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Government of Bermuda

Accounts Receivable

JDE EnterpriseOne 9.0

Functional Design Specification

November 11, 2009

Executive Summary

The Government of Bermuda will be implementing the Accounts Receivable module in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne v9.0 (E1) to
manage accounts receivable. Currently there are few departments using the accounts receivable module to a limited extent. Other
departments are using varying software packages to manage accounts receivables. There are some departments that have custom
built systems that GOB will not be replacing in Phase One of the project.

It is assumed that during Phase 1 of the Accounts Receivable implementation, the following scenarios hold true:

1. All cash received by the ACG cashiers will continue to be recorded through the existing Revenue Collection System (RCS).
(Currently, there is a duplication of effort to record receipts, once in the outside financial system and then through the 5A
Form into JD Edwards. This includes cases where RCS has been installed in government departments where an interface with
JD Edwards has not been built. This duplication of processes will continue if the RCS interface cannot be completed for Phase
2. Revenue will be recorded at the time of the invoice being posted not at the time of receiving the settlements.
3. Invoices will be produced in JDE E1
4. Student Loans will be entered in the Accounts Receivable module as they become due.
5. Interfaces that are currently using the Z-Processes to write to JDE World will be updated to work with E1.
6. Revenues from other systems will be recorded when cash is received through the RCS cash receipts system.
7. Enhanced AR with Line of Business will be turned on in case future needs arise that may require the additional functionality.
(As an example Department of Civil Aviation bills international customers several months in advance of the service in order to
receive settlement in a timely manner.)
8. The Tiger system will be replaced with the E1 system to manage collections. Departments will continue to be responsible for
the initial follow-up with delinquent customers.
The following Document Types will be used for all Invoices entered in EnterpriseOne.

Invoice Document Types

RI Miscellaneous Invoices (default)
RR Recurring Invoices
RM Credit Memos

Conversion Invoice Document Types

UL - Converted Loan Invoices
UR Converted Misc Invoices

The following Document Type Codes will be used for all Receipts in EnterpriseOne.

Receipt Document Types

RC Cash Receipts, Hard Coded use in A/R
RG Gain/Loss on Exchange Rate, Hard Coded use in A/R
RO Reversing or Void Entry, Hard Coded use in A/R
RV Non-sufficient Funds, Hard Coded use in A/R
RU Unapplied Receipt

Report Requirements
The following reports have been identified as a requirement in order to allow the JD Edwards E1 Accounts Receivable system to
meet the Business Requirements defined in this document.
Report Requirement
Report # Description of Report Requirements
From Process #
Invoice Print for invoices Custom formats may be written by client using BI Publisher
Statement Print Custom formats may be written by client using BI Publisher. Print Statements
(might need customization for format and content.)
Delinquency Letters for Custom formats may be written by client using BI Publisher
various areas
AR Reports Client will create new reports where the standard reports do not meet the
Interface Requirements
The following interfaces are required in order to allow the system to meet the Business Requirements defined in this document.
Interface Relates to Description of Interface Requirements
Non-named AS400 Works and Updates JDE General Ledger and Accounts Receivable with Refuse billing
Invoice System Engineering transactions via batch procedure
Non-named AS400 Works and Updates JDE General Ledger and Accounts Receivable with Metered Water
Invoice System Engineering and Trucked Water billing transactions via batch procedure.
Non-named AS400 Works and Updates JDE General Ledger and Accounts Receivable with Rental billing
Invoice System Engineering transactions.
AIRS Department **Not in Scope** Update JDE Accounts Receivable module with transactions.
of Civil Currently information is retrieved from the AIRS system and manually keyed
Aviation into QuickBooks to invoice the customers for inspections, permits,
certificates of air worthiness, etc.
Common Use Department **Not in Scope** Update JDE Accounts Receivable module with transactions.
of Airport Currently information is manually keyed into QuickBooks to invoice the
Operations customers for rent, baggage fees, landing fees, etc.
PCI Cashiering All Receipts **Not in Scope** Currently interfaces to the GL only. Trying to get the
for GOB interface written by PCI to interface directly to the AR within E1 and remove
the need for double entry of AR receipts.
PX3000 Social **Not in Scope** Need to interface this to AR however SI will do collections.
Insurance Currently customer and the past due balances are manually rekeyed into
Billing TIGER . Payments are planned to be keyed directly into the PX3000.
Table of Contents

