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Assignment name: Report

Target Grammar: Using language to indicate change, Old-new information flow, using formal academic
language, citations.

Examples Explanation/ details

Using language to indicate change
In 1991, the new constitution radically The constitution transformed the role of
transformed the role of woman in the woman. Since the transformations has been
Colombian society. significant, then I used the adverb radically
to qualify the verb transform.
Even though working conditions and access to Instead of using considerably improved, I
education have had a considerable improvement changed it to the adj. + noun form.
for women, there is still a substantial gap to
reach gender equality.
In terms of women employment and access to Dramatically is the adverb that qualifies the
the labor market, Colombian Public Policy verb change.
changed dramatically since 2000,
Old-new information flow
Colombian education system has reached a point Old
where men and women have the same New
Experts at Universidad del Rosario believe that Old
telecommuting could be one solution for New
companies to extend maternity leaves for two

According to the Ministry of Education, 53% of Old

university students are women (2016). New
Using formal academic language
To accomplish this goal, however, has not been Avoid contractions. I could have written ..
easy since hasnt been easy..
This report will highlight the role of women There is no use of I or you. Instead I
during the civil war and the current situation and used more formal language. This report will
achievements regarding access to education, highlight instead of I will highlight..
access to work, work conditions, and health.

In 2017, women have 18 weeks of maternity More formal verbs. I used the word it could
leave, and in some cases, it could be extended to be extended instead of the English
20 weeks (Meertens, 2016) expression for up to 20 weeks
Colombian women are mainly affected by two Avoid common words. Factors instead of
distinct factors concerning health things
In text citations (Galvis, 2010). I used the Last name of the author and the year the
author publishes his/her document.
List of reference Most of the documents are available online. I tried to
put the URL in the most of then. I also used the word
Departamento Adminsitrativo Nacional de reference list (Source manager) to easily generate the
Estadstica. (2017, June 18). Boletn reference list that meets the APA requirement.
tecnico Educacin formal EDUC
2016. Bogot D.C. . Retrieved from

Signal references: According to CONPES 161, I used signal references as leran previously. I cite the
400,000 illegal abortion procedures take place year in parenthesis so it is easy to look the document
in the reference list.
every year (2013).

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