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Sixth Semester (Model Question Paper)
Practical Auditing
(2013 Admission onwards)
Time: Three Hours Max. : 80 marks

Part A (Short Answer Questions) (Answer All questions)

Each Question carries 1 mark
1. What are the incidental objectives of auditing?
2. What are accounting errors?
3. What is teaming and lading?
4. What is routine Checking?
5. Define internal check.
6. What is vouching?
7. What is contingent liability?
8. Define valuation of assets.
9. What is a qualified report?
10. Define Investigation?

(10 x 1 = 10 )
Part B (Brief Answer Questions)
Answer any Eight Questions. Each Question carries 2 marks
11. Explain test checking.
12. What is Audit manual?
13. What is audit in depth?
14. What is realizable value?
15. What are wasting assets?
16. What are the qualifications of a company auditor?
17. What is a statutory report?
18. Explain Disclaimer of opinion.
19. What is forfeiture of shares?
20. What is cost audit?
21. What are the contents of investigation report?
22. What is social audit?

( 8 x 2 = 16 )
Part C Short Essay Answer any Six Questions
Each Question carries 4 marks

23. What is government audit?

24. What are the differences between auditing and investigation?

25. What are the primary objectives of auditing?

26. What are the objectives of audit programme?

27. Distinguish between internal check and internal audit.

28. What are the advantages of internal check?

29. What are the concepts of value?

30. What are the duties of an auditor as regards verification of assets?

31. What is the method filling casual vacancy of an auditor in a company?

(6 x 4 = 24 )

Part D Essay Answer any Two Questions

Each Question carries 15marks
32. What are the steps to be taken by an auditor before commencing a new audit?

33. Discuss the verification and valuation of different types of liabilities of a business.

34. Explain the different duties of a company auditor.

35. Explain how an investigator will conduct an investigation on behalf of a purchaser of


(2 x 15 =30)


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