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Adobe Marketing Cloud

Reporting API 1.4


Getting Started.................................................................................................................5

What's New......................................................................................................................10



Data Types.......................................................................................................................21

Last updated 11/6/2014 Reporting API 1.4



Analytics Elements.........................................................................................................35

Analytics Metrics.............................................................................................................40

Valid Element and Metric Combinations......................................................................46

Analytics Report Error Codes.........................................................................................48

Anomaly Detection.........................................................................................................51

Inline Segmentation.......................................................................................................52

Real-Time Reports..........................................................................................................55

Summary Reports...........................................................................................................59

Last updated 11/6/2014 Reporting API 1.4

Pathing Reports..............................................................................................................61

Last updated 11/6/2014 Reporting API 1.4

Getting Started 5

Getting Started
To get started, review the changes in 1.4, update your endpoint, and then use the examples to start generating reports.

Report Queue Workflow

1. Open the API Explorer in Developer Connection.

2. Send a request using Report API and the method Report.Queue. The Report API will return a report ID.
3. Change the method to Report.Get using the report ID. There will be one of 2 responses:
A "report not ready" response:


"error_description":"Report not ready",


Or a return of the whole report.

Here are some best practices:

Check for a report every few seconds. Do not check more than once a second.
You can queue up multiple reports to be run concurrently.
The response from Report.Queue is exactly the same as the request for Report.Get.

API requests should be sent to the 1.4 endpoint:
Getting Started 6

You might need to replace with the URL that corresponds to your data center, as listed in the following table.
In your production apps, we recommend calling Company.GetEndpoint to periodically refresh the endpoint programmatically,
in case the URL changes. - San Jose - Dallas - London - Singapore - Pacific Northwest

Removal of separate methods to generate different report types

If you are migrating from a previous version of the API, report types are now determined by the parameters of the
reportDescription according to the following table:

Report Type Parameters

Overtime Report No elements with a dateGranularity specified.
Ranked Report 1 or more elements with no dateGranularity specified.
Trended Report 1 or more elements with a dateGranularity specified.
Pathing Report Element in the pattern parameter.
Fallout Report Element in the checkpoint parameter.
Summary Report No "reportSuiteID" parameter, instead "reportsuite" is specified as the report element and the "selected"
parameter contains a list of report suite IDs.
Real-Time Report 'source' parameter present and set to 'realtime'. Note that Real-Time Reports do not have to be queued,
they can run immediately using Report.Run.

The type derived is then returned in the result data as: ranked, trended, overtime, pathing, fallout, summary, or realtime.

Using the API in the Browser

The API supports CORS and can be used in most modern browsers in a cross-domain way. This library provides a way to do
authentication with WSSE in Javascript. If you decide to use the browser, keep the following in mind:
If you have a lot of users using the application, you will need to cache the results on a server. Do not publish a script on your
public web site that pulls directly from the API.
Some older browsers do not support CORS. Make sure your users are using a newer browser when trying to access the API.

Adobe Analytics Real-Time Dashboard Example

An example of how to create a real-time dashboard can be found on github.

In the following examples, replace "rsid" with your report suite id, and update the URL to use the correct endpoint.
//Simplest Request

//overtime report
Getting Started 7

//Ranked Report

//Trended Report

//Pathing Report -- NextPage Flow

//Pathing Report -- PreviousPage Flow
Getting Started 8


//Pathing Report -- Fallout

// Real-Time Report
// Note the inclusion of "source" equals "realtime"
// Make sure you configure Real-Time reports for the report suite
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }

// Real-Time Report with sort options
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"sortMethod": "mostPopular:.25:0:linear",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "pageviews" }

// Summary Report
// Note that the "reportSuiteID" parameter is not included
// and the elements list contains "reportsuite"
// Report suites are provided in the "selected" element
Getting Started 9



//Error Message

//Validate Report Definiton (without Queuing it)


What's New 10

What's New
Note: Version 1.2 of the web services API is officially deprecated and is scheduled for end-of-life early 2015. Version 1.3
continues to be supported, though customers are encouraged to migrate to the 1.4 API to leverage the improvements described
on this page.

May 22, 2014

The following report types are now available:
Real-Time Reports
Summary Reports
An elementDataEncoding parameter was added to reportDescription to help resolve report data encoding issues.

Segmentation Changes

With the release of Adobe Analytics unified segmentation, the following changes apply to segments in the 1.4 Admin and
Reporting APIs:

Accepts existing segments and new segments created in the new Segment Builder UI.
Allows applying legacy Pre-Configured and Suite segments without validation.
ReportSuite.GetSegments and ReportSuite.GetSettings
Returns only segments that appear in the new Segment Builder UI. Most segments are migrated to the Segment Builder
automatically, with the exception of some pre-defined segments.
All segments available for the authenticated user are returned.
Pre-Configured and Suite segments are no longer returned. These segments are now templates, so you'll need to create a custom
segment based on a template to use these segments.

Changes in Version 1.4

OAuth authentication
Version 1.4 of the reporting API supports OAuth2 authentication, and maintains support for the version 1.3 password digest
authentication mechanism.

Pathing reports
You can now run pathing and fallout reports in the reporting API.

Removal of separate methods to generate different report types

Report types are now determined by the parameters of the reportDescription according to the following table:

Overtime Report No elements with a dateGranularity specified.

Ranked Report 1 or more elements with no dateGranularity specified.
Trended Report 1 or more elements with a dateGranularity specified.
Pathing Report Element in the pattern parameter.
Fallout Report Element in the checkpoint parameter.
What's New 11

The type derived is then returned in the result data as: ranked, trended, overtime, pathing, or fallout.

Calculated metrics now included in Report.GetMetrics

GetMetrics now returns configured calculated metrics for the report suite along with the other reporting API metrics.

The IDs of these metrics are in the form "f:<number>" where <number> is some integer value. The metric type, decimal
precision, and formula (where applicable) are included for all metrics.

Conversion of formulas and validation against metric and element settings are now handled by the Reporting API.

Full Hierarchy reports support

hier# elements are now fully supported in both ranked and trended reports.

New metrics

New elements
prop#path (Note: For Custom Traffic Vars with Pathing enabled)
prop#fallout (Note: For Custom Traffic Vars with Pathing enabled)

Default report description parameters


If the list of metrics is left empty, the default metric of "pageviews" is used.


If the date parameter(s) are omitted, the current day is used.

Improved error reporting

In addition to fixing several issues that previously resulted in silent errors or zeros and null values in data, over 50 new error
messages were added. The following sections describe some of the restrictions that are enforced to prevent errors.

Element breakdown enforcement

What's New 12

Elements now have restrictions on which other elements they can be combined with in a report.

Use GetElements with the existingElements parameter to get a list of valid breakdowns for a specific element.

There are three groups of elements: Traffic, Commerce, and Both. Elements from the Traffic and Commerce groups may only
be broken down by elements in the same group. Elements in the "Both" group can be broken down by any other element. A
report may have a maximum number of three elements. See Analytics Elements.

Element/Metric combination enforcement

Certain metrics may only be requested along with certain elements.

Use GetMetrics with the existingElements parameter to programmatically get a list of valid metrics for a list of element(s).

Every element has either a metric whitelist or a metric blacklist, whichever is shorter, that determines these restrictions. See
Valid Element and Metric Combinations.

Overtime-only metrics enforcement

Some metrics are only valid in overtime reports.

