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i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR

HaLLoWeeN SPeCiaL : a HaPPY HaLLoWeeN

HaLLoWeeN, aND THe TRio (BiLToN, Rowney & CoSBie) iS oN THeiR 2ND YeaR
eXPeRieNCe oF CeLeBRaTiNG oNe oF THe JoYouS aND SPooKiFieD YeaRLY oCCaSioN
WHaT aRe THe PLaNS oF ouR 3 MaiN "aDuLT" CaST oN HoW WiLL THeY CeLeBRaTe
THiS YeaR'S HaLLoWeeN MaiNLY oN; WHo oR WHaT aRe THeY GoiNG To DReSS uP aS?

"No BIL, I'm not going to pay you if that's what you're going to ask again?!" Rowney
immediately noted seeing Bilton entering the small office library holding some stash of
envelops; mainly the various bills of Rowney which Bilton gathered earlier after that usual
monthly courier guy slides off the mails on the crevice down the house's front door, "I
just want to give you these" Bilton confusingly replied not having any amusement on how his
Master Rowney repeated his joke about "BILL(s)", Rowney eyed Bilton who delivered him
his mails and boringly thanked him in return and tried to shoo him so he can get back to his
work; "Master! Look what that mail guy gave us today!" Bilton surpringly announced ignoring
how his Master Rowney drives him away in the room, "What now BIL? Have you forgotten
that you're not supposed to be here when I'm working?" Rowney annoyingly replied not
wanting to start an argument again about privacy and boundaries, then stared at the piece
of leaflet that Bilton was presenting; "Halloween Party?" Rowney read out the words on
the leaflet which Bilton was holding and tries to snatch it to read the details, "when was
the last time the town's management sent invitations for occasional parties?" Rowney
commented while reading the leaflet knowing that it's rare for him to receive invites or
notes from their town or village council, "what's the paper says?" Bilton interrupted as he
stood behind his Master Rowney's chair, "It's an invite for a Halloween party that will be
held on the newly opened plaza" Rowney answered as he pass the leaflet back to Bilton and
randomly commented something about the note; "I don't even know that there was a newly
opened plaza? Am I the only one whose being left out here to know these stuffs?",
"Master? Is this Halloween party is the one where you're going to dress or put a costume
on?" Bilton questioned trying to verify his thoughts and a certain memory of an event that
they did last year, Rowney nods in response while opening the other envelops of his bills
when suddenly Bilton happily exaggerated his reaction towards his Master Rowney's
response on his question by slightly hitting him on his right shoulder; "Are we going to
dress up and collect some candies again just like what we did last time?!" Bilton spoke as he
quickly apologized to the physical and a bit painful reaction he did to his beloved Master
Rowney as he tries to pat and caress the affected shoulder, "We can go trick or treating
again only If I'm still in one piece and unharmed before that day comes." Rowney crankily
stated inching his way out of Bilton who keep facetiously apologizing trying to pull his
Master Rowney back on his spot to embrace him. "BIL?" A familiar voice joined the duo on
the room looking blank and expressionless as usual as he calls his younger brother's
attention, "BIE! BIL'S Harassing me again!!" Rowney protested as he ran behind Cosbie
feeling a bit safe when he's around, Cosbie petted and secured Rowney on his side and
glared back to Bilton whose smiling guiltily towards the two, "It wasn't my intention to
hurt Master Rowney!" Bilton exclaimed to his older brother and continued as he presented
the leaflet about a Halloween party; "I just got excited when Master Rowney said that
we're going to go trick or treating again and play dress up like what we did last time!" ,
Cosbie was unsure of what was his younger brother is blabbering about for his memory is a
bit bad when it comes to remembering some unusual human activities so he questioned back
about Bilton's note, "Remember the first time we get to venture outside and were wearing
those odd garments? It's that day again!!" Bilton happily announced for having another
outdoor experience outside the house. Cosbie then remembered that certain occasion and
tries to clarify if Bilton was speaking the truth about letting them to go outside again,
"Just don't hit or strangle me if I say yes?" Rowney jokingly stated not wanting to get or
experience another physical painful reaction or feedback from Cosbie. "That occasion
again?" Cosbie murmured after Rowney nods in response, he then stared blankly in front of
Rowney whose watching him and somewhat waits for a reply or a question regarding that
Halloween party that Bilton was blabbering about. "Bie?" Rowney called to get Cosbie's
attention who quickly apologized for having caught staring blankly again in the middle of
their conversation, and indubitably explained himself as he told and shared to Rowney his
thoughts; "Does it mean that we're going to wear those clothes again and paint ourselves?"
Cosbie noted recalling the things they did on last year's Halloween which Rowney
receptively took and corrected Cosbie by answering him; "If it's ok for you guys to wear
those costumes again then that's fine with me, but I'm a bit concerned that we might be
out of place if we join this family oriented Halloween party wearing those kind of
"Revealing" outfits" Rowney stated knowing that both Bilton and Cosbie's last year's
Halloween costume is a bit inappropriate for a Halloween party for kids, of course there
will be also some adults there but Rowney knew that those kind of family oriented parties
that the town council have arranged are formally and politely pleasant and friendly for
both expectators and participants; "You both might scare off the children on that party if
your going to dress up as a corpse and a bloody warrior again for this year's Halloween"
Rowney added and pointed as he explained the possible scenario that might happen on that
party if both Cobie and Bilton will re-use their last year's costume idea; "And I'm sure
you'll get most of the attention from the adults if they see's you on your shirtless attire
wearing only some paints and bandages on your body." Rowney added trying to sound logical
for guiltily expressing on behalf of the humankind that "ALL" eyes will be on the satyr
Brothers for: #1. Their revealing costumes, #2. Their Satyr features which looked real,
#3. They're new in town and more importantly #4. Maybe let's add the fact that they are
being escorted by A person who once in a blue moon see's socializing and partaking on any
events on their village, and that person is Rowney. The two satyrs seemed to looked
baffled and bothered on their Master Rowney's explanation which Rowney noticed so he
did apologized if he was acting sententious again so he tried to slow a bit and started from
the beginning; "My point is if we're going to join this Halloween party then we should dress
up differently" Rowney announced as he took the leaflet invitation back from Bilton and
added; "We're going to wear a different costume that is formally appropriate for this
gathering", "A new costume?" Bilton repeated while Cosbie gave a look of suspicion on
Rowney's idea, "Yes a new costume that is comfortable, appropriate..." Rowney begun
enumerating some well-founded reasons for the type of costume that theyre going to wear
and continued his note even he see's Bilton having no interest on his speech; "kid friendly,
un-revealing and a pleasant looking outfits", "What exactly are this outfits that your
thinking about?" Cosbie spoke questioning Rowney about his idea and his preference on
their costumes. At that point Rowney left the two satyrs staring at him waiting for an
answer, "Well? I still haven't figured out the costumes that you're going to wear?" Rowney
guiltily replied as he flusteredly and embarrasingly replied, "Perhaps? We can go as
ourselves?" Bilton suddenly spoke suggesting to dress up as themselves, Rowney was not
surprised to hear an unamusing suggestion from Bilton; "BIL? Are you forgetting the
"UNREVEALING" part? You're not supposed to show your body if you want to attend that
party which will be swarmed with kids and curious adults" Rowney stated and sat back to
his seat on his desk inside the small office library and begun typing some words on his
laptop, The two Satyrs approached and stood behind the chair to check what was there
Master Rowney is doing and saw a couple of pictures of a human person wearing some
various costumes that looked like a normal clothings, "Since it's a family oriented party as
what the leaflet says..." Rowney commented as he pointed the leaflet invitation which
Bilton is holding; "I'm sure every kids and parents will dress up as a thematic motif such as
a group of superheroes, vampires, witches, Knights or princesses, pirates and any type of
group" Rowney explained while scrolling some images on his laptop searching for something
that might give him an idea of motif for both the satyr brothers and him if they're going
to attend that Halloween party, "You're saying that we have to dress as one?" Cosbie
commented as he tried to summarize Rowney's note by how he perceives Rowney's way of
explaining things while showing them some pictures on his small bright colorful thing called
laptop. Rowney nods in response hearing Cosbie's comment and switches his attention from
Bilton whose trying to poke the keyboard on the laptop and smacks Bilton's right hand,
"Anyway do have any ideas or suggestions?" Rowney questioned as he ignores the grumbling
noise that Bilton is making behind his back after he smacked it's hands, "I believe it's
best for you to decide on this" Cosbie answered tapping Rowney shoulder; "How about we
try dress up like those men wearing a black clothing? They seemed to look cool!" Bilton
noted suggesting a motif for their Halloween costume, "Men wearing black?" Rowney
repeated not having any ideas on how would a men wearing black looks cool; "BIL what are
these men wearing black clothes are doing?" Rowney questioned trying to clarify his
thought if he was right, "Oh that? If I remember it right..." Bilton replied as he paused
himself to recall some scenes he watched on the television; "I remember there was this
frumpy human that's always being shot in head and a small hideous creature that sounds
like an old man, then these men wearing black have these steely colored tools..." Bilton
clearly explicated but was interrupted by his Master Rowney who was giggling on his note
and amusingly commented; "Men in Black! Why I didn't noticed it when you say men wearing
black clothes?!" Rowney funnily reacted on Bilton's idea and congratulated him on his
suggestion; "BIL, I like your suggestion but if you wanted us to dress as men in black, then
I need to buy a white and black suit for both of you", "Exactly! We just need those types
of black clothing" Bilton pointed but was rejected by his Master Rowney when Rowney
complains and reasoned himself on how expensive formal suits are; "But Master? I thought
you liked the idea?" Bilton vexingly replied as he crossed his arms feeling disappointed,
"BIL, I'm not as wealthy or successful like you think, but my funds is only enough for our
daily needs and only have extra bucks for extraneous stuffs" Rowney stated hoping that
Bilton and Cosbie understands that not all things in the human mortal world are valueless;
"Then allow us to help you again to earn more money!" Bilton suggested so that his Master
Rowney will be able to buy the said black clothings. It's true that there's a time that
Rowney have lectured and introduce them to money and how to use and obtain it, that's
why Bilton tried mentioning it specially that they have somewhat customary helped their
Master Rowney on his work at home, "BIL..." Rowney sighted and turned to face BIL to
console him; "I'm thankful for you guys specially the time you helped me on my workloads
here concerning my work, which gives me a huge bonus on my usual salary" Rowney noted
thanking the small help he got from the satyr brothers on schematizing some old
documents he requested on the company where he works; "I would love to ask for your help
again only if I have another huge workload to be done" Rowney stated and continued his
speech as he took Bilton's available hand to playfully coddle it for he knows that Bilton
likes it and it makes him happy; "but for now, I want you guys to understand that I don't
have enough money to buy you those black suits that you wanted to wear for this year's
Halloween", Cosbie seemed to understand Rowney's point that Rowney only wanted to
budget his money, on the other side; Bilton seemed to looked engrossed on his current
situation with his Master Rowney who still holding his hand and vaguely forgets his notion,
"BIL? Is that OK with you?" Rowney spoke to get Bilton's answer about his earlier
statement; "Anything to make you stay like this..." Bilton fervently replied pointing their
current state and not about their seminal discussion, "You're not even listening!" Rowney
mockery replied slapping Bilton's hand and then pinched him on his side, "Master!" Bilton
yelped after his Master Rowney pinched him and then giggled back seeing how annoyed
their Master Rowney was, "Very funny BIL! Very funny!" Rowney exasperatingly
commented and turned to face away from Bilton and went back to his work on his laptop
closing the search engine that shows the costume ideas that they were looking earlier, "I
don't want to interrupt this frequent way of how you interrupt me..." Cosbie calmly spoke
to get the attention of both his Master Rowney and younger brother Bilton and also to let
them know his presence on the area; "but I'm here to say that our lunch is ready" Cosbie
noted bringing up the main reason why he was there on the first place, "Sorry" both
Rowney and Bilton apologetically replied for being blatant earlier by ignoring Cosbie, "And
I'm sorry again for putting you in charge on cooking our meals for today" Rowney added
for unintentionally assigning Cosbie on the cooking chores, "You don't need to apologize
Rowney, it's the least that I could do to help." Cosbie replied and went his way back on the
kitchen/dining room to check their food if it was being ransacked by a stray cat, "Thank
you Bie!" Rowney replied as he watched Cosbie left the room; "I'll be there in a sec!"
Rowney added and turns his laptop on a standby mode then ordered Bilton to follow his
brother, "but how about this?" Bilton commented showing the leaflet invitation of the
upcoming Halloween party, "We have plenty of time to discuss that!" Rowney responded as
he grabs and push Bilton out of the room then added after taking another look on the
leaflet; "We still have 8 days to plan this thing so I suggest that we go join your Brother
on the kitchen to take our lunch" Bilton nods and prances his way to the kitchen with his
Master Rowney who tries to catch up with him.

"I know I always say this but I really love..." Rowney suddenly spoke while spooning the
gravy like sauce of their meal in his food bowl then was interrupted by Bilton whose doing
the same and tried to comment and guess the next word that his Master Rowney was about
to say; "Love my brother Cosbie" Bilton teasingly spoke to his Master Rowney and
immediately stood on his seat on the dining table to avoid being hit or hurled with a
random silver or glassware on the table, "It's not about that!" Rowney blushingly replied
then glared towards Bilton whose snickering beside the fridge while taking out a cold
pitcher of water, "I just wanted to say that I love this experimental dish that your
brother always make" Rowney exclaimed himself to amend Bilton's random teasing
comment then scampishly opposed him by also teasing him by agreeing on his comment then
noted; "Yes BIL, i love your brother and you can't change that!", "Hey! We all know you
both love us!" Bilton crankily reacted and quickly went back on the table to share the
pitcher of water, "Why so mad BIL? You don't have to be mad if I love your brother"
Rowney funnily and cleverly remarked then continued as he nudge Cosbie whose just sitting
beside him to get his perspective and support on their current account, Cosbie sheepishly
nods as an approval to stop the two from fighting but failed on that attempt as he saw how
invidious Bilton was upon hearing their Master Rowney's last note and seeing him agreeing
on the said note; "That's so unfair! Why Cosbie always gets your attention instead of me?!"
Bilton woefully stated but on that point Rowney decided to stop being amusingly oppressive
over Bilton and guiltily apologized to him that he was only making fun of the discussion;
"BIL, I was just joking alright? So you don't need to feel bad about yourself." Bilton
silently listened and gazed towards his Master Rowney whose already stooping beside him
on his seat on the dining table "But you both love us right?" Bilton whimpered sounding like
a kid being scolded by his parents for breaking a fragile object, "BIL you're not a kid
anymore to act like this!" Rowney thought to himself while petting Bilton then answered his
question; "You already know the answer to that but yes, you always know I love you both.",
"as a good loyal friends I only have" Rowney added and thought to himself rather than
verbally stating Bilton the exact relation he felt towards the two satyr brothers. Bilton
seemed to looked relieved after hearing his Master Rowney's somewhat sappy note about
his guilt, "I know you're just joking Master" Bilton happily spoke then did his very usual
way of expressing himself by giving his beloved Master Rowney a hug, "You did this on
purpose again do you?!" Rowney unamusingly commented knowing that he always fell for
Bilton's drama; "I'm starting to hate you if you keep doing this BIL" Rowney added and
struggles his way out from Bilton's thight embrace, Bilton laughed on his Master Rowney's
note and decided to release him and petted him again then went back to finish his lunch, "I
dunno how long I can ignore him" Rowney thought to himself as he watched Bilton then also
decided to do the same as he went back on his seat beside Cosbie who silently watched
their little drama and commotion. "So? Bie thanks for cooking for our lunch again" Rowney
randomly spoke after a few minutes commenting and thanking Cosbie for the lunch; "Say?
Where did you learned cooking this dish?" Rowney questioned for eating the usual
experimental dish that Cosbie cooks for them; "I just cook what is available" Cosbie
boringly and ingeniously stated for indeed telling the truth about the dish; "I know that!
Silly, what I wanted to know is... Do you oftentimes experiment on your cooking and still
end up making an edible and good food?" Rowney replied even he knows on the fact that
their conversation about how Cosbie cooks is always repeatedly talked about for every
single day. Cosbie was alalread used to this type of situation on how Rowney tries to
approach him by starting a random and frequent discussion, so he usually ends up giving
signs and gestures whenever he wants to agree or reply to him; "Why not try cooking your
own dish?" Cosbie suggested finishing his meal then asked Bilton to pass over the pitcher
of water, "I may be good on cooking but I always "horribly" fail on my experimental dishes"
Rowney guiltily stated not wanting to enunciate how bad the food tastes whenever he tries
to cook something different and out from the menu, "Master, I like all the foods you cook
for us!" Bilton risibly joined while finishing his plate, Rowney was sure by the sound of
Bilton's comment that he was trying to roil him while looking decent and ethical on his
thought; "Thank you for that BIL, but we all know that you ate like a pig and doesn't pay
attention much on the food's flavor." Rowney insupportably commented as he stood on his
seat and gathered their plates to wash it on the kitchen sink, "That's not true!" Bilton
embarrasingly responded watching his Master Rowney cleans up the mess on the table and
his older brother joining him on the kitchen sink to help wash the dishes, "I don't eat like
a pig!" at that point Rowney giggled hearing how irate Bilton was for doubting himself
towards his eating behavior, "Then what am I supposed to call you? A goat? You eat like a
goat BIL!" Rowney funnily replied to Bilton who looked petulant but ignored his statement
by rummaging some food stuffs on the pantry, "Now look at that hungry goat" Rowney
added as he watch Bilton left the room while holding a bag of half eaten loaf of bread. "I
admire how you remain yourself calm and not annoyed whenever BIL acts like that" Cosbie
spoke getting Rowney's attention as he tries to compliment him about his patience towards
Bilton's childlike behavior, "Oh Believe me BIE, Despite of the foolish arguments me and
Bilton do at all times, I've already gotten used to control my temper and ignore him
whenever he acts like that." Rowney admittedly replied to Cosbie whose standing beside
him lending a helping hand on the dishes, "But no worries because I don't hold any grudge
towards him even he harasses me at all times" Rowney added which Cosbie acknowledged as
a good criticism from Rowney's friendly relation towards his younger brother, "that's good
to hear" Cosbie replied after that and went back on helping Rowney on his task. After a
few moments on the kitchen/dining room, Rowney seated himself back on his seat on the
dining table and took out his mobile phone in his pocket to check some messages, Cosbie
wandered a bit on the room and felt uncomfortable for having Rowney around, not talking a
bit so he decided to join him on the table and tried starting a random conversation to talk
about; "What are your plans on this upcoming event?" Cosbie spoke which Rowney
surprisingly noted by happily answering him on his question; "You're asking my plans for
this year's Halloween?" Cosbie nods and waited for Rowney's reply, "Maybe... We'll be
doing the things that we did last year" Rowney thought but immediately corrected himself;
"I meant about the rules!", "The rules?" Cosbie repeated which Rowney clarified as he
tried to recall the things he told to the satyr brothers on their first Halloween;
"Remember those rules I told you last year, the time I've decided to let you both go
outside? Those rules that I've written on a piece of paper?" Rowney kept reiterating to
emphasize the thought but appeared to be making himself silly in front of Cosbie who
doesn't remember a thing about the said rule that Rowney kept on saying, "I don't
remember where I kept that piece of paper but I do remember some few statements that
I've written there" Rowney added but was interrupted by Cosbie when he had a flashback
about their topic; "The 8 rules about how we should behave Infront of the people when
we're outside" Cosbie stated which Rowney smilingly coincides; "Yeah! Those rules that
I'm telling about" Rowney replied and instantly remembered the entire text he wrote on
the paper and begun reciting it to Cosbie; "No to nudity, Morally Behave yourselves, Have
fun, Do not stray out from the group, wear your hides, listen to the whistle, let Rowney do
the talking and Not forgetting all those rules!" Rowney happily stated then repeated his
note to count it if it's eight, "I guess the last rule did it's charm" Cosbie commented
trying to make fun of Rowney on how he instantly remembers all of the rules when he
mentioned the last rule about "Not forgetting all the rules", "Well, I guess it's kind of
embarrassing if I forget those rules specially that I'm the one who created it" Rowney
commented as he watched Cosbie's dull reaction and listened to his reply about the rules;
"If I heard it right, you mentioned about "Wear your Hides" so does it mean that Were
going to use our jackets?" Rowney wondered a bit remembering that the only reason he
added that certain rule is because of the satyr brother's revealing costumes on last
year's Halloween; "Hhmm? I guess let's disregard that rule for now, since that I still
don't have any costume ideas for both of you" Rowney suggested then stares at Cosbie's
physique to think of a costume for him, "Does all humans need to dress up everytime this
Halloween occasion occurs?" Cosbie questioned, but Rowney was unresponsive to answer
him so Cosbie tried to pet Rowney on his head to get his attention, Rowney got flustered
on the situation and shyly apologized for being caught on his blank state which Cosbie
understands, "What were you saying again?" Rowney questioned back which Cosbie
answered by repeating his question, "Does it really require?" Rowney answered Cosbie's
question about dressing up during Halloween with another question then added; "Perhaps
not all humans celebrate and dress up for the occasion, so... It depends on the person
wether they like to participate on the occasion", "So your saying that we can decide to
either join this Halloween or not?" Cosbie stated upon hearing Rowney's answer and point
of view about celebrating this occasion called Halloween, "You're right Bie, celebrating
Halloween is not that important" Rowney replied while looking at Cosbie's tattoo on his
right chest; "Not all people is obliged to participate on a certain event, we decide on our
own..." Rowney seemly noted for realizing and remembering that he doesn't really
celebrate Halloween but it changed when the Satyr brothers came, "Are you planning to
not join this year's Halloween?" Cosbie randomly spoke upon seeing how distant Rowney is
about their discussion, Rowney looked at Cosbie then smiled at him saying; "I don't want
you guys to miss your only experience to mingle with some other people and see the outside
world again..." Rowney stated as he sticks his finger in Cosbie's chest tattoo and
continued; "Take it as one of my yearly promise to you guys, I want both of you to enjoy
your time here in this world while your still here", Cosbie took Rowney's hands and gently
placed and pressed it on his chest tattoo and softly thanked him on his vow, "I'm sorry
Bie" Rowney whispered for feeling guilty to himself for still having no improvements on his
original plan on helping the satyr brothers to sent them back on their world, "Rowney... You
don't need to say sorry" Cosbie calmly spoke hearing Rowney's sad note and tries to pet
him on his head to comfort him; "We're here to accompany you as long as you need us, you
don't need to feel sorry if you're thinking that were mad at you because you still haven't
sent us back" Cosbie stated which Rowney surprisingly hears and questioned him back on
how did Cosbie knew; "How did you know?", "Rowney... I can read your mind" Cosbie
answered which Rowney astonishingly reacted and lightly gave him a punch on his arm; "You
can read my mind!?", Cosbie watched Rowney's surprised reaction and niftily confessed; "I
was only joking" Rowney couldn't believe on the fact that Cosbie fooled and made fun of
him but he giggled in response seeing how Cosbie's usual quiet and boring behavior have
changed, "I hate you Bie" Rowney joked and then prods Cosbie's nose and stood up to leave
him on the room, "What about Halloween?" Cosbie randomly replied after Rowney played
with his nose, hoping to make Rowney stay to continue their chat, "We've got plenty of
time to discuss that Bie!" Rowney shouted as a response and went back to his small office
to get back on his work, "I guess that doesn't offended him" Cosbie thought to himself
seeing how Rowney reacted when he tried to make fun of him just like how his younger
brother does, Cosbie stretches a bit on his seat and left the room after satiating himself
with a pack of saltines which he got out from the pantry and joined Bilton on the living
room where he usually lounges.

