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Multiple Choice questions

Answers can be found in the Sixth Edition of Introduction to Health and Safety
at Work by Hughes and Ferrett

Place an X in the final column.

Unless otherwise stated, there is only one correct answer for each question.

1. A hazard is....

A The likelihood of a substance person, activity or process

to cause harm.
B The probability of a substance person, activity or process
to cause harm.
C The potential of a substance person, activity or process to
cause harm.
D The prospect of a substance person, activity or process to
cause harm.

2. A risk is....

A The ability of a substance person, activity or process to

cause harm.
B The likelihood of a substance person, activity or
process to cause harm.
C The potential of a substance person, activity or
process to cause harm.
D The prospect of a substance person, activity or
process to cause harm.

3. In terms of health and safety, examples of welfare provision includes........

A The provision of a safe workplace.

B The provision of accident investigation procedures
C The provision of washing, sanitation and accommodation
for clothes.
D The provision of financial benefits.
4. An insured direct cost of an accident in the workplace could be..........

A The absence of employees due to the accident

B Any increases in insurance premiums resulting from the
C Product or process liability claims
D First aid provision and training

5. A duty that the employer ensures, so far as is practicable, that any control
measure is maintained in an efficient state means...........

A If it is convenient, the duty may be done.

B Unless the risk is high, the duty may not be done.
C If the frequency of the activity is small, the duty need not
be done
D If the duty is technically possible, it must be done
irrespective of any difficulty, inconvenience or cost.

6. Which of the following is not a principal duty of an employer?

A To provide adequate supervision of work practices

B To give necessary instruction and training to employees
C To provide meals at break times free of charge.
D To provide and maintain workplaces, machinery and
equipment which are safe and without risk to health as is
reasonably practicable.

7. Which of the following is not an occupational health and safety management


B ISO 14001
C OHSAS 18001:2007
D ILO-OSH 2001
8. The key elements of a health and safety policy are...........

A Policy statement of intent, organisation of health and

safety and performance targets for health and safety
B Policy statement of intent, organisation of health and
safety and arrangements for health and safety
C Policy statement of intent, performance targets for health
and safety and arrangements for health and safety
D Policy statement of intent, organisation of health and
safety and procedures for health and safety

9. A company employs a health and safety practitioner to help it with health and
safety issues. The practitioner..........

A Is responsible for health and safety in the organisation.

B Advises management and employees on health and
safety issues
C Is responsible for checking that safe systems of work are
in place.
D Ensures that everybody within an organisation adheres
to health and safety procedures.

10. The health and safety of people at work are affected by human factors. These
factors are influenced by...........

A The organisation, the job and health and safety

B The organisation, the job and personal factors
C The organisation, the type of products and personal
D The organisation, the job and level of risk
11. A suitable and sufficient risk assessment does NOT include....

A Identify the significant risks and ignore the trivial ones.

B Identify and prioritize the measures required to comply
with any relevant statutory provisions.
C The need to provide a cost-benefit analysis of the risk
control measures.
D The need to remain appropriate to the nature of the work
and valid over a reasonable period of time.
E Identify the risk arising from or in connection with the
work. The level of detail should be proportionate to the

12. If a safety sign is coloured blue, this means that...

A The specified behaviour is prohibited

B A specific course of action must be taken.
C A warning is given of a specific hazard.
D The sign is providing information about safe

13. The purpose of a Permit-To-Work is to....

A Ensure that potentially dangerous work is done safely

B Ensure that only competent workers undertake the job.
C Ensure that the correct tools and equipment are used on
a job.
D Ensure that emergency procedures are in place.

14. The main purpose of First Aid at Work is to...........

A Ensure that all first aid boxes are full.

B Ensure that only certain medicines are available to
injured or ill workers.
C Ensure that suitable health surveillance is undertaken.
D Preserve life and minimise the consequences of injury or
illness until help from a competent person is obtained.
15. A contractor is to re-tile a roof. What is the most important control measure that must be

A Good training and supervision

B Suitable airbags or a safety net
C A properly constructed working platform
D A secure safety harness

16. A scaffold used in construction work has been inspected by a competent person
immediately after it was erected. How often after this must it be inspected by a competent

A Monthly
B Weekly
C Daily
D Never

17. What is the safest arrangement for the use of vehicles within a factory?

A Enforcement of speed limits

B Minimising sharp and blind corners
C Separate pedestrians from vehicles
D Using one-way systems

18. A good manual lifting technique for lifting a load from the floor includes:

A Keeping the feet together and bending the knees

B Keeping the feet together and bending the back
C Keeping the feet apart and bending the knees
D Keeping the feet apart and bending the back
19. Which of the following are physical hazards faced by a fork lift truck driver?
(There may be more than one answer)

A Inadequate maintenance
B Noise
C Overturning
D Manual handling of the load

20. When suitable which of the following guards is preferred?

A User-adjusted guard
B Interlocking guard
C Fixed guard
D Photoelectric trip device

21. Which of the following machine hazards are mechanical hazards?

A Noise
B Entanglement
C Radiation
D Electricity

22. What is the prime function of an electric fuse?

A To protect against electric shock.

B To reduce electricity costs.
C To protect equipment from overload.
D To ensure that the equipment is properly earthed.
23. What is the prime function of a residual current device (RCD)?

A It gives the best form of protection against electric shock

B It ensures that sufficient electric current is available
C It controls the electric voltage
D It reduces electricity costs

24. A small fire breaks out in some electrical equipment. Which is the best type of fire
extinguisher to use to minimise damage to the equipment?

A Foam
B Water
C Carbon Dioxide
D Powder

25. A fire assembly point is a place where...........

A the fire fighting team assemble

B fire fighting equipment is store.
C the fire alarms are activated
D people assemble on hearing the fire alarm

26. What is respirable dust?

A A fine dust that is normally trapped in the nasal passages

B A fine dust that can easily be exhaled
C A fine dust that lodges at the entrance to the lungs
D A fine dust that penetrates deep into the lungs and stays
27. An industrial process uses hazardous substances. What is the most effective
control measure?

A The provision of effective personal protective equipment

B The total or partial enclosure of the process
C Good supervision and training
D The provision of local exhaust ventilation

28. During a refurbishment project, a contractor realises that he may have drilled into
some asbestos. What should the first action be?

A Special personal protective equipment and clothing must

be issued
B Any asbestos dust must be swept up immediately
C A sample of the asbestos material must be sent for
D All work must stop immediately

29. If people have to shout to be heard when they are more than 2 m apart, what is
the likely noise level?

A 80dBA
B 85dBA
C 90dBA
D 95dBA

30. Which of the following is a source of ionising radiation?

A Microwave radiation
B Radon gas
C Ultraviolet radiation from the sun
D Lasers

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