Use GetMetrics with the dateGranularity parameter to programmatically get a list of these metrics. See Analytics Metrics.

Inline segment elements enforcement

The following elements are not supported for inline segments.

Maximum number of "top" elements enforcement

The maximum number of top elements that can be requested is 50,000. Setting the "top" parameter to a number greater than
50000 will result in a element_top_invalid error.

Date Enforcement
Minimum date enforcement

Due to specific system requirements, the minimum date that can be used in the date, dateFrom, and dateTo parameters is

Requesting a date earlier than 2000-01-01 will result in a period_invalid error.

Maximum date enforcement

Due to specific system requirements, the maximum date that can be used in the date, dateFrom, and dateTo parameters is

Requesting a date later than 2899-12-31 will result in a period_invalid error.

Valid date range enforcement

Requesting a toDate that is earlier than fromDate will result in a period_invalid error.
What's New 13

Report permissions enforcement

Specific users may not have access to certain metrics or elements. The metrics and elements returned in GetMetrics and
GetElements, respectively, reflect those restrictions. Requesting an element or metric that one doesn't have permission to access
will result in a element_inaccessible or metric_inaccessible error.

Validation of report immediately when calling Report.Queue

The reportDescription is now validated right away when queuing, as well as at execution time.

More descriptive error messages

Numeric error codes have been abandoned in favor of textual, descriptive error messages. See Analytics Report Error Codes.
Authentication 14

Version 1.4 of the reporting API supports OAuth2 authentication, and maintains support for the version 1.3 password digest
authentication mechanism.
See Authentication.
Methods 15



Cancels a previously submitted report request, and removes it from the processing queue.
Method parameters are required unless noted otherwise.

Report.Cancel parameters

Name Type Description

reportID xsd:int
Report ID returned by Report.Queue.

Report.Cancel response

Type Description
xsd:boolean Returns true if the operation is successful.


Retrieves a report queued using Report.Queue

Report.Get Parameters

Name Type Description

reportID xsd:int
Report ID returned by Report.Queue.

Report.Get response

Type Description
Contains the requested report data.

If the report is not ready, a HTTP 400 error is returned.

{"error":"report_not_ready","error_description":"Report not


Retrieves a list of possible valid elements for a report.

See Analytics Elements.
Methods 16

Specific users may not have access to certain elements. The metrics returned by GetElements reflect those restrictions. Requesting
an element that one doesn't have permission to access will result in a element_inaccessible error.

Report.GetElements Parameters

Name Type Description

reportSuiteID xsd:string The Analytics report suite you want to
use to generate the report. For example:
reportSuiteID = "corp1"

existingElements array(xsd:string) (optional) Include a list of elements

already present in the reportDescription
to get compatible metrics.
existingMetrics array(xsd:string) (optional) Include a list of metrics already
present in the reportDescription to get
compatible metrics.
reportType xsd:string (optional) Include the report type (any,
ranked, trended, pathing, fallout,
realtime) to get compatible metrics.

Report.GetElements response

Type Description

reportElementList - An Defines an element that appears in a report.

array of reportElement


Retrieves a list of possible valid elements for a report.

See Analytics Metrics.

Specific users may not have access to certain metrics. The metrics returned by GetMetrics reflect those restrictions. Requesting
a metric that one doesn't have permission to access results in a metric_inaccessible error.

Report.GetMetrics Parameters

Name Type Description

reportSuiteID xsd:string The Analytics report suite you want to
use to generate the report. For example:
reportSuiteID = "corp1"

existingElements array(xsd:string) (optional) Include a list of elements

already present in the reportDescription
to get compatible metrics.
Methods 17

Name Type Description

existingMetrics array(xsd:string) (optional) Include a list of metrics already
present in the reportDescription to get
compatible metrics.
reportType xsd:string (optional) Include the report type (any,
ranked, trended, pathing, fallout,
realtime) to get compatible metrics.

Report.GetMetrics response

Type Description

reportMetricList - An A structure that defines a metric that appears in a report.

array of reportMetric


Returns a list of reports in a company's report queue.

Report.GetQueue parameters

Report.GetQueue response

Type Description

report_queue_item_array- A list of the company's currently queued report requests. The company is determined by the
An array of authentication credentials provided with the request.


Run a real-time report immediately without using the queue.

Report.Run Parameters

Name Type Description

reportDescription reportDescription
A report description that specifies the
desired report contents. This data
structure is validated automatically before
the report is generated.
Methods 18

Report.Run response

Type Description
Contains the requested report data.

Report Type
Report types are determined by the parameters of the reportDescription according to the following table:

Report Type Parameters

Overtime Report No elements with a dateGranularity specified. Not supported by Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Ranked Report 1 or more elements with no dateGranularity specified. Not supported by Run, use Report.Queue
Trended Report 1 or more elements with a dateGranularity specified. Not supported by Run, use Report.Queue
Pathing Report Element in the pattern parameter. Not supported by Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Fallout Report Element in the checkpoint parameter. Not supported by Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Summary Report No "reportSuiteID" parameter, instead "reportsuite" is specified as the report element and the
"selected" parameter contains a list of report suite IDs. Not supported by Run, use Report.Queue
Real-Time Report "source" parameter present and set to "realtime".

The type derived is then returned in the result data as: ranked, trended, overtime, pathing, fallout, summary, or realtime.
If the list of metrics is left empty, the default metric of "pageviews" is used.
If the list of elements is left empty, the default element of "page" is used.
If the date parameter(s) are omitted, the current day is used.


Queue a report to run.

Report.Queue Parameters

Name Type Description

reportDescription reportDescription
A report description that specifies the
desired report contents. This data
structure is validated automatically before
the report is generated.
Methods 19

Report.Queue Response

Name Type Description

reportID xsd:int
The ID of the report. Pass this ID to Report.Get to retrieve
the report.

Report Type
Report types are determined by the parameters of the reportDescription according to the following table:

Report Type Parameters

Overtime Report No elements with a dateGranularity specified.
Ranked Report 1 or more elements with no dateGranularity specified.
Trended Report 1 or more elements with a dateGranularity specified.
Pathing Report Element in the pattern parameter.
Fallout Report Element in the checkpoint parameter.
Summary Report No "reportSuiteID" parameter, instead "reportsuite" is specified as the report element and the "selected"
parameter contains a list of report suite IDs.
Real-Time Report 'source' parameter present and set to 'realtime'. Note that Real-Time reports do not have to be queued,
they can run immediately using Report.Run.

The type derived is then returned in the result data as: ranked, trended, overtime, pathing, fallout, summary, or realtime.
If the list of metrics is left empty, the default metric of "pageviews" is used.
If the list of elements is left empty, the default element of "page" is used.
If the date parameter(s) are omitted, the current day is used.


Determines if a report description is valid without running the report. If the report is not valid, an error will be returned detailing
the problem.

Report.Validate Parameters

Name Type Description

reportDescription reportDescription
The report structure that you want to
Methods 20

Report.Validate Response

Type Description
xsd:boolean Returns true if the operation is successful.
Data Types 21

Data Types


A structure data type that returns data associated with a particular report request.

Element Type Description

type xsd:string
The report type that was generated based on the
provided parameters. See .

reportSuite reportReportSuite
String array that contains the report suite ID and

period xsd:string
A string describing the report time period.

elements reportElementList - an array of

A list of elements associated with the report.

metrics reportMetricList - an array of

A list of metrics associated with the report.

segments reportSegmentList - an array of

List of segments to apply to the report.

data reportDataList - an array of

The data that makes up the bulk of the report.

totals array(double)
A list of metric totals.

version xsd:string


A structure that contains report data.