Section Page

1. CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................................................... 1
FLOWCHART: CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE..............................................................................................................3
2. MISCELLANEOUS AR INVOICES..................................................................................................................4
FLOWCHART: MISCELLANEOUS AR INVOICES........................................................................................................5
3. RECURRING AR INVOICES........................................................................................................................... 6
FLOWCHART: RECURRING AR INVOICES...............................................................................................................8
4. PROCESSING CASHIERING TRANSACTIONS ENTERED THROUGH RCS...............................................9
5. MANUAL RECEIPTS/DIRECT DEPOSITS/ADJUSTMENTS........................................................................12
FLOWCHART: MANUAL RECEIPTS/ DIRECT PAYMENTS/ADJUSTMENTS...................................................................14
6. RECORD NSF RECEIPTS/REVISED RECEIPTS/VOIDS.............................................................................15
FLOWCHART: RECORD NSF RECEIPTS/ REVISED RECEIPTS /VOIDS....................................................................16
7. PROCESS BATCH INVOICES...................................................................................................................... 17
FLOWCHART: PROCESS BATCH INVOICES...........................................................................................................18
8. PROCESS STATEMENTS IN HOUSE PRINTING......................................................................................19
FLOWCHART: PROCESS STATEMENTS IN HOUSE PRINTING...............................................................................20
9. PROCESS STATEMENTS OFFSITE PRINTING........................................................................................21
FLOWCHART: PROCESS STATEMENTS OFFSITE PRINTING.................................................................................22
10. MANAGE COLLECTIONS UP TO 60 DAYS DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS.....................................................23
FLOWCHART: MANAGE COLLECTIONS UP TO 60 DAYS DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS...................................................24
11. MANAGE COLLECTIONS > 60 DAYS DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS.............................................................25
Flowchart: Manage Collections > 60 Days Delinquent Accounts...................................................................27
Government of Bermuda 1

1. Customer Maintenance

Starts With: Verifying if the Address exists

Ends With: Notification from AP that the Customer is ready for use

Description: This flowchart covers the process of adding new customers or changing existing records.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Does name exist in Billing Clerk Use available resources to verify that this is a legitimate customer. Use the Address
Address Book Book Master to verify if the name exists in Enterprise One.
Master ?
2.0 Is information Billing Clerk If the information is correct end the process. If the information is not correct
correct? complete an electronic trader form with the correct information
3.0 Complete Trader Billing Clerk Enter the Customer Information. Follow the standards that have been set by the
Form GOB.
4.0 Email Trader Form Billing Clerk Email Trader Form to AR ACG
5.0 Is this a change to AR ACG If yes, update existing information. If no, determine whether this is a new address
the Address book? book entry or customer master record.
6.0 Update existing AR ACG Enter the change to existing address information.
7.0 Is this new Address AR ACG If yes, enter new address book information. If no, add customer by company.
Book information?
7.1 Add Address Book AR ACG Enter new address book information to Address Book
7.2 Enter Bank AR ACG Bank account information will be used for the ACH program. (future phases)
7.3 Enter Phones AR ACG Enter all of the phone types for a customer.
7.4 Enter Who's Who AR ACG Who's Who information is additional information that can be entered for the
Information customer such as the person to contact for collections.
7.4.1 Enter Email AR ACG Enter customer Email Information for distribution of invoices and statements via
Information email.

