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Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247

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Controlling urinary tract infections associated with

intermittent bladder catheterization in geriatric
R. Girard a, *, S. Gaujard b, V. Pergay a, P. Pornon a, G. Martin Gaujard b,
C. Vieux a, L. Bourguignon c on behalf of the Urinary Tract Infection
Control Group
Unite dhygiene et epidemiologie, Hopitaux de Geriatrie des Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pierre Benite, France
Pole dactivite medicale de Geriatrie, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pierre Benite, France
Pharmacie, Hopitaux de Geriatrie des Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pierre Benite, France


Article history: Background: Controlling urinary tract infections (UTIs) associated with intermittent
Received 22 October 2014 catheterization in geriatric patients.
Accepted 9 February 2015 Aim: After a local epidemiological study identified high rates of UTI, a multi-disciplinary
Available online 5 March 2015 working group implemented and evaluated corrective measures.
Methods: In 2009, a one-month prospective study measured the incidence of UTI,
Keywords: controlled for risk factors and exposure, in six geriatric hospitals. In 2010, a self-
Urinary tract infection administered questionnaire on practices was administered to physicians and nurses work-
Geriatric ing in these geriatric units. In 2011, the working group developed a multi-modal programme
Epidemiology to: improve understanding of micturition, measurement of bladder volume and indications
Catheter for catheter drainage; limit available medical devices; and improve prescription and
traceability procedures. Detailed training was provided to all personnel on all sites. The
epidemiological study was repeated in 2012 to assess the impact of the programme.
Findings: Over 1500 patients were included in the 2009 study. The incidence of acquired
infection was 4.8%. The infection rate was higher in patients with intermittent catheters
than in patients with indwelling catheters (29.7 vs 9.9 UTI per 100 patients, P 0.1013)
which contradicts the literature. In 2010, the 269 responses to the questionnaire showed
that staff did not consider catheterization to place patients at risk of infection, staff had
poor knowledge of the recommended indications and techniques, and the equipment
varied widely between units. Following implementation of the programme, the study was
repeated in 2012 with over 1500 patients. The frequency of UTI in patients with inter-
mittent catheters fell to rates in the published literature.
Conclusion: Multi-modal programmes are an effective means to control UTI.
2015 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Address: Unite dHygiene et Epidemiologie, Batiment 3B, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69495
Pierre Benite, Cedex, France. Tel.: 33 04 78 86 12 73; fax: 33 04 78 86 41 22.
E-mail address: (R. Girard).
0195-6701/ 2015 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Girard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247 241

