To configure the ONU default register information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

state Default state of ONU -

that is connected to
OLT interface

deactive Deactivate default -


ready Activate default state -

pwmode Password mode -

force Forced password -


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 95

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

none Non password pattern -

password password Password Range: 1 10


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONU default
register information:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#onu-def-reg state ready pwmode
force password 123
ZXAN(config-if)#onu-def-reg state ready pwmode none

Related None


Syntax range
Purpose To display the port list of specified range
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays the port list of specified range:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
Portlist of the range: gpon-olt_0/9/1

Related None


Syntax range-mode {mode0 | mode1 | mode2}

Purpose To configure the range mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

mode0 Range distance Range: 0 20 km

mode1 Range distance Range: 20 40 km

mode2 Range distance Range: 40 60 km

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#

96 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to configure the range mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#range-mode mode0

Related None


Syntax register onu-id type type-name vendorId vendor-id special-sn

state {deactive | ready} [mib-upload {false | true}]
no register onu-id
Purpose To register a particular ONU to an OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 64

type type-name ONU type name Range: 1 64

vendorId vendor-id Vendor ID Range: 1 4


special-sn Second part Range: 10 characters

of serial num-

state State of ONU -

deactive Deactivate ONU -

ready Activate ONU -

mib-upload MIB upload -

true MIB upload true -

false MIB upload false -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to register a particular ONU
to an OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#register 1 type universalOnuType
vendorId ZTE 0x31000011 state ready mib-upload false
ZXAN(config-if)# register 1 type universalOnuType
vendorId ZTE 0x31000011 state ready mib-upload true

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 97

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

Syntax reset
Purpose To reset the GPON OLT
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to reset GPON OLT:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1

Related None


Syntax weight-mgmt [queue value]

Purpose To configure the weight of each queue under SP + WRR mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

queue Queue type queue0, queue1,

queue2, queue3,
queue4, queue5,
queue6, queue7

value Weight value Range: 0 255

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the weight of each
queue under SP + WRR mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#weight-mgmt queue0 100
ZXAN(config-if)#weight-mgmt queue5 100

Related None

Syntax shutdown
no shutdown

98 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Purpose To administratively shutdown a GPON ONU interface

Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to administratively shutdown
a GPON ONU interface:

Related None

show fec
Syntax show fec [gpon-olt_shelf/card/oltid]
Purpose To display the FEC information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/card/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltid number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the FEC information:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#show fec gpon-olt_0/9/1
slot mode
gpon-olt_0/9/1 upstream

Related None

show gpon olt allocid

Syntax show gpon olt allocid gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId onuid tcontid

Purpose To display the ONU TCONT-corresponding Alloc-ID
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 99

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

onuId ONU ID Range: 1 128


tcontId TCONT ID Range: 1 255


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU TCONT-corresponding Alloc-
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon olt allocid gpon-olt_0/3/1 1 1
allocId: 256

Related None

show gpon olt flood bandwidth

Syntax show gpon olt flood-bandwidth gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt

Purpose To display the flood bandwidth configuration information on OLT
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/ GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

olt number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following examples displays flood bandwidth configuration in-
formation on OLT interface:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon olt flood-bandwidth gpon-olt_0/3/1
Interface name TotalBandwidth(Kbps)
gpon-olt_0/3/1 10240

Related None

show gpon olt multicast bandwidth

Syntax show gpon olt multicast bandwidth gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId

Purpose To query the OLT interface multicast bandwidth configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

100 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays OLT interface multicast bandwidth
ZXAN(config)#show gpon olt multicast bandwidth gpon-olt_0/3/1
interfacename totalBandwidth(Kbps)
gpon-olt_0/3/1 10240

Related None

show gpon olt config

Syntax show gpon olt config gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId

Purpose To query the GPON OLT interface configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot -

ltId number, OLT ID

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to query GPON OLT interface
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon olt config gpon-olt_0/3/1
gpon-olt_0/3/1 Name:OLT-1
MaxSupportOnts :4194304 MaxSupportTconts :0
RealLegalOnts :0 RealIllegalOnts :0
Discovering onu:10 Missing onu :5
UpBer :disable Calculate interval:8000
DownBer :disable Calculate interval:8000
ONU Auto configuration#:
State :deactive PwMode :none
ONU authType :sn Method :provision

Related None

show gpon olt broadcast-bandwidth

Syntax show gpon olt broadcast-bandwidth [gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt

Purpose To display the OLT broadcast bandwidth
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 101

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the GPON OLT broadcast-band-
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon olt broadcast-bandwidth
interfacename BroadcastBandwidth(Kbps)
gpon-olt_0/9/1 10240

Related None

show gpon olt schedule-mode

Syntax show gpon olt schedule-mode [gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId]

Purpose To display the OLT configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the OLT configuration information:
ZXAN(config-if)#show olt schedule-mode gpon-olt_0/9/1

interfacename schedule-mode
gpon-olt_0/9/1 pon

Related None

show gpon olt dot1p-to-queue-map

Syntax show gpon olt dot1p-to-queue-map [gpon-olt_shelf/slot/olt

Purpose To display the mapping relationship between 802.1p CoS priority
and queue on OLT interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the mapping relationship between
802.1p CoS priority and queue on OLT interface:
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon olt dot1p-to-queue-map gpon-olt_0/9/1
Interfacename cos0 cos1 cos2 cos3 cos4
gpon-olt_0/9/1 0 1 2 3 4

cos5 cos6 cos7

5 6 7

Related None

show gpon olt weight-mgmt

Syntax show gpon olt weigh-mgmt [gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId]

Purpose To display the weight of each queue under SP + WRR mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the weight of each queue under SP
+ WRR mode:
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon olt weigh-mgmt gpon-olt_0/9/1
interfacename queue0 queue1 queue2 queue3 queue4 queue5 queue6 queue7
gpon-olt_0/9/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Related None

show gpon olt pon-bandwidth

Syntax show gpon olt pon-bandwidth [gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId]

Purpose To display the OLT PON bandwidth information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 103

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the OLT PON bandwidth informa-
ZXAN(config-if)#show olt pon-bandwidth gpon-olt_0/9/1

interfacename PeakBandwidth(Kbps)
gpon-olt_0/9/1 2488319

Related None

show gpon olt portid

Syntax show gpon olt portid gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId onuid portid

Purpose To display the corresponding GEM port ID
Usage Guidelines
Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onuid ONU ID 1 128

portid Port ID 1 256

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the corresponding GEM port ID:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon olt portid gpon-olt_0/3/1 1
Port Index RealPort
1 65

Related None

show gpon olt range-mode

Syntax show gpon olt range-mode gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId

Purpose To display the range mode information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

104 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the range mode information:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-olt_0/9/1
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon olt range-mode gpon-olt_0/9/1

OltInterface range-mode
gpon-olt_0/9/1 mode0

The modes are as follows:
mode0: 0 20 km
mode1: 20 40 km
mode2: 40 60 km

Related None


Management Commands
interface gpon-onu
Syntax interface gpon-onu_shelf/card/oltId:onuid
Purpose To enter into the GPON ONU interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/card/ GPON card shelf Range: 1 64

oltId:onuid number, slot number, characters

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the GPON ONU
interface mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)


Related None
Related ONU must be registered in GPON under OLT.

Syntax interface gpon-virtual-onu_name
Purpose To enter into GPON virtual ONU interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-virtual-onu_n Virtual ONU interface Range: 1 31

ame characters

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into GPON virtual ONU
interface mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-virtual-onu_F621

Related None
Related Before executing the command, the virtual ONU must be regis-
Information tered in GPON interface mode.

Syntax action {reboot | restore | synctime | test}
Purpose To apply an action on the ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

reboot Reboot

restore Restore

synctime Synchronize time

test Test

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to apply an action on the ONU:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action reboot

106 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action restore
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action synctime
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action test

Related None


Syntax description description

no description
Purpose To give description to an ONU interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

description Description Range: 1 127


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to give description to an ONU
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#description zteonu

Related None

dhcp-option82 trust

Syntax dhcp-option82 trust {keep | replace} vport vport

Purpose To configure the port as trust port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

keep Keep Option82 or -

Option128 of DHCP

replace Replace Option82 or -

Option128 of DHCP

vport GEM port number Range: 1 255

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the port as trust

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 107

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config-if)# dhcp-option82 trust true keep vport 1

Related show dhcp-option82



Syntax To create a GEM port: gemport {gemport-index name name [por

tid portid] unicast tcont tcontindex [cos cos-value] [dir directi
on] [downtraffic downtraffic-profilename]
To configure the GEM port dot1p priority regeneration: priority-r
egeneration gemport-index originalpriority regenpriority
To configure the GEM port dot1p priority regeneration mode:
gemport priority-regeneration mode gemport-index {both |
cvlan | svlan}
no gemport {port-index | priority-regeneration {gemport-in
dex | mode gemport-index}
Purpose To configure the GEM port parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gemport-index GEM port index Range: 1 255

name name GEM port Range: 1 64


portid portid Port ID Range: 65 1023

unicast Unicast -

tcont tcontindex TCONT index Range: 1 255

cos cos-value CoS value Range: 0 3

dir direction Direction (both, up or -


downtraffic downtra Download traffic Range: 1 63

ffic-profilename profile name characters

priority-regenerat Priority regeneration -

ion parameters

gemport-index GEM port index Range: 1 255

originalpriority Original priority Range: 0 7

regenpriority Regeneration priority Range: 0 7

mode Mode -

gemport-index GEM port index Range: 1 255

both Both modes -

108 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

cvlan CVLAN -

svlan SVLAN -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GEM port pa-
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport 1 name gm unicast tcont 1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport 1 name gem unicast tcont 1
cos 1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport 1 name gem unicast tcont 1
dir both
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport 1 name gem unicast tcont 1
dir down
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport 1 name gem unicast tcont 1
dir up
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport 1 name gem unicast tcont 1
downtraffic df
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport priority-regeneration 1 7 5
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport priority-regeneration mode 1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport priority-regeneration mode 1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport priority-regeneration mode 1

Related None
Related Before executing this command, following parameters must be
Information configured:
GPON bandwidth attribute

Syntax gemport-weight-mgmt portid [cos weight] [schedulemode
Purpose To configure the GEM port weight management parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

portiId GEM port weight Range: 1 255

management port ID
cos GEM port weight cos1, cos2, cos3, cos4
management CoS

weight Weight value Range: 0 100

schedulemode mode Schedule mode SP, WRR

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 109

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GEM port
weight management parameters:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport-weight-mgmt 1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport-weight-mgmt 1 cos1 1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport-weight-mgmt 1 cos4 10
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport-weight-mgmt 1 schedulemode sp
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport-weight-mgmt 1 schedulemode wrr

Related None
Related Create T-CONT profile before configuring this command.
When system is in SP mode, four GEM ports are scheduled
according to SP arithmetic. CoS 1 CoS 4 are ineffective.
When system is in WRR mode, four GEM ports are scheduled
according to WRR arithmetic. CoS 1 CoS 4 represents the
weight of four queues.
When scheduling is not used, the system does not perform
scheduling between GEM ports and only supports GEM ports
internal scheduling instead.
Default values for CoS 1, CoS 2, CoS 3, CoS 4 are 10, 20, 30
and 40 respectively.

Syntax max-mac-learn num [vport vportno]
no max-mac-learn num [vport vportno]
Purpose To configure MAC address learning limit
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num MAC address learning -


vport vportno Port number Range: 1 256

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure MAC address
learning limit:
ZXAN(config-if)#max-mac-learn 200 pvc 2

110 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

gemport priority-regeneration

Syntax gemport priority-regeneration portIndex original-priority rege

no gemport priority-regeneration portIndex
Purpose To configure the mapping relationship between priorities
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

portIndex GEM port number Range: 1 255

original-priority Original priority Range; 0 7

regenerated-priority Regenerated priority Range: 0 7

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the mapping re-
lations between priorities:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport priority-regeneration 1 0 1

Related None
Related Execute the no form of this command to delete the configuration.

gemport priority-regeneration mode

Syntax gemport priority-regeneration mode portIndex {svlan |

cvlan | both}
no gemport priority-regeneration mode portIndex
Purpose To configure the port priority regeneration mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

portIndex GEM port number Range: 1 255

svlan Modify SVLAN priority -


cvlan Modify CVLAN priority -


both Modify both SVLAN -

and CVLAN priority

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 111

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure port priority re-
generation mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#gemport priority-regeneration mode 1 both

Related None
Related By default, port priority regeneration mode is SVLAN.

Syntax name onuname
no name
Purpose To name an ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onuname ONU name Range: 1 127


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to name an ONU:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#name zteonu

Related None

Syntax onu-state {deactive | ready}
Purpose To configure the state of an ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

deactive Disable the ONU state -

ready OMCC is normal -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the state of an
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

112 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(config-if)#onu-state deactive
ZXAN(config-if)#onu-state ready

Related None


Syntax portid-encrypt port-index {disable | enable}

Purpose To encrypt the status of an ONU GEM port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

port-index Port index Range: 1 255

disable Disable port -


enable Enable port -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to encrypt the status of an
ONU GEM port:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#portid-encrypt 1 disable
ZXAN(config-if)#portid-encrypt 1 enable

Related None

port-location format

Syntax port-location format {{china-telecom | dsl-forum} | sub-op

tion remote-id {disable | enable | name name}} {vport vpor
no port-location sub-option remote-id name vport vport-in
Purpose To configure port-location format
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

format Port location format -

china-telecom Use China Telecom as -


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 113

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

dsl-forum Use DSL forum as -


sub-option Port location -


remote-id Configure remote ID -

disable Set disable -

enable Set enable -

name name Set remote ID name Range: 1 64


vport vport-index Specify Virtual port Range: 1 255


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure port-location for-
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#port-location format china-telecom
vport 1
ZXAN(config-if)#port-location format dsl-forum vport
ZXAN(config-if)#port-location sub-option remote-id disable
vport 1
ZXAN(config-if)#port-location sub-option remote-id enable
vport 1
ZXAN(config-if)#port-location sub-option remote-id name
remote1 vport 1

Related None


Syntax pppoe-plus {disable | enable} {vport vport-index}

Purpose To enable/disable PPPoE+ port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

disable Disable PPPoE+ -

enable Enable PPPoE+ -

vport vport-index Specify virtual port Range: 1 255


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#

114 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to enable/disable PPPoE+

ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#pppoe-plus disable vport 1
ZXAN(config-if)#pppoe-plus enable vport 1

Related None


Syntax pwmode {force | none} [password password]

Purpose To specify the sequence number and password
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

force Force PW mode -

none No password -

password password Password Range: 1 10


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the sequence num-
ber and password:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#pwmode force
ZXAN(config-if)#pwmode force password 123
ZXAN(config-if)#pwmode none
ZXAN(config-if)#pwmode none password 123

Related None


Syntax qos-mgmt [cos weight] [downtraffic profile-name] [schedule

mode mode]
Purpose To configure the QoS management parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

cos QoS management cos1, cos2, cos3, cos4


weight CoS weight value Range: 0 100

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 115

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

downtraffic Download traffic Range: 1 127

profile-name profile name characters

schedulemode mode Schedule mode None, SP, WRR

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the QoS manage-
ment parameters:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#qos-mgmt cos1 10
ZXAN(config-if)#qos-mgmt cos4 10
ZXAN(config-if)#qos-mgmt downtraffic traficprofile
ZXAN(config-if)#qos-mgmt schedulemode none
ZXAN(config-if)#qos-mgmt schedulemode sp
ZXAN(config-if)#qos-mgmt schedulemode wrr

Related None
Related Create T-CONT profile before configuring this command.
When system is in SP mode, four GEM ports are scheduled
according to SP arithmetic. CoS 1 CoS 4 are ineffective.
When system is in WRR mode, four GEM ports are scheduled
according to WRR arithmetic. CoS 1 CoS 4 represent the
weight of four queues.
When scheduling is not used, the system does not perform
scheduling between GEM ports and only supports GEM ports
internal scheduling instead.
Default values for CoS 1, CoS 2, CoS 3, CoS 4 are 10, 20, 30
and 40 respectively.

Syntax range
Purpose To display port list of the specified range
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays port list of the specified range:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
Portlist of the range: gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

116 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

Syntax sn vendor-id serial-number
Purpose To configure the serial number
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vendor-id Vendor ID Range: 1 4


serial-number Second part of -

the serial number

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the serial num-
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#sn ZTE 0x91000048

Related None

Syntax tcont tcont-index {allocid allocid | name name | traffic traffic}
no tcont tcont-index
Purpose To configure the traffic management unit
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

tcont-index TCONT index Range: 1 255

allocid allocid Allocation ID Range: 256 4095

name name Traffic management Range: 1 63

unit name characters

traffic traffic Bandwidth profile Range: 1 63

name used by TCONT characters

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the traffic man-
agement unit:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 117

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#tcont 1 allocid 100
ZXAN(config-if)#tcont 1 name tf traffic tf

Related None


Syntax type-name name

no type-name
Purpose To assign a name to ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name Type name Range: 1 63


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to assign a name to ONU:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#type-name onuname

Related None

Syntax shutdown
no shutdown
Purpose To administratively shutdown a GPON ONU interface
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to administratively shutdown
a GPON ONU interface:

118 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

Syntax vlan-xconnect vport vportid cvlan cvlanid svlan svlanid uplink
interface [newcvlan newcvlanid | newsvlan newsvlanid]
no vlan-xconnect vport vportid cvlan cvlanid svlan svlanid
uplink interface [newcvlan newcvlanid | newsvlan newsvlanid]
Purpose To configure 1:1 VLAN rule and specify CVLAN, SVLAN and uplink
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vport vportid Vport ID Range: 1 256

cvlan cvlanid CVLAN ID Range: 1 4093

svlan svlanid SVLAN ID Range: 1 4093

uplink interface Interface name -

newcvlan newcvlanid New CVLAN ID Range: 1 4093

newsvlan newsvlanid New SVLAN ID Range: 1 4093

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure 1:1 VLAN rule
and specify CVLAN, SVLAN and uplink interface:
ZXAN(config)# interface gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)vlan-xconnect vport 1 cvlan 20 uplink
gei_0/6/1 newcvlan 30 newsvlan 450

Related None

show allocid
Syntax show allocid gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId onu-id {tcont-id}
Purpose To display ONU TCONT allocation ID data
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 128

tcont-id Allocation ID Range: 1 255

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU TCONT allocation ID data:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#show allocid gpon-olt_0/9/1 1 1
allocId: 256

Related None

show gpon onu gemport

Syntax show gpon onu state gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onu-id]

Purpose To display the ONU interface configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 164

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU interface configuration
ZXAN(config-if)#show onu state gpon-olt_0/4/1
OnuIndex Admin State Omcc State O7 State Phase State
gpon-onu_0/4/1:1 enable disable unknown OffLine

Related None

show gpon onu gemport

priority-regeneration configuration

Syntax show gpon onu gemport priority-regeneration configurat

ion gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onuId [gemportId]
Purpose To query the GEM port priority regeneration configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID

120 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

onuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

gemportId GEM port ID Range: 1 256

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the GEM Port priority
regeneration configuration:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon onu gemport priority-regeneration
configuration gpon-olt_0/3/1
OLT: gpon-olt_0/3/1.
ONU: 1. GemPort: 1.
Original priority: 0.Regenerated priority: 0.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.

Related None

show gpon onu baseinfo

Syntax show gpon onu baseinfo gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onu-id]

Purpose To display the ONU base information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 164

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU base information:
ZXAN(config-if)#show onu baseInfo gpon-olt_0/9/1
OnuIndex Name TypeName Descr Sn PwMode State
gpon-onu_0/9 ONU-1:1 universal ONU-1:1 ZTE none ready
/1:1 OnuType
gpon-onu_0/9 ONU-1:2 universal ONU-1:2 zte none ready
/1:2 OnuType

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon onu detail-info

Syntax show gpon onu detail-info gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display detailed configuration information related to GPON ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ OLT shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, port number
and ONU number

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays detailed configuration information
related to GPON ONU:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon onu detail-info gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ONU interface: gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Name: aa
Type: ZTE-F621
State: ready
Authentication mode: SN
Serial number: ZTEG00000001
Password mode: none
Device ID:
Description: ONU-1:1
Version update mode: manual

Related None

show gpon onu gemport statistic

Syntax show gpon onu gemport statistic gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId

[onuId [gemportId]]
Purpose To query the OLT GEM port performance statistics information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID

onuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

gemportId GEM port ID Range: 1 256

Mode All modes except exec mode

122 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to query OLT GEM port per-
formance statistic information:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon onu gemport statistic gpon-olt_0/3/1

ONU id :1 GEM port : 1

Unicasts :0 Multicasts: 0
Broadcasts :0
Dropped :0 Passed : 0
Unicasts :0 Multicasts: 0
Broadcasts :0
Dropped :0 Passed : 0

Related None

show gpon onu state

Syntax show gpon onu state gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onu-id]

Purpose To display the ONU interface configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 164

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU interface configuration
ZXAN(config-if)#show onu state gpon-olt_0/4/1
OnuIndex Admin State Omcc State O7 State Phase State
gpon-onu_0/4/1:1 enable disable unknown OffLine

Related None

show gpon onu uncfg

Syntax show gpon onu uncfg gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onu-id]

Purpose To display the GPON ONU unauthorized information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 123

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 64

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the GPON ONU unauthorized infor-
ZXAN(config-if)#show onu uncfg gpon-olt_0/4/1

OnuIndex Sn State
gpon-onu_0/4 ZTE_--0x00150150 unknow

Related None

show gpon onu weightmgmt

Syntax show gpon onu weightmgmt gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onu-id]

Purpose To display the ONU weight management information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 64

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU weight management in-
ZXAN(config-if)#show onu weightmgmt gpon-olt_0/9/1 1

OnuIndex Schdulemode Cos1 Cos2 Cos3 Cos4 TrafficProfileName

gpon-onu_0/9/1: none 10 20 30 40

124 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show performance onu

Syntax show performance onu {current | history} [ gpon-olt_shelf/s

lot/oltId] [onu-id]
Purpose To display the ONU current and history performance information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

current Current performance -


history History information -

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 128

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU current and history per-
formance information:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#show performance onu history

Related None

show gpon onu tcont

Syntax show gpon onu tcont gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onuid [tcontid]]

Purpose To display ONU TCONT configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID and ONU

onuid ONU ID Range: 1 128

tcontid TCONT ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays ONU TCONT configuration informa-

ZXAN(config)#show gpon onu tcont gpon-olt_0/3/1
Name: tcont1, OLT: gpon-olt_0/3/1,
ONU: 1, TCONT: 1
AllocId: 256
Using following bandwidth profile:
Tcont Profile Name: default

Related None

show gpon onu update-status

Syntax show gpon onu update-status gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId [onuid]

Purpose To display ONU version update status information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onuid ONU ID Range: 1 128

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU version update status infor-
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon onu update-status gpon-olt_0/3/1
ONU if name: gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Update status: done Percent: 100%
Current version: GPON Version time: 2008-12-23 12:56:51
Update version: Version time:
Abort reason: none

Related None

show gpon onu version-running

Syntax show gpon onu version-running gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

[onu-slot slotnum]
Purpose To display ONU running version information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ GPON card shelf Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, slot number characters
and OLT ID and ONU

onu-slot slotNum ONU slot number Range: 1 255

126 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU running version information:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#show gpon onu version-running gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ONU slot/Region Version name Active Commmit Valid
0/0 R1.4.6.22 false false true
0/1 R1.4.6.22 true true true

Related None

show portid

Syntax show portid gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId onu-id gemport-id

Purpose To display ONU port ID information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 128

gemport-id GEM port ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU port ID information:
ZXAN(config-if)#show portid gpon-olt_0/9/1 1 1
realPortId: 65

Related None


Management Commands
Syntax pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_shelf/slot/oltId:onuid
Purpose To enter into the PON ONU management configuration mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 127

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ GPON card shelf Range: 0 32

oltId:onuid number, slot number characters
and OLT ID and ONU

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the PON ONU
management configuration mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

Related None


Syntax pon-onu-mng gpon-virtual-onu_name

Purpose To enter into GPON virtual ONU remote management interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-virtual-onu_n Virtual ONU interface Range: 1 31

ame characters

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into GPON virtual ONU
remote management interface mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-virtual-onu_F621

Related None
Related Before using this command, register this virtual ONU in GPON in-
Information terface mode.