Element Type Description

name xsd:string
This data item name.

url xsd:string
The data item URL, if applicable to the selected element. For example, pages
and links have a URL, but products do not.

path reportDataPathList
The path for pathing reports.
- an array of
Data Types 22

Element Type Description

parentID xsd:string
Unique identifier for the element in a hierarchy report. Use in
reportDescription to request the next level of the hierarch.

year xsd:int
The four-digit year for the item if the element is a date range for an Overtime
or Trended report.

month xsd:int
The two-digit month for the item if the element is a date range for an Overtime
or Trended report.

day xsd:int
The two-digit numeric day for the item if the element is a date range for an
Overtime or Trended report.

hour xsd:int
The two-digit numeric hour for the item if the element is a date range for an
Overtime or Trended report.

minute xsd:int
The two-digit numeric minute for the item if the element is a date range for
a Real-Time report.

trend double
The slope of the trend line so you can determine the relative change between
report intervals.

counts double[]
A count of the number of occurrences of each metric in the report.

upperBounds double[]
Upper level of the prediction interval. Values above this level are considered
anomalous. Represents a 95% confidence that values will be below this level.

lowerBounds double[]
Lower level of the prediction interval. Values below this level are considered
anomalous. Represents a 95% confidence that values will be above this level.

forecasts double[]
The predicted value based on the data analysis. This value is also the middle
point between the upper and lower bounds.

breakdownTotal double[]
The total metrics values for the breakdown.

breakdown reportDataList - an
This item's data, organized according to the next element. For example, a
array of reportData
(recursive) report of Browsers, broken down by page views, returns a report containing
a listing of page views for each Browser type. This is only used in Ranked or
Trended reports when multiple elements (Breakdowns) are specified.
Data Types 23


A structure that identifies a data path that appears in a report.

Element Type Description

name xsd:string The data path name.
url xsd:string The URL if the element is a page.


An array of reportDataPath.


A structure that contains information for creating a specific report.


Element Type Description

reportSuiteID xsd:string The Analytics report suite you want to use to generate the report. For
example: reportSuiteID = "corp1"
date xsd:string
The date for which you want to run the report. When using date, do
not use dateFrom and dateTo. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD (4 digit
year, 2 digit month, and 2 digit day), but the month and day designators
are optional. For example: date = "2009-01"

Due to specific system requirements, the minimum date that can be

used in the date, dateFrom, and dateTo parameters is 2000-01-01, and
the maximum date is 2899-12-31. Requesting a date outside of this
range results in a period_invalid error. If the date parameter(s)
are not included, the current day is used.

Real-Time Reports also support relative dates.

dateFrom xsd:string
The starting date used to run the report for when using a data range.
When using dateFrom, do not use date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD
(4 digit year, 2 digit month, and 2 digit day), but the month and day
designators are optional. For example: date = "2009-01-15"

Due to specific system requirements, the minimum date that can be

used in the date, dateFrom, and dateTo parameters is 2000-01-01, and
the maximum date is 2899-12-31. Requesting a date outside of this
range results in a period_invalid error. Requesting a toDate that
is earlier than fromDate will result in a period_invalid error. If
the date parameter(s) are not included, the current day is used.
Data Types 24

Element Type Description

Real-Time Reports also support relative dates.

dateTo xsd:string
The ending date used to run the report for when using a data range.
When using dateTo, do not use date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD
(4 digit year, 2 digit month, and 2 digit day), but the month and day
designators are optional. For example: date = "2010-01-15"

Due to specific system requirements, the minimum date that can be

used in the date, dateFrom, and dateTo parameters is 2000-01-01, and
the maximum date is 2899-12-31. Requesting a date outside of this
range results in a period_invalid error. Requesting a toDate that
is earlier than fromDate will result in a period_invalid error. If
the date parameter(s) are not included, the current day is used.

Real-Time Reports also support relative dates.

dateGranularity reportDescriptionDateGranularity
The time units used to display data in a report that organizes the data
by date, such as an Overtime report. For example: dateGranularity
= "day". One of the following values:

minute (Real-Time reports only). Specify a minute interval as

"minute:[interval]". The interval is an integer between 1-60
that specifies the interval to report. For example, 'minute:3' reports
the request date range in 3-minute intervals.

source reportDescriptionSource
Defaults to 'standard', specify 'realtime' to generate a Real-Time report.

metrics reportDescriptionMetricList
An array of the metrics to include in the report. A report must specify
- An array of
reportDescriptionMetric at least one metric (Ranked/Overtime reports support one or more
metrics. Trended reports support only one metric.) For
example:metrics = [ {id = "pageViews"},{id = "visits"}

If the list of metrics is left empty, the default metric of "pageviews" is


elements reportDescriptionElementList
A list of elements that breaks down (organizes) the metrics data in the
- An array of
reportDescriptionElement report. For example, you can generate a report that breaks down page
views (metric) by browser (element). For example: elements = [
{id = "trackingCode", classification = "campaigns",
top = 2, startingWith = 10} ]
Data Types 25

Element Type Description

A report may have a maximum number of three elements.

Elements have restrictions on which other elements they can be

combined with in a report. You can pass element to GetElements to
get a list of valid breakdowns for a specific element.

locale reportDescriptionLocale
The geographic locale where you want to run the report.

sortMethod xsd:string
Real-Time Report sort method.

Used only when 'source' is set to 'realtime' s ee the sortMethod Options

table below for details.

sortBy xsd:string The reportDescriptionMetric ID to sort by. This can be used when
declaring multiple metrics for Ranked and Trended reports. By default,
the first metric will be used to sort. Use this option to sort by any of
the metrics requested.
segments reportDescriptionSegmentList
Defines one or more saved segments or an inline segment. See Inline
- An array of
reportDescriptionSegment Segmentation.

anomalyDetection xsd:boolean
Returns upper bounds, lower bounds, and forecast data for anomaly
detection. See Anomaly Detection.

Not supported by Ranked reports.

currentData xsd:boolean
Include current data in the report.

expedite xsd:boolean
Generates the report with higher priority.

elementDataEncoding reportDescriptionElementDataEncoding
To allow non-UTF-8 characters that are in element names to come
through SOAP XML and JSON intact, this parameter filters out invalid
characters, or encodes element names in Base64. If specified, this must
be one of the following values:

If base64 encoding is used, the request must also have all element
names base64 encoded. This includes names in "selected" and "search"
filters, and the "pattern" and "checkpoint" pathing filters. This also
applies to special keywords as well, such as "::entered::" and
"::anything::". This also includes dates in the "name" field for overtime
and trended reports. Element URLs are not encoded.

If utf8 encoding is used, the API filters out invalid UTF-8 characters
in the request and response. This allows the result to come back with
some data, although the values may be missing information.
Data Types 26

sortMethod Options
The following table describes the sort options provided for real-time reports using the sortMethod parameter. Options are
provided in a delimited list as follows:

Option Type Description

algorithm xsd:string
(Optional) An array of values matching one of the following values:
Default is 'mostpopular'.

floorSensitivity xsd:int (Optional) A factor between 0 and 1 that is used to cut off low-count items
from percentage ranking. Relative only to gainers/losers by percent. Default
is .25.
firstRankPeriod xsd:string
(Optional) Computes the ranking of elements by considering the element's
counts from the firstRankPeriod to the final period. Default is 0.

