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SKKC 3731









22 OCTOBER 2017


1.1 Background of Experiment

Water is important to our environment and human life. As a valuable natural resource, it
consists marine, estuarine, freshwater (river and lakes) and groundwater environments that
stretch across coastal and inland areas. Water has two types of measurement that are closely
linked: quantity and quality. Water quality is commonly referred as its physical, chemical,
biological, and aesthetic (appearance and smell) characteristics. The measurement of water
condition related to the requirement of one or more biotic species and any human need on
purpose. It is most frequently used by reference to a set of standards against which
compliance can be assessed. The most common standards used to assess water quality relate
to health of ecosystems, safety of human contact and drinking water.

Water quality is a general term that refers to a general description about the properties
of a water body. Lakes that have a high water quality possess properties that make it a high
valued resource to society and nature. Lakes often contain high pollution levels relative to the
surrounding landscapes and environment. This is due to the rivers and streams drain
pollutants from landscape where they concentrate in lakes. Aquatic species such as fish can
be extremely high in contaminants as some pollutants dont readily dissolve and dilute in
water and are instead taken up into organisms. Thus, water quality is also an important
concern for human use of lakes and other freshwaters as well as the ecological value of water
bodies. Water quality is used in determining the state of aquatic environments and is an
interesting point of study in determining both human impacts and natural processes in the
environment. In fact, pollution affects water quality in lakes and other freshwater resources
around the globe. It can take many forms from industrial, agricultural, or municipal sources; a
few common examples include pesticides, herbicides, sewage, and litter.

However, pollution happened in UTMs lake mostly due to the domestic waste. An
experiment to analyse the quality of UTMs lake water sample is a crucial to carry out to
identify the quality of the water. The parameters for this assessment are physical, inorganic or
chemical, toxic metal, organic and nutrient demand, bacteriological, biology and radioactive
elements. Physical parameters include temperature, colour, turbidity, pH, conductivity and
total suspended solids (TSS). While organic and nutrient demand includes biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), phenols, oils and grease,
pesticides and nitrate.

1.2 Objectives of the Experiment

To investigate the present condition of UTMs lake water sample.

To assess the supply water quality of the study area.

To determine the physical parameters such as the turbidity, BOD, pH, colour and

To measure the total suspended solid of UTMs lake water sample.

1.3 Scope of Experiment

The scope of the experiment is about the dissolved oxygen used in sample water.

2.1 pH value

pH is an important limiting chemical factor for aquatic life. If the water in a stream is
too acidic or basic, the H+ or OH- ion activity may disrupt aquatic organism biochemical
reactions by either harming or killing the stream organisms.

pH is expressed in a scale with ranges from 1 to 14. A solution with a pH less than 7
has more H+ activity than OH-, and is considered acidic. A solution with a pH value greater
than 7 has more OH- activity than H+, and is considered basic. The pH scale is logarithmic,
meaning that as you go up and down the scale, the values change in factors of ten. A one-
point pH change indicates the strength of the acid or base has increased or decreased tenfold.

Streams generally have a pH values ranging between 6 and 9, depending upon the
presence of dissolved substances that come from bedrock, soils and other materials in the

The general accepted range for pH in water is 6.5 to 8.5 with an upper limit of 9.5.

Small changes in pH (0.3 units or even less) are usually associated with relatively
large changes in other water qualities. The acidic, freshly fallen rain water may have a pH
value of 5.5 to 6.0. If it reacts with soils and minerals containing weak alkaline materials, the
hydrogen ion concentration will decrease. The water may become slightly alkaline with a pH
of 8.0-8.5. Sudden changes in pH values serve as warning signals that water quality may be
adversely affected by the presence of the contaminants.

2.2 BOD

BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) is defined as the amount of dissolved

oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic material present in
each water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. The examples of
aerobic biological organisms are bacteria and protozoa. These microorganisms will use the
oxygen to decompose organic matter such as leaves, dead plant and sewage or food waste
present in the water supply. When this happens, oxygen in the water will gradually decrease
and causing the other aquatic organisms to die as they lose their oxygen source. It also
includes the oxygen required for the oxidation of various chemical in the water, such as
sulphides, ferrous iron and ammonia. While a dissolved oxygen test tells you how much
oxygen is available, a BOD test tells you how much oxygen is being consumed.

