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What is Weblogic Server:

WebLogic Server is an application server: a platform for developing and

deploying multitier distributed enterprise applications.
WebLogic Server centralizes application services such as Web server functionality,
business components, and access to backend enterprise systems. It uses
technologies such as caching and connection pooling to improve resource use and
application performance.
WebLogic Server also provides enterprise-level security and powerful
administration facilities.
WebLogic Server operates in the middle tier of a multitier (or n-tier) architecture.

Choosing the best location for each software component lets you develop
applications faster; eases deployment and administration; and provides greater
control over performance, utilization, security, scalability, and reliability.


Oracle WebLogic Server forms part of Oracle Fusion Middleware portfolio and supports
Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Enterprise and other JDBC-compliant databases.
Oracle WebLogic Platform also includes:

JRockit, a custom JVM.

Korthal that includes Commerce Server and Personalization Server
WebLogic Integration
WebLogic Workshop, an Eclipse IDE for Java, SOA and Rich Internet Applications

WebLogic Server includes .NET interoperability and supports the following native integration

CORBA connectivity
COM+ Connectivity
IBM WebSphere MQ connectivity
Java EE Connector Architecture
Native enterprise-grade JMS messaging
WebLogic/Tuxedo Connector

Oracle WebLogic Server Process Edition also includes Business Process Management and
Data Mapping functionality. WebLogic supports security policies managed by security
administrators. The Oracle WebLogic Server Security Model includes:

application business logic separated from security code

complete scope of security coverage for all Java EE and non-Java EE components


As of 2010, Oracle Corporation regards the following products as "core components" of

Oracle WebLogic Server:[15]
Enterprise Grid Messaging
JMS Messaging Standard
Oracle Coherence, in-memory caching of frequently used data across multiple
Oracle TopLink
Oracle WebLogic Server Web Services


The table below lists major standards supported by WebLogic Server product

Standard WLS 7.0 WLS 8.1 WLS 9.0 WLS 10.0 WLS 10.3 WLS 12c
Java 1.3 1.4 5 5 6 (7 in 10.3.6+) 7
Java EE 1.3 1.3 1.4 5 5 6
Servlet 1.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 3.0
JSP 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2
EJB 2.0 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.0 3.1
JDBC 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0


WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.3) - June 26, 2014

WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.2)- July 11, 2014
WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.1)- Dec 1, 2011
WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6)
WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS3 (10.3.4) - 15 Jan 2011
WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS2 (10.3.3) - April 2010
WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS1 (10.3.2) - Nov 2009
WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.1) - Jul 2009
WebLogic Server 10.3 - Aug 2008
WebLogic Server 10.0 - Mar 2007
WebLogic Server 9.2
WebLogic Server 9.1
WebLogic Server 9.0 - Nov 2006
WebLogic Server 8.1 - Jul 2003
WebLogic Server 7.0 - Jun 2002
WebLogic Server 6.1
WebLogic Server 6.0 - file date March 2001
WebLogic Server 5.1 (code name: Denali) First version supporting hot deployment for
applications (via command line)
WebLogic Server 4.0
WebLogic Tengah 3.1 - Jun 1998
WebLogic Tengah 3.0.1 - Mar 1998
WebLogic Tengah 3.0 - Jan 1998
WebLogic Tengah - Nov 1997

Client applications connect with WebLogic Server using standard networking

protocols over TCP/IP. WebLogic Server listens for connection requests at a network
address that can be specified as part of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

A URI is a standardized string that specifies a resource on a network, including the

Internet. It contains a protocol specifier called a scheme, the network address of the
server, the name of the desired resource, and optional parameters. The URL you
enter in a Web browser, for example,, is the most
familiar URI format.

Web-based clients communicate with WebLogic Server using the HTTP protocol. Java
clients connect using Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation), which allows a Java
client to execute objects in WebLogic Server. CORBA-enabled clients access
WebLogic Server RMI objects using RMI-IIOP, which allows them to execute
WebLogic Server objects using standard CORBA protocols.

In the following table, the scheme in a URI determines the protocol for network
exchanges between a client and WebLogic Server.

HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol. Used by Web browsers and HTTP-capable programs.

HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).Used by Web
browsers and HTTPS-capable client programs.

T3: WebLogic T3 protocol for Java-to-Java connections, which multiplexes JNDI, RMI, EJB,
JDBC, and other WebLogic services over a network connection.

T3S: WebLogic T3 protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

RMI: Remote Method Invocation (RMI), the standard Java facility for distributed

IIOP: Internet Inter-ORB protocol, used by CORBA-enabled Java clients to execute

WebLogic RMI objects over IIOP. Other CORBA clients connect to WebLogic Server with a
CORBA naming context instead of a URI for WebLogic Server.

IIOPS: Internet Inter-ORB protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

SOAP: WebLogic Web services use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 as the
message format and HTTP as a connection protocol.


The following types of WebLogic Server installers are available:

1) OS-specific Package installerThis type of installer is a standalone version of the
installation program that includes the JDKs for the selected platform. The installer may be
either an .exe file or a .bin file, depending on the selected platform

2) Generic Package installer:

Note: Silent mode installation is supported only for Package installers.
Generic Package installer:

This type of installer is a .jar file. It does not include the JRockit SDK and Sun JDK.
You can use this type of installer to install the product on any supported platform on
which Java is already installed.

