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Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455

DOI 10.1007/s11947-012-0800-2


Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic

Antioxidants from Grape Seeds (Vitis vinifera)
Kiruba Krishnaswamy & Valrie Orsat & Yvan Garipy &
K. Thangavel

Received: 27 June 2011 / Accepted: 1 February 2012 / Published online: 26 February 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract Grape seeds (Vitis vinifera) are rich in phyto- observed ones as follows: GAE r00.995, CAT r00.990,
chemicals that have antioxidant properties. The influence TAE r00.996, DPPH r00.996, and FRAP r00.996.
of independent variables such as microwave power (100,
150, and 200 W), extraction time (2, 4, and 6 min), and Keywords Gallic acid . Catechin . Tannic acid . Response
solvent concentration (30%, 45%, and 60% ethanol) and surface methodology . Antioxidant activity . FRAP . DPPH
their interactions on total phenols and the antioxidant activ-
ity (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric ion
reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)) were determined; and Introduction
the microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) process was opti-
mized using a central composite design. The total phenols Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals.
that were expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE), cate- Free radicals are damaging compounds in the human body
chin equivalents (CAT), and tannic acid equivalents (TAE) that alter cell membranes, causing cell damage and inflam-
were significantly influenced by the solvent concentration mation, promoting abnormal cell growth including various
and the time of extraction. A numerical optimization was kinds of cancer, and even causing cell death (Lee et al.
carried out to obtain the overall conditions for MAE of 2004). Free radicals are generated naturally in the body by
phenolic antioxidants from grape seed. The response varia- metabolic process and from exogenous factors like ultravi-
bles were maximized for 6 min of MAE of grape seed (GS) olet light, radiation, smoke, and air pollution (Kim et al.
with 32.6% ethanol at 121 W with a desirability function of 2006). The normal aerobic respiration in cells produces
0.947. The predicted extraction yields were 130.89, 21.6 natural antioxidants which are further supplemented by di-
1.59, and 15.91.32 mg GAE, CAT, and TAE, respectively etary sources like vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc.
per gram of GS. The predicted antioxidant activity per gram (Harman 1995). The effectiveness of the endogenous anti-
of dry weight GS was 80.9% for the inhibition of DPPH and oxidant system declines with aging. Hence it is required to
135 M ascorbic acid equivalents for FRAP test. The pre- incorporate antioxidative nutraceuticals in the prevention of
dicted response values were significantly correlated with the diseases. The health-related issues with the growing popu-
lation has led to the search of naturally occurring antioxi-
dants in food to replace synthetic antioxidants, which are
being restricted, due to their adverse side effects, such as
K. Krishnaswamy : V. Orsat (*) : Y. Garipy carcinogenicity (Pokorn 1991).
Department of Bioresource Engineering, McGill University,
The present regulatory regimes on waste management and
21,111, Lakeshore Road,
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC H9X3V9, Canada disposal in the food industries has urged for an integrated
e-mail: approach in context of recycling/reuse and waste recovery.
Recycling of fruit and vegetable waste is one of the most
K. Thangavel
important means of utilizing it in a number of innovative
Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, ways yielding essentially new products meeting the require-
Coimbatore 641003, India ments in human, animal, and plant nutrition as well as in the
442 Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455

