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--Anxiety Disorders Association of America. Social Anxiety Disorder. Retrieved August

30,2015 from



National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2013). Social anxiety disorder: recognition,

assessment, and treatment. Retrieved August 30, 2015 from






National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (2013). Social Anxiety Disorder: The NICE

Guideline on Recognition, Assessment and Treatment. Retrieved August 30,2015


This guideline is concerned with the recognition, assessment and treatment of

social anxiety disorder in adults (aged 18 years or older) and children and young

people (from school age to 17 years). A multidisciplinary team of healthcare

professionals has also developed the guideline recommendations after a careful and

thorough process. This guideline was used to be a basis to set standards for

healthcare professionals for the treatments and care in this particular disorder. It
intends to be useful for clinicians and doctors in providing and planning a high-quality

care for people with social anxiety disorder. It also includes a number of

recommendations for future researchers to provide a new scope of development and

improvement in treating and understanding social anxiety disorder.


National Institute for Mental Health (2010). Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder): Always

Embarrassed. Retrieved August 30, 2015 from




Rector, N.A., Bourdeau, D., Kitchen, K., Joseph-Massiah, K. (2005). Anxiety disorders: An

information guide. Retrieved August 30, 2015 from



Anxiety Disorders: An Information Guide, is a guide for people with

anxiety disorder. Different aspects of anxiety disorder were discussed in this book and

it aims to answer questions regarding social anxiety. It contains actual experiences of

people that went through this disorder. It also expounded the factors that may

contribute to a person acquiring social anxiety disorder; which may be a combination of

psychological factors, cognitive, behavioral, developmental and biological factors.

Along with the causes and symptoms of social anxiety disorder mentioned, there are

also treatments that are easy to apply and comprehend.

Eysenck, M.W., Keane, M.T. (2010). Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook. USA &

Canada: Hove & Psychology Press.

This book entitled, Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook, aims to study

the brain as well as the behavior of people engaged in cognitive tasks. It is concerned

with the internal processes such as attention, perception, learning, memory, language,

reasoning and thinking. It attempts to understand human cognition by observing the

behavior based on the interactions to human thinking. There are also several ways in

which neuroscientists explore human cognition. First there are brain-imaging

techniques, both used to provide a detailed explanation on brain activity. Second, there

are electrophysiological techniques involving the recording of electrical signals

generated by the brain. Third, involves the study of the effects and causes of different

cognitive processes based on brain areas and functioning.

Weeks, J.W. (Ed.). (2014). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Social Anxiety Disorder.

Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.

Chishol-Burns, M.A. (2010). Pharmacotheraphy Principles & Practice (2nd ed.). New York:

McGraw Hill.

Hope, D.A., Heimberg, R.G., Turk, C.L. (2010). Managing Social Anxiety: A cognitive-

behavioral therapy approach: Therapist Guide (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University

Alfano, C.A., Beidel, D.C. (Ed.). (2011). Social Anxiety in Adolescents and Young Adults:

Translating Developmental Science into Practice. Washington DC: American

Psychological Association.

The contributors to this book examine social anxiety disorder specifically in the

lives of young adults and adolescents. Different aspects were observed in acquiring

social anxiety disorder such as developmental period of adolescents. This

developmental period was characterized by physical growth, sexual maturity,

emotional and cognitive developments and neurological changes. At the same time,

environmental and social demands were studied; this includes peer pressure,

hormonal changes and the like. Through this book, an increasing number of studies

have been developed to further understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of

social anxiety disorder, which are common among adolescents and young adults.

Dixon, T. (2011). Understanding Anxiety Problems. Retrieved August 30, 2015 from

This e-book examines anxiety; which is described as a survival mechanism for

humans. Yet it can occur to humans more often and can intensely affect them. This e-

book provides ways to overcome and understand what lies in this disorder. This e-book

also focuses on causes, symptoms and the process of our mind and body that may

lead to these problems. And it states in this e-book that overcoming anxiety disorders

always involves understanding and open-mindedness. It is also divided into 4 main

parts: The Problem describes the background to these problems and its factors, The

Symptoms shows the behavior, thinking and the way people act towards anxiety

disorder. In The Answer, contains the treatment and the last part called, It Can Be
Done explains how and why it is possible to become free of anxiety disorders and


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