Mock AIME Two: Ahaanomegas, Codyj, ABCDE

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Mock AIME Two

ahaanomegas, codyj, ABCDE

1. Square ABCD has side length 10. Isosceles triangle P CD, with P C =
P D, is drawn outside of the square. Line AP is extended to a point
Y such that B, C, and Y are collinear and CY = 20. Additionally,
point R is labeled such that RY k CD. Find the area of quadrilateral

2. Michael the Ren randomly chooses two elements from the set of positive
factors of 2014. The probability that the two elements are relatively
prime can be expressed in the form m n
, where m and n are relatively
prime positive integers. Find m + n.

3. Find the sum of the real roots of x4 8x3 + 26x2 40x 11 = 0.

4. Seven queens are placed on an 88 chessboard such that no two queens

attack each other. Let m be the minimum number of cells on the board
where a king can be placed so that it is not in check. Let M be the
maximum number of cells on the board such that the same statement
is true. Find m + M .

5. Let T be the remainder when 2310

is divided by 2014. Find the sum
of all the distinct prime factors of T .

6. If x is a positive real number such that

arctan(x) + arctan(2x) + arctan(3x) = ,
find the remainder when d2014xe is divided by 999.

7. Richard Ruscyk Middle School is having a 6-mile run around a regular
hexagonal lake. They start and finish at a vertex. To ensure that
the children dont get lost, the teachers put checkpoints at every fifth
around the perimeter lake, including the start/finish. What is the area
of the convex pentagon formed by the checkpoints?

8. The classical Mobius function (n) is defined as follows:

(n) = 1 if n is a square-free positive integer with an even number

of prime factors.
(n) = 1 if n is a square-free positive integer with an odd number
of prime factors.
(n) = 0 if n has a squared prime factor.

X 2016

9. A square with vertices (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 1) is placed on the
Cartesian plane. Inside
the square, the walls are all glass mirrors. A
light beam is at 32 , 0 and is aimed at an angle of with respect
to the positive x-axis. Let S be the set  of 
all values of such that
the light ray eventually comes back to 3 , 0 after a finite amount of
time. Let T be the set of all the elements such that tan is irrational.
Find the cardinality of T .

10. Let xyz with the integer with digits x, y, and z in that order. Call a
set S = {a, b, c} of integer digits AIMEd if

gcd abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba 6= 1.

How many AIMEd sets exist?

11. In square ABCD with side length 1, a circle passes through A, C, and
the midpoints of AD and CD. Externally tangent to that circle, AD,
and CD is a circle of radius r. Then, r can be expressed in the form
a b c + d , where m and n are relatively prime positive
integers and a, b, c, and d are positive integers. Find m+n+a+b+c+d.

12. Define the sequence an such that a1 = 3, a2 = 4, and, for n 1,

an+2 = a2n+1 + a2n .

For how many positive integers 3 < n < 1000 is an an integer?

13. Consider the four points A(0, 0), B(42, 0), C(20, 14), and D(14, 20). If
the probability that a point chosen within ABCD is the midpoint of
some E AB, F CD is m n
, where m and n are two relatively prime
positive integers, find m + n.

14. Let z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 , z5 , and z6 be distinct complex numbers such that

|z1 + z2 + z3 + z4 + z5 + z6 | = 18
|z1 |2 + |z2 |2 + |z3 |2 + |z4 |2 + |z5 |2 + |z6 |2 = 78
z2 z1 z3 z2 z4 z3 z5 z4 z6 z5 z1 z6
= = = = =
z6 z1 z1 z2 z2 z3 z3 z4 z4 z5 z5 z6

Find the maximum possible value of |z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 |.

15. Let ABC be a triangle so that sin A2 = 35 , BC = 624

, and ABAC = 12.
Let X and Y be points on the external angle bisector of BAC so that
AX = BX and AY = CY . Let lines BX and CY intersect at Z. The
incircle ofXY Z intersects BC at P and Q. P Q can be expressed in
the form ca , where a and b are positive integers. Find the remainder
when a + b is divided by 1000.

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