With this argument you can rank from the first period (0) to periodCount
- 1 (most popular) or periodCount - 3 (gainers/losers) or anywhere in
between. The firstRankPeriod is 0 based.

Example: if periodCount is 15, you can pass in a firstRankPeriod of

anywhere from 0-14 for most popular (the API considers only period 14), or
0-12 for gainers/losers (the API considers the differences between periods 12
and 13, and between periods 13 and 14). The trending algorithms require at
least 3 periods (with two differences between them), because the API considers
the differences, hence periodCount - 3 is the highest firstRankPeriod
can be for gainers/losers and other trending algorithms.

algorithmArgument xsd:string (Optional) Specifies how to order the values for Most Popular, Gainers or
Losers. Specify either percent, count or linear. Default is linear.


An enumerated list of values that specify a time period used to display report data.
If you do not specify a dateGranularity parameter for an overtime report, the data will be aggregate and not granularized.

Value Description
seconds Displays report data for the current minute (Real-Time reports only).
hour Displays report data for the current hour.
day Displays report data for the current day.
week Displays report data for the current week.
month Displays report data for the current month.
Data Types 27

Value Description
quarter Displays report data for the current quarter.
year Displays report data for the current year.


A structure data type that identifies one element used in a report.

Name Type Description

id xsd:string Specifies the name of the element to apply to the metrics report.
classification xsd:string (Optional) Restricts the element results to only those that fall in the specified
classification. For example you could set id = "trackingCode" and
classification = "Campaigns" to get a report of all tracking codes
for the Campaigns classification.
top xsd:int
(Optional) Specifies the number of rows in the report to return. Use with
startingWith to generate paged reports. For example, top=5 returns five

The maximum number of top elements that can be requested is 50,000.

Setting the "top" parameter to a number greater than 50000 will result in an
element_top_invalid error.

startingWith xsd:int
(Optional) Specifies the first row in the report to return. Use with top to
generate paged reports. For example, startingWith=20 returns report
rows starting at row 20.

search reportDescriptionSearch (Optional) Applies a search to the element.

selected array(xsd:string) (Optional) Defines a specific list of items to request instead of using search,
top, and startingWith to set the element parameters.
parentID xsd:string
(Optional) Hierarchy report. To specify a specific level to report, add a add
a level and parentID parameter. The parentID is returned in report data,
making it available to request the next level of the hierarchy.

checkpoints array(xsd:string)
Generates a pathing report. See Pathing Reports

pattern xsd:string[][]
Generate a fallout pathing report. See Pathing Reports


An enumerated list of data encoding types.

Data Types 28

Value Description
If base64 encoding is used, the request must also have all element names base64 encoded. This includes names
in "selected" and "search" filters, and the "pattern" and "checkpoint" pathing filters. This also applies to special
keywords as well, such as "::entered::" and "::anything::". This also includes dates in the "name" field for overtime
and trended reports. Element URLs are not encoded.

If utf8 encoding is used, the API filters out invalid UTF-8 characters in the request and response. This allows
the result to come back with some data, although the values may be missing information.


An array of reportDescriptionElement.


An enumerated list of values that specify the language used to display the report data.

Value Description
en_US English (United States)
de_DE German (Germany)
es_ES Spanish (Spain)
fr_FR French (France)
jp_JP Japanese (Japan)
pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil)
ko_KR Korean (Korea)
zh_CN Chinese (China)
zh_TW Chinese (Taiwan)


A structure that identifies one metric used in a report.

Element Type Description

id xsd:string
The ID of a metric to include in the report.


An array of reportDescriptionMetric.
Data Types 29


A structure that defines a keyword search to use in the report definition.

Name Type Description

type reportDescriptionSearchType
The type of search to use, one of the following values:

keywords string[]
A list of keywords to include or exclude from the search, based on the type.
Keyword values can also leverage the following special characters to define
advanced search criteria:

* Wild Card (e.g. "page*.html")

^ Starts With (e.g. "^http://")

$ Ends With (e.g. ".html$")

searches reportDescriptionSearch[] A list of subsearches. This allows you to build complex report searches.


An enumerated list of boolean values used to link multiple search terms in a report search.

Value Description
AND Combines multiple search terms using a boolean AND operation.
OR Combines multiple search terms using a boolean OR operation.
NOT Combines multiple search terms using a boolean NOT operation (effectively excluding a term from the search).


A structure that defines an inline segment to use in a reportDescription .

Element Type Description

id xsd:string
Specifies the existing saved segment ID that you want to apply to a search.

Important: In version 1.4, inline segments no longer use the "id"

parameter to specify the element as in 1.3. If migrating code from version
1.3, move the element value that was previously in the "id" parameter
to the "element" parameter.
Data Types 30

Element Type Description

element xsd:string
Specifies the element (dimension) on which you want to segment.

search reportDescriptionSearch
(Optional, provide either a selected value, or a classification and a search

Search is an array that contains two values:

type: selects the type of search to perform. The following search types are
keywords: Array of values for which you want to search. The following
special characters are supported in keywords:
^ matches the start of a string
$ matches the end of a string

classification xsd:string
(Optional, provide either a selected value, or a classification and a search

Specifies how to integrate the include and an exclude segments.

Unsupported Elements
The following elements are not supported for inline segments.


An array of reportDescriptionSegment.


An enumerated list of reporting sources.

Value Description
Returns a standard report.

Returns a Real-Time report.
Data Types 31


A structure that defines an element that appears in a report.

Element Type Description

id xsd:string
The element ID. This must match the element ID specified in the report

name xsd:string
The element name.

classification xsd:string
The name of the classification that was requested, if applicable.


Element Type Description

id string
The id of the element.

name string
The friendly name of the element.


An array of reportElement.


A structure that defines a metric that appears in a report.

Element Type Description

id xsd:string
The metric ID. This must match the metric ID specified in the report

name xsd:string
The metric name.

type xsd:string
The metric type, either "number", or "currency".

decimals xsd:int
The number of decimal places in the metric values.

forumula xsd:string
The formula if the metric is a calculated metric.
Data Types 32

Element Type Description

latency xsd:int
Number of seconds the metric data is latent.

current xsd:boolean
True indicates that the metric contains the most recent data available as a
result of the currentData flag being set to true in the reportDescription.


Element Type Description

id string
The id of the metric.

name string
The friendly name of the metric.

type string
The type of the metric (number, percent, currency, time).

decimals integer
The number of decimal places in the metric values.

formula string
The formula if the metric is a calculated metric.


An array of reportMetric.


A structure that contains report suite information related to a requested report.

Element Type Description

id xsd:string
The report suite ID.

name xsd:string
The report suite display name.
Data Types 33


A structure data type that returns data associated with a particular report request.

Element Type Description

waitSeconds xsd:float
The time in seconds this report waited in the queue before being run. A high
value here is indicative of a large amount of report requests for a single

runSeconds xsd:float
The time in seconds this report took to process and return data. A high value
here is indicative of a complex report or large date range.

report report
A structure containing the report data.


A structure that identifies a segment that appears in a report.

Element Type Description

id xsd:string
The element ID. This must match the element ID specified in the report

name xsd:string
The element name.


A structure that contains queue data related to a requested report.