It's been 5 days after Bilton happily showed his Master Rowney the leaflet invitation of
the upcoming Halloween party which is going to be held on their town's newly opened plaza
as what the leaflet says, "28" Bilton whispered to himself while looking at his Master
Rowney's Small calendar on his desk on the office library, "Did Master forgot about this?"
Bilton thought to himself as he inspected the leaflet invitation again and left the room
holding it and went to consult his older brother for some words regarding their Master
Rowney's plan for the upcoming Halloween party, "Brother?" Bilton called as he entered
their room upstairs where they sleeps and saw Cosbie taking a nap at this time of the day,
Cosbie groans in response for interrupting him on his nap, Bilton apologized in return and
sat beside his brother whose napping on the bed and immediately questioned him; "Do you
know Master Rowney's plan for the Halloween party?", Cosbie burrowed and covered his
face with a pillow and ignored his younger brother whose disturbed him on his nap, "You
should go ask Rowney about that" Cosbie grumbled and tried to get back to his nap as he
signaled Bilton to leave him by shooing him on the room, "But Master Rowney isn't home"
Bilton replied as he kept nudging his older brother to get up on the bed and added; "He
left a note for you at the kitchen", "Note?" Cosbie repeated with a tone of fascination,
"When was the last time he left me a note?" Cosbie thought and questioned to himself
knowing that it's rare for Rowney to leave him a personal note, not just a note but a
private writing that was meant for him; "Where did he left it?" Cosbie questioned after
tossing aside the pillow which he used to cover his face and slouched on his position looking
at his younger brother Bilton on his side, "I saw it sticking on the fridge door" Bilton
replied answering his older brother's question on where did he found the note for him;
"Did you..." Cosbie spoke but was immediately interrupted by Bilton whose expecting a
usual reply from his older brother concerning about the note; "No I didn't tried reading it,
I don't want Master Rowney to get mad at me if I took a peek on your note again" Bilton
culpably replied as he stood up on the bed and peered through the window behind the
curtains on their room to look at a passing booming car on the street, "What's the time?"
Cosbie randomly asked as he crawled out on the bed and stood behind Bilton to watch the
happenings on the window, Bilton turns to face his brother and gave him a "Wait Here"
signal showing and raising both of his hands on chest level and left him on the room to go
to their Master Rowney's room to check the time, Cosbie nods and watched Bilton exiting
the room then waited for him as he went back on the window looking at some random
passerby on the street carrying some grocery bags. Meanwhile Bilton silently crept inside
his Master Rowney's room to look for a certain object that tells time, or should we say
that Bilton is only looking for a clock; "I know Master Rowney have this small clock that he
sometimes wear or oftentimes kept on his room" Bilton thought to himself while scanning
the area looking for Rowney's wristwatch, Bilton then suddenly halts on his spot to
curiously gaze at a certain object that his looking for which is attached on another object
which he knows had a sentimental value to their Master Rowney, "Oh Crap?!" Bilton
randomly squawked a funny human expression which he learned from watching many
random movies on the TV while looking at the yellow lizard like stuffed toy with green eyes
sitting along with the pillows on Rowney's bed; "Master Rowney will hate me if i took that
small clock out from that thing" Bilton whispered to himself looking at the Wristwatch
which is wrapped around the arm of the stuffed toy. You readers might question why
Bilton is so troubled on seeing the stuffed toy in Rowney's room, Bilton is not scared of it
but he just doesn't want to get scolded again if he tried meddling with that certain stuff
which their Master Rowney took great care like a delicate and sacred object, "I just need
to check the time" Bilton murmured as he slowly approached his Master Rowney's bed to
check the time on the wristwatch which the stuffed toy is wearing, "17:44 P.M." Bilton
reads the time on the small clock and quickly prpranced is way out from their Master
Rowney's room to go back and report to his older brother to tell what time it is;
"seventeenfortyfour!!" Cosbie astonishingly heard on his back and saw his younger brother
Bilton catching his breath, "SeventeenFortyfour?" Cosbie wondered and repeated as he
tries to figure out the exact number of time and knowingly stated; "5:44" Cosbie furrowed
his face and scratches his head and questioned Bilton about Rowney's wereabouts, "If I
know where Master Rowney is then..." Bilton replied and showed the leaflet invitation
which he pocketed on his dark brown cargo shorts and continued; "I've asked him if he
forgotten about this.", Cosbie stared at the leaflet invitation of the Halloween party which
Bilton is holding then tried guessinguano commented; "Rowney must be busy and
preoccupied with other things, but I think he have some plans about that Halloween event
that you kept on bringing up every single day" Bilton scowled on his older brother's
comment then sarcastically expresses his thought by saying; "Yup, Master Rowney planned
to ignore my request" Cosbie joined his younger brother Bilton who glumly slouched at the
side of the bed and tried to share the last conversation he had with their Master Rowney
last four days concerning his plans for the said Halloween party; "BIL, i know I haven't
told you this but. Rowney promised me that he'll let us enjoy our time here" Bilton looked
at the leaflet invitation again and stared back to his older brother Cosbie and replied;
"How come Master Rowney told you this and didn't informed me?" Cosbie doesn't want to
sound obscene about the possible explanation why Rowney chose to share his notion to him
but he decided to make Bilton know the fact why Rowney told him that statement and did
not informed Bilton; "You should know by now that Rowney doesn't like how you roguishly
behave yourself towards him, he may already gotten used to it, but I think he wants you to
be conscious on your own actions and learn when to stop." Cosbie exclaimed as he
conveniently added his own opinion and views towards his younger brother, "So you're
telling me that the reason why Master Rowney didn't informed me is because he hates me?
Bilton commented upon hearing his older brother's statement, Cosbie nods in response but
felt that he somewhat mislead his response making it deceptive if he agreed on Bilton's
idea that his beloved Master Rowney hated him; "I'm not saying that he hates you but..."
Before Cosbie finishes his reply he was interrupted by a familiar sound echoing inside the
house, "Master?!" Bilton gaily shouted and ran towards the source of the sound which is
coming from Rowney's phone, Cosbie grabbed Bilton's hand to halt him and noted; "You do
know that was Rowney's phone right?" Bilton nods in response then realized that their
Master Rowney only left his phone at home, "I forgot about that." Bilton embarrasingly
replied which his older brother ironically comment's as he says; "Yeah, like how you
forgets our earlier discussion.", "No I'm not!" Bilton quickly answered then settled himself
back on his spot beside Cosbie; "We're talking about why Master Rowney hates me" Cosbie
rolled his eyes on Bilton's answer and wasn't sure to himself if he'll be pleased with
Bilton's memory or how he implacably probes the idea of Rowney hating him, "Bil, you do
know that Rowney doesn't really meant his word when he say that he hates you right?
Cosbie noted hoping to correct his fault on making Bilton believe the idea that Rowney
hates him, "Of course I know that!" Bilton giggled and continued; "I just like to have a
wordplay with him!" Bilton confessed then shyly added; "I always want to hear how "DEAR"
we are to Master Rowney", at that note Cosbie yank's Bilton's horn then glared at him
showing that he's mad and disappointed on how he harasses their accidental Master
summoner, "I know I was wrong ok?!" Bilton apologetically stated asking his older brother
to take off his hand on his horn, "I want you to apologize to him when he got back" Cosbie
angrily ordered then did another jerk on Bilton's head by pulling his horn again, "Ok! Just
stop waggling my head already!" Bilton demanded while warding off his older brother's
hand away from his horn, "BIL I know you like Rowney but harrasing him doesn't make you
look endearing to him" Cosbie commented and stood on his seat to leave Bilton on the room
for him to think about his mistakes, Bilton was silent as he watched his older brother left
him alone in the room, he then begins to fathom the last statement his older brother told
him as he whispered his accidental summoner and Master's name; "Rowney". Meanwhile at
the Kitchen/Dining room downstairs, Cosbie took and read the note which Bilton mentioned
earlier; "BIE, I went out to pay the bills and I also might buy some foods for our diner.
~Rowney~" Cosbie read the small short note for him and folds the note again seeing his
highlighted and underlined name "COSBIE", "I wonder what time did he left?" Cosbie
thought to himself for not noticing that Rowney left the house while he's asleep, "I just
hope that he'll be back as soon as he's done with his errands" Cosbie thought while looking
at the wall clock on the room that says: "6:22", he then returned the note back on the
fridge's door and went outside the house's closed backyard to sniff some fresh air where
he luckily and coincidentally catches Rowney entering the back door, Rowney waved and
smiled back to Cosbie who looked like he's waiting for him and quietly commented; "You're
awake already?" Cosbie approached Rowney after Rowney closed the backyard's backdoor
and helped him on his load on carrying some plastic bags that smelled like foods, "You
didn't told me that you're going out?" Cosbie noted wanting to know why Rowney left them
without saying a word, Rowney nudged Cosbie as a reply then boringly answered him; "Bie, I
left a note for you so you don't need to be mad at me ok?", "I have read that" Cosbie
answered while him and Rowney went inside the house then heads straight to the
kitchen/dining room, "I'm not mad about it but you should have just told me." Cosbie
repeated but Rowney ignored him and questioned him back with a random question; "Any
unusual things happend while I'm gone?" Cosbie paused as he inspected the contents of the
plastic bag of food and saw a couple of disposable food containers, Rowney joined Cosbie
and took out the foods in the bag to plate it; "Your phone did ringed while your out", "My
phone?" Rowney repeated then thought to himself that it must be his mom or his older
sister calling him to ask about if he'll be planning to visit their ancestral house on their
province this coming holiday weekend, "I do supposed you didn't answered the call like
what Bilton did last time?" Rowney questioned and noted by mentioning an incident which
occasionally happens when Bilton playfully answers every call he receive on either his
mobile phone or the house's cordless phone, "No he didn't" Codbie replied while looking at
the food that Rowney had already plated, "Speaking of Bilton? Where is he anyway?"
Rowney commented after hearing Cosbie's reply and thought to himself that it's odd for
him to not see Bilton welcoming him back; "He's on our room, waiting for you" Cosbie
answered sounding concerned on how he left his younger brother after their little
misunderstanding about his attitude towards Rowney, "Did you two had another fight
again?" Rowney questioned noticing Cosbie's expression on how he said Bilton's
whereabouts, Cosbie didn't replied and tries to look away from Rowney, "By the looks of it,
there is an unusual thing happened while im gone" Rowney knowingly commented then
quicklY left Cosbie on the room to went upstairs to look for Bilton, "BIL?" Rowney called as
he approached the Master's bedroom which is now the satyr brother's room, no one
responded but Rowney saw Bilton slouching and idling beside the bed, Rowney approached
him and petted him on his head to get his attention, "Hey BIL, is everything alright?"
Rowney spoke but was quickly grabbed and pulled by Bilton to embrace him; "Master!"
Bilton whined while holding his Master, "What now BIL?!" Rowney annoyingly spoke while he
tries to get off from Bilton's thight hug, "Im sorry Master, I'm sorry!, I'm sorry" Bilton
kept on wailing while keeping his Master Rowney on his grasp, "Bilton, what are you
apologizing for? Rowney annoyingly replied while ordering Bilton to release him then added;
"Bil! Will you please stop and just tell me why you're so tense!?", and at that note Bilton
released his Master Rowney then glumly explained himself; "Please don't hate me if I keep
harrasing you." Rowney wasn't sure if this is one of Bilton's drama just to make fun of him
so he decided to play along just to make Bilton feel better; "BIL, it's normal for me to
hate you on your constant harrasment towards me, but I'll not badly detest or hate you
for that!" Rowney stated as he crawls his way out from Bilton's side and painfully massages
his back, "I know you didn't like how I repeatedly express myself...", "Physically" Rowney
humorously added looking cynical to Bilton who stood on his spot and approached him to
face him; "I'm sorry if I hurt you", "Thank goodness he noticed it!" Rowney thought to
himself as he awkwardly smiled to Bilton and spoke; "Try controlling your strength for me
if you don't want me to hate you whenever your hugging me", Bilton tries to gently holds
his Master Rowney but Rowney signaled him to stop, "So? that's the reason behind your
drama?" Rowney commented then lightly punched Bilton on his shoulder; "and I thought you
had a fight with your brother again." Rowney added, Bilton shrugs on his Master Rowney's
note and explained himself; "I just want to know if you're not really mad and doesn't keeps
any hatred from me", "BIL, we already looked like a couples when we always argue about
this" Rowney funnily stated for knowing that their argument is a bit repeatitive, Bilton
smiled on hearing the word couples then giggled on the thought, "Wether this is another
drama or a serious talk, I want you to know that I'm not mad at you ok?!" Rowney stated
and pinched Bilton's nose to tease and playfully comforts him on an unusual funny way,
"Thank you Master and I'm sorry for everything" Bilton replied as he petted his Master
Rowney's head instead of hugging him, "I've already gotten used to it BIL, there's no need
for you to be worry about" Rowney stated then questioned; "So? Do you have any other
concerns other than this "hate me" thing that you kept pointing out?" Bilton stared at his
Master Rowney trying to recall something until he quickly took the leaflet invitation for
the upcoming Halloween party out from his pocket; "Master! I was looking for you earlier
to ask you about this!" Bilton ecstatically stated, showing the folded paper to his Master
Rowney, "Oh that? I've almost forgot that." Rowney replied as he embarrasingly took the
leaflet invitation from Bilton to read it again; "Spooktacular Party at the adamantine plaza,
28th of October, 3 pm onwards, lots of games and prizes..." Rowney scratches his head
after reading the leaflet invitation and funnily commented; "I got this feeling that this
isn't just an ordinary costume party if they mention the games and prizes.", "Whatever it
is, it's sounds fun" Bilton added and took the leaflet invitation back, "Tomorrow, I'll try to
look for some costumes for us to wear on that party" Rowney noted as he walks his way out
in the room but was halted by Bilton grabbing his arm; "What are we going to wear
Master?" Bilton questioned wanting to know his Master Rowney's plan for their Halloween
costumes, "I still have no idea BIL, but leave this thing to me like how i managed to come
up with our last year's costume idea." Rowney replied back and drags Bilton with him to go
downstairs to join Cosbie but he surprisingly caught him idling just beside the doorway;
"BIE?!" Rowney squealed on Cosbie's presence which Bilton funnily giggled on seeing his
Master Rowney's reaction, "How long you've been?" Rowney asked but decided to refrain
from questioning Cosbie for he already knows how BIE always pryingly sneaks into some
random private conversations. Cosbie stayed silent and looked at both Rowney and Bilton,
trying to find out if they're already bbother good terms, "Well? Do you also have some
drama or concerns with me Mister Cosbie?" Rowney funnily stated looking at Cosbie, Cosbie
shrugs in response then talks with his younger brother on a different dialect which
Rowney couldn't understand, "That language again." Rowney thought to himself while
watching the two satyr brothers talk, then noticed Bilton's hand gestures that pointed him
and then showed a thumbs up signal, "Ok? I'll leave you two then" Rowney uncomfortably
commented which Bilton apologetically answered as he excused himself for making his
Master Rowney out of place with his conversation to his older brother; "I just confirmed
BIL if he really did apologized to you?" Cosbie spoke sharing what he and Bilton was talking
about, "No worries Bie, BIL did apologized" Rowney answered then took both Bilton and
Cosbie's arm and pulled them away on the place to go downstairs, "What's for dinner
Master?" Bilton hungrily questioned which both Rowney and Cosbie boringly and amusingly
replied as they told Bilton their dinner; "Chicken BBQ".

October 26, 11:33 a.m. Rowney was ready to leave the two satyr brothers at home after
taking their early lunch to fulfill his promise to Bilton concerning their Halloween costume
that they're going to wear on the upcoming party which is going to happen on 28th, "Same
things as always guys!" Rowney ordered, reminding the two satyr brothers about the house
rules while his away, "Be safe Master!" Bilton noted as he gave his beloved Master Rowney
a quick non-painful embrace, Rowney smiled in return and funnily answered BIL that his
trip on the town's flea market isn't that dangerous, Cosbie joined the duo whose standing
on the hallway leading to the backdoor that faces the backyard then tapped Bilton to
release Rowney for him to get on his task, "You know what to do Bie." Rowney noted after
Bilton released him, Cosbie nods in response indicating that he knows what to do and
doesn't need Rowney to remind him both the house rules and their rules on behaving
themselves while his gone, "Just be safe" Cosbie repeated Bilton's note and waved his
goodbye at Rowney, "I won't be long" Rowney replied and stepped outside the backyard
and heads straight to the gate. Rowney's not sure if it's a fine afternoon considering that
the weather still got this summer vibe, "Now what's good to wear for this year's
Halloween?" Rowney thought to himself while walking his way to the town's flea market but
got intrigued with a bunch of kids running around in front of Mrs. Meredith's front lawn
holding some boxes and stuffs, Rowney went to see the happenings on the neighbor's
house and saw a pile of boxes in front of Mrs. Meredith's driveway along with a long
retractable table that has random vintage looking things and clothes placed on top of it, "A
garage sale?!" Rowney surprisingly noted and approached Mrs. Meredith who came out
from the garage assisting a 9 year old looking girl carrying some nice looking blankets,
"Afternoon Ma'am!" Rowney greeted to Mrs. Meredith who welcomed him and gave a good
neighborly hug from a 68 year old woman, "What brings you here son?" Mrs. Meredith
spoke and holds Rowney on his arm to get some walking support, Rowney offered his help
on carrying the not so heavy looking draperies from Mrs. Meredith, "Well I believe you
have received a word about the Halloween party" Mrs. Meredith spoke as she handed
Rowney her load and pointed him to place the draperies on the table, "Funny, I'm on my
way to buy some costumes to wear on that party" Rowney funnily commented to Mrs.
Meredith about the Halloween party, "Is that so?" Mrs. Meredith answered as she sat
herself on a near stool and called the running children to arrange the stuffs that they've
took out from the garage, "I didn't know Mrs. Meredith got so many grandchild" Rowney
thought to himself while watching the kids, "Are you having a garage sale?" Rowney
questioned for pointing out the obvious which Mrs. Meredith nods in response and
explained; "I did this garage sale to sold some old things on the house and use the money
to buy these kids their costumes for the party", "So it's like a garage sale for a cause?"
Rowney wittily commented while scanning some stuffs on a cardboard box in the table,
"that sounds right along with my own reason to throw out some stuffs" Mrs. Meredith
commented then added to Rowney to check the stuffs and approach her if he wants to buy
something to discuss the prize", Rowney tried to scan on the pile of clothings to look for
some clothes that will fit on the satyr brothers, he then questioned Mrs. Meredith on who
is the owner of the clothes that they're selling, Mrs. Meredith eyed the piece of garment
which Rowney is showing and told him that it belonged to her late husband, and the rest of
the other clothes is owned by her son who is now working and living on abroad, "Why did I
even asked?" Rowney thought to himself as he returned the faded and old looking polo
shirt back on the pile of clothes, until he found interest on a large denim shirt jacket,
"This looks good?!" Rowney whispered and was interrupted by Mrs. Meredith as she begin
annotating the item, Rowney uncomfortably smiled while listening to Mrs. Meredith
specially when she mentioned that the denim shirt jacket was passed over by his husband's
brother from its best friend and was owned by the uncle of his husband's older brother's
best friend. "How much is this Ma'am?" Is the only thing Rowney have said just to stop
Mrs. Meredith on finishing the history of that denim shirt jacket, "I think I'll just sold
that to you for $6.00, such a good cheap prize for an old clothing" Mrs. Meredith replied
and humorously added for admitting to herself that she sells her goods on a cheap prize",
Rowney throughly inspected the shirt for some holes, rips and stains then handed the shirt
to Mrs. Meredith to purchase it, "Why not go check some other stuffs and pay it at the
same time?" Mrs. Meredith suggested and begins her nifty business talk to Rowney as she
convinces him to buy more items on her garage sale, "Perhaps that's a good idea?" Rowney
thought to himself nodding his reply to Mrs. Meredith's suggestion, "I'll just keep this
item reserved to you while I go talk to those other customers" Mrs. Meredith spoke as she
stood on her seat leaving the denim shirt jacket on the stool and approached a random
couple whose laying an eye on her antique jewelry box which they found on one of the
boxes, "I think I should buy another one?" Rowney thought while looking at the denim shirt
jacket that Mrs. Meredith left on the stool, Rowney went back on rummaging the pile of
clothes and carefully inspected them one by one like a quality control specialist, tossing
aside some floral shirts, odd smelling trousers and old fashioned outfits that he last saw
on a 60's movie. "I don't want to sound rude but Mrs. Meredith's husband has no good
sense of fashion" Rowney humorously thought to himself after tossing most of the clothes
back on it's pile, "I wish there's something modern here? Rowney added and went to check
a large box filled with various items along with few garments, "Sir? How much will you sell
me this?" Questioned by a teen looking gal holding an old tennis racket with missing and
rended strings, Rowney embarrasingly greeted her and pointed Mrs. Meredith as the seller
and dealer on the garage sale, the gal apologized for mistaking him as a vendor then left
Rowney on his spot and went to do some business talk with Mrs. Meredith who sold another
garbage... I mean another garage sale item on a random passer by customer, "Do I looked
like a "Sir" who owns this garbage joint?" Rowney harshly commented and funnily slapped
himself for being one of the customer who bought something on the place he call a garbage
joint, "Well? Back on business!" Rowney whispered as he took out an old suitcase on the
box that his checking, "Well, well, well? What do we have here? Rowney found a bunch of
nicely folded shirts that looked new, and decided to check it as he took the stacks of
clothes out from the box; black shirt with a nice looking shirt design, some faded jeans, a
greeny marching band costume, a fatigue shorts which Rowney immediately took as another
item to buy, some random small sized shirts and a one fine looking formal suit that looked
like it been used on a prom night, "Nice dig! But I think I'll take this one and leave this
behind" Rowney noted as he separated the white long sleeves from the faded black
Blazers, "This looked perfect for Bie" The white long sleeves indeed looked perfect for
Bie specially that Rowney see's Cosbie handsome whenever he's wearing some long sleeves
with its arm sleeves are folded, "What am I thinking?! I just like him wearing something
instead of seeing him shirtless at all times?!" Rowney embarrasingly thought aborting his
ideas and imagination on Cosbie's physique, "I guess this is enough" Rowney noted as he
added the clothes on the stool where Mrs. Meredith left his reserved item, "I better pack
those things up back on the box" said by Rowney as he went back on the previous box to
put the other clothes box along with the old suitcase which incidentally opened on its own
dropping all of its contents, "SHIZZLE!?" Rowney blurted getting a few glimpse from Mrs.
Meredith's grandson's who looked surprised and curious on hearing an unfamiliar word,
Rowney apologized on his reaction and quickly picked the things up to return it on the
suitcase, "Well? This is nice?" Rowney found Mrs. Meredith's husband's stash of neck and
bow ties, Rowney took a liking on the black bow tie and a long deep blue tie with a stripes
of maroon, "This will be a good addition to my ties!" Rowney commented and tossed the
items on his reserved goods and went to finish putting the scattered stuffs on the
suitcase and returned it inside the box, "2 ties, 2 shirt and a 1 fatigue shorts" Rowney
counted as he neatly folds his items and looked at Mrs. Meredith to discuss the price,
Rowney found that Mrs. Meredith is a bit busy with a customer so he again went to scan
the area for he already enjoys buying there, "You can't kill me because I have a gun!"
shouted by a kid who appeared to be playing tag with another kid who is holding a plastic
toy sword chasing the kid who just shouted riding on a stick raising his hand imitating a
gun on its finger and wears a scarf around his neck and a large cowboy hat that covers
most of the kid's head, "Thats it!" Rowney's eyes begun to sparkle on his idea and quickly
approached Mrs. Meredith to question her if the Cowboy hat is also for sale, "that'll be
$20.00" Said by Mrs. Meredith to a man who purchased the old and slightly used electric
drill along with its box that consist of various sizes of drills or needles or whatever you
call those, Mrs. Meredith switched her attention to Rowney after getting the payment
from the man who purchased the tool, "Oh that hat?" Mrs. Meredith noted as she looked
at her grandson wearing the cowboy hat, "That brings back memory..." She noted and
started her story about how she enjoyed her experience on visiting an old batch mate's
ranch, she almost laughed on seeing her husband struggling to get on a horse, and that
funny situation where their 10 month old son talks with a lamb, he was mimicking the sound
of the lamb and kept on saying "Meeehh!" the entire day, "That was fun experience indeed"
Rowney breaks in to stop the story and heads straight to the point if the cowboy hat is for
sale, "It's hard to let go on a souvenir that brings good memories but..." Mrs. Meredith
tearfully explained but quickly decides to sell it, "The hat is still in good shape and a
memorabilia of that Ranch we visited, so I'll sell that for $15.00", "Sounds good enough."
Rowney thought for knowing its price then closed the deal for the hat, "Let me call my
grandson" Mrs. Meredith spoke and called his grandson's name to approach her, "Bryan?
Can I have that cowboy hat that you're wearing? This young man wants to buy that hat."
Mrs. Meredith explained but it seems to be that the kid who calls himself Bryan doesn't
want to give up the cowboy hat as he exclaimed himself that he's not yet done playing with
it, "This is not good" Rowney thought to himself looking upset on the situation but heard
Mrs. Meredith's attempt on retrieving the cowboy hat by telling her grandson that she'll
not allow him to take a bite from the chocolate chip cookies that she'll make for snacks,
the young boy glumly surrendered the hat and ran back inside the house, "Well that
worked?" Rowney funnily commented after watching the scene, "My boy prioritize his food
rather than other things" Mrs. Meredith commented and handed the cowboy hat to
Rowney, "Will there be anything else you want to buy?" Mrs. Meredith asked and went back
on the stool where she left the reserved item for Rowney and surprisingly found some
additional stuffs, "I added those..." Rowney stated to Mrs, Meredith who started
itemizing the goods and gave Rowney its individual prices; "I guess another $6.00 for this
long sleeves, $1.25 for this short and... Maybe $2.00 each for these ties", "Uh? 6, 12, 13..."
Rowney started his math, adding all the prices of the items he wants to purchase and
happily shouted its total to Mrs. Meredith, "$32.25, I guess you're right if we add the
first one and this cowboy hat" Mrs. Meredith spoke then Rowney interrupted her as he
spoke; "Ma'am isn't a bit unfair if you sell these items for an unreasonable low price?", "If
I want all of these items to go in just one day then I have to sell them on an affordable
low price" Mrs. Meredith explained as she excused herself to get a paper bag to use for
Rowney's purchased goods, then she randomly questioned Rowney about the bought items;
"It seems like those shirts you picked is not your size? Did you bought these for
someone?", "Uuhhmm? Yes?" Rowney shyly replied to Mrs. Meredith on noticing it, then
added that he bought those shirts for his friends not actually saying that it's for the
satyr brothers, hence Rowney considers both Bilton and Cosbie as his friends, Mrs.
Meredith smiled on Rowney's response and gaily commented; "Your friends are so lucky to
have you" Mrs. Meredith stated as she took a slightly used grocery bag from a nearby
locker inside the garage and went back to Rowney, "I miss the feeling of giving my friends
some presents and see their golden reactions" Rowney was silently listening to Mrs.
Meredith's story and wondered what happened to her friends, "I hope you and your
friends got this special bond that lasts forever", "Forever?" Rowney funnily repeated and
commented to himself that it's a bit good and cruel at the same time if he'll keep the
satyr brothers by his side forever; "Well, I hope our friendship will do last for a very long
time" Rowney hopefully replied back to Mrs. Meredith, "Oh I'm sure they'll choose to stay
being your friend" Mrs. Meredith noted and continued as she took the purchased items of
Rowney and neatly puts it inside the grocery bag except for the cowboy hat that couldn't
fit inside the old grocery bag; "I know in one look that you're a nice and friendly guy, so
I'm sure your friendship with your friends will last", "Thank you" is the only reply Rowney
could say for now, knowing that it's hard to believe that despite of how friendly he look,
he doesn't have any person he could call as a friend, "By the way? Are you not going to buy
something for yourself" Mrs. Meredith questioned with another sound of business talk,
hoping for additional bucks she could earn from Rowney, Rowney looked at the stuffs
around them again and answered Mrs. Meredith that there's no clothes for him that's on
his size, "I guess you're right" Mrs. Meredith answered as she gazes towards Rowney's
body proportion, "On that note? I think I have something on your size, let me get my son's
old costume he used on his talent show", "Talent show?" Rowney repeated as he watched
Mrs. Meredith went back inside the house, "But how about the customers?!" Rowney called
back to Mrs. Meredith who shouted her answer; "Just tell them to wait for me!". It's been
more than 10 minutes since Mrs. Meredith went back inside her house to fetch that
costume that she's mentioned about, luckily on those 10 minutes there's no customer;
"Sorry to keep you waiting" Mrs. Meredith called out from the garage door holding a
seabag, "It's ok Ma'am, there wasn't even a single customer looking for you" Rowney
replied and approached Mrs. Meredith to assist her on the bag, "I've added some other
clothes here aside from the costume that's probably fit on your size", "Ma'am you
shouldn't have..." Rowney commented on Mrs. Meredith's note concerning the addition of
other stuffs, "Its ok, it's just a small thing" Mrs. Meredith spoke and went back on her
stool then took the bag from Rowney and showed him its contents; "This is the costume
I'm talking about earlier, my son used this on his Tap dance performance when he was
about your age" Mrs. Meredith explained as she took out a quite small maroon colored vest,
an off white small long sleeves, a faded silver or gray slacks and a nice looking fedora hat
that matches the vest's color, "He tap danced on 25?" Rowney surprisingly commented but
was corrected by Mrs. Meredith as she told that her son was 17 when he wore that
costume and did a Tap dance on one of their talent show in his university, she then
commented Rowney about his age; "Your 25?! and I thought you're around 19?! You have
the same body size of my son when he was 17" Rowney giggled on how Mrs. Meredith
compared her son's age by his body size and funnily thanked her for making him sound
young on the age of 19 even his already 25, "How old is your son now Ma'am?" Rowney
randomly questioned which Mrs. Meredith openly answered as she told Rowney the age of
his first son who is now a big man and has a family of its own; "My son is already 42, and do
you see that boy over there wearing a hat, that's my third grandson from him" Mrs.
Meredith stated as she pointed her finger on a 7 year old looking boy playing with the
previous kid whose name was Bryan, "OK?" Rowney whispered and went back to check the
costume if he'll decide on buying it, "The vest looks fine along with the hat, but I think I
can't imagine seeing myself wearing these gray slacks if this is a pair on these" Rowney
stated to Mrs. Meredith who seem to agree on his note as she recalled that she also
doesn't like the color combination of maroon and silver, Rowney tried the vest on and
perfectly fits on him, there's no issue on the hat but Rowney insisted on wearing his own
white long sleeves rather than the other one that Mrs. Meredith showed as a pair on that
costume, "I guess I'll just take these two" Rowney noted and took the vest and hat which
Mrs. Meredith quickly prized as $12.00 = $5.00 for the maroon vest and $7.00 on the
fedora hat, Rowney paid the items and added the vest on his grocery bag along with his
first purchased items then noticed the 9 year old looking girl holding some antique looking
picture frames, "Those frames are interesting" Rowney stated as she pointed Mrs.
Meredith the antique picture frames that the young girl is holding, Mrs. Meredith called
the girl whose name was Maricel and introduced her as her 1st granddaughter from her
daughter, Mrs. Meredith took the frames and handed them to Rowney for him to check it.
Just like what Rowney have expected, it is indeed a good handcrafted wooden frames but
what caught his attention was the old picture inside of it, a black and white group photo of
men whose wearing an attire similar to that famous "Gatsby" movie, Mrs. Meredith told
him that it was his husband and some of his friends way back... She can't remember the
year but she's sure that it was her husband's friends on the photo as she begun naming
the 3 other guys beside her husband who wears a beret on the picture and got these
suspenders on his shoulder, "I think I've seen these items somewhere?" Rowney thought
to himself when Mrs. Meredith pointed her husband on the picture, Rowney went back on
the suitcase earlier where he found both the neck and bow ties and found the matching
suspenders on the black and white photo, although he wasn't sure if it's the same
suspenders specially it's a dark blue one and not black just like on the photo, he also
searched for the kid whose wearing a similar beret hat just like on the photo then asked
Mrs. Meredith again if the hat is for sale, Mrs. Meredith called the kid whose wearing the
old beret hat and luckily got it without hearing any complaints, "You do have some old taste
in fashion" Mrs. Meredith funnily commented on noticing all the items which Rowney took,
"Not really ma'am, I'm just going to use all of these on the Halloween party" Rowney
explained as he inspected the beret's condition and questioned Mrs. Meredith again on
how much will she sell it, "Maybe $7.00 for the hat and you can take those suspenders for
just $2.00" She replied and then added; "So? You're going to that party which the town
have organized" Rowney nods in response same time as he gave the payments for the last
purchase; "I've invited my friends to go with me on that party, so basically I've bought
them their costumes that they're going to wear", Rowney stated then tossed both the
suspenders and the rolled up beret hat inside the grocery bag, Mrs. Meredith paused on
that thought then randomly asked Rowney if the friends that he's mentioning was those 2
guys she saw on last year's Halloween, "Nice memory for an old lady" Rowney thought to
himself as he commented Mrs. Meredith's memory on remembering both Bilton and Cosbie
on their first meeting last year; "I think they'll be happy to know that the costumes that
they're wearing was bought for a cause to help your grandchildren to get their own
Halloween costumes for the party" Rowney stated and did a final scan on the area before
he decided to leave and say his thanks to Mrs. Meredith, "Thank you dear, I'll see then on
the party" Mrs. Meredith thanked Rowney on doing business with him and bid her farewell
as she reminded him that she'll go with her grandchildren on the upcoming party that going
to happen on the next 2 days, "$53.25, and I thought I'll spend more than $80.00 on
buying some cotumes" Rowney thought to himself as he walk his way back into the house
carrying the grocery bag on his left and both of the hat on his right until he surprisingly
forgot to add and buy a couple of lower garments to pair with the costumes that he's
planning for both of the satyr brothers, "Shizzle, I forgot to buy some shorts for them"
Rowney turned his back and went running on the direction of the downtown's flea market
where he occasionally buys the clothings that the satyr brothers are wearing.

