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Member of the National Assembly

30th October 2017

The Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth
Prime Minister
Port Louis

Prime Minister,

Re: Visit of Chief Minister Mr. Yogi Aaditynath to visit Mauritius.

I would like to convey to you the strong objection of a huge number of Mauritian Citizens against your decision
to allow Chief Minister Mr. Yogi Aaditynath to visit Mauritius as from the 1st of November 2017.

The Chief Minister, Mr. Yogi Aaditynath is known for the following;

1. He is the founder of the Hindu Yuva Vahini, an extremist and militant youth organisation that has been
involved in communal violence;

2. In 2005, Adityanath is reported to have been involved in what came to be known as a 'purification drive' that
involved the conversion of about 1,800 Christians to Hinduism in the town of Etah in Uttar Pradesh. He is also
reported to have stated that he wouldn't stop until he turns Uttar Pradesh and India into a Hindu state ;

3. Additionally it has been officially reported that in January 2007, an altercation occurred amidst a Hindu
group and Muslims during a Muharram procession in Gorakhpur which led to the hospitalisation of a young
Hindu, Raj Kumar Agrahari. The District Magistrate is reported to have said that Adityanath must not visit the
site as it may create tensions. He initially agreed but after Agrahari died, he disobeyed the magistrate and
travelled to the site. Inflammatory speeches were made and some of his followers set fire to a nearby Muslim

4. The said person can also be seen in a video stating amongst other things that the audience should dig up
the graves of Muslim women and rape the corpses .

5. In 2011, the documentary film Saffron War Radicalization of Hinduism accused Adityanath of promoting
communal disharmony in Uttar Pradesh through hate speeches.

6. In an undated video, during a public speech at Azamgarh, whilst referring to religious conversions due to
inter-religious marriages the said person is reported to have stated that if they take one Hindu girl, we will
take 100 Muslim girls . In the same video he continues to say if they kill one Hindu, there will be 100 that we
kill .

Mauritius is a peace-loving nation where people from diverse ethnic origin and religious creed co-exist in peace
and harmony. Our republic should not allow such an individual together with his followers to come and disturb
our way of life. On behalf of all peace loving Mauritian citizens, I strongly urge you that you deny entry to
Mauritius to such an individual.

Yours sincerely
Shakeel Mohamed

Sterling House, Rue Lislet Geoffroy, Port Louis, MAURITIUS.

Tel. No: (230) 212 1155 Mobile No: (230) 5 252 2436

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