8.0 Add Customer by AR ACG Customer master Information needs to be added by Company if a company has
Company different delinquency letter. The rules are to be placed on the customer master for
the Address.
Government of Bermuda 2

8.1 Add Invoice AR ACG Enter invoicing information for customer including payment terms.
8.2 Add Collection AR ACG Collection information allows delinquency rules to be added.
8.3 Add G/L Distribution AR ACG Enter G/L Distribution information

9.0 Notify Billing Clerk AR ACG Notify Billing Clerk that the information is completed for the customer. Include the
address book number in the notification.
10.0 End
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Flowchart: Customer Maintenance

Government of Bermuda 4

2. Miscellaneous AR Invoices

Starts With: Changes to the Customer Address and Master Record

Ends With: Batch Review and Post

Description: This is the process to bill miscellaneous receivables.

Number Task Role Description
1.0 Customer Validation Billing Clerk If customer does not exist or the information needs to be changed a Trader Form is
prepared with the customer information and submitted to Accounts Payable at ACG
for entry.
2.0 Determine entry method Billing Clerk Depending on the need, invoices can be entered using standard invoice entry, which
to use provides the most flexibility and options, or speed invoice entry. Speed invoice entry
provides less flexibility and options than standard invoice entry; however, it provides
a quicker way of entering invoice and general ledger information.
2.1 Create standard invoice Billing Clerk Entering standard invoices consists of entering basic invoice information and G/L
distribution information on two screens.
2.2 Create speed invoice Billing Clerk Entering speed invoices consists of entering basic invoice information and G/L
distribution information on one screen.
3.0 Print invoice journal Billing Clerk Review Invoices via PDF before printing.
4.0 Print accounts receivable Billing Clerk To print the invoices that are created during invoice entry, run Print A/R Invoice. This
invoices and Credit batch process also prints Credit memos. Additionally, any remarks entered on the
Memos invoice also appear.
5.0 Sample Testing of Invoices A/R Manager Manual process to sample test invoices greater than a pre-determined amounts and
6.0 Approve Invoice Batch A/R Manager Approve invoice batches for posting to General Ledger
7.0 Post Invoices A/R Manager Batches requiring same day posting will be posted to the General Ledger by
Department AR Manager
8.0 Overnight Post Invoices ACG Accountant All un-posted batches will be automatically posted overnight to the General Ledger
9.0 End Billing
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Flowchart: Miscellaneous AR Invoices

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3. Recurring AR Invoices

Starts With: Verify Customer Information

Ends With: Post Batches

Description: This is the process for Recurring Invoices. Departments can use this function for billing recurring charges such as rents,
dog licenses, well permits, etc.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Verify or Update Billing Clerk Trader Form will need to be submitted for new customers or customer changes.
customer information
2.0 Is this a new Invoice? Billing Clerk If yes, add new recurring invoice. Recurring invoices are billed at regular intervals set to
repeat within the system. If no, recycle invoices.
2.1 Recycling period Billing Clerk This is for the next financial period.

2.2 Recycle the recurring Billing Clerk When recycling a recurring invoice, the system removes the recurring frequency and
invoices number of payments on the original invoice; creates a new invoice and updates
the document Number field on the new invoice with the new document number, the batch
number with a new number, number of payments (decreases by one), G/L date and net
due date, using the recurring frequency to calculate the next date, and invoice date and
number, according to the processing options
2.3 Create recurring Billing Clerk Recycle process creates a batch of new invoices that can now be adjusted and printed.
Invoice batch
3.0 Add New Recurring Billing Clerk New Invoices should not be entered until the recycle process has been completed. This
Invoices assures that no future GL date invoices will be created.
4.0 Adjust invoices as Billing Clerk Use Standard Invoice Entry to adjust the information on the invoice. (Amount, GL
needed Account, Remark, Due Date, Number of Periods, Deletions )
5.0 Run invoice Edit Report Billing Clerk Verify information in the batch is correct.
6.0 Print Invoices Billing Clerk Invoices will be viewed via PDF file before printing hard copy or emailing to the
7.0 Submit batches for Billing Clerk Submit batch for approval and posting to the General Ledger.
Approval and Posting
7.1 Sample Testing of AR Manager Manual process for sample testing of invoices greater than a pre-determined amounts
invoices and anomalies.
8.0 Approve Batches AR Manager Invoicing Batches will be approved by the Departments AR Manager.
9.0 Post Batches AR Manager Batches requiring same day posting will be posted to the General Ledger by Department
AR Manager
10.0 Overnight Post Batches ACG Accountant All un-posted batches will be automatically posted overnight
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11.0 End
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Flowchart: Recurring AR Invoices