48 hours 21 minutes and 13 Seconds left before the Halloween party starts, Rowney have
successfully got back in the house who tiringly carried all of the purchased goods of their
Halloween costumes along with a bag of snacks he bought on that "Bread-Bought Bakery",
"Hi Master!" Bilton greeted whose idling beside the staircase and welcomed his beloved
Master Rowney, Rowney greeted back then handed him the paperbag of warm sweet buns
he bought for snacks, "Where's Bie?" Rowney questioned after settling the grocery bag of
costumes along with the hats on his small office library situated just a few steps near the
stairway, Bilton pointed his finger on the whereabouts of his older brother and directed
his Master Rowney upstairs, Rowney went to get Cosbie upstairs to present them their
costumes. "Bie!? I'm home! could you please join us downstairs for something?" Rowney
called knocking on the master bedroom's bathroom door searching for Bie if he's inside,
then realized that Cosbie must be hiding or doing something again on his room's facility,
fortunately Cosbie did replied back and said that he'll join them later after doing his
deeds, Rowney wasn't sure what kind of deed was it but he was relieved to hear Cosbie.
After a few minutes of waiting and Rowney scolding Bilton to left some sweet buns for his
brother, Cosbie joined them on the small office library and saw some stuffs on Rowney's
desk, Rowney greeted Cosbie and handed him the paperbag of sweetbuns which he luckily
reserved and protected from the hands of our hungry and greedy Bilton, "So? How was
your journey?", "Journey, I just went to Mrs. Meredith's house, our neighbor" Rowney
giggled on the word "Journey" then told the satyr brothers that he just luckily and
incidentally went on their neighbor's house; "Its a good thing that I don't need to go to
the flea market to buy our stuffs" Rowney noted and begun pulling out his purchased items
from the grocery bag, "Does it mean that, that old lady gave these things to you?" Bilton
questioned as he picked up the maroon vest, Rowney snatched the maroon vest then swaps
it with the denim shirt jacket and answered Bilton's question telling him that he bought all
of those stuffs on Mrs, Meredith's garage sale, "Garage sale?" Cosbie repeated followed
by Bilton who also questioned his Master Rowney on what is a garage sale. Rowney
deliberately explained what is a Garage sale and also added the intent or goal of the said
Garage sale of Mrs. Meredith, "That sounds pretty convenient!" Bilton replied after
hearing his Master Rowney's discussion about garage sale then added as he suggested an
idea; "Let's try selling stuffs and buy something new!", Rowney was staring at Cosbie
whose trying to put the beret on top of his head and was interrupted by Bilton about his
witty proposal on selling some old stuffs on Rowney's house to buy new things, "BIL, I like
your idea but, anything inside this house is not for sale" Rowney answered as he tossed
Bilton his short denim trousers which Rowney bought on the flea market after
remembering that he hasn't bought some lower garments on Mrs. Meredith's garage sale
that will pair on his costume ideas for the satyr brothers, "BIL, It's rude to suggest
selling Rowney's stuffs specially if your just living here as a housemate" Cosbie commented
while taking the lower garment clothing which Rowney is handing him over, "Listen to your
brother BIL, he knows his boundaries in this house" Rowney added making Bilton look
sheepish on his thought, "Master! It was just a suggestion! You don't need to be mad at
me!" Bilton cheekily answered and grumpily crossed his arms to show how annoyed he is,
Rowney repeatedly apologized to Bilton and noted that he was just teasing and testing his
patience, "That's not fun at all!" Bilton replied but was interrupted by his Master Rowney
when he mentioned that it's the same thing that he do whenever Bilton tries to harass or
tease him, "Oh?!" Bilton shockingly reacted for realizing how bad it feels to be mocked or
bantered, "Silly BIL" Rowney noted and nudged Bilton telling him to forget their little
argument and proceed on whatever their doing; "So... here's my costume ideas for you
guys" Rowney spoke after handing their individual attire which they're going to wear on
the upcoming Halloween party which is going to be held on that newly opened plaza
downtown. "BIL, since you're the big strong guy on our group, I think the cowboy look is a
good one for you, specially if your going to wear this and pair it with this plus to finish the
look here's a cowboy hat" Rowney stated as he showed Bilton the denim shirt jacket, the
short denim trousers with an attached nice looking belt, and the cowboy hat to finish the
look of a Satyr cowboy or Goatboy as what Rowney thought for literally making a pun out
of it by seeing him as a half-man half-goat Cowboy = Goatboy; "For you Bie, being the
always silent type, I think the old 20's look will fit into your personality" Rowney
commented then continued as he showed Cosbie his attire that consists of a white long
sleeves, a black bow tie, a khaki shorts that looked like a kid's or a ranger uniform, a pair
of blue suspenders which he'll use on his khaki shorts and that old light brown looking
cloth beret which Cosbie is already wearing, "How come he got something like this?" Bilton
questioned as he took the black bow tie on the desk, "BIL, a cowboy doesn't wear any bow
ties." Rowney answered while trying to snatch the black bow tie back from Bilton whose
attempting to untie it on its knot, "But if you want something that is wrapped around your
neck, perhaps a paisley designed scarf will do the trick" Rowney suggested then stated to
Bilton that he doesn't know how to tie a bow tie, "What about yours Rowney?" Cosbie
suddenly spoke holding the long deep blue neck tie with a stripes of maroon, "My costume
idea?" Rowney muttered then spoke after taking the maroon colored vest and the fedora
hat on the desk; "At first I thought the concept was random, until I figured out that
pairing these 2 items together will make a good impression of a Mafia guy" Rowney
explained as he visualized himself wearing the vest which he'll paired with his white long
sleeves and a black slacks then maybe a cool looking spectacle, "Mafia Guy?" both of the
satyr brothers questioned for not having any ideas about the thing, Rowney did explained
the common appearance of a Mafia wearing a formal suit, that popular vertical design on
its clothes, bad attitude, gangster and lots of stuffs until he decided to take out his phone
and searched for a picture to show an example, "Master? I can't imagine you wearing
something like that!" Bilton spoke as he snatched the fedora hat from his Master Rowney
and tried to put it on Rowney's head, "BIL, it's just a costume, I'm not going to dress up
like that on an everyday basis" Rowney answered as he pointed the mafia picture on his
phone and took off the hat on his head feeling uncomfortable on wearing an uncleaned
item, "I just can't imagine seeing you looking like this and act like a bad guy" Bilton noted
then tried to put on his cowboy hat, Rowney halted Bilton then suggested both of them to
try wearing their clothes to see if the size of each clothings fits on them. On that note,
Bilton giddily slides off his peach colored overshirt which he wore unbuttoned showing of
his typical hairy front and then loosens the clasp of his belt on his dark brown cargo
shorts, "BIL!?" Rowney annoyingly shrieked on the sight of Bilton undressing in front of
him so he immediately and embarrasingly turned to face on a different direction not facing
Bilton but got bemused on the sight of Cosbie whose struggling to take off his tight
looking white tank top wherein his stuck on his position on lifting up the clothing showing
off his pale frontal body in front of our shocked Rowney who wasn't sure if he'll going to
help him, stare with pleasure or flee from the scene excusing himself to give the satyr
brothers their privacy; "Uhm... I... I'll leave you guys." Rowney blushingly stated as he
hurriedly tiptoed his way out from the scene looking directly on the floor not wanting to
see another glimpse of the satyr brother's birthday suit. Bilton laughed on the sight of his
Master Rowney exiting the room and funnily teased him as he called Rowney back on the
room and told him that's it's ok, "BIL, leave Rowney alone and help me with this!" Cosbie
suddenly spoke on his spot whose still struggling in his state, "Oh come on! You've managed
to wear that small thing, so Im guessing that you can undress that to yourself!" Bilton
rudely commented on his older brother's state but still helped him on taking off the small
white tank top which Cosbie's wearing. Meanwhile back upstairs, Rowney was busy doing a
thorough search inside his older sister's room for an item that he's going to use as an
accessory for his mafai themed costume "I know that she left it in here somewhere?"
Rowney thought while rummaging some random boxes inside a large drawer cabinet until he
luckily found the item that he's looking for which is tucked beside an oddly wrapped item
that he doesn't paid much attention, "No cracks, no cracks" Rowney repeatedly muttered
as he took the item out from the box removing it on its cottony silk like pouch revealing an
old brownish sunglasses and more importantly! "No Cracks" or not broken, Rowney somehow
joyfully celebrated his little mission on finding the accessory and immediately exited the
room leaving the small chaos he did in the drawer cabinet. Back downstairs with the now
dressed satyr brothers; "This cloth is a bit long" Bilton commented while pointing out the
draping end of the denim shirt which is tucked out from the denim shorts that his wearing,
"You can just always fold it" Cosbie noted whose standing a few steps from Bilton while
looking resplendently stylish wearing the white long sleeves and khaki shorts, Bilton stared
back to his older brother and then commented back on its current attire; "Your clothes
looks regular to me", Cosbie gave he's usual blank face expression as a reply to his younger
brother then mumbled while holding the loosely unknotted black bow tie along with the pair
of blue suspenders which Rowney left on the desk, "Rowney hasn't informed me with the
use of these things", Bilton ruefully eyed the bow tie which he unknotted earlier when
Cosbie isn't looking and ashamedly took the black bow tie to tie it back on its original form
"Go ask Master Rowney on where to put those" Bilton noted as a reply to his older
brother's mumbled statement as he focused himself on his task, "I have no insights of
Rowney's concept on these costumes that he begged us to wear" Cosbie spoke as he tried
to slide in the blue suspenders on the belt area of the khaki shorts that he's wearing and
continued on his note saying: "from what I've observed, it appears that these costumes
we're appeared to look regular clothes despite of being called as Halloween costume"
Cosbie wasn't sure if Bilton was listening and was trying to respond back by shaking his
head and doing some hand gestures only to find out that he's having some difficulties on
re-tying the bow tie. "Forget what I've said" Cosbie annoyingly thought to himself upon
seeing Bilton's state and decided to ignore him as he went back on buckling up the blue
suspenders as a belt, moments later Bilton quickly tossed the now tangled bow tie back to
his brother and stood awkwardly beside the desk upon hearing some footsteps from the
stairs, "Ok what did I missed?" Rowney greeted back scanning the room holding the pouch
of the sunglasses that he found earlier back upstairs and saw both of the satyr brothers
wearing the purchased items he bought that day, "Wow!?" Rowney happily reacted noting
the costumes or those old regular clothes that the satyr brothers are wearing and added:
"The clothes looked perfect on you!" Rowney approached Bilton to check him closely and
promptly assisted Bilton tucking the loosely hanging hemps of the denim shirt and neatly
rolling the arm sleeves, "Stay still" Rowney whispered Gazing back at Bilton's grand form
as he adjusts the cowboy hat which Bilton is wearing, "Howdy partner!" Rowney funnily
quoted imitating a western country folk like accent and continued as he circled Bilton "Run
if ya want Billy, but I'll have you hog-tied quicker than you can call me a 'tenderfoot
and a half-wit city-slicker'", Bilton wasn't sure if he'll be flattered or delighted towards
his Master Rowney's odd behavior "Master? Are you alright?" Bilton uneasily asked as he
tries to halt and hold Rowney into place, "You know what they say about a cowboy with a
large belt buckle..." Rowney funnily replied as he nudges Bilton and winks on the process,
"Could you be more specific?" Cosbie suddenly commented on Rowney's note after
watching the scene, Rowney awkwardly glances back to Cosbie whose standing a few steps
behind them looking curious on their little act; "That was nothing!" Rowney quickly
responded and Taps Bilton to release him, "I swear I never understand a thing that you're
doing Master!" Bilton worryingly stated, "Exactly so... Please forget what just happened"
Rowney embarrassingly replied for knowing that he went overboard on his excitement of
seeing Bilton on a cowboy like costume, "Anyway!" Rowney cleared his mind and went back
to see Cosbie whose apparently having a little problem in his attire. "Ok?" Rowney
grumbled looking directly on the blue suspenders which Cosbie used as a belt and saw the
unknotted black bow tie resting on the desk, "Bie, I must say that I'm impressed on how
you used those suspenders as a temporary and improvised belt on your shorts but..."
Rowney commented pointing the blue suspenders as he requested Cosbie to remove it then
continued on his speech; "there's no need of use of belts when you have these suspenders
which in old times where used to hold-off the pants from falling, same purpose of the
belts on constricting it on the waist" Rowney explained as Cosbie slides the suspenders off
and hands them over to Rowney and amusingly commented on his note; "interesting" Rowney
nods as a reply and took the blue suspender straps from Cosbie and started demonstrating
him on the usage of the item as he showed him where to put it. After a few minutes of
demo and Cosbie trying the item on himself, Rowney was busy figuring out what to with the
black bow tie trying to tie it like how he does on a regular neck ties; "Did I ever told you
that I have no ideas on tying this thing?!" Rowney annoyingly stated looking at Bilton whose
standing beside him, watching him on his so called struggle. Bilton simply smiled back and
apologized to his Master Rowney for being troublesome as he tries to snatch back the bow
tie to help him on it, but was rebuked in return as Rowney refuses his help and rudely
commented; "This won't happen if you just listened!", at that moment Cosbie joined the
two to arbitrate on the situation; "both of you have tried resolving this one but remember
that outrage was never the solution" Cosbie noted as he petted Rowney's head to calm him
but was interrupted by Bilton who funnily commented on his older brother's statement;
"and I thought being hardheaded helps us to pass on challenges", Cosbie gave a cold look in
return and went back to Rowney who somewhat giggled on Bilton's exaggerated response
on Cosbie's statement, "Fine you guys... I'll just search for an illustration manual on how to
tie this thing on the net" Rowney wittily spoke as he tossed the black bow tie to Bilton and
took his mobile phone out from his pocket, "Well? That's a conclusion?" Cosbie unamusingly
spoke for seeing Rowney being technology dependent again. "Hush Bie! This is for your own
good" Rowney replied while browsing some images on his phone while Bilton on the other
hand made an annoying phrase as he repeated his Master Rowney's last note towards his
older brother Cosbie; "for your own good", Cosbie got this feeling that he was being
teamed up by the two so he decided to leave them on the room but was halted by Rowney
complimenting him on his attire; "I like your looks Bie", "Good to know" Cosbie friendly
replied and went back beside Rowney for acting somewhat rude again even though they
never notices it. After more than 10 minutes of silence inside the room and Rowney's
attempt on tying a perfect bow tie knot on Cosbie's collar, he finally managed to complete
Cosbie's 20's guy look wearing the not so perfectly tied black bow tie paired with a plain
white long sleeves, a suspended khaki shorts and that cloth beret on top of his head; "I
think you'll make a good character on the play of Gatsby" Rowney funnily commented but
was immediately questioned back by the satyr brothers on the description of the word:
"Gatsby", "Maybe I'll explain that you on some other day" Rowney apologetically replied
but made a quick summary by defining it as a well known novel that people used to read and
learn during their school times, both Bilton and Cosbie nods in response for believing it and
went silent again as they watch Rowney's blank reaction on them, "Hey Master, why don't
you try wearing yours?" Bilton suggested as he took the maroon colored vest on the desk,
"I've already tried them back on the shop" Rowney noted remembering that he did tried
wearing it after Mrs. Meredith showed the item, "But we haven't seen you wearing it"
Bilton noted wanting to see their Master Rowney on that piece of clothing, "Well... It
doesn't really match with my current attire if I'm going to wear it now" Rowney pointed
out for wearing a skull printed black shirt with a touch of color green on the design then
added; "Maroon vest may be best paired with a black clothing but not all black clothes are
good with it." Rowney exclaimed but got bothered to see Bilton approaching him as he
extended his hand to reach the end of his shirt, "Bil! Stop that!" Rowney jolted skipping
away from Bilton not wanting to get undressed by an officious and jovial half-man half-
goat person who obviously got an infatuate liking on him, "Come on Master! Just try it on
just like how we tried ours!" Bilton demanded as he chases his Master Rowney around the
room running in circles and sometimes using Cosbie as a cover, "Should i?" Cosbie joined
and doubtfully whispered back to Rowney for some help who already situated and hides
himself on his back. "Just stop BIL already!" Rowney commanded which Cosbie eagerly
followed as he quickly holds Bilton's horns and yanked him to stop, "Aawww!" Bilton wailed
holding his older brother's arm to release him, "Stop fooling around" Cosbie ordered and
released his younger brother who looked sorry for his actions. "Bie! That's a bit harsh!"
Rowney wailed as he tries to relief Bilton and apologized to him, "I did what I asked to do"
Cosbie nervelessly spoke ignoring Rowney's complaints which Rowney briskly responded by
giving him a blistering slap on Cosbie's right arm, "Master!?" Bilton anxiously spoke after
seeing what his beloved Master Rowney did to his older brother, "Sorry" Rowney quickly
replied towards Bilton and also to Cosbie for loosing his temper resulting to a rough
physical treatment, "This wouldn't happen if you just listened!" Rowney exclaimed to Bilton
as he tries to point out his earlier hassling behavior, Bilton gave his usual pitiful look as he
sheepishly apologized to his Master Rowney, "Heads up Bil, You ain't learnin' nothing
when your mouth's a-jawin'" Rowney stated as he did another cowboy phrase as he pets
Bilton on his head and returns the cowboy hat that fell earlier when Cosbie yanked him on
his horns. Bilton smiled in return and instantly forgets the earlier commotion, "Can you
please be direct?" Cosbie spoke out of annoyance for hearing another cowboy phrase from
Rowney "Lets see?" Rowney rephrased the last cowboy expression he used then tried to
describe it with some simple words that the Satyr brothers can understand: "You're not
going to learn something if you try to ignore it... or something..." Rowney uneasily noted
knowing that "He" for himself doesn't even know what that cowboy phrase means, Cosbie
seemed to accept Rowney's response even to he's having doubts with Rowney's explanation
of the random phrase he mentioned a while ago, "So its like I have to listen very well so I
won't look unintelligent" Bilton replied as he fixed the cowboy hat on his head, "I guess
you're right BIL" Rowney pleasantly replied back to Bilton as he smiled to somewhat
congratulate BIL on learning and understanding another senseless human knowledge, BIL
giggled and approached his Master Rowney to give him a gentle pat on the head, "You're
welcome, I guess?" Rowney spoke while staring at Cosbie whose holding and examining the
maroon vest; "I ain't going to put that thing on if yer going to force me again" Rowney
complained with a little hint of western accent in his voice, Both Bilton and Cosbie nods in
response but Bilton whose beside his beloved Master Rowney couldn't help but giggle on
Rowney's response upon seeing the maroon vest; "I'm not holding this to repeat another
pointless argument" Cosbie calmly explained and proceeds in his speech as he approach the
duo (Rowney & Bilton) and handed Rowney the old looking garment; "I know you got a habit
of washing dirty clothes so... I believe it's best if you clean this", "Dirty?" Rowney thought
to himself as he inspected the maroon vest and sappily commented upon seeing a dusty
chalk like stain on the inner side of the vest; "Oh right! I probably missed this spot!"
Rowney answered and turned to face Bilton as he snatched the cowboy hat back then
added; "You guys take this things off so that I can washed them along with the others"
Rowney noted trying to unbutton the denim shirt which Bilton is still wearing", "Uhm?
Master?" Bilton surprisingly muttered seeing his Master Rowney undressing him, Rowney
instantly stopped by the moment he's holding the second button feeling a warm draft of
air from Bilton, "The heck I'm doing?!" Rowney thought and nervously gazed on Bilton's
breathing chest, "My Bad!!" Rowney embarrasingly yelp and ran few steps back on Bilton's
spot in the room looking pleased and amazed on Rowney's funny reaction, "And i thought
you commanded us to take this clothes off." Cosbie spoke to break the silence upon
witnessing the awkward scene, "Its ok if Master Rowney wanted to help us remove these
things" Bilton added while finishing the task where his beloved Master Rowney left; mainly:
unbuttoning the denim shirt, "Stop it!" Rowney complained and thought to himself but was
interrupted by Cosbie whose unexpectedly standing next to him handing the khaki shorts
that he's wearing moments ago, "Bie!?" Rowney embarrasingly wailed seeing Cosbie not
wearing any lower garments, revealing his... I guess it's not a big deal if I say "Furry goat
limbs", "Is there's a problem?" Cosbie replied on Rowney's edgy reaction but continued on
removing his clothes as he started unbuttoning the white long sleeves that he's wearing,
"Ok! I'm off here! Just leave those clothes on the desk and call me when you're done!"
Rowney blushingly and embarrassingly commented leaving the room after throwing the
garments back on the desk, Bilton can't help but laugh in the process and commented to
his older brother whose looking quite confused with the events; "I think Master Rowney
Doesn't want to see us naked again.", "Well... that explains it" Cosbie replied while
unbuttoning the last button in the long sleeves that he's wearing, exposing his pale and a
bit athletic built front... and wearing that Christmas gift he recieved from Rowney, a