Syntax action {reboot | restore | synctime | test}
Purpose To apply an action on the ONU
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

reboot Reboot

128 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

restore Restore

synctime Synchronize time

test Test

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to apply an action on the ONU:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action reboot
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action restore
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action synctime
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#action test

Related None


Syntax bridge bridge_slotno/bridgeno {forward-delay delay-time}

{hello-time time} {max-age max-age} {priority priority}
{learn | port-bridge | stp | unknownMac-discard {false |
Purpose To configure the bridge
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bridge_slotno/bridg Bridge slot and Range: 0 31

eno number characters

forward-delay Forward delay Range: 4 30

delay-time seconds

hello-time time Hello packet interval Range: 1 10


learn Learn MAC address -

max-age max-age Maximum age Range: 6 40

port-bridge Port bridge -

priority priority MAC bridge priority Range: 0 - 65535

stp STP arithmetic -

unknownMac-disc Discard unknown MAC -


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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

false Do not discard -

unknown MAC

true Discard unknown MAC -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the bridge:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 forward-delay 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 hello-time 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 learn false
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 learn true
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 max-age 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 port-bridge false
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 port-bridge true
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 priority 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 stp false
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 stp true
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 unknownMac-discard
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge bridge_4/1 unknownMac-discard

Related None
Related Before configuring MAC bridge, execute the interwork gemport
Information bridge command to create bridge mode connection between UNI
and GEM port; or execute the interwork gemport dot1p-bridge
command to create 802.1p+ bridge mode connection.

bridge-port uni-bind
Syntax bridge-port uni-bind eth_slotno/port bridge_slotno/bridge-port
no bridge-port uni-bind
Purpose To bind UNI to a specific bridge
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet port number Range: 1 31


bridge_slotno/bridge Bridge port number Range: 1 31

-port characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to bind UNI to a specific
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port uni-bind eth_12/1 bridge_0/1/1

130 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

bridge-port host-bind

Syntax bridge-port host-bind hostid bridge_slotno/bridge-port

no bridge-port host-bind hostid
Purpose To bind IP host to a specific bridge
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid Host ID Range: 0 255

bridge_slotno/bridge Bridge port ID Range: 1 31

-port characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to bind IP host to a specific
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port uni-bind eth_12/1 bridge_0/1/1

Related None

bridge-port uni

Syntax bridge-port uni eth_slotno/port {encap-method {atmvc |

llc}} {lan-fcs {forward | discard}} {path-cost path-cost}
{priority priority} {stp {true | false}}
Purpose To configure UNI-side bridge port property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet port number Range: 1 31


encap-method Encapsulation mode -

{atmvc | llc}

lan-fcs {forward | Local network -


path-cost path-cost Path cost Range: 0 65,535

priority priority Priority Range: 0 65,535

stp {true | false} Spanning tree -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 131

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure UNI-side bridge
port property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port uni-bind eth_12/1 bridge_0/1/1

Related None

bridge-port ip-host

Syntax bridge-port ip-host hostid {encap-method {atmvc | llc}}

{lan-fcs {forward | discard}} {path-cost path-cost} {priority
priority} {stp {true | false}}
Purpose To configure bridge port property at IP host side
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

encap-method Encapsulation mode -

{atmvc | llc}

lan-fcs {forward | Local network -


path-cost path-cost Path cost Range: 0 65,535

priority priority Priority Range: 0 65,535

stp {true | false} Spanning tree -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure bridge port prop-
erty at IP host side:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/10/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port ip-host 1 encap-method atmvc

Related None

bridge-port uni traffic-limit

Syntax bridge-port uni eth_slotno/port traffic-limit {[in profile-name]

| [out profile-name]}
no bridge-port uni eth_slot/port traffic-limit {in | out | all}
Purpose To configure bridge port traffic limit at UNI side
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

132 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

in profile-name Ingress traffic profile Range: 1 63


out profile-name Egress traffic profile Range: 1 63


traffic-limit Traffic limit -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure bridge port traffic
limit at UNI side:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#traffic-profile in-traffic sir 10000 pir 20000
ZXAN(config-gpon)#traffic-profile out-traffic sir 10000 pir 20000
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port uni eth_0/1 traffic-limit in
in-traffic out out-traffic
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#no bridge-port uni eth_0/1 traffic-limit all

Related None
Related Before using this command, configure the traffic profile.

bridge-port uplink

Syntax bridge-port uplink uplink_slotno/bridge/port {encap-method

{atmvc | llc}} {lan-fcs {forward | discard}} {path-cost path
-cost} {priority priority} {stp {true | false}}
Purpose To configure uplink-interface-side bridge port property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slotno/bridge/ Uplink port number Range: 1 31

port characters

encap-method Encapsulation mode -

{atmvc | llc}

lan-fcs {forward | Local network -


path-cost path-cost Path cost Range: 0 65,535

priority priority Priority Range: 0 65,535

stp {true | false} Spanning tree -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays how to configure uplink-interface-

side bridge port property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/10/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port uplink uplink_0/10/1 stp true

Related None

device admin-state
Syntax device admin-state {unlock | lock}
Purpose To configure ONT device administration mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

unlock Unlock mode -

lock Lock mode -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure ONT device ad-
ministration mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#device admin-state lock

Related None

device battery-backup

Syntax device battery-backup {true | false}

Purpose To enable/disable the battery backup for ONT device
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter descriptions:

Parameter Description Value

true Enable battery backup -

false Disable battery -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to enable/disable battery
backup for ONT device:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# device battery-backup true

134 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

device sec-mode
Syntax device sec-mode {aes | null}
Purpose To configure safe mode for ONT device
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

aes AES mode -

null No encryption -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure safe mode for
ONT device:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#device sec-mode aes

Related None
Related By default, the safe mode is AES.

Syntax dot1x [cid-prefix nasportid-prefix] [fallback {deny | allow}]
[auth-server1 first-radius-authserver] [shared-secret1
secret-of-first-authserver] [auth-server2 second-radius-a
uthserver] [shared-secret2 secret-of-second-authserver]
[auth-server3 third-radius-authserver] [shared-secret3
secret-of-third-authserver] [proxy radius-proxy-ip]
no dot1x {cid-prefix | auth-server1 | shared-secret1 | auth
-server2 | shared-secret2 | auth-server3 | shared-secret3 |
Purpose To configure ONU 802.1x attributes
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

cid-prefix Circuit ID prefix Range: 1 28

nasportid-prefix characters

fallback {deny | Deny/allow 802.1x -

allow} conversation

auth-server1 first-ra First RADIUS Range: 1 128

dius-authserver authentication server characters
UR address

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 135

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

shared-secret1 secr First RADIUS Range: 1 25

et-of-first-authserver authentication server characters
shared secret

auth-server2 secon Second RADIUS Range: 1 128

d-radius-authserver authentication server characters
URI address

shared-secret2 Second RADIUS Range: 1 25

secret-of-second-aut authentication server characters
hserver shared secret

auth-server3 third-r Third RADIUS Range: 1 128

adius-authserver authentication server characters
URI address

shared-secret3 secr Third RADIUS Range: 1 25

et-of-third-authserver authentication server characters
shared secret

proxy radius-proxy 802.1x RADIUS proxy -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure ONU 802.1x at-
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#dot1x cid-prefix zte-gpon
auth-server1 shared-secret1 ztezte proxy
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#no dot1x cid-prefix

Related None
Related Use the no form of this command to delete the configuration.

dot1x ethuni
Syntax dot1x ethuni eth_slot/port [auth {enable | disable}] [direct
ion {both | upstream}] [quiet-period seconds] [timeout-per
iod seconds] [key-tx {enable | disable}]
dot1x ethuni eth_slot/port force {reauth | unauth | auth}
Purpose To configure 802.1x attributes for Ethernet user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number and port ID characters

auth {enable | Enable/disable 802.1x -

disable} authentication

136 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

direction {both | 802.1x authentication -

upstream} direction:
Upstream and
Upstream only

quiet-period Time interval from Range: 0 65535 sec

seconds EAP request to time
that other end sends
identity invitation

timeout-period Timeout period (time Range: 0 65535 sec

seconds that ONT waits for, Default: 30 sec
to get RADIUS server

key-tx {enable | Enable/disable key -


force {reauth | 802.1x force -

unauth | auth} authentication:
Force re-authentica-
Authentication failure

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure 802.1x attributes
for Ethernet user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#dot1x ethuni eth_0/1 auth enable dierction upstream
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#dot1x ethuni eth_0/1 force auth

Related None

ex-vlan bridge-port uni

Syntax ex-vlan bridge-port uni eth_slot/port [input-tpid 0xABCD-hex]

[output-tpid 0xABCD-hex] [down-mode {inverse-upstream |
no ex-vlan bridge-port uni eth_slot/port
Purpose To create bridge port extension VLAN entity at UNI side
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number and port ID characters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 137

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

input-tpid Input TPID Default: 0x8100


output-tpid Output TPID Default: 0x8100


down-mode Downstream frame Default: inverse

{inverse-upstream operation mode: upstream
| no-operation}
Inverse upstream
No operation

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create bridge port extension
VLAN entity at UNI side:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan bridge-port uni eth_0/1 input-tpid
0x9100 output-tpid 0x8a88 down-mode inverse-upstream

Related None

ex-vlan bridge-port uplink

Syntax ex-vlan bridge-port uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port [input-tpid

0xABCD-hex] [output-tpid 0xABCDhex] [down-mode {inver
se-upstream | no-operation}]
no ex-vlan bridge-port uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port
Purpose To create extension VLAN entity on uplink interface (bridge port at
ANI side)
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
IDbridge port ID

input-tpid Input TPID Default: 0x8100


output-tpid Output TPID Default: 0x8100


down-mode Downstream frame -

{inverse-upstream operation mode:
| no-operation}
Inverse upstream
No operation

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#

138 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to create extension VLAN en-
tity on uplink interface (bridge port at ANI side):
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan bridge-port uplink uplink_0/1/1
input-tpid 0x9100 output-tpid 0x8a88 down-mode inverse-upstream

Related None

ex-vlan eth
Syntax ex-vlan eth eth_slot/port [input-tpid 0xabcd-hex] [output-tpid
0xabcd-hex] [down-mode { inverse-upstream | no-operatio
no ex-vlan eth eth_slot/port
Purpose To create extension VLAN entity on ONU Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number and port ID characters

input-tpid Input TPID Default: 0x8100


output-tpid Output TPID Default: 0x8100


down-mode { Downstream frame -

inverse-upstream | operation mode:
Inverse upstream
No operation

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create extension VLAN en-
tity on ONU Ethernet port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan eth eth_0/1 input-tpid 0x8100
output-tpid 0x8a88 down-mode inverse-upstream

Related None

ex-vlan-table bridge-port uni

Syntax ex-vlan-table bridge-port uni eth_slot/port rule rule-name

treat treat-name
no ex-vlan-table bridge-port uni eth_slot/port rule rule-name

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 139

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Purpose To configure the extension VLAN parameters on UNI-side bridge

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

rule rule-name Filter rule -

treat treat-name Treat name -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the extension
VLAN parameters on UNI-side bridge port:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#filter-rule double-tag double-tag-rule1
inner-vid 100 outer-vid 200
ZXAN(config-gpon)# treat 1 remove-tag 2
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan bridge-port uni eth_0/1
input-tpid 0x9100 output-tpid 0x8a88 down-mode inverse-upstream
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan-table bridge-port uni eth_0/1 rule double-tag-rule1 treat 1

Related None
Relate Before extension VLAN parameter configuration, configure exten-
Information sion VLAN entity.

ex-vlan-table bridge-port uplink

Syntax ex-vlan-table bridge-port uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port rule
rulename treat treatname
no ex-vlan-table bridge-port uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port
rule rulename
Purpose To configure the extension VLAN parameters on uplink port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, pot ID

treat treatname Treat -

rule rulename Filter rule -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the extension
VLAN parameters on uplink port:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#filter-rule double-tag

140 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

double-tag-rule1 inner-vid 100 outer-vid 200

ZXAN(config-gpon)# treat 1 remove-tag 2
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan bridge-port uplink uplink_0/1/1
input-tpid 0x9100 output-tpid 0x8a88 down-mode inverse-upstream
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan-table bridge-port uplink
uplink_0/1/1 rule double-tag-rule1 treat 1

Relate Commands None

Related Before extension VLAN configuration, configure extension VLAN
Information entity first.

ex-vlan-table eth
Syntax ex-vlan-table eth eth_slot/port rule rule-name treat treat-n
no ex-vlan-table eth eth_slot/port rule rule-name
Purpose To configure extension VLAN table entries on ONU Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number and port ID characters

rule rule-name Filter rule -

treat treat-name Treat Ethernet -

upstream frame that
matches filter rule

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure extension VLAN
table entries on ONU Ethernet port:
ZXAN(config-gpon)#filter-rule double-tag
double-tag-rule1 inner-vid 100 outer-vid 200
ZXAN(config-gpon)# treat 1 remove-tag 2
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan eth eth_0/1 input-tpid 0x9100
output-tpid 0x8a88 down-mode inverse-upstream
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ex-vlan-table eth eth_0/1
rule double-tag-rule1 treat 1

Related None
Related Before configuring extension VLAN table entries, execute the ex-v
Information lan eth command to configure extension VLAN entity. Configure
extension VLAN filter rule and treat profile in GPON global config-
uration mode.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 141

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

interface ces admin-state

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port admin-state {disable | enable}
Purpose To configure CES administration state on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

admin-state Configure -
administration state

disable Disable port -


enable Enable port -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to disable CES administration
state on user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 admin-state disable

Related None

interface ces arc

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port arc arc arc-interval arc-interval
Purpose To configure alarm report control on CES user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port slot Range: 1 31

numberport characters

arc Alarm report control 0 or 1

0: disable control
switch and allow
alarm report
1: enable control
switch and forbid
alarm report

arc-interval Alarm report control Range: 0 255

arc-interval interval

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#

142 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to configure alarm report con-
trol on CES user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 arc 1 arc-interval 10

Related None

interface ces ds1-framing

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port ds1-framing {extendsuper | g704

| jtg704 | super | unframe}
Purpose To configure CES DS1 frame on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

extendsuper Extended super frame -

g704 G.704 code -

jtg704 JT-G.704 code -

super Super frame -

unframe Unframe -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure CES DS1 frame
on user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 ds1-framing super

Related None

interface ces ds1-mode

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port ds1-mode {mode1 | mode2 |
mode3 | mode4}
Purpose To configure CES DS1 mode on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 143

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

mode1 Mode 1: -
Connect: DS1
Line length: Short
Power: No power
Loopback: Smart

mode2 Mode 2: -
Connect: DS1
Line length: Long
Power: No power
Loopback: Smart

mode3 Mode 3: -
Connect: DS1
Line length: Long
Power: No power
Loopback: Intel-
ligent office re-

mode4 Mode 4: -
Connect: DS1
Line length: Long
Power: With
power feed
Loopback: Intel-
ligent office re-

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure CES DS1 mode
on user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 ds1-mode mode1

144 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

interface ces expect-type

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port expect-type type

Purpose To configure CES line card type on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

expect-type type Card type Range: 0 255

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure CES line card type
on user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 expect-type 0

Related None

interface ces line-coding

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port 1ine-coding {ami | b3zs | b8zs |

Purpose To configure CES line coding format on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

ami AMI coding format -

b3zs B3ZS coding format -

b8zs B8ZS coding format -

hdb3 HDB3 coding format -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure CES line coding
format on user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 line-coding ami

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 145

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

interface ces line-length

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port 1ine-length length-value

Purpose To configure CES line length on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

1ine-length Line length number Range: 0 255


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure CES line length
on user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 line-length 0

Related None

interface ces line-type

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port 1ine-type {3plcp | ds3cbitparity |

ds3clearchannel | ds3m23 | ds3syntran | e3framed | other}
Purpose To configure the CES user port line types
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

3plcp | ds3c Line types -

bitparity |
| ds3m23 |
ds3syntran |
e3framed | other

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the CES user port
line types:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 line-type other

146 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

interface ces loopback

Syntax interface ces ces_slot/port 1oopback {lineloop | noloop | opsl

oop1 | opsloop2 | opsloop3 | payloadloop}
Purpose To configure loopback way on user port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port ONU CES port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port characters

lineloop Line loop -

noloop No loop -

opsloop1 Loop at PON side -

opsloop2 Loop at CES UNI side -

opsloop3 Loop at PON side and -

CES UNI side

payloadloop Payload loop -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure loopback way on
user port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface ces ces_0/1 loopback opsloop1

Related None

interface eth admin-state

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port admin-state {lock | unlock}
Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface admin state parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

lock Lock -

unlock Unlocked -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 147

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface admin state parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4
admin-state lock
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4
admin-state unlock

Related None

interface eth arc

Syntax interface eth eth_slot/port arc arc arc-interval arc-interval
Purpoose To configure the alarm report control on Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port, slot -

number, port ID

arc Alarm report control 0, 1


arc-interval Alarm report interval Range: 0 255


Purpose ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the alarm report
control on Ethernet port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_12/1 arc 1 arc-interval 10

Related None

interface eth bridgeorip

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port bridgeOrIP {ip | bridge | either}

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface bridge or IP parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

148 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

ip IP -

bridge Bridge -

either Either -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface bridge or IP parameters:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 bridgeOrIP ip
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 bridgeOrIP

Related None

interface eth dotlp-mapper

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port dot1p-mapper {def-priority priority

| dscp2prio priority | unmark-option {defprio | dscp2prio}}
Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface dot1p-mapper parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

def-priority priority Default priority Range : 0 7

dscp2prio priority DSCP to priority Range : 0 255


unmark-option Unmark option -

defprio Unmark option default -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface dot1p-mapper parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 dot1p-mapper
def-priority 7
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 dot1p-mapper
dscp2prio 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 dot1p-mapper
unmark-option defprio
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# interface eth eth_5/4 dot1p-mapper
unmark-option dscp2prio

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 149

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

interface eth eth-loop

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port eth-loop {loop3 | noloop}

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface Ethernet loop parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range: 1 31

and port number characters

loop3 Loop3 -

noloop No loop -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface Ethernet loop parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 eth-loop loop3
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 eth-loop noloop

Related None

interface eth expect-type

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port expect-type expect-type

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface expect type parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

expect-type Expect type Range : 0 255


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface expect type parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 expect-type 10

150 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

interface eth max-frame

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port max-frame size
Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface maximum frame parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

max-frame size Max frame size -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface maximum frame parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 max-frame 10

Related None

interface eth pause-time

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port pause-time time

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface pause-time parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range: 1 31

and port number characters

pause-time time Pause-time Range: 0 65535

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface pause-time parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 pause-time 100

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 151

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

interface eth power-control

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port power-control {disable | enable}

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface power-control parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

disable Disable power control -

enable Enable power control -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to disable the GPON ONU in-
terface power-control parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 power-control disable

Related None

interface eth pppoe-filter

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port pppoe-filter {disable | enable}

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface PPPoE filter parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

enable PPPoE filter enable -

disable PPPoE filter disable -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the GPON ONU in-
terface PPPoE filter and configure related parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 pppoe-filter enable
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed auto
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full

152 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full-10

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full-100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full-1000
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed half-10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed half-100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 wiring dce
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 wiring dte

Related None

interface eth speed

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port speed {auto | full-10 | full-100 | full

-1000 | half-10 | half-100}
Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface speed parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

auto Negotiate speed -


full-10 Full duplex 10 Mbps -

full-100 Full duplex 100 Mbps -

full-1000 Full duplex 1000 Mbps -

half-10 Half duplex 10 Mbps -

half-100 Half duplex 100 Mbps -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface speed parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed auto
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full-10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full-100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed full-1000
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed half-10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 speed half-100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 wiring dce
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 wiring dte

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 153

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

interface eth wiring

Syntax interface eth_slotno/port wiring {dce | dte}

Purpose To configure the GPON ONU interface wiring parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Interface number -

dce DCE -

dte DTE -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
interface wiring parameters to DCE:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface eth eth_5/4 wiring dce

Related None

interface pon alarm

Syntax interface pon pon_slot/port alarm {enable | {disable [alarm

-disable-interval interval] } }
Purpose To configure alarm report control on PON port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slot/port PON port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

enable | disable Enable/disable alarm -

report control

alarm-disable-inter Interval for disabling Range: 0 255

val interval alarm report interval
0: When port is in
normal state, alarm
report is allowed
1-254 The interval for
disabling alarm report
255 Disable alarm
report infinitely

154 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure alarm report con-
trol on PON port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/1 alarm
disable alarm-disable-interval 10

Related None

interface pon current-threshold

Syntax interface pon pon_slot/port current-threshold low threshold1

high threshold2
Purpose To configure bias current alarm threshold on ONU PON port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slot/port PON port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

low threshold1 Minimum bias current Range: 0 131 mA

alarm threshold Granularity: 0.002

high threshold2 Maximum bias current Range: 0 131 mA

alarm threshold Granularity: 0.002

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure bias current alarm
threshold on ONU PON port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/1
current-threshold low 10 high 100

Related None

interface pon rx-optical-threshold

Syntax interface pon pon_slot/port rx-optical-threshold low {thresh

old1 | ont-internal-policy} high {threshold2 | ont-internal-p
Purpose To configure optical receiving alarm threshold on ONU PON port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 155

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

pon_slot/port PON port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

low threshold1 Minimum optical Range: -27 to -8 dBm

power receiving Granularity: 0.5 dBm
Default value is
determined by ONU
itself according to
optical module

ont-internal-policy ONT internal policy -

high threshold2 Maximum optical Range: -27 to -8 dBm

power receiving Granularity: 0.5 dBm
Default value is
determined by ONU
itself according to
optical module

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure optical receiving
alarm threshold on ONU PON port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/1
rx-optical-threshold low -27 high -13

Related None

interface pon sf-threshold

Syntax interface pon pon_slot/port sf-threshold threshold1 sd-thresh

old threshold2
Purpose To configure the SFi/SF alarm threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slot/port PON port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

threshold1 SFi/SF alarm BER Range: 3 8

threshold Default: 5

sd-threshold SDi/SF alarm BER Range: 4 10

threshold2 threshold Default: 9

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SFi/SF alarm
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1

156 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/1 sf-threshold 4 sd-threshold 8

Related None
Related When the configured threshold value is y, the corresponding BER
Information threshold value is 10 -y.

interface pon tx-optical-threshold

Syntax interface pon pon_slot/port tx-optical-threshold low {thresh
old1 | ont-internal-policy} high {threshold2 | ont-internal-p
Purpose To configure optical power transmission alarm threshold on ONU
PON port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slot/port PON port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

low threshold1 Minimum optical Range: 0.5 5 dBm

power transmission Granularity: 0.5 dBm
Default value is
determined by ONU
itself according to
optical module

ont-internal-policy ONT internal policy -

high threshold2 Minimum optical Range: 0.5 5 dBm

power transmission Granularity: 0.5 dBm
Default value is
determined by ONU
itself according to
optical module

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure optical power
transmission alarm threshold on ONU PON port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/1 tx-optical-threshold low 0.5

Related None

interface pon vol-threshold

Syntax interface pon pon_slot/port vol-threshold low threshold1 high


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 157

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Purpose To configure feed voltage alarm threshold on PON port

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slot/port PON port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

low threshold1 Minimum feed voltage Range 0 6.56 V

alarm threshold Granularity: 0.02 V

high threshold2 Maximum feed Range 0 6.56 V

voltage alarm Granularity: 0.02 V

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure feed voltage
alarm threshold on PON port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/1 vol-threshold low 1 high 6

Related None

interface pon sf-threshold

Syntax interface pon pon_slotno/port sf-threshold sf-threshold sd-thr

eshold sd-threshold
Purpose To configure the PON interface SF threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slotno/port PON slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

sf-threshold SF threshold Range : 3 8


sd-threshold SD threshold Range : 4 10


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the PON SF
threshold interface property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/9 sf-threshold
3 sd-threshold 10

158 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

interface pon gem-blocklen

Syntax interface pon pon_slotno/port gem-blocklen length

Purpose To configure the PON interface GEM block length
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pon_slotno/port PON slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

gem-blocklen length GEM block length Range : 0 65535


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the PON interface
GEM block length:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pon pon_0/9
gem-blocklen 100

