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Chapter 5

5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involve- tions (combination of type I and type IV b reac-
ment (Immediate-Type Allergies) tions). Atopic eczema will be discussed in a
separate section (see Sect. 5.5.3).
There are many allergic diseases manifesting in The maximal manifestation of IgE-mediated
different organs and on the basis of different immediate-type allergic reaction is anaphylax-
pathomechanisms (see Sect. 1.3). The most is. In the development of clinical symptoms,
common allergies develop via IgE antibodies different organs may be involved and symp-
and manifest within minutes to hours after al- toms of well-known allergic diseases of skin
lergen contact (immediate-type reactions). and mucous membranes [also called shock
Not infrequently, there are biphasic (dual) re- fragments (Karl Hansen)] may occur accord-
action patterns when after a strong immediate ing to the severity (see Sect. 5.1.4).
reaction in the course of 6 12 h a renewed hy-
persensitivity reaction (late-phase reaction,
LPR) occurs which is triggered by IgE, but am- 5.1.1 Allergic Rhinitis
plified by recruitment of additional cells and Introduction
mediators. These LPRs have to be distin-
guished from classic delayed-type hypersensi- Apart from being an aesthetic organ, the nose
tivity (DTH) reactions (type IV reactions) (see has several very interesting functions (Ta-
Sect. 5.5). ble 5.1). It is true that people can live without
What may be confusing for the inexperi- breathing through the nose, but disturbance of
enced physician is familiar to the allergist: The this function can lead to disease. Here we are
same symptoms of immediate-type reactions interested mostly in defense functions against
are observed without immune phenomena particles and irritants (physical or chemical)
(skin tests or IgE antibodies) being detectable. with clinical symptoms occurring physiologi-
These reactions are called pseudo-allergic re- cally under certain conditions (e.g., secretion,
actions (PARs), the term pseudo only re- sneezing, obstruction) and which can take on
flecting the not detectable participation of the the characteristics of disease in intense or
immune system and not implying psychologi- chronic expression [10, 12]. For these com-
cal phenomena. People can die from pseudo- plaints, the term rhinitis has been accepted
allergic reactions! The term is negatively de- internationally, although the demonstration of
fined; with better techniques allowing the de-
tection of antibodies or sensitized cells, PAR
may turn into true allergy. IgE-mediated drug Table 5.1. Functions of the nose
allergies will be covered together with other ) Airway ) Warming of air
adverse drug reactions (see Sect. 5.7). ) Olfactory sensory ) Air-conditioner
In atopic eczema, IgE antibodies play a role organ ) Body of voice resonance
in many patients in the eliciting phase, albeit in ) Filter organ ) Killing of microbes
) Humidifier
close connection with T-cell-mediated reac-
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 77

inflammation cannot be done in each case. The following mechanisms contribute to the
Therefore, rhinopathy would be a more logical development of nasal hyperreactivity:
term, although it is not often used [3, 4, 10]. Nor- ) Increase in permeability
mal findings and disease conditions overlap in ) Increase in sensitivity of irritant receptors
rhinitis much more often than in asthma. Often ) Increase in number of receptors per cell
the conjunctiva is also affected (rhinoconjunc-
tivitis) (see Sect. 5.1.7 on Allergy and Eye). ) Change of nerval impulses in the CNS
The most common form of allergic rhinitis ) Increase in number of inflammatory cells
and the most frequent atopic disease is pollino- ) Increase in function of effector cells (in-
sis (pollen rhinitis, pollen conjunctivitis, pol-
creased releasability)
len asthma, hay fever, hay asthma, hay rhinitis) ) Hormonal influences (estrogens?)
The disease was known in Arabic medicine Increased mast cells and basophil leukocytes
and in the late middle ages it was known as rose (especially during late phase reactions) have
fever. The first scientific description dates back been found in the nasal smear in allergic rhini-
to 1819 when John Bostock described his own tis [9].
symptoms. He saw the high summer tempera- Clinical stigmata of patients with allergic
ture as being the cause although many people rhinitis comprise:
called the disease hay fever. It was not until ) Adenoid face
1873 that Charles Blackley, using a skin and ) Permanent mouth breathing
provocation test, proved the disease was caused ) Periorbital halo (allergic shiners)
by pollen. Wolff-Eisner classified the disease in ) Lower lid edema
1906 as being hypersensitivity against pollen ) Allergic greeting (frequent wiping of the
protein (the term allergy had only just been
nose tip) (Fig. 5.1)
introduced) (for literature see Chap. 1). ) Lateral fold in the lower nasal part Symptoms and Pathophysiology

In industrialized countries, 10 20 % of the
population suffer from pollinosis [21]. As first
symptoms of allergic rhinitis, sneezing
(1 2 min after allergen contact) and early se-
cretion (5 min) develop triggered by a reflex
mechanism. In parallel, edema (obstruction)
of the mucosa occurs, reaching a maximum af-
ter 30 min with itch, a nasal voice, distur-
bance of olfactory and gustatory sensation, si-
nus complaints, and formation of polyps in the
chronic course as products of hyperplastic rhi-
nosinusitis [4, 7, 10, 12].
Aqueous rhinorrhea is due to a cholinergic
reflex (possibly via tachykinins) while the
symptom of a blocked nose is due to vascular
dilatation and edema formation.
Among the numerous mediators of allergic
reactions, histamine plays the most important
role in nasal symptoms, but also other media-
tors have been found in nasal secretions after
allergen provocation such as kinins, eicosa- Fig. 5.1. Allergic salutation seen typically in children
noids, and proteases [1]. with allergic rhinitis (H. Behrendt)
78 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

required. Normally, the diagnosis is done ac- Classification of Different Forms
cording to the type of secretion (putrid, milky)
of Rhinitis
and the rhinoscopic finding. With unilateral
In patients with symptoms of rhinitis (itch, symptoms, hemorrhagic secretion and pain-
sneezing, secretion, obstruction), other causes fulness, rhinoscopy is obligatory. If the secre-
of impaired nasal ventilation have to be exclud- tion is clear or aqueous, further classification
ed such as mechanical obstruction, structural into allergic and non-allergic (also called
abnormalities, septum deviation, tumors, for- vasomotor) rhinitis is done (Fig. 5.2).
eign bodies, atresia, as well as other severe or- While previously allergic rhinitis was clas-
gan diseases (cystic fibrosis, Wegeners granu- sified into seasonal (hay fever) in the spring
lomatosis, lepra, or infectious diseases) [6, 19] and summer months and perennial (all year),
(Table 5.2). the new WHO classification in the document
For the diagnosis of infectious rhinitis, Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma
usually no detection of an infectious agent is (ARIA) recommends a new classification into
intermittent (duration of symptoms of less
Table 5.2. Classification of rhinitis (according to WHO) than 4 weeks) and persistent (symptoms
longer than 4 weeks). This new classification,
Infectious however, does not replace the practically im-
) Viral
) Bacterial portant distinction between seasonal and pe-
) Others rennial.
Allergic Furthermore, the classification of the severi-
) Intermittent ty of allergic rhinitis into mild, moderate,
) Persistent and severe is important. Symptoms like
Occupational (allergic, non-allergic) sleep disturbance, impairment of daily ac-
) Intermittent tivities, impairment in school or working
) Persistent place, as well as other impairments in the
Drug-induced quality of life are important.
) Acetylsalicylic acid Regarding therapy of allergic rhinitis, it is
) Others
important to know that some symptoms such
Hormonal as itching, secretion, and sneezing respond
Others quite well to antihistamines, while nasal ob-
) NARES (non-allergic rhinitis eosinophilia struction is best treated with corticosteroids.
syndrome) This is reflected in the guidelines for therapy of
) Irritants
) Gustatorial rhinitis allergic rhinitis [6].
) Emotional factors While seasonal allergic rhinitis can mostly
) Atrophic rhinitis be diagnosed with classical allergy diagnosis,
) Gastrointestinal reflux in perennial rhinitis sometimes overlaps be-
) Idiopathic
tween allergic (housedust mite allergy) and


(Secretion: clear/aqueous) (Secretion: putrid/milky)

allergic non allergic infectious


Hyperreactivity eosinophil Fig. 5.2. Breakdown of

without inflammation inflammation rhinitis into its various
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 79

non-allergic mechanisms are observed. All too mechanistic, although of didactic value
forms of rhinitis have in common a hyperreac- [10]. We know that pollen fragments may also
tivity of the nasal mucosa similar to bronchial reach the bronchi.
hyperreactivity in asthma.
In the group of non-allergic vasomotor rhi- Therapy
nitis, two forms may be distinguished accord-
ing to nasal cytology: an inflammatory form The general therapy of allergic rhinitis is cov-
with increased eosinophil granulocytes and the ered in the sections on Immunotherapy
non-inflammatory form. The form of vasomo- (Sect. 6.3.1) and Pharmacotherapy (Sects.
tor rhinitis with increased eosinophils is often 6.2, 6.3) [6]. A characteristic of rhinitis therapy
characterized by strong swelling, formation of is the use of [ -adrenergics as vasoconstrictors
polyps and concomitant acetylsalicylic acid (orally as pseudoephedrine or norephedrine or
[10]. It responds better to antihistamines and topically as naphthazoline, xylometazoline, or
glucocorticosteroids than the non-inflamma- oxymetazoline). The possible adverse reaction
tory form, which is very resistant to therapy of rhinitis medicamentosa after long-term use
and may respond to anticholinergics (ipratro- of topical vasoconstrictors with mucosal dam-
pium bromide). age should be mentioned!
Patients with vasomotor rhinitis show an in- When selecting pharmacotherapy, the clini-
creased reactivity to unspecific irritants (Ta- cal symptoms should be considered. If obstruc-
ble 5.3) with a pathophysiologic correlate of tion is prominent, a combination of antihista-
autonomic nervous system dysregulation mines, vasoconstrictors, and steroids is recom-
corresponding possibly to an extreme variant mended while patients with predominant rhi-
of physiologic reactivity [2, 10, 14]. Dryness norrhea usually respond well to antihistamines
(draughts of air, cold air, dust) is a common and anticholinergics. Mucosal dryness with in-
triggering factor. creased irritability can be treated in perennial
The relationship between allergic rhinitis rhinitis with ointments and inhalations or la-
and otitis media has been discussed. It seems vages.
that with atopics there is an increased risk of In very severe cases of allergic rhinitis, si-
serous otitis media, although the latter cannot nusitis can occur. Recently fungal allergic si-
be regarded as allergic disease. nusitis, a disease corresponding to allergic
The simple hypothesis that particle size de- bronchopulmonary mycosis, has seen renewed
termines deposit and organ manifestation interest (see Sect. 5.4 on Hypersensitivity
(pollen grains with diameters of around 25 m Pneumonitis). Interactions between allergic
cause rhinitis in the nose, mold spores 5 m in rhinitis and diseases of the ear (vestibular or
diameter in the bronchi cause asthma and tube ventilatory disturbances) have been re-
small actinomycete particles below 2 m in di- ported without clear pathophysiological evi-
ameter in the alveoli lead to alveolitis) is surely dence. There is no good evidence for an allergic
mechanism in morbus Meniere, tinnitus, or
chronic labyrinthitis, although anecdotal cases
Table 5.3. Irritative factors as elicitors of rhinitis have been reported.
) Dust, smoke (particles) To summarize: Allergic rhinitis is not a ne-
) Chemical irritants (solvents, alcohol, washing glectable bagatelle condition! It occurs with
powder) systemic symptoms and often represents the
) Kitchen vapors, odors, halogens, formaldehyde, beginning of severe asthma (united airway
ether, etc. disease) [3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19].
) Change of temperature (especially cold)
) Air draught
) Change of position
) Dryness
) Hormonal influence (e.g., rhinitis in the third
pregnancy trimenon)
80 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

References nitis: a common but poorly documented therapy.

Allergy 55:11 15
1. Bachert C, Hauser U, Prem B, Rudack C, Ganzer U 12. Naclerio RM (1997) Pathophysiology of perennial
(1995) Proinflammatory cytokines in allergic rhi- allergic rhinitis. Allergy 52:41 44
nitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1 [Suppl]: 13. Nolte D, Renovanz HD, Schumann K (1982) Nase
44 49 und Respirationstrakt. Obere und untere Luftwe-
2. Bachmann W, Bachert C (1984) Quantitative ge als funktionelle Einheit. Dustri, Munich
evaluation of rhinomanometric curves. A new 14. Passalacqua G, Bachert C, Davies RJ, Durham SR,
simple method. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 63:58 61 et al. (2000) Inhaled and nasal corticosteroids:
3. Bousquet J, Vignola AM, Campbell AM, Michel safety aspects. Position paper. Allergy 55:16 33
FB (1996) Pathophysiology of allergic rhinitis. Int 15. Simons FE (1996) Learning impairment and al-
Arch Allergy Immunol 110:207 218 lergic rhinitis. Allergy Asthma Proc 17:185 189
4. Busse WW, Holgate ST (eds) (1995) Asthma and 16. Simons FE (1999) Allergic rhinobronchitis: The
rhinitis. Blackwell, Oxford asthma-allergic rhinitis link. J Allergy Clin Im-
5. Canonica GW, Ciprandi G, Pesce GP, Buscaglia S, munol 104:534 540
Paolieri F, Bagnasco M (1995) ICAM-1 on epithe- 17. van Cauwenberge P, Bachert C, Passalacqua G,
lial cells in allergic subjects: a hallmark of allergic Bousquet J, Canonica GW, Durham SR, Fokkens
inflammation. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 107: WJ, Howarth PH, Lund V, Malling HJ, Mygind N,
99 102 Passali D, Scadding GK, Wang DY (2000) Consen-
6. Durham SR (1998) Mechanisms of mucosal in- sus statement on the treatment of allergic rhini-
flammation in the nose and lungs. Clin Exp Aller- tis. European Academy of Allergology and Clini-
gy 28 [Suppl 2]:15 16 cal Immunology. Allergy 55:116 134
7. Ellegard E, Karlsson G (1999) Nasal congestion 18. Tas E, Bircher AJ (2001) Therapie der Rhinitis all-
during pregnancy. Clin Otolaryngol 24:307 311 ergica. Ther Umsch 58:309 314
8. Heppt W (1998) Zytologie der Nasenschleimhaut. 19. van Wijk RG, de Graaf-in t Veld C, Garrelds IM
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York (1999) Nasal hyperreactivity. Rhinology 37:50 55
9. Malm L, van-Wijk RG, Bachert C (1999) Guide- 20. World Health Organization (2004) Allergic rhinitis
lines for nasal provocations with aspects on nasal and its impact on asthma (ARIA). In: Bousquet J,
patency, airflow, and airflow resistance. Rhinolo- et al. (eds) Executive summary. WHO (in press)
gy 37:133 135 21. Wthrich B, Schindler C, Leuenberger P, Acker-
10. Mygind N, Dahl R, Pedersen S, Thestrup-Peder- mann-Liebrich U (1995) Prevalence of atopy and
sen K (1996) Essential Allergy. Blackwell Science, pollinosis in the adult population of Switzerland
Oxford (SAPALDIA study). Swiss Study on Air Pollution
11. Mygind N, Laussen LC, Dahl M (2000) Systemic and Lung Diseases in Adults. Int Arch Allergy Im-
corticosteroid treatment for seasonal allergic rhi- munol 106:149 156

5.1.2 Bronchial Asthma A new international definition of an expert

group of the NIH [1] is: Definition
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway dis-
Asthma is characterized by increased reactivi- ease with participation of numerous inflamma-
ty of the airway to various stimuli with de- tory cells like mast cells, eosinophils, T lym-
creased forced expiration changing in intensity phocytes, neutrophils, and epithelial cells. In
either spontaneously or under therapy (defi- sensitive individuals, inflammation leads to at-
nition of the American College of Chest Physi- tacks of wheezing, dyspnea, tightness, and
cians 1975). Newer definitions stress the bron- cough, especially during nights and early
chial hyperreactivity, defining asthma as air- morning hours. These episodes go commonly
way disease with bronchial hyperreactivity [1, with generalized but variable increased airway
17, 23, 35, 37]. Reversible obstructive distur- resistance which is reversible either spontane-
bance of ventilation is the obligatory and cen- ously or following therapy. The airway inflam-
tral symptom of bronchial asthma, whereby mation causes increased airway sensitivity
two characteristic aspects are crucial: against a variety of different stimuli. Using
) Attacks of dyspnea this definition, bronchial asthma can be distin-
) Hyperreactivity of airways against various guished in the differential diagnosis from other
conditions with dyspnea (Table 5.4).
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 81

Table 5.4. Differential diagnosis of bronchial asthma orthopnea) with noisy breathing, characteris-
) Mechanical ventilation disturbance (tumors, tic dry noises (wheezing and humming), at-
struma, mediastinal tumors, thymus hyperpla- tacks of coughing and expectoration of a clear
sia, foreign body aspiration) but viscous sputum. The attack often starts
) Disturbance of ventilatory regulation (hyper- with tightness of the chest and a dry cough. Pa-
ventilation) tients have difficulty speaking longer sen-
) Infection (bronchopneumonia, pertussis, acute tences.
epiglottitis [pseudo-Krupp], parasitoses) Through the increasing difficulty in ventila-
) Gastroesophageal reflux tion, respiratory auxiliary muscles are more in-
) Cardiac disease (left ventricular insufficiency tensely used. The suprathoracic veins are often
with pulmonary edema, vitium cordis, coro- filled, and cyanosis may occur. With an in-
nary disease) creased pulse rate, pulsus paradoxus often oc-
) Toxic or drug-induced bronchoconstriction curs. If an asthma attack persists in spite of
) Lung vessel disease (pulmonary embolism, therapy with beta-adrenergics and xanthine
pulmonary hypertension, vasculitis) derivatives for more than 24 h, the term status
) Diseases of larynx and trachea (tracheal steno- asthmaticus (acute severe asthma) is used.
sis, tracheomalacia, acute laryngitis, functional The breathing noises become less pronounced
laryngospasm) (silent lung).
) Other lung diseases (emphysema, fibrosis, Sometimes an asthma attack occurs along
sarcoidosis, interstitial lung disease, alveolitis) with other symptoms of the upper respiratory
) Sleep-apnea syndrome airways (nasal blockage, sneezing, or itching
) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) eyes) as well as gastrointestinal complaints, in-
creased diuresis, or fatigue [35, 36, 45, 46]. In
the chest X-ray, few changes are seen, but in se-
The Deutsche Atemwegsliga (German Airway vere cases increased air with a pronounced in-
League) gives the following definition: Asth- spiratory position of the thorax is seen. In con-
ma is an inflammatory airway disease with trast to lung emphysema, the lung vessels are
bronchial hyperreactivity and variable airway not constricted in bronchial asthma. The char-
obstruction. Typical symptoms are cough and acteristic finding in lung function is obstruc-
attacks of dyspnea, especially during the night tive ventilatory disturbance with increased air-
and early morning, wheezing and clear viscous way resistance and decreased forced expiratory
sputum [46]. volume (FEV1).
Bronchial asthma is the most common aller- The German Airway League has graded
gic lung disease, but can occur without detec- asthma according to severity (Table 5.5) [37,
tion of immune reactions (intrinsic asthma). 46].
In children, approximately 80 % of asthma is all-
ergic in origin, in adults approximately 60 %. Different Forms of Bronchial Asthma
Bronchial asthma can be classified according to Symptomatology
eliciting stimuli, sensitivity of the patient, test
The major clinical symptom of an asthma at- results or other underlying diseases [5, 11, 17,
tack is the sudden dyspnea (also tachypnea or 18, 19, 23, 34, 35, 36, 37]. The best classification

Table 5.5. Classification Grade Term Symptoms FEV1 or PEF

of severity in bronchial Day Night (% normal)
asthma (German Air-
way League) I Intermittent e 2 times/week e 2 times/ > 80 %
II Persistent, mild < Once/day > 2 times/week & 80 %
III Persistent, moderate Daily & 1 times/week > 60 < 80 %
IV Persistent, severe Continuous Frequent < 60 %
82 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.6. Forms of bronchial asthma ing. However, eosinophilia in blood and spu-
) Allergic (IgE-mediated, extrinsic) tum is often demonstrable.
) Physical-irritative, chemotoxic Furthermore, asthma can be classified ac-
) Intrinsic (cryptogenic, unknown etiology) cording to prognosis and therapeutic response.
) Special formsa: Intrinsic asthma responds to a lesser degree to
Infection-associated beta-adrenergics, cromoglycate or theophyl-
Analgesic (additive) idiosyncrasy (Samters triad) line. Sometimes, anticholinergics or ketotifen
Pharmacologic (beta-blockers, histamine are effective; most patients, however, are gluco-
liberators) corticosteroid dependent [17, 20, 35].
Exercise-induced The most important allergens in elicitation
) Mixed forms
of extrinsic asthma are so-called inhalation or
These stimuli can trigger both allergic and intrinsic aeroallergens (pollen, animal epithelia, mold
asthma spores, housedust mites, etc.; see Sect. 3.4). The
most important occupational triggers of aller-
follows pathophysiologic criteria (Table 5.6). gic asthma are listed in Table 5.7 [6, 15, 16, 47].
The frequent distinction between extrinsic In the differential diagnosis, allergic alveolitis
(= allergic) and intrinsic (no antibodies de- (hypersensitivity pneumonitis), mostly caused
tected) is not satisfactory since the term in- by organic dusts, should be considered (see
trinsic is ill defined and would be better re- Sect. 5.4).
placed by cryptogenic. Mostly, the so-called Exogenous toxic irritative factors able to
infect-allergic or pathophysiologically unclear trigger and maintain bronchial asthma com-
conditions are included. In intrinsic asthma, prise chemicals [ozone, chlorides, sulfur ox-
the typical signs and symptoms of atopy, such ides, nitric oxides, isocyanates (partly also al-
as increased serum IgE, detection of specific lergic)] and physical stimuli (cold, mechanical
sensitizations in skin tests or RAST, are miss- dust effects, cigarette smoke, etc.), which act

Allergen Occupation (examples) Table 5.7. Occupational

IgE-mediated and irri-
Pollen Agriculture, gardening, floristry tative toxic asthma
Storage mites Agriculture
Animal epithelia Zoology, laboratory research, bed clothing industry
Molds Cheese-making
Enzymes Washing powder, bakery
Castor oil Agriculture
Cotton dust Cotton harvesting
Silk Textile industry
Coffee (raw) Coffee harvesting
Flour and grain dust Bakery, milling, pastry making, agriculture
Insect allergens Zoology, food industry, cosmetics
Gum arabic Printing
Lycopodium Pharmacy
Rubber Medical care, health workers
Metal salts (e.g., platinum) Metal refinement, catalyzer production
Drugs Health workers, pharmacy
Colophony Paper production, printing
Wood dust Forestry, woodcutting
Latex Rubber industry, health personnel
Blooming plants Gardening, kitchen
Small chemicals Plastics, varnishes, furnishings, etc.
Irritative toxic substances
Aliphatic amines Chemical industry
Persulfates Chemical industry, hairdressers, photo laboratory
Epichlorhydrine Resins, softeners, hardeners
Acrylates Plastic industry, dentistry
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 83

via cholinergic irritant receptors leading to In the development and maintenance of

bronchial constriction [4, 14, 17, 23, 27]. It is bronchial hyperreactivity, neurogenic factors
possible that the well-known exercise-induced play an increasing role (Table 5.8) [14, 19, 27,
asthma is caused by cold air or hyperosmolari- 31]. The nerve growth factor (NGF) induces
ty through water loss and can be improved by neurotransmitters (Table 5.8) influencing neu-
mouth protection. So-called psychogenic asth- ronal plasticity of the airway nervous system.
ma (see Chap. 7) and infect-allergic asthma al- On the other hand, lymphocytes carry recep-
so belong here. Asthma in patients with analge- tors for neurotransmitters or secrete neurotro-
sic or additive idiosyncrasy occurs together phins as shown for TH2 cells secreting brain-
with polyposis nasi and sinusitis (Samters derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [24].
triad) (see Sect. 5.7.2). All these stimuli can These mechanisms might help to understand
trigger both allergic and intrinsic asthma. the well-known psychosomatic interactions in
bronchial asthma (see Chap. 7).
The so-called Herxheimers triad (mucous Pathophysiology
dyscrinia, mucosal edema, and bronchocon-
The reversible obstructive ventilation distur- striction) determines the intensity of clinical
bance in bronchial asthma develops on the ba- symptoms. In the sputum, Curschmanns spira-
sis of bronchial hyperreactivity. This is due to les and Charcot-Leydens crystals (crystalline
inflammatory reactions caused either by aller- forms of lysophospholipase from eosinophils)
gen exposure or by other epithelial damage (in- are found. The constriction affects both small
fection, toxic agents, etc.) [4, 8, 14, 19, 21, 22, and large bronchi.
23, 30, 35, 43, 45] (Figs. 5.3, 5.4). Ventilation and perfusion rate are irregular-
ly distributed with a decrease in CO2 pressure
The airway resistance is increased, the flow
rate decreased, and the ventilatory work in-
creases, leading to premature closing of air-
ways and lung emphysema. The intrathoracic
gas volume and the functional residual capaci-
ty are increased.
Characteristic cardial symptoms in bronchi-
al asthma comprise sinus tachycardia, signs of
pulmonal hypertension (ECG changes) as well
as pulsus paradoxus.
Fig. 5.3. Semi-thin-layer preparation of bronchial epi- While previously in asthma the reversibility
thelia taken from a patient with bronchial asthma
viewed under the light microscope (H. Behrendt)
of acute bronchoconstriction was stressed, we
know today that in chronic asthma, remodeling
of the peribronchial tissue occurs with epitheli-
al damage, and activation of myofibroblasts
and fibroblasts (growth factors EGF, IGF, or
TGF- q ). This leads to a thickening of the basal
membrane together with an increased fibrotic
manteling and chronicity of the bronchial ob-
struction with persistent symptoms and depos-
its of collagens type I, III, and V [8, 23, 33, 39]
(Fig. 5.5).

Fig. 5.4. Semi-thin-layer preparation of muciparous

glands taken from a patient with bronchial asthma
viewed under the light microscope (H. Behrendt)
84 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.8. Neurotransmitters (NT) and receptors in the airways

Substance Receptor Function
Sensory NT
Substance P NK 1 Vasodilation, plasma extravasation, mucus
secretion, leukocyte infiltration
Neurokinin A NK 2 Bronchoconstriction
Neurokinin B NK 3 Autocrine inhibition (?)
CGRP CGRP-1 and -2 Vasodilation
Bombesin BB1-R, BB2-R Mucus secretion, proliferation
VIP VIP1-R, VIP2-R Vasodilation, bronchoconstriction
Parasympathic postganglionic NT
Acetylcholine (AC) M1 Reflex
M2 Inhibition of AC release
M3 Bronchoconstriction, mucus secretion
M4 ?
Sympathic postganglionic NT
Noradrenaline [ 1, [ 2 Vasoconstriction
q1 Cardial ino- and chronotropic effect
q2 Bronchodilation
q3 Lipid tissue regulation (?)
NP * * 16 Long-acting vasoconstriction
q -Endorphin 1, 2, Autocrine inhibition, mast cell degranula-
Enkephalin 1, 2, tion (?)
Proteolytic peptides
Endothelin ETA, -B Vasoconstriction
Bradykinin B1, B2 Vasodilation, sensory stimulation

Mucus hypersecretion Eosinophil Epithelial Destruction and Remodeling

Dendritic Basophil

Basalmembrane thickening
Matrix Cell infiltration
Eosinophil Edema
Extravasation B-Cell
Vessel Nerve

Eosinophil Mast cells
Fig. 5.5. Components of
Mucosal hypertrophy asthmatic inflammation
Bronchial smooth muscle (according to Schultze-
Werninghaus) Diagnosis
histamine, dust, cold air, exercise or hyperven-
The diagnostic procedure in asthma is shown tilation are used [1, 2, 13, 18, 34, 37, 41]. The
in Table 5.9. For allergy diagnosis in general, following test concentrations are used: acetyl-
see Chap. 4. In bronchial provocation tests, un- choline (1.0 100 mg/ml); methylcholine (0.05
specific stimuli like acetyl (or methyl) choline, 50 mg/ml); carbamylcholine (0.05 50 mg/ml);
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 85

Table 5.9. Diagnostic procedure in allergic bronchial

asthma Differential Diagnosis

History The most important differential diagnosis of

General history, allergy history, personal and family bronchial asthma in adults is chronic obstruc-
General examination tive bronchitis, which as persistent obstructive
Physical ventilation disturbance leads to chronic ob-
Auscultation structive pulmonary disease (COPD) [4, 10, 15,
Chest X-ray and sinuses 21, 26, 30, 33]. In some cases, the differential di-
Lung function
Bronchial dilatation test agnosis from severe chronic asthma may be
Unspecific provocation (acetylcholine, exercise, difficult (Table 5.10). The main risk factor for
etc.) for bronchial hyperreactivity) COPD is tobacco smoke, but also other indoor
Blood count (eosinophils) and routine analysis, air pollutants or occupational toxic exposures
total IgE
play a role. In contrast to bronchial asthma,
Specific tests COPD responds only weakly to pharmacother-
Allergen avoidance (if possible)
Skin test
apy [30]. Steroids and thiotropin are used with
RAST moderate effect.
Bronchial allergen provocation (if necessary) Differential diagnosis also comprises aller-
Additional procedures gic bronchopulmonal aspergillosis as well as
Blood gas analysis interstitial lung diseases such as hypersensitiv-
In vitro inflammatory parameters (ECP) ity pneumonitis (see Sect. 5.3). Functional la-
Sputum ryngospasm, also called vocal cord dysfunc-
Induced sputum
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL with cytology) tion, may be triggered by physical and chemi-
Exhalation analyses (e.g., NO) cal stimuli and induce wheezing. Among the
Additional examinations many forms of sleep apnea syndromes, there
ECG are obstructive variants similar to nightly asth-
[ 1-Antitrypsin ma attacks.
Tb test Therapy
Avoidance Measures. The only causal therapy
histamine (0.05 50 mg/ml) [17]. Cholinergic is avoidance of eliciting stimuli including all
hyperreactivity is a cardinal symptom of asth- noxious influences. This implies careful allergy
ma [40]. diagnosis. Apart from avoidance of occupa-
Bronchial provocation tests with allergens tional allergens, avoidance measures in daily
need to follow strict indications (see Sect. 4.4). life are of major importance (see Sect. 3.4 on
Aeroallergens). Items to be avoided include:

Table 5.10. Differential Finding Bronchial asthma COPD

diagnosis of bronchial
asthma and chronic Age Childhood, adults Mostly over 50
obstructive pulmonary Allergy Frequent Rarely
disease (COPD) Smoking Rare Almost always
Nightly dyspnea Yes A little
Symptom-free intervals Yes No
Obstruction Central and peripheral Mostly peripheral
Eosinophilia (blood and sputum) Frequent Rare
Inflation Sometimes reversible Always irreversible
Blood gases Normal Abnormal
Variability of obstruction Yes No
Response to q -adrenergics Good Little
Response to steroids Good Little
86 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.11. Unspecific irritation syndrome (accord- ply behavioral therapy, group therapy, auto-
ing to H. Dngemann) genic training, etc. (see also asthma schools be-
Physical low).
Temperature change, dust, fog
Chemical Climate Therapy. For rehabilitation of chronic
E.g., exhaust, smog, odors, chemical irritants asthma, climate therapy at sea level (North Sea)
Pharmacodynamic or at high altitude (e.g., Davos, Switzerland)
E.g., histamine liberators, q -blockers, certain has been shown to improve asthma by decreas-
spices, drinks, and drugs ing allergen exposure and unspecific climatic
Infectious diseases effects [7].
Infections of the upper airways
Psychological Mast Cell Blockers. Mast cell stabilizers (e.g.,
Stress, emotional disturbance disodium cromoglycate) act prophylactically
on the mucous membranes in preventing asth-
ma attacks. Disodium cromoglycate is given ei-
feathers in bed clothing, animal or plant mat- ther as a powder or as a 1 % solution (4 daily
tresses (horse hair, seaweed), pets (including every 6 h). Ketotifen acts both as a mast cell sta-
furs!), carpets, old upholstery, humidity, moist bilizer and as an antihistamine, has no direct
walls, plants (mold), as well as all dust-collect- bronchodilating effect but is prophylactically
ing furniture, sprays, and certain humidifiers. effective. Nedocromil sodium has mast cell sta-
In all forms of asthma, the avoidance of non- bilizer and anti-inflammatory properties.
specific stimuli is important, which can lead to
deterioration of any kind of asthma (unspecif- Antihistamines. Histamine H1 antagonists do
ic irritation syndrome according to Dnge- not play a major role in the treatment of asthma
mann [12]) (Table 5.11). (see Sect. 6.2 on Pharmacotherapy).
Finally, therapy of underlying infectious
disease should be mentioned, for instance pu- Leukotriene Antagonists and Inhibitors. In-
trid sinusitis, polypectomy with impaired nose hibitors of lipoxygenase as well as antagonists
breathing, and short-term antibiotic treatment of sulfidoleukotrienes have a place in asthma
after microbiological examination (e.g., Hae- therapy, especially in reducing glucocorticoste-
mophilus influenzae). roids in severe asthma [44].

Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy (Hyposen- Xanthine Derivatives. Xanthine derivatives

sitization). In uncomplicated allergic asthma, have been used for decades for bronchospas-
allergen-specific immunotherapy is effective molysis [23, 27]. New galenic formulas have de-
when started early and with the right indica- creased the problem of the small therapeutic
tions [38] (see Sect. 6.3). range of theophylline. If side effects are sus-
pected, the plasma level should be measured
Physical Therapy. Adequate breathing tech- and kept between 10 and 20 g/ml. Average dai-
nique and correction of malposition of the tho- ly dose for adults ranges between 10 and 15 mg/
rax are important. Training of respiratory ab- kg/day, with higher doses for smokers [46].
dominal and back musculature; connective tis-
sue massage and local heat application; and se- 2 Adrenergics. While classical beta-adrener-
cretion drainage (deliverance of sputum in the gics (e.g., isoproterenol) often lead to cardial
downward position, etc.) are important [1, 3, side effects due to q 1-stimulation (tachycardia),
11, 20, 25, 38]. selective q 2-adrenergics have predominant
bronchodilatory effects. Furthermore, they
Psychosomatic Consultation. Psychosomatic have mast cell stabilizing properties and can be
consultation may help also with regard to used orally or as an aerosol (one to two breaths
avoidance of trigger situations and can im- every 4 h), and also in long-term therapy.
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 87

Long-acting q 2-adrenergics have greatly im- mometasone, triamcinolone). These are also
proved asthma therapy. prophylactically active and allow a reduction of
systemic steroids in steroid-dependent asthma.
Anticholinergics. The atropine derivates ipra- Side effects comprise the possible occurrence
tropium bromide and oxitropium bromide can of candida infection as well as changes in voice
be used as aerosols and act more weakly than quality [28]; in children, a significant but small
q -adrenergics as bronchodilators, also pro- and reversible growth impairment has been
phylactically. They can be combined with q 2- observed. Topical Glucocorticosteroids can be
agonists. combined with long-activity q -agonists.

Secretolysis. Adequate volume replacement Antibiotics. In intrinsic asthma and signs of

(2 3 l/day) and humidification of the inhaled infection, short-term antibiotic therapy may be
air are important. Furthermore, detergents and helpful.
mucolytics are used for secretolysis (acetylcys-
teine, bromhexine, or ambroxol as well as ethe- Surgical Treatment. Previously surgical mea-
ric oils). sures such as vago- or sympathicotomy, cutting
of the nervus laryngicus cranialis or resection
Glucocorticosteroids. Glucocorticosteroids of the glomus caroticum have been recom-
act at different levels in the asthmatic reaction: mended, which today do not play a major role.
when given over longer periods they have a The side effects of these operations are consid-
bronchodilatory and preventive effect on im- erable; bronchial hyperreactivity can persist in
mediate reactions, decrease bronchial hyper- spite of denervation of the lung [17].
reactivity, inhibit mucous secretion and in-
crease the effect of q 2-adrenergics. Through New Immunotherapeutic Approaches. New
the anti-inflammatory effect, mucosal edema approaches can be seen in the development of
and sputum viscosity will decrease. Systemic monoclonal humanized antibodies against IgE
glucocorticosteroids are used in severe asth- (omalizumab) [32]. Antagonists of interleukin-
ma, the dose depending upon the severity of 4 (soluble interleukin-4 receptor), adhesion
the condition. molecules, tachykinins, as well as antibodies to
In status asthmaticus (acute asthma at- other cytokines (anti-interleukin-5 = mepoli-
tack), doses of 250 mg up to 2 g prednisolone zumab) are being tested in clinical trials (see
are indicated combined with q 2-adrenergics Sect. 6.3).
(with nebulizer) and theophylline (with per-
fusor). Persistent wheezing over more than Procedures Without Proven Efficacy. Often in
4 h, pulsus paradoxus, persistent tachycardia asthma, so-called unconventional therapies are
over 100/min, FEV1 under 1 l/s, and abnormal used such as acupuncture, use of certain bacte-
blood gases are signs of an acute asthma at- rial vaccines, homeopathy, standard gamma-
tack. Immediate hospital admission is indicat- globulins, and others (see Sect. 6.4).
ed. Therapy follows the above-mentioned
rules; in addition, infusions, oxygen, some- Asthma Schools. The general concept of asth-
times anesthesia with mechanical ventilation ma management requires the cooperation of
and bronchoscopic removal of secretion are the informed patient. Schooling programs for
implied [26]. children and adults have been proven helpful
In cortisone-dependent chronic asthma, and are also paid for by insurance in some
usually 40 80 mg prednisolone are given with countries [40] (see also Sect. 6.5 on Preven-
a slow dose reduction (not more than 5 mg/ tion). Asthmatics may also do sports when
week) until a minimal dose is titrated. treated properly [47].
Great progress for glucocorticosteroid ther-
apy was achieved through the development of
topical steroids (beclomethasone, budesonide,
88 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

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5.1.3 Urticaria and Angioedema Definition
Urticaria is a disease with occurrence of self-
vanishing erythematous elevated skin lesions
which disappear and blanch under pressure
(wheals) (Figs. 5.6, 5.7). Identical skin lesions
are observed after injection of histamine into
the skin (Lewis triad: mild redness = local va-
sodilation, edema = increase in capillary per-
meability, flare = axon reflex). When the reac- Fig. 5.6. Urticaria factitia caused by tangential appli-
cation of force
tion occurs in the subcutaneous tissue, the dis-
ease is called angioneurotic or angioedema
(also Quinckes edema) (Fig. 5.8). Urticaria
comprises several clinical manifestations and
may be caused by immunological and non-im-
mune pathomechanisms. Classification
Clinically, urticaria can be classified according
1. The course: acute urticaria (< 6 weeks) and Fig. 5.7. Hive following a histamine injection
chronic urticaria (> 6 weeks). In between
are acute intermittent urticaria (several caria (continuous relapses with short remis-
acute episodes) and chronic relapsing urti- sions of several days).
90 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.12. Classification of urticaria according to etio-


Insect venoms
Plant allergens
Contact urticaria allergens
Insects, plants (Urtica dioica)
Drugs (e.g., opioids)
Enzymes (proteases)
Acetylsalicylic acid, analgesics
Mechanical (urticaria factitia, pressure, vibration)
Thermal (cold, heat)
Cholinergic (exercise)
Electromagnetic radiation (e.g., solar urticaria)
Focus reactions
Fig. 5.8. Quinckes edema Parasites
2. Pathophysiological aspects (Table 5.12): Bacterial and viral infections
There are few epidemiological studies re-
garding the prevalence of urticaria. It seems Enzyme defects
Angioneurotic edema
that the incidence of urticaria has been con- (C1 inactivator deficiency)
stant during recent years [10]. Prevalence of Hereditary
chronic urticaria is estimated at 1 3 % [4, 5, Acquired (neoplasia)
9, 40]; in 1991, after German reunification, Serum carboxypeptidase B deficiency
urticaria was more common in West Ger- Autoimmune diseases
man children compared to the East, follow- Urticaria vasculitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
ing the pattern of hay fever and asthma Cryoglobulinemia
prevalence (see Sect. 3.3.2).
Psychosomatic conflicts
Acute urticaria is the most common type of ur- Stress
ticaria; it is estimated that 20 30 % of the pop- Depression
ulation suffer once in their life from an episode
of acute urticaria. Mostly, acute urticaria heals Hormonal disturbances
Thyroid function disturbance
spontaneously, and sometimes medical help is Urticaria during menstruation or pregnancy
necessary. The etiopathogenesis often remains
Urticaria pigmentosa (mastocytosis)
unclear: Apart from acute infections, allergic
reactions need to be discussed. Histamine is Idiopathic urticaria
one of the most important mediator substances
[5, 11]. Often acute urticaria occurs after drug
medication during acute infection. In these indication of more intense diagnosis in either
cases the suspected drugs are often tolerated at very severe clinical manifestations (first degree
a later point in time. In up to 50 % no cause for of anaphylaxis), relapses, or when changing in-
acute urticaria can be elucidated. There is an to chronic urticaria.
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 91

When chronic urticaria is subdivided ac- The most common form of physical urti-
cording to pathophysiology (Table 5.12), ap- caria is urticaria factitia (also called dermo-
proximately 5 10 % is allergic in nature, graphic urticaria), when tangentially acting
15 20 % is pseudo-allergic, and 15 20 % is forces in the upper dermis induce histamine re-
triggered by physical stimuli. A large percent- lease. This form is often associated with psy-
age (approximately 50 %) remain etiopatho- chosomatic stress, but is also found in combi-
physiologically unclear (except for the rare nation with IgE-mediated allergy. The occur-
cases of hereditary angioedema). Psychoso- rence of urticaria factitia is variable and some-
matic influences as well as so-called focus re- times directly stress dependent (a female col-
actions are discussed when, e.g., gastrointesti- league of mine only had urticaria factitia on
nal disturbance, chronic infectious disease, au- Thursdays when Prof. Braun-Falco was doing
toimmune disease, neoplasms, or parasitic in- his grand rounds). I sometimes try to console
festation give rise to chronic urticaria. In recent my patients: Be glad that you are living today;
years, a new concept of autoimmune pathogen- some centuries ago, you would have been burnt
esis has been postulated: Autoantibodies as a witch!
against the high-affinity IgE receptor may play Cholinergic urticaria is characterized by the
a role which can be found in up to 50 % of pa- occurrence of small follicular wheals triggered
tients with severe chronic urticaria [9, 12, 28]. by exercise, sweating, or strong psychologic
Chronic urticaria in adults is more frequent stress.
in females (f : m = 2 : 1). The differential diagnosis of chronic urti-
caria comprises localized heat urticaria, where
at the site of heat application (45 50 C) wheals Physical Urticaria
can be triggered [31]. In vitro warming of a ba-
A common subgroup of urticaria is represent- sophil suspension can induce histamine release
ed by the different forms of physical urticaria [32].
(Table 5.13) when specific physical stimuli in- Rather common is exercise-induced urticar-
duce wheals either: ia, which is often connected with food allergy
) On the site of contact (e.g., contact cold and sometimes the first stage of anaphylaxis
(see Sect. 5.1.4).
urticaria) or
) Generalized in a reflex phenomenon (e.g., A frequent form (15 % of physical urticaria)
is cold urticaria (Fig. 5.9), which can rarely
cholinergic urticaria, cold reflex urticaria)

Table 5.13. Classification of physical urticaria (f, frequent; r, rare; vr, very rare; AH, antihistamine; TAD, tricyclic
antidepressant; MS, mast cell stabilizer; GC, glucocorticosteroid)
Elicitor Pathophysiology Therapy
Dermographism (urti- f Psychosomatic influence, summation with IgE AH1 + AH2, TAD, Coun-
caria factitia) seling
Cholinergic (sweating) f Small follicular wheals, frequently psychosomatic AH + anticholinergics
Localized heat vr ? AH
Exercise f Summation with food allergy, anaphylaxis AH, MS
Cold f Rarely familiar, cryoglobulinemia, neutrophil in- AH, penicillin, dapsone
Pressure f 4 6 h, neutrophils, ESR elevation AH?, GC, dapsone
Vibration vr Angioedema AH, GC
Electromagnetic radia- r Histamine not involved, specific eliciting wave AH?, photoprotection,
tion (solar urticaria) lengths chloroquine, hardening
Water vr Autoantigens in S. corneum? Skin care, AH
92 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