Name Type Description

reportID xsd:int The request ID for the report.
type xsd:string
Report type being generated, one of the following values:

queueTime xsd:string
The time the report was requested (Pacific Time).

status xsd:string
The processing status of the report, one of the following values:
Data Types 34

Name Type Description


priority xsd:int
The priority in the queue.

estimate xsd:int
The estimate in seconds that the report will take to complete.

user xsd:string
The analytics user who requested the report.


A list of report_queue_item.
Analytics Elements 35

Analytics Elements
Provides a list of elements available in Analytics.
An element is a structure that further breaks down (organizes) the a report's metrics data. For example, you can generate a report
that breaks down a page view (metric) report by the Web browsers (element) used to access the page. The resulting report lists
page views by Web browser type. As part of the report definition, you can specify the elements to include in the report in a

Specific users may not have access to certain elements. The metrics returned by GetElements reflect those restrictions. Requesting
an element that one doesn't have permission to access will result in a element_inaccessible error.

Element Breakdowns
The reporting API has two groups of elements: Traffic and Commerce. Elements may only be broken down by elements in the
same group, as listed in the "Breakdown Type" column in the table below. Breakdowns are not supported on fallout and pathing

You can pass any of these elements to GetElements to get a list of valid breakdowns for a specific element.

Element Descriptions

Element Breakdown Type Description

accountsummary traffic Corresponds to the Account Summary report in Analytics.
browser traffic+commerce Web browser (for example, Internet Explorer 7.0, Firefox 2.0.8).
browserHeight traffic Browser frame height (in pixels).
browserType traffic Web browser vendor (for example, Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple).
browserWidth traffic Browser frame width (in pixels).
category commerce Groups of products, organized into a category.
connectionType traffic Internet connection type used to access site.
cookiesEnabled traffic Web browser that has cookies enabled.
customerLoyalty commerce The Customer Loyalty classification.
domain traffic+commerce ISPs and organizations used to access site.
entrypage commerce Page used to enter the site.
entryPageOriginal commerce Page used to enter the site for the first time.
eVar # commerce Specified eVar.
firstTouchChannel commerce First touch marketing channel.
firstTouchChannelDetail commerce Detailed version of the First touch marketing channel.
geoCountry traffic+commerce Country.
geoRegion traffic+commerce Geographical region.
geoCity traffic+commerce City.
geoDMA traffic+commerce Designated Market Area.
Analytics Elements 36

Element Breakdown Type Description

hier1-5 traffic
Hierarchy report. To specify a specific level to report, add a add a
level and parentID parameter to the element structure:

The parentID is obtained from the results of the previous level:

"name": "Home Page",
"url": "",
"counts": ["72"],
"parentID": "75483925"

Not supported by inline segments.

javaEnabled traffic Web browser that has Java enabled.

javaScriptEnabled traffic Web browser that has JavaScript enabled.
javaScriptVersion traffic Version of JavaScript used on the Web browser.
language traffic+commerce Web browser language.
lasttouchchannel commerce Last touch marketing channel.
lasttouchchanneldetail commerce Detailed version of the Last touch marketing channel.
linkCustom traffic Link usage (user-preferred links).
linkDownload traffic Links to downloaded content.
linkExit traffic Third-party links where client exits your site.
listVar# commerce Specified list variable.
mobileAudioSupport commerce Audio formats supported by mobile device.
mobileCarrier commerce
Mobile service provider.

Not supported by inline segments.

mobileColorDepth commerce Number of simultaneous display colors supported by mobile device.

mobileCookieSupport commerce Mobile device with cookies enabled.
mobileDeviceName commerce Mobile device name.
mobileDeviceType commerce Mobile device type.
mobileDeviceNumberTransmit commerce Indicates if Device Number Transmit is On or Off on the mobile device.
mobileDRM commerce The type of Digital Rights Management (DRM) supported by the
mobile device (Forward Lock, Combined Delivery, Separate Delivery).
mobileImageSupport commerce Mobile device with image support enabled.
mobileInformationServices commerce The information services supported by the mobile device.
mobileJavaVM commerce The Java version running on the mobile device.
Analytics Elements 37

Element Breakdown Type Description

mobileMailDecoration commerce A boolean value that indicates if the mobile device supports Email
decorations (animation).
mobileManufacturer commerce The mobile device manufacturer.
mobileMaxBookmarkUrlLength commerce The maximum bookmark URL length supported by the mobile device,
in characters.
mobileMaxBrowserUrlLength commerce The maximum Web browser URL length supported by the mobile
device, in characters.
mobileMaxMailUrlLength commerce The maximum Email URL length supported by the mobile device, in
mobileNetProtocols commerce The network protocols supported by the mobile device (GPRS, Edge,
mobileOS commerce The operating system running on the mobile device.
mobilePushToTalk commerce Boolean value that indicates if the mobile device supports Push to Talk
mobileScreenHeight commerce Mobile device screen height (in pixels).
mobileScreenSize commerce Mobile device screen size (in inches).
mobileScreenWidth commerce Mobile device screen width (in pixels).
mobileVideoSupport commerce Mobile device with video support enabled.
monitorColorDepth commerce The number of simultaneous display colors supported by the mobile
monitorResolution traffic+commerce Client's monitor resolution.
operatingSystem traffic+commerce Client operating system.
page traffic+commerce Page names.
pageDepth traffic
The visitor's maximum page depth (number of clicks into the Web
site), calculated from the landing page.

Not supported by inline segments.

pagesNotFound traffic The number of times a visitor encountered a missing page (HTTP 404
pathLength commerce Number of pages viewed during the visit.
product commerce Individual products.
prop # traffic+commerce Specified property.
trackingCode commerce Campaign tracking code results.
referrer traffic Domain or URL that client came from.
referrerType traffic Type of referrer. Options include Hard drive, Other Web site, Search
engine, Social, andTyped/Bookmarked.
referringDomain traffic+commerce Domains that referred client to the site.
referringDomainOriginal commerce Domains that referred client to the site on their first visit.
Analytics Elements 38

Element Breakdown Type Description

reportSuite n/a (reportSuite is the only Used to generate report suite summary reports.
element on summary
returnFrequency traffic Number of clients that return, and how soon they return.
searchEngine traffic+commerce Search engine used to locate site.
searchEngineKeyword traffic+commerce Search engine keyword used to locate the site.
searchEngineNatural traffic+commerce Search engine used to locate the site.
searchEngineNaturalKeyword traffic+commerce The natural (not paid) search engine keyword used to find the site.
searchEngineNaturalPageRank Search engine results rank.
searchEnginePaid traffic+commerce Search engine with paid result placement.
searchEnginePaidKeyword traffic+commerce The paid search engine keyword used to find the site.
server traffic Pages hosted by the same server.
siteSection traffic+commerce Groups of Web pages, organized into a site.
socialterm commerce Term selected to identify relevant social content.
socialcontentprovider commerce Provider of the social data.
socialauthor commerce Content author.
sociallink commerce Social link.
socialtermslist commerce List of social terms.
socialaveragesentiment commerce Sentiment rating of social content.
socialproperty commerce A facebook page or application.
socialassettrackingcode commerce Asset identifier.
state commerce U.S. state.
surveybase commerce The unclassified Survey element. Use this element with classifications
retrieved via ReportSuite.GetClassifications where
c_view = survey.

timePrior traffic+commerce Client time zone.

timeZone traffic+commerce Client time zone.
timeVisit traffic+commerce Duration of client visit.
tntBase commerce The unclassified Test & Target element. Use this element with
classifications retrieved via
ReportSuite.GetClassifications where c_view = tnt.
topLevelDomain traffic+commerce Originating domain extension (.com, .net, .gov, .edu, .org, and country
trackingCode commerce Tracking code.
video commerce Video name. (v15)
videoad commerce Video ad.
videosegment commerce Segment name.
Analytics Elements 39

Element Breakdown Type Description

videocontenttype commerce Content type associated with a video.
videos commerce Videos viewed. (v14)
videoPlayers commerce Video player used to view videos.
visitNumber traffic+commerce
Number of visits to site.