October 26, 20:11 p.m. Rowney's staring outside the backyard looking at the hanged
clothes which he washed earlier that afternoon, "Psst.." a muddling noise interrupted
Rowney whose feeling unsure wether the noise were came from a different person or both
the satyr brothers trying to pester him again, "Bie?" Rowney whispered upon turning
around seeing Cosbie standing on the backyards doorway, Rowney apprached him and asked
him what's with the "getting his attention by signaling him with a grisly sound", Cosbie
didn't replied but simply petted Rowney on his head and stared back outside the backyard,
"Uhm? Your welcome I guess?" Rowney spoke for knowing that the petting in the head
gesture is a sign of satisfaction or appreciation towards the other being whose being
petted by a Satyr, "It's not about that" Cosbie calmly spoke as a reply for Rowney then
continued as he turns to head back upstairs to join his younger brother in their room, "I
was wondering if everything will turn out good as you planned..." Rowney arched an eyebrow
and realized that Cosbie's talking about his plans for the disguise to join on the said
upcoming Halloween party, "I know it's a critical plan that might jeopardize our status
but..." Rowney answered while closing the backdoor as he follows Cosbie upstairs; "I'm sure
that everything will go as planned as long as you both follow my game plan", "Game plan?"
Cosbie repeated as he waited for Rowney at the foot of the stairs, "Game plan: our
assigned roles that were going to playact." Rowney answers as he took Cosbie's arm and
went together back in their room where Bilton is waiting, "A role that we're going to
playact?" Cosbie confusingly replied for not following Rowney's thoughts about his game
plan for the upcoming halloween party, "Let me ellaborate it with BIL" Rowney answers as
they went inside the master's bedroom and saw Bilton lying around the huge bed holding
Rowney's phone looking at some random photos, "Hi Master!" Bilton greeted tossing the
mobile phone on a nearby pillow and smiled at both his beloved Master Rowney and his
older brother Cosbie, "Speaking" Cosbie murmured to answer back on Rowney's earlier
comment about discussing the topic with Bilton, "Say? Why do you have my phone again?"
Rowney crankily questioned after seeing the earlier scene, Bilton funnily tries to ignore
Rowney's remark about the phone and approached the two, "Are we all going to sleep in one
bed?" Bilton noted which Cosbie cynically reacted on his younger brother's subtle
approach about the change of topic, "Well... I could sleep with you guys after I discuss you
my gameplan." Rowney unperturbedly answered and left both the satyr brothers standing
on the doorway as he sat on the bed, "Gameplan?" Bilton repeated but was immediately
simplified by Cosbie by stating that the gameplan has something to do. with the Halloween
activity, "Oh?! So what's it all about then Master Rowney?" Bilton joined as he sat beside
his beloved Master Rowney on the bed where Rowney quickly inched himself from Bilton
for not feeling comfortable beside him when his curious, "So... Bie may have some doubts
about my plan for the Halloween disguises that will fool other humans on the event..."
Rowney started as he glances back to Cosbie who stood beside the drawer situated in
front of the bed; "It's true there's a high risk of ineffectuality on my plan..." by the time
Rowney mentioned the word "ineffectuality", both the satyr brothers gave a confusing
look for not knowing the meaning of the word which Rowney quickly noticed and corrected
himself as he simplified his explanation: "I mean... my plan on our disguise might fail, so... I
got a back-up plan to support it" Rowney brilliantly announced and stood to approach
Cosbie and commanded him to take hi spot on the bed beside his younger Brother, "You do
remember your disguises right?" Rowney questioned them to refresh their memories, "You
mean those clothes you bought for us earlier?" Bilton answered which Rowney confirms by
giving a quick nod of approval then continued; "I already told you guys on what you are
going to dress for Halloween so... let me repeat it along with my gameplan" Cosbie nudged
Bilton and asked him to hand over some pillows for him to shroud his cold thighs despite of
how furry his Satyr goat limbs are, "BIL, you'll be dressing up a cowboy, an average
country guy whose taking good care of a farm owned by your city boss..." Rowney stated
towards Bilton then proceeds on his lecture; "it is a pretend role where you're going to be
a supporting character who helps and assist his city boss, and that boss will be played by
yours truly; "ME"", "So? This is going to be a role-play?" Cosbie unsurprisingly commented
upon hearing Rowney's gameplan, "Role-play, exactly Bie!" But then Rowney realized that
why on earth Cosbie knows the word "Role-play", "Bie, I don't want to assume things that
you learned that word in the dictionary so please tell me that i'm right", "No Master! Your
in the middle!" Bilton joined and interrupted, trying to make a joke about his Master
Rowney's last comment, Rowney giggled in response on Bilton's simple joke but got
intrigued with Cosbie's reply to his earlier comment about the dictionary thing; "I can't
memorize all of those words in the dictionary, but I oftentimes use the words I learn from
you.", "I do?!" Rowney surprisingly responded and questioned him when was the last time he
used the word "Role-play", "I do recall you have mentioned it on a random message you got
on your device but never actually said the actual word towards us" Cosbie carefully
explained and waited for Rowney's next reaction, "You've been reading my chat history?!"
Rowney might be right about Cosbie's statement on accidentally reading a random
conversation on his mobile phone back on the time he lended his device when Cosbie
borrowed it for no reason, "what's a role-play?" Bilton decided to join on the conversation
feeling left out on the topic, Rowney embarrassingly peered towards the satyr brothers
after covering his face with his hands and tries to pass the question to be answered by
the other person who knows the meaning of the word "Role-play", "Role-play: means to play
a role" Cosbie plainly explained without giving any further explanations or examples like
how he usually does everytime Bilton asks for a precise definition of an unfamiliar word,
"That's all? It's just playing a role? Bilton replied and immediately accepted his older
brother's answer and proceeds to listen on his Master Rowney's lecture of his gameplan,
Rowney wasn't sure if he'll be thankful for Bie on directly explaining the word role-play to
BIL or be forever disgraced on the fact that Cosbie had read an inappropriately
constructed messages, "So yeah?! It's a role-play on having you both as my trusty
assistants on that Halloween party that we're attending" Rowney practically stated and
summarize to end his gameplan but was interrupted by Bilton when he asked what will be
the role of his Older brother; "Master? If I'm going to be a good cowboy assistant to my
bad looking city boss? Then what's the role of my brother?, "Good question BIL..." Cosbie
added then both of them started to stare at Rowney waiting for an answer, "You guys are
so well-favored when you're looking at me like that." Rowney thought to himself feeling
flustered everytime their conversations are getting too descriptive; "Bie... your disguise is
so random that I can't think of a proper role for you that can support our theme" Rowney
noted and unsurprisingly interrupted by Bilton when he named the Halloween theme of
their so-called "Role-play", "The Boss's playmates!", both Cosbie and Rowney wasn't sure if
they'll going to congratulate Bilton on his clever title, for they both know it sound funny
and a bit indecent on the adult department imagining that Rowney's been being assisted by
two sightly unknown individuals wearing oddly unique combination of costume ideas. "BIL... i
think its best if we stick into the Ranch guy and the city boss kind of theme" Rowney
commented but got more embarrassed on Bilton's next suggestion; "Then how about The
Boss's boys?", "I think we had enough of theme naming suggestions BIL" Cosbie joined to
stop Bilton from outstripping the mood of decisions which Rowney should be doing, "Fine!
The Boss's boys it is! Bie you're going to play as my right hand person." Rowney vexingly
noted to end the discussion but once again interrupted by Bilton when he questioned the
word "Right Hand Person", "I believe it's considered as a very important person with a
place of honor" Cosbie explained which Bilton jealously debated for having more
importance on his Master Rowney's life, "Guys! It's just a role-play! You don't need to
argue on whose going to be my right hand person" Rowney noted upon watching the two
brothers having a satyr argument for not understanding a single word that they're
throwing to each other aside from seeing how Bilton slightly jerks his head like his going to
ram someone with his horns or something. "BILTON! COSBIE!" Rowney shouted their
names to get their attention which effectively worked seeing how both the satyr brothers
behaved when they've been called on their names by their "accidental" Master summoner,
"if you keep this kind of behavior then I guess it's best if we stay indoors and let the
occasion pass" Rowney gave a final warning then walks out the room but was immediately
pulled back by Bilton who felt sorry for his somewhat foolish reaction, "Master, Please
don't be mad on us..." Bilton grasps Rowney's wrist begging for forgiveness. "And forget
that this thing never happened?!" Rowney spoke not facing both the satyr brothers; "You
two sounded like foreign immigrants arguing about small issue towards a confused
immigration officer" Rowney funnily noted for giving an exact example of their earlier
scene, "But every problem can be fixed if both sides talk in a calm and collected manner"
Rowney added and faced Bilton then pokes Bilton's forehead with his index and middle
fingers, "What was that for?" Bilton questioned releasing his grasp on Rowney's wrist and
guiltyly stared back to his Master, "Thats a punishment for taunting your brother with
your horns...", "I never did that!?" Bilton answered on his defense but was immediately
counteracted by his Master Rowney when he describe how savage he looks when he's mad,
"Its natural for him to behave like that" Cosbie joined the two on their discussion and
tries to apologized to Rowney for their earlier behavior, "I guess you're right. Bie" Rowney
answered then funnily added; "It's normal for him to act like an outlandish goat", "No I'm
not!" Bilton answered but was teased back by his Master Rowney; "Yes you are! You Billy
goat." and Rowney tries to tweak Bilton's chin like his trying to pull out a goat beard, Bilton
couldn't help but laugh on the process so he yet again hugged his beloved Master Rowney
to apologize, "K! Nuff with this drama guys..." Rowney petted Bilton to release him and
signaled Cosbie to help him remove himself from Bilton's inescapable hug, "So? It's
settled that no ones going to play your right hand person on our role-play?" Cosbie noted
trying to bring the argument back, "Not now Bie." Rowney whispered back but was heard
by Bilton who still clings towards his Master, "Master? Can you tell us whose your right
hand person?" Bilton questioned trying to nominate himself for being the most important
person to his Master Rowney, "Wait a minute? Is this had nothing to do with the role-
play?" Rowney replied not wanting to be so direct and be on a spotlight on choosing the
right person whose suitable for the right hand role on their small relationship. "I don't
want you guys to fight over about this issue but if you wanted some answer then..." Both
Bilton and Cosbie felt silent and waited for a serious answer on who will Rowney choose as
his "real" right hand person; "I'm choosing... You both" Rowney playfully stared upon
choosing his right hand person but was immediately questioned back by Bilton "Why?", "Its
simple BIL, a person can only have one right hand person, in my case... Both of you is
counted as "one"", Rowney puzzlingly answered which Cosbie requested for a direct
compression, "If I'm right about a common summoner only having one partner then... both
of you are my trusted and indispensable partners! I've Summoned you both instead of
summoning only one, so... it means that Bilton the Satyr and Cosbie the Satyr are Rowney's
or my right hand persons!" Rowney ingeniously answered not wanting to cause any
arguments on their comparisons to each other. "Now that's sounds special!" Bilton replied
and gave another hug to his Beloved Master Rowney to thank him again for everything his
Master have said, Cosbie didn't gave any lovely reaction but pretend to play along as he
petted Rowney on his head again knowing that Rowney said the right words not to hurt
Bilton's feelings, "Bie knows that he's the perfect right hand pal for me" Rowney thought
to himself looking at Cosbie then continued on his thoughts; "He knows what's best for us"
Cosbie who rarely gives warm feelings gave a slight smile in return To thank Rowney for his
decision, "So? Can we guys call this a night? It's not really getting late but it's already
dark outside" Rowney wittily stated seeing the dim house lights of their neighbor outside
the master bedroom's partially curtained window, "Are you going to sleep with us Master?"
Bilton questioned knowing that their Master Rowney did mention about sleeping with them
for that night, "Well... as long as your good with it?" Rowney farcically replied knowing that
he's the one who always disagree with the idea of sleeping with the two satyr brothers on
a same bed, "Is everything alright?" Cosbie surprisingly wondered for Rowney's sudden
change of mood, "Everythings fine Bie..." Rowney answered then drollery commented; "As
long as you both take a bath if you want me to sleep here.", "Right away Master!" Bilton
noted and pulled his brother to a nearby shower room then shouted; "Aren't you coming
with us Master? The waters great when we all take a bath!", "I'm Good BIL, I've got my
own shower room" Rowney funnily replied and exited the room not wanting to join the
Satyr brothers on their bath for he knows that something might happen if he tries to tag
along on such happening.

Fast forward to October 28, 8:42 a.m. "Master? Are we going to pack up some foods for
the Halloween party?" Bilton questioned before starting his typical sweet potato
breakfast which Rowney boiled earlier that morning, "It's a party organized by the town
council so I expect that they've provided enough food for everyone" Rowney replied as he
pass Cosbie's hot morning beverage of lemon tea, "Are we entailed to bring something as
an offering for your town council members?" Cosbie wandered remembering that they've
got a similar practice where they give offerings to bounteous tribesmen, "I can say that
this simple gathering has already been paid by the whole neighborhoods additional taxes on
the maintainance and incentives of the town's residential area so... i guess we can count
our monthly payment as an offering to them." Rowney simply enunciated but was ignored by
the two droopy satyr heads who appeared to lack in sleep, "Guys? If you're still sleepy
then go back upstairs and take some nap." Rowney suggested but Bilton insisted on staying
awake for he's too excited to go to the Halloween party which is happening today, "Im fine
Master, i want to make sure that we're all already to go" Bilton lazily noted as he took a
soft bite on his warm sweet potato without peeling off the skin, "You're not that excited
are you?" Rowney funnily watched Bilton's lazy movements and was interrupted by Cosbie
who shared some thoughts about Bilton's excitement on the said occasion; "He waited a
year and 8 days for this to happen just to see your outside world again, We can't blame
him if he's too excited?", Rowney giggled in response and agreed on Cosbie's statement
then asked him if he's also excited about seeing the outside world again? It took Cosbie
some moments before he decided to answer Rowney's question and admitted that he's too
enthused to show that he's also been waiting for this yearly occasion where Rowney let
them venture out the human world. "Glad to know that you have the same obsession like
Bilton" Rowney commented then added as he sat next to Cosbie on the dining table; "It's
the least thing i can do to make you guys happily spend your time in this world", Cosbie
stared at Rowney who sat beside him and somewhat felt strange on his last comment, but
decided to ignore it and went to offer some of his lemon tea, "Master Rowney keeps saying
that its the least he can do but doesn't know that everything he does for us makes us
happy" Bilton noted and smiled back to his beloved Master Rowney who looked surprised
and a bit emotionally happy on what Bilton have said, "You guys knows where to hit my soft
spot" Rowney sunnily smiled back in return and nudged Cosbie on his side trying to correct
himself in case that They misinterpret him "Figuratively speaking! I meant about having
emotional feelings because I'm grateful or pleased by what you have said" Cosbie petted
Rowney's head for a response and went back staring at his cup of tea, "Anyways... let's
refresh your memories of our discussion last night After you're both done here" Rowney
noted for reminding both the satyr brothers about their discussion last night regarding
some added rules and plans for the outdoor event, Both Bilton and Cosbie nods in response
and proceeds to finish their breakfast eating some sweet potatoes, toasted bread and
tasteless oatmeal. 9:36 a.m. It's rare for both the satyr brothers being present on a
single room which Rowney banned them to enter, and that room is the small office library
located on the ground floor near the stairway and intersecting the hallway to the kitchen
and the backdoor, but Rowney didn't know that both Bilton and Cosbie wanders off inside
that room when Rowney is not at home, picking and reading some various books available on
the book shelves to entertain them (They can read human words if that's what you wanted
to ask, they got the skill of understanding human literature from their "accidental" Human
summoner upon their first "interaction" with their Master. But if you want us to be direct?
Let's just say That the Satyr brothers learned the human language after kissing their
Master summoner), "So? Can you guys enumerate the things we've talked about last
night?" Rowney spoke whose sitting on top of the desk facing the satyr brothers who
looked disinterested on repeating their discussion last night, "Wait! I know Bie can answer
all of those so... I'll ask BIL if he remembered everything" Rowney added knowing that
Cosbie's too perceptive in such task, "Uhm? What was it again?" Bilton nervously answered
trying to recall the things his Master Rowney said last night, "Come on BIL, it's not that
hard to remember all those things" Rowney stated while putting some pressure to Bilton
for him to remember their discussion, "Uhm were not supposed to walk outside naked?"
Bilton funnily answered which Rowney funnily agreed for being one of the obvious rules,
"BIL, were not attending a strip club or a nudist party" Rowney replied after tossing a
crumpled paper he got on the desk, "Oh!? How about that thing that we need to always
stick beside you and let you do the talking when some human stranger approached us?"
Bilton quickly noted for remembering some few rules that his beloved Master Rowney have
said, "Those 2 are right BIL, but let me correct the last part where I'll do the talking"
Rowney commented but was interrupted by Cosbie who decided to spell out what was
Rowney is about to say; "We all have our character role that we'll be portraying while
we're on that event, if this scheme was followed and acted properly then it'll be success
to fool those mortal humans around us" Cosbie plainly stated and sat beside Rowney on the
desk, Rowney stared blankly towards BIL and sways his head after hearing Cosbie's clever
answer "Bie, i might give you an A+ and some credits for memorizing those words" Rowney
commented and took Cosbie's right hand and drew some 3 small stars with a pen he picked
on the desk where they sits", "Hey! I want some marks too!" Bilton demanded as he showed
his palm to his Master Rowney which Rowney funnily marked or drawn with scribbly looking
stars, "Kids this days" Rowney funnily thought to himself for seeing Bilton's reaction on
receiving a good mark from his Master Rowney, "Anyways... I'll just clarify that we're not
going to play as the cowboy, boss, thingy" Rowney spoke after setting the pen down and
continued on his statement as he tries to repeat the most important thing they've
discussed that night, "You'll both play as a foreign friend of mine who happens to visit the
place, You can use your names but if people ask about your surname you can say those
names that I've come up with that you both somewhat agreed", "You mean, like
Armstrong?" Bilton commented which Rowney somewhat giggled on the thought and
corrected him; "That was only an example Bil, we never agreed on using that Surname, even
the fact that "Armstrong" perfectly fits on you", "But I don't like that "Powell" name"
Bilton exclaimed with a tone off disappointment, "BIL, your surname has to sound foreign
and different from the typical surnames, so stop arguing and just use that surname. t's
just for temporary..." Rowney explained as he hops out the desk and approached Bilton to
give him a little pinch on his cheeks, "Just for temporary?" Bilton repeated then agreeably
pets his Master Rowney in return, "Vermette" Cosbie loudly muttered for speaking out the
surname that he have to use on their little role play, "Oh come on Bie, it's the best thing I
could think for you." Rowney wittily answered for hearing Cosbie's complaint on his
surname, "You know Master? You just randomly picked some surnames on these various
books" Bilton blatantly stated as he points his finger on the nearby bookshelf, "True" both
Rowney and Cosbie answered as Rowney felt guilty for being caught on his silly ruse, "Fine!
I admit that I just picked some random foreign looking names here for you to use" Rowney
admitted but questioned back by Bilton; "Then how come we're the only ones whose using
some surnames?", "BIL. The town already knows my family surname and there's no point of
using a different Surname if I wanted to hide my identity" Rowney stated to answer
Bilton's question then added; "Only a married female person can change her surname and
use the surname of the man who'll be her husband", "Is it like bestowing someone to
persist their duties?" Cosbie wondered for learning another human practices, Rowney
curiously furrowed his brows and apologetically replied to Cosbie; "I have no idea what
you're talking about Bie? I don't know if you have some same practices that you did on
your world but... I'm sure passing a surname is different from what you are thinking"
Rowney spoke then added as he tried to simplify his explanation on the topic; "Using or
passing someone's surname when married symbolizes ownership or something... Don't ask
me about these stuffs! I'm not a marriage councilor to discuss this things! Rowney
annoyingly commented for awkwardly saying such topic, "I really don't get it?" Bilton
answered then teased his Master Rowney "But can I call you as Mr. Rowney Armstrong
right?", "Stop that BIL! I don't even know how same sex marriage works on whose surname
to use?!", "Same what?" Both Bilton and Cosbie curiously noted for hearing a new topic
from Rowney, "Nuff Said! just Remember when Someone asks your surname, you will be
Bilton Powell and Cosbie Vermette!" Rowney rationally announced and continued on his
speech as he specified that both of the satyr brothers can state that they're blood
brothers with same mom but different dad, they can also share some personal stories if
they happen to undergo on some random conversation with a none threatening human being
who approached them, just make sure to revise their story and make it more "Humanish"
as what Rowney said, plus if they've asked you about your origins, just tell them you both
came from Greece or Rome or something... Rowney's not good with world geography so he
just picked the country we're Roman mythology started. "is that all clear?!" Rowney
frazzlingly questioned to the satyr brothers who both looked understanding on their
Master Rowney's long statement. "We'll remember it" Cosbie answered but Bilton still
kept on teasing his Master Rowney as he called him again on a different surname; "Yes
Master Powell!", "BIL i don't want to hear any of those surnames when you address me
outside!" Rowney irritably commanded as he pushes Bilton outside the room and ordered
him to do something productive like: clean his ears or grind his hooves or something that
doesn't involve teasing his Master Summoner, Cosbie watched the duo on their usual
argument and followed them outside the room after picking up a crumpled paper which
Rowney threw and neatly tossed it back on a nearby trash can.

