General Tips

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General tips:

1. Be humble and respectful at all times.

2. Never interrupt the judge and pay close attention to any questions from him/her and try to answer
them as concisely as possible

Procedural Points:
1. Be at room 1.09 in the Bexar County District Courthouse on Dolorosa by 8:45. At 9:00 the judge will
"call the docket". When your case is called, stand and state that you are ready to proceed. If the judge
asks if you would like to confer with opposing counsel, it is a good idea to do so. Often agreements can
be reached without having to go to a hearing. If not, announce that the motion should take no more
than 30 minutes to be heard.
2. If opposing counsel is unwilling to confer, or if no agreement can be reached, the judge will assign a
judge to hear the motion. Listen to which judge it is and go to that courtroom.
3. The court reporter will ask if anyone wants a record. It's not necessary, but also not a problem if
someone wants a written record of the proceeding. There's no cost until/unless a transcript is requested
4. A pro se defendant is not an attorney--the rules all still apply, but it is absolutely okay if he doesn't
understand all the procedure--just be willing to ask if there are questions.

Persuasive points:
1. If he didn't touch Ms. Jacobi, he should state that (though never argue or say that anyone is lying
they must just be mistaken), and state that he has no intention of causing her or anyone any harm
2. If he is not interested in ever having contact with her, he should state that.
3. Express in simple terms why it is important to be able to work at the polling site
4. Express how much it means and how much time has been spent working on this election
5. Tell the judge that there is a sheriff's deputy at the polling location who is there to keep the peace
6. Ask the judge to read the document that you prepared and filed
6. Tell the judge that you would like the opportunity to prove that you have done nothing wrong and
you expect to prevail when that happens, but that $100 would not compensate you for being deprived
of the opportunity to work in the election where last time only seven votes separated the winner and
loser and ask that the judge do one of the following (in order of preference):
1. Rescind the temporary restraining order entirely
2. Remove parts of the temporary restraining order related to the polling site AND allow him to
be there even if Mrs. Jacobi is
3. Set the bond much higher in light of the significant deprivation that the temporary restraining
order constitutes.


At the end if the judge rules, ask who will prepare an order and make sure that it is recorded. If there is
any doubt about what the judge decides, ask questions to understand so that there is no violation of the
court's order.

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