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WishGraber is a service oriented company which aims to provide services

like delivering the overseas product in a faster way and with cheaper delivery
charge. Where there are two main objects one is the Buyer or (Wisher in this
case) and the second one is the traveller, where buyer or wisher can place
any order they want from overseas and float there wishes on the wishgraber
website and which is viewed by the travelers and decided by the travelers
whether to accept the buyers demand or not.

Wisher or Buyers role:
1) Wisher register himself/herself with the wishgraber.
2) Then he/she can simply login with the id and password with wishgraber
website and post his item requirement with the shop location or can paste
the link of the overseas website with the product detail, and the delivery
3) He can fix any delivery charge from the options given for the traveller.

Travelers role:
1) The traveler will also register himself/herself with the wishgraber as
2) Then he/she can simply login with the id and password with wishgraber
website and check if he/she is traveling to the particular location and can
accept or swipe out the posts posted by the wisher.
3) If he/she accepts the wishers requirement with the post then the contact
details of the wisher is assigned to the traveler.
4) Then the wishgraber team would verify the traveler detail and the KYC
detail of both wisher and traveler and approve the request.

Admins Role:
1) Admin will maintain the website and make any kind of modification on the
2) Admin can remove the post if the item wished by the wisher contains any
illegal item from abroad which can create hassle among other views.
3) Website maintenance and development
Market Analysis
Market Demand Analysis
Demographic and Segmentation

Different age groups and peoples from Urban area, Semi Urban area as well
as Rural area do shop online now a days, but according to my analysis very
few people now a days are able to shop from overseas but the interest rate in
shopping overseas is high, and according to the analysis and research we
found that the market segment available is quite good which gives some
strength to the project, below are the projections which shows the overall
analysis i did:

Age Group:

The number of age group is between 21 to 23 if we can see the graph, who
have responded to the questionnaire which shows the number of people filled
the questionnaire is genuine and not fake and the people who have
responded to the questionnaire have shopped online and its not amazed to
see the 100% full moon in the pie chart that they do shop online. Which also
gives our idea a strength that we can go for our idea and deploy it.


This graph shows how many people have shopped overseas, and according
to the respondents we can see that there are few people who have shopped
overseas that is only 34.8% of the people.

But below pie chart shows that the people are ready and really want to shop
overseas but they did not get a favorable chance to shop which is shown in
the barograph.

Likelihood of shopping overseas:

According to the above pie chart we can see that 48% of the people have
positive yes in showing interest in shopping overseas and 16% are not clear,
and the primary target are the people who are willing to shop overseas.

The more number of willingness in shopping overseas the more possibility we

have that they will support our initiative.
Experience In Overseas Shopping:

If we can see the overall shopping experience from overseas who have
shopped overseas, i found out that the average rating i got for the overall
shopping experience in overseas is just 3 out of 5.
But the next question arises whether the people rated low because of problem
faced or some other reason.

Problem Faced in overseas shopping:

The above pie chart shows that 50% of the people who have shopped
overseas have faced issues and very less people are satisfied with the
shopping from overseas it can be due to various reasons.
Cause for the problem faced:

After finding out the various reasons we can see that most of the cause is
related to either delivery cost is too high or delivery took too long and the
third reason which got 3rd max vote is they wanted cash on delivery option
but couldn't avail it.


60% of the people have true positivity that they have the willingness in
shopping overseas and very less people are there who have not shown
interest in shopping abroad.

The above bar graph shows the willingness of the people for mode of
payment. Many of the respondents want cash on delivery facility with 72.7%
value, where online transactions are also preferred by 36.4%

According to the response i got from the people we can finally conclude that
the demand for the initiative or project we took is too high, and we can go for
the project because the support from the people is quite good. There are
91.7% of the people who are willing to support our initiative.
Technical Analysis:

1) Website
2) Mobile Application
i) For Android
ii) For MAC
iii) For windows

Web Development Phases:

The purpose of the website is to provide the Buyer and the delivery
person an interface by which a buyer can float the information
regarding his/her purchase so that it
can be publicly floated and reviewed by many travelers so that they
can either accept the user purchase or can reject.

Users of the website: Buyer, Traveller, Admin

Owner and authors of the information on the Web site: Admin

Buyer can easily track the movement of the traveller to get an update
of his/her delivery and can get the estimate of 95% accuracy of the
delivery time.

Buyer can also float the information of the product, location, store
information and etc.

Traveller can check for any consignment if he/she wants to go with and
can also check the profile of the buyer with ratings which gives him/her
the confidence to go with the consignment.

Design and development

The layout of the website is a combination of Linear website layout,
hierarchy layout and webbed website layout.

Both the buyers and the travelers can view the information with the
help of images, texts, graphs and plots and a refined dashboard.
In the testing phase we are going to analyze if:

The Web site content correct

Does the Website functions correctly

Are users able to find the information they need

Is the navigation easy to use?

Implementation and Maintenance

At the beginning of the stage

How is the Web site updated, whether its should be done in regular
basis or weekly basis and so on.

Who is responsible for content updates: Admin, Buyer and Traveller

Monitoring of the website: 24 x 7

Financial Projections:
The financial projections for the feasibility study provides a description of the
financial projections the new initiative is expected to yield versus additional

The financial projections for the addition of an online sales platform for
wishgraber are highlighted in the table below. These figures account for
projected online sales, additional staffing requirements, shipping, material,
and insurance costs, contract support for IT and training needs, and web
server and hosting costs.
The assumptions for these projections are as follows:
Office setup for technical support and communication
Development team cost and maintenance

Cost estimation table:

Reason Cost
Office setup 500000
Web Development 100000
Application Development 100000
(MAC, Windows, Android)
Licensing 18000
Promotion and Marketing 100000
IT Support 200000
Web server hosting 20000
Insurance cost 200000

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