Introduction e at least one of the following signs: fever (>38 C) or chills,

urgency, urinary or suprapubic pain, burning urination,
The Geriatric Interclin group was created to better coor- incontinence or recent increase of dysuria or urinary fre-
dinate the prevention of infections in six geriatric hospitals of quency, worsening of dependency or mental condition,
the Hospices Civils de Lyon. purulent urine in the absence of other causes; and
Prior epidemiological studies, conducted in other geriatric e positive leukocyturia (104 leukocytes/mL) and urine cul-
facilities, have shown that urinary tract infections (UTIs) are ture (103 micro-organisms/mL without urinary catheter-
the most common nosocomial infections.1e4 In the absence of ization and 105 micro-organisms/mL with urinary
local data on patient characteristics and the frequency of catheterization) with no more than two micro-organisms.
exposure to at-risk care, it was impossible to identify priorities
in terms of prevention, or to assess the effectiveness of past UTIs were considered to be nosocomial if they developed at
campaigns concerning indwelling catheters. least 48 h after hospitalization for external patients, and
In 2009, the Geriatric Interclin group conducted an epide- regardless of the time frame for patients transferred during the
miological study measuring the incidence of UTI, controlled for study from another geriatric unit taking part in the study.
well-established risk factors5,6 and at-risk exposures.7 The The endpoints were nosocomial UTI, cumulative incidence
main result of the study was an abnormally high level of rate per 100 patients followed during the study period, and
nosocomial UTI associated with intermittent bladder cathe- incidence rate per 1000 patient-days attended during the study
terization. The level of UTI associated with indwelling cathe- period.
ters was similar to the published literature. A multi-disciplinary The data collected on exposure were defined based on the
working group [Urinary Tract Infection Control Group (UTIC literature:7,9,10 type of stay (short and medium stay vs long
Group)] was created to define prevention priorities and to stay) and dates, type of urinary catheterization (indwelling,
improve control actions, with the ultimate goal of reducing the intermittent or suprapubic) and dates, presence of neph-
rate of UTI. The UTIC Group consisted of an infection control rostomy, and use of condoms and nappies. Intermittent cath-
team (physician and nurses), a clinical team (physicians and eterization was only taken into account if it was used before
nurses), urodynamics experts, a pharmacist and a quality the onset of infection (occasional catheterization for micro-
specialist. biological testing was excluded).
The UTIC Group conducted practice evaluations and an The data collected on risk factors were: level of functional
extensive educational campaign, and repeated the epidemio- dependency measured with a simplified activities of daily living
logical study in 2012 in order to verify the effectiveness of the (ADL) score11 (from 0 for independent patients to 6 for fully
programme. An overview of the entire programme is presented dependent patients), dementia, diabetes (treated with insu-
in Figure 1. lin/hypoglycaemic drugs or stabilized using hygienic dietary
measures), urinary incontinence, urinary retention, bladder
dysfunction, post-voiding residual >300 mL, UTI antecedents
Population and methods (last six months) and immunodeficiency (leukopenia, cancer or
immunosuppressive treatment). All the available risk factors
Population established in the literature were included.12e14 The data
collected in the case of a UTI were: date; micro-organisms
Geriatric units at six geographical locations were included in identified and antibiotic sensitivity; treatment approval or
this study. These consisted of three geriatric hospitals with adjustment according to antibiotic sensitivity; and antibiotics
acute care, subacute care/rehabilitation and long-stay units; prescribed (initial and adjusted treatments with type of anti-
and three geriatric units in general hospitals. The total number biotic and duration).
of beds was approximately 1200. The study was advertised on posters in the different geri-
atric units, according to the rules of good practice, and was
presented at unit meetings. In compliance with French regu-
Epidemiological studies lations, this type of non-interventional study does not require
ethical committee approval if the data are anonymous and if
Similar studies were conducted at the beginning and end of the hospital has been registered previously by a specific
the programme (2009 and 2012). This was a prospective cohort research committee.
study, and all the geriatric units in the six hospitals partici- For each patient included, a form was completed by the
pated. In 2009, all hospitalized patients, regardless of whether practitioners and nurses, both on admission and during their
or not they were suffering from an infection, present in or stay. The forms were collected in each unit in a book that
admitted to a participating unit from 1st June 2009 to 28th June included the guidelines. Compliance was verified by the
2009 were included. They were followed until discharge or infection control team.
until 30th June 2009. In 2012, the corresponding dates were Data capture and analysis were undertaken by the infection
from 1st June 2012 to 28th June 2012, and until discharge or control team using EpiInfo Version 3.1 (Centers for Disease
until 30th June 2012, respectively. Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA) and Statistical
The study focused on clinical UTI, excluding asymptomatic Package for the Social Sciences Version 17 (IBM Corp., Armonk,
bacteriuria. The case definition of UTI used was that proposed NY, USA). Univariate analyses of UTI were performed to
by the Ministry of Health in 2007 (http://www.sante-sports. compare the risk factors of patients and exposure. The, adapted from the following tests were used for comparisons: Mantel-Haenszel c2
definition of the US Centers for Disease Control and Preven- test for discontinuous variables (or Yates modified c2 for small
tion,8 and described in the guidelines as follows: numbers), Z-test for incidence, and analysis of variance for
242 R. Girard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247

First epidemiological study

Urinary tract infections are more common with
intermittent vs indwelling bladder catheterization

Hypothesis 2
Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 3
Protocol non-
Devices not Practices not
compliant with
adapted adapted

Observation Reviewing

Confirms Does not confirm Confirms

hypothesis hypothesis hypothesis

Multi-modal programme

Second epidemiological study

Urinary tract infections are not more common with
intermittent vs indwelling bladder catheterization

Figure 1. Global schema of the urinary tract infection prevention programme.