October 28, 13:48 p.m. "Guys! If you want to enjoy the rest of this day then it's best if
we go out early!" Rowney shouted sitting on a footstep on the stairs while putting his
polished old black leather shoes that goes well with his attire of a young looking laid-off
Mafia boss wearing a black pants, a maroon vest paired with a white long sleeve and his
dark slate gray neck tie he picked instead of the long deep blue neck tie he bought. "Just a
moment!" Bilton shouted as a reply who appeared to be having some troubles back upstairs,
"What is he doing anyway?" Rowney questioned Cosbie whose standing right beside the
stairs waiting for them, Cosbie didn't replied but gave a slight shrug on his head to say
that he have no idea on his younger brother's business upstairs, "Well? We can just leave
Bilton and lock him inside the house if it'll take us another minute to wait..." Rowney
funnily commented as he adjust his regular eyeglasses that he wears and approached
Cosbie whose also wearing his throwback attire of white long sleeves, a black bow tie, a
khaki shorts with a pair of blue suspenders and that old light brown looking cloth beret on
his head. "You really look nice Bie" Rowney fancily commented as he took his fedora hat
which Cosbie's been holding along with their small knapsack of few of items that they
need, "Same to you" Cosbie answered after passing the hat to Rowney, "Don't leave
without me!!" Bilton shouted skipping down the stairs carrying a quite heavy looking
average sized duffel bag and wearing his denim shirt jacket paired with short denim
trousers with a nice looking belt, and the cowboy hat on his head, "The heck are you
carrying?!" Rowney annoyingly questioned which Bilton quickly answered as he pointed that
the bag consists of things they need, "BIL! We're just going to take an excursion on a kids
Halloween party! Not an expedition to dominate the entire town!" Rowney humorously
stated as he approached and took the bag from Bilton to check its contents, "Seriously
BIL? We're not going on a pool party" Rowney commented as he took out some few
underwear inside the bag, "and what's this?!" Rowney surprisingly reacted drawing out a
familiar knife looking ornament "BIL, you don't need to carry your dagger! We're not going
to an arena and slaughter the kids at the Halloween party that we're attending.", Bilton
embarrasingly snatched his "Brute Edge" or that silver dagger he owns and tries to put it
back inside the dufflel bag then spoke with a serious concerning tone: "I have to protect
you Master! Your life is important to us." Rowney wasn't sure if he'll be glad to hear such
devotion or be mad for finding out that BIL'S trying to bring a dangerous weapon on a
child friendly party. Rowney simply petted Bilton's head by tapping the cowboy hat that
his wearing and lofty thanked him on his safety measures but jestly commented back
saying; "BIL your presence is enough to protect me, you can easily scare and ward off some
children with your horns." "My horns are not that intimidating!" Bilton spoke making
Rowney laugh on Bilton's note and went back inspecting the other contents of the bag,
"Let's see? A couple of shirts, some handkerchiefs, a food container? I'm not sure if
we're allowed to take home some food but if you really want to bring this, i guess I'll put
it back here. Then. I guess that's all?" Rowney noted as he neatly puts the items back on
the bag and handed Bilton the unwanted items that are not needed, "But how about my
Edge?" Bilton demanded as he insists on carrying the said Edge or dagger, "Bie! tell Bil his
acting somewhat goatish again!" Rowney complained but was ignored by the older Satyr who
somewhat agrees with his younger brothers decision on carrying a staggeringly sharp
weapon that'll be use in case of danger. "I am not going to allow you to bring that thing!"
Rowney commended then suggested Bilton to just punch those trouble makers with his
brawny arms "We're not going to paint the town red "Literally" if you really want to see
some blood" Rowney added which Cosbie agreed as a good point, "Anything to make you
safe Master Rowney" Bilton answered as he took the Brute Edge back upstairs along with
the other unwanted stuffs which Rowney took out from the duffel bag, "Now it's settled,
let's just wait for BIL at the back of the house and hope that he'll not produce another
bag of unwanted stuffs" Rowney stated and pulled Cosbie on his arms making their way at
the backdoor "Bil just wants this day to be perfect, You can't blame him if he wants you to
be safe and happy on this day" Cosbie randomly commented as he walks beside Rowney
then shifted and rested his arms on Rowney's shoulder, "I think that's my job?" Rowney
knowingly noted but was corrected by Cosbie who somewhat crudely answered; "You can't
protect us by disguising us. If you really want to do the task of protecting, then try using
your powers." Rowney didn't replied back for he knows that Cosbie's been saying a lot of
sensible things about their status, he just waited silently outside the backyard with Cosbie
on his side and watched Bilton took a quick detour on the kitchen to grab some water
bottles to be use on their little journey. A few moments after leaving The house, Rowney
remembered that they need to buy or fetch some Few bag of candies on a nearby and local
convenience store, so he asked both the satyr brothers If they can do a quick short
detour on a near shop, the Satyr brothers agreed knowing that it'll be a good experience
again to wander and visit on a different location. "Ding-Dong" ringed by the only entryway
of an old well air-conditioned facility, welcomed the gang of oddity, "What is this place?"
Bilton amusingly questioned for seeing a number of shelves filled with packs of foods,
Rowney doesn't want to freely advertise or mention the store name so he'll just name it
as: "Food Depot", BIL, a 24 hour store of food and other short-termed stuffs" Rowney
explained as he headed straight on a Halloween themed decorated food shelf labeled with
"Candies", "Nice Costumes you got there sir!" Greeted by a young adult looking employee
standing on the counter, "Thank you!" Bilton answered then went to introduce and
entertain himself with a new human to talk to; "Hi! I'm Bilton, the other one is my brother
Cosbie and my bestfriend Rowney, "Best Friend?" Rowney whispered upon overhearing
Bilton's note and went back on picking some candies to buy, "Nice knowing you sir!" The
employee answered as he offered his hand for a welcoming introduction which Bilton
happily took and shook forcefully, "Well congratulations" Bilton replied then paused for a
while then remembered something that he watched on a movie as he looks at the shirt of
the guy and saw the familiar name plate, "Uhm? Ar-Jhay?" Bilton confusingly read the
name written on the nameplate and smiled back after shaking the poor employee's strained
hand and uncomfortably smiled in return, "Well that's Me: Ar-Jhay, what can be our
humble store can offer you today? Sir?" The employee friendly answered doing some
business talk with a customer, "Well? My master said he'll be needing some of those sweet
pebbles" Bilton answered as he surveyed some of the items at the back of the counter,
The employee wasn't sure if it's ok to laugh on the customer's odd statement when he
mentioned about his Master looking for some sweet pebbles, "Sir, i'm afraid we don't have
any of those that you are looking for..." answered by the employee as he watches the
strange person wearing a cowboy hat with some horns extending underneath it, "but... if
you're looking for some different kind of sweets? I might suggest you to go on the 1st isle
on the corner right if your looking for some candies" added by the employee as he
directed our curious Satyr making some weird looks towards the cigarette shelves behind
him, "Uh?" Is the only response Bilton can think of while his a bit distracted with the small
boxes of cigarettes behind the man whose talking to him, "Can I have some of those?"
Bilton suddenly spoke as he pointed his finger on the cigarette shelf, the employee smiled
In return and friendly asked what will be his brand of choice, at that moment Rowney
hurriedly ran towards the counter and snatched Bilton away from it as he apologetically
excused his friend; "Sorry! He's not taking any of those!", "Uhm? Sir?" is the only reply
that the employee had said after witnessing a scene where a slim looking teenager wearing
a semi-formal suit pulled away the horned cowboy away from the counter and rushed back
on the candy isle, "BIL, just don't do anything" Rowney ordered as he nervously glances
back on the shop counter to check the confused employee looking at them, "I'll explain
things later, just behave like what your brother does" Rowney whispered to Bilton whose
now holding a pack of gummy candies on his hand, "My brother?" Bilton replied then
scanned the small area to look for his older brother and saw him standing near the
entryway looking at some plastic wrapped papers on a small shelflike stand a few steps
from the door, "You want me to check the things that he's looking at?" Bilton answered
back to his Master Rowney who snatched the pack of gummy candies from him and puts it
on his fedora hat which he conveniently used as a tiny shopping basket, "You can do that if
you want just don't open any of it or any of these things!" Rowney quietly asked and
pleaded to Bilton who somewhat understood his note and approached his older brother on
the magazine rack after nodding and handing another pack of gummy candies to his Master
Rowney, "What am I to do with you?" Rowney thought to himself after surviving a very
embarrassing scene earlier on how Bilton tries to purchase some cigarettes on the counter.
"What are you looking at bro?" Bilton spoke after approaching his older brother whose
idling towards the magazine rack, Cosbie took a magazine from the rack and showed it to
Bilton then curiously commented; "We've seen Rowney bringing us some wrapped foods but
never had showed us a wrapped pictured paper before?" Cosbie confusingly stated knowing
that the only plastic wrapped items that Rowney bought them from the market are some
edible foods, "Yeah? Master Rowney haven't bought any of these pictured papers?" Bilton
answered as he inspected the plastic wrapped magazine about gardening, confusing it on
some kind of vegetable or plant that they could eat, "Master said were not allowed to open
these things nor any of those" Bilton added as he returned the magazine back on the rack
and tapped his brother's back to follow him on the same direction where there Master
Rowney is located, Cosbie nods back in return and took some strange glances back on the
counter where he notices that the unusual human was looking oddly at them then
dediceded to leave the magazine rack and followed his younger brother. The hop employee
was watching the trio the whole time after the guy on a maroon vest pulled the cowboy
away, "What are those 3 are up to?" the employee silently thought to himself not wanting
to overthink that those customers are some kind of shop lifters wearing some Halloween
disguises to blend in on the occasion, "and that guy?" Ar-Jhay continued after watching
the 2 odd duo whispering at the back of the candy shelves "What he is wearing anyway?"
Ar-Jhay thought to himself as he shifted his eyes on another odd looking fella standing in
front of the magazine rack doing nothing aside from starring at the magazine covers,
"Well? He's horned all right, like the other guy" he continued as he inspected the pale
looking person wearing an old school looking attire with a cloth hat on his top, carrying a
knapsack on his shoulder, "But? how the heck he's wearing those pants?" Ar-Jhay
confusingly stared at the furry goat like limbs that the guy is wearing on his lower part,
"By the looks of it? It looks like a very expensive costume considering that it look
realistically real and how mind-blowing it is on how crooked it looks, it's Hard to imagine
how flexible the guy's legs are..." he added to his thought while looking at the furry limbs
of the pale guy and got surprised to see that the other cowboy guy also wears the same
furry limbs but in different color and style after seeing them standing side by side in
front of the magazine rack, "Are they like? Cosplayers or something?" Ar-Jhay thought to
himself for being familiar with those kind of people who enjoys portraying fictional
characters until he then noticed that the pale horned guy was looking strangely at him, He
nervously smiled back in return then tries to get himself busy by arranging some supplies
under the counter trying to avoid some weird eye contact with a guy on an odd choice of
Halloween costume. Back to Rowney whose done with the candy shopping, "What now?" he
questioned back on the Satyr duo who approached him, "Nothing Master..." Bilton answered
then tries to take the fedora hat with 3 medium sized packets of assorted looking candies
from his Master Rowney, "Well? if you guys don't want anything then I guess it's time for
us to leave this place" Rowney stated as he pushed Bilton back towards the way to the
counter but was interrupted by Cosbie who blocked the way and somewhat pointed his
finger on the direction near the 4th isle where some ready to consume foods are showed,
"Can we at least grab some foods before we go?" Cosbie commented looking embarrasingly
hungry after his long watch at the magazine rack, "Seems good to me?" Rowney smirked on
the comment and secretly smiled on how Cosbie blocks their way suggesting some food to
eat, the trio approached the self service food counter filled with various ready to eat
foods such as fish n chips, meatballs, pizza slices, burger with fries, doughnuts, hotdog
sandwiches, some cheap looking clubhouse sandwiches and other fast food you can think of
that a 24 hour convenience store can serve, "Wow! it's like a feast here!" Bilton
commented after seeing the food stuffs on the counter, "Can we take everything we can
here?" Bilton questioned which Rowney complied but instantly quoted the two about
limitations mainly on how many can they afford to buy, "So everything here is payable by
money?" Cosbie knowingly noted for Rowney once told them that everything on earth is
priced and payable by an equivalent currency, "You're right Bie, I'll just notify you guys
that i only got a small budget for snacks today so please just take one food for now"
Rowney requested as he embarrasingly announced that he didn't brought enough money to
use on spending, "Is that so? Then I guess I'll just take one of this meat and bread thing"
Bilton noted as he pointed his finger on the warm looking hotdog inside a steamy window
and a dry hotdog bun neatly stacked beside that machine, "ok? How about you Bie?"
Rowney questioned as he picked up the thong for the hotdog after placing a hotdog bun on
a disposable food container" Bie wasn't sure what to pick since that he's craving for some
of those Nice looking fried fish sticks along with a bunch of fries and that odd looking
triangle bread with colorful filling of green, yellow, white, and pink stuff "I'll just take
what BIL chose" he answered as a final decision "So? Hot dogs then?" Rowney replied then
took another one for Cosbie, "How about you Master? Bilton questioned while assisting his
Master Rowney holding both the un-garnished hotdog sandwiches, "Oh im fine, I'm still full
from the lunch we had" Rowney Lied trying to sound less indigent on the fact that he's
trying to budget his money, "But? It looks unfair if we're the only ones whose eating
something?" Bilton worryingly noted not wanting to see their beloved Master Rowney
looking hungry while his two companions are indulging themselves with some delicious
looking food, "As I said guys, I'm ok!" Rowney answered while putting some condiments on
the hotdog sandwichs which Bilton is holding, "Besides. There's some food back at the
party so, I'm sure I'm not going to be hungry" Rowney wisely added trying to suggest the
Satyr brothers that he's fine without getting any food for himself at that moment, "Ok!"
Bilton sunnily replied and was ready to take a bite of his hotdog but was halted by his
Master Rowney as he told him that they still need to pay for those before consuming it,
"But im hungry..." Bilton dejectedly answered, "We know you're always hungry, but Bie's
the one who suggested to buy some snacks" Rowney pointed out upon his observations that
Bie might be still hungry since that he didn't ate too much of his lunch back at the house,
"Let's just pay for it then along with these candies" Rowney ordered and assisted BIL
back at the shop counter, "Let's go Bie" Rowney called as he grabbed Cosbie's arm making
their way on the counter, "Is there anything else you want to add Sir?" Ar-Jhay greeted
back after Rowney presented the packs of candies along with the hotdogs that Bilton is
holding, "That'll be all" Rowney answered as he taps Cosbie to give him the knapsack where
he kept his wallet, but the consistent store employee kept on suggesting some additional
purchases such as drinks or energy bars, Rowney declines the offer until Bilton suddenly
spoke trying to bring out a suggestion and possibly an addition for their purchase, "How
about those?" Bilton raises his other hand holding a hotdog sandwich to point the same
item earlier, all heads turned on the direction where Bilton is pointing and Rowney
practically yelped the word "NO!" Seeing the cigarette boxes again, Ar-Jhay was startled
on the customer's reaction and wondered to himself why he keeps on disallowing his friend
to smoke? "But. I wanted to try those." Bilton confusingly replied answered by a little
pinch on his side from his Master Rowney signaling him to stop, "Errrhmm? That'll be only
$2.65 without a box of cigar" the employee noted saying the sum up prices of the items,
Rowney quickly paid the items and asked the brothers to wait for him outside the shop
which they followed as they watched both of the humans having some odd glances to each
other, "Ok!? I thinks that's all?" Rowney randomly commented to the employee then
nervously added; "I know we didn't really get along back on 7th grade but... can you just
ignore how my friends behave earlier?" It appears to be that the local employee and
Rowney have a little history, "No it's fine, I'm already used to see weird customers" Ar-
Jhay replied and funnily smiled back at Rowney who he used to bullied back on their school
times in 6th grade, "Seems a good change for you I guess?" Rowney nervously noted not
wanting to sound rude to his old time schoolmate, "People do changes Ron" Ar-Jhay replied
as he called Rowney again on a simple nickname that he used to call him then continued on
his note; "Your mom isn't my godmother for something so... I guess I need to change
myself considering that your family is a good role model here on our place", "Like I have a
choice to get acquainted with you" Rowney skeptically thought to himself but nods in reply
instead and spoke; "Well... I'll be going on the town's Halloween children's party with my
friends there so... I guess happy advance Halloween to you here Ar-Jhay." Rowney formally
bids his farewell but was questioned by Ar-Jhay about the 2 unusual foreign looking dudes;
""Best friends" you say?" he quoted looking at the 2 guys standing a few steps near the
entryway outside, "I always knew that your into those type of guys Ron" he teased trying
to point out something which Rowney discomfitingly questioned; "What are you trying to
say here exactly?", "Whoa there! I think you see it on a wrong way." Ar-Jhay apologetically
replied raising both of his hands trying to comfort Rowney who sound upset, "What im
trying to say is that I always knew that you're more interested making friends with a
different kind of person" Ar-Jhay exclaimed then went back to give example in case that
Rowney won't believe him, "Remember Enrico on 7th grade? I know we're no longer
classmates around those times but An old pal of mine once mentioned that this cool
foreign looking dude was seen hanging around with you and your other friends" Rowney
kept still and tries to remember those experiences he had back at those time and
randomly commented; "Yeah, Enrico. The guy who owes me a $10.00" Rowney chafingly
stated then proceeds on his story; "He only hangs out with me so that I wouldn't get mad
if he can't pay me back, so he offered his company instead", "Ouch!" Ar-Jhay funnily
commented learning the backstory of Rowney's friendship with the foreign looking guy
named Enrico, "So? Are those 2 also owes you a money?" Ar-Jhay noted referring the two
guys outside the shop whose already munching their hotdog sandwiches, Rowney shrugs in
response and told Ar-Jhay that his relationship with the two are different, "They don't
owe me something, we all just accidentally met and... I guess we share the same aspects.
that's why we all became good friends" Rowney smiled seeing the two outside and waved
his goodbye to Ar-Jhay who still wanted to ask some questions to Rowney, "I wonder
where did Ron met those 2?" Ar-Jhay wondered and thought to himself as he watches
Rowney left the shop and merrily approached his 2 foreign friends and made their way out
from the convenience store.

October 28, 15:25 p.m. "See where not late, we're just in time before the event starts"
Rowney noted to the Satyr brothers behind him looking agitated with the number of
people on the party, "Are you sure we'll be fine here Master?" Bilton whispered to his
Master Rowney not wanting to get some attention, "BIL, I don't want to remind you "again"
to never address me as your Master when we're outside" Rowney replied back as he
shooed Bilton away from him for being too close, literally close that BIL needs to crouch
on Rowney's height just to whisper something, "But... they're all watching us" Bilton
nervously added trying to point the obvious, Rowney simply giggled on the fact and spoke;
"Of course they'll look at us, because we're the only group not escorting any children and
the fact that you guys are new faces and is dressed oddly unique among those family
groups we encountered earlier" Rowney exclaimed which Cosbie agreed for being observant
as he Pet's Rowney's head as a response, "Just act like what we discussed on our plan and
everything will be fine" Rowney added as he pulled Bilton closer since that he's losing his
own tracks for being distracted on the costumed kids rushing towards them to take a
closer look at them, "My! Oh My!?" A voice interrupted and blocked their way as a guy in a
business suit with a headband of horns talked to them "Rowney? Is that you?! I'm
surprised to see you here!" Rowney wasn't delighted to see another familiar face among
the crowd and produced a fake smile to greet him; "Hell-o Marlon" Rowney greeted with a
pun for seeing him as a devil in a lawyer or business suit, the Satyr brothers felt an
awkwardness between the two so Cosbie tried to pull Rowney away but was halted by
Marlon when he quickly approached Bilton whose behind Rowney, "Well, well, well. I never
knew a cowboy is a man with guts and a horse... Literally!" Marlon laughed out as he
grabbed Bilton's hand to shake it, "Uhm? I'm Bilton... Powell..." Bilton answered
uncomfortably for encountering such snappy behavior from a single human, Marlon smiled
back in return and introduced himself again to a new handsome face "Hi! The Name's
Marlon, head executive of this town's council, nice meeting new faces here Mister Powell,
Nice cowboy costume by the way, a very unique combination of a man cowboy with a horse
legs! Definitely a good pointer for best in costume category" Rowney was used to Marlon's
meddling attitude when meeting new faces or not just new faces but to everyone he
wanted to approach, "Is that a human?" Cosbie muttered which Rowney heard and hushed
him if he doesn't want to experience Marlon's wrath, figuratively. "I'm Bilton. Uhm... I'm
with My Master Rowney and I'm a..." Bilton stutteringly spoke as a reply for a very quick
introduction he got from an odd human, "Oh? Master! Master Rowney! You're with this guy
here? My oh MY! Rowney, where did you got mister good time here? Just look at him! The
ropes, the cowboy hat, well he doesn't have any spurs or leather gloves but man! You know
what they say with cowboys with large belt buckle" Only a few can stop Marlon's immodest
or smutty sarcasm towards a person, but both Rowney and Bilton was surprised to see how
Cosbie centered himself to cease the happenings in just a few words: "Never miss a good
chance to shut up" Cosbie spoke with a demeaning tone matched with a baleful glare which
sent Marlon to shut his mouth and uncomfortably left the trio after waving back at
Rowney, seconds later Rowney raised both his arms like he's trying to surrender then gave
Cosbie 3 good claps, "Bie, you're a hero for the whole batch of my 8th grade classmates"
Rowney commented and pulled both Bilton and Cosbie out of the way as they situated
themselves away from the crowd of kids running and playing around the plaza, "Is that
really a human?" Bilton noted doubting the same species of his Master, "Believe it or not
guys, Marlon is still a human even he acts as a rude upper class jerk" Rowney oppressively
described him to the curious Satyr Brothers then continued as he shared a quick story of
his relationship with that person, "Marlon is an 8th grade classmate of mine on our school,
we see's him as a gay and tyrannical kind of person who uses his intelligence to bully those
weak and submissive persons around him, he already harassed few of our classmates back
at those times but never got the chance to pick on me because..." Rowney paused on his
story to inspect the background to see if Marlon is nearby, then decided to end his story
as he asked the Satyr brothers if they're fine, "A what? From what I've understood he
destroys weak humans?", "If you see it that way then I guess Marlon is that kind of guy"
Rowney humorously agreed and Thank Cosbie on his action, "I don't want that human to
stay close to us" Cosbie replied with a tone of puzzlement on his answer which Rowney
couldn't understand, "Well Bie, good or not, you really did a good job on fending off that
person" Rowney commented as he took Cosbie's available hand and shook it with both of
his hands to thank him by saying; "In behalf of all humans who was bullied by Marlon, we
thank you for showing him that there's a single person... or being that can oppose him on
his crude ways" Rowney expressed himself and giggled a bit upon mentioning and adding
the word "Being" when he's talking to Cosbie, Cosbie shook Rowney's hand in return and
calmly spoke: "I may don't have any good understanding on your human culture or behavior
but I assure you that i only did my best to control the situation", "Well you really did well
Bie, I'm Grateful to have you on our side" Rowney replied and shyly tries to pet Cosbie's
head to express himself on the way how satyrs thank and adore someone, "How about
me?!" Bilton joined feeling jealous on the scene, "Fine, even you fell victim to that guy"
Rowney wryly commented as he tries to pet Bilton but failed, since that He's a bit tall and
Rowney can't pet him properly with the cowboy hat situated on his head, "Uhm, BIL, I
know I didn't mentioned this but I don't want you guys to take off your hats for this day"
Rowney stated and simply nudged Bilton in exchange "It's hard to deceive people that your
horns are aesthetics, so let's just let them believe that your horns is a part of your
headdress" Rowney explained but was questioned back by Cosbie about his state, "Hm?
You're right Bie... your cloth hat can't attest the excuse of your horns being a part of
that hat so... maybe let's just say that it's a really good looking aesthetics which is
strongly glued on your forehead" Rowney disclosed wanting to inform both Bilton and
Cosbie for an additional alibi for their costume ideas, "Anyways? How's the plaza for you?
They said it's newly opened?" Rowney changes the topic to changes the mood and to make
the satyrs enjoy the nice environment around them, Cosbie looked around and didn't see
any extraordinary beings aside from a couple of human adults with some small human
wearing different costumes, a few tables and chairs for the event, an odd looking place of
contraption where children are playing, a well looking large shack situated ath the center
of the plaza where he found Marlon talking with other humans, "The place is filled with...
humans" Cosbie commented for pointing the obvious, "Well? How about you BIL?" Rowney
asked which Bilton immediately answered as he pointed the fact that he's been seeing a
lot of children whose stopping on their direction and runs away afterwards, "Well... I guess
you are good at fending of little children with your looks" Rowney joked which Bilton didn't
approve, "Hey! I'm child friendly you know!?" Bilton hollered out making a few glimpses
from passerby look on their direction, "Suush, Your getting too much attention!" Rowney
muttered and tries to control BIL who already ran towards the kids to chase them,
"Dang!? Nobody should approach Bil in front... or back... I mean in any direction!" Rowney
disquietly commented to Cosbie who questioned him with the relevance of direction if
someone would approach Bilton, "Well... Bie, by the looks of it, BIL is like a ram trying to
hit someone in front, a horse kicking someone on the back and a wild animal running around
in circles" Cosbie couldn't help but smirk and agree with the fact on how Bilton chases
those children on the playground, "Let's just hope that he'll not be captured by those
authorities" Cosbie antically replied and points his finger on the group of adults near the
playground making Rowney giggle on the note and decided to follow him while they watch
Bilton enjoy his time with the kids. After a long 15 minutes of waiting as the number of
families begun to increase along with the uncontrollable disruption of children in costumes
playing on the area, that includes Bilton who already made friends with a gang of little
pirates and fairies. the party host begun to get everyone's attention by repeatedly
directing the adults or parents to restrain their children so that they can start their little
program for the event, "Uhm, Kids? You heard the host, Time to go back to your parents"
Rowney exclaimed as he tries to shoo the children away from Bilton who appears to be
enjoying their company, "But Master? We're just getting to know each other. Right?
Margaret?" Bilton replied holding a hand of a 4 year old looking kid whose dressed as a
princess wearing a lavender colored cocktail dress or gown matching with plastic toy tiara
and a septer along with a small plastic pail of jack-o'-lantern shaped container, "You can
still get to know them during or after the party" Rowney stated as he assisted another kid
to go back to his mother who looked puzzled and amazed with the guy beside her whose
watching both Rowney and Bilton, "And you've got quite attracted a lot of attention, so
let's go and seclude ourselves for now" Rowney whispered beside Bilton after fending off
the last 2 kids gazing at Bilton's furry limbs, Bilton quitely nods in response and gave a few
friendly waves back on his new little human friends, "Ok. Bye! See you later kids!" Rowney
quipped as he pulls Bilton away from the playground the moment they heard the voice of
the emcee which is Marlon, "Master? Are we leaving already?" Bilton questioned seeing
themselves fleeing from the party, "No, We're just isolating ourselves! Now hush!" Rowney
exclaimed trying to ignore their surroundings, seeing some odd glances on some parents
and adults that they pass by, as they make their way on an available table with seats on
the party, "Are we all here?" Rowney sighs after pulling Bilton away from the crowd,
"Well? i guess we managed to survive the crowd back there?" Rowney skeptically answered
himself watching both Bilton and Cosbie sat themselves on the chairs on their table, "I did
expected this to happen" Cosbie openly stated himself as he took Bilton's duffel bag
taking out their water bottle, Rowney wouldn't want to argue with Bilton's behavior earlier
so he guiltily agrees with Cosbie acting chill and calm with the event, "You know BIL, I like
that you're good with the kids but, please be careful not to expose your true identity"
Rowney worryingly commented then added as he pulled and placed an available seat next to
Cosbie; "You know what they say: Always take a good look at what you're about to eat. It's
not so important to know what it is, but it's critical to know what it was.", Both the Satyr
brothers wasn't sure if Rowney was talking about food or if got some relevance with his
earlier concern, so they decided to peretend that they've understood it even that they
didn't understand Rowney's note, "Well? My point is that you have to be observant, not all
humans would react the same when they've encountered a living mythological being"
Rowney noted trying to look cool and collected like Cosbie whose watching the audience
around the pavilion stage, "Master? Can I say something?" Bilton interrupted as he carries
his seat and situated it next to his Master Rowney' "You don't need to watch over us, I
know what am I doing and I'll make sure that no one will ever find out what we are" Bilton
stated as he playfully teases his Master Rowney by removing his fedora hat on his head
and his eyeglasses, "BIL! You're making a different scene!" Rowney irritably muttered
snatching his eyeglasses back from Bilton, "We may be the oddest group on the party but
don't make it worst by vamping your ways on me" Rowney embarrasingly commented as he
wipes off with his handkerchief the lenses of his eyeglasses and took out its casing from
Cosbie's knapsack which he carried where he keeps his stuff, "Vamp? What?" Bilton
giggled making fun at the last note that his Master Rowney have said, "He's referring to
your casual interest or liking towards him" Cosbie spoke out of boredom to join on their
discussion not having some interest on the events happening in the pavilion stage,
"Master?! I'm not flirting with you!?" Bilton funnily confessed not wanting to make the
situation worst by embarrassing his beloved Master Rowney, "Har-Har BIL, like I'm going
to believe you on that!?" Rowney noted having a huge doubt on Bilton's statement knowing
that Bilton have a great affection towards him compared to Cosbie who only shows a little
admiration or fondness on their relationship, "Trust me Master, we'll be fine" Bilton
answered in return as he grabbed the paper plate on the table and started fanning it to
himself. "I trust you guys on this" Rowney noted as he puts his eyeglasses back on its case
and pulled a cottony silk like pouch reavealing a different pair of eyewear, "Just act
natural guys! Natural..." Rowney noted as he wore the old brownish sunglasses and rested
himself comfortably at the middle with Cosbie and Bilton on his side like a boss watching
the understated happenings on a kids Halloween party. Earlier that moment before the
Party starts, Marlon was looking antsy with his previous encounter with the pale looking
old-school fashioned with horns costumed guy who appeared to be a companion of his old
schoolmate Rowney, "Guys, i know I've mentioned some few candidates on who will be the
winner for our best in costume award but..." Marlon apathetically and randomly spoke to his
fellow members of the council who arranged the town event's program, "Whats the matter
Marlon? You have some follow up suggestions again?" Replied back by his fellow teammate
holding a clipboard of some sorts of inventory papers, "Nothing Arnold, just wanted to
point out something" Marlon replied as he got everyones attention by making a little uproar
with his tone of voice pointing the direction of the children's playground, "That guy's
costume looked so complicated! Someone should help him take it off" Marlon's team
followed the direction where he points and saw a group of parents and kids on the
playground, "Who are you exactly pointing at Marlon?" A Female colleague asked as she
funnily noted and added; "Was the taking it off a pun or something?" Few of Marlon's
teammates laughed on their female colleagues joke about the pun of taking off the clothes
of someone Marlon sees as a complicated dresser for their Halloween party, "Perhaps
theres no pun intended on this one?" Marlon pompously replied and described the guy's
complicated costume as he watched the familiar cowboy hat on the crowd, "Sounds unique
if You point it that way?" Arnold commented as he visualized the costume idea of the guy
that Marlon was talking about, "Oh come on!? What's so unique and original about that?! A
cowboy with animal legs and horns?! Marlon claimed snubbing on his note, "Marlon? Arnold
may be right about this guy's costume having a unique features" one of Marlon's fellow
teammate spoke as he showed and pointed his finger again on the crowd to point the guy on
a similar description of what Marlon has said, "Well? Just look at him! Even the kids like
his costume" the girl commented as she nudged Marlon but was ignored by him whose still
gazing towards the direction of the guy that he was talking about, "Oh? I know where this
is going?" Arnold funnily rolled his eyes after seeing Marlon's reaction, "Marlon, This is a
kid's Halloween party, not a local pub where you can hook up with some random gorgeous
guy", Marlon's teammate couldn't control themselves so they noticeably laughed out
themselves in public getting a few glances from the adults and parents near the pavilion
stage, "It's not what it is!" Marlon embarrassingly defended himself but was teased back
by his female colleague, "Dang Gurl! You got a pretty good eye with your catch, just look at
that husband material there! He even looks good with that kid beside him", "Oh please?!
I'm sure he's not that committed... I've seen him hanging around with Rowney" Marlon
perturbed mentioning his old schoolmate's name, "Wait? It seems like I've known that
name before?" Marlon's female colleague spoke upon hearing Rowney's name, "Gen!
Rowney!? Our old schoolmate back on our 6th grade" Marlon exclaimed trying to remind his
female colleague who he calls on her nickname, Gen couldn't remember the name or the
person so she guiltyly confessed that she already forgot some of their past schoolmates
which she don't normally hang out with, "Well? Who am I to blame with your blonde hair?"
Marlon vilely insulted Gen or we might call Geneviere on her first name, "Hush you two!"
Arnold interrupted sensing a possible rant between the 2 concerning with Marlon's insult
towards their captivating female colleague who he knows just recently bleached her hair,
"Marlon, we expect that you behave accordingly and professionally at all times, we're not
here to make a shameless scene on how you treat your colleagues in public" Arnold equably
spoke trying to control the situation which indeed worked out as the two smiled at each
other and pretended that the personal discrimination or insult never happened, "So? I
guess we're all good? Let's start this program already!" Arnold commanded as he ordered
the rest of their teammates to do their assigned tasks on the event shooing them out
from their table on the side of the pavilion, "Marlon? You here with us? Let's go!?" Arnold
added as he drags Marlon out on his spot to interrupt him on his busy Moment wherein
he's starring at Rowney pulling the odd costumed cowboy followed by the pale horned one
at the back isolating themselves on the guests table.