In the treatment of all forms of physical urti-

caria, one should warn patients not to do he-
roic self-experiments (for hardening), since
anaphylactic reactions may occur (my first pa-
tient with solar urticaria suffered anaphylactic
shock in a solarium). Special Forms of Urticaria

and Angioedema
Contact Urticaria. In these patients, epider-
Fig. 5.9. Urticaria induced by cold mal contact of the unlesional skin with eliciting
agents (either irritative like nettle, Urtica dio-
ica, or allergenic like latex proteins) leads to
occur as a familial form, or be found along wheal formation, sometimes deteriorating into
with cold-sensitive antibodies (e.g., cryoglo- anaphylaxis (contact anaphylaxis) [19].
bulinemia, cold hemagglutinins). In dermato-
histopathology, neutrophil infiltrates are Urticaria Pigmentosa (Mastocytosis). This type
found; sometimes ESR is increased. Cold urti- differs from the other urticarias since there are
caria can be a sequel of chronic infection (e.g., irreversible long-lasting skin lesions corre-
borreliosis). Antihistamines have little effect. sponding to local accumulations of mast cells in
High-dose intravenous penicillin has led to the skin. In childhood, isolated mastocytomas
improvement without the mechanisms being are common, which after physical stress (hot
known [13]. baths or thumb sucking) can trigger generalized
Pressure urticaria occurs mostly in young urticaria, sometimes local bulla formation. The
men (22 50 years) doing heavy physical work. prognosis is good.
There is an immediate type where wheals de- In adulthood, urticaria pigmentosa with
velop acutely within minutes up to 1 h and a de- characteristic brownish red disseminated skin
layed type which only 4 6 h after pressure ap- lesions is common, which show after rubbing
plication (5 10 kg over 10 20 min) elicits urticarial dermographism (Dariers sign). The
massive whealing. Antihistamines have little brownish color is not postinflammatory hyper-
effect; dapsone has been tried successfully. pigmentation but corresponds to activation of
Light urticaria summarizes all forms of urti- epidermal melanocytes through stem cell fac-
caria where the effect of electromagnetic radia- tor (SCF).
tion (from X-rays to visible light) induces whe- Mastocytosis may be limited to the skin or
aling. The most common form is solar urticar- be found along with systemic involvement
ia, where radiation mostly in the UV-A range (bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract). Very
elicits whealing. Histamine and mast cell reac- rare are mast cell leukemias or precursors such
tions do not seem to play a major role; possibly as aggressive mastocytosis with lymphade-
direct nerval stimulation takes place (E. Hlzle, nopathy.
H. Behrendt, personal communication). Recently cases of occult mastocytosis have
For therapy, UVA rush-hardening can be been reported where without visible skin le-
used in solar urticaria [2]. sions patients were suffering from relapsing ur-
Aquagenic urticaria is rare (not to be con- ticaria or anaphylactoid reactions; diagnosis
fused with the much more common aquagenic can be made from the strongly elevated mast
pruritus); it has been speculated that a water- cell tryptase level in the serum (see also
soluble autoantigen is released from the stra- Sect. 3.1.4).
tum corneum and induces histamine release A rare form of mastocytosis is teleangiecta-
[11]. Prophylactic skin care prior to water con- sia eruptiva macularis perstans.
tact may help.
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 93

Urticaria Vasculitis. Here the single wheals do

not vanish within hours but persist over
12 48 h, being found along with painful large
erythematous swellings. Histologically, leuko-
cytoclastic vasculitis as well as immune com- INTENSIVE
plex deposits with direct immunofluorescence
is found [16, 21]. Urticaria vasculitis some-
times is a precursor of autoimmune disease EXAMINATION
such as lupus erythematosus and can be con-
comitant with petechial bleeding (see Sect. 5.3).
Fig. 5.10. Three-step plan for urticaria diagnostics
(according to Ring and Przybilla)
Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema (HANE).
This genetically determined disease is charac-
terized by acute attacks of circumscribed giant apart from possible causal therapy of the path-
edema formation especially in the face (eyelids, ological findings detected, symptomatic treat-
lips), but also in the genitals without concomi- ment with H1 antihistamines over 1 month is
tant urticaria. Sometimes attacks are triggered employed. If after stopping pharmacotherapy
by local trauma (e.g., at the dentist). There is a new lesions occur, the next step is started.
chemical or functional defect of C1-inactivator Each step of the three-step program comprises
(C1-esterase inhibitor) in the complement sys- history, clinical examination, laboratory exam-
tem leading to a decrease of C4 and C2 with ac- ination and special test procedures.
tivation of the complement and the kallikrein
kinin system. HANE is a severe and life-threat- Urticaria Diagnosis: Step 1 (Basic Examination).
ening disease (note: laryngeal edema), some- Step 1 comprises basic examinations performed
times manifesting only as acute colic-like ab- in all patients with chronic urticaria (Table 5.14).
dominal pain (angioedema of the GI tract). In
rare cases the disease is acquired in the context Table 5.14. Urticaria diagnosis: step 1 (basic examina-
of neoplasia [3]. There is a third form of HANE tion)
without detectable C1 inactivator deficiency
and a still unknown pathophysiology [3]. History
Time course
Severe attacks of angioedema have also been Family history (atopy, HANE)
observed in patients under angiotensin-con- Contact urticaria
verting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) Drugs, foods
where a pathophysiological role of kallikrein Psychological factors
kinin activation has been speculated [15, 16]. Clinical examination
Skin lesions
Idiopathic Urticaria. The diagnosis idiopath- Duration of single lesions
ic urticaria only should be made when all oth-
Physical tests
er (Table 5.12) possible causes have been ex- Dermographism
cluded. Diagnosis of chronic urticaria is often Cold/warm, ice cube contact
tedious for the physician and patient [4, 5, 9, 10, Exercise (ergometer)
11, 23, 27, 34, 36]. Pressure test
Phototesting (minimal erythema dose, MED)
Laboratory Diagnosis Blood count, ESR
In the diagnosis of chronic urticaria, a three- Serum IgE
step program has proven helpful and practical, (C1 inactivator if suspected)
increasing the intensity of diagnostic work-up Allergy diagnosis
according to the intensity of the disease [27] Atopy screen
Skin prick test with standard food allergens
(Fig. 5.10). Between the single diagnostic steps,
94 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

A careful history taken by experienced aller- autologous serum test (Greaves test) [8, 9, 12,
gists/dermatologists is crucial. Psychosocial 23]. These patients may represent a subgroup
factors should be considered. HANE can be ex- where only systemic steroids or immunosup-
cluded by a careful family history and clinical pression is effective. For the autologous serum
observation (almost never wheals!). In the dif- test, we recommend a serum dilution of 1:100
ferential diagnosis of lid edema, sinusitis or in the intradermal test in order to avoid false-
emphysema of the orbita should also be ex- positive results [23]).
cluded. Examination of thyroid function is also rec-
Physical provocation tests are an essential ommended (4 6 % show disturbed thyroid
part of urticaria diagnosis and comprise prov- function or autoantibodies) [11, 17]. Amplifi-
ocation with cold, warmth, pressure, exercise, cation of in vitro histamine release through
as well as dermographism. Phototests with UV thyroid hormones has been described [22].
light are only done when there is a history of
light urticaria. History should also cover con- Urticaria Diagnosis: Step 3 (Provocation Tests).
tact urticaria [9]. HANE is characterized by a Step 3 comprises provocation testing using dif-
deficiency in C1 inactivator, which can be de- ferent dietary approaches sometimes em-
tected immunochemically, although in 15 % ployed under inpatient conditions in order to
only functionally [3, 15, 24]. standardize other environmental conditions
and guarantee possible emergency therapy for
Urticaria Diagnosis: Step 2 (Intensive Exami- anaphylaxis (Table 5.16). Provocation tests in-
nation). In step 2 the history is repeated. In ad- clude suspected foods as well as food additives
dition, the patient is advised to keep a diary of (oral provocation test for idiosyncrasy, OPTI)
diet and symptom course. A clinical examina- (see Sect. 5.1.5 on Food allergy). The marker
tion search for foci (Table 5.15) is performed substance in the provocation of chronic urti-
in cooperation with the relevant other disci- caria is acetylsalicylic acid; a high percentage
plines. Especially gastrointestinal disturbances (20 30 %) of patients have significant and
(e.g., Helicobacter pylori) may play a role. Urti- partly dramatic exacerbation of skin lesions,
caria vasculitis as the precursor of autoimmune sometimes together with anaphylactoid reac-
disease should be excluded. In the serum, auto- tions [5, 6].
antibodies against the high-affinity IgE recep-
tor (Fc 5 RI) of classes IgG 1 and IgG 3 can be de-
tected by immunoblot or functionally with the Table 5.16. Urticaria diagnosis: Step 3 (provocation

Table 5.15. Urticaria diagnosis: step 2 (intensive ex- Elimination and provocation diets
Clinical examination
History Skin biopsy with direct immunofluorescence
Diary for diet and symptoms Laboratory
Clinical examination Complement levels
Search for foci (ENT, teeth, gastrointestinal Thyroid hormones and antibodies
tract, thyroid, urology, gynecology, others) Others
Laboratory Allergy tests
Serum and urine analysis (routine) Avoidance diet
Antinuclear antibodies Provocation tests (food challenge)
Antistreptolysin, rheuma factor Oral provocation test for idiosyncrasy (OPTI) with
Others (e.g., cryoglobulins) additives and ASA
Allergy tests Autoimmune diagnostics (Greaves test, anti-
Food allergens (intradermal) bodies against Fc 5 RI)
Drugs (e.g., penicillin)
In vitro tests (RAST)
Possibly open patch test (contact urticaria)
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 95

bodies), immunosuppressive treatment (cyclo- Therapy
sporin) or high-dose intravenous immuno-
Treatment of acute urticaria is done using H1 globulin G infusions have been effective [9, 23].
antihistamines [25], in severe cases preferably In some patients, alterations of the gastroin-
intravenously (dimetinden maleate or clema- testinal flora may induce improvement. Braun-
stine fumarate); if the patient does not respond Falco recommended the Munich scheme
glucocorticosteroids (e.g., 100 mg predniso- with a combination of antibiotic (tetracycline),
lone) are given. For severe cases see treatment antimycotic (amphotericin B, nystatin), anthel-
of anaphylaxis (Sect. 5.1.4). mintic, and antihistamine followed by restora-
In therapy of chronic urticaria, H1 antago- tion of the GI flora with lactobacilli and other
nists are the first choice [30]. Often they are not agents [1, 4]. When there is evidence of Helico-
dosed adequately [13, 30]. Obviously, the dose bacter pylori involvement, eradication may be
to suppress urticaria has to be higher than helpful.
doses applied for hay fever. During the day, There is no specific urticaria diet; however,
non-sedating antihistamines should be used if food allergy has been proven, a specific
(fexofenadine, loratadine, desloratadine, mizo- avoidance diet is indicated (see Sect. 5.1.5 on
lastin, cetirizine, levocetirizine); if people suf- Food Allergy).
fer from nightly attacks the use of classical se- In rare cases of HANE, androgens like dana-
dating antihistamines in the evening is an op- zol [3, 24] or stanazolol induce an increase in
tion (see also Sect. 6.2 on Pharmacotherapy). the decreased C1 inhibitor concentration in se-
Antihistamines with a mast cell stabilizing ef- rum. In acute attacks, purified C1 inactivator
fect (ketotifen) are sometimes helpful. can be given as a life-saving infusion. Patients
Some patients respond better to a combined
use of H1 plus H2 antagonists. Doxepin as a tri-
cyclic antidepressant has both H1 and H2 antag-
onizing effects. Antihistamines also showing
antiserotonin effects may be helpful in some
cases of physical urticaria (cold urticaria) (e.g.,
cyproheptadiene, hydroxyzine), and some
cases of cold urticaria can be improved by par-
enteral penicillin therapy.
q 2-Adrenergics (e.g., terbutaline) have been
found helpful in some cases of chronic urticar-
ia, as has dapsone [14].
Leukotriene antagonists (Montelukast) have
been used with controversial effects [15]; a sub-
group of patients has been reported to experi-
ence possible improvement [7]. Some studies
have also recommended using calcium antago-
nists especially when flush attacks are predom-
inant [15].
Due to the strong psychosomatic interaction
in chronic urticaria, tricyclic antidepressants
with antihistamine effects (e.g., opipramol) as
well as psychosomatic counseling can be helpful.
Systemic glucocorticosteroids should only
be used in severe cases together with antihista-
In very severe cases (sometimes with a posi-
tive autologous serum test and autoanti- Fig. 5.11. The witches cauldron of urticaria
96 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

and physicians need to know where they can 14. Juhlin L (1981) Modem approaches to treatment
get this preparation! of chronic urticaria. In: Ring J, Burg G (eds) New
In solar urticaria and mastocytosis, UV trends in allergy. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York, p 279
hardening (UV-A or PUVA) can be used. 15. Kaplan AP (1981) The pathogenic basic of urti-
The general principle of any kind of urticar- caria and angioedema: Recent advances. Am J
ia management is the elimination of triggering Med 70:755 757
or maintaining factors, which keep the process 16. Kumar SA, Martin BL (1999) Urticaria and angio-
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and acquired C1-inhibitor deficiency. J Allergy 21. Meurer M (1981) Urticaria vasculitis. In: Ring J,
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5.1.4 Anaphylaxis Clinical Symptomatology and Elicitors

Clinically, anaphylaxis represents a syndrome Definition
of different symptoms involving different or-
Anaphylaxis is the maximal variant of allergic gans which may develop either alone or simul-
immediate-type reaction involving the whole taneously or subsequently. The acute occur-
organism. Usually the allergen is transmitted rence is characteristic, and the rapid progres-
through the blood (by injection or oral inges- sion within a few minutes is according to route
tion). However, anaphylaxis can also be in- of contact and resorption characteristics.
duced after intense contact with the skin or
mucous membrane surfaces (contact urticaria, Case Report. Patient M.H., female, 53 years
contact anaphylaxis, also by aeroallergens). old, received an infusion of 5 % human serum
When Richet and Portier (1902) first observed albumin on the 3rd day after colectomy. After a
the condition while doing animal experiments few minutes, the patient complained of nausea,
on the yacht of the Prince of Monaco and later on and on the face and the trunk patchy wheals de-
in Paris, they wanted to name it condition with- veloped. At the same time, tachycardia and hy-
out protection [28]; this was, however, both lin- potension were present. The doctor starting
guistically and pathophysiologically wrong the infusion was still present and stopped the
(without protection should have been aphyla- infusion after 30 ml and replaced it with physi-
xis). Today anaphylaxis is best translated as ex- ological saline. The patient became uncon-
cessively deviated defense reaction ( [ [ = up, scious, blood pressure was no longer measur-
over; r [ = guardian, protection). able, peripheral pulses were not palpable, and
Some authors restrict the term anaphylaxis there was no carotid pulse. Cardiac noises were
to IgE-mediated reactions. However, there are no longer audible. Immediate resuscitation in-
other mechanisms such as immune complex cluding cardiac massage, artificial respiration,
anaphylaxis by circulating IgG or IgM anti- oxygen and volume replacement together with
bodies (e.g., against IgA or dextran); further- 500 mg prednisolone i.v. led to a restoration of
more, there are non-immunological reactions the cardiac and respiratory function. The pa-
leading to identical clinical symptoms (see tient survived this severe anaphylactic reaction
Sect. 5.7.2 on Pseudo-allergy). Therefore the (grade IV) without sequelae [31].
term anaphylactoid reaction is also used as a For this example, human serum albumin as
clinical entity before pathophysiological inves- elicitor was selected on purpose to show that
tigations can be done [31]. practically there is no a priori innocent drug
Recently, the term anaphylaxis has been de- in allergy! Of course some drugs have a higher
fined as also comprising non-immune reac- and some a lower risk of anaphylaxis. In the
tions as a maximal variant of an acute general- United States 100 500 fatalities annually are
ized hypersensitivity reaction [15]. With this attributed to penicillin (see Sect. 6.7 on Drug
definition, the term anaphylactoid becomes Allergy). Apart from drugs, foods (e.g., nuts,
superfluous. celery, poppy seeds, rarely also ethanol [25],
98 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

fish, etc.) can elicit anaphylaxis. Insect venom pharynx, or genital mucosa are often the
anaphylaxis will be considered in a separate first symptoms
section (Sect. 5.1.6). ) The respiratory tract (sneezing, rhinorrhea,
Aeroallergens or vapors (e.g., fish odor) may hoarseness, dysphonia, laryngeal edema,
elicit anaphylaxis in highly sensitized individu- cough, bronchospasm, respiratory arrest)
als as well as contact urticariogens (contact ) Abdominal symptoms (nausea, cramps,
anaphylaxis against rubber gloves, ointments, vomitus, defecation, also miction and uter-
or in the open patch test) [33]. Similarly, all the us cramps occur)
elicitors of physical urticaria (see Sect. 5.1.3) ) The cardiovascular system (tachycardia,
may in severe cases lead to anaphylaxis (ana- blood pressure changes not necessarily
phylactic shock in the solarium in solar urti- hypotension, but also transient hyperten-
caria). Finally, so-called idiopathic anaphy- sion has been observed as first symptoms
laxis exists where people suffer repeatedly arrhythmia, shock, cardiac arrest). Primary
from anaphylactic episodes without clear-cut cardiac manifestation in anaphylaxis has
reasons, sometimes following exercise [32, 36]. been observed in ECG changes (T-flatten-
Not infrequently, the combination of differ- ing, supraventricular arrhythmia, AV
ent simultaneously acting stimuli (e.g., exercise block) [20, 24, 43, 44]. Marked changes of
or psychological stress together with certain central-venous pressure are common [39].
otherwise tolerated foods) elicit a reaction During anaphylaxis, myocardial infarction
which we call summation anaphylaxis [21, may occur [1, 6, 24, 31, 34, 43].
32]. Beta-blockers may enhance anaphylaxis
Prodromi of anaphylaxis comprise paresthesia
on palms and soles, metallic fishy taste, anxi-
Symptoms of anaphylaxis comprise mainly:
ety, sweating, headache, or disorientation.
) The skin (itch, flush, urticaria, angioede- According to the intensity of anaphylactic
ma) and the neighboring mucous mem- symptoms, a severity grading from I to IV has
branes; itchy palms, paresthesia in the proven helpful (Table 5.17) [30].

Grade Skin Abdomen Airways Cardiovascular Table 5.17. Severity

system grading of anaphylactic
reactions (according to
I Itch [30])
II Itch Nausea Rhinorrhea Tachycardia
(> 20/min)
Flush Cramps Hoarseness Hypotension
(> 20 mm Hg syst.)
Urticaria Dyspnea Arrhythmia
(not obligatory)
III Itch Vomitus Laryngeal edema Shock
Flush Defecation Bronchospasm
Urticaria Cyanosis
(not obligatory)
IV Itch Vomitus Respiratory Cardiac arrest
Flush Defecation arrest
(not obligatory)
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 99

Autopsy of fatal cases has shown few specific complex anaphylaxis with high concentrations
findings; sometimes there is inflation of the of circulating IgG or IgM antibodies with com-
lung, and pulmonary edema with peribronchi- plement activation and formation of anaphyla-
al eosinophilic infiltrates. Sometimes hemor- toxins. Clinical examples are anaphylactic reac-
rhages in the gastric mucosa as well as hepato- tions after blood products, e.g., in IgA-deficient
splenomegaly are reported [1]. In immune persons after plasma replacement, anaphylaxis
complex anaphylaxis, fibrinoid deposits in the in serum sickness, or after xenogenic proteins
lung have been observed [38]. (antilymphocyte serum) as well as dextran
Some authors define anaphylaxis exclusively anaphylaxis [17, 29, 31, 38].
by the occurrence of cardiovascular symptoms. Besides immunological there are non-im-
For these cases, of course, grade I and II will be mune mechanisms, which will be considered in
missed, which, however, often turn into more Sect. 5.7.2 on Pseudo-allergic Reactions.
severe anaphylaxis at the next contact. Rohrer Neuropsychogenic reflex mechanisms
and Pichler examined 118 patients with cardio- should be considered especially when we know
vascular involvement and found skin symp- that psychic stress alone can lead to increased
toms in 88 %, respiratory reactions in 72 %, and plasma histamine (see Chap. 7 on Psyche and
gastrointestinal symptoms in 44 % [35]. Allergy).
In the end phase of an anaphylactic reaction,
similar mechanisms lead to clinical symptoms: Pathophysiology
postcapillary plasma exudation and microcir-
Classical anaphylaxis is mediated by IgE an- culatory disturbance leads to decreased capil-
tibodies on the surface of mast cells and ba- lary pressure and perfusion [9, 22].
sophil leukocytes, which after bridging with Mast cell dependent anaphylactic reactions
an at least bivalent allergen trigger the secre- occur with an increase of mast cell tryptase in
tion reaction of preformed and newly synthe- the serum (see Chap. 4), which can be detected
sized mediators (see Chap. 2). In spite of our even hours (sometimes also postmortem) after
knowledge of mast cell activation and IgE an- a reaction [3].
tibodies, the exact mechanisms of amplifica- The mediator release reaction from mast
tion are not yet understood, which make it cells and basophils is not a cytolytic process
possible that a healthy individual may be but energy, calcium, and temperature depen-
killed by a few micrograms of an allergen dent and can be inhibited by specific antago-
within minutes. nists (e.g., via cAMP-elevating agents) (see
The extent of mediator release reaction dif- Chap. 2). The concomitant use of beta-blockers
fers between individuals but also in one and the and possibly also angiotensin-converting en-
same individual at different times. The term zyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) may lead to
releasability describes this phenomenon. an enhancement of anaphylactic symptoms
Factors influencing releasability comprise cy- [13]. In patients with insect venom anaphylax-
clic nucleotides, cytokines, psychoneurogenic is, we found a significant inverse correlation
(autonomic nervous transmitters, neuropep- between the plasma angiotensin II level and the
tides) and hormonal influences (e.g., thyroid). severity of anaphylactic symptoms in history
Among the cytokines, interleukin-3 has special [14]. Under allergen-specific immunotherapy,
importance in priming mast cells and baso- the previously lowered angiotensin II levels
phils and enhancing releasability. These phe- normalized [14].
nomena are not only of scientific interest, but
gain practical relevance in helping to explain Allergens and Elicitors
the often confusing variability of symptom-
atology underlying the term summation or The most common elicitors of anaphylaxis are
augmentation anaphylaxis (see below). drugs, proteins, foods, aeroallergens, additives,
Apart from IgE, other antibody classes may body fluids, latex, microbial antigens, but also
elicit anaphylactic reactions: There is immune physical factors (Table 5.18).
100 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.18. Elicitors of anaphylactic reactions Table 5.19. Differential diagnosis of anaphylaxis

Drugs (all forms!) Pharmacologic-toxic effects

Additives Cramps
Foods Syncope (cardial, cerebral)
Occupational agents (e.g., latex) Pulmonary embolism
Insect venoms Bolus aspiration
Aeroallergens Hypoglycemia
Contact urticariogens Hyperventilation
Seminal fluid Vasovagal reflexes
Echinococcal cysts Vocal cord dysfunction
Cold, heat, UV radiation Hysterical fit
Exercise Anaphylaxis factitia (Mnchhausens syndrome)
Summation (infection, stress, exercise, other
allergen concomitant exposure, medication
as q -blockers, NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, etc.) that explains why fortunately many sensitized
Idiopathic (?) individuals tolerate allergen contact without
Underlying diseases:
C1 inactivator deficiency
clinical incompatibility symptoms! We believe
Systemic mastocytosis that many cases of so-called idiopathic anaphy-
laxis may thus be explaianed [32, 45].

Rare cases of passive transfer of IgE antibodies Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
via blood transfusion as well as suicide at-
tempts (penicillin-allergic nurse) have been re- The clinical symptomatology of anaphylaxis is
ported. Murder has been attempted by eliciting so characteristic that diagnosis usually is not
anaphylaxis in the detective literature. Also difficult. Nevertheless several differential diag-
anaphylaxis factitia (Mnchhausens syn- noses need to be considered (Table 5.19).
drome) exists [I remember the case of a 17- Patients having survived an anaphylaxis
year-old girl with repeated severe anaphylactic have to undergo allergy diagnosis! This diag-
(grade III and IV) episodes on the basis of seri- nostic procedure has three aims:
ous somatoform disturbance]. Epidemiology
1. Determination of the eliciting agent
of anaphylaxis mostly focuses on the elicitors.
2. Description of the relevant pathomecha-
The rate of drug-induced anaphylaxis ranges
nism (e.g., IgE)
from 0.001 % up to 10 % per dose applied [2,
3. Offering of a compatible alternative (see
31]. Rarer reactions have been observed after
Sect. 5.7 on Drug Allergy).
poppy seeds, beer (hops and barley), but also
due to ethanol [25]. Prophylaxis and Therapy
The elicitor of anaphylaxis may be transmit-
ted to the organism via the air (fish allergens in For prophylaxis (Table 5.20), abstaining from
vapors around fish stores, latex allergens in polypragmatic pharmacotherapy is as impor-
rooms decorated with air balloons). The appli- tant as the endeavors of the pharmaceutical in-
cation of an ointment on unlesional skin may dustry to produce better and less allergenic
elicit contact anaphylaxis in sensitized individ- drugs.
uals [33]. In recent years, increasing reports de- Knowledge of possible complications is the
scribe patients who only suffer anaphylaxis af- best basis for successful therapy. Being pre-
ter combined action of different stimuli, for in- pared for such complications enables one to re-
stance, physical exercise, mental or emotional act more quickly. This also implies knowledge
stress, acute infection, or concomitant expo- of additives (stabilizers, preservatives, color-
sure against other relevant allergens. We call ings, etc.) in drugs against which people can re-
this phenomenon summation or augmenta- act.
tion anaphylaxis and think that it may be The question regarding adverse drug reac-
much more common than generally suspected. tions in the history allows the risk groups to be
Possibly, this type of reaction is the rule and pinpointed. The importance of atopic diathesis
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 101

Table 5.20. Prophylaxis of anaphylactic reactions basis of prophylaxis. General rule: The more se-
Exact diagnosis
vere the anaphylactic symptoms to be expected,
Avoidance strategies the sooner they will become manifest! Of course,
Information from the patient (allergy passport) there are exceptions from the rule in the form
Strict indication for pharmacotherapy of tricky late anaphylactic reactions after
Avoidance of q -blockers several hours [31, 41]; often, however, mild
If possible oral administration
Observance of the patient after injection symptoms occur within the first 20 min which
Prophetic testing in selected cases tend to be overlooked.
Hyposensitization (or adaptive deactivation)
Tolerance induction
Hapten inhibition Therapy
Premedication (e.g., with histamine H1 and H2
antagonists or antihistamines plus steroids) The treatment of anaphylaxis follows the sever-
Emergency set (for self-medication) ity of symptoms (Fig. 5.12). If the reaction only
involves the skin (urticaria) with a stable car-
diovascular system, antihistamines may be suf-
as a risk factor is controversial and is probably ficient. In any case, an intravenous catheter
limited to IgE-mediated reactions. should be placed and an infusion prepared.
Only in a few cases is specific prophylaxis If the reaction proceeds (and the differential
possible such as induction of tolerance against diagnosis is easy!) glucocorticoids and epi-
xenogenic immunoglobulin in heterologous nephrine (0.3 mg i.m., in children 0.1 mg/kg
protein therapy [31] or by hapten inhibition in body wt.) should be given, in dyspnea together
dextran anaphylaxis [17, 29, 31]. with theophylline (0.24 0.48 mg) plus q 2-adre-
The combined administration of H1 and H2 nergics.
antagonists or antihistamines together with In fully developed anaphylactic shock, the
glucocorticosteroids is recommended for the general principles of shock therapy are applied
prophylaxis of anaphylactoid reactions after [8, 10, 11, 22, 26, 27, 37, 42]. Epinephrine can be
volume substitutes or radiographic contrast given intravenously (dilute the commercial
media [19] (see Sect. 5.7.2 on Pseudo-allergic ampule 1 ml in 10 ml saline for slow infusion of
Reactions). 1 3 ml under pulse control; if needed, up to
Observation of the patient in the first min- 10 ml and more) or more practically subcuta-
utes after parenteral drug administration is the neously. In patients on q -blockers, i.v. glucagon

Symptoms Treatment
Cardiac and/or
respiratory arrest ABC-rule

Shock r it y
ve O2
Cyanosis Se
Epinephrine (1:1000) 0,3-1 ml

RR , Tachycardia Glucocorticosteroide 100 mg

Dyspnea Theophylline, 0,24 g i.v.
G.I. symptoms

Antihistamines i.v.
Fig. 5.12. Immediate action to be Stop Antigen-(eliciting agent)! i.v. catheter
taken in the event of anaphylactic
reactions of varying severity I II III IV
102 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

(1 2 mg) is beneficial [46] in restoring q -re- ment of grade I and II reactions. Possibly, H2
ceptor responsiveness. For self-medication, antagonists have an additional beneficial effect
epinephrine as autoinjector (Epi-pen or in anaphylaxis [7]. We recommend in severe
Fastject) is recommended. The undoubted anaphylaxis the additional administration of
effect of epinephrine, however, does not guar- high-dose glucocorticosteroids (e.g., 1 g pred-
antee a successful outcome: in spite of early epi- nisolone i.v.), if only to avoid late complications
nephrine, fatal anaphylactic reactions have [31].
been observed [18]. Furthermore, epinephrine The necessary emergency equipment for
may induce severe cardiac arrhythmia until treatment of anaphylaxis is listed in Table 5.22.
ventricular fibrillation occurs especially in el- Patients who have suffered an anaphylactic
derly patients [4, 23, 39, 40, 44]. reaction of grade III and IV should be kept un-
In severe hypotension, intensive volume re-
placement (e.g., crystalloids or hydroxyethyl
starch up to 1,000 ml as rapid infusion) is vital. Table 5.22. Emergency equipment for the allergists
Levarterenol [12], metaraminol, or dopamine office
may also be applied. In grade IV reactions (car-
Tourniquet, disinfectant
diac or respiratory arrest), only immediate and
Syringes, cannulas, infusion sets, connecting
adequate resuscitation measures are life-saving
[8] (Table 5.21).
Blood pressure, stethoscope
In addition to the classical rule of resuscita-
tion (ABC rule), the treatment of severe ana- Laryngoscope
phylaxis requires the AAC rule (Fig. 5.13) [31]. Guedel and intratracheal tubes (size 0 5 Guedel,
The use of glucocorticosteroids in anaphy- 28 32 Wendel, 3 8 mm intratracheal)
laxis is controversial (see references cited in Oxygen
[31, 34]). Steroids need some time until they act Breathing masks (for children and adults)
(approximately 15 min). They are not as useful Ventilation device (Ambu)
for monotherapy as antihistamines in the treat- Suction pump
ECG (possibly with defibrillator)
Table 5.21. Basic rules of resuscitation Infusion solutions (NaCl, human serum albumin,
hydroxyethyl starch, sodium bicarbonate)
Diagnosis (evaluation of severity, carotid pulses)
Airways (clearing and respiration) Antihistamines (e.g., clemastine, dimetinden, rani-
Oxygen tidine ampules)
Call help (get someone to call) Glucocorticosteroids (e.g., prednisolone hemisuc-
Cardiac massage/respiration cinate 250 mg, triamcinolone 1 g)
Venous catheter plus volume therapy (pressure in- Atropine (0.5-mg ampules)
Intubation Theophylline (0.24-g ampules)
ECG (?) Epinephrine (e.g., Suprarenin ampules = epineph-
Defibrillation (?) rine 1:1,000)
Pharmacotherapy (epinephrine, sodium bicarbon-
ate, dopamine, lidocaine, possibly atropine, etc.) Beta-adrenergics (e.g., fenoterol, salbutamol)
Glucagon (ampules)
Spasmolytics (e.g., diazepam)
Airway Antigen off Antiemetics (e.g., metoclopramide)
Breathing Adrenaline1 Analgesics (tramadol)
Antihypertensives ( [ -blockers)
Circulation Cortisone2
Antiarrhythmics (lidocaine 2 % ampules, digoxin
1:1000: 0.5 ml i.m. or slowly i.v. ampules)
e.g. prednisolone: 12 g Calcium ampules, glucose ampules, saline, aqua
dest. ampules
Fig. 5.13. The AAC Rule
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 103

der supervision in hospital at least overnight; zation and sting challenge. Int Arch Allergy Im-
occasional cases of late shock, e.g., second munol 11:251 156
anaphylactic episode after 6 12 h, are danger- 15. Johansson SGO, Hourihane JOB, Bousquet J, Bru-
ijnzeel-Koomen, Dreborg S, Haahtela T, Kowalski
ous complications [31, 40]. These patients also ML, Mygind N, Ring J, van Cauwenberge P, van
represent a risk group for skin testing, which Hage-Hamsten M, Wthrich B (2001) A revised
should only be done under emergency condi- nomenclature for allergy. An EAACI position
tions. statement from the EAACI nomenclature task
force. Allergy 56:813 824
16. Kleinhans D (1987) Anstrengungs-induzierte Ur-
tikaria und Anaphylaxie. Med Klein 82:103 104
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1. Barnard JH (1973) Studies of 400 Hymenoptera multizentrischen Studie. Springer, Berlin Heidel-
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331 339 nisms in anaphylactic and anaphylactoid shock
10. Fisher MMD (1986) Clinical observations on the reactions. Klin Wochenschr 60:941 947
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of anaphylactoid reactions to colloid volume sub- festations of human anaphylaxis. J Clin Invest
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mut S, Lichtenstein LM (1980) Physiologic mani- anaphylactoid shock. Ann Intern Med 105: 65 66

Table 5.23. Clinical manifestation of adverse food

5.1.5 Food Allergy and Other Adverse Food reactions
Skin Panniculitis? Classification and Symptomatology Itching Melkersson-Rosenthal
Flushing Syndrome?
Adverse food reactions represent an increasing Urticaria
Eye and airways
problem in allergy practice. The clinical symp- Angioedema
toms range from nausea, vomiting, abdominal Atopic eczema
Laryngeal edema
Lip swelling and swelling
pain, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, urticaria, asth- of oral mucosa
Bronchial asthma
moid complaints, allergic rhinitis to full ana- Stomatitis, glossitis Gastrointestinal tract
phylaxis or serum sickness type reactions with (papillitis linguae) Nausea
arthralgia and vasculitis [9, 26, 42, 67 70] (Ta- Relapsing aphthae Vomiting
ble 5.23). Immune complex vascu- Meteorism
litis Acute gastroenteritis
As in all fields of allergology, clinically simi- Purpura pigmentosa Diarrhea
lar but pathophysiologically different non-im- progressiva Colitis?
munologically elicited conditions (pseudo-al- Hematogenous (system-
Cardiovascular system
lergic reactions) need to be distinguished Ta- ic) contact dermatitis
Protein contact dermatitis
ble 5.24); in this chapter, particularly enzyme Phototoxic and photo-
deficiency (e.g., lactase) as well as toxic effects allergic reactions
of contaminants (bacterial toxins) should be Exanthematous eruptions
considered. Diseases due to malnutrition will Dermatitis herpetifor-
mis Duhring (gluten)
not be covered here [11, 12, 48, 51].
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 105

Table 5.24. Classification of adverse food reactions

Mechanism Allergy
IgE IgG/M IgA (?) Lympho- Mediator Enzyme Pseudo-
cytes release defects allergy/
Examples Immediate Serum Gluten- Cellular Colorings, Lactase Poisons,
reaction sickness sensitive allergy preserva- ) Inherited histamine
entero- tives,
) Secondary Serotonin, ca-
pathy salicylates
Galactokinase techolamines,
Gal-1-PO4 psychoactive
Uridyltrans- substances
Clinical Urticaria, Vasculitis, Diarrhea, Systemic Urticaria, Diarrhea, Anaphylaxis/
symptoms: anaphylax- arthralgia malab- contact angio- malabsorp- anaphylac-
(selection) is, diarrhea sorption Contact edema tion toid reaction
Colics dermatitis Anaphy- Blood pres- Mental con-
Anaphy- Exanthem- laxis sure changes fusion (?)
laxis atous
(atopic ec- eruption
zema) Colitis (?)

Food allergies manifest frequently on the skin der) as well as between mugwort pollen and
(60 %), the GI tract (20 %), the airways (20 %) spices (anis, curry, etc.) and celery (see
and the cardiovascular system (10 15 %) [29]. Sect. 3.3.4 on Allergens) [1, 57, 67].
Food-induced contact urticaria or contact der- Food allergens may be altered by preparato-
matitis represent special forms. ry procedures (e.g., boiling) [20]. Many aller-
Adverse food reactions are a frequent prob- gens, however, are relatively resistant to pH
lem (Sect. 3.1.2). changes, heat, and proteases.
Few fields of allergology have comparable IgE-inducing food allergens are glycopro-
difficulties with parascientific practices such as teins. Small chemicals may elicit systemic con-
food allergy, especially when patients only suf- tact dermatitis (e.g., nickel, fragrances) [32].
fer from subjective complaints elicited through Elicitors of pseudo-allergic reactions comprise
foods (tension, fatigue, behavioral changes, additives and biogenic amines [29, 31, 39].
etc.). The movement of clinical ecology has
focused interest on so-called allergic reactions Gene Technology and Food Allergy. Gene
against pollutant chemicals especially in foods technology can lead to food changes of allergo-
manifesting as psychiatric diseases [14, 19] (see logical relevance. This can be either as in-
Sect. 5.10 on Eco-syndrome). creased risk as in the introduction of the major
allergen of Brazil nuts into soy [38] or as chance
(production of hypoallergenic rice). The rec- Food Allergens
ommendations of the German Society for All-
The most common food allergens in Central ergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAI) re-
Europe are cows milk, hens eggs, nuts, spices, garding gene technology and foods are listed in
vegetables, cereals, fish, meat, and fruits. Re- Table 5.31.
gional, ethnic-cultural aspects play an impor- In the following, the most important food
tant role as well as age and underlying diseases. allergens are briefly discussed:
Of practical importance are cross-reactions
between different fruits (e.g., apple, peach, Cows Milk. Milk is the secretion product of
cherry) and tree pollen (e.g., hazel, birch, al- the mammary glands of mammals. The species
106 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.25. Dietary recommendations employed in can be used for therapy of cows milk allergic
food allergy and other adverse food reactions individuals. This needs to be evaluated using a
1. Diagnostic diets prick test [3].
Allergy diet no. 1 (allergen-free): short-term, up Cross reactions between cows milk and beef
to 10 days, prior to provocation or after acute or veal are possible but rare (most likely due to
reaction BSA). Allergies against horse mares milk (also
Allergy diet no. 2 (allergen-poor): up to 3 weeks, after topical application) can occur.
basis for provocation tests
The common dietary recommendation of
Allergy diet no. 3 (additive-free): can be given
over months, basis for provocation with additives
pork avoidance in allergic individuals or ato-
pics is rarely based on manifest allergy, but is
2. Stepwise diets (diagnostic and therapeutic)
rather of historic, cultural origin.
Stepwise elimination (interval days or weeks)
Stepwise provocation (interval days or weeks)
Hens Eggs. Specific IgE antibodies against
3. Therapeutic diets hens eggs are the best marker of atopy risk in
Specific allergen avoidance
Additive-free diet (hypersensitivity to additives) the newborn (even if the child has been exclu-
Nickel- or fragrance-free diet (in patients with
sively breast-fed); obviously, small amounts of
positive oral provocation test and systemic con- allergens reach the infant through the maternal
tact dermatitis) nutrition and breast milk. The major allergen is
Gluten-free diet (in sprue, dermatitis herpetiformis) ovomucoid (Gal d 1) from the clear part besides
4. Prophylactic diets (general antiallergic diet) ovalbumin (Gal d 2) and ovotransferrin (Gal d
Breastfeeding in infants 3) and lysozyme (Gal d 4). In the yellow part of
Hydrolyzed cows milk formula the egg, livetin, apovitillin, and vosviten can be
Hypoallergenic (oligoantigenic) diet of the mother found, which may play a role in adult hens egg
during lactation allergics. Cross-sensitizations between hens
eggs and poultry meat (chicken, turkey, duck,
goose) have been described.

is important. Plant extracts should not be Cereals. Here we have to distinguish between
falsely called milk (e.g., soy milk). Cows the food and the respiratory allergy (in bakers).
milk contains up to 30 35 g protein/ml, 80 % It is interesting that most asthmatic flour-aller-
of which is casein and 20 % whey protein (be- gic bakers may be able to eat cereals without
ta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine problems. Cross-reactions between different
serum albumin, as well as immunoglobulins). flours are less frequent than between pollen al-
The most common allergens are whey pro- lergens of the same species. The most frequent
teins (beta-lactoglobulins) but also casein, cereal allergy is wheat allergy; patients are not
which is not species-specific and shows cross required to avoid other cereals. In one-fourth
reactions between cattle, goat, sheep, etc. Dur- of patients cross-reactions exist to grass pollen
ing milk preparation, whey proteins remain in and other cereal flours without symptoms of
solution while casein coagulates; in spite of food allergy. Cereals may elicit exacerbation of
this, whey proteins may be present in cheese atopic eczema which may be diagnosed using
or butter as well as casein in whey. Casein is the atopy patch test (see Sect. 5.5.3).
heat-stable, whereas whey proteins are partly
denatured. Vegetables/Fruit. Many patients with pollen
Allergenic proteins may be denatured to dif- allergy are also allergic against fruit and vege-
ferent degrees by hydrolysis, leading to so- tables on the basis of the known cross-reac-
called hypoallergenic infant formulas. The tions (see Sect. 3.4). The relevant plant proteins
term hypoallergenic is not well defined. One exert different functions (hydrolases, carrier
distinguishes between prophylactically hypo- proteins, enzyme inhibitors, stress proteins).
allergenic preparations (a low degree of hydro- One of the most common pathogenesis-relat-
lysis) and strongly hydrolyzed products, which ed proteins is the major allergen from birch pol-
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 107

len (Bet v 1), which is not only present in pollen opment of food allergy perhaps through en-
of different trees (hazel, alder, oak, beech, etc.) hanced resorption as well as absorption-en-
but also in foods (apple, prunes, carrots, nuts, hancing substances (alcohol, spices) or hectic
celery). It is heat-sensitive. Many apple-allergic and excessive monoalimentation (e.g., case of
individuals tolerate apple mousse. Bet v 2 = hens egg allergy after the intake of 24 raw eggs
profillin as a structural protein is heat-stable during a bet) [66].
[13]. Immune reactions play a role in normal gas-
Celery represents a major problem for many trointestinal physiology; this has been shown
food-allergic individuals; minute amounts may in experiments when sensitized dogs digested
elicit severe reactions (anaphylaxis) (e.g., cel- orally applied proteins much better, probably
ery salt in salad). due to gastrin release, stimulated via antigen-
Patients with latex allergy often show cross- presenting cells and T cells in the gastric mu-
sensitization to certain foods such as kiwifruit, cosa and release of cytokines [41]. Gastrin it-
avocado, buckwheat, chestnut, and lychee. self acts on mast cells as a histamine liberator.
Among the legumes, the most common al- It is not yet clear whether allergens need to be
lergens are soy and peanut (peanuts are not absorbed totally in order to elicit food-allergic
nuts!). Severe reactions to minute amounts of reactions. Normally proteins and high molec-
peanut allergen in other foods prepared in the ular weight food constituents are enzymatical-
same machines where peanut butter has been ly digested in the gut. Only the gut of the infant
prepared have been reported. and small child shows a higher permeability.
Soy not only is a relevant allergen for chil- Experimental investigations, however, show
dren (supplement for cows milk) but also for that also in adult organisms, a small percent-
adults. Often, allergic individuals do not re- age of high molecular weight proteins passes
cognize soy in the food (hidden allergens) the gut undigested and with immunologic ac-
(allergic reactions to peas and lentils are rather tivity [53].
rare). Food allergies may develop via different
mechanisms (Table 5.24). The most important
Fish and Seafood. Fish allergy is especially clinical conditions are due to IgE-mediated all-
common in populations on the coast. The first ergic or corresponding pseudo-allergic imme-
chemically defined food allergen was the ma- diate-type reactions [29, 31, 47, 62].
jor allergen of codfish (Gad c 1) [1]. There are Rare forms of IgG- or IgM-mediated reac-
multiple cross-reactivities to other fish but tions manifesting a serum sickness, arthralgia,
rarely to crustaceans and mollusks. The fish or vasculitis and fever can occur [17]. Cellular
allergen is very heat-stable and also volatile hypersensitivity against microbial or mucosal
(patients with severe asthmatic reaction and antigens has been discussed in the pathogene-
anaphylaxis over 50 m distance from a fish sis of ulcerative colitis or m. Crohn [9, 30].
food store). The obvious relationship between the gastro-
While seafood represents a delicacy in some intestinal tract and skin in food allergy has not
countries, it is a basic food for large popula- been explained pathophysiologically. Pichler
tions of the world. The major allergen of [40] distinguishes three types of food allergy:
shrimps (Met e 1) corresponds chemically to a
Type A: The sensitization occurs orally and in
tropomyosin and shows cross-reactivity to
early life; major allergens are cows
some arthropods (housedust mites).
milk, hens eggs, fish, peanut, etc.
Each foreign protein in foods is spe- Pathomechanisms cifically recognized, but induces tol-
erance in normal individuals. In early
Little is known about the mechanism of sensiti-
life, there is a risk of IgE formation in
zation in food allergy [2, 24, 25, 56]. Apart from
the special conditions of immune
the genetic predisposition, acute inflammatory
deviation. While cows milk and
diseases of the gut may play a role in the devel-
108 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

hens egg allergy are mostly reversible

2. Exclusion of other possibilities of incompat-
during childhood, fish and peanut al-
lergies are often lifelong conditions.
3. Demonstration of immunological sensitiza-
Type B: Here the sensitization occurs in
adulthood against aeroallergens with
cross-reacting food allergens (see Taking the history for food allergy may be diffi-
Sect. 3.4) (celery-mugwort-carrot- cult (e.g., to obtain the recipe for certain
spice syndrome). A high percentage dishes). We were able to solve a case of severe
of pollinosis patients are also sensi- anaphylaxis after the patient had partaken of
tized against foods. Prinzregententorte (a Bavarian delicacy
Type C: The sensitization is acquired orally in without nuts) as being due to nut allergy only
adulthood (isolated cows milk aller- after obtaining the recipe from the pastry mak-
gy of the adult with anaphylaxis). er, who had used a coconut-derived lipid for
the glazing [60].
The diagnostic workup in a patient with se- Diagnosis
vere anaphylaxis after a breakfast including the
The diagnostic recommendations for food al- Munich delicacy white sausage (obtainable
lergy are: from only one special butcher) was successful
only by demonstrating chicken meat in the sau-
1. Reproducible elicitation of symptoms by
sage (I) in RAST inhibition [54] (Fig. 5.14a,b).
the suspected food

a b

Fig. 5.14a,b. The cause of a severe anaphylactic reaction occurring after a breakfast of Munich white sausage in
a patient who regularly ate white sausage from the same butchers shop was elucidated with the RAST inhibi-
tion test [54]: Chicken allergens (due to the non-declared addition of turkey meat to the sausage meat) proved
to be the culprit!
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 109

