Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

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Lusi,Novi,Aisa,Fela meeting up for a reunion at coffe house

Jasmi : Good evening, welcome to Coffe House, can I help you?
Selamat sore , selamat datang di coffe house, ada yang bisa saya bantu?

Lusi : Can we have a table for four please.

Tolong meja untuk 4 orang

Jasmi : Come this way please.

Lewat sini.

Jasmi : Are you ready to order now?

Apakah anda akan memsan sekarang?

Novi : Yes, we are. Can we have 2 glasses of orange juice and two glasses of iced coffe
Ya, 2 gelas orange juice dan 2 gelas es kopi

Jasmi : 2 glasses of orange juice and two glasses of iced coffe. Wait a minute.
2 gelas orange juice dan 2 gelas es kopi, tunggu sebentar.

Aisa : So, how have you been guys? Its been a very long time. Last time we met was when
we were still in high school and we always went to this coffe house right ?
Apa kabar kalian semua? Sudah lama sekali ya, terakhir kita bertemu waktu kita
masih SMA dan kita selalu kesini.

Novi : I have been very good. I dont believe that it has been over 8 years ago since from high
Kabar baik. Aku tidak percaya sudah hampir 8 tahun lamanya.

Jasmi : Here your order. 2 glasses of orange juice and two glasses of iced coffe.
Pesanan anda, 2 gelas orange juice dan 2 gelas es kopi

Lusi : Thanks

Fela : I think so Aisa, but nothing so much has changed from all of you, especially you Lusi,
you always look stylish since the first time we met. So, what is your bustle now Lusi?
Aku rasa juga begitu Aisa, kalian tidak banyak berubah, Terutama kamu Lusi, kamu
selalu terlihat modis sejak pertama kita bertemu.Jadi apa kesibukanmu sekarang lusi?

Lusi : Im working on a private company in Japan. Im an fashion designer now.

Aku bekerja di perusahaan di Jepang. Sekarang aku perancang busana.
Fela : That is great, Lusi . Im cheering for you. And you, Novi?
Itu bagus Lusi, aku senang . Dan kamu Novi?

Novi : Im still going on with my education for my master degree in USA. I hope it will be
going well.
Aku masih meneruskan S2 di USA. Aku harap semuanya berjalan lancar.

Aisa : That is great, Novi. I wish for the best for you. I will graduate my master degree next
month, I hope all of you can come to my graduation party.
Itu bagus Novi. Aku doakan yang terbaik untukmu. Bulan depan aku wisuda S2, aku
harap kalian bisa datang.

Lusi : Sure, we will. Im sorry I will attend meeting with my client. Ill go first.
Tentu. Maaf aku pergi dulu, aku harus bertemu klien.

Novi : Ok, good luck.

Ok. Semoga beruntung.

(Lusi get out from coffe house)

Novi : Should we go now?

Kita pulang sekarang?

Fela : I think so, I wanna go some place too.

Aku rasa begitu, aku juga mau pergi kesuatu tempat.

Aisa : excuse me , can we have the bill please?

Permisi, tolong notanya.

Wa : Person who name Lusi, already paid for your meal miss.
Seseorang bernama Lusi sudah membayar semuanya .

Aisa : Oh, Okay, thanks

Baiklah, terimakasih.

Jasmi : Thanks for coming, please do visit next time and have very wonderful day.
Terimakasih telah berkunjung, silahkan berkunjung kembali. Semoga harimu

Novi : I hope we can meet up again next time. Bye

Aku harap kita bisa bertemu lagi. Sampai jumpa

Aisa & Fela : Bye

Sampai jumpa.

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