October 28, 16:57 p.m. The program did run quite well with an introductory parlor games
for the kids to brighten up their mood, they played the never ending sack race, musical
chairs, a cookie dough modeling instead of pumpkin carving, balloon popping and many
children's birthday party related games with a Twist of Halloween, after the party games
the event organizers announced for a snack break for the children and will proceed on the
party later. Rowney with Bilton and Cosbie on his side started handing out some Candies
which they've bought back on the convenience store for the kids whose randomly
approaching some of the guests table situated far from the pavilion stage, "See you later
Hope! You too L.A." Bilton sunnily noted giving his new friends some candies, "You know
BIL, I guess you're right" Rowney commented while waving back at the kids, "You are
indeed a child friendly", Bilton smiled in return and rested his left arm on his Master
Rowney's shoulder and replied; "Told you Master! I'm good at handling little children",
"Well? I guess I'll agree on that note specially that all the kids want to approach you"
Rowney commented as he warns Bilton to stop using his enamoring moves on him, "BIL is
really good with young critters" Cosbie randomly and somewhat laughably noted trying to
share Bilton's liking to young living beings, "So? BIL is like a baby sitter on your place?"
Rowney questioned having an interest on some facts about Bilton's manner towards
children, Cosbie nods in response and started sharing some of their stories on how Bilton
play with their tribe's young fauns and some other neighboring place where he likes to go
like playing with the river nymphs, racing with wind sprytes, playing hide and seek with
Trent saplings and some other things that Rowney couldn't understand yet he kept on
listening, "You don't have to say everything bro!" Bilton embarrassingly noted trying to
stop his older brother Cosbie from embarrassing him on his childish story about himself,
"Oh come on BIL, I haven't got the chance to know this side of yours so? Don't be
embarrassed about it, we've all been there and it's nothing to be ashamed of" Rowney
commented nudging Bilton on his side, Bilton embarrasingly smiled in return and gave his
Master Rowney a candy, "Well? Thank you I guess? But we're trying to save up these
candies for the kids" Rowney replied as he puts the candy back on Bilton's plastic bag of
candies then added; "Say? Why don't you both try wander around the place? Feel free to
enjoy the outside world while we're here", "And I thought you want us to stay close beside
you?" Cosbie commented upon hearing Rowney's note, "Well? I know I've said that earlier
but..." Rowney replied back as he stood behind Cosbie patting his shoulders and continued;
"I want you guys to enjoy your free time while you have it, remember? This only happens
once a year so, enjoy yourselves" Bilton nods and agrees with his beloved Master Rowney's
statement and approached him as he gave a friendly hug to him asking for permission to
approach his new little human friends, "K BIL, just remember what we've talked about? If
those people asked about your costume, just tell them that your's are custom made and
high quality cosplay costume" Rowney noted pointing Bilton's horns and furry goat limbs in
case that people questioned him about his appearance. "I'll make sure I'll never forget
that Master!" Bilton replied as he embraced his Master Rowney and left the duo alone on
their table, Cosbie watched Bilton flee the scene and approached some group of kids
eating and unwrapping some candies on their loot bags, "Bilton knows what he's doing"
Cosbie randomly commented as he stood on his seat and offered it to Rowney whose
standing behind him, "I Hope so Bie. BIL makes me unsettle with his antics" Rowney replied
as he declines the offer of the seat from Cosbie who immediately replied on his response;
"You have to Trust him like how he trusted you" Rowney stared back at Cosbie and silently
though to himself; "Oh Bie, there's not even a single time that I've trusted Bilton on his
methods, but if we're talking about you, There's no doubt of mistrusting you on your ways.
I've seen you as the most reliable one on our group and I love you for that.", "Rowney?"
Cosbie spoke to break Rowney's silence as he tried to grasp on Rowney's arms, Rowney
blushingly smiled in return as he apologized himself to Cosbie about his silence and
wondered why Cosbie didnt join his younger brother, Cosbie took a few minutes to reply as
he scanned the area and said; "Its best for me to stay and guard our belongings here"
Cosbie stated pointing the duffel bag and knapsack placed under their table, "Bie, I can
handle those!" Rowney replied trying to push away Cosbie on his spot to wander around the
place, "But?" Is the only reply Cosbie could say but decided to follow Rowney's command on
enjoying the occasion; "Just be safe here" Cosbie commented petting Rowney's head
before walking his way on a far isolated place close to a bird bath looking fountain inside
the premises of the plaza, "No Bie, you should be the one who should be safe here
outside!" Rowney funnily added and waved back to Cosbie then added whispering; "Just be
safe guys...". Meanwhile Geneviere was idling beside the playground scanning the area for
her task on listing some candidates for the best in costume on the kids division, "Well?
Kids costume aren't that catchy and unoriginal" she thought to himself looking at a kid on
a superhero costume, "Let's see? We got some witches, fairies, superheroes, pirates..."
Geneviere enumerated counting the kids on the plaza with a similar costume ideas until she
noticed a tall looking guy talking with some kids on a princess and superhero costume, "Is
he the one that Marlon was talking about?" She murmured as he stared on his appearance
of a cowboy costume with horns attached on its hat, "Well? I guess Marlon was right about
his costume idea" she added as she giggled on the thought of how complicated and unique
it looks on adding a weird looking horns on a cowboy themed costume, "He's definitely a
good candidate for the best in costume on the adult division, considering that there are
only few adults who dressed up for the occasion" Geneviere thought as she left the
playground area to approach the friendly looking guy in a cowboy costume. Bilton was busy
helping the little girl in distress having some difficulty on unwrapping the plastic of her
orange jelly like candy, "Here you go Rain" Bilton spoke returning the unwrapped jelly
candy to the little girl who introduced herself on the name of "Rain", "Having fun with the
kids sir?" A female voice spoke appearing behind the boy in superhero costume who looked
puzzled staring at Bilton's furry legs, The two kids flee after thanking Bilton on his help,
leaving both Bilton with an young adult looking female stranger who approached them,
"My?! I didn't noticed your legs!" The female surprisingly spoke seeing The legs of the
stalwart looking fellow in a horned cowboy attire, "Hi! I'm Bilton, is there something I can
do for you?" Bilton smiled and greeted the blonde girl infront of him who looked normal
aside from having a cat ear headband on her head, Geneviere wasn't sure how to respond
because she got intrigued on how the guy managed to wear such complicated footwear
having an irregular curve on its structure, "Uhm... Nothing? I just..." she answered but
Bilton interrupted her as he waves his hand to get her attention while saying; "Eye's up
here Miss? I don't see any point of talking to my legs if you keep on staring at it",
Geneviere shyly and funnily switched her gaze at The guy and apologized to her behavior
as she introduced herself to the polite foreign man; "Hi! I'm Geneviere, but you can call me
Gen, I'm an assistant coordinator of this party" She said offering her hand for a
handshake which Bilton quickly grabs and shook it as he introduced himself like how the
female does; "Im Bilton, You can call me BIL for short and... I'm Master Rowney's best
friend who escorted him on this party", "Master Rowney?" Gen murmured for hearing the
name for the second time, "You escorted your Master Rowney to this party?" she repeated
with a tone of amazement and a little hint of jest as she added commenting; "My?! If you
said it that way you both looked like a fag on a children's party" Bilton wasn't sure what
the girl just said not knowing that it was already an insult, "Uhm? I guess?" Bilton replied
seeing that the girl is entertained with his presence, "A Master and a cowboy" Geneviere
pointed as she controls herself not to burst of laughter on her dirty minded ideas, "Miss
Gen? What's funny?" Bilton wondered seeing how the girl behave herself after saying such
random words, "No it's nothing Sir, it's just... I find it curious on how your Master Rowney
bring a person like you who escorted him in this kind of event" Geneviere stated tapping
Bilton's arm to make fun at him, "My Master Rowney? If you want to talk to him just go
there on our table" Bilton replied trying to direct the oddly behaved girl on his Master
Rowney's direction for he knows that it's best for Rowney to talk to this human girl who
talks nonsense, "Rowney? Marlon said we were old schoolmates" Gen randomly spoke for
repeatedly hearing the name from the tall guy, "I don't really remember him but I guess
talking to him won't hurt" She added but insisted to stay to have a little chat with Bilton,
"Say Sir Bil? Your face isn't very common here? Are you living here or staying on some
kind of purpose?" Bilton felt nervous for having a serious talk with another human who
isn't a kid so he tried his best to answer it by the use of his alibi of some sorts; "Me? I'm
living with my best friend and my older brother, I originally lived at [insert Rome place
here], and I guess I'm here to spend some time with my Ma... I mean spend time with
Rowney while I'm here" Bilton uneasily answered hoping that he got his answer right
without making it sound suspicious, "Rowney? Are you saying that Rowney's your
bestFriend? and you're living with him along with your brother?" Geneviere commented and
jealously added; "Dang!? Rowney sure looks lucky to have someone like you! Are you sure he
didn't put a spell on you or something to make you stay with him?" Gen humorously added
trying to imagine herself living with a good looking foreigner, Bilton felt that his made up
alibi worked as an answer but felt awkward the moment the girl mentioned something
about putting a spell on him, "Well? My Master Rowney didn't put a spell on us but he just
called us..." Bilton slipped on his comment giving a little hint of truth, "Seriously? Why do
you keep calling him Master Rowney? And what did you say? He just called you?" Gen
questioned hearing a confusing response from Bilton who already looked tensed, "Hm? If
you say it that way? It appears that you met Rowney on a random social site and have
grown a close relationship with him that's why you kept on calling him Master? Or maybe
it's just a part of your role play thing like how you guys do for fun." Gen cleverly stated
giving some wild guess on the history of how BIL met Rowney, "Uhm you were right miss?"
Bilton nervously replied for being self-assertive as he managed to avoid being discovered
on his relationship with his accidental Master and summoner Rowney, "It's rare to see
some foreign friend to travel here in just one call?" Gen added recalling that Bilton
mentioned about Rowney calling him, "You're more like a close relative or a family to
respond in that way? Are you really that close to Rowney?" Geneviere added as she circled
around Bilton who felt being interrogated by the presence of that human girl, "I'm...
We're... He's..." Bilton jittery replied feeling uncomfortable towards the girl who talks too
much about her conclusions with his relation with his Master Rowney, "I? Go ask Rowney
about that!" Bilton commented and skipped quickly away from Geneviere to avoid further
questioning, "Hey?!" Gen called out to get Bilton's attention but was ignored as she
watched the guy left him on an odd manner "By the way! nice costume!" She added
commenting Bilton's costume idea of a Horned cowboy with furry animal legs, "I wonder
why he's so jumpy all of a sudden? Geneviere thought to herself and gazes on the direction
where Bilton directs her on the location of this person called Rowney, "maybe let me try
visiting him? I might remember something out from him..." she whispered while watching a
bunch of little princesses playing on a nearby table having a tea party of some sorts. Also
meanwhile at the same time Geneviere approached Bilton, Cosbie on the other side whose
standing and idling beside a stone bird bath fountain was approached by a little girl on a
dress of an Indian girl wearing a light brown bandanna with 2 pieces of feather of a
rooster, matched with the same color of female tribeswoman attire with sandals and a
cute looking wooden bow with a single arrow, "You're Mister Cosbie right?" The girl shyly
spoke upon tugging Cosbie's khaki shorts from his back, Cosbie turned to face the little
stranger behind him and felt curious on how the girl discovered his name, "You're talking
to the right person" Cosbie replied as he petted the girls head back as a reply, "I knew it
was you Mister! I do remember those horns and your supercool legs!" The little girl happily
announced as she tried to give Cosbie a hug, Cosbie was sure that the girl isn't one of
Bilton's new friend who he might happen to mention his existence of having an older
brother who also have the same costume of horns and legs, "Uhm? I would like to apologize
to my reply but, have we met somewhere before?" Cosbie politely questioned not wanting
to look bad in front of the little girl whose very delighted seeing him in that kind of place,
the girl laughed on the note and tried to remind Mister Cosbie on where and when was the
first time they've met; "I'm Miley! We met last year's Halloween, I remember you wearing
the same horns and legs but you looked like a zombie with your body paint and stuff", The
little girl explained as she playfully swings Cosbie's hand and continued on her story; "you
gave me sandwich back then because I was sick and couldn't join the trick or tricksters
outside" by that moment when Miley mentioned the sandwich along with his last year's
Halloween costume idea, Cosbie remembered the kid and felt thankful for her on
remembering a guy like him, "So that was you? How are you feeling now? Not sick
anymore?" Cosbie replied and guided Miley to sit on a nearby bench close to the bird bath
fountain, "That was last year Mister Cosbie! I'm not sick anymore that's why I managed to
go into this Halloween party" Miley exclaimed having a bright smile towards her new guy
friend, "I guess you are fine?" Cosbie noted placing his available hand on Miley's forehead
to check her body heat, "Did you come here alone?" Cosbie questioned feeling a bit
concerned seeing her without any adult supervision, "I'm with my mom" Miley answered as
she pointed her finger on the direction of where most of the guests tables are situated,
"My mom took me here so that I can make up with last year's Halloween" she stated as she
sat beside Cosbie on the park bench and continued her note; "Mom said that I'll enjoy
spending my time here plus another time with the actual Halloween on the 30th of this
month!" Cosbie was silently listening to the girls story and got to wonder why the girl is so
interested on talking with him so he tried to ask Miley after she finished her childish
note; "That's good to hear Miley but, I have a question to ask for you" Cosbie calmly spoke
not wanting to scare or starte the human child, "Are you not afraid of me?", Miley
innocently answered back to his guy friend; "Why am I going to be afraid of you? You're
not a bad guy." She answered as she stood on the bench to closely examine and touch
Cosbie's horn while saying; "Mom said not all horned creatures are evil and bad, like bulls
for example, they have horns..." She funnily explained and continued on her listings of
examples: "Deers have horns, Giraffes too have horns, Mooses do have big one and goats
have curly horns!" She stated feeling the texture of Cosbie's horns on his head then
added; "They're not all bad, they only uses their horns to protect themselves from bad
animals", "You are well taught by your mother Miley" Cosbie noted as she congratulated
Miley on her statement as he ceased Miley with her curious hands and spoke; "I appreciate
that you see me as a good person even that... I'm wearing these horns on my head" Cosbie
paused a bit before saying that his horns are only a costume not wanting to say the truth
and expose himself on a human child, "Mister Cosbie, you are good even without those
horns because bad people doesn't give free sandwiches on a sick kid like me" she cleverly
added and smiled back at Cosbie as she jumped off the bench and run towards the bird
bath, "Such a wise child" Cosbie though to himself and joined the friendly little girl whose
playing and dipping her fingers on the small puddle of water inside the bird bath fountain,
"Here take this..." Cosbie spoke after petting Miley's head offering a strawberry shaped
jelly candy which he took out from his pocket, Miley thanked Cosbie on the treat and bid
her goodbye to his Guy friend shouting the words; "BYE MISTER COSBIE!" Cosbie waved
his hand back watching the little girl returning to the crowd and felt chuffed on the
experience of being admired by a human child for the first time. After those moments; I
guess its obvious whose turn it is? Yes it is Rowney's turn to mingle with human strangers,
"Are you alone?" A soft mature voice spoke behind Rowney joined with a gentle tap on his
back, Rowney surprisingly turned to see an old lady carrying a quite large shoulder bag and
happily greeted her as he stood on his seat to offer his chair on the old lady friend; "Mrs.
Meredith! And I thought you stayed at home and let your grandchildren spend their time
here in the party with their parents?" Rowney noted knowing that it's best for the old
woman to stay indoors and rest, instead of working herself up escorting her grandchildren,
Mrs. Meredith smiled in return as she sat comfortably on the chair that Rowney offered
and settled her load on the other available seat beside her, "Son, you can't blame me if I
wanted to join the fun with the kids" she said as she took out a bottle of tea like
refreshment out of her bag, "Besides... their parents are not available so I insisted on
watching them here" Mrs. Meredith added after sipping on her bottle and pointed the
group of children running around near the playground, "Well... I guess that's the obvious?"
Rowney thought to himself while looking at the direction where Mrs. Meredith is pointing
at and noticed that Bilton was nowhere to be seen on that direction, "So Ma'am? You've
been here early or you just came a while ago?" Rowney questioned opening up a
conversation with Mrs. Meredith who he knows as a good family friend of them for almost
20 years, The old lady shrugs her head in response and replied; "We've been here a bit
early, I think that was around 2 hours past noon" She noted trying to recall the time of
their arrival on the plaza, "Well, you know kids? They're too excited to play" She added
and fanned herself with a unused paper plate she grabbed on the table, "Anything to make
your grandchildren happy? I guess?" Rowney commented knowing how grandparents behave
and act when it comes to their grandchildren, which Mrs. Meredith proudly acknowledged
nodding her response to Rowney who smiled back in return and offered something to eat?
"No I'm good son, I got my own provisions here" Mrs. Meredith replied tapping her trusty
large shoulder bag that might consist of all the usefull things she need on this journey of
hers. "Say son? Did you come here with someone? Mrs. Meredith questioned to Rowney
who she found looking alone on the table earlier before she approached him, Rowney simply
scanned the area to search for a familiar horns sticking out on the crowd but only found
Cosbie idling on a bench near the bird bath fountain 18 meters far from them "I'm with my
friends" Rowney replied to Mrs. Meredith who nods and smiled back in return then
surprisingly commented: "Is she your friend?" Rowney raised an eyebrow hearing Mrs.
Meredith's comment and turn on his side to see a female figure standing behind him, "Hi!"
Sunnily greeted by a blonde girl wearing an animal ear headband on her head, "You're
Rowney right?" She added trying to guess the name of the guy on a "Don" like costume,
Rowney wasn't sure how the girl manage to get his name but he somewhat guessed that
she may be another friend of a Marlon, Rowney awkwardly smiled and nods as a reply then
turn to face Mrs. Meredith to answer her earlier question; "She's not one of my
friends...", "Ouch!" the blonde girl funnily reacted as she playfully slaps Rowney's shoulder
while saying; "I know we're not that close but you can't deny that we are once
schoolmates", the moment she mentioned the word schoolmate, Rowney stared at the
blonde girls face as he tries to recall his past. "Uhm... S... Stoun?" Rowney murmured
squinting his eyes behind the brownish sunglasses that he's wearing, "Miss Stoun?" Rowney
repeated but was slapped by the girl in his shoulder as she embarrasingly commented; "You
don't have to call me on my last name you jerk" Rowney wanted to hit the girl back but
decided to play along and addressed the girl in her full name: "So? Miss Geneviere Stoun?
It's been a while?" Rowney spoke as he readied himself for another impact from his old
schoolmate, and I guess you guessed it right if you're thinking that Geneviere slapped
Rowney again on his shoulder, "Rowney! stop that!" She funnily replied and drags Rowney
far from the table not wanting to get watched by an old lady, "Excuse us ma'am!" Rowney
quickly apologized as he pointed at his new girl companion, Mrs. Meredith smiled in
response and gave them a "Shoo" gesture to have their privacy, "You're a bit rude back
there" Rowney commented to Geneviere's behavior towards the old lady, but was ignored
by her and pryingly bombarded him with questions such as: "I didn't know you're into
guys? How did you met that tall guy? Why he keeps calling you Master? Are you guys
Married or something?", "Gen..." Rowney calmly spoke but deep inside he's furious from
the questions he got from her, concerning with his relation or connection with Bilton, "I
see you have met my friend, and I think you had enough of unethical notes between us"
Rowney noted and took Geneviere's hand to answer her questions on a complete
summarized answer; "I've met and befriended Bilton on an unexpected circumstance, I
offered my place for him to stay along with his brother so they could save some cash
rather than paying a lot on a hostel, we're just a good friends and maybe the best we can
get? We're not married for pete's sake and believe me. There's nothing wrong if I like
them... helping them is what matters. and you dont have to be worry if they're a bunch of
scammer or con artists. I certainty believe that they're good people" Rowney cleverly
stated shaking Geneviere's hand while giving her the answers that she wanted, "So?
That's all?" Geneviere commented after hearing Rowney's answer and then shyly
apologized on her actions as she added; "Im sorry for throwing you those kind of
questions. I just got intrigued to your cute looking friend", "Just as I thought..." Rowney
thought to himself after hearing Gen's answer and decided to speak his thoughts; "You
know Gen, I've guessed that you'll confess your liking on my friend, I mean who are we to
ignore such handsome face?" Rowney joked then added to himself on his thoughts the
word and description: "don't forget his physique", "I know right!? He looks like the man of
my dreams..." Gen wondered imagining how her love life would look like if he's with Bilton
then flirtingly added: "Say? Can I get his number?" Rowney was sure that its normal for
Bilton or maybe with Cosbie to get attention or be admired by girls but, he felt resentful
for having an idea of sharing the Satyr brothers with someone, "I ain't giving you his
number!? Don't even think of using me as a liaison if you want to get any info about him."
Rowney facetiously noted which Geneviere felt unhappy about it, "come on Rown... Why
don't you make this lonely girl happy?" Geneviere teased trying to get Rowney's trust and
maybe Bilton's contact number, "You know Gen? I think it'll look romantic if you directly
ask the guy's phone number rather than looking like a stalker for obtaining his number on a
close friend related to the guy" Rowney cleverly noted but felt that he's giving Geneviere
some encouragement to legitimately get herself to know Bilton personally, "Sounds
acceptable!" Gen answered with a glint of sparks on her eyes and said; "Tell you what? I'll
talk my way out to him until he'll give me his number" she was ready to leave Rowney until
she asked another serious question to Rowney about the tall guy named Bilton, "By the
way? Is he single?" it took Rowney about 4 seconds to quickly reply and jokingly said: "No.
He's double..." Gen's wanton reaction immediately faded and disappointingly argued back
to Rowney's answer, "Ehhh?! He's taken already!?" Rowney was laughing so hard inside that
he's trying to hide his smirk from Geneviere and nods in response letting her know that
Bilton is already on a relationship with someone, even that it was a lie just to get Gen out
of their picture, and literally speaking; getting rid of Geneviere from getting close to them
to protect their secrets, "Still... I guess there's no harm on getting his number!"
Geneviere whispered and smiled back at Rowney then wink at him as she left Rowney on
their spot waving back at him adding a little note: "Nice costume by the way!" Rowney
oddly smiled and waved back at Geneviere and thought to himself: "What a desperate go
getter girl she is..." Rowney then pulled out a bamboo looking whistle out from his pocket
and commented; "Better warn BIL to avoid Gen or any desperate adult girls getting close
to him as much as possible" and then Rowney begun to blow the Rasymas whistle to call the
attention of the Satyrs who can only hear the sound produced by the special bamboo
whistle owned by the satyr brothers.

