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Secondary Tools used in Lean

Secondary tools
Helps to
Identify areas requiring further studies
Establish identify causes for the problem
Construct a performance indicator
Achieve better products
Improve productivity
Develop communication
Secondary tools
Secondary tools
Cause and effect diagram
Pareto chart
Spider chart
Poke yoke
Standard fixture
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
Visual workplace
Thank you
Cause and Effect diagram
Identifies the possible root causes of a problem.
It sorts out and relates some of the interactions among the factors
affecting a particular process or effect.
The diagram analyses the existing problems so that corrective action can
be taken using structured approach.
It encourages group participation and utilizes group knowledge of the
The cause and effect diagram uses an orderly, easy-to-read format.
indicates the possible causes of variation in a process.
The diagram increases knowledge of the process by helping everyone to
learn more about factors at work and how they relate.
It identifies the areas where data should be collected for further study.
Major cause for problem

The steps involved in making a fish bone
diagram are as follows:
Name the problem or effect to he analysed. and
write it as the head of a fishbone diagram.
Determine the appropriate cause categories for
the situation.
Brainstorm the potential causes in each category.
Identify the cause and effect relationship
between factors in each category, and construct
the fishbone diagram.
Narrow down the causes and select the most
likely or important cause(s) for further
Cause and Effect diagram

Pareto chart
The Pareto chart has the following characteristics
It graphically summarizes and displays the relative
importance of the differences between groups of data.
The Pareto analysis is a way of organizing data to show
what major factors significantly contributing to the
effect being analysed.
It helps in finding how much each cause contributes to
the problem at hand.
The chart helps teams focus on the small number of
really important problems or causes of problems.

Steps in making Pareto chart
1. Develop a list of problems, items, or causes to be compared.
2. Form a standard measure for comparing the items.
(a) Find how often it occurs in terms of frequency (e.g. utilization,
complications, errors).
(b Analyse how long it takes in terms of time.
(c) Investigate how many resources it uses in terms of cost.
3. Choose a time frame for collecting the data.
4. Tally how often each item occurred.
5. Calculate the percentage.
6. Draw the axis of the chart. The horizontal axis, the X-axis, represents the
categories or defect types. The vertical axis, the Y-axis, represents the
statistic of interest.
7. Trace the bar in descending order and write each category below the bar.
8. Draw a cumulative line.
9. Check where the 80 percent of the problems occur

Pareto chart

Spider Chart/ Radar chart
1. The advantages of spider chart are as follows:
2. Reduces voluminous reporting.
3. Can be automated so that any one can watch
the progress online.
4. Depicts visually the area requiring immediate
5. Can be used for comparison purposes.
Radar chart

Proofing technique should qualify the
following technique
Recognizes that processes which can go out of control
Accepts human can make mistakes due to factors such
as fatigue, boredom, oversights and distractions.
Prevents error from turning into defects
Is inexpensive
Is based on common sense, preferably of the operator
or the first line employee
Eliminates the occurrence/detention of the problem at
the source itself

Kanban Card

Three main functions of KANBAN Card

Inventory function
Production function
Visibility function

Usage of poke-yoke are as follows
Use of hundred percent prevention devices, such
as fouling pins, contoured locators or templates
in jigs and fixtures.
Proximity or photo-electric sensors, limit or micro
switches, warning lights or buzzers, pressure
transducers in the machinery/equipment
Ensure that in assembly the parts shall join if
aligned wrongly
Operates only if the operators hands or feet are
outside or if the job and tooling are in the right
position Back
1. No production /Withdrawal can be done without a
2. There will be no change in quantity both in production
and in withdrawal.
3. A KANBAN should be attached to the bin/container/ tray
4. The parts should be produced as per order of priority in
which the KANBAN is received
5. That standard quantity should be produced which is
specified in the KANBAN
6. No defective part should be dispatched with the KANBAN .
7. The KANBAN should be moved only when the lot it
represents is consumed.

1. Problem Red light and Beep

2. Normal operation Green light
3. Quality problem Yellow light with I
4. Quality problem due to
Machine condition Both red and yellow

Standardized Fixture
Minimum mounting/dismounting time on the
Optimum weight
Robust design
High quality
Minimum cost
Ease of maintenance
High safety
Standard pans used
Universal coupling

Raw material
Customer requirements are fully met
Manufacturing process
Quality parameters
Ease of assembly

Raw material

The design criteria are full met

Ease availability
Ease of manufacture
Optimum weight
Best cost
Minimum waste during manufacture
Long life
Safe to handle
Manufacturing Process
Ease of loading /unloading
Optimum tolerance
Fully interchangeable
Machine capability
Minimum wastage
Better tool life
Slightest machining time
Achievable finish
Ease of transportation
No environmental pollution
Safe handling
Do not produce unless the customer has
ordered it.
Link all the processes to customer demand
through simple visual tools.
Maximize the flexibility of people and
Improve quality and eliminate defects.
Reduce raw material and finished goods
Four elements be applied to properly
implement JIT system
Improve plant layout
Reduce the setup time required for
production runs
Strive for zero defects
Develop a flexible workforce

Advantage of JIT
Low inventory investment
Good forecasting abilities that can establish
customer demand
Highly flexible production lines that can
produce a selection of different items
Simplified administration when there is no
inventory to administration
Zero waste and reduction of scrap Back

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