Not supported by inline segments.

zip commerce Client zip code.

Analytics Metrics 40

Analytics Metrics
Provides a list of metrics available in Analytics.
A metric is a structure that specifies the type of event data captured in the report.

Calculated Metrics
Calculated metrics are returned along with the other reporting API metrics. The IDs of these metrics are in the form

Where <number> is some integer value.

The metric type, decimal precision, and formula (where applicable) are included for all metrics.

Overtime-Only Metrics
Some metrics are only valid in overtime reports. Use Report.GetMetrics with the dateGranularity parameter to programmatically
get a list of these metrics.
If you try to run an overtime report on an unsupported metric, a metric_unsupported_in_overtime error occurs.

Specific users may not have access to certain metrics. The metrics returned by GetMetrics reflect those restrictions. Requesting
a metric that one doesn't have permission to access will result in a metric_inaccessible error.

Metric Descriptions

Category Metrics Description

carts Checkout cart metrics

totalCarts Cart Open

lifetimeCarts The number of times a customer opened a shopping cart by adding

the first item. Occurs the first time an item is added to the shopping
cart. This value comes from the scOpen event.
Analytics Metrics 41

Category Metrics Description



cartAdditions Checkout cart addition metrics

totalCartAdditions Cart Additions

lifetimeCartAdditions The number of times an item was added to a shopping cart. This
value comes from the scAdd event.



cartRemovals Checkout cart removal metrics

totalCartRemovals Cart Removals

lifetimeCartRemovals Number of times an item was removed from a shopping cart. This
value comes from the scRemove event.



cartViews Checkout cart view metrics

totalCartViews Cart Views

lifetimeCartViews Event in which the contents of the shopping cart are viewed by the
customer. This value comes from the scView event.



checkouts Checkout activity metrics

totalCheckout Checkouts

lifetimeCheckout An event that occurs when customers arrive at the checkout stage of
a purchase. The checkout stage usually occurs just before a purchase
is finalized, and usually involves the customer entering personal
participationCheckouts information (such as their shipping and billing information). You
have control over the events on your site that qualify as checkouts.
This value comes from the scCheckout event.

instances Number of times a specific value is captured.

Instances take into account all image request types, and do not factor
in conversion variable persistence. For example, if a user arrives on
Analytics Metrics 42

Category Metrics Description

your site via, the first image request on your site contains
the referrer of Looking at instances in the referrers report
shows one Instance attributed to even if this value persists
for additional page views or link tracking calls on your site.

orders Order activity metrics

totalOrders Orders

lifetimeOrders The number of orders made on your website during the selected time
period. You can break down individual time periods by other metrics
to show the items (such as products or campaigns) that contributed
participationOrders to the most orders during that time frame.

revenue eCommerce revenue metrics

totalRevenue Revenue

lifetimeRevenue Revenue is captured on the purchase event, and is defined as the total
dollar amount for the sum of the order for each product. This value
comes from the purchase event.


units Units purchased metrics

totalUnits Units

lifetimeUnits The total units that were ordered for the selected time period. Because
you have many units purchased per order, Units is a vital metric that
reveals general inventory movement.

Commerce Customer metrics








Analytics Metrics 43

Category Metrics Description

Commerce Pathing Metrics.




Commerce Custom event metric (1-100)


(for example, event2)

Commerce Mobile device metrics


Commerce Social metrics. Available only if Social is enabled.













Commerce Video metrics. Available only if v15 video measurement is enabled.






Traffic Mobile device metrics. Available only if mobile application reporting

mobileViews is enabled.


Traffic Page view metrics

Analytics Metrics 44

Category Metrics Description


Traffic Site visit metrics







visitors Site visitor metrics














Traffic Video usage metrics




Traffic Pathing metrics






Analytics Metrics 45

Category Metrics Description

Traffic Bot traffic metrics
Valid Element and Metric Combinations 46

Valid Element and Metric Combinations

Certain metrics may only be requested along with certain elements.
You can pass any element to GetMetrics to get a list of valid metrics for a specific element. Every element has either a metric
whitelist or a metric blacklist, whichever is shorter, that determines these restrictions. If you request an invalid combination, a
metric_not_supported_for_element error occurs.

Elements with Metric Whitelists

The elements in the element column can be requested only with the metrics in the right column.

Element Metric Whitelist

*fallout pageviews
*paths pageviews
videos cartadditions, cartremovals, carts, cartviews, checkouts, orders, revenue, units, event*

Elements with Metric Blacklists

The elements in the element column can be requested with any metric except for those that appear in the right column.

Element Metric Blacklist

browserheight averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
browsertype averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
browserwidth averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
connectiontype averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
cookiesenabled averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
geocity averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
geocountry averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
geodma averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
georegion averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
hier* uniquevisitors, visitors
javaenabled averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
javascriptenabled averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
Valid Element and Metric Combinations 47

javascriptversion averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,

videotime, event*, participationevent*
listvar* instances
mobilecarrier videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart, videotime
monitorcolordepth averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
pagedepth averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
pagesnotfound averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, cartadditions, cartremovals, carts, cartviews, checkouts,
orders, participationrevenue, participationunits, reloads, revenue, units, videocomplete,
videosegmentviews, videostart, videotime, event*, participationevent*
prop* averagetimespentonsite, averagevisitdepth, bots, totalcartadditions, totalcartremovals, totalcarts,
totalcartviews, totalcheckouts, totalorders, totalpageviews, totalrevenue, totalunits, totalvisitorsdaily,
totalvisitorshourly, totalvisitorsmonthly, totalvisitorsquarterly, totalvisitorsweekly, totalvisitorsyearly,
totalvisits, videosegmentviews, visitorsnew, totalevent*
referrer averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
referrertype averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
returnfrequency averagepagedepth, averagetimespentonpage, videocomplete, videosegmentviews, videostart,
videotime, event*, participationevent*
searchenginepaid instances
searchenginepaidkeyword instances
server averagetimespentonsite, averagevisitdepth, bots, totalcartadditions, totalcartremovals, totalcarts,
totalcartviews, totalcheckouts, totalorders, totalpageviews, totalrevenue, totalunits, totalvisitorsdaily,
totalvisitorshourly, totalvisitorsmonthly, totalvisitorsquarterly, totalvisitorsweekly, totalvisitorsyearly,
totalvisits, videosegmentviews, visitorsnew, totalevent*
sitesection singleaccess
surveybase instances
tntbase instances
Analytics Report Error Codes 48

Analytics Report Error Codes

Provides a list of error codes that Analytics returns when a report does not generate properly.
Numeric error codes have been abandoned in favor of textual, descriptive error messages. The following adjectives in error
codes have specific meanings:

Adjective Meaning
invalid The provided value is wrong in some way. If the user changes it, things will work.
missing A required value is missing. If the user provides it, things will work.
inaccessible The user doesn't have permission to access the feature.
unsupported The particular functionality requested is not supported at this time. It may be supported in the future.
unavailable The feature requested isn't available. The user can usually fix this but not by changing the report
failure The system has failed and it's not the users fault.