October 28, 17:46 p.m. Cosbie Helped Mrs. Meredith carrying her shoulder bag as she
assisted her on her way on the table where her grandchildren is located, while the duo of
Master "Don" and Horned cowboy follows them behind, privately discussing something;
"There are two theories to arguin' with a woman. BIL" Rowney commented poking Bilton's
left Arm and continued on his note: "Neither one works. So If the situation gets tougher.
Go Hop, Skip, and Jump your way out from those maniacs", "Yes Master Rowney! I'll
remember that!" Bilton answered nodding his head knowing that's its for his better good if
he doesn't want to meet another human who behaves like Geneviere, "You two wanted to
share something?" Mrs. Meredith spoke as she inherited the two on their chat, Bilton and
Rowney funnnily shrugs and smiled in return and approached Mrs. Meredith to keep her
comfortable with their company. I have to admit, this isn't the first time seeing the trio
with another human, a human who see's the Satyr brothers as a "Normal" close and good
foreign friend of her neighbor: Rowney, It was around last year's Halloween where Mrs.
Meredith first encountered and met the two unusual figure hanging around with Rowney on
their backyard, maybe it's pure luck that Mrs. Meredith has no knowledge of mythological
beings or characters nor the fact that she doesn't pay much attention on the appearance
of someone. Considering the fact that today's generation are more fashionably expressive
on their choices of attire. But it's not because Mrs. Meredith got a bad eyesight, it's just
she's glad that Rowney got himself some company of his own knowing that she see's
Rowney as an unsociable person. "Are you going to finish the program?" Mrs. Meredith
commented as they get near on her table where few of her grandchildren is waiting for
her, "I think we'll stay and finish the event" Rowney replied as he situated himself walking
next beside Mrs. Meredith with Cosbie on the opposite side, "Its once in a year event so
it's best to enjoy the party while we're here" Rowney added as he tries to get an approval
from both the Satyr brothers who gave him an "OK" gesture by raising their thumb, Mrs.
Meredith smiled on the trio and thank them on their aide, "You boys enjoy your time here,
We have to go and I still need to make some dinner" Mrs. Meredith noted then wryly
commented: "I don't like how they serve food here" Rowney giggled on that note agreeing
with Mrs. Meredith on how the event organizers serve their food, it's like a buffet of eat
all you can food that you usually seen served on a children's birthday party. "It's a kids
Halloween party after all?" Rowney funnily replied and greeted the approaching little girl
who greeted her grandma. "Thank you dear" Mrs. Meredith noted to Cosbie who returned
the shoulder bag to her, after her granddaughter took her hand and pulled her away from
the group, Cosbie nods as a reply while both Bilton and Rowney waves their hand to bid
their goodbye's, "So? Do you want to play some games or something?" Rowney noted
nudging Bilton on his side, "Games" both Cosbie and Bilton muttured in response and stared
back at Rowney if he's serious about his plan? "Games? What Games?" Bilton replied
scratching the back of his head like he doesn't know the word, "and I thought you
mentioned something about avoiding humans for attention?" Cosbie pointed as he stood
beside Rowney while scanning the area for suspicious looking humans whose watching them,
Rowney paused his thoughts and looked back at Cosbie who appear to look dithered, "Bie...
I know i did said that we need to avoid too much attention on the crowd but..." Rowney
begun walking his way back on their table and waved back at the satyr brothers to follow
him then continued on his note: "We can't hide the fact that we stand out on the crowd.
Look at us? we're the only group whose well dressed and come prepared for this event"
Rowney said as he points out the obvious; they're the only group of adults whose wearing
neat looking costumes, compared to the other families whose only wearing Halloween
themed headdresses, some superhero or royalty like capes, a cartoon face makeup and
some black T-shirts with a logo of either a skull, black cat, witch, vampire bat and a spooky
tree. How appreciative it is to be allowed by the event organizers to let them partake on
the party. "Master?" Bilton interrupted skipping his way to block Rowney's path, on the
same moment; Cosbie stood behind Rowney and tries to lower his head trying to push it
deeper on his spot, Rowney groaned in the process and taps Bilton to move to see what's
happening when he heard some cheering childlike noise accompanied by gamboling crowd of
adults, "What's the ruckus?!" Rowney commented but was pulled by Cosbie far from the
crowd followed by Bilton who facilely escapes his way on the group of kids whose blocking
his way, "A sack race?" Rowney murmured looking at the group of kids cheering on their
parents whose playing sack race, but with a twist: a blindfolded sack race, "Do you humans
always play such riotous activities like that?" Cosbie commented holding Rowney's arm and
looking at Bilton's delighted expression on the event, "Actually... This is the first time I've
seen this kind of game" Rowney commented to Cosbie then called Bilton's attention to
seclude himself on the increasing crowd, "It's kind of ironic because they've prepared a
different games for adults" Rowney added removing the Fedora hat that he's wearing and
continued on his note the moment Bilton rejoined their group; "It looks like it's OK for
them to look cloddish in front of their children just to entertain the crowd", "Cloddish?"
Bilton stated not being familiar with the word that his Master Rowney have said then
commented; "What are you talking about Master? is it about the game that's happening
there?" Cosbie nods in response and tried to rephrase Rowney's earlier note after Rowney
explained and simplified the word "Cloddish" to the words: stupid and dull, Bilton giggled on
the thought and laughed at a poor blindfolded guy trying to fit himself back on his sack
after he stumbled across an obstacle, "Bil!?" Rowney grumbled hitting Bilton's right arm
while saying: "it's rude to laugh at someone who did something embarrassing." but in the
end Rowney guiltily confessed to himself that it's OK to laugh when it looks amusingly
senseless. Cosbie shrugs in annoyance and decided to push both Rowney and Bilton back on
their destination the moment the game of blindfolded sack race have ended. Now back on
their home base, I mean their table: "What are we going to play then?" Bilton questioned
while looking at the group of people on the stage pavilion, calling some names, "Well play
something that doesn't look stupid" Rowney funnily replied not wanting to join on a foolish
adult games prepared by the event organizers, "If you really wish to partake on such
event, then go without me" Cosbie noted trying to look sensible after seeing that foolish
game of blindfolded sack race, Rowney smirked on Cosbie's note and spoke: "Aww Bie?
Don't be such a kill joy and join us on the next game " Rowney noted poking Cosbie's
cheeks trying to convince him to join on the next game. Cosbie doesn't want to sound or
look bad if he declines Rowney's command and request, so he shamelessly complied and
petted Rowney's head after requesting him to stop pressing his cheeks, Both Rowney and
Bilton thanked and cheered Cosbie on his decision and pulled him out from his chair to join
the crowd of audience to watch on an ongoing game of musical chairs played by female
participants with another twist of popping the balloons that they're carrying on the
available chair that they need to sit on. After 20 minutes of uproarious game of musical
chairs and balloon popping, the host started to call out the next participants to join on
their next game of "Charades", "Shareyds?" Bilton repeated then tapped his Master
Rowney's shoulder to ask him on what and how to play the game, "Charades - a game in
which players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who is not
allowed to speak " Rowney explained then simplified the definition of his explanation of
the word charades by saying the basic mechanics of the game: "It's commonly played by
two players, the 1st player will pick a word or phrase prepared by the game Master and will
start making random gestures or signs about the picked word/phrase for the 2nd player to
guess, the 1st player isn't allowed to speak or make random noises that might give clues
for the 2nd player, for example: the 1st player picked the word "Bird", now the 1st player
needs to give or show some signs or gestures that signifies the word "Bird", the easiest
way to act it, is to flap your arms like a wings of a bird, so that the 2nd player can easily
guess it." Rowney clearly explained but surprisingly pulled out from the crowd by a
stranger along with Cosbie who was busy listening to Rowney's description of the game
called "Charades", "Where's Bil?!" Rowney groaned with a tone of concernment while
holding Cosbie's hands pulling him close to his side while making their way in front of the
stage, "Master!!" a familiar voice called Rowney's attention and surprisingly saw Bilton on
the stage waving at them, "When did Bil managed to get on the stage?!" Rowney thought to
himself while giving some screwy expressions to Cosbie who also looked surprised as well,
"These 2 are your team mates right?" said by the male stranger who pulled Rowney out on
the crowd with Cosbie, "Yes Mister! the guy with horns and the other one with dark looking
eyewear" Bilton sunnily greeted the stranger and thanked him on retrieving his so called
team mates, "Bil?! what the heck!?" Rowney angrily muttured not wanting to embarrass or
upset Bilton on his willful actions in front of the crowd, "Do you even know how to play this
game?" Rowney added as he pulled Cosbie beside him and stood next to Bilton on the stage
with the other group of participants, "No? but I know you can play it right?" Bilton cleverly
replied then randomly waved back at a random kid on the audience who he befriended
earlier on the playground, Rowney wanted to drag Bilton out of the stage and tell the game
Master to pick another group in exchange of them but the host started interviewing the
first team by asking their names and their quick and witty team name that they've came
up. "Look what you've done!?" Rowney irately blared getting some attention on the other
groups on the stage, "Seeing the things here... it looks like this Charades will be played by
3 players on a rotational turn" he added as the host explained the mechanics of the game
after Rowney guessed the obvious, "Played by 3 players, you choose who will play as first,
second and third in your team, the game starts with 1st & 2nd player, then 2nd - 3rd and
3rd to 1st, then rotation, you got 10 words to guess in 2 minutes, you can say pass when
you can't answer but the skipped word cannot be use or guessed again, whoever team gets
the highest number of correct guess wins the game." plainly stated by the host after
introducing to the audience the first team consists of 2 adult couple and 1 teenage girl,
their team's name is "Team Maria" why Maria? it is the nickname of the teenage girl on
their group, that simple. "Well... it'll be a waste of time if I tried to explain the mechanics
of the game to you Bil" Rowney noted while being guided by the other event organizers on
the side of the stage, "Well? don't look at me like that Bie?! I'm not the one who dragged
us into this game" Rowney added when he noticed Cosbie's silent reaction on the
happenings around them, "If you want to know how it is played then go watch the first 2
groups or so?" Rowney noted positioning behind the 2 satyr brothers whose currently
watching at the first team's game; the Team Maria got their first 4 words correct,
naming: Butterfly, Corndog, Basketball and Megaphone. Rowney almost laughed on the
scene for the word butterfly where the female adult portrayed a knife slicing a butter
then she started flapping her wings, they wasted their most of their time skipping on the
remaining words which is too difficult to guess, in the end Team Maria's score is 4, good
starter to warm up the game. Next team was an all boys team who looked like about mid
40's in age, If Rowney remember it right, the guy's name are Gilbert, Ivan & Joel then
they hilariously named their group as "Team G.I. Joe" based on their initials, their game
started and they couldn't answer the first 2 words until they luckily managed to guess the
third word which performed by Joel, the audience were laughing on Gilbert's answers like;
Butt, Ass, Booty, Cheeks, Butt Cheeks, Ass crack, Bubble Butt when all the thing that Joel
did was to grab and press his Butt then pointed his cheeks while biting off an imaginary
fuit on his hand. did you guessed it right? The answer is "Peaches", Team G.I. Joe has 37
seconds left before their time ends and they only managed to guess one word, and it was
only by luck! "So? did you enjoyed the game so far?" Rowney questioned feeling nervous
because they're the 5th and last group to play and the first two teams are done, "I kind of
know how to play but..." Bilton spoke circling his way around his Master Rowney and his
older brother Cosbie "But i don't know what to do if I don't know the word that I picked"
Bilton added sighing behind Rowney, "You can just say pass?" Rowney replied but paused on
that note until he realized that neither of the Satyr brothers knows a lot of human words,
"Oh? My! Goofball?! We're going to lose in this game!!" Rowney undoubtedly groaned in
disappointment looking at the two innocent satyrs watching the group of people on the
stage, "What's the matter?" Cosbie wondered looking at Rowney's reaction, Rowney stared
back at Cosbie and guiltily confessed that he knows that there's no chance on winning this
game Specially if he was teamed up with two elementary like students who only knows few
words, "Sorry to say but that's the fact about our group" Rowney explained which Cosbie
understood and somewhat tapped Bilton to follow him along with Rowney backstage.
"Excuse Me Sir? Where are you going? You're playing on the game right?" Questioned by
an event organizer whose guarding them, Rowney wasn't sure if Bie decided to quit and
dragged them out of the game but he simply excused themeselves to the event organizer
that they'll only going to have a short tactical group meeting before playing, the guy did
permitted them but he points out that they don't allow any cheap tricks for cheating or
something, "Ow? we're clean here! just want to prepare ourselves!" Rowney stated to the
event organizer then vanished out of sight when Bilton pulled him further backstage to do
something which Rowney never expected to happen for the 3rd time. "Now what?" Is the
only thing that is running inside Rowney's head while looking directly at the pale and calm
face of Cosbie, eyes closed, warm waft of air coming from his nostrils, and his face
literally inch apart from Rowney's face, "If you want us to win this game, you have to give
us additional learnings" Cosbie whispered letting Rowney know what he was planning to do,
"Did I just said that we're clean and not going to cheat? Rowney whispered back which
answered immediately by Bilton who interrupted them; "I dont see it as cheating if it'll
happen BEFORE and not DURING the game", "Very clever Bil, Very clever Bil." Rowney
funnily replied and got startled on Cosbie who reached out on his face to remove the
sunglasses that he's wearing. "Bie! you're not that eager are you?" Rowney wryly and
mousily commented as he took the sunglasses from Cosbie's hands, "We've only got two
minutes" Cosbie whispered as he already made his move bending on his posture and lifted
Rowney's chin to put his lips to access Rowney's visage opening; technically his mouth,
"two?!" Rowney blurted out but before he could complete his reply, his mouth was zealously
sealed on Cosbie's numbing lips making him daze. it took about 27 seconds before Cosbie
released him and pass him to his younger brother Bilton who looked excited to take his
turn, "Can you give me a sec to breathe?!" Rowney thought to himself feeling sloppy from
Cosbie's extraction of knowledge, and seeing Bilton's pleased and randy like expression
upon swaying him from his older brother to outstrip his beloved Master Rowney, "Thank
you Master." Bilton gladsomely whispered as he snuggled his way placing Rowney on a
nearby stacked up plastic boxes to match his height and mushily kissed him like it was for
their nuptial or so? Cosbie wasn't sure if he'll feel spiteful to himself or sheepish towards
his younger brother on how he treats their Master Summoner, "Get a room you two"
Cosbie randomly spoke then flusteredly realized that he just said something new and
seemly decent on the situation, Bilton ignored his brother and simply gave him a "Hold a
sec" gesture raising his index finger, "Excuse me Sir the third group is done and you're
next after..." A voice spoke from nowhere interrupting the trio, "Uhm? Just go back to the
stage when you're done." disconcertingly commented by one of the disturbed event
organizer after seeing a strange scene of two costumed guys kissing on the backstage of a
family oriented Halloween party, "Busted!?" Cosbie awkwardly noted watching both Rowney
and Bilton released themselves on their kiss, "What?!" Rowney muttered hopping his way
out of the boxes where Bilton placed him, Bilton smiled back to his beloved and confused
Rowney and said: "Nothing Master", Rowney raised an eyebrow and randomly commented
while preping himself; "Did anybody of you heard someone calling us?" well, it looks like
Rowney didn't know or noticed that some human had caught him kissing a foreign horned
stranger, Bilton shrugs in response making it believable for his Master Rowney that no one
called them, even that he knows and heard a human looking for them, Cosbie on the other
side kept silent and decided to inform Rowney about his unethical issue with Bilton later
after the game, to avoid possible hang-up reaction before or during the game, "Well? I
hope you guys gathered enough data from me so? let's move out and win this game!"
Rowney encouragingly noted regaining his strenght and consciousness back from the earlier
extraction, forgetting and possibly ignoring the fact that he was both kissed by the satyr
brothers again, "Not a single word Bil" Cosbie whispered whose standing behind Bilton
whose watching their Master Rowney leave the place and waving his hand to call them to
come out on the backstage, Bilton smirks and placed his index finger in front of his lips,
trying to say that he'll be silent wherein Cosbie annoyingly pulled Bilton's hands out from
his face and spoke: "Let's just give Rowney a good time", "A good time to win this game!"
Bilton replied and followed their Master Rowney whose already back on stage, Cosbie
risibly smirks on both of their reply and followed the two back on the stage, hoping that
"THE" certain human won't spread a word of what he have seen backstage. "The score to
beat is: Six" Rowney stated to the satyr brothers who came out from the backstage,
"Six?! That's a pretty good game" Bilton replied and questioned Rowney on whose group
got that score, Rowney said the top score was from the 3rd group, he learned it from the
1st group who updated him on the happenings when they're gone. "Well? Good luck guys!"
Said by a man who Rowney remembers as a player on the 2nd group, Rowney smiled in
return after thanking the man on his regards, "So? it's up to us to beat this game?" Cosbie
noted after the other humans left Rowney, "Bie, I'm not that sure that will win on this
game" Rowney noted situating himself behind Cosbie, "besides? I'm sure the "extracting"
isn't enough advantage..." Rowney added trying to emphasise the kiss or knowledge
extraction happened backstage, "What do you have in mind? longer kiss from us?" Cosbie
teasingly replied to Rowney who glared at him on his note, "Don't worry Master! I'm sure
we'll win in this game!" Bilton joined the conversation and tries to cheer up his Master
Rowney which somehow worked when he heard the host ended the 4th group's game and
announced their score of "4", "Best of luck to us!" Rowney announced and tries to huddle
up with the satyr brothers as he placed his hands on the center like cheering for his team
whose playing on a football field, Cosbie followed Rowney's phase for learning such ritual
or behavior that human does when playing, Bilton followed and cheered themselves
shouting the word: "Fight!!", "Actually you have to call out our team's name" Rowney funnily
commented on Bilton's battle cry, "What's our team name exactly?" Cosbie wondered and
Rowney answered as he said the words: "Go! B.R.B!", "Well? Looks like our last team is
ready to play?" Said by the host holding the microphone upon hearing Rowney's cheer,
both Rowney and Bilton smiled nervously and walks their way at the center of the stage
after seeing the 4th group leaving the place, "B.R.B?" Cosbie whispered to Rowney, wanting
to know what's the meaning of it, "I'll explain later" Rowney whispered back and made his
way beside the host to do the talking, "Alright! for our last contestants, we have our fully
prepared group whose costumes are anomalously special" Said by the host after shaking
Rowney's hand and continued on his speech: "You know you're playing for the game of
Charades right? and not for the best in costume contest?" The crowd begun to laugh and
cheer for the group for they know that they're good competitor for the costume contest,
"What do we have here Mr?" questioned by the host holding the mic infront of Rowney
who doesn't know what to reply, "Uhm? are you asking about our costume or our team?
Rowney replied making a few giggles on the audience, "I'm talking about your costumes
Sir!" The host funnily commented then decided to do the usual introductory rituals by
knowing each of the team's member by individualy passing the microphone to each of them,
The trio smoothly introduced their names on the crowd but Rowney didn't saw the next
question they've received from the host when he tried asking their age and the birth
place, the mic was passed to Cosbie who simply provided a very short answer saying: "30,
Rome", it was then Bilton's turn to answer who effortlessly shared his answer: "I'm 28
from Greece" Rowney almost cursed under his breath when he heard both of their answers
and the surprised reactions he's hearing from the Audience, "And how about our
bartender here?" Jokingly said by the host for addressing Rowney based on his costume,
"Actually it's a Don? you know Mafia leader?" Rowney pinpointed that made the audience
laugh, Rowney waved and smiled on the crowd then told them his age and birth location,
"25, and a local commoner here", the audience clapped knowing that Rowney was a local who
lived on the same place like then, "So? we don't want to be too nosy but? How did a local
like you met these 2 foreign guys?" Surprisingly questioned by the host from Rowney,
Rowney turned and stared at the satyr brothers beside him and wittily answered: "Well?
you know how real estate works? Meeting new people, advertising them to a new place they
can call their new home," "Seems reasonable," both the audience and host thought and
applauded in response, "Well? hope you're enjoying your new place here gentlemen!" The
host noted looking at the 2 foreign guys standing next to Rowney, "So? let's get started
shall we?" announced by the host until he remembered that he still haven't asked the name
of the last group, "We call our group as "TEAM B.R.B", B.R.B stands for our nickname's
initial; Bil, Rowney and Bie," Rowney explained which everyone understood, "OK Team B.R.B,
whose going to play first?" The host asked and Bilton raised his hands to present himself,
"Are you sure Bil?" Rowney whispered but Cosbie tapped his shoulders to calm him and
said; "Just trust him." Rowney couldn't disagree with Cosbie specialy on a situation like
this, "Fine, I'll play second and Bie will be the last" he commented on the host and lined
themselves on their respective position, "You know the mechanics; 10 words in 2 minutes,
you're not allowed to speak or make random noises, and you can say pass..." explained by
the host holding a glass fishbowl filled with rolled strips of paper, "Score to beat is 6
points, you beat it you'll win, but if not, you'll still receive consolation prize," added by the
host which made Rowney think: "Guess they're giving gift baskets of groceries as
consolation prize," Rowney thought seeing some baskets of canned goods on a table beside
the stage earlier, "2 minutes on your time! and... Go!" quickly announced by the host
handling the glass bowl to Bilton to pick his first word; Bilton faced Rowney after reading
the word written on the piece of paper he got and begun showing hand signals by pointing
or presenting his leg, "Hair? Fur? Uhm... Goat leg? Hooves? Horse shoe?" Rowney randomly
guessed, giving funny answers on the crowd when Bilton pointed his furry goat legs and his
horse looking foot, Bilton then made an imaginary chair and sits on it then repeatedly
points his hoof and sits on the imaginary chair, "Box? chair? wait?! Foot?! Chair?! oh!!
Footstool!" Rowney shouted giving themselves their first point when the host said "1 point"
and passed the fishbowl to Rowney to pick his word, "OK? OK?" Rowney thought to himself
reading the word on the paper he got and stared at Cosbie to begin, Rowney simply raised
his left arm up on his head holding an imaginary item and pulled Bilton infront of him while
his lips are puckered, The crowd laughed on the scene and cheered and teased Rowney to
kiss the guy, meanwhile a certain person was embarrassingly watching the duo and thought
to himself: "aren't they even not ashamed of what they're doing?!" Cosbie nods as a reply
and said his answer: "Mistletoe," giving them their second point, Next stop was Cosbie who
quickly took a piece of paper and read it after rolling it out, he then faced Bilton and
effortlessly showed his fangs and raised his other hand showing his index and middle
finger on a hook position, then shove it on his neck, "Vampire!" Bilton shouted giving them
another point, It's Bilton's turn again and started acting after reading his word, "Uhmm?
Banana? Apple? Wait? you're peeling it?! Mango? with? Cream on top? You can't break a
mango in half!" Rowney nervously answered watching Bilton holding an imaginary food,
peeling it and putting a swirl of cream on top and sometimes breaks it in half while
imaginary eating it, "Wait!!" Rowney screamed feeling tensed on the audience's funny
reactions; "A... Ahh... Ahhh!? Bread? Muffin?! oh?! oh?! OH!!! CUPCAKE!!" Rowney answered
seeing how Bilton shaped the imaginary food into a small cup, "4 points!" shouted the host
and gave the bowl to Rowney again, Bie silently watched Rowney do his thing, holding an
imaginary item and flicking a switch like item on top of it then stoods there like a statue,
"Candle?" Cosbie spoke but didn't get the answer right when Rowney repeatedly shrugs his
head and receiving no point from the host, Rowney repeated the process but this time he
decided to emphasise the candle as a longer item, "Stick?" Cosbie answered looking at the
host, the host stared back and kept on waiting for other answers until Bie finally
understood the thing and said his answer on the public: "Candlestick", "Five points"
announced by the host, making the crowd go wild as they cheered the group on stage for
answering 5 correct answers in a minute, it's Cosbie's turn and his expression begun to
change after reading the picked word, "oh I'm sure he got a problem on that one" Rowney
thought to himself seeing Cosbie's spaced-out reaction and watched him doing uncertain
signs and gestures; "A way? Hallway? Sidewalk? Handle? Stair handle? Road? Car?" Bilton
answered, guessing the action that his older brother is showing by making an imaginary
stick like object and a way or something that Cosbie demonstrates as a walking way, then
stirring a wheel like driving a car, "This is not good" Rowney whispered seeing the struggle
between the two, "Bird?!" Bilton shouted seeing his brother flapping his arms like wings of
a bird, "Walking bird? Street bird? Road bird? uhmmm? Road kill?" Bilton funnily guessed
as he kept on answering and guessing wrong words until he decided to pass the game
realizing that he's wasting more than 15 seconds of their time, the audience made a
displeasing reaction but they kept on cheering on Rowney's group, watching the next
scenario where the horned cowboy do his move by showing an imaginary barrier or wall like
structure to his Master Rowney, "a shield? I mean a wall?!" Rowney guessed which Bilton
delightfully nods in response and proceeds on the next word, the crowd begun to laugh
when Bilton grabbed his crotch making Rowney blush in embarrassment, "I don't wanna say
what that is" Rowney embarrassingly answered to the host whose also laughing on the
scene, "Fine!! Balls! is that what your looking for?!" Rowney answered which Bilton
disagree's shrugging his head, "Wait? what was the previous word again? A wall?" Rowney
thought to himself then looks back at Bilton whose repeatedly pointing the imaginary wall
he made while holding his crotch, "Wall.. Balls?" Rowney muttured then realized that he's
giving the wrong answer, "Oh?! you mean Wallnut!?" Rowney shouted giving themselves an
equal point similar to the high score, "Last 20 seconds!" noted the host while passing the
glass bowl to Rowney, "Quick! Quick!! Quick!!!" Rowney thought and cheered to himself
while unrolling a piece of paper that he'll act to Cosbie whose waiting for him, "Dang?! I'm
not sure if Bie knows this word?" Rowney thought to himself but decided to play along
wishing that Bie would manage to guess and answer the mystery word. Rowney begin moving
his hands like strumming a musical instrument, it's obvious that he's playing a guitar but
what's confusing is that Rowney created an imaginary box like window infront oh him then
he kneeled on the ground while playing the instrument that he's holding while showing a
strange and charming smile, Cosbie nods in response and calmly answered by giving a brief
description on the answer, having only 8 seconds left on their time; "I'm guessing it's a
word that refers to an admiring performance for the person you love" Bie explained to the
audience and to Rowney whose freaking out, looking at the timer showing 2 seconds,
"Serenade?" Cosbie answered making the host announce the winner on the game who only
got 1 point difference on the other high scored group, "And that's a buzzer beater! 7
points to Team B.R.B! beating our 6 pointer 3rd group" Said by the host congratulating
Rowney whose fanning himself. "We won? Bilton bemusedly reacted standing beside his
Master Rowney, Cosbie nods in response then pats Rowney's back to congratulate him or
their team rather on their achievement. Rowney just laughed towards the satyr brothers
and waved back the appluading audience, "Well congratulations Team B.R.B!" repeated the
game host while directing the team on the far side of the stage to present their winning
prize, "The winning team will receive... Drum roll please!" said by the host as he revealed
the winner's prize which is covered in a red shiny drapery, "Goods basket worth of
$300.00 with a gift certificates from our local supermarket!", "Holy cow?!" Rowney
whispered to himself then murmured: "It's like 4 shopping carts of groceries good for 3
months! That's a one good way to earn free stuff!?" Bilton couldn't help but smile widely
on the prize basket and took one destroying it's plastic covering to pull a familiar looking
box of pasta noodles, "Look Master! you can make that spaghetti food again!!" Bilton
shouted, making the crowd laugh on his note and childish reaction or behavior, both Rowney
and Cosbie literally face palms themselves, covering their faces out of embarrassment,
"Well... Thank you for the sponsors of this event and for giving us a good time here "
Rowney spoke to the host and audience to express his gratitude then quitely asked the
host if they'll be giving assistance on carrying the prize, "those are a lot of baskets and i
think we can't carry it even you compile them on a large box" Rowney spoke to the host
then was instructed to inquire their concern to the event organizers, "I'm just a hired
event host here Sir! ask the organizers with your concern", "Well? you got a point there.
Thanks anyways?" Rowney replied to the host and watched him covered the prizes again as
he called 2 guys to move the prize table down the stage to proceed on their program. The
trio along with the other teams who played the game of Charades left the stage after
congratulating the winning team, "Well? that was fun! we should do it back at our house
Master Rowney!" Bilton noted, following Rowney and Cosbie at the side of the stage, "the
only difference if we played the game at home is... there will be no prize involve" Rowney
replied then uneasily stared at a long table a few meters near the stage, "The host said
let's talk to the event organizers concerning with our prizes" Rowney spoke to the satyr
brothers then pointed his fingers on the direction of the table of people who organized
the event, "Oh No!?" Bilton nervously stated looking at the 2 familiar faces among the 5
humans on the table which Rowney pointed, "You're right Bil... Oh no?!" Rowney replied
looking at Marlon and Geneviere whose also looking on their way, "I supposed it's not that
bad to talk with him again if we need some supervisions with our prizes" Cosbie stated,
ignoring the fact that he somewhat intimidated Marlon earlier, "I'm not going to talk with
that girl again!!" Bilton annoyingly stated making Cosbie wonder on how did Bilton met the
girl, "Bil, I understand you hated your first encounter with Gen" Rowney noted while
patting Bilton's back to comfort him "Did you know she even called us married couples?!",
"Sounds good to me?" Cosbie teasingly added trying to embarrass the two, "She said
that?!" Bilton repeated then smiled back towards his Master Rowney, liking the idea of
being a couples, "Stop whatever you're thinking Bil!" Rowney noted, lightly punching Bilton
on his side then embarrassingly left both the satyr brothers to approach the table where
Marlon and Geneviere are sitting along with their colleagues. "What?! I never said
anything?" Bilton funnily commented watching Rowney left them, "Bil, it's obvious that
Rowney doesn't see you as his mate" Cosbie noted then Pat's his shoulder to console him if
he ever feels bad about it, "Yeah, I guess your right." Bilton answered not having any
hatred on his relationship with their Master Rowney, "I'm just his lover and you're his
crush" Bilton observingly stated making Cosbie swivet on the thought, "Don't say such
things that aren't true" Cosbie spoke sounding unsure on his answer, he knows Bilton loves
their Master summoner but he's not sure on how Rowney see's or admires him on a more
friendly way. "I wonder why you didn't noticed it?" Bilton replied then left his brother
when he didn't receive any reply from him, Cosbie wondered off a bit looking at Rowney
talking with a random guy on the desk where the human Marlon is sitting and Bilton
approaching the table, "Rowney..." Cosbie whispered and waited for the two, keeping his
own thoughts about the idea of being Rowney's crush. "As what I'm saying! we just walk
our way here and doesn't have a car or any transport vehicle that we can use" Rowney
explained to the guy who informed him that the event organizers can't provide any
assistance for their matter, "Sir, we only have pick-up trucks for the table and chairs and
a Van service for us organizers..." The guy stated but was interrupted by Marlon for
overhearing Rowney's concern, "Mark, dear, use your head!" Marlon rudely noted then
added after smiling to Rowney, "Rowney, we apologize for a slight inconvenience on how
you'll bring your prizes back at your home, I hope you can manage to find someone who
lives close to your place and give you a ride back home with those baskets" Marlon advised
and suggested to Rowney, "That was a good suggestion but I'm afraid I still can't do that,
considering that I don't know someone whose willing to offer a free ride to our place"
Rowney replied trying to get a better advice from Marlon but was distracted by a brazen
Girl, greeting Rowney and the tall guy behind him, "Hi Rown! Hi Bil! what's supposed to be
the problem here?" Geneviere smilingly spoke trying to look gorgeous on the eyes of Bilton,
Bilton nervously smiled and waved his hand to Geneviere, Marlon begun explaining the
situation and Geneviere somewhat offered her help to carry the prize baskets back on
Rowney's house, "Wow? I didn't know you're a smuggler?" Marlon gallingly answered to
Gen's idea, "Rowney don't ever trust this girl! I know she likes stealing stuff" Marlon
added making Geneviere look bad for taking advantage on getting free valuable stuff from
Rowney's prize basket", "Shut up Marlon!" Geneviere shouted, "Uhm... there's no need to
fight guys?!" Rowney interrupted but was ignored by the two who already started
exchanging harsh words and statements to each other, Rowney couldn't laugh on the scene
where Marlon challenged Geneviere on a fist fight, Gen refused and suggested a rap battle
showdown for she knows that she's pretty good with Rap. "Let's go" Rowney whispered to
Bilton behind him as they slowly creeps their way out from the building commotion between
a devil in suite and a cat lady.