Related None

interface pots admin-state

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port admin-state {lock | unlock}

Purpose To configure the POTS interface admin state to lock or unlock
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

lock Admin state lock -

unlock Admin state unlock -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face admin state:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 admin-state
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 admin-state

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 159

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)


Related None

interface pots arc

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port arc arc arc-interval arc-interval

Purpose To configure the POTS interface ARC property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

arc ARC, 0 means disable Range : 0 1

and 1 means enable

arc-interval ARC interval Range : 0 255


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face ARC property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 arc 1
arc-interval 10

Related None

interface pots impedance

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port impedance impedance

Purpose To configure the POTS interface impedance
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

impedance Impedance Range : 0 255

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face impedance property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

160 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 impedance 100


Related None

interface pots rx-gain

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port rx-gain rx-gain

Purpose To configure the POTS interface RX gain
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 31

port number characters

rx-gain rx-gain RX gain range from Range: 1 5

-12 to 6, precision is characters
0.1 and unit is dB

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face RX gain:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 rx-gain 4

Related None

interface pots tx-gain

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port tx-gain tx-gain

Purpose To configure the POTS interface TX gain
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

tx-gain TX gain range from -6 Range : 1 5

to 12, precision is 0.1 characters
and unit is dB

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face TX gain:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 161

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 tx-gain 4


Related None

interface pots tx-path

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port tx-path {fulltimeOnHook |

Purpose To configure the POTS interface TX path
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

tx-path TX path -

fulltimeOnHook Full time On Hook -

parttimeOnHook Part time On Hook -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face TX path:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 tx-path
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 tx-path

Related None

interface uplink dot1p-mapper

Syntax interface uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port dot1p-mapper {def-p

riority priority | dscp2prio priority | unmark-option {defprio
| dscp2prio}}
Purpose To configure the interface uplink dot1p mapper property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Ethernet slot number Range : 1 31

ort bridge number and characters
port number

162 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

def-priority priority Default priority Range : 0 7

dscp2prio priority DSCP to priority Range : 0 255


unmark-option Unmark option -

defprio Unmark option default -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the interface up-
link dot1p mapper property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface uplink uplink_0/1/1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface uplink uplink_0/1/1
dot1p-mapper def-priority 1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface uplink uplink_0/1/1
dot1p-mapper dscp2prio 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface uplink uplink_0/1/1
dot1p-mapper unmark-option defprio
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface uplink uplink_0/1/1
dot1p-mapper unmark-option dscp2prio

Related None

interface video admin-state

Syntax interface video video_slotno/port admin-state {lock | unlock}
Purpose To administratively lock or unlock the video interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

video_slotno/port Video slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

lock Lock (shutdown) -

unlock Unlock (no shutdown) -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to administratively lock the
video interface:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface video video_0/1
admin-state lock

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 163

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

interface video arc

Syntax interface video video_slotno/port arc arc arc-interval arc-inte
Purpose To configure the video interface ARC UNI property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

video_slotno/port Video slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

arc ARC property Range : 0 1

arc-interval ARC interval Range : 0 255


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the video inter-
face ARC UNI property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface video video_0/1 arc 1
arc-interval 10

Related None

interface video power-control

Syntax interface video video_slotno/port power-control {disable |

Purpose To enable or disable the video interface power control UNI property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

video_slotno/port Video slot number Range : 1 31

and port number characters

disable Power control disable -

enable Power control enable -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to disable the video interface
power control UNI property:

164 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface video video_0/1
power-control disable

Related None

interface gemport bridge

Syntax interwork gemport name bridge uplink_slot/bridge/port [max

-payload max-size]
no interwork gemport name
Purpose To configure interconnection in bridge mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name GEM port name Range: 1 31


uplink_slot/bridge/p Specify uplink MAC -

ort bridge port to access
GEM port

max-payload GEM maximum 0 65,535

max-size payload Default: 1600

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure interconnection
in bridge mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interwork gemport name1 bridge uplink_12/1/1
max-payload 1000

Related None

interface gemport dot1p

Syntax interwork gemport name dot1p eth_slot/port [prio-list priorit

y-list] [max-payload max-size]
no interwork gemport name
Purpose To configure interconnection in 802.1p mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name GEM port name Range: 1 31


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 165

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Specify Ethernet user -

list to access GEM

prio-list priority-list Priority list Range: 0 7

max-payload GEM maximum 0-65,535

max-size payload Default: 1600

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure interconnection
in 802.1p mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interwork gemport name1
dot1p eth_12/1 prio-list 0-3

Related None
Related The priority list specifies multiple priorities. By default, 8 priorities
Information are specified.

interface gemport dot1p-bridge

Syntax interwork gemport name dot1p-bridge uplink_slot/bridge/port
[prio-list priority-list] [max-payload max-size]
no interwork gemport name
Purpose To configure interconnection in bridge+802.1p mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name GEM port name Range: 1 31


uplink_slot/bridge/p Specify uplink MAC Range: 1 31

ort bridge port to access characters
GEM port

prio-list priority-list Priority list Range: 0 7

max-payload GEM maximum Range: 0 65,535

max-size payload Default: 1600

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure interconnection
in bridge+802.1p mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interwork gemport name1 dot1p-bridge
uplink_12/1/1 prio-list 0-3

166 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None
Related Using prio-list parameter, multiple priorities can be specified. By
Information default, all priorities from 0 to 7 are used.

interface gemport uni

Syntax interwork gemport name uni eth_slot/portlist [max-payload
no interwork gemport name
Purpose To configure interconnection in UNI mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name GEM port name Range: 1 31


eth_slot/portlist Specify Ethernet user -

port list to access
GEM port

max-payload GEM maximum Range: 0 4095

max-size payload Default: 1600

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure interconnection
in UNI mode:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interwork gemport name1 uni 12/1 max-payload 1000

Related None

mac-filter ip-host

Syntax mac-filter ip-host hostid mac-address {discard | forward}

no mac-filter interface-name mac-address
Purpose To create MAC address filter for IP host
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

mac-address MAC address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 167

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

discard Discard the filtered -


forward Forward the filtered -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create MAC address filter
for IP host:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#mac-filter ip-host 1 1111.1111.1111 discard

Related None

mac-filter uni
Syntax mac-filter uni eth_slotno/port macaddress {discard | forward}
no mac-filter uni eth_slotno/port macaddress
Purpose To configure MAC address filter on user-side port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port User-sided port -


macaddress MAC address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

discard Discard the filtered -


forward Forward the filtered -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure MAC address filter
on user-side port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#mac-filter uni eth_12/1 1111.1111.1111 discard

Related None

mac-filter uplink

Syntax mac-filter uplink uplink_slotno/bridge/port macaddress {disc

ard | forward}

168 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Purpose To configure MAC address filter on uplink port

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slotno/bridge/ Uplink port number -


macaddress MAC address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

discard Discard filtered -


forward Forward filtered -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure MAC address filter
on uplink port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#mac-filter uplink uplink_12/1/1 1111.1111.1111 forward

Related None

Syntax mc-interwork uplink_slot/bridge/port
Purpose To configure a multicast channel
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port number -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure a multicast chan-
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#mc-interwork uplink_0/1/1

Related None

performance dot1x ethuni

Syntax performance dot1x ethuni eth_slot/port {{start [threshold

profile-name]} | stop | {threshold profile-name}}
no performance dot1x ethuni eth_slot/port threshold

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 169

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Purpose To start/stop 802.1x performance statistics on Ethernet user port

and set performance threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

start [threshold Start performance -

profile-name] statistic and specify
relevant performance
threshold profile

stop Stop performance -


threshold Profile name Range: 1 63

profile-name characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start 802.1x performance
statistic on Ethernet user port and set performance threshold:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance dot1x ethuni eth_0/1
start threshold default-eth-dot1x

Related None

performance eth

Syntax performance eth eth_slotno/port {start | stop}

Purpose To start or stop the ONU Ethernet port performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

etheth_slotno/port Ethernet card slot Range: 0 255

number and port characters

start Start Ethernet -

performance statistics

stop Stop Ethernet -

performance statistics

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start or stop the ONU Eth-
ernet port performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance eth eth_0/1 start
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance eth eth_0/1 stop

170 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

performance gal-eth

Syntax performance gal-eth gemport-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start or stop the ONU GAL Ethernet performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gemport-id GAL Ethernet GEM Range: 1 255

port ID characters

start Start GAL Ethernet -

type interlock
performance statistics

stop Stop GAL Ethernet -

type interlock
performance statistics

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the ONU GAL Ethernet
performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance gal-eth 1 start

Related None

performance gem

Syntax performance gem gemport-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start or stop the ONU GEM port performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gemport-id GEM port ID Range: 1 255


start Start GEM port -

performance statistics

stop Stop GEM port -

performance statistics

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 171

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Example The following example displays how to start the ONU GEM port
performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance gem 1 start

Related None

performance mac-bridge

Syntax performance mac-bridge bridge_slot/bridge {start | stop}

Purpose To start or stop the ONU MAC bridge performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

bridge_slot/bridge MAC bridge slot Range: 1 255

number and bridge characters
number, format:

start Start MAC bridge -

performance statistics

stop Stop MAC bridge -

performance statistics

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the ONU MAC bridge
performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance mac-bridge bridge_1/1

Related None

performance bridge-port uni

Syntax performance bridge-port uni eth_slot/port {{start [threshold

performance-threshold name]} | stop | {threshold performance
-threshold name}}
Purpose To start/stop the performance statistic on bridge-port UNI inter-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

172 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

start Start performance -


stop Stop performance -


threshold performan Threshold profile Range: 1 63

ce-threshold name name characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the performance
statistic on bridge-port UNI interface:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance bridge-port uni eth_0/1
start threshold default-uni

Related None

performance bridge-port uplink

Syntax performance bridge-port uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port {{st

art [threshold performance-threshold name]} | stop | {thresh
old performance-threshold name}}
no performance bridge-port uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port
Purpose To start/stop the performance statistic on bridge-port uplink inter-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port number, Range: 1 31

ort slot number, bridge characters
ID, port ID

start Start performance -


stop Stop performance -


threshold performan Threshold profile Range: 1 63

ce-threshold name name characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the performance
statistic on bridge-port uplink interface:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 173

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance bridge-port uplink uplink_0/1/1

start threshold default-uplink

Related None

performance mgc

Syntax performance mgc mgc-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the ONU MGC performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

mgc-id MGC ID Range: 1 65535

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the ONU MGC perfor-
mance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance mgc 1 start

Related None

performance ces

Syntax performance ces ces_slot/port {{start [threshold performanc

e-threshold name]} | stop | {threshold performance-threshold
no performance ces ces_slot/port threshold
Purpose To start/stop the performance statistic of ONU CES port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

start Start performance -


stop Stop performance -


threshold performan Performance profile Range: 1 63

ce-threshold name name characters

174 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start performance statistics
of ONU CES port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance ces ces_0/1
start threshold default-ces

Related None

performance radius

Syntax performance radius {{start [threshold profile-name] | stop |

{threshold profile-name}}
no performance radius threshold
Purpose To start/stop the ONU RADIUS performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

start [threshold Start performance -

profile-name] statistics

stop Stop performance -


threshold Performance profile Range: 1 63

profile-name name characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the ONU RADIUS per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance radius start threshold default-radius

Related None

performance bridge-port ip-host

Syntax performance bridge-port ip-host ip host id {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the bridge-port host performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ip host id Bridge port host ID Range: 1 255

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 175

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mdde ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the bridge-port host
performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance bridge-port ip-host 100 start

Related None

performance call-ctrl

Syntax performance call-ctrl pots_slot/port {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the call-controller performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slot/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 255

port number characters

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the call-controller per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance call-ctrl pots_0/1 start

Related None

performance rtp

Syntax performance pots_slot/port {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the POTS interface RTP performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slot/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 255

port number characters

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#

176 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to start the POTS interface
RTP performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance rtp pots_0/1 start

Related None

performance sip-call-init

Syntax performance sip-call-init sip-agent-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the SIP agent statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

sip-agent-id SIP agent ID Range: 1 65535

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the SIP agent perfor-
mance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance sip-call-init 1 start

Related None


Syntax power-shedding [restore-interval time] [{data | voice | vide

o-overlay | video-return | dsl | atm | ces | frame | sonet}
{immediate | {interval time-before-shedding}}]
no power-shedding {data | voice | video-overlay | video-re
turn | dsl | atm | ces | frame | sonnet | all}
Purpose To close some services to shed power
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

restore-interval Time interval Range: 0 65535 sec

time from restoring AC
power to ending

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 177

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

data Ethernet data -

voice Voice service -

video-overlay Video overlay -

video-return Restoring video -

dsl DSL service -

atm ATM service -

ces CES service -

frame Non-Ethernet service -

sonet SONET -

immediate Close service -

immediately after
AC power is faulty

interval time-before Time interval from Range: 2 65535 sec

-shedding faulty AC power to
closing service

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to close data service to shed
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#power-shedding data interval 10

Related None

pre-filter ip-host

Syntax pre-filter ip-host hostid type {discard | forward} [type {disc

ard | forward}] [type {discard | forward}]
Purpose To configure the bridge port filter for IP host
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

type Packet type apple-

cast ipv4multi-
cast ipv6multi-
cast ipx mac-ad-
dress net-

178 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

discard Discard filtered -


forward Forward filtered -


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the bridge port
filter for IP host:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pre-filter ip-host 1 arp discard pppoe forward

Related None

pre-filter uni

Syntax pre-filter unieth_slotno/port [appleTalk {discard | forward}]

[arp {discard | forward}] [bpdu {discard | forward}] [ipv
4broadcast {discard | forward}] [ipv4multicast {discard |
forward}] [ipv6multicast {discard | forward}] [ipx {discard
| forward}] [netBEUI {discard | forward}] [pppoe {discard
| forward}] [rarp {discard | forward}]
Purpose To configure the packet filter on UNI side bridge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slotno/port Ethernet port number, Range: 1 31

slot number, port characters

discard Discard filtered -


forward Forward filtered -


appleTalk AppleTalk protocol -

arp ARP protocol -

bpdu BPDU protocol -

ipv4broadcast IPv4 broadcast -


ipv4multicast IPv4 multicast -


ipv6multicast IPv6 multicast -


ipx IPX protocol -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 179

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

netBEUI NetBEUI protocol -

pppoe PPPoE protocol -

rarp RARP protocol -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to discard PPPoE and forward
RARP on UNI side bridge port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pre-filter uni eth_0/1 pppoe discard rarp forward

Related None

pre-filter uplink

Syntax pre-filter uplink uplink_slotno/bridge/port [appleTalk {discard

| forward}] [arp{discard | forward}] [bpdu {discard | forw
ard}] [ipv4broadcast {discard | forward}] [ipv4multicast
{discard | forward}] [ipv6multicast {discard | forward}]
[ipx {discard | forward}] [netBEUI {discard | forward}]
[pppoe {discard | forward}] [rarp {discard | forward}]
Purpose To configure the uplink network side bridge port filter
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slotno/bridge/ Uplink port number, Range: 1 31

port slot number, bridge characters
number, port number

discard Discard filtered -


forward Forward filtered -


appleTalk AppleTalk protocol -

arp ARP protocol -

bpdu BPDU protocol -

ipv4broadcast IPv4 broadcast -


ipv4multicast IPv4 multicast -


ipv6multicast IPv6 multicast -


ipx IPX protocol -

180 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

netBEUI NetBEUI protocol -

pppoe PPPoE protocol -

rarp RARP protocol -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the uplink net-
work side bridge port filter to discard ipx:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pre-filter uplink uplink_5/1/1 ipx discard

Related None

pw delete

Syntax pw delete ces_slot/port

Purpose To delete the configured PW service
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to delete configured PW ser-
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pw delete ces_0/1

Related None

pw ethernet

Syntax pw ethernet ces_slot/port bridge bridge_slot/bridge dst-mac

mac-address loopback {disable | enable} tx-payload-ecid
ecid tx-signalling-ecid ecid [expected-payload-ecid ecid
expected-signalling-ecid ecid] tag-policy {untag | {tag
[prio priority vid vlan-id]}}
Purpose To configure the Ethernet-based PW parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 181

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

bridge_slotno/bridge Bridge port number Range: 1 31

-port characters

dst-mac mac-addr Destination MAC xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

ess address

loopback {disable | Loopback mode -


tx-payload-ecid ecid Payload ECID 0xXXXXX102

value sent from
TDM terminal
to packet-switch

tx-signalling-ecid Signalling ECID 0xXXXXXXXX

ecid value sent from
TDM terminal
to packet-switch

expected-payload- Payload ECID 0xXXXXX102

ecid ecid value received
from TDM terminal
to packet-switch

expected-signalling Signalling ECID 0xXXXXXXXX

-ecid ecid value received
from TDM terminal
to packet-switch

tag-policy {untag Tag policy -

| {tag [prio priority
vid vlan-id]}}

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the Ethernet-
based PW parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pw ethernet ces_0/1 bridge
bridge_0/1 dst-mac 5697.1656.4444 loopback disable
tx-payload-ecid 0x1102 tx-signalling-ecid 0x0
expected-payload-ecid 0x1102 expected-signalling-ecid 0x0
tag-policy tag prio 4 vid 133

Related None

pw ip

Syntax pw ip ces_slot/port near-end-ip tcp-udp-port [host host-id] far-

end-ip ip
Purpose To configure the IP based PW parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

182 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

near-end-ip Near end IP Range: 0 65535

tcp-udp-port information, TCP/UDP
port number

host host-id IP host ID Range: 0 65535

far-end-ip ip Far end IP Range: 1 31

information, far end characters
terminal URI address

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the IP based PW
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pw ip ces_0/1 near-end-ip 5060
host 1 far-end-ip udp://

Related None

pw optional

Syntax pw optional ces_slot/port [service-type {basic-unstructure |

octet-aligned-unstructure | structured}] [signalling {no-sig
nalling | cas-same-packet-stream | cas-seperate-channel}]
[arc arc arc-interval arc interval]
Purpose To configure the PW optional parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

service-type Service type -

| octet-aligned
-unstructure |

signalling Signalling information -

{no-signalling |
ream | cas-seperat

arc arc Alarm report control 0 or 1


arc-interval arc Alarm report control Range: 0 255

interval interval, effective
when arc is 1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 183

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure PW optional pa-
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# pw optional ces_0/1 arc 1 arc-interval 10

Related None

pw rtp

Syntax pw rtp ces_slot/port payload-ssrc synchronization-source sign

aling-ssrc synchronization-source payload-ptype payload-type
signaling-ptype payload-type [expected-payload-ssrc synchr
onization-source expected-signalling-ssrc synchronization-sou
rce] [expected-payload-ptype payload-type expected-signall
ing-ptype payload-type] [clock-reference frequency] [rtp-ts-
mode {unknown | absolute | differential}]
Purpose To configure the PW service related parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

payload-ssrc synchr Payload RTP Range: 0

onization-source synchronization 4294967295 (4 bytes)

signaling-ssrc synch Signaling RTP Range: 0

ronization-source synchronization 4294967295 (4 bytes)

payload-ptype RTP payload type Range: 96 127


signaling-ptype RTP signaling type Range: 96 127


expected-payload- Expected payload Range: 0

ssrc synchronization- RTP synchronization 4294967295 (4 bytes)
source source

expected-signalling Expected signaling Range: 0

-ssrc synchronization RTP synchronization 4294967295 (4 bytes)
-source source

expected-payload- Expected RTP payload Range: 0 55

ptype payload-type type

expected-signalling Expected RTP Range: 0 55

-ptype payload-type signaling type

184 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

clock-reference Clock reference Range: 0 65535

frequency frequency Default: 1

rtp-ts-mode RTP time stamp mode -

{unknown |
absolute |

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure PW service re-
lated parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pw rtp ces_0/1 payload-ssrc 3 signalling-ssrc 0
payload-ptype 0 signalling-ptype 0 rtp-ts-mode differential

Related None

pw tdm

Syntax pw tdm ces_slot/port payloadsize payloadsize [payload-delay

delay-time] timing-mode {network-timing | differential-tim
ing | adaptive-timing | loop-timing} [pw-profile profile-name
Purpose To configure the TDM service
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port number characters

payloadsize Packet bytes Range: 0 65535


payload-delay Payload delay Range: 0 255

delay-time NxDS0, no signalling,
N = 1 64 (8 ms)
required, 40 (5 ms)
NxDS0, no signalling,
N = 2..4 32 (4
ms) NxDS0, no
signalling, N > 4 8
(1 ms)
NxDS0 with DS1 CAS
24 (3 ms) NxDS0 with
E1 CAS 16 (2 ms)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 185

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

timing-mode TDM service timing -

{network-timing mode
| differential-timing
| adaptive-timing |

pw-profile PW maintenance -
profile-name parameter profile

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the TDM service:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pw tdm ces_0/1 payloadsize 32
timing-mode differential-timing

Related None


Syntax up-queue-map uni eth_slot/port priority-list queue queue id

up-queue-map uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port priority-list
queue queue id
no up-queue-map uni eth_slot/port
no up-queue-map uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port
Purpose To configure the mapping relationship between 802.1p service on
UNI or MAC bridge uplink side bridge port and upstream priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uni eth_slot/port UNI port number Range: 1 31


uplink uplink_slot/bri Uplink port number Range: 1 31

dge/port characters

priority-list Priority list Range: 0 7

queue queue id Queue ID Range: 0 7

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the mapping re-
lationship between 802.1p service on UNI or MAC bridge uplink
side bridge port and upstream priority queue:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#up-queue-map uni eth_12/1 0-4 queue 1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#up-queue-map uni eth_12/1 5,6 queue 2
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#up-queue-map uni eth_12/1 7 queue 3
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#up-queue-map uplink uplink_12/1/1 0-6 queue 1

186 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

Syntax vlan-filter {iphost host-id | uni eth_slotno/port | uplink uplink
_slotno/bridge/port} {priority priority vid vid}
no vlan-filter {iphost host-id | uni eth_slotno/port | uplink upli
nk_slotno/bridge/port} {priority priority vid vid}
Purpose To configure the VLAN filter parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

iphost host-id IP host ID Range: 1 255

uni eth_slotno/port User Network -


uplink uplink_slotno/ Uplink interface -


priority priority Priority number Range: 0 7

vid vid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the VLAN filter
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter ip-host 1 priority 1 vid 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter uni eth_0/1 priority 1 vid 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter uplink uplink_0/1/5 priority
1 vid 100

Related None

vlan-filter uni
Syntax vlan-filter uni eth_slot/port priority priority vid vid
no vlan-filter uni eth_slot/port priority priority vid vid
Purpose To create the VLAN filter parameters on UNI port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port UNI port number Range: 1 31


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 187

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

priority priority Priority list Range: 0 7

vid vid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create the VLAN filter pa-
rameters on UNI port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter uni eth_0/1 priority 0 vid 10

Related None

vlan-filter uplink

Syntax vlan-filter uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port priority priority vid vid

no vlan-filter uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port priority priority vid
Purpose To create the VLAN filter parameters on uplink port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port nubmer Range: 1 31

ort characters

priority priority Priority list Range: 0 7

vid vid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create the VLAN filter pa-
rameters on uplink port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter uplink uplink_0/1/1 priority 0 vid 10

Related None

Syntax vlan-filter-mode {iphost host-id | uni eth_slotno/port | uplink
uplink_slotno/bridge/port} tag-filter {discard | prio-filter
| prio-vid-filter | transparent | vid-filter} untag-filter
{transparent | discard}
no vlan-filter-mode {iphost host-id | uni eth_slotno/port |
uplink uplink_slotno/bridge/port}
Purpose To configure the VLAN filter mode

188 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

iphost host-id IP host ID Range: 1 255

uni eth_slotno/port User Network -


uplink uplink_slotno/ Uplink card -


tag-filter Tag filter -

untag-filter Untag filter -

discard Discard -

prio-filter Prio-filter -

prio-vid-filter Prio-vid-filter -

transparent Transparent -

vid-filter Vid-filter -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the VLAN filter
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
discard untag-filter discard
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
discard untag-filter transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
prio-filter untag-filter discard
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
prio-filter untag-filter transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
prio-vid-filter untag-filter discard
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
prio-vid-filter untag-filter transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
transparent untag-filter discard
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
transparent untag-filter transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
vid-filter untag-filter discard
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1 tag-filter
vid-filter untag-filter transparent