pharmaceutical industry. Hence there is a growing interest in very important so that it can be utilized in the preparation of
exploiting agricultural waste materials to obtain phytochem- functional foods, dietary supplements, and in nutraceutical
icals and antioxidants which will provide satisfactory solu- and pharmaceutical products (Cacace and Mazza 2003).
tions to both food processing industries and the society. In this Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) has been reported
context, winery waste could be an excellent source for obtain- as a novel method for extraction of bioactive compounds. It
ing natural antioxidants from grape pomace (Bail et al. 2008). utilizes microwave energy to cause molecular movements
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the worlds most and rotation of liquids with permanent or induced dipoles
important fruit crop with a global production of around 67 (Sun et al. 2007). When a biological material with favorable
million tons in 2009 (FAOSTAT 2011) and about 80% of the dielectric properties (plant material along with solvent for
total production is used for wine making. The grape pomace extraction) is placed in a microwave field, the molecules try
obtained, as winery by-product, constitutes 1020% of the to align with the oscillating electromagnetic field either by
weight of grapes (Garcia-Marino et al. 2006). It was distortion or distribution of electron cloud within the mole-
reported that the grape seed present in the pomace weighs cule or by physical rotation of the molecular dipoles which
3852% on dry matter basis (Maier et al. 2009). Grape seed leads to rapid heating of solvent and sample matrix (Dandekar
consists of 35% fiber, 29% polyphenols, 15% lipids, 3% and Gaikar 2002). Thus MAE is advantageous over conven-
ash, and 7% water (Mayer et al. 2008). Grape seeds are rich tional extraction techniques with improved efficiency, reduced
sources of monomeric phenolic compounds (Fig. 1) such as extraction time, rapid and volumetric heating of the absorbing
(+)-catechins, ()-epicatechin, (+)-gallocatechins, ()-epi- medium, low solvent consumption, higher selectivity of target
gallocatechin, and their dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric molecules, and high potential for automation (Pallaroni et al.
proanthocyanidins (Baoshan Sun and Spranger 2005; Freitas 2002, Thostenson and Chou 1999, Wang et al. 2010). In
et al. 1998). conventional techniques such as heating, boiling, or refluxing,
Grape seed extract has been a matter of intense inves- there is a loss of flavonoids due to ionization, hydrolysis, and
tigations with respect to its potential beneficial effects on oxidation on prolonged extraction time. MAE is the simplest,
human health as it possesses a broad spectrum of biological, fastest, and most economical technique for extraction. The
pharmacological, and chemoprotective properties against enhancement of product recovery by microwave is generally
free radicals and oxidative stress. Recent reports indicate a attributed to its heating effect, which occurs due to the dipole
wide range of biological activities, e.g., antioxidant proper- rotation of the solvent in the microwave field. This causes the
ties and radioprotective effects (Castillo et al. 2000), anti- solvent temperature to rise, which then increases the solubility
bacterial activity (Jayaprakasha et al. 2003), prevention of of the compound of interest such as flavonoids (Wang et al.
cataract (Yamakoshi et al. 2002), antihyperglycemic effects 2010). Microwave-assisted extraction has been used to extract
(Pinent et al. 2004), anti-inflammatory effects (Terra et al. many different bioactive compounds, such as 1,8 cineole,
2007), enhancement of postprandial lipemia (Del Bas et al. menthone, and menthol from peppermint and 1,8 cineole
2005), improvement of insulin sensitivity, and prevention of and camphor from rosemary leaves (Chen and Spiro 1994),
hypertriglyceridemia and cardiovascular disease (Al-Awwadi essential oil from Lippia sidoides (Craveiro et al. 1989),
et al. 2005), prevention of in vitro low density lipoprotein alkaloid from lupin seeds (Lupinus mutabilis) (Ganzler et al.
oxidation (Meyer et al. 1997), modulation of the expression of 1990), secoisolariciresinol diglucoside from flaxseeds (Nemes
antioxidant enzyme systems (Puiggrs et al. 2005), and pro- and Orsat 2010), pectin from apple pomace (Wang et al.
tective effects against oxidative damage in mouse brain cells 2007), phenolic antioxidants from peanut skin (Ballard et al.
(Guo et al. 2007). Thus effective extraction and concentration 2009), glycyrrhizic acid from licorice roots (Pan et al. 2000),
of these phenolic bioactive compounds from the grape seed is curcuminoids from Curcuma longa (Dandekar and Gaikar

Fig. 1 Monomeric units of

proanthocyanidins present in
grape seeds (Baoshan Sun
and Spranger 2005)
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455 443

