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Kelas 7 conver

11. Adi : What fruits do you like?

Laila : ....
1. is Lucys book a. I like soup very much
a. This b.These b. I like pizza
c. That d. Those c. Yes, I do. I like fruits
d. I like apples and oranges
2. Tiara : How many classrooms are there in
the school? 12. Tina : How do you record on this tape recorder,
Fika : ... twenty four classrooms.
Ali : Just ... the record button and then speak
a. It is b. They are
into the microphone.
c. These are d. There are
a. pull b. dial
c. plug d. push
3. Risa : Hey, there is a new computer in the
living room.
13. Citra : ... me that eraser, please.
Rudy : ...
Edi : This eraser? Here you are.
Risa : Absolutely.
Citra : Thanks.
a. That's great. b. I think so.
a. Pass b. Put
c. Are you sure? d. I like computers.
c. Borrow d. Throw
4. Aris : My house is big. There is a large
14. Angelina : Dad, get me an apple, please.
garden in front of my house.
Father : ....
Dina : ...
Angelina : Thanks, Dad.
a. Really? b. May I borrow it?
a. I'm busy
c. I don't think so. d. It is a nice garden.
b. Get one yourself
c. Sure, honey
5. Via : Where are the books, Dony?
d. I'm sorry
Dony : ....
a. They are on the shelves
15. It is a . painting.
b. They are on the tables
a. beautiful b. beautifully
c. They are in the cupboards
c. cruel d. Unusual
d. They are on the chairs
16. Betty working in the post office?
6. Citra : Excuse me, where are the
a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Do
Dita : ....
17. ....... you coming here?
Citra : Thank you.
a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Do
a. They are in the library
b. They are in the language laboratory
18. Rima : Thank you for your attention.
c. They are in the canteen
Anto : ...
d. They are in the classroom
a. You are welcome b. I am very sorry
c. Please excuse me d. Thanks
7. Adi : Angelina, do you think a pilot is a
good job?
19. Ranti : Im sorry, I broke your ruler.
Angelina : ...
Angga : ....
a. I think so. b. Really?
a. Thank y ou b. Never m ind
c. He flies a plane. d. He is handsome.
c. Please excuse me d. You are welcome
8. Sinta : ..., Ratna?
20. Rono : I apologise for my mistake.
Ratna : She is a nurse.
Ami : ....
a. Who is your mother
a. Thank you b. My pleasure
b. Where is your mother
c. It doesnt matter d. You are welcome
c. What does your mother do
d. What does your father do
21. Riri : Mam, Im sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of
sugar as you requested.
9. Miss Tiara is a flight attendant. She takes care of
Mother : What? How could you forget? Oh, OK.
a. youre welcome b. thank you
a. patients b. passengers c. my pleasure d. never mind
c. fields d. animals
22. Tina : How do you record on this tape
10. Mr Rahadi is a chef. He cooks food at a .... recorder, Ali?
a. hospital b. restaurant
c. plane d. shop
Ali : Just ... the record button and then speak into
the microphone.
a. pull b. dial
c. plug d. push

23. Citra : ... me that eraser, please.

Edi : This eraser? Here you are. Citra :
a. Pass b. Put
c. Borrow d. Throw

24. Angelina : Dad, get me an apple, please.

Father : ....
Angelina : Thanks, Dad.
a. I'm busy
b. Get one yourself
c. Sure, honey
d. I'm sorry

The dialogue is for numbers 25

Mr. Beno : Good afternoon, students.
Students : Good afternoon, sir
Mr. Beno : Well, students, I want to Introduce my
self. My name is Mr. Beno. I am
fourty years old. I live on Jalan Raya Kecamatan

25. Where does the dialogue take place? in the

a. Office b. School
c. laboratory d. In the classroom

II. Fill the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Santi : Could you pass me the salt, please?

Liya : ........................................................
Santi : Thank you.

2. Linda : .. where the library is?

Nina : Sure, Its near the lab.

3. Wulan : What is Susan doing, Cit?

Citra : She .. fried rice.

4. Write down one of procedure text.

5. Describe 5 sentences about yourself.

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