Related None

vlan-filter-mode uni
Syntax vlan-filter-mode uni eth_slot/port tag-filter {transparent |
discard | prio-filter | vid-filter | prio-vid-filter} untag-filter
{transparent | discard}

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 189

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

no vlan-filter-mode uni eth_slot/port

Purpose To create the VLAN filter parameters on UNI port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port UNI port number Range: 1 31


transparent Transparent -

discard Discard -

prio-filter Priority filter -

vid-filter VLAN ID filter -

prio-vid-filter Priority and VLAN ID -


tag-filter Tag filter mode -

untag-filter Untag filter mode -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create the VLAN filter pa-
rameters on UNI port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode uni eth_0/1
tag-filter discard untag-filter transparent

Related None

vlan-filter-mode uplink

Syntax vlan-filter-mode uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port tag-filter {tra

nsparent | discard | prio-filter | vid-filter | prio-vid-filter}
untag-filter {transparent | discard}
no vlan-filter-mode uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port
Purpose To create the VLAN filter parameters on uplink port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port number Range: 1 31

ort characters

transparent Transparent mode -

discard Discard -

prio-filter Priority filter -

vid-filter VLAN ID filter -

190 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

prio-vid-filter Priority and VLAN ID -


tag-filter Tag filter mode -

untag-filter Untag filter mode -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create the VLAN filter pa-
rameters on uplink port:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode uplink uplink_0/1/1
tag-filter discard untag-filter transparent

Related None


Syntax vlan-tag {iphost host-id | uni eth_slotno/port} {down-mode

{transparent | untag}} {up-mode {add | overwrite | transp
arent} {up-prio up-prio up-vid up-vid} [up-mode {add | over
write | transparent} | up-prio up-prio up-vid up-vid] [down-
mode {transparent | untag} | up-prio up-prio up-vid up-vid]
[down-mode {transparent | untag} | up-mode {add | over
write | transparent]
no vlan-tag {iphost host-id | uni eth_slotno/port
Purpose To configure the VLAN priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

iphost host-id IP host ID Range: 1 255

uni User Network -


eth_slotno/port Ethernet card slot Range: 1 31

number and port characters

down-mode Down mode -

transparent Transparent -

untag Untag -

up-mode Up mode -

add Add -

overwrite Over write -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 191

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

transparent Transparent -

up-prio up-prio Up priority Range: 0 7

up-vid up-vid Up VLAN id Range: 1 4094

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the VLAN priority:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag ip-host 1 down-mode transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag ip-host 1 up-mode add
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag ip-host 1 up-mode overwrite
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag ip-host 1 up-mode transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag ip-host 1 up-prio 1 up-vid 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 down-mode transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 down-mode untag
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 up-mode add
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 up-mode overwrite
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 up-mode transparent
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 up-prio 1 up-vid 100

Related None

vlan-tag uni

Syntax vlan-tag uni eth_slot/port down-mode {transparent | untag

| delete-pvid} [up-mode {transparent | overwrite | add |
add-pvid}] [up-prio priority up-vid vlanid]
vlan-tag uni eth_slot/port up-mode {transparent | overwrite
| add | add-pvid} [down-mode {transparent | untag | delet
e-pvid}] [up-prio priority up-vid vlanid]
vlan-tag uni eth_slot/port up-prio priority up-vid vlanid [up-m
ode {transparent | overwrite | add | add-pvid}] [down-m
ode {transparent | untag | delete-pvid}]
no vlan-tag uni eth_slot/port
Purpose To configure the ONT UNI port property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

eth_slot/port Ethernet card slot Range: 1 31

number and port characters

up-mode Upstream mode -

up-prio priority Upstream priority Range: 0 7

up-vid vlanid Upstream VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

down-mode Downstream mode -

192 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

transparent Transparent mode -

untag Untag mode -

delete-pvid Delete PVLAN ID -

overwrite Overwrite -

add-pvid Add PVLAN ID -

add Add -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONT UNI port
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 up-mode transparent

Related None

show gpon remote-onu bridge

Syntax show gpon remote-onu bridge gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the ONU MAC bridge information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

bridge_slotno/bridg MAC bridge ID Range: 1 31

eno characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU MAC bridge information:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu bridge gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Bridge name: bridge_0/1
STP: true MAC learn: true
Port bridge: true Priority: 0
Max age: 6 Hello time: 1
Forword delay:4
UnknownMac discard:false

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 193

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu bridge-port

Syntax show gpon remote-onu bridge-port uni gpon-onu_shelf/slot/

olt:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To display the MAC bridge port information at UNI side
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port number Range: 1 31


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the MAC bridge port information at
UNI side:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu bridge-port uni gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interface name: eth_0/1
Bridge port: bridge_0/1
Priority: 0
Path-cost: 100
STP: false
Encap-method: llc
Lan-fcs: discard
Traffic limit: None

Related None

show gpon remote-onu bridge-port


Syntax show gpon remote-onu bridge-port uplink gpon-onu_shelf/sl

ot/olt:onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To display the uplink-side MAC bridge port information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID Range: 1 31

ort characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

194 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays the uplink-side MAC bridge port
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu bridge-port uplink gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interface name: uplink_0/1/1;
Priority: 0 Path-cost 100
STP: false Encap-method:llc
Lan-fcs: discard
Interface name: uplink_0/1/255;
Priority: 0 Path-cost 1
STP: true Encap-method:llc
Lan-fcs: forward

Related None

show gpon remote-onu device

Syntax show gpon remote-onu device gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the specific ONU device information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the specific ONU device informa-
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu device gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
vendor ID: CIGG;
version: 00109-00110-03;
sn: CIGG06120625;
admin-status: unlock;
battery-backup: false;
secMode: aes;
product code: 0;
totalPrioQueueNum: 21;
totalTrafficSchNum: 0

Related None

show gpon remote-onu distance

Syntax show gpon remote-onu distance gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the specific ONU distance information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 195

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the specific ONU distance informa-
ZXAN(config-if)#show gpon remote-onu distance gpon-onu_0/4/1:1
Eqd (bit) Distance(m)
336095 116

Related None

show gpon remote-onu dot1x

Syntax show gpon remote-onu dot1x gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To query the ONU 802.1x property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU 802.1x prop-
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu dot1x gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Circuit ID profix:
Fllback policy: allow
Auth server1:
Share secret:
Auth server2:
Share secret:
Auth server3:
Share secret:

Related None

show gpon remote-onu dot1x ethuni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu dot1x ethuni gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt

:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the ONU 802.1x property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

196 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID and characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query ONU 802.1x prop-
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu dot1x ethuni gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Port: eth_0/1
Dot1x state: disable
Direction: both
Quiet period: 0
Timeout period: 30
Key Tx state: disable
Auth PAE State: N/A
Back end auth state:N/A
Ctrl port status: N/A
Operate direction: N/A
Reauth period 0
Reauth status: disable

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan

bridge-port uni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan bridge-port uni gpon-onu_s

helf/slot/olt :onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on UNI-side bridge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the extension VLAN
entity on UNI-sided bridge port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan bridge-port uni
Uni: eth_0/1
InputTPID: 0x9100
OutputTPID: 0x8a88
DownMode: inverse-upstream

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 197

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan

bridge-port uplink

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan bridge-port uplink gpon-on

u_shelf/slot/olt :onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on uplink port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, port ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the extension VLAN
entity on uplink port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan bridge-port
uplink gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Uplink: uplink_0/1/1
InputTPID: 0x9100
OutputTPID: 0x8a88
DownMode: inverse-upstream

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan eth

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan eth gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt

:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on ONU Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

198 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays how to query the extension VLAN
entity on ONU Ethernet port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan eth gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Uni: eth_0/1
InputTPID: 0x8100
OutputTPID: 0x8a88
DownMode: inverse-upstream

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table

bridge-port uni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table bridge-port uni gpon-

onu_shelf/slot/olt :onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on UNI-side bridge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query extension VLAN en-
tity on UNI-sided bridge port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table
bridge-port uni gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Uni: eth_0/1
Filter: zero-tag-rule
Treat: 1

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table

bridge-port uplink

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table bridge-port uplink

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt :onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on uplink port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 199

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, port ID, characters
bridge number

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the extension VLAN
entity on uplink port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table
bridge-port uplink gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Uplink: uplink_0/1/1
Filter: zero-tag-rule
Treat: 1

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table eth gpon-onu_shelf/slo
t/olt :onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on ONU Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the extension VLAN
entity on ONU Ethernet port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ex-vlan-table eth gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Uni: eth_0/1
Filter: zero-tag-rule
Treat: 1

200 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface ces

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface ces gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt

:onu [ces_slot/port]
Purpose To query the extension VLAN entity on ONU Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

ces_slot/port CES port number, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the extension VLAN
entity on ONU Ethernet port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu interface ces gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interfece: ces_0/1
Admin-state: enable
Expect-type: 0
Loopback: noloop
Dsl-framing: extendsuper
Line-coding: b8zs
Line-length: 0
Dsl-mode: mode1
Arc: 0
Arc-interval 0
Line-type: other

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface

dot1p-mapper eth

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface dot1p-mapper eth gpon-o

nu_shelf/slot/olt :onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the 802.1p mapping information on ONU Ethernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 201

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID and characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example None
Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface

dot1p-mapper uplink

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface dot1p-mapper uplink gpon

-onu_shelf/slot/olt :onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To query the 802.1p mapping information on uplink port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt :onu number, OLT ID and characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, bridge port

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the 802.1p mapping
information on uplink port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu interface dot
uplink gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 uplink_0/1/1
Interface: uplink_0/1
Unmarkedframe: defprio
DefPriority: 0

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface eth

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface eth gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt

:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To display the specified Ethernet port configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

202 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID and characters

eth_slot/port ONU slot number, Range: 1 31

Ethernet port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the specified Ethernet port config-
ZXAN#show gpon remote-onu interface eth gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 eth_0/1
Interfece: eth_0/1
Admin status: unlock
Operate status:N/A
Speed status: N/A
Arc: 0
Arc-interval 0
Expect-type: 0
Speed config: auto
Eth-loop: noloop
Max-frame: 1518
Pause-time: 0
Wiring : dce
BridgeOrIP: either
PPPOE-filter: disable
Power-control: disable

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface pon

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface pon gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt

:onu [pon_slot/port]
Purpose To display the PON port configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

pon_slot/port ONU slot number, Range: 1 31

PON port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the specified PON port configura-
ZXAN#show gpon remote-onu interface pon gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 pon_0/1
Interface: pon_0/1
GEM-blocklen: 48 (bytes)
Sf-threshold: 5
Sd-threshold: 9
Arc: disable
ArcInterval: 0
TotalTcontNum: 8

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 203

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

PiggybackDbaRptMode: not support

WholeOnuDbaRptMode: N/A
RxOpticalLevel: 0.000(dBm)
LowerRxOpticalThreshold: ont internal policy
UpperRxOpticalThreshold: ont internal policy
TxOpticalLevel: 0.000(dBm)
LowerTxOpticalThreshold: ont internal policy
UpperTxOpticalThreshold: ont internal policy
Onu response time: 0(ns)
Power feed voltage: 0.00(V)
Lower voltage threshold: 0.00(V)
Upper voltage threshold: 6.56(V)
Laser bias current: 0.000(mA)
Lower bias current threshold:0.000(mA)
Upper bias current threshold:131.000(mA)
Temperature: 0.000(C)
Lower temperature threshold: -127.000(C)
Upper temperature threshold: 127.000(C)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu mac-filter

Syntax show gpon remote-onu mac-filter gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

{{ip-host hostId} | {uni eth_slot/port} | {uplink uplink_slot/br
idge/port}} [mac-address]
Purpose To display the ONU MAC filter configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

ip-host hostId Host ID Range: 1 255

uni eth_slot/port ONU slot number, Range: 1 31

Ethernet port ID characters

uplink uplink_slot/bri Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

dge/port number, bridge characters
number, port ID

mac-address MAC address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU MAC filter configuration:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu mac-filter gpon-onu_0/4/1:1 uni eth_0/1
Interface: eth_0/1
MAC-address: 1111.2222.3333
Filter mode: discard

204 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface video gpon-onu_shelf/slot/
Purpose To display the video port information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

video_slot/port Video port, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays video port information:
ZXAN#show gpon remote-onu interface video gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 video_0/1
interface admin-status arc arc-interval power-control operate status
video_0/1 unlock 0 0 disable NA

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interwork

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interwork gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

[gemport name]
Purpose To display the unicast interwork configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

gemport name GEM port name Range: 1 31


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays unicast interwork configuration:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu interwork gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
gemport name : onu1-1;

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 205

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

interface : eth_0/1;
operate status:enable;
type: dot1p;
priority: 3 ;
max-payload: 1600

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

bridge-port ip-host

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance bridge-port ip-host

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltIdOnuId [hostid]
Purpose To query the ONU performance bridge port information as per IP
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

ltId number, OLT ID characters

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU performance
bridge port information as per IP host:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# show gpon remote-onu
performance bridge-port ip-host gpon-olt_0/4/1 1 1
HostId: 1
ForwardFrameCnt: 0.
DelayExceedDiscardCnt: 0.
MtuExceedDiscardCnt: 0.
RxFrameCnt: 0.
RxDiscardCnt: 0.

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

bridge-port uni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance [history] bridge-port

uni gpon-onu_shelf/slot/oltId:onuId [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the UNI interface performance statistics on ONU bridge-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

206 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

history Display statistics in -

previous 15 minutes

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

oltId:onuId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Uni port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the UNI interface
performance statistic on ONU bridge-port:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu performance
bridge-port uni gpon-onu_0/4/1:1
InterfaceName: eth_0/1
ForwardFrameCnt: 0
DelayExceedDiscardCnt: 0
MtuExceedDiscardCnt: 0
RxFrameCnt: 0
RxDiscardCnt: 0
Threshold profile: none

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

bridge-port uplink

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance [history] bridge-port

uplink gpon-onu_shelf/slot/oltId:onuId [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To query the uplink interface performance statistic on ONU bridge-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

history Display statistics in -

previous 15 minutes

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

oltId:onuId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, port ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query Uplink interface per-
formance statistic on ONU bridge-port:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu performance

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 207

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

bridge-port uplink gpon-onu_0/4/1:1

InterfaceName: uplink_0/1/1
ForwardFrameCnt: 0
DelayExceedDiscardCnt: 0
MtuExceedDiscardCnt: 0
RxFrameCnt: 0
RxDiscardCnt: 0
Threshold profile: none

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance ces [history] gpon-onu
_shelf/slot/oltId:onuId [ces_slot/port]
Purpose To query the ONU call controller information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

history Display statistics of -

last 15 minutes

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

oltId:onuId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

ces_slot/port CES port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example None
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng#show gpon remote-onu performance ces gpon-onu_0/4/1:1

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance eth [history] [detail
ed] gpon-onu_shelf/slot/oltId:onuId [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To query the current or history performance statistics on ONU Eth-
ernet port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

208 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

history Display statistics of -

last 15 minutes

detailed Display detailed -


gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

oltId:onuId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the current or history
performance statistics on ONU Ethernet port:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu performance eth detailed

Octets: 0(B)
Packets: 196608
Broadcast: 196608
Multicast: 0
Undersize: 0
64 : 0 65-127: 0
128-255: 0 256-511: 32769
512-1023: 0 1024-1518:0
Fragments: 0
Jabbers: 0
FcsErrors: 0
FrameTooLongs: 0
BufferOverflows: 0
AlignmentErrCnt: 0
PPPoE filtered: 0
Drop events: 0
InternalMacErrCnt: 0
ExcessiveCollisionCnt: 0
LateCollisionCnt: 0
BufferOverflows: 0
SingleCollisionCnt: 0
MultiCollisionCnt: 0
SqeCnt: 0
DeferredCnt: 0
CarrierSenseErrCnt: 0
InternalMacErrCnt: 0
Threshold profile: none

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 209

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance


Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance [history] gem gpon-onu

shelf/slot/oltId:onuId [gemPortId]
Purpose To query the ONU GEM performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

history Display statistics in -

previous 15 minutes

gpon-onu Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

number, OLT ID, ONU characters

gemPortId GEM port ID Range: 1 31


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU GEM per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu performance gem gpon-onu_0/4/1:1

GEM port index: 1

Lost packets: 0
MisInserted packets: 0
Rx packets:high32bit:0 Low32bit: 0
Rx blocks:high32bit: 0 Low32bit: 0
Tx blocks:high32bit: 0 Low32bit: 0
Impaired blocks: 0
Threshold profile none

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance


Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance mac-bridge gpon-olt_s

helf/slot/oltId OnuId [bridge_slot/bridge]
Purpose To query the ONU MAC bridge performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

210 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID characters

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

bridge_slot/bridge MAC bridge Range: 1 255


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query ONU MAC bridge per-
formance statistic:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#$emote-onu performance mac-bridge gpon-olt_0/4/1 1
LearnEntryDiscardFrames: 0.

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance


Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance ip-host gpon-olt_shelf/

slot/oltId OnuId [hostid]
Purpose To query the ONU host performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID characters

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU host perfor-
mance statistics:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu performance ip-host
gpon-olt_0/4/1 1
HostId ICMPErrors DNSErrors
1 0 0

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 211

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance call-ctrl gpon-olt_shelf
/slot/oltId OnuId [pots_slot/port]
Purpose To query the ONU call controller information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID characters

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

pots_slot/port Call controller code Range: 1 255


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU call con-
troller information:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# show gpon remote-onu performance call-ctrl
gpon-olt_0/4/1 1
CallSetupTimert: 0.
CallTerminateFailures: 0.
AnalogPortReleases: 0.
AnalogPortOffHookTimer: 0.

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance


Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance rtp gpon-olt_shelf/slot/

oltId OnuId [pots_slot/port]
Purpose To query the ONU POTS RTP performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID characters

212 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

pots_slot/port POTS port code Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU POTS RTP
performance statistic:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu performance rtp gpon-olt_0/4/1 1
InterfaceName: pots_0/1.
RtpErrors: 14443.
PktLoss: 4286578688.
MaxJitter: 371946896.
MaxTimeBtwRtpPkts: 4294967295.
BufUnderflows: 2296769322.
BufOverflows: 2023522463.

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance


Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance sip-call-init gpon-olt_s

helf/slot/oltId OnuId [sip-agent-id]
Purpose To query the ONU SIP agent call statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID characters

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

sip-agent-id SIP agent ID Range: 1 65,535

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU SIP agent
call statistic:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# show gpon remote-onu performance sip-call-init
gpon-olt_0/4/1 1

AgentId: 1.
ConnectFailures: 0.
ValidateFailures: 0.
TimeoutCnt: 0.
RxFailures: 0.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 213

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu


Syntax show gpon remote-onu power-shedding gpon-onu_shelf/slot

Purpose To display the ONU power shedding configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU power shedding configura-
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu power-shedding gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Restore power timer reset interval 0s
Data shedding interval disable
Voice shedding interval disable
Video overlay shedding interval disable
Video return shedding interval disable
DSL shedding interval disable
ATM shedding interval disable
CES shedding interval disable
Frame shedding interval disable
Sonet shedding interval disable
Shedding status:
Data class restore
Voice class restore
Video overlay class restore
Video return class restore
DSL class restore
ATM class restore
CES class restore
Frame class restore
Sonet class restore

Related None

show gpon remote-onu pre-filter uni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu pre-filter gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

uni eth_slot/port
Purpose To display the protocol filter configuration on UNI-side bridge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

214 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the protocol filter configuration on
UNI-side bridge port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu pre-filter gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 uni eth_0/1
Interface: eth_0/1
IPv4multicast :forward IPv6multicast: forward
IPv4broadcast: forward Rarp: forward
IPx : forward NetBEUI: forward
AppleTalk: forward bpdu : forward
Arp : forward PPPOE : forward

Related None

show gpon remote-onu pre-filter


Syntax show gpon remote-onu pre-filter gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

uplink uplink_slot/bridge/port
Purpose To display the protocol filter configuration on uplink-side bridge
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, port ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the protocol filter configuration on
uplink-side bridge port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu pre-filter gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 uplink uplink_0/1/1
Interface: uplink_0/1/1
IPv4multicast :forward IPv6multicast: forward
IPv4broadcast: forward Rarp: forward
IPx : forward NetBEUI: forward
AppleTalk: forward bpdu : forward
Arp : forward PPPOE : forward

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 215

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu pw

Syntax show gpon remote-onu pw gpon-onu_shelf/slot/oltId:onuId

Purpose To query the ONU PW service configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

oltId:onuId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

ces_slot/port CES port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU PW service
ZXAN(config)# show remote onu pw gpon-onu_0/12/1:1 ces_0/1

Interfece: ces_0/1
pw-configure-state: active
bridge: bridge_0/1
src-mac: 0000.0000.0000
dst-mac: 0015.eb72.0000
loopback: disable
tx-payload-ecid: 1102
tx-signalling-ecid 0
expected-payload-ecid: 1102
expected-signalling-ecid: 0
recv-payload-ecid: 0
recv-signalling-ecid: 0
tag-policy: tag
priority: 4
vid: 133
near-end-ip: 0
host: 0
payloadsize: 32
payload-delay: 1
timing-mode: differential-timing
payload-ssrc: 3
signalling-ssrc: 0
payload-ptype: 96
signalling-ptype: 0
expected-payload-ssrc: 0
expected-siganlling-ssrc: 0
expected-payload-ptype: 96
expected-signalling-ptype: 0
clock-reference: 1
rtp-ts-mode: differential
service-type: basic-unstructure
signallling: no-signalling
arc: 0
arc-interval: 0

216 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon remote-onu


Syntax show gpon remote-onu up-queue-map uni gpon-onu_shelf/s

lot/olt:onu [eth_slot/port]
show gpon remote-onu up-queue-map uplink gpon-onu_she
lf/slot/olt:onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To query the mapping relationship between 802.1p service on UNI
or MAC bridge uplink port and upstream priority queue
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

oltId:onuId number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, port ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the mapping rela-
tionship between 802.1p service on UNI or MAC bridge uplink port
and upstream priority queue:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu up-queue-map
uplink gpon-onu_0/4/1:1

PortName Priority :Queue

uplink_0/1/2 0:null 1:1 2:null
3:null 4:null 5:null 6:null 7:null

Related None

show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter uni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter uni gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ol

t:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To display the UNI port VLAN filter parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 217

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays UNI port VLAN filter parameters:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter uni gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interface Priority Vlan ID
eth_0/1 0 100

Related None

show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter


Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter uplink gpon-onu_shelf/slo

t/olt:onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To display the uplink port VLAN filter parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, port ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the uplink port VLAN filter param-
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu
vlan-filter uplink gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interface Priority Vlan ID
uplink_0/1/1 0 100

218 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon remote-onu

vlan-filter-mode uni
Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode uni gpon-onu_shelf
/slot/olt:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To display the UNI port VLAN filter mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the UNI port VLAN filter mode:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode uni gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interface Name: eth_0/1
Tag-filter: vid-filter
Untag-filter: discard

Related None

show gpon remote-onu

vlan-filter-mode uplink

Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode uplink gpon-onu_s

helf/slot/olt:onu [uplink_slot/bridge/port]
Purpose To display the uplink port VLAN filter mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

uplink_slot/bridge/p Uplink port ID, slot Range: 1 31

ort number, bridge characters
number, port ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the uplink port VLAN filter mode:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 219

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

vlan-filter-mode uplink gpon-onu_0/3/1:1

Interface Name: uplink_0/1/1
Tag-filter: vid-filter
Untag-filter: discard

Related None

show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag uni

Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag uni gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt

:onu [eth_slot/port]
Purpose To display the UNI port VLAN property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

eth_slot/port Ethernet port ID, slot Range: 1 31

number, port ID characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays UNI port VLAN property:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag uni gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Interface Up-mode Up-priority Up-vlan Down-mode
eth_0/1 add-pvid 0 100 delete-pvid

Related None

show onu running config

Syntax show onu running config gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the all configuration information on ONU remote man-
agement interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays all configuration information on
ONU remote management interface:
ZXAN(config)#show onu running config gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
vlan-tag uni eth_0/1 up-mode add-pvid