Reporting API 1.4 Errors

Code Message
algorithm_argument_invalid algorithmArgument must be "linear" or "count"
calculated_metric_invalid Formula "%s" not found
calculated_metric_invalid Invalid formula ID "%s"
calculated_metric_invalid Invalid metric "%s"
calculated_metric_invalid Metric "%s" in formula "%s" is not found
calculated_metric_unsupported Metric "%s" in formula "%s" is not supported
date_granularity_missing anomalyDetection requires dateGranularity
date_invalid "%s" is not a valid date
element_classification_invalid Invalid classification "%s" for element "%s"
element_combination_unsupported This combination of elements is not supported
element_id_invalid Element "%s" not found
element_id_missing Element id must be specified
element_inaccessible You do not have permission to access element "%s"
element_top_invalid The maximum number of top element values supported is %d
element_search_unsupported Element search is only supported on the first element for Real Time reports
element_selected_unsupported Element selected is only supported on the first element for Real Time reports
element_top_unsupported "top" is only supported on the primary (last) element for Real Time reports
element_top_invalid The maximum number of top element values supported is 100
elements_invalid The maximum number of elements supported is %d
expedite_inaccessible You do not have permission to expedite this request
fallout_checkpoint_required Fallout selected checkpoint cannot be empty
Analytics Report Error Codes 49

fallout_invalid Fallout requires selected items

fallout_invalid Fallout selected cannot have more than %s checkpoints
fallout_invalid Fallout selected must have at least %s checkpoints
first_rank_period_invalid firstRankPeriod must be an integer between 0 and 60
floor_sensitivity_invalid floorSensitivity must be a valid float between zero and 1
hierarchy_level_invalid Hierarchy level "%s" is invalid for "%s"
hierarchy_parent_id_missing Hierarchy parentID is missing for "%s"
metric_id_invalid Metric "%s" not found
metric_id_missing Metric id must be specified
metric_inaccessible You do not have permission to access metric "%s"
metric_not_supported_for_element The element "%s" does not support the metric "%s"
metric_unsupported_in_overtime Metric "%s" not supported in overtime reports
metric_unsupported_in_ranked Metric "%s" not supported in ranked reports
metric_unsupported_in_trended Metric "%s" not supported in trended reports
multiple_metrics_unsupported Only one metric is supported for realtime reports
multiple_elements_unsupported Only two elements are supported for realtime reports
pathing_filter_invalid Items must be specified after ::not::
pathing_filter_required Pathing pattern filter cannot be empty
pathing_invalid Pathing requires selected pattern
period_invalid both date and dateFrom or dateTo cannot be specified
period_invalid dateTo must be after dateFrom
period_invalid Invalid dateGranularity
period_invalid Year must be between %s and %s
period_missing dateFrom and dateTo must both be specified
realtime_report_invalid This report is not configured for realtime
report_not_ready Report not ready
report_suite_invalid Invalid report suite "%s"
report_suite_invalid Report suite "%s" not found
report_suite_missing reportSuiteID is missing
search_invalid Search arguments missing
search_operator_invalid Invalid search operator "%s"
segment_element_invalid Element "%s" not valid for inline segment
segment_element_invalid Segment element "%s" not found
segment_inaccessible You do not have permission to access this segment
segment_invalid Segment definition missing
Analytics Report Error Codes 50

segment_missing You must specify a segment

segment_unsupported Segment element "%s" not supported
segment_unsupported Segment search keywords are only supported on classifications
segment_unsupported Segment search not supported
sort_method_invalid "sortMethod" must be gainers, losers, or mostpopular
system_failure A system failure has occurred
Anomaly Detection 51

Anomaly Detection
Anomaly detection provides a statistical method to determine how a given metric has changed in relation to previous data.
To retrieve anomaly detection data, set anomalyDetection to true in reportDescription.

Data is returned in the following format for trended reports:

"name": "Tue. 31 Jul. 2012",
"year": 2012,
"month": 7,
"day": 31,
"counts": [
"upper_bounds": [
"lower_bounds": [
"forecasts": [
"breakdown_total": [

data is returned in the following format for overtime reports:

"name": "Mon. 30 Jul. 2012",
"year": 2012,
"month": 7,
"day": 30,
"counts": [
"upper_bounds": [
"lower_bounds": [
"forecasts": [
Inline Segmentation 52

Inline Segmentation
Inline segmentation allows you to segment report data using segment definitions that are include as part of the reportDescription
Segment by specific line items (only include data where page = "Home Page")
Segment classified values by search criteria (only include data where a classification of evar1 matches a search)
Note the following limitations:
Segments are based on a page view container.
A maximum of 10,000 values are returned when you define an inline segment. If you encounter this limitation, either reduce
the scope of the report or use a regular segment.
Some reports are not supported by inline segments. A complete list is at the bottom of this article.
Prop values cannot be used to define inline segments.

Important: In version 1.4, inline segments no longer use the "id" parameter to specify the element as in 1.3. If migrating
code from version 1.3, move the element value that was previously in the "id" parameter to the "element" parameter.

Segmenting by Line Items

Create a segment definition with an id of the reporting element you want to segment, with a selected value that contains the
match criteria.
"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"date": "2013-09-01",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "pageviews" }
"elements": [
{ "id": "browser" }
"segments": [
"element": "page",
"selected": ["Home Page", "Shopping Cart"]

This report shows the page views for every browser when the page name is either "Home Page" or "Shopping Cart".

Segmenting by Classification Value

Create a segment definition with an id of the reporting element you want to segment, the classification you want to match, and
a search string.
"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"date": "2013-09-01",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "pageviews" }
"elements": [
{ "id": "browser" }
"segments": [
Inline Segmentation 53

"element": "eVar1",
"classification": "Group Name",
"search": { "type": "OR", "keywords": ["Administrator", "Manager", "Director"]

This report shows the page views for every browser when the "Group Name" classification of eVar1 contains "Administrator,
"Manager", or "Director".

The following search types are supported:

The following special characters are supported in keywords:
^ matches the start of a string
$ matches the end of a string

Multiple Segments
You can provide multiple segments in the segments array. Segments are joined using AND. Segments cannot be nested.
"segments": [
"element": "page",
"selected": ["Home Page", "Shopping Cart"]
"element": "eVar1",
"classification": "Group Name",
"search": { "type": "OR", "keywords": ["Administrator", "Manager", "Director"]

Including this segment definition in a report shows metrics where the page name is either "Home Page" or "Shopping Cart", and
the "Group Name" classification of eVar1 contains "Administrator, "Manager", or "Director".

The following table contains an example of the different search types available with inline segmentation.

Classification Search Type Search Example

Equals "search": { "type": "AND", "keywords": ["^key$"] }
Does not contain "search": { "type": "NOT", "keywords": ["^key$"] }
Contains "search": { "type": "AND", "keywords": ["key word"] }
Contains all of "search": { "type": "AND", "keywords": ["key", "word"] }
Contains at least one of "search": { "type": "OR", "keywords": ["key", "word"] }
Does not contain "search": { "type": "NOT", "keywords": ["key"] }
Is null
N/A. Empty classifications are not matched by a search.

