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Quiz 4 PNUR 106 08_23_17 Name: Ghislain Ngolo

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

___C_ 1. A patient has collapsed and cannot be aroused by asking loudly, Are you okay? The next action
should be to: Chapter 28
a. position the fingers over the carotid artery to feel for a pulse.
b. tilt the head by placing one hand on the forehead and lift the chin.
c. call for help or, if there is assistance, have that person get help.
d. deliver two quick short breaths into the patients airway.

____B 2. The nurse recognizes that, immediately before a tracheotomy cuff deflation, the patient should:
Chapter 28
a. be administered extra oxygen.
b. have the pharynx suctioned.
c. have the cuff pressure checked.
d. be monitored for respiratory rate.

____C 3. The nurse takes into consideration that while caring for a patient on oxygen therapy, safety
precautions should be observed, which include: Chapter 28
a. using clothing of synthetic cloth for the patient.
b. removing any adhesive from the patients skin with acetone.
c. assessing equipment in room for frayed cords.
d. reducing humidification on the oxygen delivery device.

____C 4. A nurse caring for a patient with a water seal type chest drainage that is on low suction assesses that
there is constant bubbling in the suction container. The nurse should: Chapter 28
a. immediately turn the patient to the side of the insertion site.
b. check for air leaks in drainage system.
c. include findings in documentation.
d. clamp the chest tube and place the patient in high Fowlers position.

____A 5. The nurse caring for a patient with a disposable chest drainage system can promote effective tube
function and patient safety by: Chapter 28
a. taping all connections within the system.
b. keeping the system at the level of the patients chest.
c. turning on suction to 35 cm.
d. looping the tubing between the mattress and the bed rail to minimize length.

____C 6. When assessing the lungs of a patient, the nurse assesses a wheezing sound on inspiration. This
finding is documented as: Chapter 28
a. apnea.
b. dyspnea.
c. stridor.
d. retractions.

___C_ 7. The nurse is aware that in the elderly, a urinary infection may cause the patient to: Chapter 29
a. run an exceptionally high temperature.
b. have foul urine and diarrhea.
c. become disoriented and confused.
d. become irritable.

____C 8. To prevent changes in the chemical characteristics of urine, a nurse sends a sample of fresh urine to
the laboratory for urinalysis within at least _____ minutes. Chapter 29
a. 1 to 2
b. 3 to 5
c. 5 to 10
d. 20 to 30

____C 9. An adult male patient who cannot void has an order to have a urinary catheter inserted. Which size
catheter would be most appropriate to use? Chapter 29
a. 12 French
b. 16 French
c. 18 French
d. 22 French

___D_ 10. An elderly male patient needs to have a condom catheter applied. An appropriate technique is to:
Chapter 29
a. shave the perineal area before beginning.
b. apply povidone-iodine to the penis before catheter application.
c. apply an adhesive strip in a circle around the base of the penis.
d. leave 1 to 2 inches between the tip of the penis and the drainage part of the

___A _11. A patient who underwent prostate surgery is admitted to the surgical unit with a catheter that is used
to provide continuous irrigation. The nurse recognizes this catheter is a(n): Chapter 29
a. Alcock.
b. Malecot.
c. Coud catheter.
d. de Pezzer catheter.

___C _12. A patient has just had a urinary drainage catheter removed. The nurse plans to measure intake and
output for this patient for another _____ hours. Chapter 29
a. 1 to 2
b. 4 to 6
c. 6 to 8
d. 12 to 24
___A_ 13. A male patient who suffered a spinal cord injury is learning to perform self-urinary catheterization
before being discharged to home. The statement made by the patient that indicates more instruction
is needed is: Chapter 29
a. It is a sterile procedure.
b. The catheter should be pinched before it is withdrawn.
c. The penis is lifted to a 60- to 90- degree angle for catheter insertion.
d. The procedure is done sitting on the toilet.

___C _14. A nurse is documenting the removal of a urinary drainage catheter from an assigned patient. If the
catheter is removed at 9:00 AM, the nurse recognizes that the patient is due to void by: Chapter 29
a. 11:00 AM.
b. 12 noon.
c. 5:00 PM.
d. 9:00 PM.

__C__ 15. A patient scheduled for bowel surgery has an order to receive enemas until clear. The nurse is aware
that no more than three enemas should be given because: Chapter 30
a. repeated enemas may cause more flatus.
b. the patient may develop an irritated rectum.
c. repeated enemas may cause electrolyte imbalance.
d. the patient may develop severe diarrhea.

___D _16. A patient with a new colostomy should have the hole in the faceplate cut to allow _____ inch around
the stoma. Chapter 30
b. 1

____A 17. A patient with a colostomy asks about foods that can be eaten that will reduce odor in the ostomy
drainage bag. The most informative response by the nurse is to say that ostomy odor can be
decreased with the intake of: Chapter 30
a. buttermilk.
b. eggs.
c. cucumbers.
d. beans.

___C _18. The nurse reminds the patient that digestion of food is a complex process with much of the food
breaking down in intestines. The small intestine functions to: Chapter 30
a. reabsorb sodium and chlorides.
b. propel waste material toward the anus.
c. absorb food substances from the bloodstream.
d. return water from the waste material to the bloodstream.
__B__ 19. The nurse caring for a patient who had a colostomy 2 days ago assesses slight bleeding around the
stoma when the area is cleansed, colostomy bag filled with gas, pale stoma, and a reddened area
under the adhesive of the appliance. The assessment that should be reported immediately is the
assessment pertaining to the: Chapter 30
a. skin irritation.
b. bleeding around the stoma.
c. amount of gas in the bag.
d. pale stoma.

___C _20. The patient asks the nurse how an ileostomy differs from a colostomy. The most informative
response by the nurse would be that a(n): Chapter 30
a. ileostomy is performed to remove stool from the colon, whereas a colostomy is the
removal of lower portions of bowel, diverting intestinal contents.
b. ileostomy has effluent that is more formed, whereas a colostomy has effluent that
is liquid.
c. colostomy is an opening into the colon, whereas an ileostomy is an opening at the
d. ileostomy requires irrigating, whereas a colostomy requires catheterizing.

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