220 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

up-prio 0 up-vid 100 down-mode delete-pvid

interwork gemport 1 dot1p-bridge uplink_0/1/1 prio-list 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
bridge-port uni-bind eth_0/1 bridge_0/1
bridge-port uni eth_0/1 path-cost 100
bridge-port uni eth_0/1 stp false
bridge-port uni eth_0/1 lan-fcs discard
vlan-filter-mode uni eth_0/1 tag-filter vid-filter untag-filter discard
vlan-filter uni eth_0/1 priority 0 vid 100
bridge-port uplink uplink_0/1/1 path-cost 100
bridge-port uplink uplink_0/1/1 stp false
bridge-port uplink uplink_0/1/1 lan-fcs discard

Related None

VoIP Management
bridge-port host-bind
Syntax bridge-port host-bind hostid bridge_slotno/bridge-port
no bridge-port host-bind hostid
Purpose To bind host to a specific bridge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

bridge_slotno/bridge Bridge port number Range: 1 31

-port characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to bind host to a specific bridge
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port host-bind 1 bridge_0/1

Related None

bridge-port ip-host

Syntax bridge-port ip-host hostid [encap-method {atmvc | llc}] [lan

-fcs {forward | discard}] [path-cost path-cost] [priority prio
rity] [stp {true | false}]
Purpose To configure the bridge port property at IP host side
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 221

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

encap-method Encapsulation method -

{atmvc | llc}

lan-fcs {forward | Local network -


path-cost path-cost Path cost Range: 0 65,535

priority priority Priority Range: 0 65,535

stp {true | false} Spanning tree -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the bridge port
property at IP host side:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#bridge-port ip-host 1 encap-method
llc lan-fcs discard path-cost 100 priority 0 stp false

Related None

interface pots admin-state

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port admin-state {lock | unlock}

Purpose To configure the POTS interface admin state property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range : 1 31

port number characters

lock Administratively lock -

unlock Administratively -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face admin state property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 admin-state
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 admin-state

222 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

interface pots arc

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port arc arc arc-interval arc-interval

Purpose To configure the POTS interface ARC property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 31

port number characters

arc ARC, 0 means disable Range: 0 1

and 1 means enable

arc-interval ARC interval Range: 0 255


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face ARC property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 arc 1
arc-interval 10

Related None

interface pots impedance

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port impedance impedance

Purpose To configure the POTS interface impedance property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 31

port number characters

impedance Impedance Range: 0 255


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face impedance property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 impedance 100

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 223

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)


Related None

interface pots rx-gain

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port rx-gain rx-gain

Purpose To configure the POTS interface RX gain property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 31

port number characters

rx-gain RX gain range from Range: 1 5

-12 to 6, precision is characters
0.1 and unit is dB

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face RX gain property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 rx-gain 4

Related None

interface pots tx-gain

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port tx-gain tx-gain

Purpose To configure the POTS interface TX gain property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 31

port number characters

tx-gain TX gain range from -6 Range: 1 5

to 12, precision is 0.1 characters
and unit is dB

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face TX gain property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 tx-gain 4

224 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON


Related None

interface pots tx-path

Syntax interface pots pots_slotno/port tx-path {fulltimeOnHook |

Purpose To configure the POTS interface TX path property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 31

port number characters

fulltimeOnHook Full time On Hook -

parttimeOnHook Part time On Hook -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the POTS inter-
face TX path property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 tx-path
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#interface pots pots_0/1 tx-path

Related None

ip-host dhcp-enable

Syntax ip-host host-id dhcp-enable {false | true} ping-response

{false | true} traceroute-response {false | true}
Purpose To configure the ONU ID and DHCP parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

host-id ONU host ID Range: 1 255

ping-response Ping response -

traceroute-respo Trace route response -


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 225

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

false DHCP enable, ping -

response, trace route
response false

true DHCP enable, ping -

response, trace route
response true

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONU ID and
DHCP parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 dhcp-enable false
ping-response false traceroute-response false

Related None

ip-host id

Syntax ip-host host-id id id

Purpose To configure the ONU host and ID
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

host-id ONU host ID Range: 1 255

id id ONU ID Range: 0 25

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONU host and
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 id test

Related None

ip-host ip

Syntax ip-host host-id ip ip-address mask mask [gateway gateway]

Purpose To configure the ONU IP address, mask and gateway IP addresses
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

226 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

host-id ONU host ID Range: 1 255

ip ip-address ONU IP address A.B.C.D

mask mask ONU mask IP address A.B.C.D

gateway gateway ONU gateway IP A.B.C.D


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONU IP ad-
dress, mask and gateway IP addresses:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# ip-host 1 ip mask gateway
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 primary-dns
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 primary-dns

Related None

ip-host primary-dns

Syntax ip-host host-id primary-dns ip-address [second-dns ip-addre

Purpose To configure the ONU host ID and primary/secondary DNS IP ad-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

host-id ONU host ID Range: 1 255

ip-address Primary DNS IP A.B.C.D


second-dns Second DNS IP A.B.C.D

ip-address address

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONU host ID
and primary/secondary DNS IP addresses:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 primary-dns
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#ip-host 1 primary-dns

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 227

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

mac-filter ip-host

Syntax mac-filter ip-host hostid macaddress {discard | forward}

no mac-filter interface-name macaddress
Purpose To configure the MAC filter information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid IP host ID Range: 1 255

macaddress MAC address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

discard Discard -

forward Forward -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the MAC filter
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#mac-filter ip-host 1 1111.1111.1111 discard

Related None

performance bridge-port ip-host

Syntax performance bridge-port ip-host ip-host-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the bridge-port host performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ip-host-id Bridge port host ID Range: 1 255

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mdde ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the bridge-port host
performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance bridge-port ip-host 100 start

228 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

performance call-ctrl

Syntax performance call-ctrl pots_slot/port {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the call-controller performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slot/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 255

port number characters

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the call-controller per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance call-ctrl pots_0/1 start

Related None

performance ip-host

Syntax performance iphost host-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the IP host performance-statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

host-id IP host ID Range: 1 255

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the IP host perfor-
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance ip-host 100 start

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 229

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

performance rtp

Syntax performance rtp pots_slot/port {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the POTS interface RTP performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slot/port POTS slot number and Range: 1 255

port number characters

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the POTS interface
RTP performance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance rtp pots_0/1 start

Related None

performance sip-call-init

Syntax performance sip-call-init sip-agent-id {start | stop}

Purpose To start/stop the SIP agent statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

sip-agent-id SIP agent ID Range: 1 65535

start Start statistics -

stop Stop statistics -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to start the SIP agent perfor-
mance statistics:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#performance sip-call-init 1 start

230 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

pre-filter ip-host

Syntax pre-filter ip-host hostid [appleTalk {discard | forward}] [arp

{discard | forward}] [bpdu {discard | forward}] [ipv4broa
dcast {discard | forward}] [ipv4multicast {discard | forwar
d}] [ipv6multicast {discard | forward}] [ipx {discard | forw
ard}] [netBEUI {discard | forward}] [pppoe {discard | forw
ard}] [rarp {discard | forward}]
Purpose To configure the pre-filter parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid IP host ID Range: 1 255

discard Discard -

forward Forward -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the pre-filter pa-
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#pre-filter ip-host 1 arp discard pppoe forward

Related None

sip-agent proxy-server

Syntax sip-agent agent-id proxy-server {IP | URL} [outbound-proxy

{IP | URL}] primary-dns address [secondary-dns address]
tcpudp-port tcp-udp-port [host host-id]
no sip-agentagent-id
Purpose To configure the SIP agent
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

agent-id Agent ID Range: 0 65535

IP | URL Proxy server Range: 0 128

outbound-proxy {IP Out bound proxy Range: 0 128

| URL}

primary-dns address Primary DNS IP A.B.C.D


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 231

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

secondary-dns Secondary DNS IP A.B.C.D

address address

tcpudp-port TCP and UDP port Range: 0 65535


host host-id Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SIP agent:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 proxy-server outbound-proxy primary-dns tcpudp-port 100

Related None

sip-agent reg-exptime

Syntax sip-agent agent-id reg-exptime reg-exp-time [rereg-startt

ime time]
Purpose To configure the SIP agent register expiry time
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

agent-id Agent ID Range: 0 65,535

reg-exp-time Register expiry time Range: 0


rereg-starttime Re-register start time Range: 0

time 42,949,672,955

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SIP agent
register expiry time:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 reg-exptime 100 rereg-starttime 100

Related None

sip-agent registrar-server

Syntax sip-agent agent-id registrar-server {IP | URL}

232 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Purpose To specify the SIP agent registrar server

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

agent-id Agent ID Range: 0 65,535

{IP | URL} Registrar server Range: 0 128


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the SIP agent reg-
istrar server:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 registrar-server

Related None

sip-agent rereg-starttime

Syntax sip-agent agent-id rereg-starttime time

Purpose To configure the SIP agent re-register start time
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

agent-id Agent ID Range: 0 65,535

time Re-register start time Range: 0


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SIP agent
re-register start time:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 rereg-starttime 1223

Related None

sip-agent ss

Syntax sip-agent agent-id ss softswitch-vendor

Purpose To configure the SIP agent SS vendor
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 233

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

agent-id Agent ID Range: 0 65,535

softswitch-vendor SS vendor Range: 0 4


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SIP agent SS
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 ss ZTE

Related None

sip-agent validate

Syntax sip-agent agent-id validate {disable | md5 | basic} [usern

ame name password password] [realm realm]
Purpose To configure the SIP agent authentication mode and relevant pa-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

agent-id Agent ID Range: 0 65,535

disable | md5 | Authentication mode -


username name User name Range: 0 128


password password Password Range: 0 25


realm realm Realm Range: 0 25


Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SIP agent
authentication mode and relevant parameters:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/12/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 proxy-server
outbound-proxy primary-dns tcpudp-port 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 rereg-starttime 1223
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-agent 1 ss ZTE

234 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None


Syntax sip-user pots_slot/port [dial-plan dialplan-id]

sip-user pots_slot/port [feature-code feature-code]
sip-user pots_slot/port [release-time time] [roh-time time]
sip-user pots_slot/port [roh-time time]
sip-user pots_slot/port [service-profile profile-id] [feature-code
sip-user pots_slot/port sip-agent agent-id user-aor aor [displa
y-name name] [username username password userpassword]
sip-user pots_slot/port [vmail-exptime time] [release-time
time][roh-time time]
sip-user pots_slot/port [vmail-server iporurl] [release-time
time][roh-time time] [vmail-exptime time]
sip-user pots_slot/port vmail-validate {basic| disable| md5}
[vmail-realm realm] [vmail-username name vmail-password
password [vmail-realm realm]]
no sip-user pots_slot/port
Purpose To configure the SIP user
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slot/port POTS slot number and Range: 0 31

port number

dial-plan dialplan-id Dial plan ID Range: 1 63


feature-code Feature code Range: 0 65535


release-time time Release time Range: 0 255


roh-time time ROH time Range: 0 255


service-profile Service profile ID Range: 0 65535


sip-agent agent-id SIP agent ID Range: 0 65535

user-aor aor User AOR ID Range: 0 128


display-name name Out bound proxy Range: 0 25


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 235

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

username username Username Range: 0 25


password User Password Range: 0 25

userpassword characters

vmail-exptime time VMAIL expire time Range: 0


vmail-server iporurl VMAIL server IP or Range: 0 128

URL characters

vmail-validate VMAIL validate

disable Disable -

md5 MD5

basic Basic

vmail-realm realm VMAIL realm Range: 0 25


vmail-username VMAIL user name Range: 0 25

name characters

vmail-password VMAIL password Range: 0 25

password characters

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SIP user:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 dial-plan 1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 feature-code
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 release-time
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 release-time
100 roh-time 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 roh-time 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 service-profile
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 service-profile
1 feature-code 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 sip-agent 1 user-aor

ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 sip-agent 1 user-aor
1 display-name test
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# sip-user pots_0/1 sip-agent 1 user-aor
1 username test password 123456
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-exptime 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-exptime 100
release-time 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-exptime 100
roh-time 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-server
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-server
release-time 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-server
roh-time 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-server

236 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

vmail-exptime 100
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate basic
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate basic
vmail-realm 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate basic
vmail-username test vmail-password 123456
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate disable
vmail-realm 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate disable
vmail-username test vmail-password 123456
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate md5
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate md5
vmail-realm 10
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# sip-user pots_0/1 vmail-validate md5
vmail-username test vmail-password 123456

Related None

vlan-filter ip-host

Syntax vlan-filter ip-host hostid priority priority vid vid

no vlan-filter ip-host hostid priority priority vid vid
Purpose To create the ONU IP host VLAN filter
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid IP host ID Range: 1 255

priority priority Priority Range: 0 7

vid vid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to create the ONU IP host
VLAN filter:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter ip-host 1 priority 0 vid 10

Related None

vlan-filter-mode ip-host

Syntax vlan-filter-mode ip-host hostid tag-filter {transparent | disc

ard | prio-filter | vid-filter | prio-vid-filter} untag-filter {tra
nsparent | discard}
no vlan-filter-mode ip-host hostid
Purpose To create the ONU IP host VLAN filter mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 237

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

hostid IP host ID Range: 1 255

tag-filter Tag filter mode -

untag-filter Untag filter mode -

transparent Transparent mode -

discard Discard -

prio-filter Priority filter -

vid-filter VLAN ID filter -

prio-vid-filter Priority VLAN ID filter -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Mode The following example displays how to create the ONU IP host
VLAN filter mode
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-filter-mode ip-host 1
tag-filter discard untag-filter transparent

Related None

vlan-tag ip-host

Syntax vlan-tag ip-host hostid down-mode {transparent | untag |

delete-pvid} [up-mode {transparent | overwrite | add | add-
pvid}] [up-prio priority up-vid vlanid]
vlan-tag ip-host hostid up-mode {transparent | overwrite |
add | add-pvid} [down-mode {transparent | untag | delete
-pvid}] [up-prio priority up-vid vlanid]
vlan-tag ip-host hostid up-prio priority up-vid vlanid [up-m
ode {transparent | overwrite | add | add-pvid}] [down-m
ode {transparent | untag | delete-pvid }]
no vlan-tag ip-host hostid
Purpose To configure the ONT IP host VLAN property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

hostid IP host ID Range: 1 255

up-mode Upstream mode: -


238 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

priority Upstream priority Range: 0 7

vlanid Upstream VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

down-mode Downstream mode: -


transparent Transparent mode

untag Untag mode

delete-pvid Delete PVLAN ID

overwrite Overwrite

add Add

add-pvid Add PVLAN ID

up-prio Upstream priority

up-vid Upstream VLAN ID

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONT IP host
VLAN property:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#vlan-tag ip-host 1 up-mode transparent

Related None


Syntax voip-ctp pots_slotno/port [media-profile profile-name | signal

{coin-fist | dial-tone-first | groud-start | loop-reverse-batt
ery | loop-start | multi-party}}
no voip-ctp pots_slotno/port
Purpose To configure the VoIP CTP
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

pots_slotno/port POTS slot number and Range: 0 31

port number characters

media-profile VoIP CTP media profile Range: 1 63

profile-name name characters

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 239

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

signal signal -

coin-fist Coin fist -

dial-tone-first Dial tone first -

groud-start Groud start -

loop-reverse-batt Loop reverse battery -


loop-start Loop start -

multi-party Multi party -

Mode ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the VoIP CTP:
ZXAN(config)#pon-onu-mng gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#voip-ctp pots_0/1 signal

Related None

show gpon remote-onu bridge-port

Syntax show gpon remote-onu bridge-port host-bind gpon-onu_she
lf/slot/olt:onu [hostid]
Purpose To display the ONU IP host bindingMAC bridge port information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU IP host bound MAC bridge
port information:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu bridge-port host-bind gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Host ID Interface
1 bridge_0/1

240 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon remote-onu bridge-port


Syntax show gpon remote-onu bridge-port ip-host gpon-onu_shelf/

slot/olt:onu [hostid]
Purpose To display the ONU IP host corresponding MAC bridge port infor-
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays ONU IP host corresponding MAC
bridge port information:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu bridge-port ip-host
Host ID: 1 Bridge port: bridge_0/1
Priority: 0 Path-cost: 100
STP: false Encap-method: llc
Lan-fcs: discard

Related None

show gpon remote-onu interface pots

Syntax show gpon remote-onu interface pots gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ol

t:onu [pots_slot/port]
Purpose To display the specified POTS port configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

pots_slot/port ONU slot number, Range: 1 31

POTS port number characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the specified POTS port configura-

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 241

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN#show gpon remote-onu interface pots gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 pots_0/1

interfece: pots_0/1;
admin status: unlock;
operate status:NA;
hookState: NA;
arc:0 arc-interval:0;
impedance : 0;
tx-path: fulltimeOnHook;
rx-gain: 10;
tx-gain: 0;

Related None

show gpon remote-onu ip-host

Syntax show gpon remote-onu ip-host gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the ONU host IP address configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, port number characters
and ONU ID

hostid ONU host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU host IP address configu-
ration information:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu ip-host gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Host ID: 1
Primary DNS:
Second DNS:
DHCP-enable: false
Ping-response: false
MAC: 0000.0000.0000

242 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Related None

show gpon remote-onu performance

bridge-port ip-host

Syntax show gpon remote-onu performance bridge-port ip-host

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId OnuId [hostid]
Purpose To query the ONU performance statistics as per IP host
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Shelf number, slot Range: 1 19

ltId number, OLT ID characters

OnuId ONU ID Range: 1 128

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query the ONU performance
statistics as per IP host:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)# show gpon remote-onu performance
bridge-port ip-host gpon-olt_0/4/1 1 1 HostId: 1
ForwardFrameCnt: 0.
DelayExceedDiscardCnt: 0.
MtuExceedDiscardCnt: 0.
RxFrameCnt: 0.
RxDiscardCnt: 0.

Related None

show gpon remote-onu pre-filter


Syntax show gpon remote-onu pre-filter gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

ip-host host id
Purpose To display the protocol filter configuration on IP host bridge port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

host id Host ID Range: 1 255

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 243

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays protocol filter configuration on IP
host bridge port:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu pre-filter gpon-onu_0/3/1:1 ip-host 1
Host ID: 1
IPv4multicast :forward IPv6multicast: forward
IPv4broadcast: forward Rarp: forward
IPx : forward NetBEUI: forward
AppleTalk: forward bpdu : forward
Arp : forward PPPOE : forward

Related None

show gpon remote-onu sip-agent

Syntax show gpon remote-onu sip-agent gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the SIP agent configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

agent-id Agent ID Range: 1 65,535

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays SIP agent configuration informa-
ZXAN#show sip-agent gpon-onu_0/3/1:4
agent id : 1;
primary DNS :;
second DNS :;
regServer :;
regUserName: aaa;
regPassword: aaa;
tcpudpPort: 21;
regExpTime : 3600;
reRegStartTime: 1223;
ssVendor: ZTE;
status: NA;

Related None

show gpon remote-onu sip-user

Syntax show gpon remote-onu sip-user gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the SIP user information

244 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

pots_slot/port POTS port ID Range: 1 31


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the SIP user information:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu sip-user gpon-onu_0/4/1:1
Uni name: pots_0/1
Agent id : 1
UserAOR: 3467897
VMailValidate: disable
VMailExpTime(s): 3600
ReleaseTime(s): 10
RohTime(s): 15
ServiceProfileId: 0
FeatureCodeTableId: 0

Related None

show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter


Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter ip-host gpon-onu_shelf/sl

ot/olt:onu [hostid]
Purpose To display the IP host port VLAN filter parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example To display IP Host port VLAN filter parameters:
ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter ip-host gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Host ID Priority Vlan id
1 0 100

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 245

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show gpon remote-onu

vlan-filter-mode ip-host

Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode ip-host gpon-onu_s

helf/slot/olt:onu [hostid]
Purpose To display the VLAN filter mode on IP host port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the VLAN filter mode on IP Host
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu
vlan-filter-mode ip-host gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Host ID: 1
Tag-filter: vid-filter
Untag-filter: discard

Related None

show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag


Syntax show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag ip-host gpon-onu_shelf/slot

/olt:onu [hostid]
Purpose To display the VLAN property on ONU IP host port
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

hostid Host ID Range: 1 255

Mode All modes except exec mode

246 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays VLAN property on ONU IP host

ZXAN(config)#show gpon remote-onu vlan-tag ip-host gpon-onu_0/3/1:1
Host ID Up-mode Up-priority Up-vlan Down-mode
1 add 0 100 untag

Related None

show gpon remote-onu voip-ctp

Syntax show gpon remote-onu voip-ctp gpon-onu_shelf/slot/olt:onu

Purpose To display the VoIP voice CTP configuration
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

pots_slot/port POTS port ID Range: 1 31


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays VoIP Voice CTP configuration:
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu voip-ctp gpon-onu_0/4/1:1
Interface SignalCode MediaProfileName
pots_0/1 loop-start

Related None

show gpon remote-onu


Syntax show gpon remote-onu voip-linestatus gpon-onu_shelf/slot/

olt:onu [pots_slot/port]
Purpose To view the VoIP line information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-onu_shelf/slot/ Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

olt:onu number, OLT ID, ONU characters

pots_slot/port POTS port ID Range: 1 31


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 247

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view the VoIP line informa-
ZXAN(gpon-onu-mng)#show gpon remote-onu voip-linestatus gpon-onu_0/4/1:1

Interface: pots_0/1
Code used: N/A
Service status: N/A
Session type: N/A
Call period 1: 0
2: 0
Call dest address 1:

Interface: pots_0/2
Code used: N/A
Service status: N/A
Session type: N/A
Call period 1: 0
2: 0
Call dest address 1:

Related None

GPON Protection
protection group
Syntax protection group group-name workPon olt-interface-name
protectPon olt-interface-name typeB [subtype {1+1 | 1:1 |
no protection group group-name
Purpose To configure the protection group
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 0 31

name characters

workPon olt-interfac Working PON interface Keywords:

e-name name epon-olt_0/3,
gei_0/5, gei_0/6,
null, smartgroup,
supervlan, tunnel,

248 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Parameter Description Value

protectPon Protection PON Keywords:

olt-interface-name interface name epon-olt_0/3,
gei_0/5, gei_0/6,
null, smartgroup,
supervlan, tunnel,

typeB Type B -

subtype Sub-type Keyword: 1+1, 1:1,


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the protection
ZXAN(config)#protection group group1 workPon
gpon-olt_0/9/1 protectPon gpon-olt_0/9/2 typeB
ZXAN(config)#protection group group1 workPon
gpon-olt_0/9/1 protectPon gpon-olt_0/9/2 typeB subtype 1+1
ZXAN(config)#protection group group1 workPon
gpon-olt_0/9/1 protectPon gpon-olt_0/9/2 typeB subtype 1:1
ZXAN(config)#protection group group1 workPon
gpon-olt_0/9/1 protectPon gpon-olt_0/9/2 typeB subtype

Related None

protection prop

Syntax protection prop group group-name [mode {non-revertive |

revertive}] [wtr interval]
Purpose To configure the protection group properties
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

mode Protection group -


non-revertive Non revertive -


revertive Revertive -

wtr interval Wait retrieve time Range: 0 86400

interval seconds <: (80 x 60
x 60) seconds

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 249

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the protection
group properties:
ZXAN(config)#protection prop group group1 mode non-revertive
ZXAN(config)#protection prop group group1 mode revertive
ZXAN(config)#protection prop group group1 wtr 100

Related None

protection switch-command

Syntax protection switch-command group group-name {force {p2w

| w2p} | lockoutprotect | manual {p2w | w2p}}
no protection switch-command group group-name
Purpose To configure the protection group switch command properties
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 0 31

name characters

force {p2w | w2p} Force protection -

lockoutprotect Lockout protection -

manual {p2w | Manual protection -


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the protection
group switch command properties:
ZXAN(config)#protection switch-command group group1
force p2w
ZXAN(config)#protection switch-command group group1
force w2p
ZXAN(config)#protection switch-command group group1
ZXAN(config)#protection switch-command group group1
manual p2w
ZXAN(config)#protection switch-command group group1
manual w2p

Related None

protection sync-data

Syntax protection sync-data group group-name

250 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Purpose To configure the protection group properties

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode ZXAN#
Example The following example displays how to configure the protection
group properties:
ZXAN(config)#protection sync-data group group1

Related None

show protection group count

Syntax show protection group count

Purpose To view the created protection group numbers
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays how to view the created protection
group numbers:
ZXAN(config)#show protection group count

Related None

show protection group prop

Syntax show protection group prop [group-name]

Purpose To display specified protection group information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays specified protection group infor-
ZXAN(config)#show protection group prop

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 251

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

name: 1
protect olt interface: gpon-olt_0/4/1
work olt interface: gpon-olt_0/4/2
active pon: workPon
type: typeB
subType: 1:1
mode: revertive
holdoff: 0
wtr: 10

Related None

show protection switch-command

Syntax show protection switch-command [group group-name]

Purpose To display the XPON protection switch command information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name PON protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the XPON protection switch com-
mand information:
ZXAN(config)#show protection switch-command
group name switch-mode
ZTE none
ZXAN(config)#show protection switch-command group group1

Related None

show protection request

Syntax show protection request [group group-name]

Purpose To display the specified protection group information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

252 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 5 GPON

Example The following example displays the specified protection group in-
ZXAN#show protection request group test
name: test
protect olt interface: gpon-olt_0/9/2
work olt interface: gpon-olt_0/10/1
Alarm request:
WorkChannel: No alarm request!
ProtectChannel: OLTSF
External requset: none
Highest local request: protect-fail

Related None

show protection sync-data


Syntax show protection sync-data progress-bar

Purpose To view the protection data synchronization progress
Usage Guidelines None

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view protection data syn-
chronization progress:
ZXAN#show protection sync-data progress-bar
Now execute percentage is 100

Related None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 253

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

This page is intentionally blank.

