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Anita Cassimiro Moreno High School - Homework (valor: 2 pts) Teacher: Jesiel CR

Name: _________________________________________________ 1 grade

Indique a nica frase correta que corresponde a figura em relao ao uso dos modal verbs nas questes 1 e 2:
a) ( ) She may swim?
b) ( ) She cant swim.
c) ( ) My mother can swim.
d) ( ) She can flying.
e) ( ) She could not see.

a) ( ) Must I drink water, please?
b) ( ) Should I go to the bathroom?
c) ( ) Would you like going to the cine?
d) ( ) Can I sleep?
e) ( ) May I drink water, please?

QUESTO 3 - Que palavras completam corretamente o dilogo?

A: When I was young I ________ climb mountains.
B: How nice! ________ you give me climbing classes?
C: No, I __________ climb anymore.
a) ( ) could can cant
b) ( ) couldnt cant can
c) ( ) can can cant
d) ( ) would like may can
e) ( ) would can couldnt
QUESTO 4- Qual a alternativa est de acordo com a ilustrao ao lado?

(A) You mustnt smoke in this place.

(B) You must smoke in here.
(C) You should smoke in this place.
(D) Dont use cell phone in here.
(E) You cant smoke in the supermarket.

QUESTO 5- Que inferncias poderamos fazer de algum

que foi negligente no trnsito? QUESTO 6 - most people should reach 80 or 90. The
(A) They could drive function of should in the fragment above is to:
faster. A) give advice
(B) They should jump of the car. B) clear doubt
(C) They should drive with more attention. C) express possibility
(D) They mustnt drive with more attention. D) impose obligation
(E) They can drive. E) permission

QUESTO 7 - Complete the blanks with must, cant, or might:

1. Look at that guy's enormous muscles. He ________________ work out a lot.
2. Michelle ________________ want to participate in the festival - it seems like the type of thing she'd be interested in. Why dont
you ask her?
3. She goes camping every weekend. She ________________ really love the outdoors.
4. He worked hard on his report, then accidentally deleted the file from his computer. He ________________ be upset.
5. You ________________ be right - but I'm going to check to make sure.
QUESTO 8 Complete with Can, Could, May, Should and Must
a. ____________________ I come in, teacher?
b. You __________________ stop smoking.
c. Anne ____________________ obey her parents.
d. Halley _______________________ study more.
e. __________________ she go to the doctor, Mr. Smith?
f. I think she __________________________ sleep early.
g. Mark _____________________ play basketball when he was a child.

QUESTO 10 - Leia o aviso que foi afixado num setor de embalagens de uma indstria alimentcia:

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