Table 5.26. Stepwise diet for adults (according to Ring Table 5.28. Oral provocation test for idiosyncrasy
and Braun-Falco [47]) (OPT1) (according to Ring and Przybilla)

Step 1 Cows milk and cows milk products Day 1 Tartrazine 10 50 mg, PHB ester 500 mg
Step 2 Carbohydrates and vegetables
Day 2 Color mixture III
Step 3 Meat
Color mixture I (5 mg each): quinoline yel-
Step 4 Poultry and hens eggs
low E104, yellow-orange S110, azorubine
Step 5 Fish and seafood
E122, amaranth E123, cochineal red E124
Step 6 Mixed food containing additives
Color mixture II (5 mg each): erythrosin
E127, patent blue E131, iron oxide E172
Table 5.27. Stepwise diet in small children Day 3 Sodium benzoate 50 250 500 mg
Step Foods to be added Day 4 Potassium metabisulfite 10 50 100
(300) mg
1 Tea (fennel) with glucose plus mineral water
2 Carrots Day 5 Acetylsalicylic acid 50 250 500
3 Oats (1,000) mg
4 Potatoes Day 6 Possibly repetition, nitrites, tyramine, pro-
5 Bread (wheat) pionate, other benzoates or colorings, glu-
6 Noodles tamate, etc., placebo
7 Pears
8 Rice
9 Soy capsules contain coal, mannose or silicate.
10 Cows milk Foods can be blinded with carob and colored
11 Veal
12 Beef
juices (blackcurrant). In severe reactions or
13 Pork multiple allergies, food challenges should be
14 Chicken performed under inpatient conditions in order
15 Hens eggs to guarantee optimal standardization and
16 Leguminosae avoidance of additional allergens.
17 Citrus fruits
18 Chocolate, lemonade, sweets Provocation parameters include subjective
and objective complaints (pulse, blood pres-
sure, inspection of the skin, platelet and leuko-
In cases with an unclear history, patients cyte count, sometimes measurement of vasoac-
should keep a diet diary and try to certain tive mediators for, e.g., histamine, ECP, tryp-
avoidance diets [47] (Table 5.25). In parallel, al- tase).
lergy diagnosis in vivo and in vitro should be After oral provocation, alterations of the
done. After avoidance diets (most suspected mucosal surface have been observed on X-ray
substances), provocation diets with a slow rein- [66]. Using intragastral provocation under en-
troduction of different foods (Tables 5.26, 5.27) doscopic control (IPEC), local mucosal reac-
are tried out, which need to be individually tai- tions can be visualized [43]. Similarly, intramu-
lored [6, 21, 47]. cosal allergen injection into the colon (colonic
If necessary, oral provocation tests with allergen application = COLAP) has been per-
foods and food additives should be performed formed [7]. These investigations cannot be rec-
such as the oral provocation test for idiosyn- ommended for routine diagnosis and should
crasy (OPTI) (Table 5.28). Preservatives such as be used for rare cases with unclear test results.
benzoates and sulfites sometimes are not de- From our experience with IPEC, however, we
clared properly and can elicit pseudo-allergic know that double-blind placebo-controlled
reactions (see Sect. 5.1.3 on Urticaria). Sul- food challenge can have false-negative results:
fites are contained especially in dried fruit, In spite of massive erythema and petechial
fruit juice, wine, but also deep-frozen vegeta- bleeding of the gastric mucosa, there were no
bles (e.g., potatoes) and at the salad bar [54]. subjective complaints felt by the patient!
Provocation tests should be done blinded, at
least single-blind, in order to reduce the psy-
chosomatic influence [6, 10, 15, 37]. Placebo
110 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

35] with success, but side-effects can occur and Therapy
may lead to changes in doses. Of course, during
Avoidance is the most important principle in the hyposensitization strict avoidance should be
management of food allergy. This may be diffi- kept. After reaching a maintenance dose, natu-
cult when basic foods are involved. In patients ral foods can be tried. In cows milk allergy, for
with additive hypersensitivity, knowledge of the instance, a daily dose of 200 ml cows milk needs
E-numbers is important (Table 5.29). In occa- to be drunk. After longer intervals (5 7 days),
sional cases, oral (or even subcutaneous) immu- the effect may be lost.
notherapy with allergen extracts after careful al- Therapy and prophylaxis of cows milk aller-
lergy diagnosis has been attempted [22, 30, 34, gy plays a major role in infants (Table 5.30). A

Table 5.29. Food additives and European (E) numbers

Colorings E No. Preservatives E No.
Lactoflavin (riboflavin) E101 Sorbic acid E200
Beta-carotene E160a Sodium sorbate E201
Caramel E150 Potassium sorbate E202
Silver E174 Calcium sorbate E203
Gold E175 Benzoic acid E210
Curcumin E100 Sodium benzoate E211
Tartrazine E102 Potassium benzoate E212
Quinoline yellow E104 Calcium benzoate E213
Riboflavin-5-phosphate E106 Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate E214
Orange yellow S E110 Sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate E215
Carmine (carminic acid, cochineal) E120 Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate E216
Azorubine E122 Sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate E217
Amaranth E123 Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate E218
Cochineal red A (Ponceau 4R) E124 Sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate E219
Erythrosine E127 Sulfur dioxide E220
Patent blue V E131 Sodium sulfite E221
Indigotin I (indigo carmine) E132 Sodium hydrogen sulfite E222
Chlorophyll E140 Sodium metabisulfite E223
Copper-containing chlorophyll complexes E141 Potassium metabisulfite E224
Brilliant acid green BS (lisamine green) E142 Calcium sulfite E226
Brillant black BN E151 Calcium hydrogen sulfite E227
Vegetable carbon E153 Formic acid E236
Alpha-carotene E160a Sodium formiate E237
Gamma-carotene Calcium formiate E238
Bixin, norbixin (Annatto, Orlean) E160b Propionic acid E280
Capsanthian, Capsorubin E160c Sodium propionate E281
Lycopene E160d Calcium propionate E282
Beta-apo-8-carotenal E160e Potassium propionate E283
Beta-apo-8-carotenoic acid ester E160f Biphenyl E230
Xanthophyll E161 Orthophenyl phenol E231
Flavoxanthin E161a Sodium orthophenyl phenol E232
Lutein E161b Thiabendazol E233
Cryptoaxanthin E161c Potassium ascorbate E303
Rubixanthin E161d Tocopherols E306
Violaxanthin E161e Alpha-tocopherol E307
Rhodoxanthin E161f Delta-tocopherol E309
Canthaxanthin E161g
Betanin E162
Anthocyanin E163
Aluminum E173
Calcium carbonate E170
Titanium dioxide E171
Iron oxides and hydroxides E172
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 111

Table 5.29. (Cont.)

Antioxidants E No. Carriers E No.
Propyl gallate E310 Ammonium alginate E403
Octyl gallate E311 Potassium alginate E402
Dodecyl gallate E312 Sodium alginate E401
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) E320 Glycerol E422
Butylated hydroxytoluol (BHT) E321 Pectin E440
Ascorbic acid E300 Sorbitol E420
Sodium L-ascorbate E301 Carrageenan E407
Calcium ascorbate E302 Gum arabic E414
Citric acid E330
Sodium citrate E331
Potassium citrate E332
Calcium citrate E333
Lactic acid E270
Sodium lactate E125
Potassium lactate E326
Calcium lactate E327
Lecithin E322
Glycerides of fatty acids esterified with citric acid E472c
Sodium orthophosphate E339
Potassium orthophosphate E340
Orthophosphate E341
6-Palmitoyl-L-ascorbic acid E304
Tartric acid E334
Sodium tartrate E335
Potassium tartrate E336
Sodium potassium tartrate E337

distinction should be made between prophy- For pharmacotherapeutic prevention, mast

lactic and therapeutic hypoallergenic formulas cell stabilizers have been used successfully
(Table 31). Strongly hydrolyzed products have (oral cromoglycate) [28, 54], possibly also anti-
been proven in a large epidemiological study histamines.
(GINI) as being equivalent to breast feeding Food-allergic individuals do not have to
[3, 61]. spend the rest of their life with appalling re-
It is open for discussion whether the addi- strictions and impairment of quality of life. If
tion of probiotic lactobacillae with immuno- correctly diagnosed, there are recipes for each
modulating effects in the gastrointestinal tract kind of food allergy in order to allow for an
plays a role in atopy prevention [27]. agreeable diet [5, 52].

Table 5.30. Hydrolyzed Protein basis Hydrolysis Name Producer

cows milk formulas for
infant food Whey Partial Beba HA Nestle
Aletemil HA Nestle
Strong Alfare Nestle
Partial Humana HA Humana
Partial Nutrition Pepti Milupa
Hipp HA Hipp
Strong Nutramigen Mead-Johnson
Casein Partial Aptamil HA Milupa
Soy Strong Pregomin Milupa
Carob, amino acids Sinlac, Neocate Nestle
112 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.31. Statement published by the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAI) re-
garding gene technology and food allergy

Many people are worried by the introduction of gene technologically altered foods. In this context, the ques-
tion regarding the risk of food allergy through gene technological procedures is real. The German Society for
Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAI), therefore, publishes the following statement:
1. Food allergies are a real and widely prevalent clinical problem, independent of gene technology. The prev-
alence of food allergy in the total population is not precisely known. Estimates range from 2 % to 4 % in
adults and from 5 % to 10 % in childhood. The symptoms of allergic food reactions are multiple and cover
mild reactions (itching, nausea, etc.) up to life-threatening shock conditions (anaphylaxis).
2. In the cultural development of mankind artificial procedures have been used for millennia by which the
nature of possible allergens is changed through technological procedures (e.g., boiling of food). On the
other hand, classical breeding techniques in botany have led to the creation of new species characterized
by a multitude of altered proteins (500 1,000 genes involved); this phenomenon has never led to anxiety
in the general population.
Through the progress in gene technology, for the first time it is exactly known which genes are involved
and how they are altered and expressed in foods. The major novel aspect of this technology is the tremen-
dously improved state of knowledge.
3. Gene technological procedures may lead to changes in foods with possible relevance for allergy; this re-
gards both the risk (e.g., Brazil nut allergen in soy beans) and chance (e.g., hypoallergenic rice).
4. Therefore, it is important prior to the introduction of a novel product to fulfill specific safety criteria re-
garding allergy:
Sequence homology of the altered proteins has to be compared with well-known allergens
Immune reactivity against positive sera or skin test reactions in sensitized individuals has to be tested
Stability against enzymatic digestion has to be studied.
Unless these safety data exist, gene technologically altered products should not be used for the preven-
tion of allergic disease in infants.
One actual problem has to be seen in the fact that the evaluation of immunoreactivity in humans can
only be tested with known allergens in defined sensitized populations. New proteins cannot be tested
in this manner. Here, animal experiments or in vitro models for predictive testing need to be developed.
5. The German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology has recommended for many years an im-
provement in the declaration not only of additives, but also of food contents, independently of technologi-
cal procedures. It remains open whether the gene technologically produced procedure should be espe-
cially declared in identical proteins.
6. The German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology recommends the presence of persons with
allergological expertise on the relevant committees involved with food production and control.

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RAST 3. Berichtsband. Grosse, Berlin, pp 178 185

5.1.6 Insect Venom Allergy Insect Venoms

Allergic reactions against insect venoms are The most important insects honeybee (Apis
not infrequent: 0.8 5 % of the population react mellifera) and certain wasps (Vespula germani-
to the venoms of wasps, bees, and hornets with ca, V. vulgaris, Dolichovespula) belong to the
systemic allergic symptoms (19 % with hype- order of Hymenoptera [12, 29, 34] (Figs. 5.15,
rergic local reactions) [31, 33, 47, 49]. In Ger- 5.16). Rarer elicitors are bumblebees (Bombus),
many, 10 40 fatalities per year are estimated hornets (Vespa crabro), field wasps (Polistes),
with a high hidden number of cases of unex- ants (Formicidae), and mosquitos (Diptera).
plained cardiac death [2, 11, 37, 52]. Most reac- Insect venoms contain toxic and allergenic sub-
tions arise on the basis of IgE-mediated sensiti- stances.
zation against insect venoms. Rare cases of im- A painful, itching, or burning sensation
mune complex anaphylaxis as well as pseudo- with a surrounding wheal and flare at the sting
allergic reactions should be distinguished. site is normal. Moreover, in certain localiza-
tions (upper airways) or after an excessive
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 115




Apidae Vespidae Formicidae

Apis mellifera Bombus Polistinae Vespinae

Solenopsis Pogonomyrmex
Polistes spp.

Vespa crabo Dolichovespula Vepula vulgaris

Fig. 5.15. Taxonomic classification of the most important Hymenoptera species responsible for insect venom

enzyme in bee venom. Wasp venom also con-

tains antigen 5 as well as hyaluronidase. There
is a marked cross-reactivity between the ven-
oms of different species of the order Vespidae
[19, 34, 35, 50, 51]. Hornet venom also contains
kinins and acetylcholine. Symptomatology
Allergic reactions against insect stings have
been known for a long time [26] and range from
hyperergic local reactions to anaphylactic
shock. Strong local reactions also are often IgE
mediated [1], but do not represent an indication
for allergen-specific immunotherapy. They are
Fig. 5.16. The most important Hymenoptera species more frequent in hematologic disease (e.g.,
responsible for insect venom allergies (R. Jarisch)
lymphatic leukemia) [54, 58]. Anaphylactic
symptoms can be classified according to severi-
amount of stings, individuals who are not sen- ty (see Sect. 5.1.4 on Anaphylaxis; Table 5.17).
sitized may be in danger [44]. Table 5.32 shows The severity scale proposed by H.L. Mueller et
the contents of bee and wasp venom [5, 12]. In al. is more complicated in practice [30].
bee venom, the peptide melittin represents the
major product, characterized by a strongly ba- Diagnosis
sic group on one end and a hydrophobic side-
chain on the other end, of the molecule. This History. Often the eliciting insect species can-
detergent effect leads to lysis of cells. Melittin is not be remembered [28, 29]. The severity of the
a weak allergen. Only 3 % of bee-venom-aller- reaction also needs to be determined through
gic individuals are sensitized to melittin. The cooperation with the physician treating the re-
major allergen of bee venom is the enzyme action and the therapy given. The question re-
phospholipase A2. Apamin has neurotoxic ef- garding atopy is important for interpretation of
fects. The phospholipase A2 from wasp venom skin test and RAST results [39]. There are stan-
shows no cross-reaction to the corresponding dardized questionnaires [47].
116 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Contents Molecular Percentage Table 5.32. Contents of

weight honeybee and wasp
Bee venom
Proteins Phospholipase A2 15,800 12 %
Hyaluronidase 45,000 2%
Acid phosphatase (allergen B) 49,000 ?
Allergen C 105,000 ?
Peptides Melittin 2,840 50 %
Mast cell degranulating peptide 2,593 2%
Apamine 2,038 2%
Other peptides ? 15 %
Mediators Histamine 111 1%
Leukotriene B4 and C4 336 < 0.001 %
Vespid venom
Proteins Antigen 5 25,000 15 %
Phospholipases ~35,000 10 %
Hyaluronidase 45,000 2%
Proteases ? ?
Peptides Kinins ~2,000 ?
Mediators Histamine 111 4%
Serotonin ~1 %
Leukotriene B4 and C4 336 ~0.001 %
Dopamine ~5 %
Acetylcholinea 5% a Only for Vespa cabro

Skin Tests. Skin tests (4 weeks after the sting) Table 5.33. Risk factors for insect venom allergy (ac-
are performed under emergency conditions cording to [46])
using endpoint titration with venom extracts Risk factors regarding exposure
(skin prick test beginning with 1 g/ml and in- Occupations with increased exposure to Hyme-
creasing the concentration to 300 g/ml; if neg- noptera (e.g., fruit and pastry workers, firefight-
ative, intradermal tests are performed with ers, forestry workers, agriculture workers, gar-
deners, refuse disposal workers)
0.01 1 g/ml). A second reading after 24 h for Intense outdoor leisure activities (e.g., gardening,
documentation of non-IgE-mediated reactions swimming, tennis, biking, jogging, golf)
is sensible. Beekeeping by the patient himself, neighbors or
family members
In Vitro Allergy Tests. Apart from total serum Motor cycling
IgE, specific IgE possibly also IgG subclasses Risk factors due to underlying disease
against bee and wasp venom is determined Diseases such as cardiovascular disease, asthma,
[9]. Using cellular tests as in vitro histamine re- Elderly age
lease or basophil activation (CD 63) or CAST High physical or psychological stress
ELISA, additional information can be obtained Medication with q -blockers or ACE inhibitors
[47] (see Chap. 4 on Allergy Diagnosis). (possibly also NSAIDs)
Severe systemic reaction after insect stings
(> severity grade III) in the history
Indication for Allergen-Specific Immunother-
apy. On the basis of history, skin test, and in vi-
tro tests, the indication for immunotherapy is indications, see Sect. 6.3 (Immunotherapy).
evaluated by considering possible ris factors Age alone does not represent a contraindica-
(Table 5.33). Allergen-specific immunotherapy tion [18].
is indicated in patients with an objective gener-
alized systemic reaction and demonstration of Sting Provocation. Sting challenge with hon-
IgE-mediated sensitization. For general contra- eybees or wasps should not be used as a diag-
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 117

nostic instrument in patients prior to allergen- Table 5.34. Dose schedule (in micrograms) for rush
specific immunotherapy! It is an instrument of hyposensitization. The schedule holds true for pa-
tients with optimal dose increases
control of therapeutic efficacy. Severe compli-
cations have been observed [3]. Day Conven- Hamburg Ultrarush
tional schedule
1 0.02 0.001 0.01 Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy 0.04 0.01 0.1
(Hyposensitization) 0.08 1.0
0.2 10.0
In 1930, Benson and Semenov reported the 20.0
case of a beekeeper suffering from asthma and 40.0
anaphylaxis while working with bees [4]. After 80.0
immunotherapy with a whole-body extract of 2 0.4 0.1 100.0
0.8 0.4 100.0
homogenized honeybee, the asthma improved. 1.0 0.7
Based on this report, a worldwide practice of 4.0
immunotherapy of insect venom allergy with 3 8.0 1.0
whole-body extracts started with reports of 10.0 4.0
therapeutic effects in up to 75 % of cases [30]. 20.0 7.0
Early evidence of possible hyposensitization 4 10.0 10.0
with purified bee venom [17, 26] was probably 20.0 40.0
not followed because of anaphylactic complica- 60.0 70.0
tions [10, 27]. Only after it was shown that bee 70.0
5 40.0 100.0
venom and whole-body extracts contain very 50.0
different allergens [23] and that the relevant al- 60.0
lergens are in the venom [22] was hyposensiti- 70.0
zation with venom extracts proposed [9, 14, 22, 6 80.0
40, 43, 56]. Lichtenstein et al. pioneered the 100.0
work with a double-blind study: From three 8 100.0
groups of 20 patients each, 58 % of the placebo- 15 100.0 100.0
treated, 64 % of the whole-body extract treated, 22 100.0 100.0
but only 5 % of the bee venom extract treated 36 100.0 100.0 100.0
50 100.0 100.0
patients reacted to sting challenge. This study 71 100.0 100.0 (Day 43) 100.0
was only possible through the production of 92 100.0 100.0 (Day 71) 100.0
purified venom extracts in larger amounts. Bee 120 100.0 100.0 (Day 99) 100.0
venom is produced by electrical stimulation of (to be continued every 4 weeks)
bees [5]; wasps have to be killed, operated on,
and the venom sac removed. For 500 g wasp
venom, 250 collectors have to work for 1 year positive allergen solution and increase the dose
and need 74 million insects (= 6,000 kg). by 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 ml to the next higher con-
The future will show the place of recombi- centration. Ultrarush schedules have been
nant allergens (recombinant phospholipase A2 published [6, 42, 57], increasing the dosis over
from bee venom) in practical allergy [32]. 1 or 2 days. Conventional immunotherapy pro-
There are various methods of allergen-spe- tocols with weekly injections should only be
cific immunotherapy (Table 5.34) by which the performed preseasonally [15]. After reaching
standard maintenance dose of 100 g every the maintenance dose, intervals are slowly in-
4 weeks is reached. According to a schedule of creased from 1, 2, 3 to finally 4 weeks.
rush hyposensitization with up to four injec-
tions a day the maintenance dose can be Therapeutic Efficacy. As demonstrated by
reached in approximately 1 week. sting challenge under emergency conditions,
We start with 0.1 ml of a concentration cor- allergen-specific immunotherapy with Hyme-
responding to 1/100 of the lowest prick test noptera venoms is effective in 80 100 % of pa-
118 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Systemic anaphylac- Systemic reactions in history (severity grade) Table 5.35. Results of
tic reactions after sting provocation and
sting provocation I II III IV Total severity grades (highest
(severity grade) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) individually stated
severity grades) of ana-
None 19 (90.5) 61(78.2) 40 (75.5) 4 (80.0) 125 (79.6) phylaxis in history
I 2 (9.5) 13 (16.7) 6 (11.3) 0 (0) 20 (12.7) (from [30])
II 0 (0) 4 (5.1) 4 (7.5) 1 (20.0) 9 (5.8)
III 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (5.7) 0 (0) 3 (1.9)
Total 21 (100) 78 (100) 53 (100) 5 (100) 157 (100)

tients. In our own experience, only 5 % showed Spec. IgE Spec. IgG
reactions equally as strong as before immuno- RAST (KU/I)
therapy. When increasing the dose from 100 to Therapy failure
200 g, most of these patients tolerated the sub-
sequent sting challenge [40] (Table 5.35).

Side Effects: Local Reactions. Local reactions

occur as swelling with wheal and redness and
are observed in most patients, sometimes last-
ing 6 12 h. The reactions occur mostly during
the course of the dose increase at higher con-
centrations (10 100 g) and sometimes slow
the further increase of dose. Local treatment
with moist wraps and topical corticosteroids
leads to improvement. Subsequent injections
are usually well tolerated. Therapy success

Side Effects: Systemic Reactions. In 3 35 % of

patients, systemic reactions are observed [39, Starting Maintenance 2 months 1 year
46], which occur more frequently in bee than dose dose Provocation
wasp venom allergic individuals [48]. After
treatment, immunotherapy is continued with Fig. 5.17. Bee-venom-specific antibodies of the IgE and
IgG class demonstrated in two patients undergoing
reduced dose (see Sect. 6.2). In patients with re- hyposensitization treatment with bee venom extract
peated systemic reactions, prophylaxis with H1
antihistamines can be considered [7, 15]. Rare-
ly, serum sickness or immune complex reac- Sting Challenge. After reaching the mainte-
tions occur [8]; then therapy has to be discon- nance dose and maintaining it over at least
tinued. 3 months, sting challenge can be performed
with a living insect in emergency conditions
(Fig. 5.18). Sting challenge represents the only Therapy Control
objective method for evaluation of therapeutic
Under allergen-specific immunotherapy, most efficacy [40]. In patients still reacting to sting
patients show an increase of specific IgE to- challenge, we increase the dose up to 200 g ev-
gether with specific IgG antibodies (Fig. 5.17). ery 4 weeks or shorten the interval (3 weeks).
However, in the individual case IgG concentra-
tions do not give reliable prognostic informa- Duration of Treatment. Since there is no reliable
tion [3]. Possibly, the ratio sIgG4/sIgE in the prognostic marker which gives solid information
immunoblot may be relevant regarding the on the duration of protection, some authors rec-
protective effect of immunotherapy [36]. ommend lifelong immunotherapy. International
recommendations vary between 3 and 5 years
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 119

at least. In patients with risk factors (systemic Double Sensitizations to Bee/Wasp Venom
reaction after sting challenge, mastocytosis, re- Some patients are positive in skin test and/or
peated anaphylactic reactions to immunother- RAST against both bee and wasp venom and
apy injection), an increase in dose and a longer the history remains doubtful. If cellular tests do
treatment duration is necessary [32, 47]. not give additional information and only one
anaphylactic episode was seen in the history,
we usually use the species with stronger skin or
RAST reactivity for immunotherapy. In unclear
cases, immunotherapy against both Hymenop-
tera species has to be performed. Watching the
kinetics of IgE response immediately after the
sting event (anaphylaxis) and 4 weeks later, ad-
ditional information about the relevant insect
species may be obtained.

Passive Immunotherapy. Intramuscular ad-

ministration of hyperimmunoglobulin from
beekeepers has been proven to be protective
and may also enhance efficacy of active immu-
notherapy [21, 38].

Fig. 5.18. Sting provocation with a living insect

Table 5.36. Patient information in honeybee and wasp venom allergy (according to [28, 47])

Avoidance measures
) Repellents (chemical agents) do not give protection.
) Avoid eating of sweets, ice cream, lemonade, fruits in the open, flower picking, presence near dustbins, an-
imals, fallen fruits, as well as fragrance or perfumed cosmetics. After eating, wash hands and wipe mouth.
) Do not drink from bottles or open cans, cover glasses, use straws.
) Do not chase away insects from their food sources, avoid hectic movements.
) Cover your skin by adequate clothing (especially when gardening), avoid going barefoot, open shoes.
When motorbiking wear helmet, gloves, and adequate clothing. Open biking helmets should be covered
with a net.
) On humid warm days, exert extreme caution since insects may be especially aggressive.
) Avoid too loose clothing and dark colors, rather wear light colors.
) Keep apartment windows closed during the day or use insect protection (shutters). Do not open the win-
dow when you have a light on inside in the evening (attractive to hornets).
) Watch out for hidden insects (bed, shoes, etc.).
) Avoid bee and wasp nets and their environs. Nests near your permanent living place should be removed
(by beekeepers or firefighters).
) When you find yourself in the vicinity of insects, avoid hectic movements, withdraw slowly! Do not trem-
ble, never breathe into a nest opening.
) When attacked by bees or wasps, cover your head with arms or clothing. Withdraw slowly. If stung, remove
the sting with a fingernail without emptying the sac. Cover the sting site.
Behavior after being stung
) Keep calm! Inform people around you about your situation.
) Remove sting carefully using the fingernail. Never squeeze the sac.
) Take the drugs from your emergency kit
Immediately after the sting (if not successfully hyposensitized) take:
) Oral antihistamine
) Oral cortisone
) If dyspnea, tachycardia, lip or tongue swelling occur: Inhale epinephrine or use an epinephrine injector.
After allergen-specific immunotherapy, drugs only need to be used when systemic symptoms are observed
120 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Problems. Rare allergic reactions against oth- 8. De Bandt M, Atassi-Dumont M, Kahn MF, et al.
er insects such as mosquitos, ants, etc., repre- (1997) Serum sickness after wasp venom immu-
sent an increasing problem due to the non- notherapy: clinical and biological study. J Rheu-
matol 24:1195 1197
availability of adequate amounts of purified ex- 9. Forck G, Kstner H, Kalveram C (1981) Insect
tracts. venom tolerance: IgG-blocking antibodies and
There are controversial opinions regarding sting provocation. In: Ring J, Burg G (eds) New
indications for immunotherapy in patients trends in allergy. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
with HIV infection and other immunodeficien- New York, p 269
10. Fuchs E (1959) Allergie. Mnch Med Wochenschr
cies or with malignancy. While this earlier was 100:1711
regarded as a contraindication the problem 11. Golden DBK, Valentine MD, Kagey-Sobotka A,
was very rare in allergy praxis; however, due to Lichtenstein ML (1982) Prevalence of hymenop-
the increasing allergy prevalence, more pa- tera venom allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 69:124
12. Habermann E (1972) Bee and wasp venoms. Sci-
tients with this combination come and ask for a
ence 177:314
decision. We perform allergen-specific immu- 13. Hemmer W, Focke M, Jarisch R (1999) In-vitro-
notherapy if criteria for indication are given Doppelpositivitt gegen Bienen- und Wespengift.
and if known neoplasms have been surgically Allergologie 22 [Suppl 2]:63 64
removed or HIV infection is under control with 14. Hunt KJ, Valentine MD, Sobotka AK, Benton AW,
Amodio FJ, Lichtenstein LM (1978) A controlled
triple therapy. However, future studies are re-
trial of immunotherapy in insect hypersensitivi-
quired to answer these questions. ty. N Engl J Med 299:157
15. Jarisch R (1980) Die Bienengiftallergie (Modell
einer IgE-mediierten Soforttypallergie). Wien Patient Information Klin Wochenschr 92 [Suppl 122]:3
16. Jeberger B, Habig J, Karl S, et al. (1994) Hyme-
Independently of immunotherapy, patients nopterengiftallergie: Hyposensibilisierungsthe-
should be informed about sensible behavior af- rapie trotz vorhandener Kontraindikationen. All-
ter insect stings and also about prevention of ergologie 17:255 260
stings (Table 5.36) [25, 28, 29, 43, 47], especially 17. Kmmerer H (1941) Fragekasten. Mnch Med
about the relevant risk factors [35]. All patients Wochenschr 88:939
18. Kiehn M, Ring J (1993) Hyposensibilisierung mit
should carry with them an emergency kit (see Insektengiftextrakten bei Patienten mit Hyme-
Sect. 5.1.4 on Anaphylaxis) with epinephrine nopterengift-Allergie im hheren Lebensalter.
for inhalation or self-injection (in severe cases). Allergo J 2 [Suppl 2]:90 94
19. King TP, Lu G, Gonzalez M, Qian N, Soldatova L
(1996) Yellow jacket venom allergens, hyaluroni-
dase and phospholipase: Sequence similarity and
References antigenic cross-reactivity with their hornet and
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2. Barnard JH (1973) Studies of 400 hymenoptera restings in 200 patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol
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6. Brehler R (1999) Ultra-Rush-Hyposensibilisie- 290:1223
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Efficacy of antihistamine treatment in the preven- ties of bee venom and whole bee body extract.
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trolled trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol 100:458 463 ants. J Allergy Clin Immunol 54:132
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25. Lonsdorf G, Ring J, Burg G (1981) Anaphylakti- bewertenden Punkteschemas gestellt werden.
sche Reaktionen nach Insektenstichen. Notfall Allergologie 13:114 119
Medizin 7:409 42. Rakoski J, Mayenburg J von (1986) Das Ultra-
26. Lotter G (1939) Sensibilisierung fr Bienengift Rush-Verfahren eine neue Methode zur ber-
durch Typhus-Antitoxin und Desensibilisierung prfung der Aktualitt von Insektengiftallergien.
mit Forapin. Mnch Med Wochenschr 86:330 Allergologie 9:73 74
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28. Mauss V (1999) Einflu von Lebensweise, Popu- 44. Ring J, Gottsmann M, Przybilla B, Eisenmenger
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schen. Allergologie 22 [Suppl]:542 545 45. Ring J, Przybilla B, Mller U (1997) Insektengif-
29. Mauss V, Treiber R (1994) Betreuungsschlssel tallergie: Aktuelles fr die Praxis. Allergo J 6
fr die Faltenwespen (Hymenoptera: Masarinae, [Suppl 1]:571 572
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land. Deutscher Jugendbund fr Naturbeobach- kungen der Schnellhyposensibilisierung mit Hy-
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study of immunologic treatment. Pediatrics 55:530 nen- und Wespengiftallergie. Positionspapier der
31. Mller UR (1988) Insektenstichallergie. Klinik, Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Allergologie und klini-
Diagnostik und Therapie. G. Fischer, Stuttgart sche Immunologie (DGAI). Allergo J 9:458 472
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sis and treatment of hymenoptera venom allergy. cal characteristics of immunotherapy with Hy-
Int Arch Allergy Immunol 124:447 499 menoptera venoms. A retrospective study. Aller-
33. Mller U, Mosbech H (1993) Position paper: Im- gy 46:251 254
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48 [Suppl 2]:37 46 menoptera venoms in the serum are common in
34. Mumcuoglu Y, Rufli T (1980) Dermatologische the general population and are related to indica-
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122 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

5.1.7 Allergy and the Eye Introduction
Allergic eye diseases are sometimes only mar-
ginally covered in allergy textbooks, e.g., rhi-
noconjunctivitis. Often, the most common
elicitors of allergic conjunctivitis are called in-
halation allergens. Attempts to classify allergic
eye diseases are difficult, partly due to different
understandings of diseases as well as lack of
knowledge of histopathophysiology of com-
mon conditions. The term conjunctivitis Fig. 5.19. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
used by many allergists as a synonym for type
I allergy only has a descriptive character and
is used for clinical conditions of quite different tamines, as well as vasoconstrictors [20]. Rare-
pathophysiology; it can be best compared with ly, steroids are necessary. Occasionally, cyclo-
the term dermatitis in dermatology. oxygenase inhibitors such as ketorolac can help
Transparency of the central part of the eye is against itch [20].
the major basic condition for visual function.
In cornea, anterior chamber, lens, and vitreous Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis
body, there are no lymph or blood vessels and
no immunocompetent cells. The barrier be- Chronic atopic conjunctivitis (Fig. 5.19) often
tween blood and chamber fluid as well as blood occurs with other manifestations of atopy and
and retina is physiological. The anterior cham- is predominantly observed in medium-aged
ber of the eye is an immunologically privileged males; the pathophysiology may be similar to
site [2, 5, 6, 11, 14, 21]. Inflammatory reactions that of atopic eczema with increased cellular in-
occur mostly in the neighboring tissue, espe- filtrates and high IgE in serum and tear fluid
cially conjunctiva, where 90 % of the mast cells [6, 9]. The conjunctiva is thickened, rather pale
of the eye are situated [2, 20]. and chemotic. Not infrequently, the cornea can
be affected, sometimes vascularized. Almost all
patients also suffer from intense lid eczema Atopic Eye Diseases with common superinfections. Mast cell stabi-
lizers and glucocorticosteroids are recom- Type I Allergic Conjunctivitis
mended, generally topically (sometimes also
This acute form of allergic conjunctivitis is systemically).
classically combined with hay fever, but also in The so-called atopic cataract (prevalence of
perennial allergy against airborne allergens up to 25 %; in our opinion this has been overes-
without nasal symptoms. Pathophysiology cor- timated in the past) is associated with atopic
responds to IgE-mediated allergic rhinitis and eczema [2, 21]. This cataract involves the lens
allergic bronchial asthma (type I). The clinical epithelium of the anterior lens capsule and can
symptoms comprise itching, burning, photo- be clearly differentiated from steroid-induced
phobia, immediate hyperemia, and chemosis of posterior subcapsular cataract.
the conjunctiva (often aggravated by rubbing)
and increased lacrimation. There is no papil- Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
lary reaction and no corneal involvement. All
the symptoms can be elicited by local hista- This chronically relapsing general conjunctivi-
mine application. In animal experiments, this tis occurs predominantly in southern countries
type of allergy is also called ocular anaphylaxis often seasonally in spring and summer and is
[2, 6, 22]. Prophylaxis and therapy comprise al- characterized by papillary hyperplasia of the
lergen avoidance, mast cell stabilizers, antihis- tarsal upper lid conjunctiva [8]. The disease be-
5.1 Diseases with Possible IgE Involvement 123

gins often before the 10th year and subsides Contact-Allergic Conjunctivitis (Type IV)
spontaneously after puberty. In 70 80 % of
cases, it occurs with other atopic diseases; boys This common form of ocular allergy occurs
are more often affected than girls (3:1). Two an- with itching, redness and infiltration (some-
atomic forms are differentiated: a palpebral times follicular) conjunctivitis; often simul-
form with typical cobblestone conjunctivitis taneous allergic contact dermatitis of the lid
of the upper lid and a limbal form (more com- (blepharo-conjunctivitis) is seen. Pathophysio-
mon in colored people and American Indians). logically, type IV hypersensitivity correspond-
Symptoms are characterized by intense itch- ing to allergic contact dermatitis is present (see
ing. Patients feel like scratching out their Sect. 5.5.2). The most common elicitors are
eyes. Furthermore, burning, redness, swelling, therapeutics (antibiotics, local anesthetics,
photophobia and in 50 % also corneal involve- preservatives in eyedrops), but also chemicals,
ment as superficial keratitis occur. Rarely, ul- cosmetics, and phytoallergens [10, 11, 21].
cus vernalis occurs by loosening of the cornea
epithelium through eosinophil products [22]. Blepharitis and Lid Eczema
A thick white mucous secretion can be seen
containing numerous eosinophils. Histological- The differential diagnosis of blepharitis and lid
ly, mast cells are increased, and eosinophils and eczema comprises apart from allergic condi-
basophil leukocytes can be found in conjuncti- tions (mostly type IV) and atopic eczema also
val epithelium [2]. In the tear fluid, histamine irritative reactions such as cumulative toxic ec-
and complement products are elevated [1]. zema (especially when eyedrops or wet wraps
There is no clear-cut relation to aeroaller- are applied too frequently), psoriasis, rosacea,
gens in spite of sometimes positive prick test seborrheic eczema, as well as infectious dis-
results. Therefore, specific immunotherapy eases with inflammatory reactions.
mostly remains unsuccessful. As basic therapy, A common disease is microbial-allergic
mast cell stabilizers are used, in acute exacer- conjunctivitis: On the basis of an initiating
bation steroids, in severe cases even cyclospo- staphylococcal infection, blepharoconjunctivi-
rin topically. Occasionally with massive mu- tis occurs with hypersensitivity against bacte-
cous secretion, topical administration of muco- rial exotoxins and the formation of conjuncti-
lytics (acetylcysteine 10 20 %) has been tried. val phlyctena or keratitis marginalis.
In corneal involvement, surgical removal of pa-
pillae with subsequent coagulation of the con- Cicatricial Conjunctivitis in Erythema
junctiva is helpful.
Exsudativum Multiforme or Lyells
Syndrome Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
In rare cases, erythema exsudativum multifor-
in Contact Lens Wearers
me can occur with massive conjunctival swell-
This conjunctivitis is observed in people wear- ing and cicatricial conjunctivitis (syndroma
ing predominantly soft sometimes after some muco-cutaneo-oculare Fuchs or Stevens-
latency also hard contact lenses as well as Johnson syndrome).
plastic eye prostheses and corresponds clini- In the acute phase, bullous, partly pustular
cally and histologically to conjunctivitis verna- changes can be seen, leading to erosions with
lis in the early stage. There is no evidence for cicatricial healing. Conjunctiva is affected with
atopy. Allergic reactions against unknown al- hyperemia, chemosis, bulla formation, and ul-
lergens from contact lenses or cleaning fluid in ceration. Sometimes scarring of the conjuncti-
the mucus are suspected [6, 17]. va with entropium, trichiasis, and synechia oc-
Avoidance of contact lenses is the first step, curs. Secondary disturbance of lacrimation
and renewal of contact lenses and changing to and bacterial superinfection lead to severe cor-
preservative-free lens fluids (especially en- neal ulcers. The pathophysiology of this reac-
zymes!) are recommended. tion is unclear. Apart from a postherpetic form
124 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

(infect allergy), drug-induced Stevens-John- high-dose glucocorticosteroids with or without

son syndrome has been described with subepi- immunosuppressives, which are sometimes
thelial vesiculation, epithelial necrosis, and su- lifelong, are indicated [11, 18, 19]. Enucleation
perficial inflammatory reaction [11]. of the traumatized eye after the occurrence of
A similar condition is observed in toxic epi- sympathetic ophthalmia is rarely helpful.
dermal necrolysis (TEN), also called drug-
induced Lyells syndrome. The pathophysiolo- Endogenous Autoimmune Uveitis. It has been
gy is unclear; type III and IV reactions as discussed as to what degree certain forms of
well as apoptotic processes are discussed (see endogenous uveitis correspond pathophysio-
Sect. 5.7.3 on Drug Eruptions). logically to an immune complex vasculitis [18].
Early ophthalmologic counseling is the pri-
mary recommendation. Hourly nursing with Paraneoplastic Retinopathy. In patients with
steroids, topical artificial tears and regular pro- neoplasia or melanoma-associated retinopathy,
phylaxis of symblepharon is important; howev- autoimmune processes in the sense of a cross-
er, sometimes serious changes cannot be pre- reaction between tumor antigens and retinal
vented. Early systemic corticosteroids are con- proteins have been found with the formation of
troversial. In cases with corneal involvement antibodies against retinal constituents, leading
and opacification, prognosis quoad visum is to disturbance of retinal function. There is little
poor. The cornea transplantation in these cases therapy of these conditions, and in occasional
is often unsuccessful, synechiolysis shows a cases plasmapheresis has been used.
high relapse rate, mucous membrane trans-
plantation is difficult, and sometimes amnion Graft Versus Host Reactions. A rare complica-
transplants succeed. tion of bone marrow transplantation in leuke-
mia is severe keratoconjunctivitis with opacifi-
Ocular (Scarring) Mucous Membrane Pemphi- cation and vascularization of the cornea.
goid. The processes in scarring pemphigoid
are pathogenetically similar where autoanti- Therapy
bodies against basement membrane have been
formed.The disease manifests as chronic pro- If possible, treatment should be topical except
gredient scarring conjunctivitis with mostly for the severe autoimmune diseases. Table 5.37
severe corneal complications responding poor- lists some antiallergic eyedrops with different
ly to therapy (local therapy together with sys- drugs. Long-term steroid treatment should be
temic immunosuppression with steroids, cyclo- avoided. For lid eczema the new topical calci-
phosphamide, dapsone, etc.). neurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and pimecroli-
mus) (see Sect. 5.5.3) are promising. Eye Diseases of Questionable Allergic Origin
Sympathetic Ophthalmia. Sympathetic oph- Table 5.37. Antiallergic eyedrops
thalmia is a diffuse granulomatous inflamma- Active substances Flurbiprofen
tion of the uvea of both eyes also of the unlesi- DSCG (disodium Diclofenac
onal eye as a consequence of a perforating cromoglycate)
trauma or intraocular surgery and represents a Lodoxamide
classic autoimmune disease [12]. The organism Dexamethasone
is sensitized against proteins with which the Fluorometholone
immune system because of the privileged ana- Levocabastine
tomical site was previously not in contact. The Non-steroidal anti-inflam-
time interval between primary trauma and oc- matory drugs (NSAIDs)
currence of sympathetic ophthalmia is variable; Ketorolac
90 % of cases occur within 1 year. The resulting
uveitis may destroy the eye. Therapeutically,
5.2 Allergic Diseases by Cytotoxic Antibodies (Type II) 125

References 12. Fuchs E (1905) ber sympathisierende Entzn-

dung. Albrecht v. Graefes Arch Ophthal 61:365
1. Abelson MB, Schaefer K (1993) Conjunctivitis of 13. Hatinen A, Terasvirta M, Fakj JE (1985) Contact
allergic origin: immunologic mechanisms and allergy to components in topical ophthalmologic
current approaches to therapy. Surv Ophthalmol preparations. Acta Ophthalmol 63:424 426
38:115 132 14. Jay JL (1981) Clinical factors and diagnosis of
2. Allansmith MR (1982) The eye and immunology. atopic keratoconjunctivitis and the effect of treat-
Mosby, St. Louis ment with sodium cromoglycate. Br J Ophthal
3. Allansmith MR, Ross RN (1986) Ocular allergy 60:335 340
and mast cell stabilizers. Surv Ophthalmol 15. McGill J (2000) Conjunctival cytokines in ocular
30:229 244 allergy. Clin Exp Allergy 30:1355 1357
4. Anderson DF (1996) The conjunctival late-phase 16. Montan PG, Biberfeld PJ, Scheynius A (1995) IgE,
reaction and allergen provocation in the eye. Clin IgE receptors and other immunocytochemical
Exp Allergy 26:1105 1107 markers in atopic and nonatopic patients with
5. Bialasiewicz AA (1998) Augenheilkunde. In: Heppt vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Ophthalmology 102:
W, Renz H, Rcken M (eds) Allergologie. Springer, 725 732
Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 262 271 17. Neuhann T (1983) Papillomats-hyperplastische
6. Bielory L (2000) Allergic and immunologic disor- Konjunktivitis durch Kontaktlinsen. Mbl Augen-
ders of the eye, part II: ocular allergy. J Allergy heilkunde 8:46 50
Clin Immunol 106:1019 1032 18. Ring I, Dechant W, Seifert J, Lund O-E, Grette J-H,
7. Bonini S, Bucci MG, et al. (1990) Allergen dose re- Stefani FH, Brendel W (1978) Immunosuppres-
sponse and late symptoms in a human model of sion with antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) in the
ocular allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 86/6: treatment of ophthalmic disorders. Ophthal Res
869 876 10:82 97
8. Bonini S, Bonini S, Lambiase A, et al. (2000) Ver- 19. Silverstein AM, OConnor GR (eds) (1979) Immu-
nal keratoconjunctivitis revisited: a case series of nology and immunopathology of the eye. Mas-
195 patients with long-term followup. Ophthal- son, New York
mology 107:1157 1163 20. Solomon A, Peer J, Levi-Schaffer F (2001) Ad-
9. Foster CS, Rice BA, Dutt JE (1991) Immunopa- vances in ocular allergy: basic mechanisms, clini-
thology of atopic keratoconjuncitivitis. Ophthal- cal patterns and new therapies. Curr Opin Aller-
mology 98:1190 1196 gy Clin Immunol 1:477 482
10. Friedlaender MH (1988) Contact allergy and tox- 21. Theodore FH, Schlossmann A (1958) Ocular al-
icity in the eye. Int Ophthalmol Clin 28/4: 317 320 lergy. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore
11. Friedlaender MH (1993) Allergy and immunolo- 22. Trocme SD, Aldave AJ (1994) The eye and the eo-
gy of the eye. Raven, New York sinophil. Surv Ophthalmol 39:241 252