254 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6


Table of Contents
CES Global Property Management ...................................... 255
Interface Property Management......................................... 263
CES-PW Service Property Management............................... 270
SDH Protection Configuration ............................................ 275

CES Global Property

Syntax ces
Purpose To enter the CES configuration mode
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter the CES configuration

Related None


Syntax tdm-profile tdm-profile-name payloadsize reorder {enable

| disable} [almThreshold almThreshold] [clrAlmThreshold
clrAlmThreshold] [inSyncPkts inSyncPkts] [jtrBfr jtrBfr] [outSy
ncPkts outSyncPkts] [payloadSuppression {enable | disable}
][pktReplacePolicy {AIS | customed} ] [rtpHdr {enable
| disable [ssrcval]}] [timestamp-mode {notApplicable |
absolute | differential}]
no tdm-profile tdm-profile-name

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 255

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Purpose To configure the CES TDM profile information

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

tdm-profile-name TDM profile name Range: 0 63


payloadsize Payload size -

reorder If enabled, CE bound disable, enable

packets are queued in
the jitter buffer, out
of order packets are

almThreshold Alarms are only Default: 2500

almThreshold reported when the milliseconds
state persists for the
time specified

clrAlmThreshold Alarm must be Default: 10000

clrAlmThreshold cleared after the milliseconds
amount of time

inSyncPkts Number of Default: 2

inSyncPkts consecutive packets
with sequential
sequence numbers
that are required to
exit the LOPS state

jtrBfr jtrBfr Size of the configured Default: 2000 ms

jitter butter to allow
accommodation to the
PSN-specific packet
delay variation

outSyncPkts Number of Default: 10

outSyncPkts consecutive missing
packets that are
required to enter the
LOPS state

payloadSuppress If enabled, payload disable, enable

ion suppression is allowed Default: Disable

pktReplacePolicy Determines the value AIS, Customed

to be displayed when Default: AIS
CE bound packets
have over/underflow
the jitter buffer, or
are missing for any

rtpHdr If disabled, RTP disable, enable

header is not prefixed Default: Disable
to the TDM packet

256 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Parameter Description Value

ssrcval Synchronization Range: 1

source identifier 42949672955

timestamp-mode Timestamp Absolute, differential,

generation not Applicable

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the CES TDM pro-
file information:
ZXAN(config-ces)#tdm-profile zte 1024 reorder enable
rtpHdr enable 1024 jtrBfr 3000 payloadSuppression
disable inSyncPkts 2 outSyncPkts 10 pktReplacePolicy
ais almThreshold 2500 clrAlmThreshold 10000
timestamp-mode differential 5

Related None
Related Configure TDM profile property before it is associated with PW
Information link.
TDM profile cannot be modified and deleted if it is associated
with PW link.
TDM profiles, that are associated to the same slot, must have
same RTP value.

show ces tdm-profile

Syntax show ces tdm-profile [profilename]
Purpose To query the CES profile information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

profilename Profile name Range: 1 64


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query CES profile informa-
ZXAN(config)# show ces tdm-profile
Profile name zte.
Payload size is 1024 bytes, reorder is enable, rtpHdr is used.
JtrBfr is 3000 us, payload suppression is disable.
ConsecPktsInSynch is 2, PktsOutSync is 10.
PacketReplacePolicy is AIS.
AlarmThreshold(ms) is 2500 and ClearAlarmThreshold(ms) is 10000.
TimeStampMode is differential. QueueSize(bytes) is 8.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 257

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related tdm-profile

Syntax mac-address mac-address slot/portid
Purpose To configure the source MAC address
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

mac-address MAC address Range:


slot/portid Slot number and port Range: 0 31

number characters

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the source MAC
ZXAN(config-ces)#mac-address 0015.eb72.0008 2/1

Related None
Related MAC address cannot be modified if PW link exists.


Syntax ip-address ipv4 ip-address slot/portid

no ip-address
Purpose To configure the source IP address
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ipv4 IPv4 -

ip-address IP address A.B.C.D

slot/portid Slot number and port Range: 0 31

number characters

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the source IP ad-

258 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

ZXAN(config-ces)#ip-address ipv4 2/1

Related None
Related IP address cannot be modified if PW link exists.

show ces global-prop

Syntax show ces global-prop slot/port

Purpose To display the CES global information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot/port Slot number and port Range: 1 31

number characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the CES global information:
ZXAN#show ces global-prop
Slot/Port SourceMAC Source IP
2/1 0015.eb72.0008


Related None

sdhprot group

Syntax sdhprot group group-name worksdhport sdhport-name prote

ctsdhport sdhport-name 1plus1
no sdhprot group group-name
Purpose To create the SDH port protection group
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

worksdhport SDH port name Range: 1 31

sdhport-name characters

1plus1 Protection type -

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 259

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to create SDH port protection
ZXAN(config-ces)# sdhprot group zte worksdhport tdm_0/12/1
protectsdhport tdm_0/11/1 1plus1

Related None
Related The current protection type is 1plus1. The two inter-protected
Information SDH ports must be in the same type and one port cannot belong
to different protection groups.

sdhprot prop
Syntax sdhprot prop group group-name {[mode {revertive | non-re
vertive}] [wtr interval]}
Purpose To configure the SDH protection group property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

mode Protection mode -

revertive Revertive mode -

non-revertive Non-revertive mode -

wtr interval Recovery time Range: 0 86400


Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SDH protec-
tion group property:
ZXAN(config-ces)#sdhprot prop group zte mode non-revertive wtr 120

Related None

sdhprot switch-command

Syntax sdhprot switch-command group group-name {lockoutprot

ect | {force | manual} {p2w | w2p}}
no sdhprot switch-command group group-name
Purpose To configure the switch mode between work port and protection
port in SDH protection group
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

260 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Parameter Description Value

group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

lockoutprotect Lock protection -


force Force switch to -

protection mode

manual Manual switch to -

protection mode

p2w Data synchronization -

from protection port
to work port

w2p Data synchronization -

from work port to
protection port

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the switch mode
between work port and protection port in SDH protection group:
ZXAN(config-ces)#sdhprot switch-command group zte force w2p

Related None
Related The switch priority (highest to lowest) is as follows:
1. Lock protection channel
2. Force switch to protection port
3. Force switch to work port
4. Manual switch to protection port
5. Manual switch to work port

show ces sdhprot group count

Syntax show ces sdhprot group count
Purpose To view created the SDH protection group numbers
Usage Guidelines None

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to view the created SDH pro-
tection group numbers:
ZXAN(config)# show ces sdhprot group count

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 261

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show ces sdhprot group prop

Syntax show ces sdhprot group prop [group-name]

Purpose To display the specified SDH protection group information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the specified SDH protection group
ZXAN(config)# show ces sdhprot group prop

Related None

show ces sdhprot switch-command

Syntax show ces sdhprot switch-command [group group-name]

Purpose To display the SDH protection group switch commands
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

groupName Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays SDH protection group switch com-
ZXAN(config)# show ces sdhprot switch-command
group name switch-mode
zte force_p2w

Related None

show ces sdhprot request

Syntax show ces sdhprot request [group group-name]

262 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Purpose To display the SDH protection group request information

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the SDH protection group request
ZXAN#show ces sdhprot request group test

Related None

show ces sdhprot sync-data

Syntax show ces sdhprot sync-data progress-bar

Purpose To display the SDH data synchronization progress
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the SDH data synchronization
ZXAN# show ces sdhprot sync-data progress-bar
Now execute percentage is 100%.

Related None

Interface Property
interface tdm_X/X/X
Syntax interface tdm_shelf/slot/tdmIfId
Purpose To enter into TDM interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 263

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

tdm_shelf/slot/tdmI TDM interface number -


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into TDM interface
ZXAN(config)# interface tdm_0/12/1

Related None

Syntax admin-status {disable | enable}
Purpose To enable/disable the administration status of TDM interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable administration -


disable Disable administration -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable/disable the admin-
istration status of TDM interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#admin-status enable

Related None

Syntax clock-source {adaptive | differential | differntial2 | enhanc
ed-adaptive | localTiming | loopTiming | throughTiming}
Purpose To configure the TDM transmission clock source
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

adaptive Adaptive clock source -


264 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Parameter Description Value

differential Differential clock -


differntial2 Differential 2 clock -


enhanced-adaptive Enhanced adaptive -

clock source

localTiming Local timing clock -


loopTiming Loop timing clock -


throughTiming Through timing clock -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the TDM trans-
mission clock source:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source adaptive
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source differential
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source differntial2
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source enhanced-adaptive
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source localTiming
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source loopTiming
ZXAN(config-if)#clock-source throughTiming

Related None
Related The user cannot modify the clock source if PW linkage exists on
Information the card.

Syntax line-coding line-coding-type
Purpose To configure the line coding type for TDM interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

line-coding-type Line coding Keywords: AMI, B6ZS, B8ZS,

type HDB3, JBZS, ZBTSI,other
Default: HDB3

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the line coding
type for TDM interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 265

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config-if)#line-coding AMI

Related None
Related The user cannot modify the line-coding type if PW link exists on
Information the card.

Syntax line-type line-type
Purpose To configure the line type for TDM interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

line-type Line type Keywords: d4,

ds2m12, e1, e1crc,
e1crcmf, e1mf,
e1q50, e1q50crc,
e1unframed, e2, esf,
other, unframed
Default: e1

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the line type for
TDM interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#line-type d4
ZXAN(config-if)#line-type e1

Related None
Related The user cannot modify the line-type if PW linkage exists on the
Information card.

Syntax loopback loopback-type
Purpose To configure the loopback condition for TDM interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

266 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Parameter Description Value

loopback-type Loopback type Keywords: dualLoop,

inwardLoop, lineLoop,
noLoop, other,
Default: noloop

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the loopback con-
dition for TDM interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#loopback noloop

Related None


Syntax range
Purpose To display the port list range
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays port list range:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/12/1
Portlist of the range: tdm_0/12/1

Related None


Syntax framing {sdh | sonnet}

Purpose To configure the SDH or SONET frame format (the system supports
SDH format only)
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

sdh SDH format -

sonet SONET format -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the SDH or SONET
frame format:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 267

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#framing sdh

Related None

Syntax au-3 {aug-number | au-3}
Purpose To enter the AU-3 interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

aug-number AUG number, defined Range: 1 64

by type of SDH port. Maximum value: 4
For exmaple, STM-4

au-3 AU-3 number Range: 1 3

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the AU-3 inter-
face mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#au-3 4/3

Related None
Related Only the AUG mode (mapping mode is AU-3) can be configured.
By default, the system works in SDH/au-4 mode. If AU-3 is se-
lected, the system enters the SONET OC-3 configuration mode.

au-4 tug-3
Syntax au-4 tug3 {stm-1 | au-4 | tug-3-number}
Purpose To enter into the AU-4 TUG-3 interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

stm-1 AUG number, defined Range: 1 64

by type of SDH port. Maximum value: 4
e.g., STM-4

au-4 AU-3 number 1

tug-3-number TUG-3 number Range: 1 3

268 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into the AU-4 TUG-3
interface mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#au-4 tug3 4/1/3

Related None
Related Only the AUG mode (its mapping mode is AU-4) can be configured.

tug-2{e1 | t1}

Syntax tug-2 tug-2-number {e1 e1-line-number | t1 t1-line-number}

[clock-source {loopTiming | localTiming | throughTiming |
adaptive | enhanced-adaptive | differential |differntial2 }]
[loopback {noLoop | payloadLoop | lineLoop | other | inwa
rdLoop | dualLoop}]
no tug-2tug-2-number
Purpose To configure the T1 or E1 line property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

tug-2 tug-2-number Tug-2 Range: 1 7

e1 e1-line-number E1 line ID Range: 1 3

t1 t1-line-number T1 line ID Range: 1 4

clock-source Clock source loopTiming local-

{loopTiming | Timing throughT-
localTiming | iming adaptive en-
throughTiming hanced-adaptive dif-
| adaptive | ferentialdifferntial2
| differential |

loopback{noLoop Loopback type noLoop payloa-

| payloadLoop | dLooplineLoopotherin-
lineLoop | other wardLoopdualLoop
| inwardLoop |

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the T1 or E1 line
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/12/1
ZXAN(config-if)#au-4 tug-3 1/1/1
ZXAN(config-if-tug3)#tug-2 3 e1 2 clock-source loopTiming loopback lineLoop

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 269

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show ces interface

Syntax show ces interface tdm tdm_shelf/slot/port
Purpose To display the CES interface information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

tdm TDM interface list -

tdm_shelf/slot/port Shelf number, slot Range: 1 31

number and port characters

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the CES interface information:
ZXAN#show ces interface tdm_0/2/1

Interface :tdm_0/2/1
Type: e1 Line type: e1
Line coding: HDB3 Admin status: enable
Opr status: enable Clock source: adaptive
Clock status: FREERUN noLoop

Related None
Related If an optical interface is specified, all configuration information of
Information this optical interface is displayed.

CES-PW Service Property

Syntax pw pw_shelf/slot/pwid
no pw pw_shelf/slot/pwid
Purpose To create a PW and enter the PW configuration mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

270 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Parameter Description Value

pw_shelf/slot/pwid PW shelf number, Range: 1 32

slot number and PW characters
interface number

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to create a PW and enter the
PW configuration mode:
ZXAN(config-ces)#pw pw_0/2/1

Related None

Syntax admin-status {disable | enable}
Purpose To enable/disable the admin status of the TDM interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable administration -


disable Disable administration -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable/disable the admin
status of the TDM interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface tdm_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-if)#admin-status enable

Related None


Syntax pw name name

Purpose To configure the PW name
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

name PW name Range: 0 254


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 271

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(config-ces-pw)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the PW name:
ZXAN(config-ces)#pw pw_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-ces-pw)#name pwname

Related None


Syntax psn {ethernet in-ecid out-eciddst-mac mac-address vlan vlan

[priority priority] | ip src-udp-port dst-udp-port ipv4 | ipv6 dst-
ip-address [dst-mac dst-mac-address vlan vlan] | priority [prio
Purpose To configure the PW general property at PSN side
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ethernet PW Ethernet property -

in-ecid In EC ID Format: 0xXXXXX102

Range: 0 10

out-ecid Out EC ID Format: 0xXXXXX102

Range: 0 10

dst-mac mac-addr Destination MAC XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

ess address

vlan vlan VLAN ID Range: 1 4094


priority priority Priority Range: 0 7

ip PW IP property -

src-udp-port Source UDP port Range: 0


dst-udp-port Destination UDP port Range: 0


ipv4 IPv4 address -

ipv6 IPv6 address -

dst-ip-address Destination IP address A.B.C.D

Mode ZXAN(config-ces-pw)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the PW general

272 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

ZXAN(config-ces)#pw pw_0/4/1
ZXAN(config-ces-pw)# psn ethernet 0x1102 0x1102 dst-mac 0015.eb72.0006
vlan 1024 priority 7

Related None

Syntax tdm-service type{e1Satop | e3Satop | t1Satop | t3Satop}
rate rate {tdm_shelf/slot/port | tdm_shelf/slot/port.aug-number
/1/tug-3/tug-2/e1} [tdm-profile-name tdm-profile-name]
Purpose To configure the PW TDM service type
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

type TDM service type e1Satop, e3Satop,

t1Satop, t3Satop

rate rate Bit-rate of the TDM Range: 1

service in multiples of 42949672955
the basic 64 kbps Default: 32

tdm_shelf/slot/port, Shelf number, slot Range: 0 31

tdm_shelf/slot/port.a number and port characters
ug-number/1/tug-3/t number

tdm-profile-name TDM profile name Range: 0 63

tdm-profile-name characters

Mode ZXAN(config-ces-pw)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the PW TDM ser-
vice type:
ZXAN(config-ces)#pw pw_0/2/1
ZXAN(config-ces-pw)#tdm-service type e1Satop rate 128
tdm_0/2/e1 tdm-profile-name zte

Related None
Related Mapping relationship exists between rate and PW link type:
Satop E1 32
Satop T1 basic emulation mode : 24
aligned T1 emulation mode : 25
Satop E3 535
Satop T3 699
TDM profile name must be created before it is associated with
PW link.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 273

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

TDM profiles associated with the same slot PW links must have
same RTP header property.

show ces pw count

Syntax show ces pw count
Purpose To display the CES PW by name (including active and inactive PW)
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the CES PW by name (including
active and inactive PW):
ZXAN#show ces pw count
PW Status
pw_0/2/1 Inactive


Related None

show ces pw prop

Syntax show ces pw prop detail pw_shelf/slot/pwid

Purpose To display the CES active PW information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

detail PW property detail -

pw_shelf/slot/pwid PW shelf number, Range: 1 31

slot number and PW characters
interface number

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the CES active PW information:
ZXAN#show ces pw prop detail pw_0/2/1

274 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Related None

SDH Protection
Syntax sdhprot group group-name worksdhport sdhport-name prote
ctsdhport sdhport-name 1plus1
no sdhprot group group-name
Purpose To create the SDH protection group
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

worksdhport SDH port name Range: 1 31

sdhport-name characters

protectsdhport Protection port Range: 1 31

sdhport-name characters

1plus1 Protection type -

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to create the SDH protection
ZXAN(config-ces)#sdhprot group aaa worksdhport tdm_0/3/1
protectsdhport tdm_0/4/1 1plus1

Related None
Related Currently only 1+1 protection is supported.
Mutually protected SDH devices must be CL1A. Moreover one port
cannot belong to different protection groups.

sdhprot prop
Syntax sdhprot prop group group-name mode {revertive | non-reve
rtive} [wtr interval]

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 275

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

sdhprot prop group group-name wtr interval [mode {revert

ive | non-revertive}]
Purpose To configure the protection group property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

mode Choose mode -

revertive Revertive mode -

non-revertive Non-revertive mode -

wtr interval Recovery time Range: 0 86400 sec

Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the protection
group property:
ZXAN(config-ces)#sdhprot prop group aaa mode non-revertive wtr 0

Related None
Related Currently only non-revertive mode is supported.

sdhprot switch-command

Syntax sdhprot switch-command group group-name {{{force |

manual} {p2w | w2p}} | lockoutprotect}
no sdhprot switch-command group group-name
Purpose To protect switch command
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

group group-name Protection group Range: 1 31

name characters

force Force switch -

manual Manual switch -

p2w From protection port -

to work port

w2p From work port to -

protection port

lockoutprotect Lock protection -


Mode ZXAN(config-ces)#

276 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 6 CES

Example The following example displays how to protect switch command:

ZXAN(config-ces)#sdhprot switch-command group aaa force w2p

Related None
Related When force switch is used, the current working card does not ac-
Information cept any other switch commands and does not respond to alarm
switch unless this command is disabled.
When manual switch is used, the working card accepts other
commands. When the current working card generates alarm, it
switches to protection card. When the alarm is cleared, it switches
automatically from protection card to working card.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 277

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

This page is intentionally blank.

278 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7


Table of Contents
pon ............................................................................... 279
onu-type ........................................................................ 280
onu-type-attr gpon .......................................................... 280
onu-if ............................................................................ 281
performance cesmsb2 ...................................................... 282
performance cesprotocol .................................................. 282
performance cesrfc1213 ................................................... 283
performance cesrfc1757 ................................................... 284
performance ceswanport .................................................. 284
performance GponOlt ....................................................... 285
performance GponOnu ..................................................... 286
performance cesrsb1........................................................ 286
performance cesvc4b3 ..................................................... 287
performance cesvc12v5.................................................... 288
performance cesvc12v5rei ................................................ 288
performance-threshold ..................................................... 289
show onu-type ................................................................ 290
show onu-if .................................................................... 291
show onu-type-attr gpon .................................................. 292
ip-pool epon ................................................................... 292
power-switch .................................................................. 293
show performance olt....................................................... 294
show performance onu ..................................................... 294

Syntax pon
Purpose To enter the PON mode
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter the PON mode:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 279

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

Syntax onu-type {epon | gpon} onu-type-name [description descript
no onu-type onu-name
Purpose To configure the ONU type template
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu-type-name ONU name Range: 0 64


description ONU description Range: 0 64

description characters

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the ONU type
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-type epon onutype
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-type epon onutype description description
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-type gpon onutype
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-type gpon onutype description description

Related None
Related ZTE-F601, ZTE-F621, ZTE-F622, ZTE-F625, ZTE-F640 and ZTE-
Information F641 are GPON default ONU types. These types cannot be deleted
and modified, and user interfaces cannot be added or deleted.

onu-type-attr gpon
Syntax onu-type-attr gpon onu-type-name [description description |
max-bridge-perslot num | max-gemport num | max-tcont
num | max-uplink-perbridge num]
Purpose To configure the GPON ONU type property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu-type-name ONU type name Range: 1 64

280 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parameter Description Value

description ONU description Range: 1 63


max-bridge-perslot Maximum bridge Range: 1 255

num numbers Default: 255

max-gemport num Maximum GEM port Range: 1 255

numbers Default: 255

max-tcont num Maximum Tcont Range: 1 255

numbers Default: 255

max-uplink-perbri Maximum uplink Range: 1 255

dge num interface numbers per Default: 255

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the GPON ONU
type property:
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-type-attr gpon ZTE-F888 max-bridge-perslot 8

Related None

Syntax onu-if onu-type-name type_slot/portlist
no onu-if onu-type-name type_slot/portlist
Purpose To configure the UNI of the ONU type
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu-type-name ONU name Range: 0 64


type_slot/portlist UNI type slot number Range: 0 31

and port number characters
Type: eth_, e1_, t1_, Slot range: 0 255
ds1_, pots_, rf_, wifi_
Portlist range: 1

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the UNI of the
ONU type:
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-if ZTE-F888 eth_0/1-4
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-if ZTE-F888 pots_0/1-2

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 281

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None
Related ZTE-F601, ZTE-F621, ZTE-F622, ZTE-F625, ZTE-F640 and ZTE-
Information F641 are GPON default ONU types. These types cannot be deleted
and modified, and user interfaces also cannot be added or deleted.

performance cesmsb2
Syntax performance cesmsb2 slot slot-id port port-id {create | delete
| start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the CES msb2 performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot slot-id Slot number Range: 1 64

port port-id Port ID 1

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES MSB2 per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesMsb2 slot 3 port 1 create-start

Related None

performance cesprotocol
Syntax performance cesprotocol slot slot-id ge port-id {create |
delete | start | stop | create-start }
Purpose To specify the CES history performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot slot-id Slot number Range: 1 64

282 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parameter Description Value

ge port-id Port ID Range: 1 2

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES history per-
formance statistic:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesprotocol slot 1 ge 1 create-start

