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Training Syllabus


1. Plugging in
a. Position Restrictions
b. Checking in
c. Setting up the Radar Client
2. Airspace
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
e. Class E
3. Weather
a. IMC and VMC
4. ATC Position Structure
5. Routes
a. Preferred routes
b. Sources of routing information
i. Preferred routes within the facility
ii. Preferred routes for international flights
c. DPs
d. STARs
6. Coordination
a. Introduction
b. Briefing
c. Interphone communication
i. Introduction
ii. How to answer a call
d. Departure Release Procedures
e. Handoffs

Clearance Delivery

1. Clearances
a. When is a clearance required
b. Elements of a departure clearance
2. IFR Clearances
a. Clearance Limit
i. Aircraft Identification
b. Route Information
i. Departure Procedures
c. Altitude
d. Frequency
e. Transponder (Beacon) Code
f. Putting it all together

Ground Control

1. Ground Control Phraseology

2. Taxi Instructions
3. Ensuring pilots have current ATIS information prior to movement
4. Sequencing
a. Give Way
b. Follow
c. Hold Position
d. Hold Short

Local Control

1. Basic Procedures
a. Runway Selection
b. Takeoff clearance
c. Landing clearance
d. Line up and wait
2. The Traffic Pattern (VFR)
a. Traffic Pattern Legs
b. Phraseology
c. Pattern Entry Instructions
i. VFR
ii. IFR on visual approach
3. Departure Separation and Sequencing
4. Visual Separation
5. Wake Turbulence Separation
a. IFR Arrivals
b. VFR and IFR
c. Departures
6. Coordination
a. Handoffs
b. Departure Releases
8. Rotary-wing Operations (more like non-fixed wing ops)

Approach/Departure Control

1. Vectoring
a. Introduction
b. Issuing Turn
i. Turn
ii. Fly heading
iii. Turn (# degrees)
iv. Fly present heading
v. Depart
c. Reasons to vector
d. Aircraft Performance Characteristics
e. Required Reading
2. Altitudes
a. Introduction
b. Types of Altitude changes
i. Basic Altitude Instructions
ii. Conditional Altitude Instructions
iii. Pilots Discretion Altitude Instructions
iv. Crossing Restrictions
v. Charted Descents (Descend via the STAR)
3. Speed Adjustments
a. Using speed to create proper separation
b. Speed change rules
c. Tying it all together
d. Aircrafts current speed
e. Aircraft Performance Characteristics
f. Required Reading
4. MVAs
a. Displaying MVA
5. Aircraft Separation
a. Introduction
b. Responsibilities: IFR/VFR Separation
c. Aircraft Classification
d. Separation Standards
i. Lateral
ii. Vertical
e. Traffic advisories
f. Safety alerts
g. Visual Separation
h. Separation and visual approaches
i. Wake Turbulence Separation
i. Pilot waives wake turbulence separation
j. Required reading
6. Pointout
a. Introduction
b. Phraseology
i. Ex: Standard pointout
ii. Traffic
iii. Restriction
iv. Your control
v. Unable
vi. Radar contact
c. Required Reading
7. Instrument approaches
a. Precision
b. Non-precision
c. Practice Instrument approaches by VFR aircraft
9. Visual approaches
a. Intro
b. Criteria for a visual approach
c. Separation
d. Vectored Visual
e. Chained Visual
f. Charted Visual
g. Published visual
10. Departures
11. Handoffs
12. VFR Aircraft
a. VFR in Class B
b. Separation minima in Class B/C
c. Class B/C VFR Arrivals and transit
d. Routing VFR in Class B/C
e. VFR from Secondary airport
f. VFR Radar Services
i. Phraseology
ii. Traffic advisories
g. VFR On Top
13. Uncontrolled Fields
a. Introduction
b. IFR Departures
i. Departure Instructions
ii. Release Holds/Release times
iii. Clearance Void Times
c. IFR Approaches
14. Manila Approach Overview
15. Mactan Approach Overview

Enroute Control

1. Separation
a. Lateral
b. Vertical
2. Altitudes
3. Special Use Airspace
a. Alert Areas
b. MOAs
c. National Security Area
d. Restricted Areas
e. Warning Areas
4. Speed Restrictions
5. Route Amendments
6. Descents
7. Holds
8. Oceanic Clearances and Transfers

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