Another form of type II reaction is the hyper-

5.2 Allergic Diseases by Cytotoxic acute rejection after organ transplantation, me-
Antibodies (Type II) diated by specific antibodies [5].
Theoretically, some autoimmune diseases
5.2.1 Mechanisms of Antibody-Mediated
also have to be classified under this type of re-
action when organ-specific antibodies play a
The cytotoxic reaction (type II) is mediated by role (certain forms of glomerulonephritis =
antibodies with or without complement activa- Masugi nephritis, pemphigus vulgaris, bullous
tion directed against markers on hematologic pemphigoid, Goodpastures syndrome, auto-
cells. The classical type II reaction is the trans- immune hemolytic anemia).
fusion reaction (hemolytic reaction caused by Cytotoxic antibodies may destroy cells via
natural mostly IgM and complement-binding different mechanisms (Fig. 5.20).
antibodies) against foreign blood group anti- ) Complement-mediated cytotoxicity
gens [10]. The antigens of the AB0 system differ
Binding of the antibody molecule to the
by the terminal sugar residue on a common
cell surface leads to activation of com-
glycolipid (paragloboside) with a terminal fu-
plement via the classical pathway with
cose (= H-antigen in group 0), to which either
subsequent cell lysis (activation of C6 to
N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (group A) or D-ga-
lactose (group B) are bound [29].
126 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Target cell Complement-

mediated cytolysis

Killer cell Target cell cellular cytotoxicity

Phago- Target cell Immune phagocytosis

Fig. 5.20. Mechanisms of
allergic cytotoxicity

14y various drugs, weeks

Ax. H. 70 J. sometimes analgetic 0 1 2 3

Therapy Prednisone 210 mg
Relapsing, attacks
Symptoms of shivering Purpura
fever, purpura, Sweaten,
epistaxis Dyspnea
39 hematoma

Rectal temperature
300 000

200 000
Platelets / l
100 000
50 000 Fig. 5.21. Course of a
thrombocytopenia in-
Megakaryocytes n duced by quinine (in
Thromboaggl. in vitro
Togal). Remission fol-
(Pat.-serum + Chinin) lowed termination of
BSG mm 16/34 6/17 the drug (reprinted
Leukocytes 4 400 with the permission of
Hemoglobin 14.3 Raif and Schubothe

) Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mechanisms such as T-cell-mediated cyto-

(ADCC) toxicity (perforin, etc.).
Here the antibody acts together with the ) Antibody-dependent phagocytosis (im-
so-called killer cell, to which it is bound. mune phagocytosis)
These cells represent a subgroup of lym- Here cytotoxic antibodies are bound via
phocytes with large granules showing Fc-receptors to the surface of macrophages.
neither typical T- nor B-cell characteristics. After binding of antigens on the target cell,
The cell destruction follows similar the latter will be phagocytosed.
5.2 Allergic Diseases by Cytotoxic Antibodies (Type II) 127

These mechanisms are best investigated in pe- administration; IgG can be detected on the
ripheral blood cells; however, it is speculated surface of erythrocytes without comple-
that tissue destruction in parenchymatous or- ment products (e.g., C3d).
gans occurs in a similar manner (e.g., hepati- 2. Immune complex type (not to be con-
tis). fused with immune complex reaction of
The most important allergic diseases of the type III!). Here a complex of antibody and
blood (Figs. 5.20 5.22a) are triggered by antigen formed intravascularly with activa-
drugs; similar conditions may also be elicited tion of complement leads to cell destruc-
by infections (especially virus), lymphoprolife- tion [15] most likely via Fc receptors. Since
rative diseases, other neoplasias or idiopathi- the target cells only are lysed through sec-
cally. The complex interaction between drug ondary absorption of immune complexes,
and target cell occurs in different ways (types of this reaction was also called innocent
cytotoxic reaction) [1, 14, 20]: bystander. This mechanism is the most
common form of drug-induced allergic
1. Hapten type. Here the drug is bound to
cytopenia. The reactions are acute after
the cell surface leading to a new antigen;
minute doses. C3d can be detected on the
with or without complement activation,
cell surface [22, 23].
specific antibodies lead to cell destruction
3. Autoimmune type. The drug changes first
(e.g., penicillin, cephalosporins). Hemoly-
the cell surface, leading to the develop-
sis occurs extravascularly after high-dose

a b

Fig. 5.22a,b. Clinical manifestations of allergic thrombocytopenic purpura

128 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

ment of a new autoantigen. Autoimmune only in 0.7 % of patients does anemia develop
diseases of the blood may be triggered [23].
(e.g., hemolytic anemia by alphamethyldo- A common diagnostic criterion is the occur-
pa). Autoantibody formation continues rence of hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria,
after withdrawal of the drug and does not a hemoglobin decrease with normal MCHB, an
differ from idiopathic autoimmune hemo- increase in indirect bilirubin and a decrease in
lytic anemia of the heat type. haptoglobin. In rare cases, renal insufficiency
or diffuse intravascular coagulation can occur.
Pathophysiologically, mixed forms occur,
5.2.2 Allergic Diseases of the Blood e.g., after nomifensin or cianidanol [13, 22].
Withdrawal of the eliciting drug is the main Allergic Hemolytic Anemia
The most important drugs eliciting different
types of allergic hemolytic anemias are listed in Allergic Agranulocytosis
Table 5.38. After high doses of penicillin (over
10 million U/day), slowly developing anemia of Allergic agranulocytosis develops in highly
the hapten type occurs. The direct Coombs acute form mostly via the hapten mechanism.
test is positive. After withdrawal, hemoglobin A few days (in repeated treatments within
normalizes. Antibodies (mostly IgG) do not re- hours) after intake of the eliciting drug (e.g.,
act with normal erythrocytes. Quinine, chlor- aminopyrine, metamizol, sulfonylurea, Ta-
promazine, and isoniazid are the most com- ble 5.39), leukocytes decrease, fever attacks
mon elicitors of hemolytic anemia of the im- occur, and putrid tonsillitis develops with
mune complex type. glossitis, thrush, bronchitis and severe dis-
Alpha-methyldopa, L-dopa, mefenamic ac- ease.
id, as well as methysergide may induce sub- Differential diagnosis comprises toxic gra-
acute heat-autoantibody-mediated anemia. nulocytopenias due to bone marrow depres-
After several months of treatment, 11 % of pa- sion (e.g., cytostatics), which develop slowly
tients develop a positive direct Coombs test; over a subacute chronic stomatitis. A possible
new type of drug reaction has been described
as neutropenia after high toxic doses of penicil-
Table 5.38. Drugs eliciting allergic hemolytic anemia lin (220 550 million U) [16].
(selection) Therapy consists in withdrawal of the drug,
Hapten type high-dose i.v. immunoglobulin, adequate anti-
Penicillin Rifampicin biosis, possibly glucocorticosteroids, and in-
Cephalosporin Cisplatin travenous G-CSF.
Immune complex type
(innocent bystander)
Aminophenazone Melphalan
Acetylsalicylic acid Metamizol Table 5.39. Drugs eliciting allergic agranulocytosis
Butizide Paracetamol (selection)
Quinidine Phenacetin
Aminophenazone Methyldopa
Quinine Rifampicin
Aminopyrine Novobiocin
Chlorpromazine Streptomycin
Aminosalicylic acid Penicillins
Ibuprofen Salicylamide
Quinidine Phenothiazines
Insulin Sulfonamide
Chloral hydrate Phenylbutazone
Isoniazid Sulfonylurea
Chlorpromazine Procainamide
Autoimmune type Diazepoxide Propranolol
Chlorpromazine Latamoxef Ethacrynic acid Mercury diuretics
Glafenin Levodopa Gold salts Salazosulfapyridine
Hydantoin Mefenamic acid Hydantoin Sulfonamide
Ibuprofen Methysergide Metamizol Sulfonylurea
Methyldopa Procainamide Methimazol Thiouracil
5.2 Allergic Diseases by Cytotoxic Antibodies (Type II) 129

transfusion of PLA1-positive blood occurring Allergic Thrombocytopenia
with high antibody titers against PLA1 [14, 26].
The prototype of allergic hematologic disease Equally important is the exclusion of idiopathic
is apronalid purpura, first described by Ackro- thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), where se-
yd [1] through an immune complex type reac- rum does not induce platelet changes in nor-
tion. Today, the most common elicitors are list- mals. Therapeutically, glucocorticosteroids to-
ed in Table 5.40. Figure 5.21 shows a typical gether with high-dose immunoglobulins are
course of a thrombocytopenia in allergy given.
against quinine [20] in a mixed analgesic prep- Besides allergic and toxic mechanisms, also
aration. Clinically, apart from a non-inflamma- enzyme defects can induce bone marrow de-
tory purpura (Fig. 5.22a,b), sweating attacks, pression via an idiosyncrasy (see also Pseudo-
dyspnea, fever with shivering, and mucosal allergic Reactions, Sect. 5.7.3). It has been at-
bleeding together with lowered platelet counts tempted to measure this in vitro by the inhibi-
are typical. The diagnosis can be confirmed in tory effect of certain substances on bone mar-
vitro using patients serum together with the row stem cells [9].
suspected drug and adding it to a platelet sus-
pension and measuring changes in platelet Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
function (e.g., aggregation, serotonin, or plate-
let factor 3 release) with the adequate controls. The heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Treatment consists of immediate withdraw- is of major practical importance. Two types are
al of the drug and high-dose glucocorticostero- differentiated [2]:
ids together with i.v. immunoglobulins (0.4 g/ HIT 1, spontaneously reversible via inhibi-
kg over 5 days) [14]. Sometimes, fresh blood tion of platelet adenylate cyclase activity and
transfusion may be indicated. Continuation of without major complications.
therapy with vital drugs under systemic gluco- HIT 2, which is more dangerous, developing
corticoids has been reported [28]. after 5 14 days and occurring with thrombo-
In differential diagnosis, post-transfusion cytopenia, but at the same time increasing the
purpura should be considered developing risk of thrombosis and embolization. Patho-
mostly in PLA1-negative women 1 week after physiologically, IgG antibodies against a multi-
molecular complex consisting of heparin and
platelet factor 4 cause HIT 2 [7, 21]. The size
Table 5.40. Drugs eliciting allergic thrombocytopenia and degree of sulfatation of the heparin mole-
cule seem to be crucial in the elicitation of HIT
Alprenolol Metamizol 2. The mechanism corresponds to an immune
Allylcarbamide Novobiocin complex cytotoxic mechanism through an Fc *
(e.g., Sedormid) Para-aminosalicylic acid RII activation.
Aminopyrine (PAS)
Acetacolamide Penicillamine The strong platelet-stimulating effect leads
Acetylsalicylic acid Phenacetin to microparticles from lysed platelets, which
Carbamazepine Phensuximide circulate in the blood and enhance thrombosis
Cephalotin Phenylbutazone [21].
Quinine and quinidine Procainamide
Immediate withdrawal of heparin is the first
Chloramphenicol Reserpine
Chloroquine Rifampicin step of therapy! Changing to coumarin in the
Chlorothiazide Salicylamide first few days is contraindicated since this will
Digitoxin Stibophen further increase risk of thrombosis. For thera-
Furosemide Sulfonylurea py, low molecular and low sulfatized heparino-
Gold salts Tetracycline
Heparin Thiazide ids may be tried such as danaparoid, recombi-
Hydantoin Tolbutamide nant hirudin or a synthetic thrombin inhibitor
Isoniazid Trimethoprim argatroban [18, 24].
Levodopa Valproate
130 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

the mechanisms are unclear. Apart from classic Eosinophilia
immune complex nephritis (serum nephritis)
After certain drugs (Table 5.41), blood eosino- (see Sect. 5.3), specific antibodies against al-
philia, sometimes without incompatibility tered renal antigens such as tubular basement
symptoms, develops possibly due to increased membrane constituents [8] have been re-
interleukin-5 production from T lymphocytes. ported. Rarely, an allergic basis of nephrotic
The prognostic relevance is unclear; for safety syndrome (gold, penicillamine, captopril, lithi-
reasons, sometimes withdrawal of the drug is um) with positive lymphocyte transformation
recommended. has been reported (see also Sect. 5.7.4 on
Drug-Induced Exanthematous Eruptions).
Table 5.41. Drugs inducing eosinophilia

Allopurinol Isoniazid References

Aminosalicylic acid Kanamycin
Cephalosporins Nalidixic acid 1. Ackroyd JF (1952) Sedormid purpura: An immu-
Chloral hydrate Nitrofurantoin nological study of drug hypersensitivity. Progr
Dacarbazine Penicillamine Allergy 3:531
Digitalis Rifampicin 2. Aster RH (1995) Heparin-induced thrombocyto-
Erythromycin Sulfonamides penia and thrombosis. N Engl J Med 332:
1374 1376
3. Belongia EA, Hedberg CW, Gleich GJ (1990) An
Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome. The patho- investigation into the cause of the eosinophilia
genesis of the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome myalgia syndrome associated with tryptophan
(EMS) described in 1989 after intake of L-tryp- use. N Engl J Med 323:357 365
4. Berg PA, Becker EW (1995) The lymphocyte
tophan for depression and sleeplessness is not
transformation test a debated method for the
clear. In epidemiological studies comparing evaluation of drug allergic hepatic injury. J Hepa-
different batches of the drug, an impurity (peak tol 22:115 118
E) with 1.1 ethylidene-bis-tryptophan was de- 5. Brendel W, Ring J (1980) Transplantationsimmu-
termined as elicitor. Apart from scleroderma- nologie. In: Filipp G (ed) Allergologie. Bana-
schewski, Munich, p 436
like changes and neuropathy, signs of myositis 6. Dukes MNG (1998) Drug-induced hepatic injury.
and in 50 % autoantibodies with extremely ele- Elsevier, Amsterdam
vated eosinophil counts in the peripheral blood 7. Greinacher A, Potzsch B, Amiral J, Dummel V,
were observed (1,000 36,000/l) [3, 27]. Eichner A, Mueller-Eckhardt C (1994) Heparin in
associated thrombocytopenia: isolation of the
antibody and characterization of a multimolecu-
lar PF4-heparin complex as the major antigen.
5.2.3 Allergic Cytotoxic Organopathies Thromb Haemost 71:247 251
8. Jger L, Merk HF (1996) Arzneimittel-Allergie. Drug-Induced Hepatitis Gustav Fischer, Jena
After certain drugs, antibodies against liver 9. Kelton JG, Huang AT, Mold N (1979) The use of in
vitro techniques to study drug-induced pancyto-
cells and constituents (e.g., microsomes, cyto- penia. N Engl J Med 301:621
chrome P450 isotypes) may develop with cyto- 10. Landsteiner K (1901) Wien Klin Wochenschr 14:
toxic effects on hepatocytes detectable in vitro 1132
[4, 11, 12, 17]. Drugs under discussion are halo- 11. Manns M (1989) Autoantibodies and antigens in
thane, chlorpromazine, some anticonvulsants, liver diseases updated. J Hepatol 9:272 280
12. Maria VAJ, Pinto L, Victorino RMM (1994) Lym-
thyreostatics, as well as rarely antibiotics (sul- phocyte reactivity to ex-vivo drug antigens in
fanomides, erythromycin estolate) [6]. drug-induced hepatitis. J Hepatol 21:151 158
13. Mueller-Eckhardt C (1988) Ex vivo drug antigens.
Are drug-induced immunoreactions such as im- Drug-Induced Nephropathy munohemolytic anemia related to genetic con-
trol? In: Estabrook RW, Lindenlaub E, Oesch F,
After certain drugs, acute tubular disturbance Weck AL de (eds) Toxicological and immunologi-
of the kidney, sometimes occurring with exan- cal aspects of drug metabolism and environmen-
thematous drug eruptions, has been reported; tal chemicals. Schattauer, Stuttgart, pp 329 342
5.3 Allergic Diseases due to Immune Complexes 131

14. Mueller-Eckhart C, Kuenzlen E, Thilo-Korner D, dependent immune hemolytic anemia. N Engl J

Pralle H (1983) High-dose intravenous immuno- Med 313:469 474
globulin for post transfusion purpura. N Engl J 23. Salama A, Mueller-Eckhardt C (1992) Humane-
Med 308:287 mediated blood cell dyscrasias related to drugs.
15. Mueller-Eckhardt C, Salama A (1987) Immunh- Semin Hematol 29:54 63
molytische Anmien durch Medikamente. Dtsch 24. Schiele F, Vuillemenot A, Kramarz P, Kieffer Y,
rztebl 84:232 234 Anguenot T, Bernard Y, Bassand JP (1995) Use of
16. Neftel KA, Wlti M, Spengler H, Felten A von, recombinant hirudin as antithrombotic treat-
Weitzmann SA, Brgi H, Weck AL de (1981) Neu- ment in patients with heparin induced thrombo-
tropenia after penicillins: toxic or immune-medi- cytopenia. Ann J Hematol 50:20 25
ated? Klin Wochenschr 59:877 25. Shulman NR, Aster RH, Leitner A, Hiller MC
17. Pessayre D (1995) Mecanisme de hepatites medi- (1961) Immunoreactions involving platelets. V.
camenteuses Gastroenterol. Clin Biol 19:47 56 Posttransfusion purpura due to a complement-
18. Pihusch R (1998) Die Heparin-induzierte Throm- fixing antibody against a genetically controlled
bozytopenie. Phlebologie 27:111 116 platelet antigen. J Clin Invest 40:1597
19. Pltz G, et al. Hypereosinophilie-Syndrom. Haut- 26. Shulman NR (1972) Immunologic reactions to
arzt drugs. N Engl J Med 286:508 512
20. Raif W, Schubothe H (1979) Durch krperfremde 27. Varga J, Uitto J, Jimenez SA (1992) The cause and
Substanzen induzierte immunhmatologische pathogenesis of the eosinophilia-myalgia syn-
Erkrankungen. Allergologie 2:192 drome. Ann Int Med 116:140 147
21. Raskob GE, George JN (1997) Thrombotic com- 28. Wanamaker WM, Wanamaker SJ, Celesia GG, et
plications of antithrombotic therapy: a paradox al. (1976) Thrombocytopenia associated with
with implications for clinical practice. Ann Intern long-term levodopa therapy. J Am Med Assoc
Med 127:839 841 235:2217
22. Salama A, Mueller-Eckhardt C (1985) The role of 29. Zweiman B, Patten E (1982) Immunohematologic
metabolite-specific antibodies in nomifensine- diseases. J Am Med Assoc 248:2677 2682

Clinical examples are dextran anaphylaxis (see

5.3 Allergic Diseases due to Immune Sects. 5.1.4, 5.7).
5.3.1 Immune Complex Anaphylaxis 5.3.2 Serum Sickness
Binding of antigen by specific antibodies leads Serum sickness was first described by von Pir-
to immune complexes which generally have a quet and Schick, giving rise to the term aller-
protective function leading to clearance of the gy in the following year (see Chap. 1), and rep-
antigen from the organism through activation resents the prototype of immune complex dis-
of the mononuclear phagocyte system [31]. ease [16]. This has been forgotten by some
Furthermore, immune complexes may have a younger allergists. Within 7 14 days after anti-
regulating function in immune response, espe- gen administration, circulating antigen anti-
cially complexes from anti-idiotype antibodies body complexes [5, 12] lead to complement ac-
and antibodies against environmental antigens tivation and activation of Fc * receptors on in-
(network theory according to Jerne). flammatory cells with release of mediators and
However, circulating immune complexes proteases (Fig. 5.23) and clinical symptoms
may induce disease, when by activation of com- such as fever, urticaria, arthralgia, lymph node
plement or Fc * receptors pathogenic reactions swelling, nephritis, endocarditis, and vasculitis
are triggered [17, 28]. [1, 6, 16]. In parallel with the decrease in con-
In the sensitized organism (IgG or IgM anti- centration of free antigens and the increase in
bodies) antigen administration (mostly paren- concentration of specific antibodies, the clini-
terally) may induce anaphylactic immediate re- cal symptoms occur in the phase of circulating
actions clinically manifesting sometimes even immune complexes (Fig. 5.24). This principle
more acutely and dramatically than IgE-medi- was called toxic body by von Pirquet [16].
ated reactions and described under the term Crucial for the elicitation of serum sickness is
immune complex anaphylaxis [1, 20, 26]. the dose of antigen applied; after high doses of
132 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Antigen Antibody complex

Complement Platelets Macrophages


Proteases Mast cell- Micro- Serotonin, Cytokines

activation thrombi Prostaglandins (IL-1, TNF) Fig. 5.23. Sequelae of the
appearance of circulat-
ing immune complexes

agnosis and therapy, new problems have aris-

Complement en. Major elicitors are drugs, especially xenoge-
Vasculitis neic proteins (e.g., antitoxins or antilympho-
cyte antibodies) [18, 19, 25]. Similar symp-
toms, however, may be observed due to bacteri-

Antigen al, viral or tumor antigens. Serum sickness af-

free ter insect stings and allergen-specific immuno-
antibody therapy has been reported [10].
Circulating immune complexes are detect-
able under physiological conditions in healthy
complexes individuals (background value of 10 20 g/ml
aggregated gammaglobulin). These clinically
silent immune complexes may represent idio-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 type-anti-idiotype complexes, as shown in
Antigen Days healthy volunteers with cytotoxic antibodies
Fig. 5.24. Immunologic reaction in a patient with ex- against melanocytes and anti-idiotypic anti-
perimentally induced serum sickness (according to F. bodies [14].
Dixon) Commercial plasma protein solutions (hu-
man serum albumin, but also unmodified
foreign serum in 80 100 % of patients serum gammaglobulin) contain a high percentage of
sickness can be expected. aggregated proteins able to elicit serum sick-
Different types of immune complexes can be ness-like symptoms [19]. By separation of
distinguished according to solubility (< 106 D = these aggregates, the immunogenicity of xeno-
soluble, > 106 D = hardly soluble complexes). geneic protein solutions can be decreased and
For the mechanism of complement activation, the compatibility dramatically improved [19].
refer to Chap. 2, Pathophysiology. Induction of immunological tolerance has
The detection of activated complement been demonstrated against xenogeneic anti-
products, complement consumption, or circu- lymphocyte globulin successfully using highly
lating immune complexes has diagnostic rele- purified monomeric xenogeneic IgG [18].
vance [12, 24, 30]. In serum sickness by animal sera (e.g., snake
While serum sickness was a major problem venom), horse IgG has stronger immunogenic-
at the beginning of the 20th century (animal se- ity than horse albumin as demonstrated in im-
ra as antitoxins), it has almost been forgotten in mune elimination by accelerated elimination in
recent decades. However, today with the devel- sensitized organisms [12, 25].
opment of new biologicals of animal origin After serum sickness has subsided, often
(monoclonal antibodies from the mouse) in di- positive rheuma factors can be demonstrated
5.3 Allergic Diseases due to Immune Complexes 133

(4 6 weeks), which, however, do not contain Table 5.42. Classification of vasculitis according to
specific antigen in the cryoprecipitate possibly pathophysiology (ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic
representing idiotype-anti-idiotype complexes.
The detection of antigen in the disease elicit- Immune complex-mediated
ing immune complexes would be of major diag- ) Purpura Schnlein-Henoch
) Urticaria vasculitis
nostic relevance; however, it is rarely achieved. ) Immune complex vasculitis in infectious disease
(viral, bacterial)
) Drug-induced vasculitis (e.g., sulfonamides)
5.3.3 Allergic (Immune Complex) Vasculitis ) Paraneoplastic vasculitis
) Cryoglobulinemia
Allergic (immune complex) vasculitis is elicit- ) Vasculitis in lupus erythematosus
ed by an immunological type III reaction, when ) Rheumatoid vasculitis
circulating immune complexes in mild antigen ) Serum sickness
) M. Behcet
excess are not eliminated properly by the retic- ) Erythema elevatum et diutinum
uloendothelial system and complement activa- ANCA-associated/-mediated
tion with local attraction and activation of neu- ) Wegeners granulomatosis
trophil granulocytes occurs (experimental ) Microscopic polyangiitis
model of the Arthus phenomenon). Synonyms ) Churg-Strauss syndrome
) Some forms of drug-induced vasculitis
are leukocytoclastic vasculitis, anaphylactic (e.g., thiouracil)
purpura, hypersensitivity angiitis, arterio- Directly antibody-mediated
litis allergica, and vasculitis hyperergica. ) Goodpastures syndrome
Histologically, a perivascular neutrophil infil- ) M. Kawasaki
trate with occasional eosinophils and typical Cell-mediated
) Transplant rejection
leukocytoclasia with nuclear fragments and fi- ) Hemorrhagic pigmentary dermatoses
brinoid degeneration of the vascular wall is ) Other forms of lymphocytic vasculitis
typical (Fig. 5.25). In immunofluorescence or Unknown pathogenesis
immune electron microscopy (Fig. 5.26), de- ) M. Horton
) Takayasus arteriitis
) Polymyalgia rheumatica

Fig. 5.25. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Postcapillary

venules with infiltration of the vessel wall and peri- Fig. 5.26. Demonstration of C3 precipitates in the di-
vascular infiltrate with neutrophils (1:650) (reprinted rect immunofluorescent antibody test performed on
with the consent of Prof. Dr. H.H. Wolf [32]) a patient with allergic vasculitis
134 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

posits of C3, IgG, and IgM can be found. Im- the diascope. Punctual extravasations (pete-
mune complex vasculitis should be differenti- chia) or fluctuating hemorrhages (ecchymosis,
ated from other forms of allergic vasculitis suggillation) occur. A pathophysiological clas-
(e.g., with lymphocytic infiltrates as in pro- sification of inflammatory versus non-inflam-
gressive pigmentary purpura) (Table 5.42) [3, matory purpura is helpful (Table 5.43). Platelet
9, 12, 27]. function is normal, and the Rumpel-Leede test
Clinically, three types of allergic vasculitis is positive.
can be distinguished [32]: The exanthema is symmetrical and often
) Hemorrhagic type (corresponding to pur- pronounced in the lower extremity (hydrostat-
pura Schnlein-Henoch) (Fig. 5.27)
) Papulonecrotic type with necrotizing ul- Table 5.43. Inflammatory and non-inflammatory pur-
cers and scarring (Figs. 5.28, 5.29) pura
) Polymorphic nodular type with urticarial,
maculopapular, and nodular skin lesions Neutrophils: allergic vasculitis
ANCA-associated vasculitis
A special form is urticaria vasculitis with Lymphocytes: progressive pigmentary purpura
long-persisting (> 24 h) wheals with sometimes Granulomatous: granulomatous vasculitis
preceding lupus erythematosus [12, 13, 27] (see Non-inflammatory
Sect. 5.1.3 on Urticaria). Coagulopathy
The cardinal symptom is purpura (Fig. 5.27), Thrombocytopenia
characterized by erythrocyte extravasation, Atrophy (age, corticosteroids)
Vitamin deficiency (vitamin C, scurvy)
which does not disappear under pressure with

Fig. 5.27. Allergic vasculitis (hemorrhagic type) Fig. 5.28. Allergic vasculitis (papulonecrotic type)
5.3 Allergic Diseases due to Immune Complexes 135

Table 5.44. Therapy of immune complex diseases

Antihistamines (H1 and H2 antagonists combined,

serotonin antagonists?)
Mast cell stabilizers
Inhibitors of neutrophil function (e.g., colchicine,
dapsone, clofazemine)
Inhibitors of TNF, pentoxiphyllin, infliximab
Prostaglandin E2?
Cytostatics (cyclophosphamide, cyclosporin A)

Cytostatics (cyclophosphamide) can be used as

well as immunosuppressives (cyclosporin).
Agents with inhibitory effects on neutrophils
are useful such as colchicine, dapsone, or clofa-
zemine [8, 29].
Possible newer approaches comprise prosta-
glandin E2 or TNF-inhibiting pentoxyphyllin or
infliximab [33].

1. Becker EL, Austen KF (1966) Mechanisms of im-
munologic injury of rat peritoneal mast cells. I.
Fig. 5.29. Allergic vasculitis (necrotic type)
The effect of phosphonate inhibitors on the hom-
cytotropic antibody-mediated histamine release
and the first component of rat complement. J Exp
ic pressure). Erythrocyte sedimentation is ele- Med 124:379 395
vated, and circulating immune complexes can 2. Brostoff J, Challacombe SJ (eds) (1987) Food al-
be detected in the serum. In many cases, sys- lergy and intolerance. Tindall, London
temic manifestations of other organs (kidney, 3. Bruckbauer HR, Ollert M, Ring J (1997) Vaskuliti-
den der Haut. Bay Int 17:166 179
lung, CNS, gastrointestinal tract, and heart) 4. Burden AD, Tillman DM, Foley P, Holme E (1996)
may occur. Eliciting antigens may be viruses IgA class anticardiolipin antibodies in cutaneous
(e.g., hepatitis B), bacteria (e.g., streptococci), leukocytoclastic vasculitis. J Am Acad Dermatol
parasites (e.g., schistosoma), tumors (such as 35:411 415
paraneoplastic syndrome), foods [2, 7] or 5. Cochrane CG, Koftler D (1973) Immune complex
disease in experimental animals and man. Adv
drugs. Immunol 16:185
6. Dixon FJ, Vasquez JJ, Weigle WO, Cochrane CG
Therapy. The avoidance of eliciting noxious (1958) Pathogenesis of serum sickness. Arch Pa-
agents as well as treatment of the underlying thol 65:18
disease is vital (Table 5.44). 7. Eisenmann A, Ring J, von der Helm D, Meurer M,
Braun-Falco O (1988) Vasculitis allergica durch
Symptomatically, glucocorticosteroids are Nahrungsmittelallergie. Hautarzt 39:318 321
used; however, their use is controversial. The 8. Fauci AS (1979) Cyclophosphamide therapy of se-
anti-inflammatory effect may be beneficial; on vere systemic necrotizing vasculitis. N Engl J Med
the other hand, the vasoconstrictive effect and 301:235
the immunosuppressive action may prolong 9. Gross WL, Schmitt WH, Lotti T (1995) ANCA-as-
soziierte Vaskulitiden. Hautarzt 46:511 524
the disease. 10. Hunt HJ, Valentine MD, Sobotha AK, Junginger
Antihistamines are recommended by some JW, Lichtenstein LM (1976) Serum sickness asso-
authors to decrease endothelial permeability. ciated with nonvenom protein in mixed hyme-
136 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

noptera whole body extract. J Allergy Clin Immu- leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Results of a prospec-
nol 57:246 254 tive, randomized controlled trial. Arch Dermatol
11. Jenette CJ, Milling DM, Falk RJ (1994) Vasculitis 131:1399 1402
affecting the skin. Arch Dermatol 130:899 906 23. Scherer R, Wolff HH (1979) Vasculitis allergica.
12. Kohler PF (1983) Immune complexes and allergic Allergologie 2:62
disease. In: Middleton E, Ellis EF, Reed CE (eds) 24. Sedlacek HH (1980) Pathophysiological aspects
Allergy, principles and practice, 2nd edn. Mosby, of immune complex diseases. Klin Wochenschr
St. Louis, pp 167 199 58:543 593
13. Meurer M (1981) Urticarial vasculitis. In: Ring J, 25. Seifert J, Land W, Ring J, Lob G, Brendel W (1978)
Burg G (eds) New trends in allergy. Springer, Ber- Antigen-Eliminationstechnik. Fortschr Med 96:
lin Heidelberg New York, pp 148 151 695 697
14. Morgan AC Jr, Rossen R, Twomey JJ (1979) Natu- 26. Smedegard G, Revenas B, Arfors KE (1979) Ana-
rally occurring circulating immune complexes: phylaxis in the monkey: hemodynamics and
normal serum contains idiotype-anti-idotype blood flow distribution. Acta Physiol Scand 106:
complexes dissociable by certain IgG antiglobu- 191 198
lins. J Immunol 122:1672 27. Soter NA, Austen KF, Gigli I (1974) Urticaria and
15. Ollert, deleted in production arthralgias as manifestations of necrotizing angi-
16. Pirquet C v, Schick B (1905) Die Serumkrankheit. itis (vasculitis). J Invest Dermatol 63:485 490
Deutike, Leipzig 28. Sylvestre DL, Ravetch JV (1994) Fc receptors ini-
17. Ravetch JV (1994) Fc receptors: Rubor redux. Cell tiate the Arthus reaction: Redefining the inflam-
78:533 560 matory cascade. Science 265:1095 1098
18. Ring J, Seifert J, Lob G, Coulin K, Angstwurm H, 29. Theissen U, Luger TA, Schwarz T (1996) Erfolg-
Frick E, Brass B, Mertin I, Backmund H, Brendel reiche topische Anwendung von Cyclosporin A
W (1974) Intensive immunosuppression in the bei Pyoderma gangraenosum. Hautarzt 47:132
treatment of multiple sclerosis. Lancet II:1093 135
19. Ring J, Seifert J, Seiler F, Brendel W (1976) Im- 30. Theofilopoulos AN, Dixon FJ (1980) Detection of
proved compatibility of ALG therapy by applica- immune complexes; techniques and implications.
tion of aggregate free globulin. Int Arch Allergy Hosp Pract 15:107
Appl Immunol 52:227 234 31. van Furth R, Cohn ZA, Hirsch JG, et al. (1972)
20. Ring J (1978) Anaphylaktoide Reaktionen nach The mononuclear phagocyte system: a new clas-
Infusion natrlicher und knstlicher Kolloide. sification of macrophages, monocytes, and their
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York precursor cells. Bull Wld Hlth Org 46:845
21. Ruzicka T, Burg G (1987) Effects of chronic intra- 32. Wolff HH, Scherer R (1981) Allergic vasculitis. In:
cutaneous administration of arachidonic acid Ring J, Burg G (eds) New trends in allergy.
and its metabolites. Induction of leukocytoclastic Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 140
vasculitis by leukotriene B4 and 12-hydroxyeico- 147
satetraenoic acid and its prevention by prosta- 33. Zhang Y, Ramos BF, Jakschik BA (1992) Neutro-
glandin E2. J Invest Dermatol 88:120 123 phil recruitment by tumor necrosis factor from
22. Sais G, Vidaller A, Jucgla A, Gallardo F, Peyri J mast cells in immune complex peritonitis. Sci-
(1995) Colchicine in the treatment of cutaneous ence 258:1957 1959

eases, hypersensitivity pneumonitis is not a

5.4 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis rare disease [6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 34].
(Allergic Alveolitis)
5.4.1 Definition 5.4.2 Clinical Symptoms and Diagnosis
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (exogenous al- The first description dates back to Ramazzini
lergic alveolitis) (previously also classified un- (1718) as pneumonia-like disease in merchants
der pneumoconioses) represents an allergic after contact with grain dust. As allergic dis-
disease of the alveoli and terminal bronchi ease, farmers lung was classified by Pepys [24]
against fine dusty, mostly organic material oc- and bagassosis by Salvaggio [28] in the 1960s
curring with precipitating antibodies. Hyper- after first reports by Gronemeyer in 1951.
sensitivity pneumonitis has aspects of both An acute and chronic form are distin-
type III and IV reactions with lymphocytic and guished. In the acute form, 4 6 h after expo-
granulomatous reactions. In 2 % of airway dis- sure dyspnea with tachypnea, coughing (some-
5.4 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Allergic Alveolitis) 137

Table 5.45. Symptoms and signs of hypersensitivity Blood count shows leukocytosis with devia-
pneumonitis tion, sometimes eosinophilia. The differential
Common cold 91 % diagnosis (Table 5.46) includes bronchial asth-
Dyspnea 85 % ma as type I reaction (sometimes elicited by
Cough 82 % similar exposure) which can be excluded by pre-
Shivering 56 % cipitating antibodies and negative IgE as well as
Sputum expectoration 51 %
Malaise 47 % lung function (no obstructive ventilatory dis-
Tightness of chest 42 % turbance). The family history of atopy is nega-
Weight loss 31 % tive. In the bronchial provocation test, the reac-
Nightly sweating 29 % tion occurs after 4 6 h as diffusion disturbance.
Headache 25 %
Nausea 19 % More difficult to diagnose are chronic
Loss of appetite 18 % courses characterized by dry coughing, general
Rhinitis/pharyngitis 15 % malaise, weight loss, sometimes increased ESR,
Myalgia 14 % leukocytosis and hypergammaglobulinemia.
Vertigo 12 %
Hemoptoe 8%
In the X-ray, signs of lung fibrosis are found.
Auscultatory noises 73 % Patients are often treated for long periods as
Fever 40 % having common cold, bronchitis, etc. Other
Leukocytosis 76 % differential diagnoses are listed in Table 5.47.
CRP elevation 72 %
ESR elevation 46 %

Table 5.47. Differential diagnoses of hypersensitivity

times itchy throat), fever, fatigue, myalgia, pneumonitis
headache, tightness of the chest, as well as spu- Toxic lung disease
tum (sometimes hemoptoe) develop. In the Organic toxic alveolitis
auscultation, a fine vesicular noise is heard, (organic dust toxic syndrome, ODTS)
changing to rough basal noises and the typical Byssinosis
end-expiratory rattling noise followed by fi- Harvesters fever
Pig breeders fever
brotic noises in inspiration (sclerosiphony) Humidifier fever
(Table 5.45). Anorganic toxic alveolitis
Chest X-ray shows small patches of nodular Metal smoke fever
shadows (1 3 mm) and milky opacification. Polymer smoke fever
Silo workers disease
Lung function shows restrictive ventilatory
disturbance as well as disturbed diffusion ca- Autoimmune alveolitis
pacity (diminished for CO2). Decreased arterial Interstitial lung disease
oxygen concentrations are found, especially af- e.g., sarcoidosis
Pneumoconioses (berylliosis, asbestosis, silicosis)
ter exercise [34].