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4. Processing Cashiering Transactions Entered through RCS

Starts With: Load Interface Data
Ends With: Post to GL

Description: This is the process for posting the receipts to E1 that are received in RCS. This process assumes interface to the A/R
module is completed for Phase 1.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Load Interface data Supervisor / Senior Load the Z-files with the RCS data. This will happen as part of the end of
Cashier day closing process within the system.
2.0 Does file contain errors? Supervisor / Senior Check for errors and omissions
3.0 Review and revise electronic Supervisor / Senior If a receipt is missing from the file due to a problem while loading data, it
receipts table Cashier can be added as an electronic receipt. Information on an existing receipt
can be changed at this point.
4.0 Run Update Receipts Supervisor / Senior Update Receipt Headers
Header Cashier
4.1 Apply receipts to invoices Supervisor / Senior After updating the Receipts Register table (F03B13), apply receipts to
Cashier invoices. Run the Update Receipts Header Version set to apply AR
Receipts. This batch process determines the information necessary for
the system to match a receipt to an invoice or a group of invoices. It also
determines which base method to use for processing.
4.2 Process GL Receipts Supervisor / Senior Run the Update Receipts Header Version set for GL receipts.
5.0 Successful Supervisor / Senior Check for errors that may have been identified during the Update process.
5.1 Apply unprocessed receipts Supervisor / Senior After processing automatic receipts, review online the receipts that the
manually Cashier system was unable to apply to invoices. When an unapplied receipt is fully
applied to invoices, the system closes the RU (unapplied) document and
creates an RC (receipt) doc for the amount applied. If an unapplied receipt
is applied to invoices before it is posted, the system deletes the RU record
from the Receipts Register table.
6.0 Further action required? Supervisor / Senior Determine if any further action is to be taken
6.1 Locate receipt and delete Supervisor / Senior If a receipt is in error it can be deleted before running the final process.
6.2 Locate and review online Supervisor / Senior Receipts can be reviewed online using the review receipts or batch review
Cashier screens.
6.3 Print report in order to review Supervisor / Senior Receipts can also be reviewed by exporting to excel or printing a report.
Government of Bermuda 11

7.0 Batch Approval for posting to AR Manager Once batch has been reviewed and edited the batch can be approved for
General Ledger posting.
8.0 Post receipt ACG Accountant Run the GL Post and verify there were no errors
9.0 End
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Flowchart: Processing Cashiering Transactions Entered through RCS

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5. Manual Receipts/Direct Deposits/Adjustments

Starts With: Identify accounts that require manual receipts applied or changes
Ends With: Post Cash Receipts Batches

Description: This is the process for entering receipts manually and making adjustments to cash receipts.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Customer receives Customer Customer receives invoice and transfers funds to GOB account or mail is
Invoice and Makes received
2.0 Create a cash batch AR Cash Receipts Clerk Batch Header is created at the time of cash entry.
3.0 AR or GL Receipt? AR Cash Receipts Clerk Is this an AR receipt of a GL Receipt?