continuous variables. Multi-variate analysis using a Cox model using a self-administered questionnaire was sent personally to
was performed on nosocomial UTI, considering exposure every physician and nurse working in the participating geriatric
duration and risk factors that were found to be significant on units. For the final objective, a questionnaire was completed
univariate analysis. Given the large number of tests, P < 0.01 by the hospital pharmacy. The references used to check pro-
was taken to indicate significance. tocol compliance and to describe the stages of intermittent
bladder catheterization were defined from a common protocol,
Devices and practice evaluation written according to French recommendations (http://www.
This study focused on intermittent bladder catheterization, IAS-2010.pdf) and European guidelines.15
which was associated with a higher risk of UTI in the 2009 study. Three different forms of collection were prepared and
Three main objectives were identified: (1) to check that local tested: one physician sheet, one nurse sheet and one
protocols complied with the guidelines; (2) to describe usual pharmacist sheet. They were delivered by the infection
practices and knowledge; and (3) to list all available materials. control team.
In order to meet the first objective, the literature and Data were entered into EpiInfo 2002 and a descriptive
guidelines were reviewed. For the second objective, a survey analysis was performed. Mantel Haenszel c2 test (or c2 test
R. Girard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247 243

Table I
Presence of confounding factors and exposures to at-risk procedures: prevalence (% patients included)
Risk factors 2009 (1510 patients) 2012 (1547 patients) Pa
Patients included Prevalence Patients included Prevalence
Diabetes 268 17.7 292 18.9 0.420
High dependency (activities of daily living score >4) 771 51.1 690 44.6 <0.001
Dementia 826 54.7 808 52.2 0.170
Incontinence 866 57.4 892 57.7 0.862
Retentionb 157 10.4 122 7.9 0.681
Neurologic bladderb 51 3.3
Immunosuppression 146 9.7 153 9.9 0.836
Post-void residual 84 5.6 91 5.9 0.710
Infection during previous six monthsc 419 27.7 203 13.1 e
Indwelling catheterization 181 11.9 182 11.8 0.849
Intermittent bladder catheterizationd 40 2.6 32 2.1 0.275
Nappy use 853 56.5 981 63.4 <0.001
No exposure 428 28.3 336 21.7 <0.001
Mantel Haenzel c2 test between 2009 and 2012 data.
Comparison includes, for 2012, patient with retention or neurologic bladder (154 patients, 10.0%).
2012 definition was stricter, limited to infections during last six months, so no statistical comparison was made.
Possibly after indwelling catheters.

with Yates correction when theoretical numbers were <5) was were organized at the same time as training, in liaison with the
used for comparisons between professions. hospital pharmacies.

Description of the intervention

The aims of the programme were to update and disseminate
guidelines for medical prescriptions, practices and equipment Epidemiological data
required for intermittent bladder catheterization, and to
harmonize the available materials and organization of training For the purposes of brevity, the results of the two studies
sessions. Decisions were based on a wide-ranging review of the are presented together, regardless of the time course. In June
literature, and the programme included the following points: 2009, 1510 files were completed: 890 for short- and medium-
stay patients and 620 for long-stay patients. One thousand
e limiting indications: defining specific retention situations, and thirty women (68.2%) and 480 men (31.8%) were included in
collection of catheter urine samples only if unable to the 2009 study. Their mean age was 85.2 years (standard de-
obtain a mid-stream sample; viation 7.4), with no significant difference between males and
e improving diagnosis of urinary retention by increasing and females.
improving the use of devices for measuring bladder The mean duration of follow up was 13.5 days for short- and
volume; medium-stay patients and 28.0 days for long-stay patients. At
e limitation of equipment: either bladder drainage kits (pre- baseline, the duration of stay prior to inclusion ranged from
lubricated catheter pre-connected to sealed bag) or sterile 0 days to 10 years, with a median follow-up of 19 days, and 35%
pre-lubricated catheters and sterile bags. All other equip- of patients were enrolled in the study on the day of admission.
ment was removed from the units. Pre-lubricated catheters In June 2012, 1547 files were completed: 1118 for short- and
were chosen in order to limit pain, risk of urethral stricture medium-stay patients, and 429 for long-stay patients. The
and UTI;16,17 and difference in distribution compared with 2009 can be explained
e training and awareness-raising meetings for all caregivers by the separation of acute care and subacute care/rehabili-
concerning aseptic technique (as for indwelling catheters) tation in different hospitals and reduction of long-stay beds.
and new clinical guidelines. One thousand and fifty women (67.9%) and 497 men (32.1%)
were included in the 2012 study. Their mean age was 85.5 years
These meetings were held in all geriatric units, in short (standard deviation 7.0), with no significant difference be-
sessions, with a different training team (physician, nurse, tween males and females.
infection control team member) in each hospital. The sessions The mean duration of follow-up was 10.5 days for short- or
were held at various times of day and night, so that all pro- medium-stay patients and 28.6 days for long-stay patients. At
fessionals could attend, between February and May 2011. A baseline, the duration of stay prior to inclusion ranged from
shared training tool (slides, new materials and documents) was 0 days to 10 years, and 39.8% of patients were enrolled in the
used. The information was given to each new staff member study on the day of admission.
(physician or nurse) on arrival, and presented at institutional Concerning the prevalence of risk factors, the patients
meetings to managers, medical staff, forums etc. The removal included in 2012 did not differ significantly from the patients
of obsolete equipment and the introduction of new materials included in 2009 (see Table I). The major difference was in the
244 R. Girard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247