Is not null
Run a report on the selected element and classification.
Inline Segmentation 54

Starts with "search": { "type": "AND", "keywords": ["^key"] }

Does not start with "search": { "type": "NOT", "keywords": ["^key"] }
Ends with "search": { "type": "AND", "keywords": ["key$"] }
Does not end with "search": { "type": "NOT", "keywords": ["key$"] }

Unsupported Reports
Inline segments cannot be applied to the following report data:
Pathing reports
Mobile carrier
GeoSegmentation Region, City, and U.S. DMA Reports
Clicks to page
Time spent on page
Time spent on site
Visit depth
Visit number
Keyword URLs
Return visits
Real-Time Reports 55

Real-Time Reports
Real Time API reports let you view orders, revenue, units, custom events, instances, and other metrics with up to three correlated
dimensions to create granular, real time dashboards with seconds of latency. Real-time reports are available for a rolling 22
previous hour period.
Real time reports operate most efficiently with frequent requests. We recommend between 15-30 seconds between updates.

Step Task Details

1 (Optional) Get current real
Call ReportSuite.GetRealTimeSettings
time configuration
You'll receive a struct with the current configuration, similar to the following:

2 Save a new configuration

Call ReportSuite.SaveRealTimeSettings

Send in a real_time_settings structure with the metrics and elements from

the table in the next section that you would like to enable for real time reports.

You can provide a single metric with up to three correlated elements. Note that
you do not need to include each correlated element for every report. For example,
based on the struct in step one, you can report searchenginekeyword instances
without reporting prop2 instances. Realtime configuration changes take 15 minutes
to be reflected in reports.

Note: If the ui_report parameter is set to false, you must save at least one
element and one metric or the configuration will be invalid, even though an
error does not occur. If the ui_report parameter is set to true, you must save
three elements and one metric or you will receive an error.

3 Run a real time report

Call Report.Run and set the "source" parameter to "realtime".
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }
Real-Time Reports 56

Minute Granularity
When requesting a Real-Time report, you can provide a "dateGranularity" of "minute:[interval]". The interval is an
integer between 1-60 that specifies the interval to report. For example, 'minute:3' reports the request date range in 3-minute

Relative Dates
Real-Time Reports support relative dates for the Date, DateFrom, and DateTo parameters. For example, to report revenue
between noon today and the current time in 3-minute intervals, you could use the following reportDescription:
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"dateFrom": "noon",
"dateTo": "now",
"dateGranularity": "minute:3",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }

Sort Options
Real-Time reports provide a number of sort options that are described in SortMethod Options.
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"sortMethod": "mostpopular:.25:0:linear",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }

Totals for Items not Displayed (Everything Else)

You can include an optional "everythingElse" element to return metric totals for elements that are not included in the report.
For example, if most popular is selected, this returns totals for values that are not in the most popular list.
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"sortMethod": "mostpopular:.25:0:linear",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }
"everythingElse": true

Supported Metrics and Elements

The following table contains a list of the supported metrics and breakdowns available in Real Time Reports.
Real-Time Reports 57

Metrics Elements

pageviews page

revenue product

orders sitesection

units server

carts linkdownload

cartviews linkexit

instances linkcustom

checkouts topleveldomain

cartadditions referringdomain

cartremovals searchengine

events1-100 searchenginekeyword

videotime searchenginenatural

videostart searchenginepaid

videocomplete geocountry

videosegmentviews georegion

videoadstart geocity

videoadcomplete geodma

socialmentions prop1-75

socialtotalsentiment evar1-75

sociallikeadds surveybase

socialpageviews listvar1
socialpostviews listvar2

socialfbstorytellers listvar3

socialfbstories listvar4

socialpubrecommends video

socialpubcomments videoad

socialpubsubscribers videosegment

socialpubposts videocontenttype

mobileinstalls socialterm

mobileupgrades socialcontentprovider

mobiledailyengagedusers socialauthor
Real-Time Reports 58

Metrics Elements

mobilemonthlyengagedusers sociallanguage

mobilelaunches sociallatlong

mobilecrashes socialassettrackingcode

mobileprevsessionlength mobileinstalldate
















Summary Reports 59

Summary Reports
Summary reports provide high-level metrics for several report suites in a single report.
Summary reports do not contain the "reportSuiteID" parameter, instead the report suite is specified as the "reportsuite"
report element, and the "selected" parameter contains a list of report suite IDs. The "metrics" parameter contains the
metrics you want to report for the specified report suites.
// Summary Report
// Note that the "reportSuiteID" parameter is not included
// and the elements list contains "reportsuite"
// Report suites are provided in the "selected" element



Example response:
"name":"Report Suite"
"name":"Report Suite 1"
"name":"Page Views",
Summary Reports 60

Pathing Reports 61

Pathing Reports
There are two kinds of pathing reports, "Pathing" and "Fallout".

Pathing Report (the "pattern" parameter)

A pathing report is generated by combining up to five patterns in a list to specify a match. For example:

Next Page Report

"pattern": [

The first pattern matchs the page named videoPage5, the next pattern matches any page.

Previous Page Report

"pattern": [

Next Page Flow Report

"pattern": [

"pattern": [

Special Page Names

Using the names of pages on you site along with the special page names in the following table, you can generate a number of
useful pathing reports.

Value Meaning
::anything:: Any page, including entered and existed
::not_entered:: Anything except entered the site
::not_exited:: Anything expect exited the site
::entered:: Entered the site
::exited:: Exited the site
::not:: Used before a pagename(s) to negate it. IE. "::not::","page1"

Fallout Report (the "checkpoints" parameter)

Fallout reports can be generated for the pageviews metric using page, sitesection, or a prop (if pathing is enabled). To generate
a fallout report, provide a list of up to 8 values to use as checkpoints. The number of pageviews returned for each checkpoint
indicates the number of pageviews that successfully satisfied all checkpoints up to and including that point.
Pathing Reports 62

Example request:
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"dateFrom": "2014-01-01",
"dateTo": "2014-01-02",
"metrics": [
"id": "pageviews" //This metric is required for all fallout reports. It is the only metric
currently supported.
"elements": [
"id": "page", //Only 1 element can be specified. Valid elements are page, sitesection,
and prop## (if pathing enabled).
"checkpoints": [ //This is the list of checkpoints (Maximum 8 items)
"locale": "en_US"

Example response:

"type": "fallout",
"elements": [
"id": "page",
"name": "Page"
"reportSuite": {
"id": "rsid",
"name": "my report suite"
"period": "Wed. 1 Jan. 2014 - Thu. 2 Jan. 2014",
"metrics": [
"id": "pageviews",
"name": "Page Views",
"type": "number",
"decimals": 0,
"latency": 205,
"current": false
"data": [
"name": "videoPage3",
"url": "",
"counts": [
"191" //This is the total number of visits
"name": "videoPage2",
"url": "",
"counts": [
"53" //This is the number of visits that continued (27%)
] //Meaning that 130 exited the site (73%)
"name": "videoPage1",
"url": "",
Pathing Reports 63

"counts": [
"20" //This is the number of visits that continued (37%)
] //Meaning that 33 exited the site (63%)
"totals": null,
"version": "1.4"

//Pathing Report -- NextPage Flow

//Pathing Report -- PreviousPage Flow

//Pathing Report -- Fallout
Pathing Reports 64


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