2002), Zearalenone from wheat and corn (Pallaroni et al. 15-s interval for 15 s to avoid heating of the sample (Gokturk
2002), anthocyanin from red raspberries (Sun et al. 2007), Baydar et al. 2007). The grape seed powder (10 g) was
tea polyphenols and tea caffeine from green tea leaves (Pan et defatted with 30 ml of hexane in an Erlenmeyer flask at
al. 2003), etc. 60 C for 6 h. The hexane containing the lipid portion was
The optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of poly- filtered, and the grape seed powder was kept in the fume hood
phenolic antioxidants from grape seeds was conducted in the to allow the residual hexane to evaporate.
present study with the objective of recovering maximum
antioxidants. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used Microwave Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidants
to evaluate the effect of multiple factors like microwave
power, solvent concentration, extraction time, and their inter- Dry defatted grape seed powder (0.50.05 g) was placed in
actions and was estimated by least square regression. From the a 250-ml quartz vessel. Fifty milliliters of different ethanol
literature it was found that Hong et al. (2001) used microwave concentrations (30%, 45%, 60%; v/v) was used for extrac-
power of 150300 W and time from 20 to 200 s to extract tion. The vessel was introduced into the microwave cavity
phenolic compounds from grape seed. Mayer et al. (2008) and fitted with a condenser. A focused-type, open-vessel
used microwave power of 150 W and 200 s for extraction of microwave system (Star System 2, CEM Matthews, USA)
proanthocyanidins from grape seed. Thus 100300 W and 1 operating at 800 W maximum power with a frequency of
5 min were taken as the minimum and maximum values for 2,450 MHz was used. The microwave power applied
the screening design. A response surface study was initially was intermittent with power on for 30 s/min. The
conducted using a two-level, three-factorial design for screen- extracts were centrifuged for 20 min and filtered with
ing the effects of the factors, ethanol concentration of 50% and 0.22-m filters (Whatman Puradisc 13-mm nylon syringe
90%, microwave power levels of 100 and 300 W, and extrac- filters) for the determination of total phenols, color, and anti-
tion time of 1 and 5 min on the extraction yields of total oxidant activity.
phenols, the antioxidant activity, and the color of the extracts.
Then the design was augmented to central composite design Experimental Design
by the addition of center and axial points.
Face-centered central composite design (CCD) was used to
determine the optimal conditions of microwave-assisted ex-
Materials and Methods traction of total phenols (TP), antioxidants activity (ferric
ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and DPPH), and
Materials and Reagents color from grape seeds. Central composite design is highly
efficient and provides sufficient information on the effect of
V. vinifera (var. Bangalore blue), a variety of grapes, were process variables for resourceful optimization with reduced
procured from the local markets of Coimbatore, Tamil number of total experimental runs. The three independent
Nadu, India. This variety of grapes is widely grown in the factors studied were the microwave power, X1 (100, 150,
southern states of India like Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The and 200 W), extraction time, X2 (2, 4, and 6 min), and
grapes were processed for the production of juice in the Post ethanol concentration, X3 (30%, 45%, and 60% ethanol),
Harvest Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Uni- which were coded at three levels as shown in Table 1.
versity, Coimbatore. The residual pomace was collected and The CCD included eight factorial points, six axial points,
the seeds were manually removed from the pomace. The and three center points, which totals 17 experimental runs,
seeds were cleaned, lyophilized in a batch-type freeze dryer and was used to fit the second-order polynomial model
(Ilshin, version 1.0, Model FD5505) until constant weight
was obtained. They were packed in polyethylene bags and
stored at 18 C until further analysis. All chemicals used
such as FolinCiocalteau reagent, gallic acid, catechin and Table 1 Independent variables in CCRD for optimization of grape
seed extract
tannic acid, sodium carbonate, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl
(DPPH), and 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine were of analytical and Independent variables Coded levels
HPLC grade obtained from Sigma Chemicals Co (St. Louis,
1 0 1
MO, US).
Microwave power (W) X1 100 150 200
Sample Preparation Extraction time (min) X2 2 4 6
Ethanol concentration (% v/v) X3 30 45 60
Dried grape seeds were milled in a coffee grinder (Proctor
Silex, Model E167C) for 2 min, the process was stopped at Power (100 W014%, 150 W020%, 200 W027% of maximum power)
444 Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455

similar to that shown in Eq. 1 (Haaland 1989, Abdeshahian Determination of Antioxidant Activity
et al. 2010).
Several methods are used to evaluate antioxidant activities
of natural compounds in foods or biological systems with
3 X
3 3 X
Y b0 b i xi b ii x2i b ij xi xj 1 varying results. Depending upon the reactions involved,
i1 i1 i<j1 these assays can roughly be classified into two types: assays
based on hydrogen atom transfer reactions and assays based
where Y is the predicted response, 0 is the regression on electron transfer (ET). The ET-based assays measure the
coefficient for the intercept (a constant), i is the coefficient capacity of an antioxidant in the reduction of an oxidant,
for the linear effect, ii is the coefficient for the quadratic which changes color when reduced. The degree of color
effect, ij is the coefficient for the interaction effect, of change is correlated with the samples antioxidant concen-
variables i and j, Xi, and Xj are independent variables. The trations. The ET-based assays include FRAP and DPPH. The
JMP software Version 8 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, antioxidant activity of the microwave-assisted extracts of
USA) was used for the statistical analysis and to generate grape seed was determined by both FRAP and DPPH.
the response surface plots for the quadratic models.
Antiradical Scavenging Activity