3.1 Apply receipt to AR Cash Receipts Clerk The AR Cash Receipts clerk applies the payment to the customers account. If
customer account the payment can be applied to the invoices oldest through newest the Load
feature can be utilized. If they are to select individual invoices from the list of
open invoices the Select feature will be used.
3.2 Enter Receipts to GL AR Cash Receipts Clerk Cash Receipts can be posted directly to a GL account in the event the payment
Account is not for an invoiced item. This can be used to record the payment in full in
conjunction with payment of invoices.
3.3 Review batch AR Cash Receipts Clerk Use receipts header review to reconcile total

4.0 Receipts to Revise? AR Cash Receipts Clerk Revise the Unapplied receipt by selecting it and either applying it to the
customers invoices, moving the receipt to the correct customer or applying the
receipt directly to a General Ledger Account.
4.1 Locate the incorrect AR Cash Receipts Clerk Use Payment Inquiry to locate a receipt that was previously applied incorrectly.

4.2 Revise receipt AR Cash Receipts Clerk Use Standard Cash Receipts to revise payments that were applied to the
incorrect invoice or account.

5.0 Prepare Cash Receipt AR Cash Receipts Clerk Print receipt if using POS system; If using E1, print screen to show application of
payment for customer
Government of Bermuda 14

6.0 Prepare Deposit AR Cash Receipts Clerk Receipts clerk will prepare the deposit. The deposit total will be agreed to batch
total in E1.
7.0 Submit Batch for AR Cash Receipts Clerk Notify Manager of Batches that are ready for review
Approve and Post
8.0 Approve receipt batch AR Manager Approve receipt batches for posting to General Ledger

9.0 Post receipt batch AR Manager Post receipt batches for posting to General Ledger
10.0 Overnight Post ACG Accountant Overnight post of un-posted batches to GL
11.0 End
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Flowchart: Manual Receipts/ Direct Payments/Adjustments

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6. Record NSF Receipts/Revised Receipts/Voids

Starts With: NSF Cheque received or payment identified as posted incorrectly

Ends With: Batches Posted

Description: This flowchart depicts the activities to follow when designating receipts as insufficient funds (NSF), revised or void.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 NSF Cheque received DCO Administrator Cheque has been returned by the bank for NSF or payment has been identified
or payment identified as applied incorrectly
as posted incorrectly
2.0 NSF/Void or revise DCO Administrator Payment can be recorded as NSF after it has been posted. If payment has been
after posting? posted to another account it can be revised or voided.
3.0 Locate receipt to be DCO Administrator Use Payment Inquiry in the Manual Cash receipts to locate the payment to be
voided, revised or revised or deleted.
designated NSF
3.1 Void or NSF receipt DCO Administrator If a payment is to be voided enter a reason code for the void such as NSF. GL
Date will be the current period.
3.2 Revise Receipt DCO Administrator In the collection process DCO may find that a receipt was applied incorrectly.
The receipt can be revised using the standard receipts application.
4.0 Submit Batch for DCO Administrator Batch will be set to pending and will go through the post process.
Approval and Posting
5.0 Approve receipt batch A/R Manager Approve receipt batches for posting to General Ledger
6.0 Post receipts A/R Manager Post batch to General Ledger
7.0 Post receipts ACG Accountant Overnight post batch to GL
8.0 End
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Flowchart: Record NSF Receipts/ Revised Receipts /Voids

Government of Bermuda 18

7. Process Batch Invoices

Starts With: Process Batch file from Other Invoice Systems

Ends With: Post Batch

Description: This process describes where invoices can be created in external systems and Excel spreadsheet and be transferred to
JDE either using the Z file upload process or manually.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Load Interface data System Process Load the Z-files with the Invoice Data from other external systems. This will occur
as part of the end of day closing process within the system.

2.0 Does file contain Billing Clerk Check report to verify process completed.
3.0 Review and revise Billing Clerk If an invoice is missed from the file due to a problem while loading data, an
Batched Invoices electronic invoice can be added or information can be changed on an existing
4.0 Process Batched Billing Clerk Update Invoices
5.0 Successful Billing Clerk Check for errors that may have been identified during the Update process.

