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Com (Professional) V SEMESTER (2015 Regulation)



An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory

learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a
professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied
experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career
paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent. This will
provides students with practical experience in an organizational setting. It helps
students improve their skills; develop their professional attitudes and competence in the
application of learned theories and concepts.

The Summer Internship is an essential requirement and integral part of the curriculum for
successful completion of the program. The course requires work on an identified task
and presenting a written report at the end of the Internship. At the end of FOURTH
SEMESTER, every student shall have to undergo 4-6 weeks summer internship to
gain an exposure in an organization in UAE or elsewhere. Students will be assigned a
faculty guide who will monitor progress and who will critique the work and report. At the
end of the summer internship, candidate will have to prepare and present the report
before panel of faculty members. Based on the presentation the panel will award
appropriate marks.

The candidate has to submit Employers Evaluation Form (Attached Separately) and
Certificate of Experience (see Annexure III ) from the organization that you have
undergone for your summer internship.

Intended Outcome:

Opportunities for students to put their academic learning into practice

Integrated learning about how specific projects relate to larger business goals

Greater understanding of business processes

Increased professional skills

Enhanced ability to recognize preferences and abilities and match them with
appropriate career-related choices

Following are the guidelines for the Summer Internship.

Students are expected to select an organization for their summer internship on their own
to do the project. It is important to get proper approval from the organization before you
start the internship. In case of students who are currently working, they may choose to do
in their own organization.

The period of summer training is between July to August, students are expected to be
spending 4-6 weeks in an organization and expected to complete before 31st August
2017. Students failing to do summer internship will not be completing the B.Com
(Professional) degree.

First draft copy (hard copy) of the project report should be submitted to the
respective faculty guide on 30 th October 2017. Every student will have to make a
presentation of his/her project report to their respective faculty guide and strictly follow
the guidelines given by them.

The final internship report with corrections, modification and alteration suggested
by faculty guide should be submitted on or before 16th November 2017. The
internship report should not be finalized without approval by the guide. Students are
advised to be in touch with their guides during the internship duration.
The internship report should be printed strictly to guidelines that are being circulated
herewith. Submit one hard copy and 1 CD of the report to the respective faculty guide on
the prescribed date mentioned. (The Hard copy of the report will be returned back to the
student after the evaluation of panel of faculty members)

Evaluation of the Report Submitted

Internship Report is treated as a course of study in the fifth semester. The report has both
Internal Evaluation (50% of total Marks) and External Evaluation (50% of the total

Internal Evaluation of the Report

After the completion of internship the students are expected to collect the Employers
Evaluation Form in a sealed cover and submit to the respective guides, which will be
counted for awarding internal marks.
The Internship Guide will assess the performance and involvement of the student on the
basis of the report submitted and will give Internal Assessment Marks as given in other
subjects of study.

External Evaluation of the Report

A panel of External Examiner will assess the performance and involvement of the student
on the basis of the report and will give marks based on your performance in the Viva
Voce Examination.

Evaluation Pattern

Following percentages indicate the components involved in assessing the performance of

the student and the report submitted.

Overall involvement of the student 20%

Theoretical knowledge and sincerity 20%

Quality of work undertaken 20%

Preparation of project report 20%

Overall personality and presentation skills 20%

While compiling the report, the student should follow the structure as under.

Part I - Prefatory Part

Cover Page (Format enclosed in the Annexure I)

Certificate By the Faculty Guide (Format enclosed in the Annexure II)
Certificate From the Organization (Format enclosed in the Annexure III)
Declaration By the Student (Format enclosed in the Annexure IV)
Acknowledgement (in one page)
Executive Summary / Preface / Abstract (not exceeding two pages)
Table of contents with chapter number and page number (Format enclosed in the
Annexure V)
List of Tables with page number (Format enclosed in the Annexure VI)

Part II - Project Part

Chapter I - Introduction (not more than 10 pages)

o Introduction (maximum of 2-4 pages)
o Nature, Scope and Aim of the Study (one page)
Chapter II Industry Profile (not more than 15 pages)
o It includes introduction to industry to which the organization belong to,
growth and economical factors of world trade, details of UAEs
contribution to this industry, structure of the industry, competitors at world
level and in UAE market, and any other relevant information.
Chapter III Organization Profile (not more than 15 pages)
o It includes Introduction to Organization, history, ownership patterns, size
and structure of divisions / departments, financial details, products and
services and any other relevant information in general.
Chapter IV Learnings and Discussion (maximum of 10 pages)
o Objective of the internship
o A detailed report with reference to each of the department or specific
department / division by collecting the relevant information
o Discuss the nature of learning happened during your stay at this institution
and its usefulness.

Chapter V Conclusion ( not more than 5 pages)

o Write a brief discussion of nature and scope, the need, objectives and the
learning of the internship in order to make good conclusion

Reference (follow a standard format used in the journals)

Appendix include any relevant information if you think appropriate and useful.
Annexure I


Project Submitted to the


In the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of



REG. NO: 1501002

Under the Guidance and Supervision of

Prof. Anantharaman P



Annexure II

Prof. Anantharaman P
Assistant Professor
School of Business
Manipal University Dubai Campus
Academic City, Dubai, U.A.E.



This is to certify that the summer internship report entitled, A REPORT ON SUMMER
CAMPUS for the award of the degree of Bachelors of Commerce (Professional), is a
record of the original work done by ARSHAD NABEEL during the period of his study in
the School of Business, Manipal University - Dubai Campus, UAE, under my
supervision and guidance, and the project work has not previously formed the basis for
the award of any degree, diploma, fellowship, associate ship or any other similar title, to
any candidate of any University.
Signature of the Guide

Annexure III



This is to certify that (Full Name of the Student), a student of Bachelor of Commerce
(Professional), School of Business, Manipal University Dubai Campus, bearing
Registration No.., has undertaken the Summer Internship Training at
(Name of the Company) during to under my supervision &
guidance. He / She has conducted a study & completed the Project on .

Signature of the Guide

Name of the Guide:

Seal of Organization
Annexure IV


I hereby declare that matter embodied in this report entitled A REPORT ON SUMMER
INTERNSHP AT CITIBANK is the result of the analysis of observations and
interviews carried out by me under the guidance of Prof.Anantharaman P, Assistant
Professor, School of Business, Manipal University - Dubai Campus, UAE. This project
work has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma,
fellowship, associate ship or any other similar title, to any candidate of any University.

REG. NO: 1501002
Annexure V


Chapter No Description Page No

1. Introduction 1

1.1. Need for the Study

1.2. Objectives of the Study

2. Industry Profile 6

3. Organizational Profile 13

4. Learnings and Discussion 27

5. Conclusion 52


Annexure VI


Table No Description Page No

1. Age of the Respondents 1

2. Ed. Qualification 3

(This page must give the details of all the tables which is used in the report with the table
title and number)

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