Table 5.46. Differential diagnosis between allergic bronchial asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Symptoms Allergic asthma Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Symptoms Wheezing, acute attacks Dyspnea, fever, cough, general symptoms
Latency <1 h 6 12 h
Duration (after exposure) Mostly hours Days
History of atopy Positive Negative
Chest X-ray, acute Lung inflation Infiltrates
Chronic Emphysema Fibrosis
Lung function Obstructive diffusion disturbance Restrictive diffusion disturbance
Skin test Immediate reaction (20 min) Type III reaction (8 24 h)
Serology RAST+ Precipitating antibodies +
Bronchial provocation testa Immediate reaction Delayed reaction (4 12 h)
Note the different parameters of lung function disturbance
138 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

ODTS HP Table 5.48. Differential

diagnosis between
Exposure Massive Little to moderate organic dust toxic syn-
Selection All exposed Certain individuals drome (ODTS) and hy-
Course 1 day Days to weeks persensitivity pneumo-
Chest X-ray Negative Infiltrates nitis (HP)
IgG antibodies ++
Lung function Normal to mild restriction Strong restriction
BAL 3 d PMIV increased Lymphocytosis

Table 5.49. Diagnostic criteria for hypersensitivity infiltrates (type IV reaction) with the beginnings
pneumonitis (German Society for Allergology and of granuloma formation and multinuclear giant
Clinical Immunology) [3]. For diagnosis of hypersen-
sitivity pneumonitis, criteria 1 3 plus 1 additional cells are observed (see Sect. 5.8).
criterion have to be positive In chronic conditions, fibrotic changes are
1. Allergen exposure During bronchoalveolar lavage, a decreased
2. Symptoms of alveolitis
3. IgG/IgA antibodies CD4/CD8 ratio with increased lymphocytes of
4. Pathologic lung function (diffusion, hypoxemia) the TH1 secretion type is typical. Sometimes
5. Typical chest X-ray infiltrates TH2 can be found [4]. In direct immunofluores-
6. Typical BAL findings cence, deposits of immunoglobulins in alveolar
7. Positive bronchial provocation
walls have been observed [1, 6, 34].
In the blood, a high concentration of IgG an-
tibodies (mostly as precipitins in immunodif-
Toxic irritative processes through endotoxins fusion) against eliciting allergens can be de-
or other irritants in organic materials can in- tected. The immune complexes thus formed
duce bronchoalveolar diseases [7, 11, 13, 20, 21, and deposited lead to activation of macro-
22, 27, 34, 38, 41] (Table 5.48): byssinosis in cot- phages, maintaining further inflammatory
ton wool workers, grain dust (harvesting dust) processes. It is interesting that non-smokers
disease, flax or hemp workers lung. In these have a higher incidence of hypersensitivity
cases, no relevant sensitization can be demon- pneumonitis, possibly due to inhibition of
strated immunologically or in provocation macrophage functions in smokers [16, 39].
tests. Silo workers disease through toxic effects Antibodies may also be detected by comple-
of nitric gases, furriers disease with foreign ment fixation [30, 32, 34] or using indirect im-
body granulomas around animal hair in lung munofluorescence (e.g., bird feathers) or en-
tissue as well as autoimmune alveolitis (in lu- zyme or radioimmunoassays.
pus erythematodes or scleroderma) need to be The interpretation of antibody results is dif-
differentiated (see the diagnostic criteria for ficult since they also may be found in healthy
hypersensitivity pneumonitis of the German exposed individuals, although in lower concen-
Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunolo- trations. More detailed investigations (long-
gy as well as the German Society for Pneumolo- term follow-up) and accidental autopsies of
gy in Table 5.49). possibly asymptomatic exposed persons have
yielded evidence that in many cases a clinically
latent, but minimal form of alveolitis may be
5.4.3 Pathophysiology
present in these individuals.
There are three phases in the histological chang- In the skin test sometimes after an imme-
es (Fig. 5.30): In the acute phase (4 30 h), peri- diate reaction the occurrence of a papule after
vascular infiltrates of neutrophil and eosinophil 6 12 h up to 24 h is characteristic (80 % in hy-
granulocytes predominate, which transmigrate persensitivity pneumonitis, 50 % in exposed
through the alveolar walls (type III reaction). In individuals with demonstrable antibody, 10 %
the further course (30 h to weeks), mononuclear in non-exposed controls). Histologically, leu-
5.4 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Allergic Alveolitis) 139

Alveolar epithelium


Alveolar space Interstitium


Mo T (CD4)

Fig. 5.30. Pathophysiolo-

gy of exogenous allergic
alveolitis PMN

kocytoclastic vasculitis with immunoglobulin The classic example of hypersensitivity

and complement deposits in direct immunoflu- pneumonitis is farmers lung elicited by bacte-
orescence can be found. Unfortunately, skin ria, especially thermophilic actinomycetes with
tests are not often routinely performed since spores between 0.8 and 2 m in diameter, able
allergen extracts are poorly purified and stan- to penetrate alveolar spaces. These microor-
dardized; false-positive reactions are common. ganisms are especially dominant in moldy hay
Bronchial provocation tests after exposure with high humidity and temperature (45 %).
(mixing dust or using nebulizers) should be One gram of moldy hay may contain 108 spores
performed under inpatient conditions. of Micropolyspora faeni. Farmers lung is more
common in humid regions in dairy farmers
and late winter when the fresh hay has already
5.4.4 Allergens and Common Forms
been used.
of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
In central Europe, hypersensitivity pneu-
Organic allergens of animal or plant origin, but monitis is common in bird breeders with anti-
also chemicals and drugs, are common elicitors bodies against allergens in bird droppings (but
of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (Table 5.50) also feathers, serum, and eggs), mostly gam-
[2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19, 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 40]. maglobulins and albumin with cross-reactivi-
140 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.50. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: allergens and diseases (according to [34])

Allergen (most common) Diseasea Allergen source
Micropolyspora faeni, Farmers lung Damp hay, grain
Thermoactinomyces vulgaris
Thermoactinomyces sacchari Humidifier lung Humidifiers and air conditioners
Multiple microbial agents Water vapor lung bagassosis Moldy sugarcane
Tobacco workers lung Tobacco leaves
Fungal waste
Moldy cotton
Alcalase, maxatase Washing powder lung Enzymes from B. subtilis
Alternaria and others Wood cutters lung Moldy wood
Alternaria Paper workers lung Moldy paper mix
Cryptostoma corticale Maplebark lung Moldy maple bark
Penicillium frequentans Cork workers lung (suberosis) Cork (Portugal)
Penicillium casei Cheese washers lung Moist cheese storages
Penicillium brevicompactum Tomato breeders lung Tomatoes
Aspergillus clavatus Malt workers lung Malt in breweries
Aspergillus fumigatus Espartosis Fiber production from esparto grass
Streptomyces olivaceus New Guinea lung Straw roofs
Cephalosporium trochoderma Textile workers lung Textile fibers
Botrytis cinerea Winemakers lung Grapes
Various fungi Coptic lung Mummies
Pleurotus florida Fungi workers lung Edible fungi (oyster mushroom)
Mixed fungi Fruit farmers lung Fruit in cooling rooms
Moldy lung Organic waste, moldy cotton
Plant allergens
Wood fiber Wood dust alveolitis Wood cutting dust
Animal allergens
Bird dust (feathers, feces, egg) Bird breeders lung Bird droppings, bed feathers
Bread beetle protein (Sitoph. gran.) Bread beetles lung Grain and flour
Fish proteins Fish flour lung Millers lung
Pig epithelium Pig hair lung Animal feeding
Rat serum antigens Animal keepers Rat urine
Pituitary extracts Pituitary sniffers lung
Pancreatin Pancreatin powder Pharmaceutical industry
Silkworm proteins Silk breeders lung Silkworm
Crustacea dust Crustacean lung Pearl oyster handling
Gold salts
Isocyanates Isocyanate alveolitis Plastic production
Acid anhydrides Chemicals Plastic, glues
Silicon implants
a The term alveolitis should be preferred to the common term lung
5.4 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Allergic Alveolitis) 141

ties between various bird species (budgerigar, hypersensitivity pneumonitis through hay dust
parrot, canary, etc.) [6, 34, 37]. The fine dust of or isocyanates.
dry pigeon feces seems to be especially aller- In this context, other forms of mold allergy
genic. In Germany, there are an estimated together with an infection occurring in the pa-
110,000 pigeon breeders. The prevalence of hy- ranasal sinuses should be mentioned such as
persensitivity pneumonitis is estimated at the recently described allergic fungal sinusi-
0.2 10 % of exposed individuals. In the United tis (see also Sect. 5.1.1 on Rhinitis).
Kingdom, 12 % of the population is supposed
to keep birds (mostly budgerigars) without
5.4.6 Therapy of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
alarming figures of high prevalences of hyper-
sensitivity pneumonitis. A study from the is- Strict allergen avoidance is the primary com-
land of Gotland revealed among farmers a mandment. Prophylactic measures include re-
10 100 times higher prevalence of IgE-mediat- duction of allergen concentrations through
ed allergic diseases (especially against house- constructing better and drier storage rooms.
dust and storage mites) than hypersensitivity With air masks, the amount of inhaled allergen
pneumonitis [36]. can be reduced. The airstream helmet with an
In preparing lists of allergens and corre- airflow passing through a filter can be used dur-
sponding diseases, it has to be considered that ing work [18]. A new mask is the Dust Master;
not infrequently several allergens of various or- there are also half-masks (3M Co.). In highly
igin (bacteria, fungi, parasites) are involved to- sensitized individuals, a change of occupation
gether in the elicitation of the disease (e.g., hu- or cessation of the exposed work is the only way.
midifier lung) (Table 5.50). Glucocorticosteroids may reduce the symp-
Rare cases are observed under treatment toms of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Doses
with pituitary gland extracts, in the preparation between 40 and 60 mg prednisolone (in chil-
of pancreatin, in fungi farming, under nitrofu- dren 0.2 mg/kg body wt.) are given; steroid
rantoin treatment (3 weeks after beginning), medication is, however, no alternative to aller-
with ACE inhibitors, or with silicon implants. gen avoidance!
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis can also oc- For therapy control, measurement of vital
cur in animals (e.g., horses) [33]. capacity, diffusion capacity, and O2 partial
pressure under exercise are recommended.
The efficacy of cromoglycate is controver-
5.4.5 Allergic Bronchopulmonary Mycosis
sial. Allergen-specific immunotherapy in hy-
The disease of allergic bronchopulmonary my- persensitivity pneumonitis is contraindicated.
cosis (mostly aspergillosis) needs to be distin- In severe cases, cytostatics and immunosup-
guished from hypersensitivity pneumonitis; it pressives are given [34, 42].
develops mostly on the basis of a chronic bron-
chial asthma and consists of a combination of
type I and III allergy together with intrabron- References
chial colonization with molds. Relapsing lung
infiltrates in patients with allergic bronchial 1. Allen DH, Basten A, Woolcock AJ (1977) Studies of
asthma are characteristic [35]. In the diagnosis, cell and humoral immunity in birdbreeders hyper-
precipitating antibodies together with specific sensitivity pneumonitis. Am Rev Resp Dis 115:45
2. Bck O, Lindgren R, Wiman LG (1974) Nitrofuran-
IgE antibodies, dual skin reactions, as well as toin induced pulmonary fibrosis and lupus syn-
positive demonstration of molds in the sputum drome. Lancet I:930
culture are relevant [34]. Other diseases due to 3. Bergmann KC, Costabel U, Knape H, Kroidl R,
aspergilli are aspergillus pneumonia as well as Mller-Wening D, Repp H, Rust M, Schwarz H,
aspergilloma. Sennekamp J (1990b) Empfehlungen zur Diagno-
sestellung einer exogen-allergischen Alveolitis.
Besides allergic bronchopulmonary myco- Allergologie 13:111
sis, there are true combinations of type I and III 4. Boyd G, McSharry C, McLeod K, Sriram S, Boyd F
reactions such as exogenic allergic asthma and (1999) Lymphocyte responses in pigeon breeders
142 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

with extrinsic allergic alveolitis/hypersensitivity 24. Pepys J (1994) Farmer lungs a needle in a hay-
pneumonitis (EAA/HP) are predominantly T stack, and Pandoras box. Allergy Clin Immunol
helper 2-type. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 159:A742 News 6:68
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staub. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat 324:263 M, Skinner F (1963) Farmers lung. Thermophilic
6. Fink JN (1992) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis. actinomycetes as a source of farmers lung hay
Clinics in chest Medicine 13:303 antigen. Lancet II:607
7. Fruhmann G (1988b) Pneumokoniosen durch or- 26. Raulf M, Liebers V, Steppert C, Baur X (1994) In-
ganisches Material. Deutsches rzteblatt 85:3170 creased gamma/delta positive T-cells in pneumo-
8. Fuchs A, Liebetrau G (1989) Die Vogelhalterlunge nitis. Eur Respir J 7:140
eine Form der exogen allergischen Alveolitis. Z 27. Rylander R, Malmberg P (1992a) Non-infectious
Klein Med 44:1407 fever: inhalation fever or toxic alveolitis? Br J In-
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ple precipitins to cows milk in chronic respirato- 28. Salvaggio JE, Buechner HA, Seabury H (1966) Ba-
ry disease. Am J Dis Child 103:634 gassosis I. Precipitins against extracts of crude
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11:67 72 Respiratory and immunological reactions among
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tionelle Besonderheiten bei der exogen-allergi- Clin Exp Allergy 20:13
schen Alveolitis. Allergologie 9:137 30. Schatz M, Patterson R (1977) Immunopathogene-
12. Kroidl RF, Nowak D, Seysen U (1994b) Exogen- sis of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. J Allergy
allergische Alveolitis: Probleme und Fehler bei Clin Immunol 60:27
der Begutachtung. Allergologie 17:75 31. Schulz KH, Felten G, Hausen BM, Noster U (1974)
13. Malmberg P, Rask-Andersen A (1993b) Organic Allergy to spores of Pleurotus Florida. Lancet
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14. Marinkovich VA (1975) Hypersensitivity alveoli- 32. Schultze-Werninghaus G, Rust M (1988b) Asth-
tis. J Am Med Assoc 231:944 ma bronchiale und allergische Alveolitis durch
15. McCarthy DS, Pepys J (1971) Allergic broncho- Berufsallergene. Allergologie II:437
pulmonary aspergillosis. Clinical immunology: 33. Seeliger HPR, Shler H (1975) Farmerlunge beim
1. Clinical features, 2. Skin, nasal and bronchial Tier. Berl Mnch Tierrztl Wochenschr 88:163
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16. McSharry C, Banham SW, Boyd G (1985) Effect of litis. Dustri, Munich
cigarette smoking on the antibody response to in- 35. Slavin RG, Million L, Cherry J (1970) Allergic
haled antigens and the prevalence of extrinsic al- bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: characteriza-
lergic alveolitis among pigeon breeders. Clin Al- tion of antibodies and results of treatment. J Al-
lergy 15:487 lergy Clin Immunol 46:150
17. Molina C (1984) Immunopathologie broncho- 36. van Hage-Hamsten M, Johansson SGO, Hglund
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test. Chest 95:100 Activation of blood neutrophils in acute episodes
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20. Newman-Taylor A, Pickering CAC, Turner-War- 39. Warren CPW (1977) Extrinsic allergic alveolitis: a
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21. Olenchock SA, May JJ, Pratt DS, et al. (1990) Pres- maladie des laveurs de fromage (Ksewascher-
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23. Patterson R (1978d) Studies of hypersensitivity ins. J Med Pharma Chem 4:497
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dioimmunoassay as a potential diagnostic acid. J monitis: A comprehensive review. J Invest Aller-
Allergy Clin Immunol 61:216 gol Clin Immunol 11:3 15
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 143

ma in its 1,400 years of history has served a

5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema useful life and is understood by lay people [2, 7,
49, 68]. The earliest definition by Aetius from
5.5.1 Definition and Classification
Amida described something like boiling, foa-
The various forms of eczematous skin diseases ming (ekzeo = Im boiling) [2]. Interestingly,
are the most common skin diseases (approxi- this idea illustrates very well the most modern
mately 5 10 % of the population). The terms pathophysiology of dermoepidermal inflam-
dermatitis and eczema are often used inter- mation with the subsequent intercellular ede-
changeably to describe a disease best defined ma formation (spongiosis).
according to Miescher [42] (Table 5.51). Der- The colorful spectrum of eczematous dis-
matitis/eczema is characterized by a strong eases may lead to confusion since definitions
itching sensation, a relapsing clinical course are given according to variable criteria (mor-
and a tendency to chronification. phology, localization, route of contact, kinetics,
The following different forms of eczematous etiology, or pathophysiology). It is most unfor-
diseases can be distinguished (Table 5.52). In tunate that the term contact dermatitis only
the United States, the term dermatitis is often focuses on the route of elicitation and does not
used identically to eczema; some want to stop describe the actual difference in pathophysiol-
using the term eczema [1]. The name ecze- ogy to atopic eczema, which also can be elicited
by external contact (see below). Therefore the
Table 5.51. Definition of dermatitis/eczema
common classification as it is used in most
textbooks (Table 5.52) is not very logical. Earli-
) Non-contagious epidermodermitis with typical er the term vulgar eczema [28] was used for
) clinical (itch, erythema, papule, seropapule,
contact dermatitis; however, this is not an at-
vesicle, desquamation, crusting, lichenification
in the sense of synchronous or metachronous tractive diagnosis to give a patient today.
polymorphism) and Therefore one should focus on the different
) dermatohistological (spongiosis, akanthosis, characteristics between atopic eczema and
parakeratosis, lymphocytic infiltration into the contact dermatitis both pathophysiologically
epidermis) manifestation
) mostly on the basis of hypersensitivity and clinically (Table 5.53).
In the recent nomenclature consensus of the
WAO, a new classification of dermatitis was
Table 5.52. Classification of dermatitis/eczema proposed, restricting the term eczema to the
Contact dermatitis forms of what has so far been called atopic ec-
) Allergic zema/dermatitis (Table 5.54). Thus only the al-
) Irritative-toxic lergic (extrinsic with IgE involvement) in
Atopic and non-atopic eczema contrast to the non-allergic (intrinsic with-
Seborrheic dermatitis
Nummular (microbial) dermatitis
out detection of IgE sensitization) variant
Unclassified dermatitis should be named atopic. The nummular form

Table 5.53. Differences Contact Atopic eczema

between contact derma- dermatitis
titis and atopic eczema
Genetic disposition +
Elicitation (route) Contact ?
Psychosomatic influence ++
Type of allergic reaction IVa I+IVb
Antibodies IgE
T cells (elicitation) TH1 TH2
Allergens Haptens Proteins
Amplifying cells PMN? EOS, mast cells
Role of allergens Established Controversial
Diagnosis Patch test Prick, specific IgE, atopy patch test
144 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Dermatitis Table 5.54. Proposal of

a new classification of
Eczema Contact dermatitis Other forms dermatitis/eczema
(according to WAO
Atopic Non-atopic Irritative-toxic Allergic Nummular, 2004; Chap. 1)
seborrheic, etc.

Body area Most common Differential diagnosis Table 5.55. Preferable

form characteristics of cer-
tain forms of dermatitis
Dorsum of hands CD AE in various localizations
Palms/soles AE CD IT Tinea (AE, atopic eczema;
Fingertips AE CD IT CD, contact dermatitis;
Scalp SD CD AE Psoriasis IT, irritative-toxic der-
External ear SD CD Psoriasis matitis; SD, seborrheic
Eyelid AE CD SD dermatitis)
Oral mucosa IT CD
Mamilla AE CD Morbus Paget, scabies
Anal IT CD AE Psoriasis
Genital IT AE Scabies
Lower leg CD AE Venous insufficiency (stasis dermatitis?)
Post-traumatic IT CE

also called dysregulative microbial [31] is Table 5.56. Clinical and histological distinctions be-
still not well understood in its pathophysiolo- tween irritative-toxic and allergic contact dermatitis
gy. In childhood, it seems to be a variant of Irritative-toxic Allergic
atopic eczema.
Clinical characteristics
Whether seborrheic dermatitis [65], first Margin Sharp Spreading
defined by Unna, really represents this type of Polymorphism + +++
inflammation or rather a superficial skin infec- Kinetic Decrescendo Crescendo
tion (e.g., P. ovale) is under discussion [20]. Pain ++ +/
Contact dermatitis and atopic eczema are Itch + +++
the most common forms, followed by nummu- Histology
lar, seborrheic and other forms of dermatitis. Spongiosis 0 +++
Exocytosis ++ ++
One can also classify according to localiza- Vesiculation Non-spongiotic Spongiotic
tion (e.g., hand, lower leg dermatitis) for prac- Keratinocyte
tical reasons. The prevalence of certain forms necrosis ++ 0
differs according to localization (Table 5.55). Eosinophils 0 +
Neutrophils + 0
The entity of stasis dermatitis is controver- Mononuclear
sial. infiltrates + +
Clinical subtypes are dyshidrotic dermati- Edema + 0
tis (pompholyx), which often turns when in
chronification into hyperkeratotic-rhagadi-
form dermatitis [4, 17, 46, 58]. titis) develops after irritation, usually show-
ing sharp margins and no spreading phenome-
na. It occurs in any individual without a pecu-
5.5.2 Contact Dermatitis liar genetic disposition. Special forms are dia-
per dermatitis in infants and intertrigo. The Pathophysiology
chronic (cumulative-toxic) form develops
Contact dermatitis can be either due to toxic or more slowly in disposed individuals (frequent-
to allergic mechanisms (Table 5.56). Acute tox- ly atopics) and is due to skin barrier distur-
ic contact dermatitis (irritant contact derma- bance; it occurs most commonly in house-
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 145

wives, hairdressers, metal workers, as well as Clinical Manifestations of Classic
health personnel. The most important noxious
Contact Dermatitis
agents are: water, detergents, acids, alkali, sol-
vents, secretions, mechanical factors, etc. A Usually in contact dermatitis, sensitization and
subtype can be classified as exsiccation der- elicitation occur through epidermal contact;
matitis [8] after excessive washing. but there are also systemically elicited forms
Allergic contact dermatitis is due to an im- (hematogenous) where either sensitization
munologic reaction of type IVa (sensitized T or elicitation occur via systemic allergen ad-
lymphocytes of TH1 type under IL-12 media- ministration [29, 35, 48] mostly via the gut. The
tion) [3, 13, 14, 19, 20, 27, 34, 36, 60, 62, 64]. Af- most common elicitors of systemic contact der-
ter skin contact, a specific hapten (e.g., chro- matitis are drugs as well as foods and aromatic
mate) is bound to an epidermal carrier protein, substances (flavors).
recognized by Langerhans cells [9, 19, 26, 27, The clinical symptoms (Figs. 5.31 5.40) in
37, 38, 56, 61, 62] in the epidermis. Metal ions the acute stage are of exsudative character (ery-
(e.g., nickel) have been reported as possibly thematous, vesicular, crusted), and in the
leading to a structural alteration of the HLA- chronic stage more infiltrative (papules, liche-
DR complex [34]. In the regional lymph nodes nification, hyperkeratosis).
[61], antigen is presented to T lymphocytes, The most common contact allergens (see
which then circulate in the orgnism and after Sect. 3.2.2) are metals (nickel, chromate, co-
renewed antigen contact migrate as specifically balt), rubber accelerators (used during vulcani-
sensitized T cells to the skin using the skin zation as antioxidants or stabilizers, not rubber
homing receptor CLA (cutaneous lymphocyte proteins themselves!), ointment vehicles (e.g.,
antigen) and secrete or release certain cyto- lanolin, woolwax, emulsifiers, etc.), epoxy res-
kines [13, 36, 64]. Apart from Langerhans cells, ins (solvents, hardeners in resins, sensitizing
other dendritic cells in the epidermis may be agents mostly are monomers and dimers, not
involved during inflammation and tolerance
induction [6, 27].
So-called group allergy develops when
different haptens are transformed by coupling
to the carrier into identical substances. Cou-
pling allergy describes the common phenom-
enon of concomitant allergic sensitizations
against different substances in the same patient
due to common occurrence of allergens in the
The molecular characteristics of contact al-
lergenicity are better understood than that of
protein allergens. A crucial characteristic is the Fig. 5.31. Fingertip dermatitis seen in a dentist
binding of the hapten to proteins [5, 39], which
can occur through electrophil haptens (cova-
lent binding with certain protein structures,
e.g., benzochinone), nucleophil haptens (e.g.,
mercaptobenzothiazole), and lipophil haptens,
which directly integrate within the cell mem-
brane (e.g., urushiol from poison ivy).
Certain haptens only become immunologi-
cally active under UV influence (see Sect. 5.6 on
Most contact allergens also have a certain ir-
ritative potency. Fig. 5.32. Dyshidrotic hand dermatitis
146 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.33. Cumulative toxic hand dermatitis Fig. 5.34. Foot dermatitis (allergy to antimycotic med-

Fig. 5.35. Irritative contact dermatitis due to artificial Fig. 5.36. Allergy to coins containing nickel
application of a disinfectant

Fig. 5.37. Dermatitis caused by excessive licking of the lips Fig. 5.38. Contact stomatitis

a b

Fig. 5.39a,b. Nickel allergy (dermatitis caused by a headband)

5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 147

a b

Fig. 5.40a,b. Nickel allergy (dermatitis caused by eyeglass frames)

the polymers), disinfectants (formaldehyde,

parabens), drugs (there is a strong increase in
iatrogenic sensitizations through rheuma and
venous insufficiency ointments) as well as
plants; the most common phytoallergens are
sesquiterpenlactones from composites (= Aste-
raceae) such as chrysanthemum, arnica, cham-
omile, mugwort, as well as chinoid eczemato-
gens from exotic woods [5, 30]. There is no al-
lergen cross-reaction to the pollen of the re-
spective plants!
Contact dermatitis can also be elicited via
the air (airborne contact dermatitis), which
often is confused with photoallergy. The Patch Test

Since the first description of the patch test by J.
Jadassohn in 1895 [33], the patch test is the
classical method for diagnosis of contact der-
matitis [4, 10, 15, 18, 20, 52, 55, 56]. The aller-
gen is diluted properly (adequate concentra-
tions have to be determined first in healthy vol-
unteers in order to avoid toxic reactions) in an
indifferent vehicle (mostly petrolatum) and
fixed to a patch on the skin. Patches either are Fig. 5.41. Positive test reaction to phytoallergens (iris)
fixed in aluminum foil or aluminum chambers
(Finn chambers). A new technique uses aller- papules, confluent vesicles, erosion), IR = irri-
gen-coated thin layer foils (TRUE test, thin lay- tative reaction (Figs. 5.41, 5.42)]. In special
er rapid use epicutaneous test) [21]. After 1 or cases, a third reading after 1 or 2 weeks may be
2 days, the patch is removed. The test reaction indicated.
is read after 24/48 and after 72 h and graded The open patch test (reading after 20 min) is
from 0 to +++ [0 = negative, (?) = questionable used in the diagnosis of contact urticaria (see
(erythema), + = weakly positive (erythema Sect. 5.1.3).
and infiltration, single papules), ++ = strongly The contact allergy time (CAT) as the time
positive (erythema, infiltrate, papules, and ves- interval needed to become sensitized against
icles), +++ = very strongly positive (erythema, neoantigens through epidermal contact deter-
148 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

This requires a high degree of expertise on the

part of the physician and cooperation from the
patient. Nevertheless, some test reactions re-
main unexplained when the substance is ubiq-
uitous or when the occurrence is unrecognized.
In unclear cases, an epidermal provocation
test (repeated open application test = ROAT) is
used [32]: the substance suspected (e.g., cos-
metic) is applied twice daily over 7 days into the
elbow flexure, the volar forearm or the cheek.
The open application avoids the risk of false-
positive reactions.
Fig. 5.42. Positive epidermal test When there are more than five positive test
reactions except group allergies angry
back syndrome should be suspected (see
mines the afferent part of the cellular immune above). Substances should be retested in single
response quantitatively [11]. small groups, especially in forensic, occupa-
Allergic and toxic reactions can be distin- tional situations or if lifesaving drugs are con-
guished: toxic reactions are sharply marginat- cerned [8, 59].
ed, reach their maximum earlier (24 48 h) and The selection of substances to be tested fol-
are also positive in normal individuals lows a careful history. There are standard selec-
(> 20 %). Besides toxic reactions, false-positive tions through national or international contact
test results may occur through other factors of dermatitis research groups (ICDRG) and addi-
irritation such as adhesive tape irritation, too tional specific blocks for special situations
high concentrations, allergy against test mate- (occupation, localization, etc.) [4, 5, 8, 10, 18,
rials, or concomitant to other very strong reac- 22, 23, 52, 55, 59].
tions (angry back or excited skin syn- Only clear-cut positive and well-defined al-
drome) [12, 40, 42, 44]. Substances with a ten- lergens (no ointment mixtures!) should be doc-
dency to elicit false-positive reactions are: umented in the allergy passport! Weakly posi-
chromate, formaldehyde, thiomersal, and fra- tive or possibly irritative or angry back-in-
grance mix. Primary toxic substances may only duced test results should not be included be-
be tested in very special cases with a clear-cut cause of potential lifelong and forensic conse-
history (e.g., tear gas) and in high dilution. quences [8]. However, they should be recorded
False-negative test results occur under long- in the files.
term glucocorticoid treatment or with too low Particular problems occur with question-
concentrations (see Sect. 4.2). External steroid able allergies against dental prosthetic materi-
therapy should be stopped 1 week prior to als where often psychosomatic influences play
patch tests. On the day of patch testing, no oint- a role or against metal implant materials after
ments at all should be applied. Antihistamines, orthopedic surgery (often positive nickel patch
beta-adrenergics, and xanthins do not influ- test reactions are not relevant for the implanted
ence patch test reactions. Strong UV radiation material situation) as well as against cosmetics
should be avoided 4 weeks prior to testing. due to the high number of possible substances
Even if carefully performed and read, the re- (Table 5.57). Most common elicitors of cosmet-
producibility of patch test reactions (especially ic incompatibility are (in decreasing sequence):
of weakly positive reactions) remains unsatis- facial creams, antiperspirants/deodorants, eye
factory in some cases [23, 25, 55]. Unfortunate- make-up, nail cosmetics, hair colorings, soap
ly, there is no routine in vitro test for type IV al- [45]. The testing of individual products is cru-
lergies! cial (Table 5.58). For the evaluation of positive
Positive patch test reactions should be eval- patch test reactions, adequate controls are re-
uated regarding their relevance for the disease. quired.
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 149

Table 5.57. Possible in- Ingredient Examples Possible number

gredients of a simple of substances
moisturizer cream
(BHA, butylhydroxyani- Fat Lanolin, paraffin 500
sol) Polyalcohol PEG 20
Emulsifier Tween 1,000
Solvent Alcohol, acetone 30
Thickening Starch, traganth 30
Moisturizer Mannit, inositol 50
Color Azo dyes, pigments 500
Preservatives Benzylalcohol, formaldehyde 150
Antioxidants Tocopherol, BHA 40
Fragrance Citronellal, eugenol 3,500
Sum ~6,000

Table 5.58. Recommended concentrations for patch References

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28. Halter S (1959) Das vulgre Eczema. In: Gottron 46. Odia S, Vocks E, Rakoski J, Ring J (1996) Success-
A, Schnfeld W (eds) Dermatologie und Venero- ful treatment of dyshidrotic hand eczema using
logie, vol III/1. Thieme, Stuttgart tap water iontophoresis with pulsed direct cur-
29. Happle R (1994) Paraptisches Eczema. Hautarzt rent. Acta Derm Venereol 76:472 474
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30. Hausen B, Vieluf I (1998) Allergie-Pflanzen. dermatitis, 5th edn. Lippincott-Williams, Phila-
Pflanzen-Allergene. Ecomed, Landsberg delphia
31. Hornstein OP (1986) Anmerkungen und Vor- 48. Ring J (ed) (1990) Endogenous and exogenous
schlge zur Definition und Klassifikation der Ec- eczema. Semin Dermatol 9:195 246
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5.5.3 Atopic Eczema

faces of infants, while later the large flexures,
Atopic eczema is one of the most common in- hands, and neck are most commonly involved.
flammatory skin diseases (found in 9 20 % of The eczema becomes drier with increasing age,
German children!) with a chronic or relapsing the skin shows lichenification, and in adult-
course, and strong itching [20, 21, 30, 36, 40, 48, hood excoriated nodules (prurigo-like)
49, 64, 68]. The multitude of names (atopic (Figs. 5.43 5.51) are common [30, 50]. Unfor-
dermatitis, neurodermitis diffusa, neuro- tunately, atopic eczema contrary to common
dermitis constitutionalis, neurodermitis ato- opinion does not clear regularly before pu-
pica, prurigo Besnier, endogenous eczema, berty, but two-thirds of affected children will
neurodermatitis, etc.) reflects the various also suffer from the disease as adults [26]
pathophysiological concepts [5, 10, 20, 27, 40, (Fig. 5.52). Atopic eczema may also first appear
48, 49, 65, 68]. We prefer the term atopic ecze- in adulthood, sometimes even in elderly per-
ma (or atopic dermatitis) since it implies sons.
neither pathomechanisms (e.g., neurologic ab- Atopic eczema occurs with so-called stig-
normalities) nor routes of contact (exogenous mata or minimal variants [30, 33, 38, 49, 52]
or endogenous), but focuses on the familial (Table 5.59, Figs. 5.53, 5.54). There is still con-
atopic trait. troversy regarding the primary skin lesion,
which is described as erythema, flush, papule,
seropapule, or vesicle. In the tradition of St. Clinical Manifestation
John or J.W. von Goethe and together with the
Atopic eczema most often starts in childhood French school [5], we say: In the beginning
or adolescence; sometimes the first manifesta- there was the itch. In many cases all skin le-
tion is cradle cap in infants (also called crusta sions can be explained as secondary reactions
lactea because of its similarity with burnt milk to the itch. In children undergoing oral provo-
in a pan); it affects the face and extensor sur- cation, I have often observed that they com-
152 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.43. (left) Atopic

eczema in an infant
(cradle cap)

Fig. 5.44 (right). Atopic

eczema in a newborn

Fig. 5.45. (left) Atopic

eczema in an older baby

Fig. 5.46. (right) Atopic

eczema in a toddler

Table 5.59. Stigmata of atopic eczema plain about itching without any visible skin le-
sion and start scratching, and only 15 20 min
Sebostasis (dry skin)
Ichthyotic palms/soles later do eczematous changes occur. For the di-
Linear grooves on the fingertips agnosis of atopic eczema, classically the criteria
Atopy lid fold (Dennie-Morgan) of Hanifin and Rajka [21] (Table 5.60) are cited,
Rarefication of lateral parts of eyebrows (Hertoghe) but are rarely used in practice.
Cap-like temporal hair growth (small distance
between lateral eyebrow and temporal scalp hair)
Facial pallor with periorbital halo
White dermographism
Delayed blanch after acetylcholine
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 153

Fig. 5.47. (left) Itching as

the primary symptom
of atopic eczema

Fig. 5.48. (right) Atopic

eczema on dark skin

Fig. 49a,b. Elbow eczema
154 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.50. (left) Atopic

eczema on the lower
legs and feet

Fig. 5.51. (right) Prurigo

form of atopic eczema

Infants Preschool School Adolescents Adults Prevalence

children children (%)

I 36,7

II 31,1

III 32,2
Fig. 5.52. Occurrence
and course of atopic ec-
zema at different ages
Years (modified according to
2 6 14 20

Table 5.60. Diagnosis of atopic eczema: criteria of Hanifin and Rajka [21] (three major and minor criteria each
have to be positive)
Major Itch Minor Mamillar eczema
criteria Typical morphology and distribution criteria Cheilitis
(lichenification in flexures of adults, (cont.) Relapsing conjunctivitis
face and extensor surfaces of children) Dennie-Morgan fold
Chronic relapsing eczema Keratoconus
Personal and family history of atopy Subcapsular cataract
Periocular halo
Minor Sebostasis Facial pallor
criteria Ichthyosis Facial erythema
Ichthyotic palm/sole Pityriasis alba
Keratosis follicularis Folding in the neck
Type I sensitization (prick test) Itch when sweating
Elevated total serum IgE Wool and solvent incompatibility
Early onset of disease Perifollicular accentuation
Tendency to cutaneous infections Adverse food reactions
(Staph. aureus, HSV) Dependence of environmental and
Tendency to unspecific hand and foot psychological factors
eczema White dermographism
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 155

Fig. 5.53. Ichthyosis

hands as a stigma of
atopic eczema

Fig. 5.54. Atopic winter


Table 5.61. Atopic eczema: diagnostic criteria (Ring Table 5.62. Dermatohistopathology in atopic eczema
1982). With four or more positive findings, the diag-
nosis atopic eczema can be made (note that by this Acute
criterion, the diagnosis atopic eczema is possible Acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis
without history or laboratory tests for atopy) Spongiosis, exocytosis, mild dermal lymphohisto-
cytic infiltrate
Eczema morphology (age-dependent)
Acanthosis, enlarged rete ridges, hyperkeratosis,
Typical localization (age-dependent)
parakeratosis, dense dermal infiltrate (mononucle-
Atopy stigmata
ar cells), increased mast cells, increase in capillar-
Atopy in personal or family history
ies and thickening of capillary walls, endothelial
IgE sensitization
cell hyperplasia, fibrosis

Table 5.61 shows our diagnostic criteria from Atopic Dermatitis ETFAD [71], has proven
1982: with four out of six positive parameters, valuable (Fig. 5.55).
the diagnosis atopic eczema can be made. Simi- In dermatohistology, patterns differ be-
larly in the 1990s, the UK-refined criteria tween acute and chronically lichenified lesions
[64] or the Millennium criteria [9] were de- (Table 5.62) [59].
Particular manifestations of eczema com- Genetics
prise so-called sandbox dermatitis, atopic
winter feet, and patchy lichenoid infiltrates Atopic eczema, allergic bronchial asthma, and
of Kitamura-Zazagawa-Takahashi and others allergic rhinoconjunctivitis are genetically
[20, 22, 30, 38, 48, 49], some of them also in- closely linked [52]. Sixty percent of patients
cluded under minimal variants (for instance, with eczema have other atopic diseases in their
infra-auricular fissures). For the determination family history. The concordance rate of homo-
of severity of actual eczematous skin lesions, zygous twins is 85 % compared to 30 % in het-
the SCORAD (scoring system atopic dermati- erozygous twins [54]. Inheritance is multifac-
tis), developed by the European Task Force torial: IgE formation in general (total IgE), the
156 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.55. SCORAD (scoring for atopic dermatitis) index for assessing the severity of eczema
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 157

specificity of IgE antibodies and organ ma- Table 5.63. Langerhans cells, IgE and atopic eczema
nifestations are influenced separately (see IgE on Langerhans cells
Sect. 3.1). There is no significant association
IgE receptors [low- and high-affinity (CD23 and
between the diagnosis atopic eczema and Fc 5 R I) as well as IgE-binding protein]
HLA haplotypes [15]. Housedust mite allergen (Der p 1) next to IgE in
doublestaining on Langerhans cell surface Pathophysiology Langerhans cells may present allergen via IgE Genetics T-cell clones from atopy patch test reactions show
TH2 characteristics and allergen specificity
Recently, a close link of infantile atopic eczema Particularly increased expression of Fc 5 R I in atop-
with a gene on chromosome 3q21 was reported ic eczema in lesional skin (contrary to contact der-
[31]. A second genome screen revealed an asso- matitis and other inflammatory skin diseases)
ciation with loci on chromosomes 1q21, 17q25,
and 20p [15]. While the genes for the costimu- Table 5.64. Comparison of different allergy tests in
latory CD80/86 molecules are found in the re- atopic eczema (Darsow et al. [16])
gion of chromosome 3q21, the other loci do not
Test Sensitivitya Specificity
reveal known relations to atopy. It is interesting
that all four gene loci are also linked to psoria- Skin prick test 69 82 % 44 53 %
sis [15]. It may be speculated that these genes RAST 65 94 % 42 64 %
Atopy patch test 42 56 % 69 92 %
encode for general markers of skin inflamma-
tion independent of atopy. Allergen-dependent (related to specific history) Increased IgE Production

Few diseases are characterized by elevated IgE
values in the serum similarly to atopic eczema
[36, 40, 42, 48, 49, 68]. These IgE antibodies are
directed against environmental allergens, in cen-
tral Europe in adults most commonly against cat
epithelia, housedust mite, and grass pollen, in
infants against hens eggs and cows milk. The
evaluation of the relevance of IgE sensitization
for the induction or elicitation of eczema may be
difficult. It is achieved by careful history and
provocation tests. The detection of IgE and IgE-
receptors on epidermal Langerhans cells (Fig.
5.56) [6, 12, 55, 66] opens new perspectives for an
understanding of the pathogenesis of atopic ec-
zema (Table 5.63). Positive epidermal test reac-
tions induced by typical aeroallergens (e.g.,
housedust mites) help to show the relevance of
an IgE response for the eczematous skin lesions
(atopy patch test, APT) [16, 46] (Fig. 5.57).
Compared to the prick test and RAST, the APT Fig. 5.56. IgE-positive Langerhans cells (reprinted by
has a much higher specificity (Table 5.64). permission of T. Bieber)
There is no doubt that for a large group of
eczema patients, IgE-mediated allergy plays a test reactions (intrinsic form or non-atopic
decisive role in the disease (extrinsic form). eczema) [69].
There are, however, (as in respiratory atopy) Recently, in very severe cases of atopic ecze-
patients without IgE elevation or positive prick ma, autoantibodies of IgE class against epider-
158 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.57. Atopy patch test (APT) Fig. 5.58. Atopic eczema with massive superinfection
by Staphylococcus aureus

mal proteins (Hom s 1) have been detected breaking up of intercellular E-cadherin junc-
[60]; we see an increasing dynamic of eczema tions, while desmosomes stay intact and the in-
elicitation and maintenance via TH2 over TH1 flammatory edema induces the picture of spon-
to IgE autoantibodies, explaining the phenom- giosis [3, 58].
ena of chronification and resistance to therapy. Autonomic Nervous System Disturbed T-Cell Regulation Dysregulation
Patients with eczema are often suffering from Many patients show a dysbalance in autonomic
infections of fungal, bacterial, or viral origin nervous system reactivity [27], mostly in the
(e.g., Kaposis varicelliform eruption, or ecze- sense of decreased q -adrenergic and increased
ma herpeticum as well as increased staphylo- [ -adrenergic and cholinergic reactivity [3, 42]
coccal colonization and infection of the skin; (see also Stigmata). In a Japanese study, pa-
Fig. 5.58). Increased TH2 reaction occurs with tients with atopic eczema less frequently had
decreased TH1 phenomena [14, 25, 53], which hypertension than normals [Uehara, personal
are most prominent in the so-called hyper-IgE communication).
syndrome, which in its dermatological mani- The imbalance of enhancing and inhibitory
festation may be regarded as a maximal variant influences on mediator secretion can lead to an
of atopic eczema [49]. increased releasability of mediator secreting
Recent phenomena of spongiosis have been cells in atopic eczema. Patients with atopic ec-
elucidated: activated CLA-positive T cells in the zema have increased plasma histamine levels as
skin secrete beside other cytokines Fas-ligand, well as enhanced releasability of other media-
leading to apoptosis of keratinocytes and tors (e.g., leukotriene) [44]. These mediators
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 159

not only have proinflammatory activity, but al-

so as histamine via histamine receptors on
lymphocytes regulatory effects in the im-
mune response (see also Chap. 2), thus favoring
IgE production and promoting a circulus viti-
osus [42].
The well-known psychosomatic interac-
tions fit into this concept very well [10, 18, 45].
Psychologic events may influence the disease
positively and negatively through the action of
nervous transmitters. In stress or anxiety, the
same mediators are liberated as during itch or
allergic inflammation (see Chap. 7, Psyche
and Allergy). Dry Skin

The phenomenon of dry skin is complex in na-
Fig. 5.59. Visualization of pruritus with the aid of pos-
ture [7, 10, 11, 23] and describes at least three itron emission tomography (PET). The red areas are
different dimensions (rough versus smooth; significantly activated. Motor-associated areas are
fat versus lipid-poor; moist versus water- additionally marked (yellow circles). (From Darsow et
poor); it can be better described as a barrier al. [17])
disturbance of the epidermis. In eczema, the fol-
lowing findings have been shown: Itch
) Stratum corneum water content is not
Itch and dryness are closely related. Any skin
) Transepidermal water loss is increased exsiccated too much (e.g., by excessive shower-
) Epidermal permeability is increased ing) starts to itch and gives rise via scratching
) Skin roughness is increased to eczematous lesions. On the basis of hyper-
) Surface lipids are decreased sensitive skin, patients react more strongly to
) Sebaceous glands are smaller a variety of stimuli and irritants (e.g., wool).
) Ceramide synthesis is altered Recently, the itch sensation has been visual-
) Microscopically inflammatory reactions ized with positron emission tomography (PET)
[17] (Fig. 5.59). Atopic itch has several compo-
Therefore, some authors regard dryness as a nents, only some of them depending on skin in-
minimal inflammatory reaction [59] with the flammation.
involvement of keratinocytes [19].
Previously, dryness was interpreted as de- Therapy
creased sebaceous gland activity (sebosta-
sis); today alterations in intercellular lipid bi- Individual treatment is the major principle,
layer are seen as the basis of the epidermal bar- considering the patients actual skin character-
rier (the bricks and mortar model according istics in the course of the disease [2, 11, 47].
to P. Elias). The chemical basis is a mixture of There is no miracle pill or ointment, nor is
ceramides, which are decreased in atopic ecze- there a general diet against atopic eczema!
ma and possibly qualitatively altered [7]. Cera- Monomania should be avoided; the disease is
mide synthesis follows a subtle balance of dif- neither only allergic nor only sebostatic nor
ferent enzymes such as sphingomyelinase, q - only psychologic in origin!
glucocerebrosidase, ceramidase, and sphingo- The basis of any therapeutic strategy is care-
myelindeacylase [23]. ful dermatologic basic skin care, especially
during remission [11]. The individual selection
160 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

of emollients (different for different body areas Table 5.65. Atopic eczema: irritants and elicitors
and different individuals) including bath or Physical Mechanical stimuli, dryness,
showering oils (a distinction should be made UV radiation, temperature
between emulsion and spreading type bath Chemical Detergents, solvents, acids,
oils) is critical; avoid showering at too hot a alkali
temperature or for too long. Pharmacological Vasoactive substances (alcohol,
Acceptance by the patient is important; nicotine, amines)
many patients do not like ointments which are Infectious Superantigens
too greasy although their skin looks very dry. Psychological Stress, emotional conflict
Hydrophilic ointments (unguentum emulsifi-
cans aquosum) have been found helpful as ba-
sic vehicles. with disinfectants (clioquinol, triclosan, gen-
Consistent avoidance of all eliciting factors tian violet). In severe cases, systemic antibiotic
detected during the diagnostic work-up is cru- or antimycotic (in head and neck dermatitis)
cial (irritants, allergens, infection, food reac- treatment may help.
tions) [36, 39, 47]. The inflamed skin manifest- Wet wraps (moist pyjamas), cooling
ing as eczema is treated with anti-inflammato- baths, topical steroids, lotio alba, and systemic
ry drugs, preferably with topical glucocortico- antihistamines are used against severe itching
steroids in the acute phase (see Sect. 5.5.4). (see Sect. 6.3.2 on Pharmacotherapy).
A new method of anti-inflammatory treat- The well-known psychosomatic interac-
ment of atopic eczema without glucocorticoids tions in atopic eczema sometimes require care-
is available with the new topical immunosup- ful psychosomatic counseling of the patient
pressives or calcineurin antagonists, which act and relatives [10, 18, 45].
topically. These substances (tacrolimus and pi- UV therapy as adjuvant strategy has a good
mecrolimus) inhibit like cyclosporin A activa- effect with different modalities, especially as
tion of calcineurin phosphatase in T cells and long-wave UVA-1 [1, 28, 29].
also mast cells and basophil leukocytes by Unsaturated fatty acids have been recom-
binding to a cytosolic immunophyllin (cyclo- mended as well as traditional Chinese herbs [2]
phyllin, FK506 binding protein or macrophyl- or leukotriene antagonists [13].
lin 12). The intracellular signal transduction is The role of allergen-specific immunothera-
thereby inhibited and the transcription of py is controversial [70]; however, considering
many proinflammatory cytokines is reduced the new results with the atopy patch test and
[41, 57, 69]. (see also Sect. 6.3.2). the clear-cut role of allergy in some patients, it
In contrast to glucocorticosteroids, these should be investigated by control studies.
substances do not have atrophogenic effects in There is no need for desperation or pessi-
the skin. The two preparations available are mism when we look at the spectrum of thera-
tacrolimus in a relatively fatty ointment in peutic modalities available for atopic eczema
0.1 % and 0.03 % concentrations as well as the (Fig. 5.60). All these treatment modalities re-
more aqueous cream pimecrolimus in a 1 % quire the active cooperation of the informed
cream. The place of these new compounds in patient over months and years (Table 5.66).
the management of atopic eczema will be seen Therefore, eczema school programs have
in the years to come. been developed, which after adequate training
For prophylaxis, avoidance of irritants and (eight atopic eczema academies in Germany)
allergens (Table 5.65) also includes recommen- are offered in an interdisciplinary setting (al-
dations for breast feeding of the newborn infant, lergy, dermatology, pediatrics, nutritionists,
the use of encasings at home or rehabilitation psychosomatics) for children, parents, and
under climatic therapy conditions (e.g., North adults [18].
Sea, high altitude in Davos, Switzerland) [10].
Frequent superinfections of the skin some-
times require antimicrobial therapy, best done
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 161

Table 5.66. Leaflet for patients with (atopic) eczema

) Your disease is based partly on inherited factors which can either lead to eczema, conjunctivitis, rhinitis,
or bronchial asthma. This genetic predisposition, however, does not necessarily lead to disease. There is a
genetic predisposition to increased hypersensitivity of skin and mucous membranes.
) In eczema, the skin is dry, looks rough, the hair sometimes looks rigid, a variety of factors from the envi-
ronment (both irritant and allergic) can give rise to the development of eczematous skin lesions (red, itchy,
sometimes oozing or crusted skin lesions), preferably on the big flexures elbow, knee, neck, hands, and
) The skin of patients with eczema (children and adults) needs constant care.
Skin care:
) Avoid too frequent bathing or showering (especially too hot or too foamy)!
) Use alkali-free soaps or syndets for cleaning your skin (mild products).
) When taking a bath or showering, restoration of the skin lipid is important. This can be done by adding a
bath oil and/or by creaming after taking a bath or a shower with emollients (lotion, cream, etc.), especially
on arms, legs, and hands.
) Take yourself time for skin care every morning and evening. Let the cream penetrate your skin (at least
5 min) before dressing. Dont change your ointments too often, stick to the products you tolerate. Thus,
you can avoid additional allergies.
) Avoid wool or irritating textiles. Direct contact to the skin is best tolerated with cotton, silk, or linen.
) Wash underwear before first wearing, especially dark colored products.
) In changing T-shirts on your baby, watch the ears (avoid fissures under the earlobes!). Your favorite sweat-
er may scratch your neck where there is no cotton underneath. Then use a silk scarf.
) During acute exacerbations, keep your baby dressed; an uncovered body surface starts itching and will be
Treatment of itch:
) The itch-scratch cycle deserves utmost attention. Often itch is the primary event inducing the new flare.
) Scratching often occurs as a reflex, it is not a matter of will. You should not forbid scratching! Rather treat
the itch!
) Keep the nails cut short (scratching occurs also during sleep).
) Itch can be treated topically (anti-inflammatory creams, wet wraps, cooling procedures) or systemically
(e.g., antihistamines; the sedating effect of old preparations may be helpful during night time). Topical
therapy does less harm to the skin than pronounced scratching!
) Teachers and colleagues should know about the problem. People suffering from intense itch sometimes be-
have strangely (most of these children are not hyperactive/hyperkinetic).
Allergen avoidance:
) According to the results of your allergy diagnosis, avoidance strategies should be implemented. These al-
ways have to be specific. Dont change your apartment into a prison-like environment with only glass and
concrete. In housedust mite allergy, the bedroom and the mattress are most important and encasings are
) Some patients benefit from a longer stay in a different climate (sea level or high altitude; talk about this
with your specialist).
) In high-risk families, pets should not be kept for allergy prevention. Tobacco smoke and indoor chemicals
(cleaning, hobby activities) should be avoided.
) There is no general anti-allergy diet. Patients with atopic eczema can principally eat what they want except
for those foods detected as elicitors in careful allergy diagnosis including provocation tests. Positive skin
prick or blood tests do not necessarily tell you whether this allergy is relevant for your skin disease. You
may use these results as markers for self-observation.
) For allergy prevention, newborns from atopic parents should be breast-fed over 3 6 months; solid food
should be only introduced after 6 months. If breastfeeding is not possible, use a hypoallergenic formula.
) Avoid ear-piercing in young children (nickel allergy!).
) If you are pollen-allergic wash your hair before going to bed.
162 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

