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This Legal form of document made on _______________ by the concerning concern sides (side A ________________) as the

______________ and (side B ________________) as the ______________ where The two concern sides must be knowledgeable
of the terms and approved on the conditions below.


All monetary amounts are expressed in pounds sterling but in the event that pounds sterling is replaced as legal tender in the United
Kingdom by a different currency then all monetary amounts shall be converted into such other currency at the rate prevailing on the
date such other currency first became legal tender in the United Kingdom.


The (side A) is not be needed to cover or keep indemnified the (side B) and/or whichever Beneficiary against whichever liability,
loss, costs, expenses, claims or proceedings whatsoever arising under Clause ____ as a result of the (side B) or Beneficiary's willful
or negligent misrepresentation of whichever statement relating to the goods and services.

The (side A) authorizes the (side B) and whichever Beneficiary to disclose the Confidential Information to such person as may be
notified to the (side A) in writing by the (side B) from time to time to the extent only as is necessary for the reasons of auditing and
collating information so as to ascertain a realistic market price for the Goods supplied in harmony with the Contract, such exercise
being commonly referred to as benchmarking.

In all other instances, the (side B) has placed the Order on the (side A) as principal and the Beneficiary or, as the case may be,
Beneficiaries which established the Framework Agreement as agent for the (side B) shall have no liability in respect thereof.

whichever decision, act or thing that the (side B) or whichever Beneficiary is needed or authorized to take or do under the Contract
may be taken or done by whichever person authorized, either generally or specifically, by the (side B) or whichever Beneficiary to
take or do that decision, act or thing, provided that upon receipt of a written request the (side B) or whichever Beneficiary shall
inform the (side A) of the name of whichever person so authorized.

THIRD side civil liberties

Save as provided in Clause ____ of the Contract, a person who is not a side to the Contract shall have no civil liberties pursuant to
the Contracts civil liberties of Third concern sides Act ____ to enforce whichever term of the Contract.


The (side A) is not: discriminate directly or indirectly or by way of victimization or harassment against whichever person on racial
grounds within the meaning of the Race Relations Act ____ the ____ Act contrary to Part ____ Discrimination in the Field of
Employment and/or Part ____ Discrimination in Other Fields of the ____ Act; contravene Part ____ Other Unlawful Acts of the ____

The Concern Parties agree to the abovementioned listed legal conditions. In witness whereof, the concern sides hereto set their
hands as of the date first written above.
(side A), signature & date (side B), signature & date

Date Date

City, state, ZIP City, state, ZIP

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