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The Relation between Flow Regimes and Sedimentary Structure

Bedforms are primary sedimentary structures that form at the time of deposition of the
sediment in which they occur and they reflect some characteristics of the depositional
environment. In addition, bedforms produce a variety of forms of cross-stratification also
primary sedimentary structures that are very common in the geologic record. Because bedforms
and their behaviour are governed by fluid processes and stratification that provide an
unequalled basis for making paleohydraulic interpretations of ancient depositional
environments. The aspects of paleohydraulics that can be inferred from the forms of cross-
stratification include the relative flow strength, the direction of the current, type of current (e.g.,
upper or lower flow regime). However, the broadest classification of unidirectional flow
bedforms is based on the flow regime under which the bedforms develop.

Sedimentary structures are the larger, generally three-dimensional physical features of

sedimentary rocks recording processes occurring during deposition or between deposition and
lithification. Sedimentary structures are visible features within sedimentary rocks that formed
at the time of deposition and represent manifestations of the physical and biological processes
that operated in depositional environments. There are two type of sedimentary structure which
are primary sedimentary structure and secondary sedimentary structure. Primary sedimentary
structure are occur in clastic sediments and produced by the same processes that caused
deposition while secondary sedimentary structure are caused by post-depositional processes,
including biogenic, chemical, and mechanical disruption of sediment. They conventionally are
subdivided into categories based on mode of genesis. The examples of primary sedimentary
structures include bedding or stratification, graded bedding, and cross-bedding while the
examples of secondary sedimentary structures are mud cracks biogenic sedimentary structure.
The most commonly observed in primary sedimentary structure is stratification.
Stratification refers to the layering that occurs in sedimentary rocks as a result of different
depositional episodes. Stratification is described by the thickness of the individual layers. Beds
are layers of sediment that are thicker than 1 centimeter and are typically produced by coarser
grained sediments such as sands and gravel. Laminations are layers thinner than 1 centimeter.
These deposits are typically formed by fine grained sediments such as silts and clays and often
represent seasonal deposition. Beside, other primary sedimentary structure is graded bedding.
Graded bedding occurs when sediment loaded currents (turbity currents) experience a relatively
quick drop in velocity causing the sediment to deposit. As the sediment settles larger, heavier,
clasts settle first followed by the smaller, lighter clasts producing vertically sorted "graded"
beds with large clasts on the bottom and finer clasts on top. Furthermore, cross-bedding forms
when sediment come to rest at an angle and can form anywhere fluids, such as wind or water,
carry sediment. The individual beds form as sediment moves up and over the windward or
upstream side a ripple or dune and then become deposited on the downstream side. Small-scale
cross bedding creates ripple marks. These structures are common on stream beds and on beach
and lake shores. Last but not least, ripple marks come in two forms, symmetric, or wave formed
ripples and asymmetric, or current ripples. Wave-formed ripple result from the to-and-fro
motion of waves and have a symmetrical profile. Current ripple marks form in response to
water or wind currents flowing in one direction and have asymmetric profiles. The asymmetric
profiles allow geologists to determine paleocurrent directions, in other words, which direction
the wind or water was flowing from when the cross beds were deposited. This is possible due
to the fact the longer side of the ripple always faces the upstream direction.
The most common for secondary sedimentary structure is mud crack. Mud cracks are
another common sedimentary structure. These structures form when the clay-rich sediments
found in muds dry and shrink. As the sediment shrinks crack begin to form in the sediment
creating polygonal patterns called mud cracks. Over time these cracks become filled with other
sediments which preserve the polygonal pattern formed by the cracking sediment. Mud cracks
form in any environment that allows for the wetting and subsequent drying of sediment such
as playa lakes, marshes, seasonal rivers, or lake shores. Some structures are formed by the
actions of living organisms. These structures are known as Biogenic sedimentary structures
and are caused by the disruption of previously deposited sediment. Biogenic structure, also
referred to as trace fossils, can take the form of tracks, burrows, or trails. Extensive burrowing
by organisms within sediment, called bioturbation, may alter sediments so thoroughly that
other structures are disrupted or destroyed.

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