6.0 Locate and review Billing Clerk Invoices can be reviewed online, exported to EXCEL or printed as a report.
6.1 Delete or revise Invoice Billing Clerk If an invoice is in error it can be revised or deleted before posting.

7.0 Submit Batch for Billing Clerk Submit batch for approval and posting to the General Ledger.
Approval and Post
8.0 Batch Approval for AR Manager Once batch has been review and edited the batch can be approved for posting.
posting to General
9.0 Post Batch ACG Accountant Run the GL Post and verify there were no errors
10.0 End
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Flowchart: Process Batch Invoices

Government of Bermuda 20

8. Process Statements In House Printing

Starts With: Run Statement Refresh

Ends With: Customer Receives Statement

Description: This process follows the flow of sending statements to customers.

Number Task Role Description
1.0 Run statement Billing Clerk Run Statement Notification Refresh (R03B500X) to process statements. You can
notification refresh customize statements for your organization to include invoice detail, current
balance due, account summary, and account aging. This batch process reads
information in the following tables within a specific billing period: open invoices in
the A/R Ledger table (F03B11); receipt detail in the Receipt Application Detail
table (F03B14); invoice revisions in the A/R Adjustments table (F03B112). This
process also creates records in the A/R Notification (F03B20) and A/R
Notification Detail (F03B21) tables.
2.0 Review statements Billing Clerk Review Statements as PDF before printing hard copy and mailing.
3.0 Print customer Billing Clerk Statements are printed.
4.0 Customer Receives Customer Customer Statement are sent via email or regular mail monthly.
5.0 End
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Flowchart: Process Statements In House Printing

Government of Bermuda 22

9. Process Statements Offsite Printing

Starts With: Run Statement Refresh

Ends With: Customer Receives Statement

Description: This process follows the flow of sending statements to customers.

Number Task Role Description
1.0 Run statement Billing Specialist Run Statement Notification Refresh (R03B500X) to process statements.
notification refresh Statements can be customized for each department to include invoice detail,
current balance due, account summary, and account aging. This batch process
reads information in the following tables within a specific billing period: open
invoices in the A/R Ledger table (F03B11); receipt detail in the Receipt
Application Detail table (F03B14); invoice revisions in the A/R Adjustments table
(F03B112). This process also creates records in the A/R Notification (F03B20)
and A/R Notification Detail (F03B21) tables.
2.0 Review Statement File Billing specialist Review the PDF file before sending to the offsite printer.

3.0 Send file to offsite Billing Specialist Statements are sent to an offsite printer for printing and mailing directly to the
printer customer
3.1 Print customer Billing Specialist Statements are printed and mailed at an offsite printer with Bar code information.
4.0 Review statements Billing Specialist On Review Statements (P03B202), Statements that contain billing errors can be
online accessed and reviewed online. This enables quick access to the statement and
interactive response to the customers concern.
5.0 Reprint Accounts Billing Specialist Send statements to customers via email and regular mail to inform them of
Receivable statements account activities. After sending statements to customers, a customer might
query a transaction on their statement. For example, a statement might show an
incorrect balance due to a billing error on an invoice or a missing credit memo.
When this happens, the statement must be easily accessible to locate the
problem. The Accounts Receivable system enables the display of the customer's
statement online for review. The statement can be processed and reprinted, if
6.0 Customer Receives Customer Customer Statements are received monthly.
7.0 End
Government of Bermuda 23

Flowchart: Process Statements Offsite Printing

Government of Bermuda 24

10. Manage Collections up to 60 Days Delinquent Accounts

Starts With: Run AR Updates

Ends With: Review Activity online

Description: This flowchart documents the tasks that can be taken during the collection process. E1 allows flexibility in reviewing
and managing account balances.
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Run A/R credit/cash Overnight System For the Accounts Receivable system to automatically process delinquency
management build Process notices for overdue customer account balances, delinquency information
must be updated by running the A/R Credit/Cash Management Build
(R03B525). The processing options in conjunction with the associated policy
can be used to define how the system processes notices. Process can be set
to occur nightly, weekly or monthly.
2.0 Run statistical history Overnight System The Statistical History Update (R03B16) program allows the update of
update Process statistical information about customer accounts, such as invoice amount and
DSO (days sales outstanding).
2.1 Is Account equal = 60 days Collections Customer information can be reviewed online to determine if account is equal
overdue? to 60 days overdue.
2.2 Contact customer Collections Use resources available to contact customer to determine reason for non-

2.3 Resolve issue with Collections Take steps to resolve any issue the customer may have regarding
Customer discrepancies on account.