Table II
Cumulative incidence of nosocomial urinary tract infection (UTI) by exposure (% patients included)
Exposure 2009 2012 Pa
Number of patients UTI Number of patients UTI
included included
N Incidence N Incidence
Indwelling catheter 181 18 9.9 182 27 14.8 0.157
Intermittent bladder 37 11 29.7 17 3 17.6 0.405
catheterization aloneb
Nappy use 853 35 4.1 859 23 2.7 0.102
No exposure 428 5 1.2 477 9 1.9 0.381
All patients 1510 72 4.8 1547 63 4.1 0.349
Mantel Haenzel c2 test between years, or Yates modified c2 test for small numbers.
No other exposures during the follow-up period.

patients level of dependence, which was generally lower in increase in the risk of UTI related to intermittent catheteri-
2012 (patients with ADL score >4 44.6% vs 51.1%, P < 0.001). zation found in 2009 was not seen in 2012 (see Table IV).
UTI at study inclusion was more common in 2009 than in
2012 [143 cases (9.5%) vs 95 cases (6.1%), P < 0.001]. Description of UTI
Concerning exposure, the patients included in the 2012
study did not differ significantly from the patients included in In 2009, the type of UTI was not recorded. In 2012, cystitis
the 2009 study (see Table I). The major difference was in the was the most common type of UTI (28 cases, 44.4% of cases of
use of nappies, which was more common in 2012 (63.4% vs UTI and 1.8% of all patients). Other UTIs were pyelonephritis
56.5, P  0.001). The limited number of patients with neph- (13 cases, 20.6% of cases of UTI and 1.8% of all patients),
rostomy (eight in 2009 and seven in 2012) and patients with prostatitis (three cases, 4.8% of cases of UTI and 0.2% of all
suprapubic catheters (zero in 2009 and nine in 2012) should patients), and specific UTIs on indwelling catheters (19 cases,
also be noted. 30.2% of cases of UTI and 1.2% of all patients). The micro-
The change in the cumulative incidence of nosocomial UTI organisms detected did not differ between 2009 and 2012
between 2009 and 2012 was small and not significant overall or (see Table V). Escherichia coli remained the most common
when broken down according to the type of exposure (see pathogen, and the frequency of antibiotic resistance remained
Table II). In 2009, the incidence of UTI associated with inter- low. In 2012, of the 36 E. coli, two were resistant to cefotaxime
mittent catheterization was much higher than that associated and sensitive to imipemen, and one secreted extended-
with indwelling catheterization (29.7% vs 9.9%, P 0.002), but spectrum beta-lactamase. Among the six Klebsiella spp., one
this difference disappeared in 2012 (17.6% vs 14.8%, P 0.964). was resistant to cefotaxime and sensitive to imipemen, and one
The same was observed for the incidence of UTI according to secreted extended-spectrum beta-lactamase. Among the three
exposure (see Table III). Concerning the difference between Morganella spp., no resistance was found.
intermittent and indwelling catheterization, the difference in
terms of UTI observed in 2009 (13.38& vs 7.21&, P 0.050) Result of field studies
was not seen in 2012 (12.30& vs 8.81&, P 0.291).
As all risk factors included in the study were significantly Protocol conformity
associated with UTI, all these factors, as well as the type of The protocol for intermittent catheterization complied with
exposure, were included in a Cox model, taking into account the guidelines with a high level of asepsis, and use of closed
the duration of follow-up in 2009 and 2012. The significant drainage and sterile pre-lubricated catheters and sterile bags.