Related None

performance cesrfc1213
Syntax performance cesrfc1213 slot slot-id ge port-id {create |
delete | start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the CES RFC1213 protocol performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot slot-id Slot number Range: 1 64

ge port-id Port ID Range: 1 2

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES RFC1213
protocol performance statistic:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesrfc1213 slot 1 ge 1 create-start

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 283

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

performance cesrfc1757
Syntax performance cesrfc1757 slot slot-id ge port-id {create |
delete | start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the CES RFC1757 protocol performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot slot-id Slot number Range: 1 64

ge port-id Port ID Range: 1 2

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES RFC1757
protocol performance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesrfc1757slot 1 ge 1 create-start

Related None

performance ceswanport
Syntax performance ceswanport slot slot-id pwid pwid {create |
delete | start | stop | create-start }
Purpose To specify the CES WAN interface performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot slot-id Slot ID Range: 1 64

pwid pwid PW ID Range: 1 63

create Create -

284 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parameter Description Value

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES WAN inter-
face performance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance CesWanPort slot 1 pw 1 create-start

Related None

performance GponOlt
Syntax performance GponOlt gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId {create |
delete | start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the GPON OLT interface performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o Slot ID and port ID Range: 1 19

ltId characters

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the GPON OLT in-
terface performance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance GponOlt gpon-olt_0/2/1 create-start

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 285

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

performance GponOnu
Syntax performance GponOnu gpon-olt_shelf/slot/oltId onu-id
{create | delete | start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the GPON ONU performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON interface slot Range: 1 19

ltId ID and port ID characters

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 64

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the GPON ONU per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance GponOnu gpon-olt_0/2/1 1 create-start

Related None

performance cesrsb1
Syntax performance cesrsb1 slot slot-id port port-id {create | delete
| start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the CES RSB1 performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parametet Description Value

slot slot-id Slot number Range: 1 64

port port-id Port ID 1

create Create -

286 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parametet Description Value

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES RSB1 per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesRsb1 slot 3 port 1 create-start

Related None

performance cesvc4b3
Syntax performance cesvc4b3 slot slot-id port port-id {create |
delete | start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the SDH VC4B3 performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

slot slot-id Slot ID Range: 1 64

port port-id Port number 1

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the SDH VC4B3 per-
formance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)# performance cesvc4b3 slot 3 port 1 create-start

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 287

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

performance cesvc12v5
Syntax performance cesvc12v5 interface-name {create | delete |
start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the CES VC12V5 performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name Range: 0 31

Format: characterstd

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES VC12V5
performance statistic:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesVc12v5 tdm_0/3/1 create-start

Related None

performance cesvc12v5rei
Syntax performance cesvc12v5rei interface-name {create | delete |
start | stop | create-start}
Purpose To specify the CES VC12V5 remote error performance statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

288 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name Range: 1 31

Format: tdm_shelf/sl

create Create -

delete Delete -

start Start -

stop Stop -

create-start Create and start -

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to specify the CES VC12V5
remote error performance statistics:
ZXAN(config-pon)#performance cesvc12v5rei tdm_0/3/1 create-start

Related None

Syntax performance-threshold variable oid type {absolute | delta}
interval sample-interval risingThreshold risingThresholdvalue
fallingThreshold fallingThresholdvalue
Purpose To configure the performance threshold
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

variable-oid Performance statistics Range: 1 255

parameter number characters

interval sample-inte Sample interval Range: 0 65535 sec

rval The minimum valid
interval: 5 sec

risingThreshold Rising threshold value Range: 1 31


fallingThreshold Falling threshold value Range: 1 31


Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure performance

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 289

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

type absolute interval 20 risingThreshold 123 fallingThreshold 123

Related None
Related variable oid format
table-oid . entry-oid . sub-varialbe-oid . ifIndex [ . second-

entry-oid 1
sub-variable-oid number starting from 1
| 4 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
|Type1 | Shelf | slot | olt | reserved |

| 4 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
|Type3 | Shelf |slot(5b)Olt(3b) | onu | reserved |

| 4 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
|Type6 | Shelf | slot | reserved |
CesWanPort Type1
CesProtocol Type6
CesRfc1213 Type6
CesRfc1757 Type6
EponOltVirtualIfBER Type1
EponOltEther Type1
EponOltPhyPort Type3
GponOlt Type1
GponOnu Type1

second-ifIndex range: 1 64; use second-ifIndex only when

performance threshold value is GPON ONU.

show onu-type
Syntax show onu-type [epon | gpon]

290 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Purpose To display the ONU type template information

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

epon ONU type EPON -

gpon ONU type GPON -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU type template informa-
ZXAN(config-pon)#show onu-type

Pon Type Onu type Description

gpon ZTE-F601 ZTE-F601
gpon ZTE-F621 ZTE-F621
gpon ZTE-F622 ZTE-F622
gpon ZTE-F625 ZTE-F625
gpon ZTE-F640 ZTE-F640
gpon ZTE-F641 ZTE-F641

ZXAN(config-pon)#show onu-type epon

ZXAN(config-pon)#show onu-type gpon

Pon Type Onu type Description

gpon ZTE-F601 ZTE-F601
gpon ZTE-F621 ZTE-F621
gpon ZTE-F622 ZTE-F622
gpon ZTE-F625 ZTE-F625
gpon ZTE-F640 ZTE-F640
gpon ZTE-F641 ZTE-F641


Related None

show onu-if
Syntax show onu-if onu-type-name
Purpose To display the ONU interface information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu-type-name ONU name Range: 1 63


Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU interface information:
ZXAN(config-pon)#show onu-if ZTE-F888
Onu type name : ZTE-F888
Interface list

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)


Related None

show onu-type-attr gpon

Syntax show onu-type-attr gpon onu type name
Purpose To query the ONU profile property information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

onu type name ONU type name Range: 1 64

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays how to query ONU profile property
ZXAN#show onu-type-attr gpon ZTE-F888
Onu type name : ZTE-F888;
Pon type : gpon;
Description : new-onu;
Max tcont : 255;
Max gemport : 255;
Max bridge per slot : 8;
Max uplink per bridge : 255.

Related None

ip-pool epon
Syntax ip-pool epon pool-name begin begin-ip-address end last-ip-add
ress net-mask vlan vlanid priority priority mgm-ip mgmip net-
mask gateway
no ip-pool epon pool-name
Purpose To configure the EPON address pool
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Descripiton Value

pool-name Address pool name Range: 1 16


begin begin-ip-addr Begin IP address A.B.C.D


292 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parameter Descripiton Value

end last-ip-address End IP address A.B.C.D

net-mask Net mask A.B.C.D

vlan vlanid VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

priority priority Priority Range: 0 7

mgm-ip mgmip Remote management A.B.C.D

IP address

gateway Gateway A.B.C.D

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the EPON address
ZXAN(config-pon)# ip-pool epon zxan begin end
priority 7 mgm-ip

Related None
Related One address pool can be configured with multiple address seg-
Information ments. Each address segment can allocate at most 4096 ad-

Syntax power-switch power-no power-no
Purpose To switch power to specified power module
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

power-no power-no Power module number Range: 1 2

Mode ZXAN(config-pon)#
Example The following example displays how to switch the power to speci-
fied power module:
ZXAN(config-pon)# power-switch power-no 1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 293

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show performance olt

Syntax show performance olt {current | history} [gpon-olt_shelf/slo
Purpose To display the OLT current and past performance information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

current Current performance -


history Past information -

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, clot number characters
and OLT ID

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the OLT current and past perfor-
mance information:
ZXAN(config-if)#show performance olt current
Current Olt Performance Statistics Data:
NonIdleGemFramesUpstream: 0,
IdleGemFramesUpstream: 0.
ErroredGemFramesUpstream: 0,
GemPayloadBytesUpstream: 0.
TotalOmciFramesUpstream: 0,
ERR: 0.
REI: 0,
CpuPacketDownstream: 0,
PloamDownstream: 0.
PloamUpstream: 0,
InvalidPacketUpstream: 0.

Related None

show performance onu

Syntax show performance onu {current | history} [gpon-olt_shelf/sl
ot/oltId] [onu-id]
Purpose To display the ONU current and history performance information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

294 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 7 Performance Management

Parameter Description Value

current Current performance -


history History information -

gpon-olt_shelf/slot/o GPON card shelf Range: 1 19

ltId number, slot number characters
and OLT ID

onu-id ONU ID Range: 1 128

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the ONU current and history per-
formance information:
ZXAN(config)#interface gpon-onu_0/9/1:1
ZXAN(config-if)#show performance onu history

Related None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 295

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

This page is intentionally blank.

296 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8

Ethernet Interface

Table of Contents
byname ......................................................................... 298
clear counter .................................................................. 298
description ..................................................................... 299
duplex ........................................................................... 299
flowcontrol ..................................................................... 300
hybrid-attribute............................................................... 300
interface ........................................................................ 301
jumbo-frame .................................................................. 301
monitor session............................................................... 302
monitor session (Port)...................................................... 302
multicast ........................................................................ 303
negotiation auto .............................................................. 304
range............................................................................. 304
shutdown ....................................................................... 305
speed ............................................................................ 305
port-protect .................................................................... 306
trust-cos ........................................................................ 306
trust-dscp ...................................................................... 307
ip address-group ............................................................. 307
ip arp inspection trust ...................................................... 308
traffic-shape ................................................................... 308
priority........................................................................... 309
lacp timeout ................................................................... 309
lacp port-priority ............................................................. 310
rmon collection statistics .................................................. 310
rmon collection history ..................................................... 311
eth-switch broadcast-limit ................................................ 311
eth-switch multicast-limit ................................................. 312
eth-switch unkowncast-limit.............................................. 312
eth-switch port-protect .................................................... 313
eth-switch mac-protect .................................................... 313
eth-switch vlan-limit ........................................................ 314
eth-switch mac-anti-spoofing ............................................ 314
show eth-switch .............................................................. 315
show eth-switch vlan-limit ................................................ 315
show interface ................................................................ 316
show ip interface ............................................................. 318
show monitor session....................................................... 319

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 297

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Syntax byname byname
no byname
Purpose To configure the interface byname
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

by-name Byname Range: 1 32


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure tinterface by-
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#byname ether1
ZXAN(config)#interface byname ether1

Related interface
Related After configuring byname, use byname to enter this interface con-
Information figuration mode directly.

clear counter
Syntax clear counter {ethernet | olt | onu} [interface-name]
Purpose To clear interface statistics
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name -

Mode ZXAN#
Example The following example displays how to clear interface statistics:
ZXAN#clear counter gei_0/6/1

Related show interface

Related Execute this command to clear all interface statistics unless an
Information interface name is specified.

298 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Syntax description string
no description
Mode To give description to interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

string Interface description Range: 1 20


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to give description to inter-
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#description "this is GigabitEthernet Interface"

Related None

Syntax duplex {half | full}
no duplex
Mode To configure the port work mode as duplex
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

half Half duplex mode -

full Full duplex mode -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the port work
mode as duplex:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#no negotiation auto
ZXAN(config-if)#duplex full

Related negotiation auto

Related Fast Ethernet electric port and Giga Ethernet electric port support
Information half duplex and full duplex modes. Fast Ethernet optical port, Giga
Ethernet optical port and 10-Giga Ethernet port support full duplex
mode only.

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 299

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Before duplex configuration, disable self-negotiation mode.

Syntax flowcontrol {enable | disable}
no flowcontrol
Purpose To enable or disable the flow control
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable the flow -


disable Disable the flow -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to disable the flow control:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#flowcontrol disable

Related None

Syntax hybrid-attribute {fiber | copper}
Purpose To configure the Giga Ethernet interface property
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

fiber Fiber port -

copper Copper port -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the Giga Ethernet
interface property:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#hybrid-attribute copper

300 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Related None
Related Before executing this command to transfer fiber to copper, or cop-
Information per to fiber, ensure that the interface supports both fiber mode
and copper mode.

Syntax interface {interface-name | byname byname}
no interface {interface-name | byname byname}
Purpose To enter into an interface mode
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface-name Interface name Keywords: adsl_1/16,

byname, gei_1/21,
loopback, mng,
null, smartgroup,
supervlan, tunnel,
vdsl_1/4, vlan

byname byname Byname Range: 1 - 32


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enter into interface mode:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1

Related show interface

Related The no command is invalid for physical interfaces. Both the no
Information interface byname byname and the no interface interface-name
commands are used to delete the interface.
Only when the interface byname for the interface is set, it is pos-
sible to enter the configuration mode of this interface using the
byname parameter.

Syntax jumbo-frame {enable | disable}
no jumbo-frame
Purpose To allow or deny the jumbo frame
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 301

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Parameter Description Value

enable Allow jumbo frame -

disable Deny jumbo frame -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to disable the jumbo frame:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#jumbo-frame disable

Related None

monitor session
Syntax monitor session session-number
no monitor session session-number
Purpose To create a session
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

session-number Session number Range: 1 1

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to create a session:
ZXAN(config)#monitor session 1

Related show monitor session

Related Use the no command to delete the session. All the configured
Information source ports and destination ports in that session are deleted.

monitor session (Port)

Syntax monitor session session-number {destination | source [direc
tion {both | tx | rx}]}
no monitor session
Purpose To add a source or destination port to a session
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

302 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Parameter Description Value

session-number Session number Range: 1 1

destination Destination port -

source Source port -

direction Traffic collection -

direction of the source

both Traffic collection -

direction of source
port to both Rx and

tx Traffic collection -
direction of source
port to Tx

rx Traffic collection -
direction of source
port to Rx

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to add a source or a destina-
tion port to a session:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#monitor session 1 source direction tx
ZXAN(config-if)#monitor session 1 destination

Related show monitor session

Related Each session can be configured with up to eight source ports and
Information one destination port. Each port can be either the source or the
destination, but not both.
When configuring the source/destination port, if the session
number does not exist, create a session first, and then add the
source/destination port. When configuring the destination port, if
the session already holds a destination port, the configuration is
If the source/destination port of each session are on the same line
interface card, the system supports up to eight sessions. If the
source/destination port of each session are not on the same line
interface card, only one session is allowed.

Syntax multicast ttl-threshold value
no multicast-limit
Purpose To configure the multicast TTL threshold value

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 303

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

ttl-threshold value TTL threshold value Range: 0 255

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the multicast TTL
threshold value:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#multicast ttl-threshold 10

Related None

negotiation auto
Syntax negotiation auto
no negotiation auto
Purpose To activate the auto-negotiation link for the Ethernet interface
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to activate auto-negotiation
link for the Ethernet interface:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#negotiation auto

Related show interface


Syntax range
Purpose To display port list
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays port list:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
Portlist of the range: gei_0/6/1

304 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Related None

Syntax shutdown
no shutdown
Purpose To enable/disable the interface
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to the enable/disable inter-
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#no shutdown

Related None
Related shutdown command disables an interface. However, it does not
Information affect the interface physical state.

Syntax speed {10 | 100 | 1000}
no speed
Purpose To configure the interface force rate
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

10 Set interface rate to -

be 10 Mbps

100 Set interface rate to -

be 100 Mbps

1000 Set interface rate to -

be 1000 Mbps

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure interface force
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#no negotiation auto
ZXAN(config-if)#speed 1000

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related show interface

Related In rate configuration, disable self-negotiation mode.

Syntax port-protect {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable or disable the port protection
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable the port -


disable Disable the port -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the port protection
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#port-protect enable

Related None

Syntax trust-cos {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable/disable the port CoS mapping function
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable CoS mapping -


disable Disable CoS mapping -


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the port CoS map-
ping function
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#trust-cos enable

306 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Related trust-dscp

Syntax trust-dscp {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable/disable the DSCP mapping function
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable DSCP mapping -


disable Disable DSCP -

mapping function

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the DSCP mapping
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)#trust-dscp enable

Related trust-cos

ip address-group
Syntax ip address-group acl-number/acl-name in
Purpose To configure the uplink port access control
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

acl-number/acl-name ACL number or ACL Range: 1 349

name Extension range:
1000 1999
IPv6 usage range:
2000 2999
ACL name range: 1
31 characters

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the uplink port
access control:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 307

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

ZXAN(config-if)# ip access-group 300 in

Related None

ip arp inspection trust

Syntax ip arp inspection trust
Purpose To configure the dynamic ARP inspection trust port
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure dynamic ARP in-
spection trust port:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)# ip arp inspection trust

Related None
Related This command is a part of dynamic ARP inspection. The purpose
Information is to set the port as dynamic ARP inspection trust port. If it is a
trust port, the inspection is not made after ARP packet is received.
If it is not a trust port, the inspection is made. The command is
used together with DHCP snooping.

Syntax traffic-shape rate-limit rate bucket-size bucket-size out
Purpose To configure the uplink interface outgoing traffic shape parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

rate-limit rate Rate limit Range: 64 1000000


bucket-size Bucket size Range: 4 16000

bucket-size Kilo bytes

out Egress -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the uplink inter-
face outgoing traffic shape parameters:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)# traffic-shape rate-limit 1000 bucket-size 100 out

308 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Related None

Syntax priority priority
Purpose To configure the port priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

priority Priority Range: 0 7

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the port priority:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)# priority 7

Related None

lacp timeout
Syntax lacp timeout {long | short}
Purpose To configure the interface LACP timeout
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

long LACP long timeout -

short LACP short timeout -

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the interface LACP
to short timeout:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_1/21/1
ZXAN(config-if)#lacp timeout short

Related show lacp

Related By default, long timeout is configured.
When the long timeout is configured, the system sends LACP pack-
ets every 30 seconds.

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

When the short timeout is configured, the system sends LACP

packets every one second.

lacp port-priority
Syntax lacp port-priority port-priority
Purpose To configure the LACP port priority
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

port-priority Port priority Range: 1 65535

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the LACP port
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)# lacp port-priority 10

Related None

rmon collection statistics

Syntax rmon collection statistics index [owner owner]
Purpose To configure uplink port statistics information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

index Statistics index Range: 1 65535

owner owner Statistics owner Range: 1 30


Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following exampled displays how to configure uplink port sta-
tistics information:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)# rmon collection statistics 1 owner zte

310 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Related None

rmon collection history

Syntax rmon collection history index [owner owner] [bucket value]
[interval interval]
Purpose To configure the uplink port history sampling parameters
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

History sampling in-

index Range: 1 65535
formation index

owner owner Range: 1 30 charac-

Sample owner

bucket value Sample numbers Range: 1 100

interval interval Sampling interval Range: 1 3600 sec

Mode ZXAN(config-if)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the uplink port
history sampling parameters:
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/6/1
ZXAN(config-if)# rmon collection history 1 owner zte

Related None

eth-switch broadcast-limit
Syntax eth-switch broadcast-limit num
no eth-switch broadcast-limit
Purpose To configure the broadcast limit
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num Broadcast limit Range: 0 65534 pps

Default: 100 pps

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the broadcast
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch broadcast-limit 200

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)


Related show eth-switch


eth-switch multicast-limit
Syntax eth-switch multicast-limit num
no eth-switch multicast-limit
Purpose To configure the global multicast packet limit
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num Multicast packet limit Range: 0 65534 pps


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure global multicast
packet limit:
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch multicast-limit 100

Related show eth-switch


eth-switch unkowncast-limit
Syntax eth-switch unknowncast-limit num
no eth-switch unknowncast-limit
Purpose To configure unknowncast limit
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num Unknowncast limit Range: 0 65534 pps

Default: 100 pps

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the unknowncast
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch unkowncast-limit 1000

312 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Related None

eth-switch port-protect
Syntax eth-switch port-protect {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable or disable the global user port protection
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable port protection -

disable Disable port -


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to disable the global user port
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch port-protect disable

Related show eth-switch

Related By default, global user port protection is enabled.

eth-switch mac-protect
Syntax eth-switch mac-protect mac-address vlan vlan
no eth-switch mac-protect mac-address vlan vlan
Purpose To configure the global MAC+VLAN anti-floating policy
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

mac-address MAC address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX

vlan vlan VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to configure the global
MAC+VLAN anti-floating policy:
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch mac-protect 0000.0011.2233 vlan 100

Related show eth-switch


Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 313

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related At most 16 MAC+VLAN anti-floating policies can be configured.


eth-switch vlan-limit
Syntax eth-switch vlan-limit vlan vlan rate rate {upstream | downs
no eth-switch vlan-limit vlan vlan {upstream | downstream}
Purpose To configure the global VLAN rate limit policy
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

vlan vlan VLAN ID Range: 1 4094

rate rate Rate Range: 64

10000000 Kbps
Granularity: 64 Kbps

upstream Upstream rate -

downstream Downstream rate -

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Exammple The following example displays how to configure the global VLAN
rate limit policy:
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch vlan-limit vlan 100 rate 64 downstream

Related show eth-switch vlan-limit

Related At most 64 VLAN rate limit policies can be configured.
The configured rate granularity is 64 Kbps. Valid value is mul-
tiple of 64.

eth-switch mac-anti-spoofing
Syntax eth-switch mac-anti-spoofing [enable | disable]
no eth-switch mac-anti-spoofing
Purpose To enable or disable the MAC address anti-spoofing operation
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

314 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable MAC address -


disable Disable MAC address -


Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to enable the MAC address
anti-spoofing operation:
ZXAN(config)#eth-switch mac-anti-spoofing enable

Related None

show eth-switch
Syntax show eth-switch
Purpose To display the Ethernet switch information
Usage Guidelines None
Mode All modes except exec mode
Example The following example displays the Ethernet switch information:
ZXAN#show eth-switch
broadcast-limit :100 pps
unkowncast-limit :100 pps
multicast-limit :disable
port-protect :disable

Related None

show eth-switch vlan-limit

Syntax show eth-switch vlan-limit
Purpose To display the VLAN rate limit policy configuration
Usage Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN#
Example The following example displays the VLAN rate limit policy config-
ZXAN(config)#show eth-switch vlan-limit
the total vlan-limit rule numbers:1
vlan rate(unit:kbps) direction
100 128 upstream

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 315

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show interface
Syntax show interface interface
Purpose To display the detailed statistics of interface
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

interface Interface name Keywords: adsl_1/16,

port-status, gei_1/21,
loopback, mng,
null, smartgroup,
supervlan, tunnel,
vdsl_1/4, vlan

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the detailed statistics of the inter-
Loopback interface
ZXAN#show interface loopback1
loopback1 is up, line protocol is up
Description is none
Keepalive set:10 sec
Internet address is unassigned
MTU 1500 bytes
MRU 1500 bytes BW 8000000 Kbits

Null interface
ZXAN#show interface null1
null1 is up, line protocol is up
Description is none
Keepalive set:10 sec BW 10000000 Kbits

Smartgroup interface
ZXAN#show interface smartgroup1
smartgroup1 is up, line protocol is down
Description is none
Keepalive set:10 sec
VLAN mode is hybrid, pvid 1

VLAN interface
ZXAN#show interface vlan1
vlan1 is up, line protocol is up
Description is none
Keepalive set:10 sec
MAC address is 00d0.d0c7.ffe0

316 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

ARP Timeout:00:05:00
Internet address is unassigned
MTU 1500 bytes
MRU 1500 bytes BW 1000000 Kbits

gei_1/21/1 interface
ZXAN#show interface gei_1/21/1
gei_1/21/1 is down, line protocol is down
Description is none
Keepalive set:10 sec
The port is optical
Duplex full
scramble payload-enable
VLAN mode is access, pvid 1BW 1000000 Kbits
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
120 seconds input rate :0 Bps, 0 pps
120 seconds output rate:0 Bps, 0 pps
Interface peak rate :
input 0 Bps, output 0 Bps
Interface utilization: input 0%, output 0%
Packets : 0 Bytes : 0
Unicasts : 0 Multicasts: 0
Broadcasts : 0 Undersize : 0
Oversize : 0 CRC-ERROR : 0
Dropped : 0 Fragments : 0
Jabber : 0 MacRxErr : 0
Packets : 0 Bytes : 0
Unicasts : 0 Multicasts: 0
Broadcasts : 0 Collision : 0
LateCollision: 0
64B : 0 65-127B : 0
128-255B : 0 256-511B : 0
512-1023B : 0 1024-2018B: 0

The following table describes the parameters displayed in the


Parameter Description

gei_1/21/1 is down Administration state of interface

is down

line protocol is up Administration state of interface

is available

Description Interface description

Duplex Interface work mode: full or

half duplex

The port is electric Electrical or optical interface

vlan Interface VLAN information

MTU Interface MTU value

BW Interface bandwidth

MAC Interface MAC address

Input, Output, Total Interface statistics

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 317

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related None

show ip interface
Syntax show ip interface [brief] [interface-name]
show ip interface [ | {begin | exclude | include} line]
Purpose To display the interface state and configuration information
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

brief Brief summary -

of IP status and

interface-name Interface name Keywords: adsl_1/16,

adsl_1/17, gei_1/21,
loopback, mng,
null, smartgroup,
supervlan, tunnel,
vdsl_1/4, vlan

| Output modifier -

begin Begin with the line -

that matches

exclude Exclude the line that -


include Include the line that -


line Line -

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the interface status and configu-
ration information:
ZXAN#show ip interface brief
interface IP-Address Mask AdminStatus PhyStatus Protocol
vlan1 unassigned unassigned up up up
vlan100 up up up
vlan200 unassigned unassigned up up down

Related None
Related show ip interface command displays information about all the
Information interfaces configured.
show ip interface interface-name command displays the speci-
fied interface information.
show ip interface brief command displays the summary of all
the interfaces.