When there is large amount of organic matter, more oxygen is needed to break down the
organic matter causing the BOD level to be very high. For example, nitrates and phosphates
in a body of water can contribute to high BOD levels. Nitrates and phosphates are plant
nutrients and can cause plant life and algae to grow quickly. When plants grow quickly, they
also die quickly. This contributes to the organic waste in the water, which is then
decomposed by bacteria. This results in a high BOD level. When BOD levels are high,
dissolved oxygen (DO) levels decrease because the oxygen that is available in the water is
being consumed by the bacteria. Since less dissolved oxygen is available in the water, fish
and other aquatic organisms may not survive.

BOD is determined by measuring the dissolved oxygen level in a freshly collected

sample and comparing it to the dissolved oxygen level in a sample that was collected at the
same time but incubated under specific conditions for a certain number of days. The
difference in the oxygen readings between the two samples in the BOD is recorded in units of

Unpolluted, natural waters should have a BOD of 5 mg/L or less.

2.3 Turbidity

Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of water. Cloudiness is caused by suspended

solids (mainly soil particles) and plankton (microscopic plants and animals) that are
suspended in the water column. Moderately low levels of turbidity may indicate a healthy,
well-functioning ecosystem, with moderate amounts of plankton present to fuel the fuel the
food chain. However, higher levels of turbidity pose several problems for stream systems.
Turbidity blocks out the light needed by submerged aquatic vegetation. It also can raise
surface water temperatures above normal because suspended particles near the surface
facilitate the absorption of heat from sunlight.

Suspended soil particles may carry nutrients, pesticides, and other pollutants
throughout a stream system, and they can bury eggs and benthic critters when they settle.
Turbid waters may also be low in dissolved oxygen. High turbidity may result from sediment
bearing runoff, or nutrients inputs that cause plankton blooms. The treated water turbidity
target is 0.1 NTU.

Turbidity measurement is important because a sudden change in turbidity may

indicate an additional pollution source or may cause several problems in the water treatment
process. During the rainy season when mud and silt are washed into rivers and streams, high
turbidity of water will block the water filters and reduce the efficiency of the filtration
system. High turbidity will also fill tanks and pipes with mud and silt which settled down at
the bottom of the tank and can damage valves and taps. For the disinfection of water, where
the chlorination of water is practiced, even quite low turbidity will prevent the chlorine from
killing the germs effectively.

2.4 Conductivity

Conductivity is a measure of how well water can pass an electrical current. It is an

indirect measure of the presence of inorganic dissolved solids such as chloride, nitrate,
sulphate, phosphate, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and aluminium. The presence of
these substances increases the conductivity of a body of water. Organic substances like oil,
alcohol, and sugar do not conduct electricity very well, and thus have a low conductivity in
water. Inorganic dissolved solids are essential ingredients for aquatic life. They regulate the
flow of water in and out of organisms cells and are building blocks of the molecules
necessary for life. A high concentration of dissolved solids, however, can cause water balance
problems for aquatic organisms and decrease dissolved oxygen levels (1991, Streamkeeper's
Field Guide: Watershed Inventory and Stream Monitoring Methods).

The amount of mineral and salt impurities in the water is called total dissolved solids
(TDS). TDS is also known as a secondary contaminant in water. It is measured in milligrams
per unit volume of water (mg/L) and also referred to as parts per million (ppm). TDS tell how
many units of impurities there are for one million units of water. For aesthetic reasons, a
limit of 500 mg/l (milligrams per liter) has been established as part of the Secondary
Drinking Water Standards by EPA for drinking water. For water in the agriculture, the
maximum concentration is 1200 mg/La while high tech manufactures often require impurity-
free water. One way to measure impurities in water is to measure the electrical conductivity
of water.

3.1 Overall Methodology

Water Sampling

1. Remove the cap from the bottle just before sampling.

2. Disturb as little bottom sediment as possible. Stand facing upstream. Collect the
water sample on upstream side.
3. Hold the bottle near its base and plunge it (opening downward) below the water
surface. Collect a water sample 8 to 12 inches beneath the surface or mid-way
between the surface and the bottom if the stream reach is shallow.
4. Turn the bottle underwater into the current. In slow-moving stream reaches, push
the bottle underneath the surface in an upstream direction.
5. Leave a 1-inch air space. Do not fill the bottle completely (so that the sample can
be shaken just before analysis). Recap the bottle carefully, remembering not to
touch the inside.
6. If the samples are to be analysed in the lab, place them in the cooler for transport
to the lab.

Avoid touching the inside of the bottle or the cap.
Be careful not to collect water that has sediment from bottom disturbance.

