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Research project guidelines

Project to be completed, making use of some of the STATISTICAL Techniques as given

Hypothesis testing
Analysis of Variance
Chi square test
F test/t test

Maximum students per group = 5

Maximum number of groups per class = 10
Topics can be selected either from list below or any other title of your choice, same
should be approved from the faculty. Topic should not repeat across the divisions. Topic
booking will be first come first serve basis.

Project to be printed on A4 size paper with spiral binding & should adhere to following:

Executive Summary
Index / Table of contents
Background and Purpose
Literature Review (Problem Statement & Methodology adopted)
Research Design
Variables and Measurement
Data Collection and Ethics
Data Analysis / statistical tools applied
Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendices (Glossary of terms used)

Each group to submit a project report of about 40 pages (max)

Tables, graphs, survey questionnaire, supporting material to be attached with the
Each group to make a presentation of 12 min maximum where each member of the
group would present part of the case, with 3 additional minutes for Q & A

Last date for project topic selection 17/01/2016

Last date for submission of project 21/03/2016 in soft form
Last date for submission of project 21/03/2016 in paper form
Presentations to be made during Last session.
Research topic list (This is an Indicative list and not exhaustive one, students are free to
select any topic of their choice)
1. Short term/ long range forecast
2. Business / industry trends
3. Global environmental influencing factors
4. Inflation/ pricing study
5. Plant, warehouse location
6. Ecological/ environmental impact
7. Legal constraints in advertising/ promotion
8. Sex/ age/ racial discrimination in employment
9. Social values & ethics

Financial & accounting

1. Forecast of interest rates trends
2. Stock/ bond/ commodity value prediction
3. Capital formation alternatives
4. Mergers/ acquisitions
5. Risk return tradeof
6. Portfolio analysis
7. Impact of taxes
8. Expected rate of return
9. Capital asset pricing models (CAPM)
10. Credit risks
11. Cost analysis

Management/ organizational behavior

1. Morale & job satisfaction
2. Employee productivity
3. Organizational efectiveness
4. Structural studies
5. Absenteeism & labor turnover
6. Organizational climate
7. Organizational communication
8. Physical environment study

Sales & marketing

1. Market potential measurement
2. Market share analysis
3. Market segmentation
4. Determination of market characteristics
5. Sales quota/ territory establishment
6. Distribution channel study
7. New product concept test
8. Test market study
9. Advertising research
10. Buyer behavior
11. Customer satisfaction

Project titles:
1. Tablet-- a fashion statement?
2. Debit card Vs credit card payment
3. Card payment Vs traditional way of payment
4. ATM Vs physical bank operations
5. Higher interest rates as stumbling block to economy growth
6. Lower housing loan rates- boon to housing industry
7. State sponsored medical assistance scheme for senior citizens
8. Insurance as saving or investment or retirement benefit avenue
9. Recognition of skills and expertise - reason for not moving to another job
10. High salary - reason for not moving to another job
11. Summer training - benefit to students/ employer/ college
12. Efectiveness of Direct marketing in pharmaceutical industry
13. Shopping malls & movie theaters make a right business proposition
14. Influence of print media on ...( subject of your choice)
15. Learning of foreign language
16. Conducted tours Vs self planned holidays
17. Impact of legal notifications with respect to advertising, on tobacco industry
18. Surrogate advertising
19. Increasing trends of consumption of alcohol by students on campus
20. Being a Workaholic good or bad
21. Method of packing has impact on sale of dry cells
22. Customer expectations of service in flying a particular airline
23. Centralized Vs decentralized control of power
24. Why women are have afection towards yellow metal/gems
25. Impact of change of credit period from 30 to 60 days for supplier
26. Efect of adverse media coverage on COLA sales
27. Fall in attendance in class
28. Sales promotion always results in increase in sales
29. University criteria of minimum qualification for college principal-- is it right?
30. Brand positioning
31. Distinctive feature/s of Pizza that gives Big Mac or Domino, a clear advantage.
32. Time spent by urban youth in farm house/ club/ trekking
33. Catch line/ punch line in advertisement make greater impact than the substance in it
34. Presentation/ appearance is most vital in hospitality industry
35. Violence in movies afect growing children
36. Use of recyclable paper in greeting cards
37. Use of office equipment for personal use is on rise
38. Design of new year gift articles
39. Increase in taxation results in tax avoidance
40. Impact of Made in China products on Indian industry.
41. Impact of Social Media on consumer buyer behaviour.

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