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Scene 1: my first scenes will be used to describe and introduce the background of
the film/ trailer. This will be done by a hand held shot that will be positioned towards
the main character (Youtuber) as he will first the point of view of the passenger
explain what the video is about and what the character will do. This reveals the
background to why the character are going to the location and what they want to
achieve. This shot of the character from the angle will engage the audience instantly
as it different usually methods of filming meaning they are captivated from the start.

Scene 2: the shot will establish the arrival of the characters in the location
progressing the narrative forward as the doors closing and character walking off
camera will signify that he is going to the wood area meaning this point acts as an
indicators that the action is to start and the audience will be anticipated and intrigued
to see what comes next.

Scene 3: This next scene will also continue this trend, as the
progression of the narrative further to shown off the area itself and the
character entering. This indicates that there is no turning back and that
he character have been cut off from the area of help and safety.
Furthermore the transition from light to dark suggest the change as the
connation of dark symbolises death and unknown while light symbolises
good and safety.
Scene 4: this scene is to further show off as it will as a collection of
establishing shits to reveal to the audience the environment the
character are in. It will also suggest the conventional feeling of being
alone with no one to help or escape showing it off a dense area. This will
establish the turning point of where the characters are in the woods and
that there is no escape.
Scene 5: the scene where the characters discover the noose is a pivotal
point in the film as it reveals the negative slope that will follow. Although
this is what the characters were expecting due to theyre knowledge of
the place they are still shocked. This death and negative use of be prop
shows that the film is coming close to its dilemma.
Scene 6: this scene is where the dilemma and drama occurs. This is due
to the antagonist being shown but not revealed as a hand creeps round
a tree revealing that they are in which the characters have entered isnt
what they first thought. In this scene the characters start to panic.
Scene 7: in this scene it cuts further into the film as one of the people is
missing, this conventional of the horror genre as this is a particular
moment in most films where a characters death and problem come
from. This will strike fear of the unknown and danger into the characters
leaving them to stop and quickly devise a plan.
Scene between 7 -8: this scene will display the death of a character as
this symbolises that it isnt a suicide forest but theyre is actually a
murder/beast in the forest meaning the characters are personally
affected as one of their friends has die, this further represents a danger
and dilemma for the characters as they know their lives are on the line
increasing the intensity and tension of the trailer, making the audience
want to watch on.
Scene 9: This next scene is the tipping point of the film as this is where
the unique feature comes in as the effect of the hand held shot type is
mainly demonstrated. The uses of the tracking point of view shot of the
characters while they are running and attempting to escape is to
immerse and engage the audience into the film making it seem like they
are escaping too making it seem like they are there. This drives in the
thrill and scare factor of the film making it more believable.
Scene 10: this next scene is a further hand held scene which is a
continuation on from the previous. However this scene is different as
one of the characters gets grabbed behind a tree from the antagonist
which I still not revealed adding to the drama and negative events of the
film. This is left whether the character dies or lives as the next scenes
cut off ether the characters make it out and whether or not they discover
what is in the woods with them.
Scene 11:this next scene will be a bold quote of the film on a black
background as this brings more information about the film this is due to
the fad that the audience will read this and gather theyre own opinions
on the information received. This will leave the audience on a cliff
hanger leaving them wanting answers. Furthermore this creates tension
and suspense as the black background separates the scenes and slows
the tempo down.
Scene 12: The ending scene of my trailer will be a swinging noose
signalising the main point of death and danger thought the film even
before the characters are in danger. This show off the film as in part a
conventional horror as it is centred on death. This leaves the film trailer
with a dark and ere ending.


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