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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

For Mark Argyle

Victoria Park High School
Marks Philosophy and Statement of Beliefs

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior
to your former self." Ernest Hemmingway

There is a necessity to encourage and stimulate the growth of students, particularly in the
Social Studies discipline, to allow them to develop into active and participating citizens in, not
just the municipal level, but also in the national and global contexts. The Education system as a
whole has a vital role in this development, and this is never more present than it is with teachers.
It is the duty of a teacher to encourage and provide the knowledge and skills that students require
when striving for success, and provide guidance that allows students to continue along the right
A students experiences in the school setting can positively impact how they continue
through their education and develop as adults.
As a teacher, one must continue their own professional growth and learning in order to,
not only progress their own education, but to also set an example for students to look up to. By
continuing to find relevance and meaning in what they teach they are able to set the standard, and
create better and more meaningful learning opportunities for students.
In order for me to continue my own learning opportunities and teach to the high standard
which is expected of me, including the KSAs and the new Teaching Quality Standard, I have set
forth two goals that I wish to address in my current intern position.

1. Differentiated Instruction and Assessment: To continue to develop knowledge and

build skills around the development and implementation of the Social Studies curriculum.
While ensuring the success of all willing students, regardless of external factors.

KSAs: 1. Understanding the legislated, moral, and ethical framework that I work under.
2. Understanding the subject discipline I teach. 3. Translate the curriculum content and
objectives into meaningful learning. 4. Gather and use information about students
learning needs and progress. 5. Establish and maintain partnerships. 6. Engage in ongoing
professional development to enhance teaching and learning. 7. Apply technology to meet
students needs.

Success Indicators: 1. Participation, attendance, and creation of alternative assessments

in Social Studies. 2. Heighten student attendance and success rate. 3. Acknowledgement
from contemporaries and admin of the positive impact.

Calendar: Dec. 22nd, 2017 By this date, I wish to be able to naturally, authentically,
and effectively implement a variety of differentiation in multiple classroom settings,
which will last throughout my teaching career.

2. FNMI Content Incorporation and Implementation: To continue to promote the

inclusion and incorporation of content from the perspectives and standpoints of our First
Nations, Metis, and Inuit brothers and sister from across Canada. And to promote the
necessity for truth, forgiveness, and reconciliation between FNMI and non-FNMI
KSAs: 1. Understanding the legislated, moral, and ethical framework that I work under.
2. Analysis of contextual variables. 3. Creating and maintaining learning environments
that promote student learning. 4. Knowledge of different approaches to learning, and
appreciating individual differences.
Success Indicators: 1. Positive receptions from students and admin. 2. Promote and
encourage the uses of FNMI themed media, and FNMI content from a variety of other
sources (e.g. Storytelling, First-Hand accounts and experiences).
Calendar: Dec. 22nd, 2017 By this point in the semester I will be confident in directly
asking students to explain elements from the class in which FNMI content is heavily
emphasized, and those students being asked will be confident in their answers.

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