Analysis of Total Phenolic Compounds The DPPH assay was used to determine the free radical
scavenging activity of grape seed extract. The method by
A colorimetric method using FolinCiocalteau assay was Nair et al. (2007) was adopted with some modifications
used to determine the total phenols content in the grape seed (Singh et al. 2011). An aliquot of 50 l ethanolic extract
extract. The method used by Jayaprakasha et al. (2003), of grape seed having 1 mg of GS/ml of ethanol was added to
Jayaprakasha and Jaganmohan Rao (2000), and Singh et 1.5 ml of DPPH (3.94 mg/100 ml ethanol). The discolor-
al. (2011) was used with slight modifications. One milliliter ation of purple is due to the paring of the free electron with
of the grape seed extract having 1 mg of grape seed/ml of the free radical scavenger present in DPPH. The color
ethanol was mixed with 7.5 ml of double deionized water, change was measured with a spectrophotometer (Ultrospec
followed by the addition of 0.5 ml of FolinCiocalteau 2100 pro, Biochrom Ltd., Cambridge, England) at 517-nm
reagent, and 1 ml of 7.5% sodium carbonate solution. The absorbance after 20 min. The percentage of free radicals
mixture was incubated at room temperature in the dark for scavenged by DPPH radical was calculated using the fol-
the development of color for 30 min. The absorbance was lowing equation:
measured at 765 nm using a spectrophotometer (Ultrospec
2100 pro, Biochrom Ltd., Cambridge, England). The total DPPH% inhibition
phenols concentration was expressed in terms of gallic acid  
Abs control 517nm  Abs sample 517nm
equivalents (GAE), catechin equivalents (CAT), and tannic  100
Abs control 517nm
acid equivalents (TAE) based on the standard curves given
in Table 2 which were plotted for 30%, 45%, and 60% ethanol
concentrations in respective equivalents (Y0concentration, where, Abs control 0 absorption of blank sample and Abs
x0absorbance at 765 nm). sample 0 absorption of grape seed extract.

Table 2 Standard curve for dif-

ferent solvent concentrations in Sample no. Standard curve Equation R2
terms of standard equivalents
1 Gallic acid standard curve, 30% EtOH Y 81:75x  0:040 0.997
2 Gallic acid standard curve, 45% EtOH Y 91:13x  0:052 0.999
3 Gallic acid standard curve, 60% EtOH Y 92:58x  0:019 0.999
4 Catechin standard curve, 30% EtOH Y 50:39x 0:036 0.999
5 Catechin standard curve, 45% EtOH Y 51:57x 0:045 0.991
6 Catechin standard curve, 60% EtOH Y 49:17x 0:091 0.991
7 Tannic acid standard curve, 30% EtOH Y 69:18x 0:052 0.997
x concentration (in milligrams/ 8 Tannic acid standard curve, 45% EtOH Y 69:87x 0:018 0.999
milliliters), Y absorbance at 9 Tannic acid standard curve, 30% EtOH Y 87:66x 0:002 0.993
765 nm
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455 445

Reducing Power for each sample. From the obtained L*, a*, and b* values, the
total change in color of the extract (E) was calculated using
The FRAP assay takes advantage of electron transfer reactions the following equation:
and is used to measure the total antioxidant activity of natural q
compounds. Herein a ferric salt, Fe(III)(TPTZ)2Cl3 (TPTZ) E L0  L2 a0  a2 b0  b2 4
2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine is used as an oxidant. Antioxidants
are used as reductants in a redox-linked colorimetric method. Where L0, a0, and b0 denotes the value of pure ethanol at 30%,
The method used by Benzie and Strain (1996) and Deighton et 45%, and 60%, v/v used as standard reference to compare the
al. (2000) was used in this experiment with some modifica- color change of the ethanolic extract.
tions. Acetic acid buffer of 250 ml, 25 ml of TPTZ (2,4,6-
tripyridyl-s-triazine) and 25 ml of ferric chloride solution was Statistical Analysis
added together at 10:1:1 ratio, to make the FRAP reagent.
Grape seed ethanolic extract (50 l) was added to 1.5 ml of Statistical analysis was performed using the JMP 8 software
FRAP reagent, vortexed for 60 s, and allowed to stand for (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The data were ana-
6 min at room temperature. The control consisted of 1.5 ml lyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the adequacy of
FRAP reagent to which were added 50 l distilled water. The the response surface model was determined by evaluating
color change was read with a spectrophotometer at 593 nm. the lack of fit and coefficient of determination (R2). The
Ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant, was used as a standard statistical significance of the model and its variables was
solution to determine the reactivity of FRAP solutions using determined at 5% probability level (p<0.05). The optimal
the standard curve shown in Eq. 3 (R2 00.997). conditions for MAE of grape seed phenolic antioxidants
were obtained based on modeling and desirability function
Absorbance of grape seed extract 593nm that could be visually explained in terms of three-dimensional
response surface plots and contour plots.
244:7  Conc: of grape seed extract  0:014 3

