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The Risk Ranking Matrix is used to assess the likelihood and the severity or consequences of each hazard and

to give it a risk rating.

Likelihood (L)

Consequences (C) Rare Unlikely Possible Very Likely Certain to Occur

moderate moderate high critical critical

Catastrophic Low moderate moderate high critical

Low moderate moderate moderate high
very low low moderate moderate moderate
very low very low low low moderate

Consequences How Severely Could Someone be Hurt?

Catastrophic Death or permanent disability

Major Serious injury, hospital treatment required

Moderate Injury requiring medical treatment and some lost time

Minor Minor injury, first aid only required

Insignificant Injuries requiring no treatment or first aid

Likelihood How Likely are the Consequences?

Certain to Occur Expected to occur in most circumstances

Very Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances

Possible Might occur occasionally

Unlikely Could ha ppen some time

Rare May happen only in exceptional circumstances

Actions Required

Risk Level Rating Required Action

Immediate action needed. Access to the hazard should be restricted until the risk can be lowered to an acceptable level. Short term action may be required to
Critical lower the risk level and then medium and long term plans to control the risk to as low as reasonably practicable using the Hierarchy of Controls.

High Action needed quickly (within 1-2 days). The task should not proceed unless the risk is assessed and control options selected based on the Hierarchy of Controls.

Moderate Action required this week to eliminate or minimise the risk using the Hierarchy of Controls.

Low Action required within a reasonable timeframe (2-4 weeks) to eliminate or minimise the risk using the Hierarchy of Controls.

Very Low Risk to be eliminated or lowered when possible using the Hierarchy of Controls.

(i) A Risk Category Table (below) is used to categorise the type of risk to the AFL 9s Carnival

Risk Category Table

Risk Category Description

Academic Student load by course and campus, Staff student ratios, teaching loads, admission processes and standards, student progression and retention
(Course load/ rates , mode of delivery, changes of student profile and market demands, course and unit coordination capacity and load of academics, levels of
logistics) administrative and technical support for academic course and unit delivery

Academic Quality/ standard of academic program/ course contents, planning strategy for course offerings, approvals and monitoring process for
(Course curriculum courses and units
/ quality)
Academic Research income, research load, research work and staff, research capacity, Intellectual property, patents, ethical conduct in research etc.

Behaviour University communitys risk culture: staff & students reckless (disasters), conservative (opportunities lost), observation of policies and procedures.
Student demonstrations, terrorism, fraud, corrupt conduct, activists seeking to damage the University.

Environmental Water, soil, air contamination, asbestos, waste management, incidents causing damages, injury/ death, environmentally triggered

Financial Reductions in income, liquidity, financial loss, insurances, debt, budget overruns, tenders.

Infrastructure The physical fabric of the University, buildings, roads, pathways, utilities (electricity, water).

International Overseas ventures/ reputation/ program disaster, relationships with overseas universities.

Legal Contracts and agreements, high profile litigation - financial and reputational impact.

Legislation Breach, financial penalty/ impact on reputation, laws, regulations, codes, affecting the University.

Organisation Strength of policies and procedures, planning, staffing, morale, training, ethical culture, leadership and management.

Political Ability to respond to major changes in education policies, level of government consultation.

Reputation Damaging media reports, employability of graduates, research links, regional involvement.
Technology Strategic direction of IT, reliance on ecommerce/ email/ internet, student records system, library.
Level of Risk

Hazard Type Hazard Description Consequence Likelihood Risk rating Controls Person Date
responsible completed
Environmental Inclement weather Thunder/Lightning Unlikely Catastrophic Thunder/lightning: Stephanie Jolly 18/10/17
- Danger of high-voltage - Cancel and reschedule
shock event
Extreme Heat Very likely Moderate Extreme heat:
- Heat stroke - Provide shade
- Dehydration - Provide plenty of water
- Sunburn - Provide sunscreen
Rain/hail Moderate/ - Provide spray bottles to
- Slippage Possible Major spray children
- Hypothermia - Give children/staff
- Injury (hail) drink breaks
- Lack of visibility of - If over 36, cancel and
environment postpone event
Strong winds Possible Rain
- Injury Moderate - If heavy rain cancel and
reschedule, otherwise
Lack of visibility of environment provide shade for
patrons and staff
- If hail occurs, cancel
and reschedule
Strong winds:
Cancel and reschedule event
Environmental Terrain Stephanie Jolly 18/10/17
- Routine checks of the
Pot holes/uneven Tripping/slipping hazard Very likely Moderate oval one week prior to
surface Risk of injury Very likely Moderate event
Slippery floor Very Likely Moderate - Routine checks of the
Sharp objects on Very Likely Moderate oval on the day of
ground Very Likely Moderate event before patrons
Power cords Moderate arrive
- Provide sand for pot
- Provide safety cones
- Provide WARNING
signs Provide colourful
duct tape on power
cords to reduce chance
of tipping hazard
- Clean up sharp objects
where necessary on the
Infrastructure Nearby Roads - Potential of being hit by a Rare Critical - Set up boundaries Stephanie Jolly 18/10/2017
- Children car - Ensure rules of
crossing the - Roadwork hazards Possible boundaries are told to
road - Potential for injury Possible patrons prior to event
- Roadworks Risk to public outside of Flinders Possible beginning
near oval grounds Produce a management plan for
- Traffic collecting footballs if they go
management onto the roads (high-vis vest)
football goes on road
Environmental Disasters Significant damage to unlikely catastrophic - Ensure evacuation Stephanie Jolly 18/10/2017
Fire environment and danger to plans are prepared and
patrons of event. discussed with staff
Could result in severe injur/ death prior to event
- Provide fire
Ensure that if this risk was to
occur that all patrons and staff
are evacuated effectively.
Environmental Wildlife bites & stings - Allergy reactions Very likely catastrophic - Provide first aid close Stephanie Jolly 18/10/2017
- Overall danger to staff by
and patrons - Evacuate oval in
Injury extreme circumstances
and/or block off
particular areas where

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