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5.5.4 Topical Glucocorticosteroid Therapy

plays a role in the well-known immunosup-
Glucocorticosteroids have a central place in the pression and affects wound healing. In fatty tis-
treatment of inflammatory skin disease. They sue, lipolysis is enhanced, and in the kidney a
can be regarded as the greatest advance in topi- mild mineralocorticoid effect exists, although
cal dermatotherapy in the second half of the it is 1,000 weaker than aldosterone. In some
20th century [28]. In Germany in the year 2001, tissues, glucocorticoids induce involution, es-
there were 263 different preparations in vari- pecially in lymphatic tissues, the bone and the
ous application forms including 70 combina- skin, most likely due to inhibition of DNA syn-
tion preparations on the market (systemic sub- thesis.
stances not included). Furthermore, gestagenic effects (such as
progesterone) have been described as well as
psychic alterations (depression, sleeplessness, Mechanisms of Action
euphoria, alteration in behavior, and others).
Glucocorticosteroids have a variety of well- In the skin, glucocorticosteroids inhibit the
known effects due to control of synthesis of proliferation of epidermal, inflammatory, and
several enzymes at the chromosome level [2, 5, lipid cells, the synthesis of collagen tissue, the
9, 11]. The steroid is bound to a cytoplasmic re- liberation of mediators from mast cells, and
ceptor leading to a conformation change of the pigment formation by melanocytes. They nor-
receptor complex [6], which then binds in the malize altered cornification of epidermis cells,
nucleus to chromatin and influences the tran- inhibit migration of inflammatory cells, and in-
scription of messenger RNA. Steroids may both duce vasoconstriction [5] (Table 5.67).
stimulate and inhibit transcription. The exact The anti-inflammatory effect is of particular
mechanisms are still not known; however, they interest in dermatology, affecting almost all
enhance the activity of RNA polymerases at kinds of inflammation (infectious, allergic,
certain positions in the chromatin [2]. physical, chemical, etc.). Apart from formation
Glucocorticoids have a variety of metabolic of lipocortin, inhibition of phospholipase plays
effects; the best known (hence the name!) af- a role which in the cell membrane is important
fects the glucose metabolism with the mobili- in the formation of arachidonic acid from
zation of muscular glycogen and neoglycoge- phospholipids. From arachidonic acid, highly
nesis from amino acids. This protein catabo- active prostaglandins and leukotrienes are
lism with a negative nitrogen balance maybe formed [2, 4, 6]. The anti-inflammatory effect
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 165

Table 5.67. Action of glucocorticosteroids on skin cells

Cells Effects
Keratinocytes Inhibition of proliferation
Normalization of keratiniza-
Fibroblasts Inhibition of collagen and
proteoglycan synthesis
a) Pregnane
Lymphocytes Inhibition of proliferation
and cytokine secretion
Granulocytes Inhibition of chemotaxis
and activation
Mast cells/basophils Inhibition of liberation of
vasoactive mediators
Vascular system Vasoconstriction
Melanocytes Inhibition of pigment for-
Fatty tissue Inhibition of proliferation b) Structure of natural and
synthetic Glucocorticosteroides

can be shown as inhibitory function on various

cells (neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes)
with additional vasoconstriction.
Pharmacologic effects of glucocorticostero-
ids depend on specific structures in the mole-
cule (Fig. 5.61), the introduction of a fluor atom
in position 9 [ increases the biological activity,
and substitution in position 6 [ increases anti- c) Cortisol
inflammatory effects. Esterification, acetonide
formation as well as introduction of methyl or
halogen groups in positions 16 21 lead to a va-
riety of topically effective steroid preparations,
which have been tested in various experimental
systems (e.g., vasoconstriction assay) [1].
Table 5.68 shows the most common topical
glucocorticoids, roughly classified according to
pharmacologic potency. d) Diflucortolon-21-valerate
New developments with fewer side effects
include prednicarbate, methylprednisolonace-
ponide, and mometasone furoate.
For therapeutic efficacy, dermal resorption
of the applied substance is necessary; this can
be influenced by certain factors, such as:
) Stratum corneum thickness (tape stripping)
) Age (infant skin has higher permeability)
) Blood flow (increased skin blood flow in- e) Betamethasone-17,21-dipropionate
creases resorption)
) Hydration (occlusion increases permeation
Fig. 5.61. Natural and synthetic glucocorticosteroids
by a factor of 10!) (Table 5.69)
as pregnane derivatives [21]
166 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.68. Topical glucocorticosteroids of different ) Interaction of drugs (e.g., addition of 3 %

potency (arbitrary selection) (according to [9, 17, 21]) salicylic acid enhances the steroid penetra-
Potency Substance tion)
(group) ) Skin metabolism (biotransformation by
I= Non-halogenated glucocorticosteroids oxidation, methylation, sulfatation, glucu-
Hydrocortisone ronidation, etc.). Fluocortin butylester is
Hydrocortisone-17-butyrate hydrolyzed in the skin to the inactive ste-
Hydrocortisone acetate
roid acid, leading to decreased efficacy, but
Hydrocortisone buteprate also fewer side effects.
Methylprednisolone aceponide
Prednicarbate Practical Application of Topical
II = Weakly fluorinated glucocorticosteroids Glucocorticoids
Clobetasol butyrate Topical glucocorticosteroids have to be indicat-
Fluocortin butylester ed. They can suppress inflammation, but rarely
III = Moderate glucocorticosteroids are curative, which has to be considered in
Betamethasone-17-valerate chronic disease.
If there is an indication for topical glucocor-
Desoximethasone ticosteroid therapy, the weakest effective prep-
Momethasone fuorate aration should be selected in order to avoid
Triamcinolone-16 17-acetonide side effects. Maximally, apply twice daily, gen-
Fludroxycortide erally once daily (depot in the stratum cor-
Fluticasone-17-propionate neum). Occlusion should never be longer than
Dexamethasone 12 h to avoid side effects!
IV = Strong glucocorticosteroids After 1 week of therapy, the situation should
Betamethasone-17 21-dipropionate be monitered by a physician (sometimes even
Fluocinolone acetonide
Diflorasone-17 21-diacetate daily). If there is no immediate rapid response
Diflucortolone-21-valerate within a week, the patient should consult a der-
V= Very strong glucocorticosteroids matologist.
Amcinonide Long-term steroid therapy never should be
Fluocinonide stopped abruptly (rebound phenomenon),
Halcinonide slow dose reduction can be done either by
changing to a less potent product or, preferably,
by interval therapy (3 days steroid, 4 days vehi-
Table 5.69. Excretion of hydrocortisone into the urine cle only) [3, 10, 12, 13, 14]. Tachyphylaxis phe-
after local administration of 5.2 mg/cm2 in acetone nomena have been observed and may be over-
under different conditions (according to [7]) come by changing the product.
% of dose With regard to epidermal proliferation ki-
applied netics (with a minimum at 6.00 p.m. in the daily
Normal skin 0.46 rhythm), some authors recommend the appli-
Under occlusion 4.48 cation of topical steroids in the evening; we fol-
After corneal stripping 0.91 low the individual itch intensity.
After corneal stripping plus occlusion 14.91 Crucial in the selection of topical steroid
preparations is the vehicle [3]. Figure 5.62
) Skin temperature (increasing temperature shows a rough schedule of critical criteria (clin-
increases permeation, part of the occlusion ical course, skin type, body area for the selec-
effect) tion of the vehicle) [21]. In chronic inflamma-
) Influence of vehicle (optimal solution of tion, fatty preparations are preferred while
the effective agent, but not too high an acute lesions should be treated with solutions
affinity to the vehicle) and cooling wraps. In intertrigenous areas,
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 167

dry fat

Wraps hydrophilic Fatty

Suspensions ointments ointments
Lotions (creams) Occlusion
Indication Powder Hydropastes



Skin type


Fig. 5.62. Application
forms of topical thera- Extension sites
py. Guidelines for se-
lecting the proper ap- Flexor sites
plication form for topi-
Intertriginous areas
cal glucocorticoid ther-
apy according to the Dyshidrosis
clinical course and the
location and condition Hairy areas
of the affected skin area

greasy ointments need to be avoided, whereas avoid instability of emulsions, loss of efficacy,
on the extensor surfaces and in chronic lesions and incompatibilities between substances. Many
they are indicated. companies offer the vehicle ointment alone in
Corticoid preparations are available in all addition to the steroid-containing compound.
forms: greasy ointment (no water), water in oil
ointments, oil in water (creams), lotio (suspen- Side Effects of Topical Glucocorticosteroids
sion mixtures), lotion (milk), gel, paste (pow-
der in ointment), alcoholic solutions (tinctu- The most relevant side effects of topical steroid
ra), plasters, sprays, foams, etc. The vehicles therapy are listed in Table 5.70. The risk of sys-
comprise substances of mineral (petrolatum, temic steroid therapy generally is much higher.
paraffin), animal (wool wax alcohols), plant However, sometimes after very intense topical
(oils, wax, starch), and synthetic origin (pro- steroid application (especially under occlu-
pylene glycol) together with emulsifiers, pre- sion) systemic side effects may occur [5, 9, 11,
servatives, fragrances, etc. These constituents 16, 17, 21].
are important for potential contact allergy. Almost all undesired side effects of corti-
Combination preparations of glucocorti- coids are somehow related to the desired phar-
coids with antibiotics or antimycotics should macological effect and therefore in most cases
be considered critically and only in occasional dose dependent. Disturbance of ostiofollicular
cases are they indicated. The ex iuvantibus keratinization leads to comedo formation and
practice often prevents correct diagnosis. steroid acne. Inhibition of proliferation and re-
For individual prescriptions of mixtures, the generation of the epidermis induces thinning
galenic compatibility has to be considered to and atrophy. The degeneration of collagen and
168 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.70. Side effects of glucocorticosteroids

Systemic administration
Diabetes mellitus
Catabolic metabolism
Alkalosis (sodium retention potassium excretion)
Suppression of pituitary gland (growth suppres-
sion in children)
Cushings syndrome
Immune system
Inhibition of lymphocyte and granulocyte func-
tion, immunosuppression
Peptic ulcer
Psychic alteration
Thromboembolic complication
Anaphylactoid reaction (very rare)
Topical application on skin Fig. 5.63. Striae distensae after long-term application
Striae distensae of glucocorticoids
Fatty tissue atrophy
Embolia cutis (after i.m. crystal suspension)
Increased photosensitivity
Cutis punctata linearis colli
Rubeosis steroidica
Pigment changes
Perioral rosacea-like dermatitis
Granuloma gluteale infantum
Purpura and ecchymosis
Hair loss
Disturbance of wound healing
Contact allergy

elastic fibers (also vessels) leads to senile ela-

stosis, teleangiectasia, purpura, ecchymosis
and striae distensae (Fig. 5.63).
A special form of topical corticoid side effect
is the so-called perioral rosacea-like dermati-
tis, developing after long-term application of
mostly fluorinated glucocorticoids (especially
in atopics) and mostly in the face; it manifests Fig. 5.64. Rosacea-like perioral dermatitis appearing
as fine sharp papules and occasional pustules in a patient who had used a fluoridated topical gluco-
(Fig. 5.64). The indication for steroid treatment corticoid preparation for several weeks
5.5 Dermatitis/Eczema 169

mostly remains trivial or unknown. The anti- Practical Conclusions. Glucocorticosteroids

inflammatory effect of the steroid induces im- are, even if applied topically, very active drugs,
provement again and again, but is followed by the use of which should be well indicated; it re-
heavy rebounds after withdrawal. Therefore, quires experience of skin diseases and steroid
the patient will never learn the causal interac- actions and side effects. The good doctor uses
tions. Only authoritative guidance of the pa- as little cortisone as necessary and as much in-
tient can break this vicious cycle (I tell my pa- different vehicle therapy (emollients, lotio alba,
tients: Your skin is addicted to cortisone and paste, etc.) as possible!
we have to perform withdrawal!).
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17. Niedner R, Ziegenmeyer J (eds) (1992) Dermati- toses. J Invest Dermatol 19:101
ka Therapeutischer Einsatz, Pharmakologie 29. Wendt H, Frosch PJ (1982) Klinisch-pharmakolo-
und Pharmazie. Wiss Verlagsgesellsch, Stuttgart gische Modelle zur Prfung von Corticoidexter-
18. Poulsen J, Rorsman H (1980) Ranking of gluco- na. Karger, Basel
corticoid creams and ointments. Acta Derm Ve- 30. Wilckens T (1995) Glucocorticoids and immune
nereol 60:57 function: hormonal dysfunction. Trends Phar-
19. Ponec M, Kempanaar SA, DeKloet ER (1981) Cor- macol Sci 16:193 197
ticosteroids and cultured human epidermal kera-
tinocytes. J Invest Dermatol 76:211 214

Table 5.71. Terminology of photobiologic reactions

5.6 Photoallergy/Photosensitization
Photobiologic Effect of lighta on biological
reaction systems
5.6.1 Classification
Light incompatibi- Reaction after light exposure
Incompatibility reactions in connection with lity
exposure to UV light represent a special type
Photosensitization Increased sensitivity to light
of photobiologic reaction. In the following the by defined endogenous or
term light is used for non-ionizing electro- exogenous substances
magnetic radiation in general. When light Photosensitizer Substance inducing photo-
reaches the skin, part of the energy is reflect- sensitization
ed, another part affecting the organism after Photoallergic Immunologically mediated
absorption to body constituents [3, 8, 16, reaction photosensitization
17, 42]. Substances increasing the sensitivity Phototoxic reaction Non-immunologic photo-
against light are called photosensitizers sensitization
(Table 5.71). Photohypersensi- Increased sensitivity against
Photosensitization can be either phototoxic tivity light exposure
or photoallergic in nature [8, 17, 24, 38]. Photodermatosis Skin disease provoked or
Phototoxic effects occur through formation aggravated by light
of pyrimidine adducts within the DNA, leading a
Light in this context means non-ionizing electro-
to cross-links within the double-helix (e.g., magnetic radiation
5.6 Photoallergy/Photosensitization 171

Table 5.72. Differential diagnosis of phototoxic and Table 5.73. Classification of photohypersensitivity
photoallergic reactions diseases
Phototoxic Photoallergic Photoallergic reactions
Photoallergic contact dermatitis
Mechanism: Persistent light reaction (?) (chronic actinic der-
Direct cell damage Immunologic matitis)
Possibly photoallergic reactions
Manifestation after first contact: Light-urticaria (solar urticaria)
Yes No Polymorphic light eruption
Flare up of earlier involved skin Phototoxic reactions
areas: Acute and chronic light damage
No Yes Phototoxic dermatitis
Morphology: Metabolic diseases (porphyria, Hartnup-syn-
Erythema: drome, etc.)
+++ + (Questionable: hydroa vacciniforme, Mallorca acne)
Edema: Light-provoked dermatoses
++++ +++ Lupus erythematosus
Papules/papulovesicles: Morbus Darier (dyskeratosis follicularis)
+/ ++ Porokeratosis
Vesiculation: Herpes simplex
+++++ + Lichen planus
Spreading phenomena: Psoriasis
++ Atopic eczema (?)
Margination of skin lesions: Pityriasis rubra pilaris
Sharp Not sharp
Sunburn cells in epidermis: bolic disturbances or enyzme defects (e.g., var-
+ ious forms of porphyria) with endogenous
photosensitizers or contact with exogenous
photosensitizers (e.g., weeds in dermatitis pra-
Kinetics: tensis or drugs).
Decrescendo Crescendo
Photoallergic reactions manifest mostly as
photoallergic contact dermatitis. Photohyper-
psoralen phototoxicity) or via oxygen radicals sensitivity reactions with an unknown elicitor
affecting cell membranes [8, 15, 42]. (Table 5.73) comprise some forms of solar urti-
Photoallergic reactions are due to immuno- caria and so-called polymorphic light eruption
logical sensitization directed against a new (lay people often call it sun allergy), which
photoallergen induced by action of UV radia- differs from patient to patient in morphology,
tion. Theoretically, phototoxic and photoaller- but is rather monomorphous in the individual
gic reactions can be well differentiated (Ta- patient [2, 3, 13, 24, 28, 36].
ble 5.72), although in individual patients this Photoallergic contact dermatitis is a relatively
may be difficult in practice. common form of photohypersensitivity (Fig.
5.67). Some patients under the combined influ-
ence of light and photoallergen develop a chroni-
5.6.2 Clinical Manifestations of Photo-
fication, the so-called persistent light reaction,
occurring with thickened erythematous licheno-
Photohypersensitivity reactions should be dis- id plaques and a strong itching or burning pain.
tinguished from well-known adverse reactions Persistent light reaction is characterized by a
induced by UV radiation, either acutely (sun- general increase in photosensitivity in different
burn) or chronically (atrophy, elastosis, carci- parts of the UV spectrum. Persistent light reac-
nogenesis), which occur dose dependently in tion can further develop into chronic actinic der-
all individuals with normal sensitivity. Hyper- matitis (actinic reticuloid), which may some-
sensitivity against UV light may occur in meta- times turn into cutaneous lymphoma [8, 17, 24].
172 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Suspected systemic photosensitization may

be detected by measuring the MED during a
systemic administration (oral or parenteral)
of a suspected agent, UV irradiation and
demonstration of increased photosensitivity
[1, 9, 25].

5.6.3 Photosensitizers
Photosensitizing agents are widely distributed
in nature. They are found in tar (polyaromatic
hydrocarbons, acridine derivatives) or color-
ings (eosin, fluorescein, methylene blue).
Many plants contain photosensitizers (Ta-
ble 5.74), giving rise to phototoxic reactions af-
ter epidermal contact or after oral intake [26,
43]. The furocoumarins contained in many
etheric oils or fragrances in cosmetics (Brelo-
que dermatitis) are also the active agents in the
elicitation of meadow grass dermatitis (derma-
titis pratensis) [21, 26] (Fig. 5.68). Chlorophyll
derivatives have been described as inductors of
Fig. 5.67. Photoallergic contact eczema photodermatoses [18].
Various drugs (mostly after systemic ad-
In patients with persistent light reaction the ministration) act as photosensitizers (Ta-
minimal erythema dose (MED) is generally de- ble 5.75). Photosensitizers eliciting clear-cut al-
creased, mostly in the UVB but also in the UVA lergic reactions are also called photoaller-
range. Rarely there is also hypersensitivity gens. In the office the distinction is often diffi-
against visible light. These patients develop in- cult, since many photoallergens also have pho-
flammatory skin lesions after exposure to light, totoxic potential.
independent of allergen contact. Recently non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
In the rare solar urticaria, UV radiation drugs have been shown to act as photosensitiz-
(mostly UVA) is the elicitor. The detection of ers, especially the propionic acid derivatives
the eliciting wavelength is important. In photo- (Fig. 5.69) [25, 32, 35, 39].
provocation tests 0.2 5.0 J/cm2 UVA will elicit
reactions within 10 20 min. Anaphylactic
shock in the solarium has been described. By Table 5.74. Photosensitizors from plants
pretreatment with other wavelengths harden-
ing may be achieved [12, 32, 34]. Heracleum, Angelica, Daucus carota (carrot),
In polymorphic light eruption photoprovo- Ammi majus, Apium graveolens (celery), Pastinaca
cation may be possible in previously involved,
but at the time of testing symptom-free, skin Citrus bergamia (bergamot), Citrus sinensis
areas not exposed to light. This has to be done (orange), Ruta graveolens, Dictamnus albus
on three subsequent days with doses of Moraceae
3 60 100 J/cm2 UVA or UVA1, or 3 1.5 Ficus carica (fig)
MED UVB or UVA+UVB. Leguminosae
The very rare disease of hydroa vaccinifor- Psoralea corylifolia
mia can sometimes be treated with UVA; the Rosaceae
cause is unknown, vitamin B deficiency has
been discussed.
5.6 Photoallergy/Photosensitization 173

Table 5.75. Photosensitizers in drugs and cosmetics 5.6.4 Diagnosis


Disinfectants (e.g., halogenated salicylanilides, In the diagnosis of photoallergic or phototoxic

hexachlorophen, chlorhexidine, bithionol) reactions, not only the eliciting substance but
Antimycotics (buclosamide) also the eliciting wavelength has to be deter-
mined [33]. Most of the eliciting wavelengths in
Chemotherapeutics (sulfonamides, tetracyclines,
nalidixic acid, quinolones) photohypersensitivity are found in the UVA
range, but sometimes also in the UVB range or
Sedatives (phenothiazine)
visible light. With a clear-cut history and nega-
Diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide) tive test results different wavelengths should be
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., used. There is no general concordance between
ibuprofen, ketoprofen, piroxicam, diclofenac) the absorption spectrum of a substance and the
Antiarrhythmics (quinidine, amiodarone) eliciting wavelength of the adverse reaction.
Fragrances (musk ambrette, 6-methylcoumarin) UV radiation penetrates through certain tex-
Sunscreen substances (e.g., para-aminobenzoic
tiles; affection of covered body areas does not
acid, benzophenones, isopropyldibenzoylmethane) exclude photosensitization.
A variety of genuine skin diseases can be
Antidiabetics (sulfonyl urea)
provoked by light which are not currently un-
derstood pathophysiologically [24, 28].

Photo-patch Test. The most important tech-

nique with which to diagnose photoallergic re-
actions is the photo-patch test [14, 19, 23, 24,
30], when two samples each of the suspected
substance are applied to the back skin. After
24 h the patch over one testblock is removed
and the skin radiated with 10 J/cm2 (when radi-
ated with UVB with the half minimal erythema
doses). After 48 and 72 h both testblocks are
read. Under certain conditions a late reading
after 3 weeks (labeling of test areas with a po-
laroid camera) is recommended.
For quantitative analysis photo-patch-
Fig. 5.68. Meadow grass dermatitis caused by furoco- threshold testing can be performed and the se-
umarins in this case by contact with the giant hog- ries of substances is irradiated with increasing
weed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) doses (geometric increase) of UV. For differen-
tiation of phototoxic and photoallergic test re-
actions dermatohistology is sometimes re-

Photo-prick Test. Concordant with the photo-

patch test, other skin test procedures can be
performed with and without irradiation (e.g.,
in solar urticaria).

Systemic Photo-provocation Test. For evalua-

tion of the clinical relevance of a positive pho-
to-patch-test reaction against drugs or foods, a
Fig. 5.69. Light-induced drug exanthema following systemic photo-provocation test can be per-
the administration of carprofen formed [9, 25, 30]. Before and after systemic
174 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

administration of the suspected substance var- 4. Epstein S (1939) Photoallergy and primary pho-
ious areas are irradiated at different time inter- tosensitivity to sulfanilamide. J Invest Dermatol
vals (e.g., 50 J/cm2 UVA). 2:43 51
5. Ferguson J, Johnson BE (1993) Clinical and labo-
ratory studies of the photosensitizing potential of
5.6.5 Prophylaxis and Therapy norfloxacin, a 4-quinolone broad-spectrum anti-
biotic. Br J Dermatol 128:185 195
Information from the patient and recommen- 6. Fjellner B (1981) Experimental and clinical pruri-
dations for careful sun exposure are the basis of tus. Studies on some putative peripheral media-
tors. The influence of ultraviolet light and trans-
any treatment. Avoidance of elicitation agents cutaneous nerve stimulation. Thesis, Stockholm
is crucial. In patients with unknown photosen- 7. Fotiades J, Soter NA, Lim HW (1995) Results of
sitizers the selection of the sunscreen is very evaluation of 203 patients for photosensitivity in a
important. Most of the commercial sunscreens 7.3-year period. J Am Acad Dermatol 33: 597 602
8. Frain-Bell W (1986) Cutaneous photobiology.
describe the sun protection factor for UVB ra-
Oxford University Press, New York
diation only (rarely also for UVA), which, how- 9. Galosi A, Przybilla B, Ring J, Dorn M (1984) Sy-
ever, is the decisive wavelength for most pa- stemische Photoprovokation mit Surgam. Aller-
tients with photosensitization. One should gologie 7:143 144
know that many of the common light filter sub- 10. Gigli I, Lim HW (1981) Release of proinflamma-
tory peptides by complement in porphyrin-in-
stances in sunscreens can act as photoallergens
duced photosensitivity. In: Ring J, Burg G (eds)
[38, 39]. New trends in allergy. Springer, Berlin Heidel-
In patients with polymorphic light eruption berg New York, p 5848
as well as chronic photoallergic contact derma- 11. Gollhausen R, Przybilla B, Galosi A, Khler K,
titis with transition to persistent light reaction, Ring J (1987) Environmental influences of UVB
erythema. Photodermatology 4:148 153
PUVA therapy as well as UVA1 or small spec- 12. Hasei K, Ichihashi M (1982) Solar urticaria. De-
trum UVB (311 nm) can be used as condition- terminations of action and inhibition spectra.
ing [13, 15, 28]. In experimental models inhibi- Arch Dermatol 118:346 350
tory effects of UV radiation on allergy-relevant 13. Hlzle E, Plewig G, Kries R v, Lehmann P (1987)
reactions have been demonstrated [3, 6, 22, 32]. Polymorphous light eruption. J Invest Dermatol
88:32 38
Prior to the production of new substances as 14. Hlzle E, Neumann N, Hausen B, Przybilla B,
drugs or cosmetics, screening tests for possible Schauder S, Hnigsmann H, Bircher A, Plewig G
photosensitizing properties should be per- (1991) Photopatch testing: The 5-year experience
formed. There are various in vivo (guinea pig, of the German, Austrian and Swiss photopatch
rat, mice) and in vitro procedures (Candida al- test group. J Am Acad Dermatol 25:59 68
15. Hnigsmann H, Stingl G (eds) (1986) Therapeu-
bicans inhibition test, photohemolysis test) [5, tic photomedicine. Karger, Basel
12, 14]. We have detected the photosensitizing 16. Horio T (1975) Chlorpromazine photoallergy.
properties of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Arch Dermatol 111:1469 1471
drugs using a photo-basophil-histamine-re- 17. Ippen H (1973) Photochemie der Haut. In: Herr-
lease test [31, 35]. mann F, Oppen H, Schaefer H, Stttgen G (eds)
Biochemie der Haut. Thieme, Stuttgart, p 146
18. Jitsukawa K, Suizu R, Hidano A (1984) Chlorella
photosensitization, a new phytophotodermato-
sis. Int J Dermatol 23:263
References 19. Jung EG (1981) Die belichtete Epikutantestung.
Akt Derm 7:163 165
1. Bergner T, Przybilla B (1992) Photosensitization 20. Jung EG, Hardmeier T (1967) Zur Histologie der
caused by ibuprofen. J Am Acad Dermatol photoallergischen Testreaktion. Dermatologica
26:114 116 135:243 252
2. Breit R (1987) Rtung und Brunung der Haut 21. Kavli G, Volden G (1984) Phytophotodermatitis.
durch UVA. Zuckschnverdt, Munich Photodermatology 1:65 75
3. Eberlein-Knig B, Fesq H, Abeck D, Przybilla B, 22. Kripke ML (1986) Photoimmunology, the first
Placzek M, Ring J (2000) Systemic vitamin C and decade. Curr Probl Dermatol 15:164 175
vitamin E do not prevent photoprovocation test re- 23. Lehmann P (1990) Die Deutschsprachige Ar-
actions in polymorphous light eruption. Photo- beitsgemeinschaft Photopatch-Test (DAPT). Haut-
dermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 16:50 52 arzt 41:295 297
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 175

24. Lischka G, Jung EG (1982) Lichtkrankheiten der histamine and leukotriene release from peripher-
Haut, 2nd edn. Perimed, Erlangen al human leukocytes. Int Arch Allergy Appl Im-
25. Ljunggren B, Bjellerup M (1986) Systemic drug munol 82:344 346
photosensitivity. Photodermatology 3:26 35 36. Ring J, Przybilla B (1990) UV irradiation and al-
26. Ljunggren B (1990) Severe phototoxic burn fol- lergy. Allergologie 12(Suppl EAACI):75 79
lowing celery ingestion. Arch Dermatol 126: 37. Ruzicka T, Walter JF, Printz MP (1983) Changes in
1334 1336 arachidonic acid metabolism in ultraviolet irra-
27. Maurer T (1983) Contact and photocontact aller- diated hairless mouse skin. J Invest Dermatol
gens. A manual of predictive test methods. Dek- 81:300 303
ker, New York 38. Schauder S, Ippen H (1986) Photoallergic and al-
28. Plewig G, Hlzle E, Roser-Maa E, Hofmann C lergic contact dermatitis from dibenzoylmetha-
(1985) Photoallergy. In: Ring J, Burg G (eds) New nes. Photodermatology 3:140 147
trends in allergy. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 39. Schauder S, Schrader A, Ippen H (1996) Gttinger
New York, pp 152 169 Liste 1996. Sonnenschutzkosmetik in Deutsch-
29. Przybilla B, Ring J, Schwab U, Galosi A, Dorn M, land, 4th edn. Blackwell, Berlin
Braun-Falco O (1987) Photosensibilisierende Ei- 40. Schmidt T, Abeck D, Ring J (1998) Photoallergic
genschaften nicht-steroidaler Antirheumatika im contact dermatitis due to combined UVB-(4-me-
Photopatch-Test. Hautarzt 38:18 25 thylbenzylidene camphor/octyl methoxy-cinna-
30. Przybilla B (1987) Phototestungen bei Lichtder- mate) and UVA-(benzophenone-3/butyl-metho-
matosen. Hautarzt 38:S23S28 xy-dibenzoylmethane) absorber. Dermatology
31. Przybilla B, Schwab-Przybilla U, Ruzicka T, Ring J 196:354 357
(1987) Phototoxicity of non-steroidal antiinflam- 41. Schulz KH, Wiskemann K, Wolf K (1956) Klini-
matory drugs demonstrated in vitro by a photo- sche und experimentelle Untersuchungen ber
basophil-histamine-release test. Photodermatol- die photodynamische Wirksamkeit von Phenoti-
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32. Przybilla B, Ring J, Eberlein B (1988) Inhibition of Klin Exp Dermatol 202:285 298
in vitro basophil histamine release by UVA irradi- 42. Terui T, Okuyama R, Tagami H (2001) Molecular
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33. Przybilla B, Bergner T (1992) Diagnostik von inflammation. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol
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freien Intervall. Hautarzt 43:100 101 43. Wessner D, Hofmann H, Ring J (1999) Phytopho-
34. Przybilla B, Eberlein-Knig B (2000) Photoprovo- todermatitis due to Ruta graveolens applied as
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antiinflammatory drugs induce UV-dependent Strahlentherapie 40:201 243

106,000 estimated fatalities in 1994 (the fourth

5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions commonest cause of death in the United States)
[4, 31].
5.7.1 Drug Allergy: General Procedures Apart from severe bullous reactions (Lyells
syndrome, etc.) (see Sect. 5.7.3), the vasculitic Classification
hypersensitivity syndrome as well as organ
Adverse drug reactions are unexpected unde- damage to liver, lung, or kidney, anaphylactoid
sired reactions to drugs in normal doses [26] reactions are the most dangerous and most fre-
and represent an increasing problem in clinical quently lethal adverse drug reactions. A study
medicine. Approximately 3 5 % of hospitaliza- from the United Kingdom reported a marked
tions are due to drug reactions [39], and increase in prevalence of anaphylactic reactions
10 15 % of hospitalized patients suffer from leading to hospitalization (1:10,000 in 1995)
adverse drug reactions during their hospital [42]. In a hit list of elicitors of fatal anaphylactic
stay. reactions, anesthetics, relaxants, antibiotics,
Drug allergies are a serious problem: 0.32 % and radiographic contrast media are on top.
of hospital patients die from adverse drug reac- The frequency of fatal drug allergy is esti-
tions in the United States, corresponding to mated to be 1:10,000 [56]; for most drugs aller-
176 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

gy prevalences are lower (0.1 1 %). Some Coombs and Gell) (Table 5.76). In order to elicit
groups of drugs, however, have a higher risk an allergy, the drug has to be immunogenic;
(over 2 %), e.g., foreign proteins (xenogeneic this holds true for proteins and peptides (> 7
protein, allergen extracts, organ extracts, vac- amino acids). Low molecular drugs are haptens
cines, transfusions, enzymes, and hormones) and need binding to body carrier proteins to
and antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, sulfon- gain immunogenicity. The chemical basis of
amides, erythromycin). It is unlikely that there sensitization is known for very few drugs; for
are drugs which under guarantee will never penicillin, we know the critical antigenic deter-
elicit an allergy! Anaphylactoid reactions to minants: the penicilloyl group as major deter-
corticosteroids have been reported. Precise minant (that is most frequent, not most dan-
studies to compare the prevalences of side ef- gerous!) and the minor determinants (less
fects are difficult to perform. The term fre- frequent) of penicillenate and penicillamine
quent implies different aspects such as an ac- [62]. Similar molecules can show cross-reac-
tual increased prevalence of side reactions tions; small molecules can elicit a reaction
(relative percentage) as well as an absolutely when they have capacity for at least divalent
increased usage of the drug (absolute num- binding to the antibody molecule.
bers). Metabolism of drugs is important for the in-
The classification of adverse drug reactions duction of incompatibility reactions. In the
can be done according to clinical symptoms balance between activation and detoxification,
(e.g., anaphylactoid reaction, fever, exanthem- disturbances may be crucial, involving espe-
atous eruption, organ disease) and suggested cially the enzymes of the cytochrome P450 sys-
or proven pathomechanism time course kinet- tem as well as N-acetyltransferase (NAT) [34,
ics (acute 0 60 min, subacute 1 24 h, delayed 35]. In cutaneous drug reactions, keratinocytes
or accelerated for more than 24 h) (according to also play a role with metabolizing enzymes
[23]). [45].
For the frequency of sensitization, the route
of administration is essential: the risk of allergy Pathophysiology
induction increases in the following sequence:
Drug allergies can be classified like all other oral, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutane-
allergic diseases (modified classification of ous, and topical.

Table 5.76. Drug allergy: different pathomechanisms

Mechanism (type) Symptoms Example
I (IgE) Anaphylaxis Penicillin, allergen extracts, insulin
II (Cytotoxic) Agranulocytosis Metamizol
Anemia Penicillin, cephalosporin
Thrombocytopenia Carbamazepine
III (Immune complex) Anaphylaxis Xenogeneic serum, dextran
Serum sickness Xenogeneic serum, penicillin
Vasculitis Allopurinol, phenylbutazone
Alveolitis Pituitary extracts, nitrofurantoin
IV (Cell mediated) Eczema (also systemic!) Antibiotics, disinfectants
Photoallergy Halogenated salicylanilides, nalidixic acid
(Fixed drug eruption) Barbiturates, quinine
(Maculopapular) Penicillin, gold, barbiturates, q -blockers
(Toxic epidermal necrolysis) Sulfonamides, NSAIDs, allopurinol
V (Granulomatous) Granuloma Allergen extracts, soluble collagen
VI (Neutralizing/stimulating) (Drug-induced LE?) Hydralazine, procainamide
Insulin resistance Anti-insulin IgG antibodies
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 177

tion himself and needs information from the Risk Factors
patient or from colleagues (questionnaires
The risk of a drug allergy depends both on the have proven useful). Therefore, every physician
characteristics of the substance and on the pa- should carefully document all the symptoms
tient (Table 5.77). Risk factors from the patient together with the suspected drug when there is
can be seen in underlying diseases (immuno- a suspicion of adverse drug reaction. It is not
deficiency, infectious disease, metabolic de- enough to write down the general class of drug
fects such as decreased or slow acetylators). (e.g., penicillin is often used as a wide term
Whether drug allergies are more frequent in for any antibiotic), but the individual sub-
atopics is controversial. Most studies have not stance, the brand name, the producer, the for-
differentiated according to reaction types and mula, the batch number (especially in intrave-
have given controversial results. There is evi- nous solutions and biologicals) should be re-
dence that IgE-mediated reactions may be corded. If possible, single substances of combi-
more frequent in atopics compared to normals. nation drugs should be documented since the
drug content may change over the years under
the same brand name (Table 5.78). The allergist
Table 5.77. Risk factors for drug allergy
also needs the physicians desk reference
1. Risk factors from the drug from previous years!
Duration of administration Sometimes the intensity of a reaction can be
Frequency of administration evaluated from the treatment given. The time
Route of administration course is especially important; some patients
Dose of reactive metabolites suffer from a mild anaphylactic reaction, which
2. Risk factors from the patient only becomes serious after administration of
Underlying disease (immunodeficiency, metabolic epinephrine. In anesthesia-related complica-
disturbance) tions, the anesthesia protocol is of the utmost
Age importance for allergy diagnosis.
Genetic disposition (polymorphisms, HLA)
Atopy (?) According to clinical symptoms, rough in-
Previous incompatibility of the same drug formation for suspected pathomechanisms can
be found with large overlaps. No single symp-
tom is characteristic for a certain pathomecha-
With increasing age and more frequent under- nism (urticaria can be induced by IgE anti-
lying diseases, the intensity of clinical symp- bodies, but also by immune complex reactions,
toms of drug reactions is also increasing. or pseudo-allergic reactions).
Sometimes fever reactions occur together
with other complaints in the sense of serum General Diagnosis of Drug Allergy
sickness; however, they can also be due to toxic
The diagnosis of adverse drug reactions follows
the same principles used for classical allergy
diagnosis: Table 5.78. Important information from the history of
adverse drug reactions
) History and clinical symptoms
) Skin test Substance Effective agents, additives
) In vitro diagnostics Brand name, producer
) Provocation test Administration formula, batch
Possible incompatibilities History and Clinical Symptoms Reaction type Clinical symptoms
History is the most important part of allergy Time course (in surgery also an-
esthesia protocol!)
diagnosis! In most cases of adverse drug reac- Severity
tions, however, the allergist has not seen the
Therapeutic procedures performed
clinical symptoms of the incompatibility reac-
178 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

effects. Hematologic complications are com- possible with confidential cooperation from
mon in cytotoxic reactions (e.g., allergic agran- the pharmaceutical industry (confidentiality
ulocytosis) (see Sect. 5.2). Central nervous agreement!) and the informed patient.
symptoms (cramps, paresthesia, cognitive fail- In pseudo-allergic reactions skin tests are
ure) are seen in pseudo-allergic reactions (e.g., usually negative; they should, however, be per-
with local anesthetics). formed in order to detect rare true allergies and
In the literature, a hypersensitivity syn- in order to avoid dramatic immediate type reac-
drome is described as a very severe drug reac- tions.
tion with sepsis-like symptoms, high fever with
or without skin involvement and frequent hy- In Vitro Diagnosis
pereosinophilia in the peripheral blood. Anti-
convulsants as elicitors are known. The mecha- The development of reliable in vitro tests for al-
nism of these reactions in earlier textbooks lergy diagnosis of adverse drug reaction is a
also called drug fever is not clear. Lympho- major endeavor in research in order to save pa-
cyte transformation tests may be helpful [5]. tients from having to undergo unnecessary
provocation tests. Unfortunately, only for a few
drugs (e.g., penicillin) are standardized RAST Skin Test
procedures available for routine diagnosis.
Two to 3 weeks after remission of symptoms or Besides RAST, IgE-mediated reactions may
withdrawal of systemic glucocorticoid or anti- be detected by in vitro histamine release, sulfi-
histamine therapy, skin tests should be per- doleukotriene formation (CAST-ELISA) [63]
formed, if possible not later than after or basophil activation (CD63) from peripheral
3 months. Certain drugs able to inhibit skin re- leukocytes after stimulation with the suspect
actions should be withdrawn (see Sect. 4.2). drug. In these tests, the problem of hapten cou-
Skin tests stay positive over longer periods of pling to protein is inherent.
time compared to in vitro tests. However, they The diagnosis of non-IgE-mediated reac-
also bear the risk of systemic reactions. Fatali- tions requires the measurement of other anti-
ties after simple scratch tests in highly sensi- body classes, e.g., with passive hemagglutina-
tized patients have been reported [14]. tion, immunodiffusion, or specific RIA or EIA
The general problem of all drug allergy tests assays. Immune complex anaphylaxis due to
is the haptenic nature of the low molecular sub- dextran is mediated by high titers of specific
stances which have to bind in the body to pro- IgG antibodies against dextran (see Sect. 5.3).
teins to gain antigenic properties. Therefore, In this model, the importance of time points for
real progress in the field of drug allergy is only taking blood samples for investigation has
possible when haptens can be coupled to high been elucidated. The highest antibody titers
molecular carriers, for instance penicillin to were found in serum samples drawn prior to
penicilloyl polylysine (PPL) [62]. the administrations of the drug [46]; immedi-
Prior to testing of unknown substances, ately after the clinical reaction, antibody titers
concentrations used need to be evaluated care- were markedly reduced or not measurable; on-
fully [51] in order to avoid toxic reactions. The ly after several days or weeks were antibodies
choice of solvent in water-insoluble drugs is again increased. The retrospective asservation
important. Drug test solutions should be fresh- of samples (laboratory or blood bank) may be
ly made up more often than allergen extracts. decisive for final diagnosis!
Positive test reactions should be evaluated to- Some authors recommend the lymphocyte
gether with controls in healthy volunteers (in transformation test (LTT) as an in vitro test
order to exclude irritative reactions). for adverse drug reactions [5, 40, 53]. In our
Patch tests with topical preparations must experience, the LTT can be helpful in the diag-
include vehicles and other ingredients. In posi- nosis of cell-mediated reactions while immedi-
tive reactions the single substances need to be ate-type reactions only rarely show reliable re-
tested in adequate concentrations; this is only sults.
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 179

A major difficulty of all cellular procedures Table 5.79. Documentation for an allergy passport
is the high variance of the test results. In ad- Criteria for registration of a substance:
verse drug reactions, the problem of standardi- ) The substance can be avoided
zation (vehicle, concentration, metabolites, ) The clinical relevant sensitization usually per-
controls) causes difficulty; many procedures sists over longer periods
) High allergenic potency
(e.g., use of liver microsomes) [34] are not ) Risk of systemic reactions (anaphylaxis)
available for routine tests and are only possible ) Alternative drug tested in provocation tests
in specialized laboratories. ) The allergy passport should contain the follow-
ing information:
) Location and date, name of the allergist Provocation Test ) Clinical symptomatology and severity of the
adverse reaction
The provocation test, e.g., the exposure of the ) Eliciting substance
) Information regarding the diagnostic test pro-
patient to the specific relevant substance under cedures
controlled conditions, often remains the only ) Tested alternatives (e.g., information regarding
reliable method in the diagnosis of adverse the dose tolerated in OPT)
drug reactions; this holds especially true for
pseudo-allergic reactions [43, 48]. results (only clear-cut positive patch test reac-
Prior to the provocation test, the other diag- tions are recorded in the allergy passport!), we
nostic procedures need to be performed in or- also document the so-called allergy suspi-
der to gain information about the intensity of cion in adverse drug reactions (Table 5.80).
the patients sensitization. Any provocation test However, in the allergy passport, both test re-
bears a certain risk and has to be performed sults and diagnostic considerations should be
with the utmost caution (sometimes under in- documented (e.g., suspicion by history, skin
patient conditions). test positive, RAST positive) [60]. So-called
In the diagnosis of adverse drug reactions, prophetic testings (without a history of adverse
oral provocation is the commonest test. The reactions) are rarely indicated.
oral provocation test (OPT) should not only in- The most common mistakes in the diagnosis
clude the suspected agent from the patients his- of adverse drug reactions are listed in Table 5.81.
tory but also a selection of standard substances
as possible alternatives. The recommendation
Table 5.81. Common mistakes in the diagnosis of ad-
of an alternative drug on the basis of the litera- verse drug reactions
ture only without actual proof of tolerability in
an OPT may be dangerous [43, 48]. ) Insufficient history
) Wrong substance tested
For example, we have observed several ) Wrong test procedure
sometimes severe anaphylactoid reactions af- ) Wrong interpretation of skin test reactions
ter administration of acetaminophen in patients (especially intradermal)
) Insufficient precautions for skin tests and prov-
with a history of anaphylaxis to analgesics.
ocation tests
The evaluation of OPT results can some- ) Wrong interpretation of psychic factors (under-
times be difficult, especially with regard to the and overestimation)
allergy passport (Table 5.79). In contrast to ) Inadequate allergy passport
) Testing under therapy with antiallergic drugs
the procedure for contact allergy and patch test