2.4 Collect Funds from Collections Collect overdue amount from customer

3.0 End Collections

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Flowchart: Manage Collections up to 60 Days Delinquent Accounts

Government of Bermuda 26

11. Manage Collections > 60 Days Delinquent Accounts

Starts With: Run AR Updates

Ends With: Review Activity online

Description: This flowchart documents the tasks that can be taken during the collection process. E1 allows flexibility in reviewing
and managing account balances
Number Task Role Description
1.0 Run A/R credit/cash Overnight System For the Accounts Receivable system to automatically process delinquency
management build Process notices for overdue customer account balances, delinquency information
must be updated by running the A/R Credit/Cash Management Build
(R03B525). The processing options in conjunction with the associated policy
can be used to define how the system processes notices. Process can be set
to occur nightly, weekly or monthly.
2.0 Run statistical history Overnight System The Statistical History Update (R03B16) program allows the update of
update Process statistical information about customer accounts, such as invoice amount and
DSO (days sales outstanding).
3.0 Identify Overdue Collections Using the reports generated identify the customers that are > 60 days
Customers overdue
3.1 Review statistical Collections Payment trends of a customer within a specific period can be analyzed. When
Information reviewing statistical information, the system displays information from the A/R
Statistical History (F03B16) and A/R Statistical Summary (F03B16S) tables.
3.2 Review or print account Collections As part of the credit and collection efforts, the Account Activity Log can be
activity log used as a history to show patterns and trends of customer habits, and to
assist in making decisions about how an account is performing. It enables the
review of all the activities associated with a customer. For example, using the
Account Activity Log, a manager can review an account to determine how
much effort is spent on collection reviews.
4.0 Is Account > 180 days Collections If Yes, prepare court summons. If No Send request to have customer
overdue? accounts flagged for AP/AR Netting.

4.1 Flag A/c for AP/AR Netting Collections Customer that is also a Vendor is flagged for AP/AR Netting Collect overdue
Collect Funds from amount from customer
4.2 Generate 1st, 2nd, or Final Collections When delinquency notices are generated, the system writes records in the
Overdue Notice Letter A/R Notification History (F03B20) and A/R Notification History Detail
(F03B21) tables. Delinquency notices can be printed directly or sent to a file
to be reviewed and approved before submitting to print.
Government of Bermuda 27

4.3 Print 1st, 2nd, or Final Collections Print Delinquency notices

Overdue Notice Letter

4.4 Contact Customer Collections Use resources available to contact customer to determine reason for non-

4.5 Enter Promises Collections When the customer is contacted for collection, information regarding the
collection process can be entered into the Promises, Promises screen.
These can be reviewed and followed up on at a later date.

4.6 Collect Funds Collections Customer comes to Collection Officer to settle overdue amount.

5.0 Prepare Summons Collections If account balance is >180 days prepare court summons to commence court
proceedings for collection.

6.0 Sign Summons Attorney Generals Summons is signed by Attorney Generals Chambers

6.1 Summons sent of Attorney Generals Summons is hand delivered to the customer by bailiff
Customer Chambers

6.2 Court Proceedings Attorney Generals Customer appears in court


6.3 Collect Funds or Attorney Generals Customer pays overdue balance or is incarcerated
Incarceration Chambers

7.0 End Collections

Government of Bermuda 28

Flowchart: Manage Collections > 60 Days Delinquent Accounts

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