318 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 8 Ethernet Interface Configuration

show ip interface brief interface-name command displays the

summary of the specified interface.

show monitor session

Syntax show monitor session {session-number}
Purpose To display the detailed information about user defined sessions
Usage Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

session-number Session number Range: 1 1

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays the detailed information about user
defined sessions:
ZXAN#show monitor session 1
Session 1
Source Ports:
Port: gei_1/21/1 Monitor Direction: both
Destination Port:

Related monitor session


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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

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320 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 9

Uplink Port Protection


Table of Contents
uaps-group..................................................................... 321
revertive ........................................................................ 322
Protect-time ................................................................... 322
swap ............................................................................. 323
switch ............................................................................ 323
retry-link-detect .............................................................. 323
interval-link-detect .......................................................... 324
port master-portlist ......................................................... 324
show uaps groupid .......................................................... 325

Syntax uaps-group groupid [mode {csc-swap | port-swap}]
no uaps-group groupid
Purpose To create or delete UAPS group
User Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

groupid UAPS group ID Range: 1 4

port-swap Port swap

csc-swap Control and switch

card swap

Mode ZXAN(config)#
Example The following example displays how to create or delete UAPS
ZXAN(config)#uaps-group 1

Related None

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 321

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Related By default, UAPS group is in port swap mode.


Syntax revertive {enable | disable}
Purpose To enable/disable revertive function for UAPS group
User Guidelines The following example displays how to enable/disable revertive
function for UAPS group:

Parameter Description Value

enable Enable revertive


disable Disable revertive


Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to enable/disable revertive
function for UAPS group:
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)# revertive enable

Related None

Syntax protect-time time
Purpose To configure protection time for UAPS group
User Guidelines The following example displays how to configure protection time
for uaps group:

Parameter Description Value

time Protection time Range: 10 - 900 sec

Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to configure protection time
for uaps group:
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)#protect-time 400

Related None

322 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 9 Uplink Port Protection Configuration

Related By default, the protection time is 300 seconds.


Syntax swap
Purpose To force switch UAPS group
User Guidelines None
Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to force switch uaps group:
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)# swap

Related None

Syntax switch {common-port | trunking-port}
Purpose To modify UAPS group property
User Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

common-port Common port


trunking-port Trunking port


Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to modify UAPS group prop-
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)# switch common-port

Related None

Syntax retry-link-detect num
Purpose To configure retry times for ping next hop link detection
User Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

num Retry times Range: 1 10

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 323

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to configure retry times for
ping next hop link detection:
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)# retry-link-detct 3

Related None
Related This command is valid when next-hop is configured. By default,
Information the retry times is 5.

Syntax interval-link-detect time
Purpose To configure detection period for ping next-hop link detection
User Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

time Detection time Range: 1 10 sec

Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to configure detection period
for ping next-hop link detection:
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)# interval-link-detct 3

Related None

port master-portlist
Syntax port master-portlist portlist slave-portlist portlist
no port master-portlist portlist
Purpose To add or delete port to/from uplink group
User Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

portlist Uplink port list

Mode ZXAN(cfg-uaps-groupid)#
Example The following example displays how to add or delete port to/from
uplink group:
ZXAN(cfg-uaps-1)#port master-portlist gei_0/9/1 slave-portliste gei_0/9/2

Related None

324 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

Chapter 9 Uplink Port Protection Configuration

Related Currently only one pair of ports can be added once.

When the created group is in csc-swap mode, master port should
be consistent with slave port.

show uaps groupid

Syntax show uaps groupid groupid
Purpose To display UAPS group status
User Guidelines The following table provides parameter description:

Parameter Description Value

groupid Group ID Range: 1 4

Mode All modes except exec mode

Example The following example displays UAPS group status:
ZXAN(config)#show uaps groupid 1
Swap mode : port-swap
Revertive control : enble
Protection time : 400s
Switch type : trunk port
In protected time : no
Reserve swap type : none
Last swap request type : none
Last swap type : none
Master ports status : forwarding
gei_0/9/1 : up
Slave ports status : block
gei_0/9/2 : down

Related None

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

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326 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


Table 1 Chapter Summary .................................................... i

Table 2 Typographical Conventions .........................................ii
Table 3 Mouse Operation Conventions ................................... iii

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

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328 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


A eth-switch
abort onu-version .............. 51 mac-anti-spoofing .......... 314
action ..................... 106, 128 eth-switch mac-protect .... 313
activate onu-version .......... 52 eth-switch multi-
admin-status ........... 264, 271 cast-limit ...................... 312
au-3 .............................. 268 eth-switch port-protect..... 313
au-4 tug3 ....................... 268 eth-switch unknown-
authtype .......................... 88 cast-limit ...................... 312
eth-switch vlan-limit ........ 314
ex-vlan bridge-port uni..... 137
B ex-vlan bridge-port
uplink ........................... 138
bandwidth-profile .............. 52 ex-vlan eth ..................... 139
ber .................................. 89 ex-vlan-table bridge-port
bridge ............................ 129 uni ............................... 140
bridge-port ex-vlan-table bridge-port
host-bind ............... 131, 221 uplink ........................... 140
bridge-port ip-host .......... 221 ex-vlan-table eth ............. 141
bridge-port uni
traffic-limitcont .............. 132
bridge-port uni-bind......... 130 F
bridge-port uniu .............. 131
bridge-port uplink............ 133 fec .................................. 91
broadcast ......................... 89 filter-rule.......................... 74
byname ......................... 298 flood bandwidth .......... 75, 92
flowcontrol ..................... 300
framing .......................... 267
ces ................................ 255 G
clear counter .................. 298
clear lacp ......................... 21 gemport ......................... 108
clock-source ................... 264 gemport priority-regener-
commit onu-version ........... 53 ation ............................ 111
gemport priority-regener-
ation mode.................... 111
D gemport-weight-mgmt ..... 109
description ........ 90, 107, 299 gpon................................ 51
device admin-state .......... 134
device battery-backup...... 134
device sec-mode ............. 135
dhcp-option82 trust ......... 107 hybrid-attribute............... 300
dial-plan........................... 73
dial-plan-table .................. 72
discover-period ................. 90 I
dot1p-to-queue-map.......... 91 innerport .......................... 54
dot1x............................. 135 instance .............................1
dot1x ethuni ................... 136 interface ........... 22, 106, 301
duplex ........................... 299 interface ces ad-
min-state ...................... 142
interface ces arc.............. 142
E interface ces ds1-fram-
eth-switch broad- ing ............................... 143
cast-limit ...................... 311 interface ces ds1-mode .... 143

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 329

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

interface ces ex- interface uplink

pect-type ...................... 145 dot1p-mapper ............... 162
interface ces line-cod- interface video
ing ............................... 145 admin-state .................. 163
interface ces interface video arc ........... 164
line-length .................... 146 interface video
interface ces loopback ...... 147 power-control ................ 164
interface eth ad- interval-link-detect .......... 324
min-state ...................... 147 ip access-group ................. 92
interface eth arc .............. 148 ip address-group ............. 307
interface eth bridge- ip arp inspection trust ...... 308
OrIP ............................. 148 ip dhcp database ............... 41
interface eth dot1p-map- ip dhcp enable .................. 38
per............................... 149 ip dhcp helper-address ....... 43
interface eth eth-loop....... 150 ip dhcp logging on ............. 38
interface eth ex- ip dhcp mode .................... 39
pect-type ...................... 150 ip dhcp proxy client
interface eth leasetime ........................ 42
max-frame .................... 151 ip dhcp relay agent ............ 44
interface eth ip dhcp relay server ........... 44
pause-time.................... 151 ip dhcp relay server retry..... 41
interface eth power-con- ip dhcp relay server
trol .............................. 152 vclass-id ......................... 43
interface eth pppoe-fil- ip dhcp relay update arp..... 42
ter ............................... 152 ip dhcp server dns ............. 47
interface eth speed .......... 153 ip dhcp server gateway ...... 49
interface eth wiring.......... 154 ip dhcp server leasetime..... 48
interface gemport ip dhcp server update
bridge .......................... 165 arp................................. 48
interface gemport ip dhcp snooping ............... 33
dot1p-bridge ................. 166 ip dhcp snooping enable ..... 33
interface gemport uni....... 167 ip dhcp snooping quota ...... 34
interface gpon-olt_x/x/x..... 88 ip dhcp snooping trust........ 34
interface gpon-onu .......... 105 ip dhcp snooping vlan ........ 35
interface pon alarm ......... 154 ip dhcp user quota............. 39
interface pon ip local pool ...................... 46
current-threshold ........... 155 ip local pool conflict-ip........ 47
interface pon ip pim snooping................. 27
gem-blocklen................. 159 ip-address ...................... 258
interface pon ip-host dhcp-enable ......... 225
rx-optical-threshold ........ 155 ip-host id ....................... 226
interface pon ip-host ip ....................... 226
sf-threshold............ 156, 158 ip-host primary-dns ......... 227
interface pon ip-pool epon ................... 292
tx-optical-threshold ........ 157
interface pon
vol-threshold ................. 158 J
interface pots
admin-state ........... 159, 222 jumbo-frame .................. 301
interface pots arc ..... 160, 223
interface pots
impedance ............. 160, 223 L
interface pots lacp port-priority ........22, 310
rx-gain .................. 161, 224 lacp timeout ..............23, 309
interface pots line-coding ..................... 265
tx-gain .................. 161, 224 line-type ........................ 266
interface pots linktrap ............................ 93
tx-path .................. 162, 225 lock ................................. 93
interface tdm_X/X/X ........ 263 loopback ........................ 266

330 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


M performance ip-host ........ 229

mac-address ................... 258 performance
mac-filter ip-host...... 167, 228 mac-bridge ................... 172
mac-filter uni .................. 168 performance mgc ............ 174
mac-filter uplink .............. 169 performance radius.......... 175
max-mac-learn ............... 110 performance rtp ....... 176, 230
mc-interwork .................. 169 performance
monitor session............... 302 sip-call-init ............. 177, 230
multicast ........................ 303 performance-threshold ..... 289
multicast bandwidth........... 94 performance-threshold
bridge-port...................... 56
N ces................................. 57
name .............2, 95, 112, 271 performance-threshold
negotiation auto .............. 304 dot1x ............................. 58
eth................................. 59
O performance-threshold
onu-batch-cfg ................... 55 gem ............................... 60
onu-def-reg ...................... 95 performance-threshold
onu-if ............................ 281 radius............................. 61
onu-state ....................... 112 pim snooping .................... 27
onu-type ........................ 280 pon ............................... 279
onu-type-attr gpon .......... 280 pon-bandwidth .................. 94
onu-ver............................ 54 pon-onu-mng........... 127128
port master-portlist ......... 324
port-location format......... 113
P port-protect .................... 306
portid-encrypt................. 113
peer default ip pool............ 49
power-shedding .............. 177
performance bridge-port
power-switch .................. 293
ip-host .................. 175, 228
pppoe-plus ..................... 114
performance bridge-port
pre-filter ip-host....... 178, 231
uni ............................... 172
pre-filter uni ................... 179
performance bridge-port
pre-filter uplink ............... 180
uplink ........................... 173
priority........................... 309
Protect-time ................... 322
call-ctrl .................. 176, 229
protection group.............. 248
performance ces.............. 174
protection prop ............... 249
performance cesmsb2 ...... 282
protection switch-com-
performance cesproto-
mand ........................... 250
col ............................... 282
protection sync-data ........ 251
performance ces-
psn................................ 272
rfc1213......................... 283
pw................................. 270
performance ces-
pw delete ....................... 181
rfc1757......................... 284
pw ethernet .................... 181
performance cesrsb1........ 286
pw ip ............................. 182
pw optional..................... 183
cesvc12v5..................... 288
pw rtp............................ 184
pw tdm .......................... 185
cesvc12v5rei ................. 288
pw-profile......................... 62
performance cesvc4b3 ..... 287
pwmode ......................... 115
performance ceswan-
port ............................. 284
performance dot1x Q
ethuni .......................... 170
performance eth.............. 170 qos-mgmt ...................... 115
performance gal-eth ........ 171
performance gem ............ 171
performance GponOlt ....... 285 R
performance GponOnu ..... 286 range......... 96, 116, 267, 304

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 331

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

range-mode...................... 96 show gpon olt

rate-limit igmp .................. 64 range-mode .................. 104
register ............................ 97 show gpon olt
reset................................ 98 schedule-mode .............. 102
retry-link-detect .............. 323 show gpon olt
revertive ........................ 322 weigh-mgmt.................. 103
revision..............................3 show gpon onu
rmon collection history ..... 311 baseInfo ....................... 121
rmon collection show gpon onu
statistics ....................... 310 detail-info ..................... 122
show gpon onu gemport
S configuration ................. 120
show gpon onu gemport
scb-port-mode .................. 69
statistic ........................ 122
schedule-mode ................. 76
show gpon onu
sdhprot .......................... 275
state ..................... 120, 123
sdhprot group ................. 259
show gpon onu tcont........ 125
sdhprot prop............ 260, 276
show gpon onu uncfg ....... 123
sdhprot switch-com-
show gpon onu
mand .................... 260, 276
update-status ................ 126
show allocid.................... 119
show gpon onu
show ces global-prop ....... 259
version-running ............. 126
show ces interface ........... 270
show gpon onu
show ces pw count .......... 274
weightmgmt .................. 124
show ces pw prop ............ 274
show gpon perfor-
show ces sdhprot group
count ........................... 261
bridge-port...................... 79
show ces sdhprot group
show gpon perfor-
prop ............................. 262
mance-threshold ces ........ 79
show ces sdhprot
show gpon perfor-
request......................... 263
mance-threshold dot1x ..... 80
show ces sdhprot
show gpon perfor-
switch-command............ 262
mance-threshold eth ........ 80
show ces sdhprot
show gpon perfor-
sync-data...................... 263
mance-threshold gem ....... 81
show ces tdm-profile........ 257
show gpon perfor-
show dial-plan .................. 87
mance-threshold radius..... 82
show dial-plan-table .......... 87
show gpon profile .............. 85
show eth-switch .............. 315
show gpon profile
show eth-switch
bandwidth ....................... 82
vlan-limit ...................... 315
show gpon profile traffic ..... 82
show fec .......................... 99
show gpon pw-profile ......... 83
show gpon dial-plan........... 77
show gpon rate-limit
show gpon dial-plan-ta-
igmp .............................. 83
ble ................................. 77
show gpon remote-onu
show gpon filter-rule.......... 78
bridge .......................... 193
show gpon flood-broad-
show gpon remote-onu
cast................................ 78
bridge-port.................... 194
show gpon olt allocid ......... 99
show gpon remote-onu
show gpon olt
bridge-port host-bind...... 240
broadcast-bandwidth ...... 101
show gpon remote-onu
show gpon olt
bridge-port ip-host ......... 241
dot1p-to-queue-map ...... 102
show gpon remote-onu
show gpon olt flood
bridge-port uplink .......... 194
bandwidth ..................... 100
show gpon remote-onu
show gpon olt multicast
device .......................... 195
bandwidth ..................... 100
show gpon remote-onu
show gpon olt
distance........................ 195
pon-bandwidth .............. 103
show gpon olt portid ........ 104

332 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu

dot1x ........................... 196 performance ip-host ....... 211
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
dot1x ethuni.................. 196 performance
show gpon remote-onu mac-bridge ................... 210
ex-vlan bridge-port show gpon remote-onu
uni ............................... 197 performance rtp............. 212
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
ex-vlan bridge-port performance
uplink ........................... 198 sip-call-init .................... 213
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
ex-vlan eth.................... 198 power-shedding ............. 214
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
ex-vlan-table bridge-port pre-filter ip-host ............ 243
uni ............................... 199 show gpon remote-onu
show gpon remote-onu pre-filter uni .................. 214
ex-vlan-table bridge-port show gpon remote-onu
uplink ........................... 199 pre-filter uplink.............. 215
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
ex-vlan-table eth ........... 200 pw ............................... 216
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
interface ces.................. 201 sip-agent ...................... 244
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
interface dot1p-mapper sip-user ........................ 244
eth............................... 201 show gpon remote-onu
show gpon remote-onu up-queue-map............... 217
interface dot1p-mapper show gpon remote-onu
uplink ........................... 202 vlan-filter ip-host ........... 245
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
interface eth.................. 202 vlan-filter uni................. 217
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
interface pon ................. 203 vlan-filter uplink ............ 218
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
interface pots ................ 241 vlan-filter-mode
show gpon remote-onu ip-host ......................... 246
interface video............... 205 show gpon remote-onu
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode uni........ 219
interwork ...................... 205 show gpon remote-onu
show gpon remote-onu vlan-filter-mode
ip-host ......................... 242 uplink ........................... 219
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
mac-filter ...................... 204 vlan-tag........................ 220
show gpon remote-onu show gpon remote-onu
performance bridge-port vlan-tag ip-host ............. 246
ip-host .................. 206, 243 show gpon remote-onu
show gpon remote-onu voip-ctp ........................ 247
performance bridge-port show gpon remote-onu
uni ............................... 206 voip-linestatus ............... 247
show gpon remote-onu show gpon
performance bridge-port scb-port-mode ................. 76
uplink ........................... 207 show gpon treat ................ 84
show gpon remote-onu show gpon virtual-onu ....... 84
performance call-ctrl ...... 212 show interface ................ 316
show gpon remote-onu show ip dhcp configure....... 40
performance ces ............ 208 show ip dhcp proxy
show gpon remote-onu client.............................. 46
performance eth ............ 208 show ip dhcp relay server
show gpon remote-onu vclass-id ......................... 45
performance gem........... 210 show ip dhcp server
user ......................... 45, 50

Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 333

ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

show ip dhcp snooping show voip-media-profile ..... 85

configure ........................ 35 shutdown .......... 99, 118, 305
show ip dhcp snooping sip-agent proxy-server ..... 231
port ............................... 36 sip-agent reg-exptime...... 232
show ip dhcp snooping sip-agent regis-
port quota....................... 37 trar-server .................... 233
show ip dhcp snooping sip-agent rereg-start-
trust............................... 36 time ............................. 233
show ip dhcp snooping sip-agent ss.................... 233
vlan ............................... 37 sip-agent validate ............ 234
show ip interface ............. 318 sip-user ......................... 235
show ip pim snooping smartgroup ...................... 25
all-statistic ...................... 28 smartgroup load-bal-
show ip pim snooping ance............................... 25
all-statistic clear .............. 28 sn ................................. 117
show ip pim snooping spanning-tree .....................7
entry .............................. 29 spanning-tree bpduguard .....7
show ip pim snooping spanning-tree edged-port .....8
neighbor-info................... 29 spanning-tree
show ip pim snooping forward-delay ....................9
port-info ......................... 30 spanning-tree guard .......... 10
show ip pim snooping spanning-tree hello-time..... 10
port-statistic clear spanning-tree linktype ....... 11
interface ......................... 30 spanning-tree max-age ...... 12
show ip pim snooping spanning-tree mcheck........ 12
port-statistic interface....... 31 spanning-tree mode........... 13
show lacp ......................... 24 spanning-tree mst
show monitor session....... 319 configuration ............... 5, 13
show onu running spanning-tree mst
config ........................... 220 hmd5-digest.................... 14
show onu-if .................... 291 spanning-tree mst
show onu-type ................ 291 hmd5-key ....................... 14
show onu-type-attr spanning-tree mst
gpon ............................ 292 instance.......................... 16
show onu-ver.................... 86 spanning-tree mst
show performance olt....... 294 instance priority............... 15
show performance spanning-tree mst
onu ....................... 125, 294 max-hops ....................... 17
show portid .................... 127 spanning-tree
show protection group packet-type..................... 18
count ........................... 251 spanning-tree
show protection group transparent ..................... 18
prop ............................. 251 speed ............................ 305
show protection swap ............................. 323
request......................... 252 switch ............................ 323
show protection
switch-command............ 252
show protection sync-data T
progress-bar ................. 253
show spanning tree tcont ............................. 117
inconsistentports................3 tdm-profile ..................... 256
show spanning-tree tdm-service .................... 273
instance............................4 threshold-profile................ 69
show spanning-tree traffic-profile..................... 64
interface ...........................4 traffic-shape ................... 308
show spanning-tree treat ................................ 65
statistics ...........................5 trust-cos ........................ 306
show spanning-tree trust-dscp....................... 307
transparent .......................6 type-name...................... 118
show uaps groupid .......... 325

334 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


uaps-group..................... 321
up-queue-map ................ 186
update onu-version............ 67

virtual-onu ....................... 68
vlan-filter ....................... 187
vlan-filter ip-host............. 237
vlan-filter uni .................. 187
vlan-filter uplink .............. 188
vlan-filter-mode .............. 188
ip-host ......................... 237
vlan-filter-mode uni ......... 190
vlan-filter-mode uplink ..... 190
vlan-tag ......................... 191
vlan-tag ip-host .............. 238
vlan-tag uni .................... 192
vlan-xconnect ................. 119
voip-ctp ......................... 239
voip-media-profile ............. 70

weight-mgmt .................... 98

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

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336 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

List of Glossary

AC - Alternating Current
ACL - Access Control List
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard
AIS - Alarm Indication Signal
Alloc-ID - Allocation Identifier
ANI - Access Node Interface
ARC - Alarm Report Control
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BER - Bit Error Rate
BPDU - Bridge Protocol Data Unit
CES - Circuit Emulation System
CoS - Class of Service
CPE - Customer Premises Equipment
CTP - Connection Termination Point
CVLAN - Customer Virtual Local Area Network
DCE - Data Communication Equipment
DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS - Domain Name Server
DSCP - Differentiated Services Code Point
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment
EPON - Ethernet Passive Optical Network
FEC - Forward Error Correction
GEM - GPON Encapsulation Method
GPON - Gigabit Passive Optical Network
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol
IP - Internet Protocol
IPv4 - Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 - Internet Protocol version 6
IPX - Internetwork Packet Exchange protocol
LACP - Link Aggregation Control Protocol
MAC - Media Access Control

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ZXA10 C220 Command Manual (Volume IV)

MD5 - Message Digest 5 Algorithm

MGC - Media Gateway Controller
MIB - Management Information Base
MST - Multiple Spanning Tree
MSTP - Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit
NMS - Network Management System
OLT - Optical Line Terminal
OMCC - ONU Management and Control Channel
ONT - Optical Network Terminal
ONU - Optical Network Unit
ONU - Optical Network Unit
PIM - Protocol Independent Multicast
PON - Passive Optical Network
POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PSN - Packet Switch Network
PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuits
PVLAN - Private Virtual Local Area Network
PW - Pseudo Wire
QoS - Quality of Service
RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RFC - Request for Comment
RTP - Real-time Transport Protocol
RTP - Realtime Transport Protocol
SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SES - Severely Errored Second
SIP - Session Initiation Protocol
SONET - Synchronous Optical Network
SP - Strict Priority
SS - SoftSwitch
STM - Synchronous Transport Module
STP - Spanning Tree Protocol
SVLAN - Service Virtual Local Area Network
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TDM - Time Division Multiplexing
TPID - Tag Protocol Identifier

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TTL - Time To Live

UAPS - Uplink Auto Protection Switching
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UNI - User Network Interface
VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network
VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol
WAN - Wide Area Network
WRR - Weight Round Robin

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