Table 5.80. Allergy diagnosis Criterion Score points

in adverse drug reaction: 0 1 2
Score for inclusion in aller-
gy passport (together with Clinical symptoms (history) Negative Doubtful Clear-cut
B. Przybilla). 0 1 point = Provocation test Negative Doubtful Clear-cut
no allergy passport, 2 Skin test (epidermal) Negative or (+) +
points = allergy suspicion, Skin test (cutaneous)a Negative or (+) + ++
3 or more points = allergy
passport necessary A positive in vitro test may replace a positive cutaneous skin test
180 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Often doctors advise the patient with adverse Table 5.83. Successful hyposensitization in drug erup-
drug reactions: Just dont take this drug any tions
more. This advice is as intelligent as the rec- Antibiotics Virostatiics
ommendation for a patient with abdominal Penicillin Zidovudine
pain: Dont press on it again! Ciprofloxacin Nevirapine
Carbamazepine Hyposensitization in Drug Allergy Sulfonamides Phenobarbital
In spite of multiple alternative substances, it Cytostatics
may occur that the patient is allergic to a life- Azathioprine
saving drug and the possibility of hyposensiti- Antimycotics Carboplatin
zation should be discussed. This has been done Itraconazole
successfully for various drugs although the Antiparasitics Allopurinol
mechanism of this hyposensitization (also Pyrimethamine Insulin
called adaptive deactivation or tolerance in-
duction) is by no means clear.
Principally, one has to distinguish between locytosis, thrombocytopenia, anemia). Maybe
anaphylactic reactions and cutaneous drug this should be reconsidered after future studies
eruptions. The best experiences date from im- using granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
mediate reactions to penicillin, antibiotics and (G-CSF) or erythropoietin as emergency treat-
insulin (Table 5.82). Hyposensitization can be ment.
performed orally or intravenously. In patients Severe underlying diseases may also repre-
with anaphylaxis, the dose increase is done at sent a contraindication. In suspected IgE-me-
15 30 min intervals. According to the severity diated allergy, beta-blocking agents and angio-
of the history, 0.1 1 of a usual dosis is the tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors should be
starting dose. Tables 5.82 and 5.83 show suc- withdrawn prior to hyposensitization.
cessful schedules for penicillin and insulin.
Hyposensitization in cutaneous drug erup-
tions usually does not induce lasting tolerance. Adverse Reactions to Special Drugs
After renewed administration, the drug has to Penicillin and Betalactam
be carefully started with a low dose.
Contraindications for drug hyposensitiza-
tions comprise severe and life-threatening con- Penicillin allergy may manifest in many reac-
ditions without adequate possible therapy such tion types (IV). The prevalence of all reac-
as severe bullous skin diseases (Stevens-John- tions is between 5 % and 10 % [16]. The inci-
son syndrome, Lyells syndrome, necrotic vas- dence of anaphylactic reactions is approxi-
culitis), severe organopathies (hepatitis, ne- mately 1 %, of lethal cases 1:50,000. Regarding
phritis), as well as cytotoxic reactions (agranu- the common use of penicillin (80 million peni-
cillin administrations per year in the United
Table 5.82. Schedule for hyposensitization in penicil- States), this is a great practical problem: 32 of
lin allergy (oral) 43 fatal anaphylactic reactions in the US army
Steps Dose (units) Steps Dose (units)
were penicillin mediated (see Sect. 5.1.4). At-
tempted suicide through the elicitation of ana-
1 100 9 24,000 phylaxis by a penicillin-allergic individual has
2 200 10 48,000 been reported [55]. Often penicillin allergy is
3 400 11 80,000
4 800 12 160,000 observed after the first therapeutic administra-
5 1,600 13 320,000 tion of penicillin; here sensitization may have
6 3,200 14 640,000 occurred unnoticed via food (cows milk,
7 6,400 15 1,000,000 chicken, etc.), conjunctival prophylaxis at birth
8 12,000
or penicillin-containing wound ointments. A
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 181

positive reaction against Penicillium notatum creasing doses with the utmost caution [54].
in the standard allergy test is not of relevance Fortunately, penicillin can be replaced for most
for penicillin allergy! indications by alternative antibiotics. Very spe-
The skin test (always begin with a prick or cial indications remain: streptococcal endocar-
scratch!) is performed with penicilloyl polyly- ditis, life-threatening Pseudomonas infection,
sin (PPL) in a concentration of 50 nM/ml to sepsis with serratia or neurosyphilis.
500 nM/ml (major determinant) as well as pen-
icillin G (200,000 U/ml), benzylpenicillin or Analgesics
benzylpenicillenate (102 mM] (minor deter-
minants). Anaphylactoid reactions after analgesics repre-
If negative, intradermal tests are started: sent the major problem in allergy due to the
PPL 25 250 nM/ml, penicillin G 10 1,000 U/ wide use of these drugs. They may be elicited
ml. via different mechanisms: opiates are direct
The frequency of positive skin test reactions histamine liberators. The most commonly used
in patients with a history of penicillin allergy is agents in mild analgesics are salicylates, pa-
approximately 30 %. Negative skin tests do not ra-aminophenol derivatives, pyrazolones, as
exclude penicillin allergy; positive tests do not well as other contents like vitamins or codeine
100 % predict adverse reactions at the next pen- [28, 43, 59]. Combination drugs are commonly
icillin administration! However, the risk of used in many countries as well. The identifica-
penicillin allergy in patients with a positive tion of the eliciting substance is the major aim
skin test is significantly higher (30 %), while of allergy diagnosis. Skin test procedures have
provocation tests in patients with a negative limited sensitivity. However, strongly positive
skin test in spite of a positive history have only (+++) prick reactions often have diagnostic
shown 3 % positive reactions [20]. The experi- relevance. Intradermal reactions are more dif-
ence with RAST is similar: a positive RAST ficult to evaluate; adequate controls are crucial!
does not necessarily imply adverse reactions, Positive skin test reactions after codeine- or
and negative RASTs do not exclude allergy [29]. opioid-containing analgesics are a sequel of di-
In the single patient, the synopsis of skin test, rect histamine liberation. Rarely, IgE-mediated
in vitro test results, and history should be eval- reactions against opiates have been reported
uated in a risk-benefit consideration towards (e.g., morphine) [19].
the desired therapeutic effect. Penicillin allergy The relevance of positive prick tests in-
is not life-long. Skin test studies in penicillin- creases with increasing severity of the anaphy-
allergic patients show that allergy to penicillin lactoid reaction in history. Twenty-five percent
G as well as PPL decreases over the years. of patients with grade III anaphylactic reac-
Penicillin and cephalosporins of the first tions (shock) had positive prick test reactions
generation have shown a cross-reactivity of in our study, while in patients with skin symp-
10 %; this does not hold true for the newer toms only (grade I) there were positive skin
cephalosporins (third generation]. tests in only 7 % [43].
q -Lactam antibiotics (penicillin and cepha- For most cases, OPTs are required for final
losporin) differ by various side chains of the q - diagnosis to avoid life-threatening reactions in
lactam ring structure whereby cephalosporins the future and offer tolerable alternatives. OPT
have an additional substitution at the 3-posi- has to be performed under emergency condi-
tion of the dihydrothiazine ring. tions. A slow increase in dose from 10 % via
While 10 years ago the most frequent IgE-me- 50 % to 100 % of a usual single dose of a sub-
diated sensitizations were due to the penicilloyl stance has been proven useful; in very severe
group, in recent years the spectrum has changed reactions (e.g., propyphenazone anaphylaxis)
towards an increasing number of reactions to starting with 1 % or 2.5 % of a single dose is rec-
minor determinants and amoxicillin [34]. ommended. Provocation tests have to be per-
If penicillin treatment is life-saving, hypo- formed blinded and placebo controlled in or-
sensitization can be attempted with slowly in- der to avoid psychosomatic interactions. The
182 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

results of OPT with analgesics show character- reactions to insulin. Granulomatous reactions
istic reaction patterns: 40 % of our patients re- in patients allergic to surfen at the injection site
acted to acetylsalicylic acid with concomitant need to be mentioned. Maybe the lipatrophy
reactions to other analgesics. These patients sometimes observed after insulin injection is
had negative skin tests and possible pseudo-al- also immunologically mediated [18, 57].
lergic mechanisms. In contrast, 50 % of pa- Almost half of patients under insulin treat-
tients only reacted to pyrazolone compounds, ment form antibodies of IgE and IgG class
with occasional positive skin reactions sug- against insulin without clinical incompatibility.
gesting allergic mechanisms. It was interesting Sometimes high titers of neutralizing IgG anti-
that there was no cross-reaction between dif- bodies against insulin give rise to insulin resis-
ferent pyrazolones such as metamizol (dipyro- tance [18], a phenomenon that may be classi-
ne) and propyphenazone [43]. Eight percent of fied under type VI reactions (see Table 5.76).
our patients also reacted to para-aminophenol Anaphylactic reactions to insulin represent
derivatives such as acetaminophen. The com- the major problem; for diagnosis, skin tests
mon practice of avoiding OPTs and just recom- (start with 0.01 U in a prick or 0.0001 U intra-
mending acetaminophen as alternative is not dermally) as well as RAST and histamine re-
justified. lease are used.
We use a standard block of analgesics for When insulin allergy is diagnosed, the indi-
OPT comprising acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), cation for insulin therapy should be evaluated.
acetaminophen, dipyrone, propyphenazone, If this is given, hyposensitization under inpa-
tramadol, ibuprofen, and sometimes nefopam tient conditions can be attempted (see above).
or dextropropoxyphen. For the special prob- If the patient has received insulin within the
lem of ASA idiosyncrasy, see Sect. 5.7.3. previous 24 h, the dose is reduced to one-tenth
It should be stressed that with other sub- of the last dose and increased daily by 5 U.
stances suspected in a mixed preparation these If the last insulin injection dates back fur-
also have to be tested including also additives. ther, hyposensitization with human recombi-
nant insulin is performed as rush hyposensiti-
zation (Table 5.84). The starting dose repre- Insulin
sents 1/100 of the last positive prick test con-
With increasing purity of insulin preparations, centration.
the previously frequent incompatibility reac-
tions have become rare. Insulin of different Heparin
species shows pronounced cross-reactivity.
Even after the introduction of recombinant hu- Heparin and heparinoids are glucosaminogly-
man insulin, allergic reactions have been ob- cans (molecular weight 3,000 to 40,000) and are
served. The unusual route of administration
(subcutaneous), possible impurities, additives
(depot substances such as protamine, zinc, pre- Table 5.84. Schedule of rush hyposensitization in in-
servatives such as surfen, phenolcresol, or glyc- sulin allergy
erin acetate), as well as unphysiological molec- Day Dose Adminis- Day Dose Adminis-
ular structures (aggregates of insulin) have tration tration
been discussed [57]. A genetic association with 1 0.0001 i.c. 4 8.0 s.c.
HLA-D 3 has been suggested. 0.001 i.c. 12.0 s.c.
Interestingly, some patients with type I diabe- 0.01 i.c. 16.0 s.c.
tes have insulin autoantibodies, without ever 2 0.1 i.c. 5 20.0 s.c.
having been treated with insulin, persisting for 0.5 i.c.
6 25.0 s.c.
years and sometimes occurring with antibodies 1.0 i.c.
7 30.0 s.c.
against cytoplasmic island cell antigens [57]. 3 2.0 s.c.
The clinical symptoms of insulin allergy 4.0 s.c.
6.0 s.c.
vary; there are many different types of allergic
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 183

used for anticoagulation. Mostly, they are pre- HIV Infection and Drug Allergy
pared from mucosa of pig intestine or beef
lung. Allergic reactions against heparin may be Adverse drug reactions are a major problem for
mediated via different mechanisms (type I to HIV patients, especially exanthematous drug
type IV). Anaphylactic reactions are rare but eruptions, which are a hundred times more fre-
have been reported (cited by Zrcher and quent in HIV patients than in the general popu-
Krebs; Sect. 5.7.3). Cytotoxic reactions in the lation [11]. Maculopapulous eruptions, unspe-
sense of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia cific hypersensitivity syndrome and rare
have been covered in Sect. 5.2. complications such as metabolic lipodystro-
More frequent are local reactions manifest- phy syndrome have been observed under
ing either as the Arthus reaction with leukocy- combined highly active antiretroviral therapy
toclastic vasculitis or as a recently more com- (HAART) [38].
monly occurring indurating dermatitis type IV While previously sulfonamides and other
reaction [33, 37]. Apart from the exclusion of antimicrobials were the most frequent eliciting
allergic sensitization against xenogeneic ani- agents of adverse drug reactions, recently nu-
mal proteins, testing is done by prick and intra- cleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (e.g.,
dermal tests as well as subcutaneous provoca- abacavir), non-nucleoside reverse transcrip-
tion testing. There are considerable cross-reac- tase inhibitors (e.g., delavirdin, efavirenz, ne-
tions, sometimes also with low molecular he- virapine, etc.) as well as protease inhibitors
parinoids, which should always be tested as (like amprenavir) have become common [38].
possible alternatives. The reasons for the increased prevalence of ex-
In some cases, recombinant hirudin (Lepi- anthematous drug eruptions in HIV infections
rudin) can be recommended after negative are not clear. Besides the immanent challenge
provocation testing in patients with severe due to the multiple pharmacotherapy with
heparin allergy and contraindication for cou- drugs to be taken continuously, the use of very
marin derivatives. different and new substances with ill-defined
side reactions needs to be discussed. Also rath-
er high doses and possible metabolic interac- Rare Drug Reactions
tions may be considered as well as the general
With the new development of recombinant situation of an overstimulated immune system
drugs and gene technology, also new side ef- with upregulation of co-stimulatory mole-
fects of drugs should be expected such as cules, cell surface receptors, and cytokine se-
against: cretion.
) Recombinant drugs
) Monoclonal antibodies (even if hybrids
with human immunoglobulin form large
parts of the protein and mouse sequences
are only small)
) Reactions against viral vectors during gene
In the United States, a fatal case in a gene thera-
py study with adenovirus as the vector has
been brought to public attention. The precise
mechanisms are not clear; overstimulation of
the innate immune system with massive secre-
tion of various cytokines, especially interleu-
kin-6 and TNF, leading to shock lung [acute re-
spiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and mul-
tiorgan failure] have been discussed.
184 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

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ten Unvertrglichkeiten. Hautarzt 38:516 522 rungstest (CAST). Allergologie 20:487 502
49. Schaub N, Bircher AJ (2000) Severe hypersensitivi- 64. Weiss ME, Adkinson NF (1991) Allergy to prot-
ty syndrome to lamotrigine confirmed by lympho- amine. Clin Rev Allergy 9:339 355
cyte stimulation in vitro. Allergy 55: 191 193 65. Zanni MP, von Greyerz S, Schnyder B, et al. (1998)
50. Schnyder B, Pichler WJ (2000) Skin laboratory HLA-restricted, processing- and metabolism-in-
tests in amoxicillin- and penicillin-induced mor- dependent pathway of drug recognition by hu-
billiform skin eruption. Clin Exp Allergy 30: man ab T lymphocytes. J Clin Invest 102:1591
590 595 1598

5.7.2 Pseudo-allergic Drug Reactions The most common drugs eliciting pseudo-al-
lergic anaphylactic reactions are radiographic Definition and Elicitors
contrast media, local anesthetics, i.v. anesthet-
Adverse reactions mimicking clinically allergic ics, volume substitutes, acetylsalicylic acid, and
diseases without detectable immunologic sen- other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
sitization are called pseudo-allergic reac- (Table 5.86). The case of a severe anaphylactic
tions [9, 13, 15, 28]. In principle, pseudo-aller- reaction after infusion of a colloid volume sub-
gic reactions exist for all types of allergic reac- stitute (hydroxyethyl starch HES) is shown in
tions (see Table 5.85); the most frequent pseu- Fig. 5.70.
do-allergic reactions, however, are immediate- Asthma and urticaria are the most common
type reactions resembling anaphylaxis [23]. clinical manifestations of acetylsalicylic acid
186 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Clinical symptoms Allergy Pseudo-allergy Table 5.85. Mechanisms

of different types of
Anaphylactic reaction IgE Direct mediator release drug-induced allergy
IgG Direct complement activation and pseudo-allergy
Neuropsychogenic reflexes (examples)
Embolic-toxic reaction
Cytotoxic reaction IgG, IgM G6PDH deficiency
Serum sickness, IgG, IgM Shwartzman-Sanarelli phenomenon
vasculitis Aggregate-induced reaction
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Embolia cutis
Eczema, exanthema T lymphocytes Phototoxic dermatitis
B-cell stimulation (ampicillin),
lichen planus (gold)
Granuloma T lymphocytes + Foreign body granuloma
Organopathy or Autoantibodies Cholestasis
autoallergy (drug-induced LE)

Table 5.86. Drugs eliciting pseudo-allergic anaphylac-

tic reactions (examples)
) Radiographic contrast media
) Colloidal volume substitutes
) Gammaglobulins
) Antibiotics
RR (mm Hg), pulse (min-1)

) Intravenous anesthetics
) Opioids
) Muscle relaxants
) Local anesthetics
) Cyclooxygenase inhibitors
) Drugs increasing microcirculatory flow

idiosyncrasy. These patients are often also suf-

fering from nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis
(Samters triad) [30]. Certain forms of drug-in-
duced hepatopathy possibly may be regarded 500 mg Prednisolone
as pseudo-allergic reactions, such as cholestat-
ic (phenothiazine, imipramine) or hepatocellu-
lar icterus (amphotericin B, furosemide, isoni-
10 ml HES
Hemolytic anemias in patients with specific Fig. 5.70. Clinical symptoms of an anaphylactic reac-
enzyme deficiencies (glucose-6-phosphate de- tion following the infusion of hydroxyethyl starch
hydrogenase or glutathione reductase) occur
after administration of certain drugs, corre-
sponding to pseudo-allergic reactions of tions, neuropsychogenic mechanism reflex re-
type II (Table 5.87). actions, and Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction may
The pathophysiology of pseudo-allergic re- be mentioned here. For only a few drugs are the
actions is variable and not well understood pathomechanisms established. The situation is
(Table 5.88): Besides direct complement activa- complicated by the fact that one and the same
tion, direct mediator liberation as well as en- drug may elicit both allergic and pseudo-aller-
zyme deficiencies, also embolic-toxic reac- gic reactions! Table 5.89 gives some rules for
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 187

Table 5.87. Drugs and other substances able to induce hemolysis in patients with enzyme deficiency (from [11])
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Glutathione reductase deficiency
Drug Food Drug Other substances
Primaquine Fava beans Nitrofurantoin Nitro solvent
Atebrin Leguminosae Primaquine Thallium
Anilin derivatives Red- and black currants Resochin
Acetanilide Azulfidine
Naphthalene and derivatives Dapsone (DADPS)
Phenylhydrazine Chloramphenicol
Acetylphenylhydrazine Phenacetin
Methylene blue Pentazolidine
Phenacetin Coumarin
p-Aminosalicylic acid
Sulfones and Sulfonamides
Vitamin K and analogues

Table 5.88. Examples of

possible mechanisms of Direct complement activation
pseudo-allergic reac- (Classic) Gammaglobulin (standard) (aggregated
tions IgG)
Plasmaprotein solutions (aggregated IgG)
(Bypass activation) Radiographic contrast media
Intravenous anesthetics
Direct mediator release Gelatin
Radiographic contrast media
Intravenous anesthetics
Antibiotics (polymyxin)
(Acetylsalicylic acid?)
Enzyme defects
C1 inactivator Hereditary angioneurotic edema
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Hemolytic anemia
(cholinesterase) (Succinylcholine incompatibility)
Neuropsychogenic reflexes Local anesthetics
Embolic-toxic reaction Depot-penicillin (intravascular)
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction Destruction of cells (e.g., syphilis treat-
ment with penicillin)
Increase of blood flow Nicotinic acid esters

Table 5.89. Rough crite- Allergy Pseudo-allergy

ria for distinction of
allergic from pseudo- Sensitization No sensitization
allergic reactions
Reaction after repeated contact Reaction at first contact
Rare (< 5 %) Frequent (> 5 %)
Typical clinical symptoms Unspecific symptoms
Low eliciting doses Dose dependent (speed dependent in
Family history sometimes positive Family history negative (exception:
enzyme defects)
Moderate psychologic influence Strong psychologic influence
188 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

the differentiation of pseudo-allergic and aller- For prophylaxis, antihistamines and gluco-
gic reactions (cum grano salis). corticosteroids, beta-adrenergics, antidepres-
In the following, some clinically common sives, as well as hypnotic suggestion have been
pseudo-allergic reactions will be discussed. recommended.
In a prospective placebo-controlled study of
our own, we were able to show a significant Radiographic Contrast Media
prophylactic effect of a combined H1 and H2 an-
The majority of adverse reactions after radio- tagonist intravenous pretreatment (clemastine
graphic contrast media (RCM) are non-immu- + cimetidine 5 min prior to RCM infusion)
nologic in origin. Occasional cases of true aller- [26].
gy have been published. In recent years, late or
delayed reactions (4 8 h) after RCM infusion Plasma Protein Solutions
have been reported, which may correspond to a
true type IV reaction (positive patch tests) [1, After intravenous injection of standard gam-
32]. RCM are direct histamine and serotonin lib- maglobulin, severe anaphylactic reactions may
erators [25] as well as complement activators occur; therefore, these preparations are only
[38]. Interactions with the coagulation and kalli- applied intramuscularly. Gammaglobulin ag-
krein-kinin system have been reported [17, 28]. gregates present in the solutions activate the
While 20 years ago toxic effects of ionic con- complement system via the classic pathway (re-
trast media as well as high osmolarity were verse immune complex reaction). Protein ag-
considered pathophysiologically important, we gregates are also present in other plasma pro-
now know that even after non-ionic solutions tein solutions and severe systemic reactions
with physiological osmolarity, severe side reac- have been observed [23]. The liberation of ki-
tions (even fatalities) may occur. nins and kinin-activating substances present in
There is no reliable method of predicting the some human serum albumin batches is dis-
risk of an RCM reaction in the individual pa- cussed. The common intravenous gammaglob-
tient. Iodine allergy is a type IV reaction in the ulins are chemically or physically modified on
sense of a classic allergic contact dermatitis the Fc part, thus preventing aggregate forma-
and is not primarily linked to anaphylactic re- tion and complement activation. Therefore,
actions after iodinated RCM, where iodine is they are generally well tolerated.
bound within the benzoic acid ring structure!
Occasional cases of systemic contact dermatitis Gelatine Volume Substitutes
may be elicited by iodine since in some RCM
solutions minute amounts of free iodine (pico- After infusion of gelatine volume substitutes
gram range) have been detected. especially the urea-linked modification using
According to our experience, the risk of an di-isocyanate (Haemaccel) a dose- and
RCM reaction is not increased in atopics or pa- speed-dependent histamine liberation has
tients with other drug reactions. Only in pa- been described [8, 19]. Anaphylactic reactions
tients with a clear-cut history of severe anaphy- after gelatine infusion were very frequent in the
lactic reactions after RCM infusion is the risk 1980s (up to 30 %!), but have been reduced by
significantly elevated to 30 % (normal individ- better production with lower isocyanate con-
uals around 10 %) (cited in [24]). centrations. Pretreatment with histamine H1
Some patients may react to a prick test with and H2 antagonists is an effective prophylaxis.
systemic reactions. Therefore, we perform skin Occasional true IgE-mediated reactions to gel-
tests as a minimum variant of provocation un- atine have been reported [42].
der emergency conditions. The occasional in-
travenous provocation testing with RCM is a Intravenous Anesthetics
matter of clinical research.
Uncontrolled test injections of small vol- Intravenous anesthetics (Table 5.90) have phar-
umes may elicit severe anaphylactic reactions. macological effects, giving rise to complica-
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 189

Table 5.90. Intravenous anesthetics vere anaphylactic reactions, true IgE-mediated

Barbiturates Opiates
allergies against muscle relaxants have been
) Thiopental ) Morphine observed with cross-reactivity related to the
) Methohexital ) Fentanyl quarternary ammonium group [39].
) Hexobarbital ) Alfentanil If a depolarizing relaxant (e.g., succinylcho-
) Thiobutabarbital ) Droperidol
line) is not tolerated, a non-depolarizing agent
Diazepines Others (e.g., alcuronium) may be tolerated.
) Diazepam ) Propanidide
) Medazolam ) Ketamine
Malignant hyperthermia occurs in patients
) Etomidate with myopathy due to increased calcium influx
) Althesin and contractility with rapid increase in body
temperature without shivering, tachycardia, ta-
chypnea, muscle rigidity, and cardiac arrhyth-
tions like hypotension or tachycardia or have mia. The disease is familiar. For diagnosis,
central stimulating effects such as ketamine muscle biopsy with in vitro stimulation and
and propanidide, or sedative effects like barbi- contractility study is available. Molecular ge-
turates. netic tests found a relevant mutation in the rya-
Various mechanisms have been discussed to nodin receptor 1 gene (RYR-1) [38]. Effective
explain anaphylactic reactions. Besides classic therapy uses the hydantoin derivative dantro-
IgE-mediated reactions (barbiturates), pseu- len (1 mg/kg body wt. i.v.), oxygen, and slow re-
do-allergic mechanisms with direct comple- duction of body temperature.
ment activation and histamine liberation may
play a role (especially opioids) [8, 24]. Recently, Local Anesthetics
IgE-mediated reactions to opiates and relax-
ants have been reported [19]. So-called allergic reactions against local anes-
A careful history is the mainstay of diagno- thetics are common in the allergists office; how-
sis of these adverse reactions. The allergist ever, true allergies are rare, except for the type IV
needs the cooperation of the anesthetist, who reactions in classic allergic contact dermatitis
should record the exact time sequence of the [29]. Most anaphylactic reactions are non-im-
substances administered! When skin tests are munologic in origin with unspecific symptoms.
performed, the histamine-liberating properties Intradermal tests cannot be related to clinical
of certain anesthetics need to be considered. manifestation [14]. As pathomechanism, psy-
choneurogenic reflex mechanisms with vasova-
gal components have been suggested. In prac- Muscle Relaxants
tice, the procedure of subcutaneous provoca-
The most important side effects of muscle re- tion testing (Table 5.91) is recommended with
laxants are: slowly increasing doses under careful observa-
) Prolonged muscle relaxation tion in emergency conditions subcutaneously.
) Anaphylactic reaction The role of preservatives contained in some
) Malignant hyperthermia solutions, especially in larger bottles, has to be

Prolonged muscle relaxation mostly is due to a

Table 5.91. Local anesthetics: provocation tests,
genetic or drug-induced inhibition of cholines- 20-min interval
terase (e.g., neostigmine, organophosphates,
hexafluronium, quinidine, cyclophosphamide, Prick test
aprotinin) or a muscular disease (myasthenia if negative:
1. I.d. 1:10 0.1 ml
gravis). 2. S.c. 1:10 0.1 ml
Muscle relaxants are direct histamine libera- 3. S.c. Undiluted 0.1 ml
tors. It is under discussion whether this proper- 4. S.c. Undiluted 0.5 ml
ty is connected with the frequently observed 5. S.c. Undiluted 1.0 ml
6. S.c. Undiluted 2.0 ml
tachycardia and hypotension. However, in se-
190 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.92. Local anesthetic (LA) incompatibility: Table 5.94. Hypothetical concepts for pathophysiolo-
reverse placebo provocation (in patients reacting to gy of ASA idiosyncrasy
placebo and psychological influence)
) Cyclooxygenase inhibition leads to diminished
Procedure Patient protective prostaglandins
information ) Cyclooxygenase inhibition leads to increased
formation of lipoxygenase products
1. Skin test Open ) Cyclooxygenase 1-inhibition is decisive
2. S.c. provocation with LA 1 with LA ) Direct release of vasoactive mediators
3. S.c. provocation with LA 2 another LA ) Activation of complement system
4. S.c. provocation with NaCl another LA ) Activation of coagulation and/or kallikrein-
5. S.c. provocation with LA 1 NaCl kinin system
6. S.c. provocation with LA 1 LA 1 ) Increased platelet reactivity
) Immune reaction against ASA metabolites or
evaluated by testing preservative-free sub-
stances (mostly in ampules).
If there is psychologic influence and patients concomitant administration of NSAIDs and
also react to placebo, we use the procedure of allergen can lead to increased reactions (ASA
reverse placebo provocation (Table 5.92), giv- augmentation [20]) (see Sect. 5.1.4 on Ana-
ing the patient verum under the label place- phylaxis).
bo. If the local anesthetic then is well tolerated, The most prominent feature of analgesic idi-
the patient is completely informed and the same osyncrasy (sometimes also called intolerance
procedure is repeated on the next day openly. syndrome [20, 40] is the lack of immunologic
cross-reactivity with other chemically related
substances. However, there are pharmacologic Acetylsalicylic Acid and Non-steroidal
cross-reactivities with similarly acting sub-
Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
stances, e.g., other NSAIDs, but also chemicals
Toxic effects of NSAIDs such as gastric irrita- such as food colorings (tartrazine) and preser-
tion and inhibition of platelet aggregation need vatives (see Sect. 5.1.5 on Food Allergy).
to be differentiated from pseudo-allergic hy- For diagnosis the provocation test is most
persensitivity reactions with variable manifes- important (see Sect. 5.7.1). Caveat: with too
tation (Table 5.93). high doses of ASA, patients with aspirin-asth-
The pathomechanism of acetylsalicylic acid ma may develop acute severe asthma attacks!
(ASA) idiosyncrasy (15 % of asthma patients) We recommend beginning according to the in-
has not yet been clearly elucidated. Direct me- tensity of symptoms in the history with
diator liberation [3, 4, 5, 15, 21, 27, 36, 40, 41] 5 50 mg ASA and increasing doses at 2-h inter-
has been discussed as well as direct comple- vals to 100, 200 500 and eventually 500 mg.
ment activation, platelet stimulation and a shift Patients with chronic urticaria often react to
in eicosanoid metabolism (Table 5.94). The ASA as well as other additives and colorings
(see Sect. 5.1.6 on Urticaria).
Several in vitro diagnostic techniques have
Table 5.93. Clinical manifestations of NSAID incom-
patibility been attempted in ASA idiosyncrasy; however,
the observed effects (e.g., histamine release by
Eye ASA) have also been observed in patients toler-
) Conjunctivitis
ating ASA [3, 5, 27, 39]. Recently the cellular al-
Respiratory tract lergen stimulation test (CAST) has been fa-
) Rhinitis
) Sinusitis vored, when after stimulation with C5a, PAF or
) Asthma F-Met-Leu-Phe increased leukotriene secretion
Urticaria and angioedema is measured in patients with chronic urticaria
and a positive ASA provocation test [5, 43]. Di-
Anaphylactic reaction
rect stimulation with ASA in vitro, however,
has yielded controversial results [5, 21, 43].
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 191

For therapy, avoidance is the primary prin- Other Pseudo-allergic Reactions
ciple: in nasal polyposis polypectomy is indi-
cated; equally infectious sinusitis has to be For the sake of completeness the classical Ja-
treated. risch-Herxheimer reaction should be men-
By administrations of slowly increasing tioned in a chapter on pseudo-allergic reac-
doses of ASA, in some patients adaptive deac- tions; by cell destruction (penicillin in syphi-
tivation is possible, leading to ASA tolerance, lis), pyrogenic or vasoactive substances may be
which makes the daily intake of 500 mg or released and activate the complement system.
650 mg ASA necessary [34, 27, 40]. In some pa- After administration (mostly intramuscular)
tients a decrease in relapses of nasal polyposis of depot-penicillins occasional pseudo-allergic
has been observed [34]. reactions have been observed with central ner-
Adaptive deactivation with ASA in patients vous disturbances and cardiovascular symp-
with chronic urticaria or anaphylactic reac- toms, which have been called embolic-toxic re-
tions has not been convincingly achieved. actions (Hoigne syndrome) [13]. Oily material
After the introduction of cyclooxygenase of the depot emulsion may reach the intravasal
(COX) 2 inhibitors [10], many people were lumen after injection and lead to microemboli.
hopeful of having safe alternatives for patients Whether a direct pharmacologic effect of pro-
with ASA idiosyncrasy [6, 31, 36, 37, 45]. There caine sometimes also contained in these prep-
are, however, patients who react particularly to arations plays a pathogenic role remains open.
COX 2 inhibitors [12]. COX 2 inhibitors, there- For the mechanisms of ampicillin rash see
fore, cannot generally be regarded as safe alter- Sect. 5.7.3.
natives in ASA idiosyncrasy. Generally, contaminants and impurities
have to be considered whenever an adverse re-
action remains unclear. Additives
Adverse drug reactions may not only be elicited Therapy and Prophylaxis
by the active substance but also by additives in
the preparation. Most additives have been The treatment of pseudo-allergic anaphylactic
added for galenic reasons (preservatives, anti- reactions follows the principles of anti-anaphy-
oxidants, stabilizers, filling substances, etc.); lactic regimens (see Sect. 5.1.4). In unclear
however, undesired ingredients may also be cases and with a history of pseudo-allergic re-
considered [16, 23, 28]. Some may be legal actions the prophylactic administration of his-
(such as high molecular residues or small par- tamine H1- and H2-antagonists (intravenously
ticles < 30 m in infusion solutions) or illegal 5 min prior to the drug) or orally together with
such as bacterial contaminants or pyrogens glucocorticosteroids (18 h prior to administra-
(Table 5.95). tion) is recommended.

Table 5.95. Additives in drugs as elicitors of anaphy-

lactic reactions (examples) References
) Depot mediators (Penicillin preparations) 1. Brockow K, Ring J (1996) Mechanisms of pseudo-
) Micell formers (Cremophor EL) allergic reactions due to radiographic contrast me-
) Sulfites (Injection solutions, dia. Allergy Clin Immunol Int 8:123 125
local anesthetics) 2. Brockow K, Vieluf D, Pschel K, Grosch J, Ring J
) Protein stabilizers (Protein solutions) (1999) Increased postmortem serum mast cell
) Benzylalcohol (Injection solutions, tryptase in a fatal anaphylactoid reaction to non-
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) Colorings (In tablets) nol 104:237 238
) Acetate (Dialysis) 3. Capron A, Ameisen J, Joseph M, Auriault C, Tarnel
AB, Caen J (1985) New functions for platelets and
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extensor surfaces of extremities [10, 12, 24, 35, 53,

5.7.3 Exanthematous Drug Eruptions
56, 62]. The morphology of exanthematous drug Prevalence eruptions is very colorful. Skin reactions mostly
Adverse drug reactions occur preferably on the are not specific but may be elicited through aller-
skin. Three percent of all drug treatments give gic, toxic, or infectious processes. There are, how-
rise to adverse drug reactions on the skin [3, 10, ever, conditions which are elicited more frequent-
62], not including contact allergic reactions after ly by certain drugs than by others [10, 60, 62].
external application of topicals (see Sect. 5.5.2). Knowledge of these facts is crucial in the causal
Exanthematous drug eruptions occur after sys- diagnosis [3, 10, 25, 39, 62] (Tables 5.96, 5.97).
temic administration of a drug, manifesting On the other hand, an underlying disease of
mostly symmetrically with a predilection of the the patient does influence the occurrence of

Table 5.96. Prevalence of drug-induced allergic skin reactions (from [3])

Prevalence (%) Prevalence (%)
Cotrimoxazole 5.90 Trimethobenzamide 0.66
Ampicillin 5.20 Phenazopyridine 0.65
Other semisynthetic penicillins 3.60 Methenamine 0.64
Corticotropin 2.80 Cyanocobalamin 0.62
Erythromycin 2.30 Barbiturate 0.47
Salicylazosulfapyridine 2.10 Glutethimide 0.45
Sulfisoxazole 1.70 Indomethacin 0.44
Penicillin G 1.60 Chlordiazepoxide 0.42
Gentamycin 1.60 Metoclopramide 0.40
Practolol 1.60 Diazepam 0.38
Cephalosporin 1.30 Propoxyphene 0.34
Quinidine 1.20 Isoniazid 0.30
Metamizol (dipyrone) 1.10 Nystatin 0.29
Mercury diuretics 0.95 Chlorothiazide 0.28
Nitrofurantoin 0.91 Furosemide 0.26
Heparin 0.77 Insulin 0.13
Chloramphenicol 0.68 Phenytoin 0.11
Phytonadione 0.09
194 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.97. Common elicitors of certain cutaneous drug eruptions: Increased prevalences of drug
drug eruptions eruptions are common in HIV infection and
Morphology Elicitor (examples) AIDS (sulfonamides, etc.) while in early stages
of HIV, IgE-mediated reactions may be dimin-
Urticarial see Sect. 5.1.3 on Urticaria
eruptions and Sect. 5.1.4 on Anaphylaxis ished [36, 47].
Erythematovesi- see Sect. 5.5.2 on Dermatitis
cular eruptions Clinical Classification of Exanthematous
Purpura/hemor- see Sect. 5.2 on Cytotoxic Drug Eruptions
rhagic eruptions Reactions and Sect. 5.3 on
Immune Complex Reactions The prevalences of the most important types of
drug eruptions from a Finnish study are shown
Erythema Barbiturates
multiforme Sulfonamides
in Table 5.98.
Hydralazine Urticarial Drug Eruptions. These represent
Carbamazepine mostly allergic reactions due to IgE-mediated
Diuretics phenomena (urticaria, anaphylaxis) (see
Sects. 5.1.3, 5.1.4) or IgG/IgM immune com-
Erythema Anticonceptives plexes as serum sickness (after 8 14 days!) (see
nodosum Halogens
Sulfonamides Sect. 5.3.2).
Macular and Penicillin Erythematovesicular Drug Eruptions. These
maculopapular Ampicillin
Allopurinol correspond clinically to systemic contact der-
Sulfonamides matitis whereby the allergens are administered
NSAIDs systemically (e.g., sulfonamides, metal ions)
Exfoliative Antiepileptics (see Sect. 5.5.2).
dermatitis Phenylbutazone
Heavy metals (e.g., arsenic) Hemorrhagic Drug Eruptions. Some exan-
Fixed drug Barbiturates thematous drug eruptions may become hemor-
eruption Analgesics rhagic in nature when they are very intense or
Table 5.98. Prevalence of clinical types of drug erup-
tions in 446 patients (from Kauppinnen and Stubb
Metronidazole Type Number of
Lichenoid drug Thiazides
eruptions Phenothiazine Macular und maculopapular
Captopril eruptions 189
Gold Fixed eruptions 92 (16 multi-
Sulfonamides locular)
Acneiform drug Steroid hormones Urticaria/angioedema 57
eruptions Halogens Eczema 47
Lithium Erythema multiforme 18
Isoniazin Stevens-Johnson syndrome 8
Vitamins (B) Lyells syndrome (toxic epidermal
Hydantoin necrolysis) 8
Photosensitization 5
Lymphocytic Analgesics (plus alcohol?) Purpura 4
infiltration Lupus erythematosus-like lesions 2
Psoriasiform Beta-blockers Erythema nodosum 1
eruptions Gold salts Fever 5
Lithium Total 436
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 195

Fig. 5.71. Clinical manifestation of purpura chronica Fig. 5.72. Measles-like drug exanthema following the
progressiva (Schambergs disease) oral administration of penicillin

due to hydrostatic pressure (legs). There is, ble (CD8 cells), which can be demonstrated
however, primary drug-induced purpura cor- as delayed-type reactions in the intradermal
responding to cytotoxic reactions (allergic or patch test [14, 35, 42, 54]. Infectious dis-
thrombocytopenic purpura) (see Sect. 5.2) or eases (measles, rubeola) are a differential di-
as immune complex vasculitis (see Sect. 5.3). agnosis.
Purpura chronica progressiva (M. Scham- A special problem is ampicillin exanthema,
berg) is characterized by small petechial bleed- which occurs in 10 % of ampicillin-treated pa-
ings with a reddish-brownish (Cayenne pep- tients and is probably due to unspecific B-cell
per) skin lesion and is elicited by drugs (bro- stimulation as it occurs with certain viral infec-
mide carbamide) or additives (Fig. 5.71). tions (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus). Infection and
Histologically, lymphocytic infiltration drug effect may potentiate in the example of in-
around the vessels is seen; sometimes patch fectious mononucleosis where 90 100 % of
tests are positive. Some authors regard progres- ampicillin-treated patients develop ampicillin
sive pigmentary purpura as the vascular type rash (almost pathognomonic).
IV reaction ( dermatitis of the vessels) [35].
Exfoliative Dermatitis. Some drugs elicit gen-
Macular and Maculopapular Drug Eruptions. eralized exfoliative dermatitis (Fig. 5.73) rang-
These are the most common exanthematous ing up to erythroderma (e.g., sulfonamides,
drug eruptions with histologically perivascu- antimalarials, penicillin, mercury-containing
lar lymphocytic infiltrates. The skin lesions diuretics, barbiturates). The pathomechanism
manifest 8 12 days after the first treatment is not clear; in the differential diagnosis, toxic
(Fig. 5.72), in repeated treatment much faster. shock syndrome should be considered [15, 23,
Pathogenetically, a type IVc reaction is proba- 58].
196 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.73. Drug exanthema: exfoliative dermatitis Fig. 5.74. Drug-induced erythema with nodosum-like
skin lesions

Drug-Induced Erythema Nodosum. Erythe-

ma-nodosum-like skin lesions may be drug in-
duced (anticonceptives, sulfonamides, phenyl-
butazone) (Fig. 5.74). In the pathogenesis, im-
mune complexes but also cellular reactions
have been discussed.

Lymphohistiocytic Reaction. This is a local-

ized reaction mostly in the face with livid-red
infiltrates (Fig. 5.75), sometimes occurring
12 24 h after intake of analgesics together with
alcohol. Histologically, perivascular infiltrates Fig. 5.75. Lymphohistiocytic reaction
of lymphocytes and histiocytes together with
edema of the dermis are characteristic. area after repeated administration. With in-
creasing number of relapses, skin lesions may
be more brownish. Specifically sensitized lym-
Bullous Drug Eruptions
phocytes may stay over longer periods of time
Fixed Drug Eruptions. These are sharply mar- in the area. Patch tests only will be positive in
ginated dark red to livid macules, which can be loco during remission (Fig. 5.78). New investi-
blistering with predominant acral localization gations describe an early vascular phase with
(hands, feet, glans penis) 24 48 h after drug in- CD4 infiltrates followed by an epidermal phase
take (Figs. 5.76, 5.77). The characteristic fea- with CD8 cells and HLA-DR-expressing, partly
ture is the occurrence on exactly the same skin destroyed keratinocytes [41].
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 197

Fig. 5.76. Fixed drug-induced exanthema of the oral


Fig. 5.78. Positive epidermal reaction to patch test in

loco during remission (K.H. Schulz)

Fig. 5.77. Fixed drug-induced exanthema following

the oral administration of phenylbutazone

Erythema Multiforme. Erythema multiforme-

like skin lesions with typical target formations
(Fig. 5.79) may be triggered by viral, bacterial
infection or drugs. Sulfonamides and barbitu-
rates are common, also tetracyclines. Pathoge-
netically, type IV reactions but also immune
complex mechanisms are suspected [27]. In the
histology, subepidermal blistering is character-
A serious complication of erythema multi-
forme is mucosal involvement (conjunctival,
oral, genital) (Figs. 5.80, 5.81) such as in Ste-
vens-Johnson syndrome. In rare cases, there is Fig. 5.79. Exudative erythema multiforme
198 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

transition possible into drug-induced Lyells

syndrome (toxic epidermal necrolysis) (see
below). Clinical and dermatopathological
characteristics (Table 5.99), however, argue for
the individual entity of the different diseases
[39, 51].