3) Upgrade installer:

Upgrade installers allow you to upgrade an existing WebLogic Server installation to

the current patch release. For example, if you have WebLogic Server 10.3.0
installed, you can use an Upgrade installer to upgrade your installation to WebLogic
Server 10.3.5. If a patch release is available for your current WebLogic Server
installation, you can download an Upgrade installer from My Oracle Support

Note: If you have an existing WebLogic Server 10.3.0, 10.3.1, 10.3.2, or 10.3.3
installation that includes Workshop for WebLogic, and you want to use an Upgrade
installer to upgrade that installation tor WebLogic Server 10.3.5, you must uninstall
Workshop for WebLogic before running the Upgrade installer Depending on your
platform, the Upgrade installer is either an OS-specific Package installer (.bin or .exe
file) or a Generic Package installer (.jar file).

Development-only and supplemental installers:

The development-only installer is a ZIP file that you extract to a Middleware home directory
to create a WebLogic Server installation. It contains a WebLogic Server installation that
includes all of the artifacts needed for development. You must not use this WebLogic Server
installation for production.A supplemental installer ZIP file is also available to provide
additional features, such as server examples, for a development-only installation.

It does not include JAVA runtime. (When using "Generic Package installer" it is a
prerequisite that a supported JDK should be installed)
If you want to install Weblogic server with 64bit JVM, you have to use" Generic
Package installer"
"Generic Package installer" is platform independent and can be used to install
weblogic server on any supported 32bit or 64bit platform.



A supported configuration of hardware, operating system, JDK, and database specific to the
product you are installing. For the most up-to-date information about other prerequisites
and recommendations, such as recommended versions of the JDK,


C) MEMORY:A minimum of 1 GB RAM, although Oracle recommends 2 GB of RAM.


For graphical-mode installation, 8-bit color depth (256 colors) is required. For console-mode
and silent-mode installation, there is no color bit depth requirement.


The installation program requires a Java run-time environment (JRE) to run. A JRE is
bundled in the Windows 32-bit and Linux x86 installation programs, as well as in some UNIX
installation programs (those with file names ending in .bin). For other platforms, the
installation program does not install a JDK. File names for these installation programs end in
.jar. To run the .jar installation programs, you must have the appropriate version of the JDK
installed on your system, and include the bin directory of the JDK at the beginning of the
PATH variable definition.

Note: It is important that you use a JDK because the installation process assigns values to
JAVA_HOME and related variables to point to the JDK directory. All scripts installed by the
installation program use this JDK by default, including scripts to start sample applications,
the Configuration Wizard, and other development tools.


The user account you use when installing WebLogic Server is important. Please review
the following information before deciding which user account to use:

When installing WebLogic Server on a UNIX or Linux operating system, do not run
the installation program as the root user.

When using a WebLogic Server Upgrade installer to upgrade an existing WebLogic

Server installation on Linux or UNIX operating systems, you must run the Upgrade
installer using the same user ID as was used to perform the initial WebLogic Server

On Windows systems, if you want the option to create the Start menu shortcuts in
the All Users folder, or in the Local User's Start menu folder, you must use an
account that has administrator privileges when you log in to the target system.

3) Before You Start the Installation Program

Before you start the installation program, review the following information:

If you are installing the software in graphical mode on a UNIX or Linux machine,
you must set the DISPLAY environment variable before running the installer

If you are using a .jar installer, replace JAVA_HOME with the installationlocation of
the supported JDK you installed for your platform.

Make sure that you are installing your product on a supported hardware or software

1) Log in to the target system.

2) Add the bin directory of the appropriate JDK to the beginning of the PATH variable
definition on the target system.
3) For example: PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH (Unix/Linux) or
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%/bin;%PATH% (Windows)
4) Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
5) Launch the installation program by entering the following command (this example shows
the NET installer):

java -jar net_wlsversion_generic.jar

The installation program begins to install the software.

6) Rest of the steps are same as mentioned

Note: for 64 bit installation with a mixed mode JVM use the following command in step 5 to
launch the installation:


java -d64 -jar net_wlsversion_generic.jar

Installer: wls_<version>_win32.exe (E.g. wls1036_win32.exe)



We are going to learn on how to install weblogic server 10.3. on Linux 32.bit platform. We
will also the basic weblogic administration task to expert level weblogic administration. You
can download the software from oracle website. The file will be a binary with file extension
Oracle.comDownloads11fusion middlewareweblogic server



Graphical Mode.
Console mode.
Silent mode

Silent-mode installation is a way of setting installation configurations only once and

then using those configurations to duplicate the installation on many machines.
During installation in silent mode, the installation program reads the settings for your
configuration from an XML file that you create before beginning the installation.
The installation program does not display any configuration options during the
installation process. Silent-mode installation works on both Windows and UNIX


The silent-mode installation process has two primary steps:

1. Create a silent.xml file that defines the configuration settings normally entered by a
user during an interactive installation process, such as graphical-mode or console-mode
installation. For example, values for the middleware home directory, the product
directory, and the components to be installed are supplied in a silent.xml file.
2. Start the silent-mode installation process by using the values specified in the silent.xml

What is the silent mode installation file contains root element? When do you
require this mode of installation?

The root element in silent.xml is <install>This kind of mode usually required in two
different situations.
Situation1 : Weblogic clusters could be installed/implemented only on homogenous
environments. If cluster1 is constructed with MgdServer1, MgdServer2 if one server
issuing Weblogic 9.x environment and other one on Weblogic 10.x or higher this is not
Situation 2: When one huge project is migrated from one physical location to other,
Where the Application specialist must have the similar environment as the Production
Server had. To prepare Development work with similar kind environment we shall
install on First system same as Production Server rest of the developers systems could
be installed with silent mode.


./wls1035_linux32.bin -mode=silent -silent_xml=<path_to_silent.xml> -


$./server103_linux32.bin mode=silent -silent_xml=path_of_silent_xml fie -


optionally you can specify an installation log file so that you can keep a track of any issue
that occur during the installation of weblogic server

1. Open the vi editor in silent.xml file

2. Set the silent path

3. Successfully installation

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