October 28, 18:35 p.m. "You know, Mrs. Meredith was right about these foods" Rowney
commented while struggling on his piece of fried chicken nuggets which is hard to chew, "I
think it's because they've served these foods earlier, making it stale" Cosbie commented
tossing his clean plate aside after loathing and unappreciatedly indulged himself with those
tasteless cheap party foods, Rowney nods in approval and decided to give his food to Bilton
who seemed to enjoy it, "Thanks Master!" Bilton muttured while munching a sweet bun
which is a much appreciated food item that the party caterers had served, "Anyways..."
Rowney spoke after drinking his orange juice, "I know Bil can carry all of those baskets
but, i don't want people seeing Bil's Herculean strenght", "What's herculean?" Bilton
questioned not having a knowledge on the word which Rowney used on his sentence, Rowney
explained and describe the word as a measurement of strenght which can only be achieved
by a human person if he/she under go himself/herself on a vigorous physical training that
involves carrying heavy objects, "Weightlifting for short" Cosbie added trying to
summarize Rowney's definition of the word Herculean, Rowney funnily giggled on the note
and thanked Cosbie on his help, he then wondered why Bilton still have difficulties on
understanding various human words; "Bil? isn't that you just extracted some of my
knowledge earlier? how come you didn't know the word Herculean?" Rowney thought then
stared at Cosbie whose idly watching the activities on the stage pavilion, "Bie knows more
human words than you? is there some kind of shortage going on and your brother gets
more stuff than you do?", Bil just smiled in return and guiltily confessed that he's not
really extracting a lot of information from Rowney, "I don't like what's coming next."
Rowney blushingly thought trying to avoid eye contact to Bilton who just finished his food,
"It's obvious... He kissed me?! The real kiss!?" Rowney was staring blankly down the
tablecloth processing the idea and recalling the earlier scene backstage, "Did someone saw
us!?" Rowney surprisingly shouted getting the attention of the Satyr brothers beside him.
"What saw us?" Bilton nervously questioned not knowing Rowney's true concern, Cosbie was
only watching Rowney on his side and guessed that he was talking about the backstage
scene when he mentioned the word "Someone saw us", "If you're thinking about being seen
by other human when we're extracting knowledge from you, then I have to tell you that
one human saw you kissing with Bil" Rowney's eyes widened on Cosbie's statement and
angrily expressed himself, cursing underneath his breath and stood on his seat to... hide
quickly under the table, "Bilton laughed so hard feeling guilty to himself for not mentioning
it to his Master, "What's wrong Master? The kiss isn't a bad thing right?" Bilton spoke
peeking underneath the table "You just indulged yourself Bil! from kissing me!? and it's..."
Rowney couldn't determine if it's a Bad one or a Good one, it looks good on how Bil
romantically lifted and placed him on top of the box just to kiss him, it's bad because...
people are judgemental and disgusted on same sex relationship and the fact that the kiss
wasn't even that bad. "The kiss is fine Bil! But being seen by that human is NOT!!" Rowney
embarrassingly commented, now wanting to leave the party, "You liked it?" Cosbie joined
commenting on Rowney's reply on Bilton's kiss "I... Uuhhh... Aa... Eiii..." Rowney stuttered
not wanting to answer the question, "Stop it Bie! your making it worst!" he embarrassingly
shouted, having another loud laugh from Bilton, "Laugh all you want Bil! I'm gonna ban you
from hugging me!", "But you're not going to ban him from kissing you?" Cosbie cleverly
added making Rowney mad, plucking a single thread of fur on his furry goat like limbs
making it twitch, kicking the table off. Few passersby's got startled on the scene and saw
a guy with sunglasses emerging beside a toppled table near a 2 horned costume guys, the
one's laughing and the other one looked upset, "Sorry" is the only word Rowney could say
on the people who saw them, he then quickly cleaned the mess, fixing the table back in
place and left the satyr brothers alone to throw their throwaway stuff. "You shouldn't
have told Master Rowney that a human saw us." Bilton noted looking at his older brother
whose tending his furry goat like leg, "He needs to know it" Cosbie answered looking at the
direction where Rowney went then added; "Its not good to hide something from him..."
Bilton scoffs in return then realized that his older brother was right, he can't keep the
thing secret from his beloved Master Rowney, "Well... I'll just apologize to him and will try
to do something in return to make it up to him." Bilton suggested but was contradicted by
his older brother saying: "You'll make everything worse if you tried to settle this mess."
Bilton was expecting an arbiter reply from his older brother, noticing a slight change of
tone on his statement; "Rowney gave us freedom to roam freely but he doesn't like us to
do things on our own, specially if it includes on suppressing other humans" Bilton's was
speechless and couldn't give a proper reply to his older brother's statement, but then saw
the familiar human who saw them backstage walking a few tables away from their spot,
"Then what do you propose to do with that human?" Bilton interrupted pointing his finger
on the human stranger who have seen them kissing with their Master Rowney backstage
during the game of charades, Cosbie silently watched the human, logically thinking of
something irreproachable way to consult the human without obliterating him. "Let me
handle this BIL, stay here and wait for Rowney's return" Cosbie spoke then made his way
to approach the human, "But?! What Am going to say to Master?" Bilton noted but didn't
get any verbal reply from his brother and only got an aloof gesture from him shaking an
item which Cosbie picked from the ground, "What is he going to do with that empty plastic
bottle?" Bilton wondered and nervously scanned the area for their Master Rowney's
whereabouts. Meanwhile, "We've got no other choice but to take a cab way home..."
Rowney thought to himself standing beside a trash can while gazing at the prize table now
situated next to the event organizer's table, "Hey! You're Alma's son right?" a cheerful
voice coming from a man spoke from his behind, making Rowney startle on his unexpected
appearance, Rowney nervously smiled in return while looking at the face of the stranger
who seemed to know his identity when it mentioned his mother's name, the guy is tall, dark
skinned, messy black haired hoodlum looking man with a noticeable mole on his face
situated on his right temple, "I know his face but I don't know his name..." Rowney thought
to himself seeing the man who he remembers as a fellow villager who lives a few blocks
from their house, "Uh? Yes sir? I'm Alma's son" Rowney answered the man's earlier
comment and tried to offer his hand for a handshake, "No need to be formal kid! I'm just
surprised to see you here and looking so grown up!" the man replied shaking Rowney's hand
while tapping his shoulders like treating a close relative, "Well? You know what they say?
Time is unnoticeably fast when everyones busy?" Rowney funnily commented feeling
awkward on the situation for having a conversation with a guy he doesn't know but knows
something about him. "I guess you're right kid." The man replied then asked Rowney for
some news about his mother, Rowney gave out some few news that'll satisfy the man's
interest then oddly tries to excuse himself saying that he needs to pack his things, "Oh?
You're planning to go already?" The man friendly spoke then offered something that
Rowney didn't expected; "Say? Do you want a ride way home? My wife and my daughter
said they want to stay here a bit long, and this is embarrassing to say but... I don't really
like using their portable Here so... I'll just drive myself home to take a dump." Rowney
couldn't hide his happiness and see's the man as a blessing from above for answering his
prayers even he didn't really prayed or wished for a free ride, "Is it ok with you sir?"
Rowney clarified not wanting to sound rude for taking a good opportunity for an easy ride
back home, "It's ok kid, Your mother was a good sponsor on our wedding, and I have to
repay her somehow? Not in cash but through small act of kindness." The guy humorously
stated not wanting to mention how much money he owes Rowney's mother, "Well? I guess
the free ride counts as a good payment?" Rowney jokes then asked if the ride is still free
if he got 2 companions with him and some huge load to carry? "Oh yeah!? I forgot! I've
seen you earlier on the game with 2 costumed guys" the man stated for watching the
previous game that happened earlier, "It's fine! I've seen the amount of prizes you got and
I'm guessing that you'll need a cab to fetch those things home if you don't have your own
ride", "Well... that's all true and by the looks of it, you're a good relief for our situation
right now" Rowney explained then was ordered by the man to call his friends so that they
can go home now, "I don't want to see you guys walking your way home while carrying all
those baskets" the man spoke then wittily added that his tummy's already rumbling and
calling for an evacuation, "Right sir! I'll notify my friends and we'll get our stuff!" Rowney
commented excusing himself to start packing, he was then informed by the man his plate
number and the color of his car to meet with him on the sidewalk outside the park. "Yes,
sir! Thank you Sir! We'll be there in a quick!" Rowney thanked the man repeatedly as he
went back to their table to share the good news "Thank goodness We've got a ride way
home" Rowney happily thought to himself then runs his way back to their table where he
left the satyr brothers waiting. The time Rowney returned to their table he saw Bilton
awkwardly smiling and sitting on his spot while Cosbie is walking on the opposite side
returning on their table, Rowney ignored the oddity and informed the two the great news,
Bilton seemed to like the idea of taking a ride back home for sitting on a moving vehicle
that humans use for their easier transport, "Let's get those baskets ready!!" Bilton
announced as he quickly took their duffel bag and prances his way on the side of the stage
pavilion to acquire the prize baskets, "Wait for us BIL!" Rowney shouted as he followed
Bilton and signaled Cosbie to tag along, Cosbie nods in response and quickly followed the
two after obtaining Rowney's fedora hat that he left on their table along with his small
knapsack. "Your leaving already?" Glumly pouted by Geneviere after hearing Rowney's note,
"Gen, we would love to stay and finish the program but we really need to go." Rowney
answered but was ignored by Geneviere who appear to be more concerned on Bilton's
disappearance, "Miss Gen? Will you please stop clinging on me?" Bilton irritably stated
trying to push Geneviere away from him by making himself busy on collecting the prize
baskets they've won on the game they've played, "So? Lucky you to have a free ride way
home? Ei Rowney?" A voice commented joining them at the side of the pavilion stage,
"Well? I guess Lady Luck was on my side Marlon..." Rowney replied smiling back at Marlon
who appear to be in good mood, "By the way, congratulations on winning these prizes, never
knew you liked joining on a cheap games like those" Marlon commenting sounding
substandard towards Rowney's performance on the game, "Marlon, we came here to have
fun, that's all it matters." Rowney quickly answered not wanting to have a nonsensical
conversation with his old schoolmate that he never been close with, specially with the
clingy flirty girl Geneviere who he only remembered as being a part of their group project
on interviewing the life and happenings of a cop when on duty, "You know, you have the
right to know this but... your group is also part of our winners in best in costume segment"
Marlon added not wanting to sound rude for not informing them or giving out some
spoilers, "We what again?" Bilton joined overhearing their conversation while passing the
other prize baskets to his older brother, "From what I've heard, it seems like we won on a
best in costume category" Cosbie exclaimed for also overhearing the subject, "Well? I was
really expecting that my group will win on that category" Rowney obviously and pridefully
stated seeing that it'll happen when judges saw the satyr brothers unique combination of
costume ideas, "Unfortunately the prizes you'll get is another prize basket for each of
you" Marlon added as he points his finger on the prize basket which Cosbie is holding, "Its
a bit too much already?" Rowney answered but was interrupted by Marlon who
nonambigiosly replied: "You think so? You've already hoarded our baskets for pete's
sake!?" The trio plus Geneviere stared at Marlon's reaction and thinks that Rowney's team
tried to win on purpose just to hoard the prizes. "Marlon, its not our fault if our team kept
on winning but, if you really hate giving us those prizes then you can keep it or give it away
on the other deserving team who should win" Rowney stated calmly as he waved at Bilton
and Cosbie to leave the area because their friendly man who offered a free ride might be
already waiting at them outside the park, Rowney simply nods and smiles back to bid their
farewell when out of the sudden, Geneviere shrieked at Bilton requesting to get his
contact number, Bilton wasn't sure what contact number he'll give to the weird lady
knowing that the only contact number he knew was Rowney's phone number, "Uhmm... I'm
28!" Bilton funnily answered then awkwardly smiled at Geneviere as they left the area
running towards the park's entrance, "What the heck is 28 for?" Marlon confusingly
muttered beside Geneviere who looks like daydreaming at the moment after the Tall
Horned guy smiled at him, "You're hopeless girl." Marlon whispered leaving Geneviere
whose watching the trio leave the park.

Meanwhile, The trio is already outside the park standing on the sidewalk looking at the
approaching vehicle on the road, "Hm? Chocolate Brown car with plate number TW
something, something..." Rowney eyed the approaching car and saw the friendly guy inside
of it, "oh there he Is! Just right in time!" Rowney noted waving his right hand on the road,
"How does a car move Master?" Bilton questioned out of amusement on being too close on a
car after it stopped in front of them, "BIL, I'll answer that question when we got home,
but for now. Please refrain from talking while where inside, ok?", Rowney quickly
commented trying to look unsuspicious in front of the other human while his with the satyr
brothers, Bilton nods in response and enjoyingly amuses himself touching the warm surface
of the car, "Hey there guys!" Greeted by the friendly man who Rowney was talking about,
"The trunk is open so help yourself putting those loads back there" the man added
instructing Rowney's 2 foreign looking companions to put their prize baskets at the back
of the car, "Thank you again Sir!" Rowney smilingly replied and tried to guide the 2 newbie
on the trunk, "Guys just act natural ok?" Rowney whispered talking at the two whose really
curious on the structure of the car, "Guys? Guys! Are you listening?!" Rowney repeatedly
snaps his finger to get the attention of the two who embarrassingly nods in response for
being caught innocently staring on the car, "Well? The car won't move until we get inside
ok?" Rowney funnily added trying to quick things up for he knows the friendly man was in
urgent. The trio is already inside the car, crowding themselves on the back seat when the
guy noticed it and spoke: "Dont be shy guys? There's a seat here beside me, you don't
need to squeeze yourselves on the back seat." Rowney giggled on the man's comment and
decided to take the spot in front, next to the driver's seat "Master!?" Bilton surprisingly
spoke not wanting to surrender his beloved Master Rowney to the dark stranger, Rowney
simply eyed at Bilton to hush him but the man in front laughed on how Bilton addresses or
call the kid who he knew, "You're funny dude! Like why do you keep calling him a Master?
Are you still in character with all those costumes? Nice costumes by the way.", "Uh... yes!
He's still in character!" Rowney replied taking the responsibility on ceding their
conversations, "I'm sure you won the best costume award on this event, just look at your
costume theme, very basic yet unique" Noted by the man who already started the engine
when Rowney situated himself on the front seat. "Well we did won actually" Rowney replied
with a noticeable annoyance on his tone, "What's the matter? Did they disqualified you?"
The man asked Rowney the reason from his reaction as he drove their way on their home, a
childlike reaction then surprisingly joined them coming from the back seat saying: "We won
but Master Rowney had a fight with one of the event organizers" Bilton spoke then kept
silent when he saw Rowney's reflection on the top mirror, "You had a fight? why?"
Questioned by the man to Bilton, but Bilton didn't replied and simply rested himself on the
back seat watching the scenario outside the clear window of the car, "We didn't like how
one of the organizers accused us for luckily winning the prizes for the second time" Cosbie
answered and waved his hand back at the reflection of the man who viewed him on the
mirror when he spoke, "Thats rude of them?! what's the point of giving prizes to the game
winners if they hold the prizes to the team who wins multiple times?! I can't see it to be
greedy? It's just pure luck! and that's how a game happens!? Winning prizes!" loudly and
angrily stated by the man while stiring on the wheel, The trio nods in response on the
man's opinion, so Rowney decided to clear out and shared what happened earlier, "Its not
really a serious argument, I've let the prizes go and told them they should just give the
prize basket to a more deserving team who will win on their little competition or maybe
give it as a consolation prize or something?", "You even said that they can keep their
precious prize baskets for their own." Bilton added giggling on his note Which Rowney
somehow liked, "Never knew you'll turn out a little savage to them eh? Kid?" The man
funnily nudged making fun of Rowney, "Kid? Why this human keeps calling Rowey a kid?"
Cosbie thought to himself looking how the man behaves in front of Rowney. The
conversation went on and on in a random while the man safely drove them on a familiar road
and direction which they knew, it took only less than 15 minutes for them to arrive on their
destination when the car stopped in front of Rowney's old looking house, "Well? We're
already here? I think?" The man spoke not so sure if Alma's son is still living in that house,
"Thank you for the ride! This is our stop! Thank you again Sir for your help." Rowney
happily thanked the man as he unbuckles his seat belt and exits the car making his way to
the trunk, "Your Master seemed to be in a hurry don't ya think?" Funnily commented by
the man as he shifted his view to talk to the 2 costumed foreign guys behind him as he
presented his hands to introduce himself, "By the way, I'm Archie, let's just say I'm a
family friend of your Master's kind, generous and beloved mother" Bilton shook the hand
of the friendly man and also introduced himself along with his brother using their fake
names and motif "Bilton Powell from Greece and this is my brother Cosbie Vermette from
Rome" Bilton stated also presenting his older brother who friendly shook Mr. Archie's
hand, "Well? Nice meeting new species here right?" Mr. Archie joked as he steps off his
car to help Rowney on the trunk, the two satyr brothers stared at each other after
hearing Mr. Archie's last statement Meeting new species, "Do you think he knows what we
are?" Bilton whispered looking at the man behind them, "If he does? I hope he's like
Rowney" Cosbie answered feeling a bit odd for meeting a possible human summoner who
knows other being like them, "Like Master? You mean? He also have a Summoned partner
like us?!" Bilton thought but was interrupted by a knocking sound in the car door beside
him, "Are you planning to stay there or what? Rowney called signaling Bilton to lift the
door lock so he could open the door, Bilton nervously smiled and slightly panicked in
process, Cosbie excused himself and decided to do the lock as he showed how is it done,
"You won't look so ignorant if you just extracted Rowney's knowledge..." Cosbie noted
trying to point out Bilton's selfless actions and fondness towards their Master, "Fine!
Fine..." Bilton muttered moving his way out of the car when Rowney opened the door for
them, "Well? We did all had a great night? I should be going now." Mr. Archie noted
greeting the trio out on the sidewalk as he shook their hands again for the last time,
"Thank you again sir for your help!" Rowney replied while shaking the friendly man's hand,
"Don't mention it kid, it's the least thing I can offer" answered by Mr. Archie and then
faced the two Horned guys; "You take care of your Master here and make him happy
alright?" Both Bilton and Cosbie nods then did a very rare gesture which Rowney never
seen for a long time wherein they pounded their left fist twice on their right chest where
their clan tattoo is tattooed; "We promise Master Archie!" Bilton loyally spoke making him
laugh on how he was now addressing him, "I like you dude! Keep it up!" Archie commented
as he bid his goodbye returning back on the car and left the trio in front of the unlighted
house. October 28, 19:33 p.m. "Master Rowney? Do you know Mr. Archie?" Bilton
questioned to Rowney whose trying to unlock the backdoor, "So he's Mr. Archie huh?
Never really knows his name nor the relation with him on my family." Rowney answered
opening the door to the satyr brothers to get it while carrying their prize baskets with
their other stuff, "He only said he knows my mom because mom sponsored their wedding,
such a lucky man if you ask me" Rowney added helping them carry the prize baskets to the
kitchen, "Uhm? Master? Do you think Mr. Archie is like you?" Bilton openly questioned
making Rowney wonder why Bilton asks questions like that, "What do you mean BIL? What
do you meant about Mr. Archie being like me? Well he's human and a male so... that's our
similarities if that's what you're thinking?" Rowney thought as he thanked Cosbie on
carrying the last load, "That's not what I meant" Bilton impetuously answered then begun
telling their idea to their Master Rowney about their observation with this human named
Archie, Rowney was surprised to hear such accusation from them "A summoner?
Seriously!? Do you think you just overreacted on what he just told you?" Rowney sensibly
stated rephrasing the words: "Nice meeting new species here", "Seeing how Mr. Archie
talks, he see's the younger ones as modern kids who uses a lot of slang terms" Rowney
stated and begun explaining his thought; "On the other hand, Mr. Archie see's you as 2
foreign individuals concerning that you have 2 odd and different surname, plus you look
natively distinctive among the rest of us, making you look you have a very different
nationality. That's why we call them as foreigners, or... Aliens as what the immigration calls
you.", "Uhm that doesn't explain the word Species" Bilton commented but was immediately
corrected by his older brother when he quoted Rowney's explanation on Mr. Archie's
behavior, "It appears to be that Mr. Archie used the word species which somehow related
to the word Alien or foreigners as what Rowney have explained", "And yup! that sums
things up! It's just a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of words BIL, you don't need
to classify Mr. Archie as another summoner like me, he's just a normal mortal human and
that the end of it" Rowney stated and opened the fridge for foods he can easily cook for
their dinner, Cosbie approached Rowney to get some water when Bilton deliberately noted;
"Master? Have you ever thought of meeting some other humans like you? I mean a
summoner?" Rowney doesn't know how to react but he expected that this day will happen
if one of them tries to mention a possible existence of another human summoner on earth,
"Well? It's an 8% chance that there's another existing human summoner in my world?"
Rowney stated leaving Cosbie to do whatever he wants on the fridge, "It's still hard to
believe that there's an existing worlds which is disassociated to the mortal world or other
worlds... but come to think of it? If there are other summoner like me on this world then,
there might be a 32% chance that I'll or we'll be meeting a different human summoner!"
Rowney theoretically announced trying to sound smart despite of having no idea of what he
just said, "No wonder why BIL loves you" Cosbie spoke trying to change a boring yet
informative topic, "BIL what?!" Rowney blushingly spoke trying to avoid eye contact again
towards Bilton who he expects ogling at him right now, "He loves you because you sound so
smart, no wonder why he chose to kiss you rather than extract those knowledge from you"
Cosbie knowingly stated making Rowney blush out of embarrassment and annoyance "Bie!!
Stop reminding me that already!?" Rowney irritably commented giving Cosbie some few
light punches on his shoulder then runs back to his room upstairs leaving the Satyr
brothers in the kitchen, Bilton couldn't help but laugh on the scene then remembered
something back on the park, "Hey? What did you do to the human who saw us backstage?"
Cosbie stared blankly down on the prize basket on the floor looking at a plastic bottle on it
and shrugs back to his younger brother saying that he didn't do anything to the human.
"Uh? Ok? And I thought you just killed that poor human" Bilton humorously commented
and begun unwrapping the plastic covered baskets to put its contents on their pantry.
FLASHBACK: October 28, 18:47 p.m. "Uuhhh? What am I doing again?" Spoke by a guy
looking all flustered and seemingly wet with something mildewy substance while sitting on a
bench near the bird bath fountain, "Sir Arnold! Sir Arnold! Marlon's been looking for you!"
Called by a guy who supposed to know him then wonders what happened to him by the way
he looks, "Uhm Sir? Did a kid played a prank on you or a local bird decided to use you as a
potty target?" Arnold inspected his outfit and it appears to be stained with white and
yellowish stinky gunk, "Eeew? Mark!? Where did I got this?!" Arnold questioned to his
fellow companion, Mark simply shakes his head on his side to say that he has no idea where
he got those mess on his body, specially a huge traces on his face close to his nose, "Sir?
I'm guessing a kid played a prank on you?" Mark thought and assisted Arnold on the bench
to head back on the pavilion stage to clean himself, "By the way sir! Marlon is looking for
you for the finalization of the LiST on our winners for the best in costume award" Mark
mentioned while trying to wipe off some of the mysterious gunk by using the table napkins
he took from an unattended table, "Best in costume huh?" Arnold repeated then noticed a
guy following them from behind, "Well? He looks like a good contender for the best in
costume" Arnold whispered to Mark as he mentioned and pointed the person behind them,
Mark checked the person and funnily giggled on Arnold's statement and replied: "Sir?
That's the same guy you picked earlier this afternoon for having the most unique
combination of costume among the crowd" Arnold expression changed with a confusing look
and a bit surprised, "What? This Afternoon?! This is the first time I've seen that guy?!"
he stated making Mark wonder if Arnold has some issues of short term memory loss, "Sir?
Don't you remember? That's the same guy who won on our charades game? He's teamed
with another guy with same costume, although with different motif" Mark Explained but
got a serious dotty expression in return followed by disbelieving statements that he never
knew the guy and only first saw him now and just now, "Uh? Sir? Let's just clean you up
and talk to Marlon after your done taking a quick rest" Mark suggested as he guided
Arnold back on the stage pavilions back stage to freshen him up. The costumed guy
stopped following them and went back to his place after throwing a plastic bottle partially
filled with the same stinky white yellowish substance on a nearby thrashcan whispering the
words: "Trick or Theat".

eNTeRTaiNiNG FoR SeeiNG HoW ouR GuYS (BiLToN, Rowney & CoSBie) SPeND THeiR
(aDVaNCe) HaLLoWeeN CeLeBRaTioN. LoTS HaVe HaPPeNeD aND ouR WRiTTeR
CouLDN'T HiDe oR DeLeTe SoMe RoMaNTiC CoMeDY SCeNeS oN ouR SToRY. WeLL?
HoPe You eNJoYeD THiS VeRY LaTe HoLiDaY eNTRY. HaPPY HaLLoWeeN To aLL oF You!!

~ eND oF SToRY ~


SoRRY FoR THe "YeaR" DeLaY, i'Ve BeeN BuSY LaTeLY So... HaPPY HaLLoWeeN...

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