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Without adequate protection from the sun, children are exposed to high levels of UV radiation.
Direct sunlight without the protection of sunscreen and adequate headwear can cause
dehydration, fatigue, and heat stroke. (The cancer society, 2017). Through our sunsmart policy
we hope to significantly reduce the effect of UV radiation on our students and prevent both
immediate and long term health issues. This is also to ensure that the school is meeting the
tinana, or physical, wellbeing needs of each student and ensuring that opportunities to maintain
good physical health are provided. (ERO 2016b, p. 26).

The purpose of this policy is:
- To provide procedures to ensure that children are kept safe and healthy when exposed
to UV radiation.
- To minimise childrens exposure to UV radiation.
- Minimise both immediate and long term health issues.
- To ensure the physical well-being needs of students are being met. (ERO 2016b, p. 25).

- Sunhats will be worn during term 1 and 4 any time that children are outside during
school hours.
- Sunscreen will be available for students from their classrooms and the duty teacher.
- Broad brimmed sunhats will be provided by the school.
- Sunhats will be named and remain in each students classroom.
- If a student doesnt have their hat they will be required to play in an allocated shady
- Sunsmart policy is reflected in the planning of outdoor events during term 1 and 4.
- Teachers and school staff are encouraged to model appropriate sunsmart behaviour.
- A letter explaining the sunsmart policy will be sent to parents at the start of term 1 and 4.
(The cancer society, 2017).

The cancer society. (2017). Sunsmartschoolsorgnz. Retrieved 26 October 2017, from

Education Review Office. (2016b). Wellbeing for success: A resource for schools. Wellington,
New Zealand: Author.

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