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (Drug-Induced

Lyells Syndrome). Drug-induced Lyells syn-
drome (toxic epidermal necrolysis or syn-
drome of burnt skin) represents the maximal
Fig. 5.80. Exudative erythema multiforme with muco- variant of bullous drug eruptions.
sal involvement In 1956, Allen Lyell coined the term toxic
epidermal necrolysis (TEN) for diseases
which had been published earlier under differ-
ent names (Table 5.100). In a retrospective
study of 1967, Lyell postulated four subgroups
of TEN [34]: drug-induced, staphylococcal-in-
duced, miscellanea (sepsis, viral infections,
vaccination, GVH, or malignancy) as well as id-
iopathic TEN.
Today two forms of Lyells syndrome can be
well differentiated clinically and pathophysio-
logically (Table 5.101): staphylococcal Lyells
syndrome, also staphylococcal scalded skin
Fig. 5.81. Erosive reaction of the oral mucosa (Ste- syndrome (SSSS) [10, 12, 39], whereas TEN in
vens-Johnson syndrome) the actual definition comprises diseases where

Table 5.99. Clinical characteristics of various bullous drug eruptions (according to [39]). SJS, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis
Extent Target lesions Macules Large Mucosal
(% body surface) erythemas involvement
Erythema multiforme < 10 % ++
SJS < 10 % (atypical) + ++
SJS/TEN (mixed) 10 30 % (flat) ++ ++
TEN with macules > 30 % (flat) +++ + ++
TEN > 10 % +++ ++

Table 5.100. History and

Exfoliative dermatitis Rittershain 1878 terminology of Lyells
Erythrodermie avec epidermolyses Debre 1939 syndrome (from [45])
Toxicoderma bullosum Guszman 1940
Pemphigus aigu febrile Griveaud and Mitarb 1946
Toxic epidermal necrolysis Lyell 1956
Universelle epidermolysis acuta toxica Korting and Holzmann 1960
Syndrome de Lyell Dugois and Mitarb 1961
Syndrom der verbrhten Haut Braun-Falco and Geissler 1962
Lyells syndrome Jung and Mitarb 1964
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome Melish and Glasgow 1970
Acute disseminated epidermal necrolysis Ruiz-Maldonado 1985
(type III)
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 199

Table 5.101. Differences Staphylococcal Drug-induced

between staphylococcal
and drug-induced History Mostly first episode Sometimes previous
Lyells syndrome incompatibility
(from [28]) Family history S. aureus in family
Drugs Variable Obligatory
Age Newborn babies Elderly
Skin pain +++
Mucosal involvement ++ ++
Conjunctival involvement + ++
Blister formation Subcorneal Junctional

Fig. 5.82a,b. Detachment of large areas of the epider-

mis in a patient with a drug-induced Lyells syndrome

the whole epidermis is filled with necrotic ke-

ratinocytes in the blister roof [39].

Clinical Symptoms and Dermatopatholo-

gy. The clinical symptoms of Lyells syndrome
are dramatic in nature. After a prodromal
phase with fever and unspecific complaints of
the upper respiratory tract, often misinterpret-
ed as a viral infection, macular eruptions oc-
cur, sometimes confluent and leading to large b
areas of epidermolysis (Fig. 5.82a,b). Nikolski I
and II signs are positive. The patient is swim-
ming in his own skin. Mucous membranes are
involved, and sometimes hair loss occurs.
After successful therapy, skin will heal with-
in 2 4 weeks with large scaling of epidermal
components. Finger- and toenails may be lost.
Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is com-
mon. Mucosal changes heal more slowly, espe-
cially in the eye, giving rise to synechia
(Fig. 5.83). Generally, there is a severe disease
(high fever!). Through the fluid loss, hypovole-
mia occurs, leading to shock. Superinfection
may compromise other organs (pneumonia). Fig. 5.83. Status post-Lyells syndrome with scarified
Mucosal involvement gives rise to intestinal conjunctival lesions
200 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

bleeding. Toxic changes of the liver (dystrophy, matory changes in the dermis (empty cori-
toxic fattening) and the kidneys (tubular ne- um). Monoclonal antibodies may detect an in-
crosis, interstitial nephritis) have been de- crease in monocytoid cells in the epidermis
scribed as well as endocarditis, myocarditis, or [20, 51], which is in the blister roof (Fig. 5.84),
central nervous involvement (cerebral edema, in contrast to staphylococcal scalded skin syn-
encephalomalacia) [11]. drome with subcorneal blistering (Fig. 5.85, Ta-
In dermatopathology, there is necrosis of ble 5.102). The blister formation is junctional
the whole epidermis with only minimal inflam- with the destruction of basal cells (Fig. 5.86).
Higher age groups are more often affected
with female sex predilection (2:1). Rarely, there
is a history of allergy. In France, a linkage to the
HLA haplotypes A2, B12, and DR4 has been
found [49].
Prognostic infaust factors include advanced
age, late hospitalization, extent of blister for-
mation, early leukopenia, initial renal insuffi-
ciency, as well as increased glucosemia. Lethal-
ity is around 30 % in spite of the availability of
most modern therapeutic modalities (15 50 %
in the literature) [45].
Fig. 5.84. Histological picture of a drug-induced Ly-
According to Schpf, the risk of drug-in-
ells syndrome. The entire epidermis with necrotic duced Lyells syndrome in the total population
keratinocytes is in the blister roof is 0.7 per 1 million inhabitants [53].

SSSS TSS TEN Table 5.102. Comparison

between staphylococcal
Etiology S. aureus (II) S. aureus (I) Drug (?) scalded skin syndrome
Toxin Exfoliatin TSST-1 ? (SSSS), toxic shock syn-
Blister formation Subcorneal Subgranular Junctional drome (TSS), and toxic
Mucosal involvement ++ ++ epidermal necrolysis
Organ involvement ++ ++ (TEN)

Fig. 5.86. Drug-induced Lyells syndrome. The base-

ment membrane (arrow) remains intact at the base of
the continuity boundary. Above the lamina lucida
there are cytoplasmic residues of necrotic keratinocy-
Fig. 5.85. Histological picture of a staphylogenic Ly- tes (electron microscope magnification: 25,000:1). E,
ells syndrome: subcorneal blistering epidermis; K, corium; basement membrane; #, cyto-
plasmic residue of a necrotic keratinocyte (reprinted
with the consent of Prof. Dr. C. Luderschmidt)
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 201

Eliciting Drugs. Many textbooks contain hit Table 5.104. Diagnosis of Lyells syndrome
lists based on the literature, naming sulfon- ) Dermatological examination
amides, analgesics, CNS-active drugs such as ) Blister cryosection
barbiturates and phenytoin besides many other ) Biopsy (immunochemistry)
drugs. The causal relation is difficult and some- ) Asservation of serum (for later investigation)
) Bacteriological swabs (skin, mucosa, specific
times arbitrary. Often, drugs are administered si- foci)
multaneously (especially in elderly patients with Phage typing and toxin detection
15 and more different drugs). The danger of tau- Blood culture
) In vitro diagnosis (e.g., lymphocyte transfor-
tology following reports from the literature is
mation, controls!)
evident, leading to increased mentions of certain ) Skin test (after 2 3 months)
substances which have been mentioned before. Patch test
In a study of our own evaluating 306 cases, in Prick, intradermal (dilution! one substance/
only 67 patients, clear-cut evidence for a suspect-
ed drug was found (criterion: single or only re-
cently introduced drug or proved by reexpo- ture, there is no evidence that a careful skin test
sure). However, we have seen a patient who react- (prick or patch test) may induce generalized
ed to carbamazepine, which he had been taking TEN symptoms.
over 4 years as a single drug prior to TEN [45]. Rarely oral provocation has been tried [28]
In a critical evaluation, there is no totally successfully. Many authors, however, do not rec-
safe drug. We observed a case elicited by a herb- ommend it. If there is an indication, one should
al tea (devils claw) as well as cases elicited by use an extremely low starting dose (1/1,000 of a
eyedrops (Borelli, personal communication), single dose and lower) and apply only one sub-
isoproterenol powder or tonic water [11, 18, 45]. stance per day under inpatient conditions.
In Germany, the documentation center for
severe cutaneous reactions has been recording Therapy of TEN. Therapy consists of general,
for 10 years all bullous drug eruptions occur- local, and systemic procedures (Table 5.105), as
ring in Germany. Evaluation and classification well as the observation of certain items to avoid
is done through an expert committee leading to (Fig. 5.87). Local therapy includes early oph-
a list of eliciting drugs (Table 5.103). thalmologic counseling for prevention of syn-
echia with hourly application of eyedrops!
Diagnostic Procedures in TEN. Besides the
clinical and dermatopathological diagnosis
(Table 5.104), allergy tests may be helpful in
single cases. Positive skin tests or in vitro lym- too
zu hoch
high sus-
phocyte transformation tests have revealed und
sensitizations [54]. We observed positive skin too
zu lange
long dch-
pect- tige
tests in two out of four tested persons with se-
vere TEN [32, 45]. Looking through the litera-
steroids Pharmaka

Table 5.103. Suspected drugs as elicitors of TEN

Ad- hesive
ter oder
Phenobarbital Tape
Valproic acid
Allopurinol Fig. 5.87. Four important Donts when treating Ly-
ells syndrome
202 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.105. Drug-induced Lyells syndrome therapy In order to influence the immune reaction,
General measures
the following drugs have been tried:
Hospitalization in single room, intensive care or ) Cyclophosphamide
burn center
) Cyclosporin A
Special bedding ) Thalidomide as TNF inhibitor
Fluid, electrolytes, colloid replacementa ) Intravenous immunoglobulin G
Nutrition through gastric tube ) Protease inhibitors (ulinastatin)
Withdrawal of suspected drugs
) Plasmapheresis
Local therapy But only case reports or small numbers have
Balneotherapy (antiseptics) been published [13, 17, 25, 30, 45, 49, 56, 59].
Metallic foil
Debridement of necrotic epidermis
The immediate and adequate general thera-
Antiseptics (AgNO3, crystal violet, 0.1 %, chlor- py is the performance of life-saving measures.
hexidine) Due to pathophysiologic considerations and
Antibiotic gaze (furantoin, povidone iodine) possible involvement of microbial toxins as
Covering (polyurethane)
Mucosal care (oral mucosa, genitals)
well as the avoidance of sepsis, prophylactic an-
Eye prophylaxis (scleral lenses, artificial tears, tibiotics with unsuspicious agents are recom-
hourly) mended by some authors.
Avoid suspected topicals!
No adhesive tape!!
Systemic drug therapy Pathophysiology of Cutaneous
In the acute phase (prior to necrolysis) glucocorti- Drug Eruptions
(e.g., days 1 4: 1,000, 250, 100, 20 mg prednisolone) While urticarial reactions may often be due to
Caveat: high-dose long-term treatment! IgE-mediated or pseudo-allergic reactions,
Antibiotics thrombocytopenic purpura represents a cyto-
If sepsis is suspected or leukopenia (prophylactic?)
Choice of not suspected agents (e.g., cephalospo-
toxic reaction, hemorrhagic vasculitic phe-
rins, imipenem) nomena an immune complex reaction. The
Heparin (thrombosis prophylaxis) mechanisms of the colorful spectrum of exan-
Central analgesics (selection according to history) thematous drug eruptions, however, are not
a Not only according to the rule of 9 but controlled well established (Table 5.106).
according to excretion, body weight, urine, and se- In dermatopathology, superficial perivascu-
rum electrolytes, etc. lar mononuclear cell infiltrate is seen some-
times with eosinophils. Often a so-called inter-
Systemic glucocorticosteroids are controversial face dermatitis with lymphocytes at the der-
[30, 49, 50]. We give steroids only in the early ex- moepidermal junction is seen [61].
anthematous phase prior to appearance of large Immunohistochemistry shows a predomi-
areas of necrolysis (maximal 4 days of high-dose nant T-cell (CD3+) infiltrate with both CD4
therapy). If epidermolysis has occurred, gluco- and CD8 cells. CD1a+ dendritic cells and CD68
corticosteroids may rather have a negative effect. macrophages are also increased as well as
Avoidance of the eliciting drug is the focus CD56+ natural killer cells. Major basis protein
of immediate treatment as well as general life- from eosinophils can be detected.
saving measures. Activated T cells are also CLA positive and
According to the extent of bullous erosive may maintain inflammatory reactions through
skin lesions, patients may be treated in special cytokines (IL-5, IL-6, TNF [ ) or chemokines
institutions for burn injury or intensive care (eotaxin, RANTES) [19, 36, 43].
units. Volume replacement, parenteral nutri- Furthermore, cytotoxic T cells may directly
tion, temperature application, and special bed- destroy keratinocytes either via Fas/Fas ligand
ding (Clinitron) are crucial. Medium-severe (rather unlikely) or more probably via a cyto-
cases have been treated successfully isolated toxic mechanism through perforin and granzy-
under hygienic conditions in a single room. me B.
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 203

Table 5.106. Pathophysiology of various forms of drug eruptions

Clinical manifestations Suspected pathomechanism Differential diagnosis
Urticarial eruption IgE, serum sickness Focus (infection, tumor)
Erythematovesicular Systemic contact Toxic dermatitis, eczema atopic eczema
Thrombopenic Type II Coagulation defect
Vasculitic Type III Infection, tumor
Purpura chronica progressiva ?
Purpura senilis Cortisone effect Atrophy, vitamin deficiency
Macular and maculopapular Type IV? Viral exanthema
(special case: ampicillin rash) (B-cell stimulation?)
Exfoliative dermatitis, scarlatini- Type IV? Scarlet fever (toxic shock syndrome)
form eruption
Bullous drug eruption (erythema Type III/type IVc Postherpetic EEM
exsudativum multiforme, EEM)
Erythema nodosum Type III? Sarcoidosis, infection
Fixed drug eruption Type IVc
Toxic epidermal necrolysis Type IVc Staphylococcals, scalded
Skin syndrome
Lichenoid eruption ? Lichen planus
Acneiform eruption ? Acne vulgaris
Psoriasiform eruption ? Psoriasis vulgaris
Lymphohistocytic reaction Type IV Pseudolymphoma

The role of proinflammatory cytokines is sup- Table 5.107. Toxic epidermal necrolysis: pathophysio-
ported by the common coincidence of concom- logical concepts
itant infections in the eliciting phase. It may be Immunologic reactions
that different cell populations (CD4 or CD8 Allergy (type II): antibodies or cytotoxic T cells
cells) with different activation mechanisms in- against keratinocytes?
duce different clinical symptoms. The metabo- Allergy (type III): immunoglobulin and comple-
ment deposits
lism of the drug via different routes (acetyla- Allergy (type IV): positive patch tests and lympho-
tion, glutathione transferase, cytochrome P450, cyte transformation
etc.) is important [22, 37]. Graft versus host reaction: altered self?
Table 5.107 lists some possible immunologic Monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity?
and non-immunologic reactions which play a Combination of infection and drug
role in the pathogenesis of TEN (hypothetical). Non-immunologic reaction
Animal experiments have shown similarities Pharmacotoxicity in enzyme deficiency
between GVH and TEN [38]. Enzyme activation
The differential diagnosis between TEN and Activated oxygen species
Combination: virus/drug?
toxic shock syndrome (TSS) may be difficult Combination: UV/drug?
[23, 58]. TSS is defined by: fever, exanthema Microbial toxins (prodromi through toxin, inter-
(diffuse, sometimes with erythroderma or ve- leukin-1)?
siculation), mucous membrane involvement,
hypotension, multiorgan affection, as well as
exclusion of other infectious diseases [15]. The staphylococcal toxin of TSS (TSST-1) in-
TEN and TSS have some things in common: duces necrosis in the stadium granulosum in
prodromi, certain laboratory findings (liver animal experiments with keratinocyte necrosis
enzymes), mucosal involvement, multiorgan in contrast to the exfoliatin of staphylococcal
affection. However, in the majority of TSS pa- Lyells syndrome with subcorneal blisters. Der-
tients, no large epidermolysis occurs, but rath- matologically, TEN can be clearly differentiat-
er desquamative exfoliative dermatitis (espe- ed from other bullous drug eruptions (Ta-
cially palmoplantar) after 8 10 days (similar to ble 5.108).
scarlet fever).
204 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.108. Dermatopathological patterns of bullous Table 5.110. Genuine skin diseases provoked by drugs
drug eruptions
Acanthosis nigricans Gestagens
Fixed drug eruption
Acne vulgaris Androgens, gestagens
Vacuolar degeneration of basal keratinocytes
Single cell keratinization Bullous pemphigoid Furosemide, salazosul-
Single cell necrosis fapyridine
Superficial and deep perivascular infiltrate
Dermatitis herpeti- Halogens, progesterone
(lymphohistiocytic and neutrophils)
Erythrocyte extravasate
Pigment incontinence Lichen planus Gold, arsenic, quinine,
Erythema multiforme
Vacuolar degeneration of basal keratinocytes Lupus erythematosus Hydralazine, isoniazid,
Single cell keratinization procainamide, phenyto-
Single cell necrosis in, phenylbutazone
Interface dermatitis
Pemphigus vulgaris D-Penicillamine
Superficial perivascular infiltrate (lymphohistiocytic)
Erythrocyte extravasate Porphyria cutanea tarda Alcohol, analgesics, an-
drogens, barbiturates,
Drug-induced Lyells syndrome (toxic epidermal
contraceptives, sulfon-
Complete necrosis of epidermis
Junctional blister formation
Little inflammatory infiltrates (empty corium)
Possibly thrombi in dermal vessels fonamides, lupus erythematosus by hydral-
azine and procainamide, or psoriasiform drug
eruptions by beta-blockers (Table 5.110).
Many cases are characterized by mucosal Special Forms of Drug-Induced
membrane involvement only (stomatitis me-
Skin Diseases
dicamentosa) [2]. These conditions need to be
After intake of some drugs, specific dermato- distinguished from contact-allergic reactions
logic symptoms may be induced (Table 5.109). (against dental prostheses) as well as the toxic
Some genuine dermatoses may be provoked effects of some drugs as cytostatics. Drugs in-
by drugs such as lichen planus by gold and sul- ducing stomatitis medicamentosa include

Morphology Example Table 5.109. Skin

changes due to drugs
Exanthematous drug eruptions (see Table 5.98) (selection)
Pruritus Opioids, belladonna, laxatives
Sebostasis Retinoids
Pigmentary changes Metals (silver, gold, bismuth, mercury), anti-
malarials (gray-yellow), clofazimine (red),
gestagens, estrogens (melasma)
Atrophy/striae Glucocorticosteroids
Keratoses, tumors Arsenic, cytostatics, levodopa (melanoma?)
Nail changes Cytostatics, photosensitization, beta-blockers
Alopecia Cytostatics, steroids, anticoagulants, retinoids
Skin color changes Chloroquine, mephenesin, bleomycin
Hypertrichosis Diazoxide, minoxidil, cyclosporin
Iododerma/bromoderma Halogens
Palmoplantar pustulosis Lithium
Pseudolymphoma Phenytoin, analgesics, menthol
Photosensitization See Sect. 5.6
Granuloma See Sect. 5.8
Embolia cutis Antirheumatics, steroids
Necroses Coumarin, barbiturates, ergotaminine, see
vasculitis allergica (Sect. 5.3)
Mucosal changes See Sect. 5.5
5.7 Adverse Drug Reactions 205

heavy metals (mercury, gold), antibiotics (sul- (1980) Toxic-shock syndrome: Epidemiologic
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5.8 Granulomatous Reactions 207

5.8 Granulomatous Reactions

In some textbooks, type IV reactions include
both allergic contact dermatitis and tuberculin
reactions under the common pathophysiology
of sensitized T-lymphocyte reaction with a dif-
ference of route of administration (epidermal
versus intradermal). The kinetics of tuberculin
correspond to a maximum between 48 and 72 h
after intradermal administration of allergen to
those with epidermal patch test reactions.
Quite different kinetics (3 5 weeks) are
characteristic of the lepromin reaction as well
as some other granulomatous infectious dis-
eases characterized by typical histopathology
with epithelioid cell granulomas [6, 11, 26]. The
clear-cut differences in clinical symptomatolo-
gy, dermatohistopathology, and kinetics [3, 29,
30] justify a separate classification of granulo-
matous hypersensitivity reactions as type V
(see Chap. 1).
Granulomatous reactions are inflammatory
changes occurring with slow development over
3 5 weeks and long-lasting persistence; histo-
logically, they are characterized by typical epi-
thelioid cell granuloma formation in the upper Fig. 5.88. Multiple circumscribed brownish-red nod-
and mid dermis. In the skin brownish-red or ules at the injection site following the repeated intra-
dermal administration of procaine polyvinylpyrroli-
livid nodules are characteristic, sometimes done (PVP) to alleviate back pain (from [3])
showing a lupoid infiltrate under the diasco-
pe [6].
ple brownish-red sharply margined nodules at
the injection sites, histologically resembling
5.8.1 Clinical Examples
sarcoid granuloma without clinical evidence
Common clinical examples of allergic reactions for sarcoidosis (Figs. 5.88, 5.89). Earlier admin-
of the granulomatous type V are the zirconium istrations had been tolerated without adverse
granuloma after application of zirconium-con- reaction. In the intradermal test, a positive
taining deodorants with histologically typical granulomatous reaction was observed [3]. Sim-
epithelioid cell granulomas without necrosis ilar granulomas have been described after ad-
together with lymphocytic infiltrates with for- ministration of other PVP-containing sub-
eign bodies in polarization microscopy [30]. stances [4], whereby often clear storage pro-
Rare subcutaneous granuloma formations cesses were evident in contrast to the hypersen-
after allergen-specific subcutaneous immuno- sitivity reaction to minute amounts as ob-
therapy can equally be classified as type V, es- served in our patient.
pecially after application of aluminum hydrox- In dermatological practice, granulomatous
ide adsorbed allergen extracts [2]. In some reactions have gained relevance against soluble
cases, these granulomas may change into sub- bovine collagen used for the correction of scars
cutaneous pseudolymphomas [15]. and wrinkles [7, 8, 12, 16 20, 27, 29]. There-
After repeated intradermal administration fore, prior to such treatment, a test injection
of procaine polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) for needs to be performed, which can lead to clini-
back pain, one of our patients developed multi- cally visible nodule formation in 0.3 % of the
208 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Fig. 5.89. Histological examination of the lesions Fig. 5.90. Protruding hard inflammatory lesions fol-
shown in Fig. 5.88 yields the picture of sarcoid granu- lowing the injection of soluble bovine collagen in a
loma even though there is no clinical evidence of sar- patient with type V allergy (from [29])
coidosis (from [3])

nophenotyping often shows T cells, NK cells,

patients [7]. Without this test injection or when and macrophages together with activated fi-
sensitization occurs during the first treatment, broblasts.
long-lasting persistent granulomatous inflam- The mechanism of activation of NK cells
matory skin reactions may develop at the injec- especially the recently discovered NKT-cell
tion site (Figs. 5.90, 5.91) [29]. subpopulation is not well understood [22]. It
seems that NKT cells appear early in the reac-
tion while classic NK cells may stay for a longer
5.8.2 Pathophysiology
time at the inflammatory site [23] and mediate
Activation of T cells and macrophages for elim- or elicit functions of innate immunity. Among
ination of infectious agents plays a major role the various cytokines, especially a member of
in immune defense (especially against intracel- the lymphotoxin family, namely LT [ 3, plays a
lular microorganisms). When antigen cannot major role in the recruitment of lymphocytes
be eliminated totally, this can lead to continu- and macrophages and, thus, the persistence of
ous T-cell activation and macrophage reactions granuloma formation [24].
with accumulation of epithelioid cells and for- In the complex interaction between sensi-
mation of giant cells. Macrophages which have tized lymphocytes producing certain cytokines
taken up bacterial antigens and present those [22] and macrophages, possibly also immune
may be destroyed by cytotoxic T cells, as well as complex phenomena (high antibody titers of
by natural killer cells in an unspecific manner. the IgG class) may be involved. In the above-de-
Therefore, in granulomatous reactions, immu- scribed case of bovine collagen hypersensitivi-
5.8 Granulomatous Reactions 209

flammatory skin diseases such as granuloma

anulare, sarcoidosis, Melkersson-Rosenthal
syndrome, M. Crohn, Wegeners granulomato-
sis, or Churg-Strauss granulomatosis. Some
common features of these diseases might be ex-
plained by a deposit of a persisting yet un-
known antigen.
In granuloma anulare in the early phase,
signs of vasculitis with positive immunofluo-
rescence [9, 14] can be found. It is a well-known
clinical experience that granuloma anulare
sometimes develops after insect stings or mini-
mal trauma and can heal spontaneously after
skin biopsy (removal of persistent antigen?).
Development of granuloma anulare after injec-
tion of soluble collagen has been described
[22]. We observed an exacerbation of scar sar-
coidosis under immunotherapy with interfer-
on which had been silent for decades [10].

5.8.3 Therapy
Treatment uses glucocorticosteroids (accord-
ing to the organ manifestation). In granuloma-
tous reactions of the skin, intralesional steroids
Fig. 5.91. Granulomatous infiltrate surrounding streaky or occlusion treatment should be tried [3, 6,
eosinophilic material (injected collagen) seen in the 29]; also cytostatic therapy, tuberculostatic
histological preparation (from [29])
drugs as well as UVA-1 irradiation have been
ty, a high IgG antibody antititer against bovine
collagen was found [29].
A concomitant or subsequent following of References
immune complex reaction and granulomatous
inflammation also is characteristic for the 1. Apostolou I, Takahama Y, Belmant C, Kawanos T,
chronic stage of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hy- Huerre M, Marchal G, Cui J, Taniguchi M, Nakau-
persensitivity pneumonitis). On the basis of chi H, Fournie J-J, Kourilsky P, Gachelin G (1999)
these considerations, a hypothetical concept Murine natural killer cells contribute to the granu-
lomatous reaction caused by mycobacterial cell
may be suggested: Persistent antigen induces walls. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:5141 5146
after an initial type III reaction with vasculitis 2. Baumgarten C (1978) Hufigste Nebenwirkungen
a strong activation of macrophages, leading fi- bei der spezifischen Hyposensibilisierung. Aller-
nally to granulomatous inflammation. In hy- gologie 1:223 228
persensitivity pneumonitis in the early phase 3. Bode U, Ring J, Schmoeckel Chr (1984) Granulom-
bildung nach intrakutaner Applikation von Pro-
changes similar to leukocytoclastic vasculitis cain-Polyvinylpyrrolidon (PVP). Hautarzt 35:474
can be seen together with high titers of precipi- 477
tating antibodies, while in the chronic course 4. Bork K, Hoede N (1982) Vortuschung maligner
the histologic pattern of granulomatous in- Tumoren durch nicht deklariertes PVP in Arznei-
flammation develops (see Sect. 5.4 on Hyper- mitteln. Hautarzt 33:373 377
5. Boros DL (1981) The role of lymphokines in gran-
sensitivity Pneumonitis). ulomatous inflammations. Lymphokines 3:257
It is tempting to speculate about the patho- 281
physiology of some other granulomatous in- 6. Braun-Falco O, Plewig G, Wolff HH (1998) Derma-
210 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

tologie und Venerologie, 4th edn. Springer, Berlin 18. Kuhn K, Timpl R (1984) Collagens. Molecular and
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889 893 paste-induced silica granuloma of the gingiva.
28. Cooperman LS, Mackinnon V, Bechler G, Phar- Dermatology 203:177 179
riss BB (1983) Injectable collagen: A six-year clin- 20. McCoy JP, Schade WJ, Siegle RJ, Vanderveen EE,
ical investigation. Aesth Plast Surg 9:145 151 Zachary CB, Waldinger TP, Swanson NY (1987)
9. Dahl M, Ullmann S, Goetz RW (1977) Vasculitis in Immune responses to bovine collagen implants. J
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mas developing in sites of previous skin injury af- 23. Raupach B, Kaufman S (2001) Immune responses
ter systemic interferon-alpha treatment for to intracellular bacteria. Curr Opin Immunol
chronic hepatitis C. Br J Dermatol 140:370 372 13:417 428
11. Eder M, Gedigk P (1986) Lehrbuch der allgemei- 24. Roach DR, Briscoe H, Saunders B, France MP, Ri-
nen Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie. minton S, Britton WJ (2001) Secreted lymphoto-
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York xin-alpha is essential for the control of an intra-
12. Ellingsworth LR, DeLustro F, Brennan JE, Sawa- cellular bacterial infection. J Exp Med 193:
mura S, McPherson J (1986) The human immune 239 246
response to reconstituted bovine collagen. J Im- 25. Roitt I, Delves P (2001) Essential immunology,
munol 36:877 882 10th edn. Blackwell, Oxford
13. Harms M, Masouye I, Saurat JH (1990) Silica 26. Sandritter W, Beneke G (1984) Allgemeine Patho-
granuloma mimicking granulomatous cheilitis. logie. Schattauer, Stuttgart
Dermatologica 181:246 247 27. Sellem PH, Caranzan FR, Bene MC, Faure GC
14. Kleinhans D, Knoth W (1977) Immunhistoche- (1987) Immunogenicity of injectable collagen im-
mischer Fibrin-Nachweis beim Granuloma anu- plants. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 13:1199 1202
lare. Arch Dermatol Res 258:231 234 28. Shelley WB, Hurley HJ (1960) The pathogenesis
15. Klepzig K, Ring J, Burg G (1987) Pseudolymphom of silica granulomas in man: A nonallergic colloi-
nach Hyposensibilisierung. Allergologie 10:432 dal phenomenon. J Invest Dermatol 34:107 123
16. Kligman AM, Armstrong RC (1986) Histologic 29. Schurig V, Konz B, Ring J, Dorn M (1986) Granu-
response to intradermal zyderm und zyplast lombildung an Test- und Behandlungsstellen
(glutaraldehyde crosslinked) collagen in humans. durch intrakutan verabreichtes, injizierbares
J Dermatol Surg Oncol 12:351 357 Kollagen. Hautarzt 37:42 45
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schen Dermatologie und Venerologie, vol. 10, pp tol 70:75 82
193 198. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York

Autoimmune Thyreoiditis. The autoantibody

5.9 Type VI Reactions (Stimulating/ acts like a hormone. Thyreoid-stimulating ac-
Neutralizing Hypersensitivity) tivity (long-acting thyroid-stimulating factor,
While the pathology of allergic diseases types LATS) was found decades ago in patients with
IV is mainly due to activation of humoral or Hashimotos thyreoiditis. These autoantibodies
cellular inflammatory systems, the pathologic stimulate specifically the TSH receptor and
response of type VI reactions occurs through may elicit a thyreotoxic crisis. As IgG anti-
direct interaction of an antibody molecule with bodies they pass through the placenta and may
a receptor mediating a signal without inflam- induce reversible thyreotoxicosis in neonates.
mation (comparable to a hormone) leading to
the untoward reaction. Myasthenia Gravis. Autoantibodies in myas-
thenia gravis do not stimulate but have a block-
ing effect, directed against the acetylcholine re-
ceptor on the motoric endplate of the muscle
5.9.1 Clinical Examples of Autoimmune Diseases
[1, 9, 14].
The best-known examples of type VI reactions
are classical autoimmune disease [2, 6, 8, 9, 11].
5.9 Type VI Reactions (Stimulating/Neutralizing Hypersensitivity) 211

Table 5.111. Direct pathogenic effects of autoantibodies

Disease Specificity Clinical symptoms
Thyreotoxicosis TSH receptor Stimulation, hormone formation
Myasthenia gravis Acetylcholine receptor Blockade, muscle weakness
Antiphospholipid syndrome Cardiolipin/ q 2-glycoprotein Thromboembolic complications
Pernicious anemiaa ATPase, gastrin receptor Decreased acid production,
decreased B12 resorption
Male infertility Spermatozoa Agglutination and immobilization
of spermatozoa
Wegeners granulomatosis Proteinase III (neutrophil granu- Endothelial damage
Acanthosis nigricans (type B) Insulin receptor Receptor blockade, proliferation
Pemphigus vulgaris Desmoglein 3 Bulla formation (acantholysis)
Hematological cytopenias (anemia, thrombocytopenia); see Sect. 5.2

Other Autoimmune Diseases. Similar mecha- ) IgG antibodies against platelet factor 4 in
nisms can be found in a variety of other autoim- heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (see
mune diseases although the actual pathogenic Sect. 5.2)
role of autoantibodies has not been proven for ) Anti-IgE antibodies in patients with high
each disease entity (Table 5.111) [4, 6, 7, 8, 15]. total serum IgE or in the course of
allergen-specific immunotherapy [10]
) Antibodies against the high-affinity IgE
5.9.2 Stimulating Hypersensitivity in Bacterial
receptor (Fc 5 R I) in some patients with
chronic urticaria and positive skin reaction
Some authors regard the severe acute disease of to autologous serum [5]
multiorgan failure occurring in certain bac- ) IgE autoantibodies against epidermal pro-
terial infections as hypersensitivity of compo- teins (Hom s 1 5) in patients with very
nents of innate immunity, e.g., as overstimula- severe atopic eczema and high serum IgE
tion of macrophages and endothelial cells by levels [12]
endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide S = LPS) or un- ) In severe asthma, antibodies against the
specific T-cell activation by superantigens of q -adrenergic receptor have been described
Gram-positive organisms. [13]

In clinical experimental models, it has been

5.9.3 Stimulating/Neutralizing Reactions
known for a long time that IgG antibodies
in Classic Allergic Diseases
against IgE or IgE receptors may elicit in vitro
In a variety of classic allergic diseases with well- and in vivo similar reactions as allergen (e.g.,
known antibody formation against exogenous in vitro histamine release from peripheral ba-
allergens, recently autoantibodies of different sophil leukocytes with anti-IgE as positive con-
classes against cells or surface receptors autolo- trol).
gous with possible pathogenic importance have The positive wheal and flare reaction after
been found (Table 5.112). These include: injection of anti-IgE in the passive cutaneous
anaphylaxis (PCA) has been known as reverse
anaphylaxis for a long time [7].
Table 5.112. IgE and autoimmune reactions
The better we understand the molecular
Autoan- Specificity Disease mechanisms of these reactions, the more it is to
tibody be expected that overlaps between type VI and
IgG IgE Immunotherapy other allergic reaction types (e.g., type II) will
IgG Fc 5 RI Chronic urticaria be detected.
IgE Hom s 1 5 (epi- Severe atopic eczema
dermal proteins)
212 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

5. Hide M, Francis DM, Grattan CE, Hakimi J, Ko-

5.9.4 Therapy chan JP, Greaves MW (1993) Autoantibodies
The existence of a stimulating/neutralizing hy- against high-affinity IgE receptor as a cause of
histamine release in chronic urticaria. N Engl J
persensitivity is not an esoterical-philosophi- Med 328:1599 1604
cal idea but has important practical and thera- 6. King C, Sarvetnick N (1997) Organ-specific auto-
peutic implications: In patients with autoanti- immunity. Curr Opin Immunol 9:863 871
bodies against the IgE receptor, chronic urti- 7. Peter HH, Pichler WJ (1996) Klinische Immuno-
caria does not respond to antihistamines and logie, 2nd edn. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich
8. Roitt IM (1996) Essential immunology, 8th edn.
should be treated with cortisone or immuno- Blackwell, Oxford
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lergic manifestations as the results of a condition-
mal proteins will not improve by allergen
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avoidance. Active anti-inflammatory or immu- nol 124:411 413
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Table 5.113. Eco-syndrome: identical or related syn-

5.10 Eco-syndrome (Multiple dromes
Chemical Sensitivity, MCS) ) Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
5.10.1 Classification ) Multiorgan dysesthesia
) Idiopathic environmental intolerance
An increasing number of patients visit the doc- ) Environmental illness
tor because of supposed incompatibility reac- ) Allergy to the 20th century
) Total allergy syndrome
tions against environmental pollutants with ) Chronic fatigue syndrome
quite variable complaints, often involving sev- ) Candidiasis hypersensitivity syndrome
eral organ symptoms which are difficult to re- (yeast connection)
produce objectively. The patients have often ) Wood furnishing syndrome
) Living room poison
undergone an odyssey of visits to various spe- ) Toxicopia
cialists, so-called special clinics, or gurus
without having found help. The problem is well
5.10 Eco-syndrome (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS) 213

Table 5.114. Eco-syndrome: common complaints (selection)

Neurologic symptoms Skin and mucous membranes General complaints
Fatigue, malaise, headache, verti- Itch, burning of the skin, eye irri- Gastrointestinal: nausea, diarrhea,
go, concentration disturbance, tation, dry larynx and nose, rhi- obstipation, flatulence, gastric pain
sleep disturbance, psychologic norrhea, dyspnea, hair loss
Cardiovascular: cardiac pain, anxi-
symptoms (confusion, anxiety,
ety, tachycardia
memory loss, irritability, depres-
sion) Flu-like symptoms: mild fever,

covered in the media and has received attention ) There is immense suffering
under different names (Table 5.113). ) Exclusion of other well-defined diseases
The mostly subjective complaints may be
From this list it is clear that the diagnosis
classified roughly into skin and mucous mem-
MCS can never be made in a clear-cut fashion
brane symptoms, neurologic and general
since certain criteria are not defined exactly
symptoms (Table 5.114) [2, 8, 13, 15, 24, 31, 34].
(what are classical examinations or other
Many patients have fear of the environment
well-defined diseases?).
and apply excessive avoidance behavior with
Since the factors suspected are not only
chemicals, foods, drugs, fragrances, etc. The
chemicals, but also physical factors (e.g., elec-
most common name for this condition today is
tromagnetic radiation, radioactive radiation),
multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS); it has to
an expert committee of the WHO has proposed
be remarked that in most of these patients, this
the term idiopathic environmental intoler-
sensitivity is not objectively measurable. The
ances (IEI) [16].
term supposed multiple chemical sensitivity
would be better, but it seems to contradict the
5.10.2 Differential Diagnoses
opinions of the patients, who are convinced of
their hypersensitivity. On the other hand, there The eco-syndrome partly has similarities
are patients who objectively suffer from multi- with some differently defined but also environ-
ple hypersensitivity against various chemicals, ment-associated conditions:
namely patients with multiple drug allergies. ) Chronic fatigue syndrome (virus infections
This, however, is a totally different group with
like EBV, HHV 6, etc., are discussed) [1].
objective signs and symptoms. ) Fibromyalgia syndrome with muscle pain
When in the early 1980s we saw the first pa-
in the center and disturbed pain regulation
tients with these conditions we suggested the
with possible disturbance in serotonin
term eco-syndrome as a working diagnosis
for patients suffering from mostly subjective ) Candida syndrome with mainly irritable
symptoms affecting different organ systems
bowel symptoms and candida phobia and
who are convinced that the disease is due to en-
immune weakness.
vironmental noxes.
The definition of MCS (according to Cullen) Complaints related to indoor exposure com-
[8] is: prise the sick building syndrome (SBS) and
) Elicitation of symptoms by a variety of building-related illnesses (BRI) (Table 5.115)
[18, 19, 33].
factors in low dose exposure
) Various symptoms manifesting in more BRI are well-known and objective diseases,
and include infectious diseases and allergies.
than one organ system and improving after
SBS is due to a complex interaction between
avoidance of exposure
) The complaints cannot be explained by physical, chemical, and biological exposure as
well as psychological factors with occurrence
classical examination
) There is a tendency to chronification of subjective complaints in a large number of
people employed in one building.
214 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

Table 5.115. Differential diagnosis between building-related illness (BRI), sick building syndrome (SBS), and
Building-related illness Sick building syndrome Eco-syndrome (MCS)
Occurrence Clearly building-associ- At least 10 20 % of persons Individual complaints
ated, individual or sever- employed in a building are
al persons affected
Symptoms Objective (e.g., infection, Mucous membrane and skin Many organ systems in-
allergy) irritations, neurologic com- volved, diffuse psychologic
plaints and physical complaints
Pathophysiology Monocausal: Multifactorial (physical, Unknown (only hypotheses)
) Infectious chemical, psychological)
) Irritative-toxic
) Allergic
Risk factors Atopy, higher age, immu- Atopy, air conditioning, Atopy
nosuppression occupation in low social
Female : male 1:1 Predominantly female Predominantly female
Psyche Not prominent Psychosomatic-psychiatric Strong psychosomatic
factors, not causal involvement

5.10.3 Pathophysiological Concepts

ence of becoming sick from the environment. So
Toxicological Concept. Intoxication by envi- it is tempting to look at the environment for elic-
ronmental noxious agents is regarded as causal itors of unexplained disturbances.
especially by followers of the so-called clinical
ecology in the United States. Large toxicologic Neurological Concept. Many environmental
measurements including biomonitoring of af- noxes have an impact on the nervous system
fected individuals, however, have not yet given leading to psychiatric phenomena, concentra-
evidence for intoxications by environmental tion disturbance, or fatigue. The low reproduc-
noxes [34]. Enzyme defects have been dis- ibility and subjectivity of the complaints may
cussed [12, 14]. be the reason that this theory has not yet been
proven [1, 2, 3, 7, 28, 31].
Immunological Concept. Another theory de-
scribes damage of the immune system by Olfactoric Concept. Many patients suffer from
chemicals leading to disturbance of cellular increased olfactory sensitivity and believe they
and humoral immunity. However, no devia- can detect (smell) very low concentrations of
tions of immune response were measurable in environmental chemicals as unpleasant odors
objective trials [30]. (kakosmia). According to this hypothesis, an ol-
factoric-hypothalamic-limbic stimulus transfer
Allergological Concept. Many patients believe may induce symptoms in the sense of condi-
strongly that they are allergic against minute tioned learning and amplification to olfactory
amounts of environmental poisons. In our own stimulation [4, 22]. In clinical practice using ol-
intensive investigations in approximately 100 factometry, this hypothesis has not been proven.
patients, we found objective hypersensitivity
phenomena (both allergic and pseudo-allergic Psychiatric Concept. Many physicians believe
in nature) in approximately one-third of our pa- that patients with eco-syndrome suffer from
tients; this could explain some of the complaints; psychiatric disease. Indeed, some cases of true
however, rarely were they directed against the endogenous psychoses (schizophrenia, manic-
originally suspected environmental noxes [13, depressive reactions, etc.) were present among
23, 24, 25]. The majority of patients have an our patients. One of my first patients, a 35-year-
atopic diathesis and are familiar with the experi- old female, believed herself to be allergic against
5.10 Eco-syndrome (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS) 215

Radio Free Europe; this highly intelligent ploration a history of sexual abuse in early
woman had previously been totally psychologi- childhood [23, 29].
cally normal and healthy and only then was diag- In interdisciplinary expert committees,
nosed as having schizophrenia. In intensive in- mostly no one feels responsible: the toxicolo-
vestigations comprising allergy and consulta- gist sees psychological phenomena, the psychi-
tions together with exposure challenges, it was atrist thinks of allergies, and the allergist dis-
not possible to elicit the observed symptoms by cusses toxicological effects.
the respective electromagnetic waves. In the Although the definition and etiopathophy-
course of our diagnostic activities, finally the di- siology of eco-syndrome are controversial
agnosis of schizophrenia was ascertained. The and ill understood, something needs to be done
majority of patients, however, do not suffer from for the affected patients, who suffer consider-
psychiatric disease [10, 13, 16, 26, 27, 31, 32]. ably.
It cannot be excluded that environmental
Psychosomatic Concept. The symptoms of noxes in low concentrations have true effects
eco-syndrome are very similar to a condition which are not yet measurable at this time or are
very common in the 19th century and called not yet understood. Exposure of patients with
neurasthenia [1]. Anxiety reactions, dispro- atopic eczema in stable remission to low con-
portional conflict coping, as well as somatiza- centrations of formaldehyde in indoor air led
tion disturbance in hidden depression are fac- to objectively measurable changes of transepi-
tors [5, 6, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27, 31, 36]. It is impor- dermal water loss, e.g., a disturbance of barrier
tant for the patient to gain a socially acceptable function of the skin without subjective com-
diagnosis such as nerval disturbance in the plaints of the patients [10].
19th century and allergy today, which are
easier to bear than psychiatrization.
5.10.4 Management of Patients with
Similar to neurasthenia, eco-syndrome af-
fects mainly females (2.5:1 female-male ratio).
Some of our patients reported after careful ex- Therapy of the condition follows the results of
the investigations, which should be performed

Table 5.116. Recommendations for the management of patients with eco-syndrome

) Since many patients suffer from being neglected or primarily regarded as psychologic, a physician-pa-
tient relationship based on mutual confidence is most important. This needs time, patience, and talking.
) The problem has to be taken seriously; at the same time, irrational expectations have to be calmed down.
) The examination requires a general understanding of the whole human being and includes the psychoso-
cial aspects as well as possible environmental influences.
) Through cooperation with other disciplines, diseases sometimes disguised under the term eco-syn-
drome have to be excluded, such as:
Infectious diseases (sinusitis, mononucleosis, respiratory infection)
Allergies (rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic eczema, allergic contact eczema, urticaria)
Metabolic toxic diseases (diabetes mellitus, drug abuse, hypo- or hyperthyreoidism)
Malignant neoplasias
Psychiatric disease
) Polypragmatic diagnostics and therapy have to be avoided:
Only recommend measurements when results can be interpreted!
Only recommend acceptable procedures (avoid prophylactic measures in houses and apartments con-
nected with high financial and personal input).
Do not treat laboratory results but individual disease conditions.
Avoid depoisoning techniques which may be risky.
Avoid social and human isolation.
) The evaluation of environmental parameters should be done on a strictly scientific basis, e.g.
Objective environmental toxicological dose-response relationships and epidemiological evidence
Allergologic-immunological examinations for detection of allergy or pseudo-allergy
Besides rational recommendations for therapy based on diagnosis of eliciting causes, a supportive atti-
tude is crucial including if needed psychologic-psychiatric consultations and therapies.
216 5 Allergic Diseases (and Differential Diagnoses)

with interdisciplinary cooperation. The avoid- Gebefgi I, Kleinschmidt J, Ring J (1998) Influ-
ance of relevant elicitor factors is crucial, be it ence of airborne nitrogen dioxide or formalde-
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activation in patients with atopic eczema and
chronic cholecystitis, ostemyelitis), the avoid- control subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol 101:
ance of allergens, the administration of specific 141 143
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