Table III
Incidence of nosocomial urinary tract infection (UTI) by exposure (& patient days included)
Exposure 2009 2012 Pa
Follow-up inpatient days UTI Follow-up inpatient days UTI
N Incidence N Incidence
Indwelling catheter 2495 18 7.21 3064 27 8.81 0.255
Intermittent bladder 822 11 13.38 244 3 12.30 0.448
catheterization aloneb
Nappy use 18,375 35 1.90 17,661 23 1.30 0.077
No exposure 6726 5 0.74 7159 9 1.26 0.170
All patientsc 29,358 72 2.45 28,305 63 2.23 0.287
Z-test between years.
No other exposures during the follow-up period.
The sum of all patient data are not the sum of each exposure; suprapubic catheter data are not presented.
R. Girard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247 245

Table IV The answers regarding the key stages of different practices

Significant factors for nosocomial urinary tract infection in multi- are reported in Table VI. Few differences were found between
variate analysis using Cox model the practices of the two groups. Physicians reported less
compliance with rinsing and wiping after genital cleaning,
Factor RR 95% CI of RR P
traceability of actions, and clamping to stop the drain in the
2009 event of a large volume of urine. Aqueous povidone iodine was
Intermittent bladder 5.143 2.665e9.924 <0.001 the main antiseptic used. Only 53 nurses reported their criteria
catheterization alone for selecting equipment. The main criterion cited was avail-
Post-void residual 2.252 1.028e4.933 0.042 ability (cited 43 times), followed by the prevention of infection
Indwelling bladder 1.911 0.992e3.681 0.053 by the closed system (cited five times), practicality (cited four
catheterization times) and patient comfort (cited twice). Two nurses reported
Level of dependencya 1.286 1.088e1.286 0.004 that the bladder drainage kit with integrated bag was awkward
Dementia 0.489 0.298e0.801 0.005 because the catheter and hose were too short.Eight physicians
Retention 0.416 0.173e0.999 0.050 indicated their selection criteria: the main criterion cited was
2012 handy or practical (cited four times), followed by patient
Indwelling bladder 6.055 3.527e9.219 <0.001 comfort (cited twice), prevention of infection by the closed
catheterization system (cited once) and availability (cited once).
Infection during the 3.376 1.856e5.435 <0.001 Knowledge of the protocol was poor, especially among
previous six months physicians [six physicians, (16.2%) vs 135 nurses (58.7%),
Intermittent bladder 1.254 0.458e3.733 0.659 P < 0.001]. The protocol was usually consulted to present to
catheterization alone students or new members of staff or, more rarely, in case of
Dementia 0.562 0.329e0.960 0.035 doubt regarding the technique.
Incontinence 0.501 0.295e0.849 0.010
RR, relative risk, CI, confidence interval. Available devices
a Most pharmacies did not provide advice regarding which
Measured with activities of daily living score [numeric data, from
0 (not dependent) to 6 (totally dependent)]. equipment to use, except for one hospital that recommended
the use of a lubricated catheter, and another hospital that
recommended the use of a bladder drainage kit. The devices
Practices and knowledge evaluation concerning and equipment available varied widely. For example, more
intermittent catheterization than 20 different types of catheter were found in one hospital.
In total, 269 professionals answered the questionnaire: 31
senior physicians, eight residents (32.3% of physicians) and 230
nurses (63.5%). They practised in short-, medium- and long-stay
units. The most commonly mentioned indication was retention,
The implementation of a preventative programme adapted
cited by 25 physicians (51.2%), and post-void residual was cited
to the local situation has been associated with the control of
by 16 physicians (43.3%). Five physicians (13.5%) preferred
UTI associated with intermittent bladder catheterization. In
urine samples to be taken with a catheter.
2009, the incidence of UTI associated with intermittent
The questions on prescriptions were the same for both
bladder catheterization was higher than the incidence of UTI
nurses and physicians. The results showed that oral pre-
associated with indwelling catheterization, contradicting the
scriptions were made occasionally, although written pre-
literature.18e20 Following the study intervention, the incidence
scriptions were the rule: 109/263 professionals (41.4%)
of UTI has fallen in line with the published literature.
reported that they always made written prescriptions. The
The effectiveness of this control programme was probably
answers did not differ between physicians and nurses.
due to: (1) significant improvement in aseptic quality when
using intermittent catheterization, thanks to the clear mes-
Table V sages given during training in compliance with numerous
Micro-organisms causing urinary tract infections by year guidelines;15,21 (2) generalization of closed drainage and
lubricated catheters; and (3) increased availability of bladder
Micro-organism 2009 2012 scan evaluation equipment and better understanding of its
N % N % use.22
Citrobacter spp. 2 1.4 1 1.5
The results can be considered reliable as: (1) a large popu-
Escherichia coli 67 46.8 36 52.2
lation was included; (2) the population was similar between the
Enterococcus spp. 12 8.4 8 11.6
two periods; (3) the criteria were not modified except for the
Enterobacter aerogenes or cloacae 4 2.8 1 1.5
timeframe for preliminary UTI (only during the last six months
Klebsiella (pneumoniae or other) 5 3.5 6 8.7
in 2012); (4) the antibiotic resistance patterns were similar for
Proteus mirabilis 11 7.7 3 4.3
both periods; and (5) the medical team did not change between
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9 6.3 4 5.8
the two periods.
Morganella spp. 4 2.8 3 4.3
The differences in terms of the level of dependency and the
Staphylococcus aureus 8 5.6 0 0
use of nappies could be explained by improved understanding
Other Gram-positive cocci 3 2.1 1 1.5
of the relationship between nosocomial UTI and these criteria,
Candida spp. 3 2.1 0 0
and more complete data collection.
Not available 15 10.5 6 8.6
The frequency of UTI in the present study should be
compared with data in the literature. The incidence of UTI in
246 R. Girard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 90 (2015) 240e247

