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Head & Neck

Facial Muscles
All mimic muscles (muscles of facial expression) innervated by facial n (VII)
Remember facial n. has 6 branches- temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical and posterior
Mastication muscles (there are only four) innervated by mandibular br. of trigeminal n. (V3)
Origin, insertion, and function of all muscles also should be learnt; its pretty straight forward.

Neck Muscles
Infrahyoid muscles innervated ansa cervicalis n.
Exception!: thyrohyoid m. is innverated by C1 fibres carried by hypoglossal n (XII)
Suprahyoid muscles innverations have to be learnt separately:
mylohyoid m. and anterioir belly of digastric m. innervated by nerve to mylohyoid (br. of V3)
geniohyoid m. innervated by C1 fibres carried by hypoglossal n. (XII) *same as thyrohyoid m.
posterior belly of digastric m. and stylohyoid m. innervated by facial n. (VII)
stylopharyngeus m. innervated by glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
styloglossus m. innervated by hypoglossal n. (XII)

Nerves of the Head & Neck

All sensory (cutaneous) innervation of the face is by trigeminal n. (V1, V2 and V3)
Sensory innervation of neck and lateral head is by nerves of the nervosum punctum which
lessor occiptal n.
greater auricular n.
transverse cervical n.
supraclavicular n.
*Learn cervical plexus!
Sensory innervation of posteroir head is by greater occipital n. and posterior primary rami
(C3-C5), again from cervical plexus.
Motor innervation of head and neck is stated above with muscles!

No branching internal carotid a. until it travels through carotid canal to enter cranial cavity.
Branches of external carotid a. can be learnt using this this mnemonic:
Some Attendings Like Freaking Out Potential Medical Students
superior thyroid a.
ascending pharyngeal a.
lingual a.
facial a.
occipital a.
posterior auricular a.
maxillar a. *need to learn branches of maxillary a.
superficial temporal a.
Most veins are just following the arteries and have same name, so here only exceptions are stated.
Retromandibular v. follows external carotid a., therefore...
Superficial temporal v. and maxillary v. drain into retromandibular v. wheras superficial
temporal a. and maxillary a. are branches of ext. carotid a.
Retromandibular v. and facial v. join to drain into internal jugular v.
Notice that here facial n. drains into internal jugular v. but facial a. is a branch of ext. carotid
Retromandibular and posterior auricular a. join also to flow into external jugular v.
Retromandibular v. splits into two veins, one division joins facial v., the other joins posterior auricular v.
Note also that occipital v. drains into int. jugular v. but occipital a. is a branch of ext. carotid

Anterior Triangle of the Neck

Sternocleidomastoid m. x margin of mandible x midline of neck
Split it up into four further triangles:
submental triangle:
midline of neck x hyoid bone x ant. belly of digastric m.
contents: mylohyoid m., submental a. and v., and submental lymph nodes
muscular triangle:
midline of neck x sternocledomastoid m. x sup. belly of omohyoid m. x hyoid bone
not really a triangle, as it has four sides!
contents: sternohyoid m., sternothyroid m., thyrohyoid m, ant. jugular v.
submandibular triangle:
margin of mandible x ant. belly of digastric m. x post. belly of digastric m.
contents: submandibular gland, facial a. and v, submental a. and v, hypoglossal n. (XII)
carotid triangle:
post. belly of digastric m. x sternocleidomastoid m. x sup. belly of omohyoid m.
contents: common carotid a., int. carotid a., ext. carotid a, int. jugular v., ansa cervicalis,
vagus n. (X), sympathetic trunk

Lateral Triangle of the Neck

Sternocleidomastoid m. x trapezius m. x clavicle
Often incorrectly called posterior triangle of neck
Split it up into two further triangles separated by inf. belly of omohyoid m.:
omoclavicular triangle:
contents: suprascapular a., transverse cervical a., subclavian a.,
omotrapezius triangle:
subclavian a., supraclavicular part of brachial portion (scalenic fissure), phrenic n.,
nervosum punctum, ext. jugular v., splenius capitis m., levator scapulae m., scalene mm.

Suboccipital Triangle
Rectus capitis post. major m. x obliquus capitis inferior m. x obliquus capitis superior m.
Contents: vertebral a., occipital n.
Occipital a. passes superiorly to this triangle!

Pirogoffs Triangle
Intermediate tendon of digastric m. x post. border of mylohyoid m. x arch oh hypoglossal n.
Shows position of lingual a. (somewhat variable!)
Beclards Angle
Angle between digastric post. x hyoid bone
Also shows position of lingual a.

Deltiodpectoral Groove/Triangle
Clavicle x deltoid m. x pectoralis maj. m.
Contains thoracoacromial a., cephalic v., lateral pectoral n.

Auriculotemporal n. (V3) runs with superficial temporal vessels.
Auriculotemporal n. makes a characteristic loop around middle meningeal a. (br. of
maxillary a.)
Occipital a. branching off from ext. carotid a. bends over the hypoglossal n. (XII)
Hypoglossal n. can be found in submandibular triangle.
Superior root of ansa cervicalis can be found intermingling with the fibres from hypoglossal
n (XII)
Phrenic nerve can be found on the surface of anterior scalene m.
Vagus n. (X) can be found next to common carotid a. and int. jugular v.
Lingual a. can be found in Beclards Angle and Pirogoffs Triangle
Facial a. and v. has characteristic coiled appearance.
Facial v. travels over the top of submandibular gland, but facial a. travels underneath it.
Scalenic fissure is between ant. and middle scalene mm. and here you can find brachial
plexus trunks and subclavian a.
Scalenovertebral triangle is bounded by:
scalene mm.
clavicle/1st rib
contents: cupula (dome) of pleura, subclavian a.
Glossopharyngeal n. (IX) can be found underneat stylopharyngeus m.
Accessory n. (XI) can be found deep in the lateral cervical triangle as it innervates trapezius
and sternocleidomastoid mm.
Facial n. (VII) can be found running straight through the parotid gland.
Parotid duct runs from the gland through buccinator m. and enters oral cavity at the level of
2nd molar tooth as the parotid pappilla (if you look in the mirror and open uoi mouth, you can see



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