Homework #4 - Solution Fall 2012: N PXXX X X X

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Homework #4 - Solution
Fall 2012

1. A unit vector n that is normal to the plane p x1* , x2* , x3* x1* x2* 5 x3* 25 0 is found by

setting n
p e e 5e3 .
. Therefore, n 1 2
p 27

(a) Determine the traction vector and its magnitude acting on the plane x1* x2* 5 x3* 25 0 .

The traction vector t is given by

t n

12 24 5
1 1 5 24 10 0

5 0 10
t 61 34 45 11.7395 6.5433 8.6603 MPa

t 612 342 45 15.99 MPa


For reference Figure 1 shows the plane, unit normal vector, traction vector t , component

of traction in the normal direction tn , and component of traction parallel to the plane t p .

x3 , x3*

x2 , x2*

25 tn
x1 , x


Figure 1. Plane, unit normal to the plane n , and the traction vector t .

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(b) Find the component of this traction vector normal to the plane defined in part (a).
1 1 1
t n n (61)(1) (34)(1) (45)(5) 1
27 27 27
1 0.9266
tn t n n 1 0.9266
27 27
5 4.6331
t n n 4.81 MPa

(c) Find the component of this traction vector tangential to the plane defined in part (a).
The magnitude of the tangential component of this traction vector is given by
61 1
1 130
t p t tn 34 1
27 27 27
45 5
1777 12.6661

1 1048 7.4699
27 27
565 4.0272

tp t t n 15.992 4.812 15.25 MPa


(d) Determine the angle between the traction vector and the normal vector defined in part (a).
t n t n cos( )

t n 127 {61 34 34} 271 {1 1 5}
cos cos 1
1 1

27 11.74 6.54 8.66 27 1 1 5
t n

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(e) If the stress tensor is transformed into new coordinates defined by e1

e1 e 2 ,
e2 e 3 , and e3 e1 e2 , find the transformed tensor component 12 .
' T

12 12 0 12 24 5 12 0 12

' 0 0 1 24 10 0 12 0 21
1 1
2 2
0 5 0 10 0 1 0
35 3.536 1
' 3.535 10 3.535

1 3.535 13
12 3.536

2. Given the stress tensor

9 9 0
9 12 0 MPa ,

0 0 36

(a) Find the principal stresses and corresponding directions.

From inspection, it is determined that one principal stress is 36 MPa with an eigenvector
of v 0 0 1 .

The remaining two principal stresses and corresponding directions are found by solving
the eigenvalue problem
I 0

9 9
2 3 189
9 12
15.33, 12.33

1 15.33 :
9 15.33 9 v1 0

9 12 15.33 v2 0
24.33 9 v1 0

0 v2 0
Arbitrarily setting v2 1 causes v1 0.370 , via the 1st equation. Because a
reduced matrix (i.e., 2 2) was used instead of the full matrix (i.e., 3 3), must
remember to add the missing component back into the eigenvector with a zero

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value, i.e. v1 0.370 1 0 . Normalizing v1 by its length generates the final

eigenvalue eigenvector pair
1 15.33
v1 0.347 0.938 0

2 12.33 :
9 12.33 9 v1 0

9 12 12.33 v2 0
3.33 9 v1 0

0 v2 0
Arbitrarily setting v2 1 causes v1 2.700 , via the 1st equation. Because a
reduced matrix (i.e., 2 2) was used instead of the full matrix (i.e., 3 3), must
remember to add the missing component back into the eigenvector with a zero
value, i.e. v1 2.700 1 0 . Normalizing v1 by its length generates the final

eigenvalue eigenvector pair
2 12.33
v2 0.938 0.347 0

3 36 :
Solved by inspection earlier. Restated here as the eigenvalue eigenvector pair
3 36
v3 0 0 1

(b) Determine the maximum shear stress.

The maximum shear stress is
min 36 ( 15.33)
max max
2 2
max 25.7 MPa

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3. Static equilibrium requires that the stress field satisfy bi ji , j 0 , which is expressed as
ji , j 0 when body forces b are absent.

For the given stress field
7 4 x1* x2* x3* 1 x1* 3 x2* 2 x1* x3*
7 4 x1* x2* x3* 3x1*2 2 x*22 5 x3* 0


1 x1* 3 x2* 2 x1* x3* 0 5 x1* 3 x2* x3*

the three equations of static equilibrium are

( x1*2 ) (7 4 x1* x2* x3* ) (1 x1* 3 x2* 2 x1* x3* )

i 1: 0
x1* x2* x3*
2 x1* 4 x1* 2 x1* 0
4 x1* 0 does not satisfy equilibrium
( 7 4 x x x ) (3 x 2 x 5 x ) (0)
* * * *2 *2 *
i 2: 1 2
3 1
* 0
2 3

x *
1 x *
2 x3
4 x2* 4 x2* 0 0
00 satisfies equilibrium
(1 x1* 3 x2* 2 x1* x3* ) (0) (5 x1* 3 x2* x3* )
i 3: * 0
x1* x2 x3*
1 2 x3* 0 1 0
2 x3* 0 does not satisfy equilibrium

The stress field does describe a state of static equilibrium.

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4. Given the stress tensor,
10 0 10
0 20 0 MPa ,

10 0 30

(a) Find the deviatoric and hydrostatic parts of this stress tensor
ij ij ij
kk 10 20 30
10 0 10
0 20 0 MPa

10 0 30
0 0 0
h 0 0 0 0 MPa

0 0 0
Note that the hydrostatic part of the stress tensor h is a tensor. Otherwise, the equation

h is meaningless.

(b) Find the first invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor
The first invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor is by definition equal to zero.
I1 trace

trace ij ei e j 3kk ij ei e j

ii 3 ii
11 22 33
11 22 33 3 3
I1 0

(c) Find the von Mises effective stress for this stress tensor (normalized to the uniaxial case).
The von Mises effective stress is given by
VM 3
2 3 J 2 32 102 102 202 102 (30) 2
ij ij

VM 48.99 MPa

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5. Provide all details to show that the following expressions for the stress power are all
P d V F dVo
pk (1) pk (2)
: E dVo
o Vo

Since pk (1) pk (2) F T ,

V. F dVo V. F F dVo .
pk (1) pk (2) T

Using the property A B trace( A B) , where A and B are 2nd rank tensors,
pk (2)

o V.

F dV trace pk (2)

F F dVo V. trace pk (2) F T F dVo
pk (2) F T F dVo .

Because pk (2) is symmetric

pk (2) F T F

pk (2) : F T F (1) .

: F T F
pk (2)

Using the property A B BT AT ,


pk (2)
:F F

pk (2)
: F T F (2).

The equivalence of Eq. (1) and (2) lead to
pk (2) F T F pk (2) : F T F F T F pk (2) :
1 1 DC
2 2 Dt

From E 12 C I and ,
Dt 2 Dt
1 pk (2) DC DE
: pk (2) : ,
2 Dt Dt
which is plugged back into the integral form of the work to show

P d V F dVo : E dVo .
pk (1) pk (2)

o Vo

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