Run the Experiment

1. pH value
2. BOD
3. Turbidity
4. Conductivity
3.2 Experimental Procedure

3.2.1 pH Value

Apparatus: pH meter

Material: Water sample, Buffer solution

1. Calibrate the probe and meter according to the manufacturers directions. Use of two
buffers (pH 7 and 10) for calibration is recommended.

2. Sample water is collect in any glass or plastic container. Collect enough sample water
so that can submerge the tip of the probe. Rinse the probe with sample water before
placing it in the sample.

3. Place the probe in the sample and wait for the meter to equilibrate. The meter will
have come to equilibrium when the signal becomes steady. If it is taking a long time
to equilibrate, gently stirring the probe. However, do not agitate the sample since this
may cause changes in the pH.

4. Read the pH directly from the meter according to the manufacturers directions.

3.2.2 BOD

Apparatus: BOD bottle, BOD meter, Probe, Incubator

Material: Standard BOD, Water sample

a) Calibration,

1. Switch on the BOD meter.

2. Turn the functional knob to ZERO or O2 ZERO until the reading shown is stable
at 0.00 mg/L.

3. Shake the BOD bottle containing the standard BOD sample for 15 seconds and insert
the probe connected to the BOD meter.

i. Turn the functional towards % and make sure that the reading is stable at
100% by unlocking the O2 CALIB and adjust the reading.
ii. Turn the functional knob towards 0.00 mg/L and record the reading.

b) Analysis of water sample,

1. Fill in the BOD bottle with water sample to the brim.

2. Insert the probe into the BOD bottle and switch on the stirrer.

3. Stir until no more air bubble is produced.

4. Record the reading.

5. Cover up the BOD bottle with an aluminum foil and incubate it for 5 days.

3.3.3 Turbidity

Apparatus: Turbidity meter, Sample bottles

Material: Water sample, Standard Formazine

1. Switch on the Turbidity meter and 'warm it up' for a while. Ensure that the cell holder
is closed and empty.

2. Change the zero reading to .000 by adjusting the ZERO knob.

3. Choose 'range 20-NTU'

4. Insert a sample cell containing 18-NTU standard formazine into the cell holder and
close the light lid.

5. By using the calibration plot, change the 20-200 (spans) control to get a 18.00 reading.

6. Repeat for 200 NTU and 2000 NTU.

7. After calibration, measure the NTU for water sample by pouring the water sample
into the sample bottle, insert it into the cell holder and close with the light lid.

3.3.4 Conductivity

Apparatus: Conductivity meter, Probe, 250 mL beaker, Measuring cylinder

Materials: Water sample

1. Switch on the conductivity meter at least 30 minutes before the test.

2. Measure 200 mL water sample and transfer it into a beaker.
3. Dip the probe into the water sample.
4. Turn the mode knob to RED LINE. Adjust the red line knob until the meter directly
perpendicular to the red line.
5. Turn the mode knob to TEMPERATURE to get the reading of the temperature.
Adjust the temperature knob to the temperature reading.
6. Turn the mode knob to SALINITY to get the reading of the salinity.
7. Turn the mode knob to CONDUCTIVITY to get the reading of the water
8. After finished, turn the mode knob to OFF and dip the probe into distilled water.

3.3.5 Total Suspended Solid

Apparatus: Conical flask, Filter funnel, Filter paper, 250 mL beaker, Measuring cylinder

Materials: Water sample

1. Weigh the filter paper before the experiment and place it in the filter funnel.
2. Measure 200 mL water sample and transfer them into a beaker.
3. Filter the water sample through the filter paper and leave it on the table for 15
4. Weigh the filter paper again to obtain the weight of suspended solid in the water

4.1 BOD

1 2


D1: Initial dissolve oxygen

D2: Final dissolve oxygen

Note The calculation for next bottle sample is the same.

4.2 Total Suspended Solid

TSS (mg/L) = ([A-B]*1000)/C

Where A = End weight of the filter

B = Initial weight of the filter

C = Volume of water filtered


5.1 pH Value

Sample pH

5.2 BOD

Volume of bottle (mg/L) = ________________

Sample Volume of Initial DO Final DO Dilution BOD value

sample (mg/L) value value Factor

5.3 Turbidity

Value of turbidity (NTU) = ________________________

5.4 Conductivity

Temperature (C) = __________

Salinity = _____________

Conductivity (MHOS) = __________________

5.5 Total Suspended Solid

Description Weight (mg)

Weight of the clean filter paper (mg) W1
Weight of the filter paper and the residue (mg) W2
Weight of residue (mg) W
Volume of the sample (mL) V
Total suspended solids (mg/L) TSS

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