11 11 Heart Awakening - Simone Matthews

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11:11 Heart Awakening

By Simone M Matthews

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

Please keep reading down the page to receive for FREE my Sacred Meditation to support your
divine and most Graceful connection with our 11:11 portal of Heart Awakening.

Wednesday the 11 November (the 11 month) is our opportunity to embrace the 11:11
potential of Heart Awakening.

In numerology the number 11 is a master number. It is the most intuitive number and is a clear
channel to the subconscious. The number 11 is the number of leadership, personal power and
spiritual truths. Jesus in numerology breaks down to the number 11, and Angels (plural) is
the number 22 (11 + 11).

The number 11:11 is a symbolic code that stirs within us a deep cellular memory, a most
sacred and divine awakening to the innate power of our Soul. When we see 11:11 our heart
opens to the eternal nature of spirit and we are compelled to awaken to our deepest truths
and the highest vision of our Soul Purpose here on Earth.

You may have found in recent times the number 11:11 (or 11:38 or 111 etc) appearing
everywhere on clocks, your car CD player, shop receipts, car number plates, billboards.. the
appearance of this number sequence is endless !!!!

On the 11 November every year, we have an opportunity as a global humanity to work with
the highest potential of this sacred memory key of 11:11 and expand our individual &
collective hearts into a awakened and most delicious state of conscious evolution.

PLUS on this 11 Nov 2015 the energy of the day will be amplified through the NEW MOON in
SCORPIO which heralds a time of self-reflection owning your intuitive senses/gifts for the
greater good of all.

11:11 and our DNA

The 11:11 phenomena is a genetic code, a sacred light language imprinted within our DNA,
that potentiates our DNA expression, awakens our psychic & intuitive gifts and helps us to re-
remember our soul origins on a deep and profound level.

In 2003, the Human Genome Project declared that we only use 5% of our DNA and the
remaining 95% of our DNA is referred to as junk DNA and is believed to have no function
within the human body as it is a redundant by-prouduct of our evolution.

However, Russian research team headed by Dr Pjotr Garjajev and comprising of molecular
biologists, physicists, embryologists and linguistic experts uncovered that the 95% junk DNA
was in actual fact a highly intelligent combination of Codon sequences that spoke a
language. This biological language not only explained the origins of human language but was
also a text that could be altered. That is, DNA is reprogrammable and DNA codon sequences
can be inter-changed and activated.
When we see 11:11 everywhere we are waking up and activating or turning on our so-called
Junk DNA. As our DNA turns on, we free our-selves from the illusion of the physical world
and awaken to the sacred field of creation and divine beauty and LOVE of Source within us all
the Unity of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine.

Our physical body begins to heal as it oozes vitality, emotionally & mentally we transcend fear
based struggle, pain & separation and spiritually we evolve into a conscious and enlightened
Soul relishing in the human experience here on Earth. We embrace WHOLE-HEARTED Living
being an active participant in global consciousness based on collective values of compassion,
reverence for life and LOVE for one another.

The first number 11 in 11:11, represents the two strands of our DNA double helix spiral and
the second number 11 in 11:11 represents the 11 energetic bodies or auric fields that
surround EVERY DNA helix spiral within EVERY cell of our body. When we see 11:11 we are
resonating our DNAs auric field and hence activating or turning on the expression of our
physical DNA.

The Diagram below, as studied during our Crystal Light Healing Practitioner & Teachers
Courses, shows our double helix (2 strands) of DNA as well as the 11 Energetic Bodies that
surround every DNA Helix representing our 11:11 genetic code (which is also referred to as
the 13 levels of DNA consciousness through Metatrons Cube).

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