Table VI
Intermittent catheterization practices
Steps and devices Physicians (N 37)* Nurses (N 230) Pa
Always N (%) Usually N (%) Sometimes, rarely Always N (%) Usually N (%) Sometimes, rarely
or never N (%) or never N (%)
Washing with soap 22 (59.5) 3 (8.1) 0 (0.0) 189 (82.2) 25 (10.9) 8 (3.4) 0.70
Rinsing 19 (51.4) 7 (18.9) 0 (0.0) 205 (89.9) 8 (3.5) 4 (1.8) <103
Wiping 17 (45.9) 4 (10.8) 4 (10.8) 183 (81.7) 16 (7.1) 14 (6.2) 0.04
Antisepsis 19 (51.4) 3 (8.1) 3 (8.1) 191 (83.0) 19 (8.3) 10 (4.3) 0.14
Hand disinfection 23 (62.2) 3 (8.1) 0 (0.0) 198 (86.1) 22 (9.6) 0 (0.0) 0.74
Sterile gloves 23 (62.2) 1 (2.7) 2 (5.4) 163 (70.9) 14 (6.1) 42 (18.3) 0.121
Sterile closed drainage 11 (29.7) 2 (5.4) 10 (27.0) 105 (45.7) 31 (13.5) 73 (31.7) 0.82
Lubricationb 12 (32.4) 7 (18.9) 5 (13.5) 99 (43.0) 36 (15.7) 61 (26.5) 0.96
Clamping if >500 cc 15 (40.5) 7 (18.9) 5 (13.5) 173 (75.2) 19 (8.3) 24 (10.3) 0.001
in bladder
Transmission 12 (32.4) 9 (24.3) 4 (10.8) 172 (74.8) 36 (15.7) 8 (3.5) <103
*Of the 39 physicians that responded to the study, 37 described their practices concerning catheterization, the other two described only pre-
scription practices.
Mantel Haenzel c2 test between nurses and physicians, or Yates modified c2 test for small numbers.
Pre-lubricated catheter or lubrication using sterile gel.

the study population in 2012 was 4.1% of patients and 2.23& of 3. French Prevalence Survey Study Group. Prevalence of nosocomial
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