Results and Discussion

Determination of Extract Color
Fitting the Model
The color of the extract was measured using a colorimeter
(Konica Minolta, Japan), equipped with 1 cm measuring A two-level, three-factorial design was used for screening the
head. The colorimeter works on the principle of focussing factors. The studied factors and their levels were: the micro-
the light and measuring the energy reflected from the sample wave power at 100 and 300 W, the extraction time of 1 and
across the entire visible spectrum. The color meter relies on 5 min, and the concentration of ethanol 50% and 90%, v/v.
standard observer curves that define the quantity of red, The results obtained indicated that the yield of total phenolics
green, and blue colors. The primary light requires matching can be maximized by increasing the extraction time and
a series of colors across the visible spectrum and the math- decreasing the solvent concentration. At increased microwave
ematical model used to describe these colors as L*a*b* power level of 300 W in the screening experiment, rapid
color space. The colorimeter provides reading in terms of heating of the extraction medium was seen. Due to high
L*, a*, and b*, where luminance (L) forms the vertical axis, cavitation, bubbling of the substance occurred. This led to
which indicates whiteness to darkness. The chromatic portion the entry of the extraction medium into the condenser. Based
of the solids is defined by: a (+) redness, a () greenness, b (+) on the observation from the screening design, the microwave
yellowness, and b () blueness. level was fixed between 100 and 200 W in the CCD. Hence,
The colorimeter was calibrated using the standard white for further experiments, it was decided to modify the experi-
calibration plate provided by the manufacturer before the mental domain as follows: microwave powers between 100
start of the measurements. Buci Koji et al. (2009) and and 200 W, extraction time of 2 and 6 min, and concentration
Wrolstad et al. (2005) similarly used the L, a, and b system of ethanol of 30% and 60%. The different combinations of the
to determine the color changes of grape seed extract and independent variables and their corresponding response in
anthocyanin pigments. One milliliter of the microwave- terms of total phenols are presented in Table 3.
assisted grape seed extracts was placed in small vials of
1 cm in diameter to match the orifice of the colorimeter. This Total Phenols
setup was covered with a black cover in order to prevent the
scattering of light. L* (light/dark), a* (a+, redness/green a) Response surface regression models were fitted to the ex-
and b* (b+, yellowness/blueness b) values were recorded perimental data. The ANOVA of the quadratic regression
446 Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455

Table 3 Face-centered central composite design (CCD) with observed response for total phenols from microwave-assisted extraction of grape

Design MWP, Time, Sol. conc. Total phenols (mg/g)

points Watt Min % v/v

Actual Predicted STD Actual Predicted STD Actual Predicted STD

error error error

R1 200 2 30 10.373 10.470 0.165 16.829 16.977 0.292 12.258 12.324 0.230
R2 100 6 30 12.269 12.345 0.165 19.905 20.034 0.292 14.498 14.580 0.230
R3 200 6 30 13.235 13.289 0.165 21.473 21.592 0.292 15.640 15.777 0.230
R4 100 2 30 11.351 6.423 1.238 18.416 9.760 2.182 13.414 7.067 1.720
R5 100 2 60 9.138 9.084 0.165 17.206 17.087 0.292 9.651 9.514 0.230
R6 200 2 60 9.689 9.613 0.165 18.243 18.114 0.292 10.233 10.151 0.230
R7 100 6 60 10.510 10.413 0.165 19.788 19.640 0.292 11.100 11.034 0.230
R8 200 6 60 15.241 7.839 1.238 28.696 15.008 2.182 16.096 7.610 1.720
R9 100 4 45 9.920 9.996 0.145 17.530 17.669 0.255 12.938 13.059 0.201
R10 200 4 45 10.809 10.733 0.145 19.100 18.961 0.255 14.098 13.977 0.201
R11 150 2 45 9.580 9.613 0.145 16.928 17.027 0.255 12.495 12.647 0.201
R12 150 6 45 11.720 11.687 0.145 20.710 20.611 0.255 15.286 15.134 0.201
R13 150 4 30 11.755 11.527 0.145 19.071 18.675 0.255 13.891 13.606 0.201
R14 150 4 60 9.905 10.133 0.145 18.650 19.046 0.255 10.461 10.746 0.201
R15 150 4 45 10.995 10.955 0.104 19.430 19.359 0.183 14.341 14.289 0.144
R16 150 4 45 10.886 10.955 0.104 19.236 19.359 0.183 14.198 14.289 0.144
R17 150 4 45 10.984 10.955 0.104 19.411 19.359 0.183 14.327 14.289 0.144

GAE gallic acid equivalents, CAT catechin equivalents, TAE tannic acid equivalents

model for total phenols expressed in gallic acid equivalents terms of gallic acid equivalents was significant with p val-
is given in Table 4. The model obtained for total phenols in ue00.0002, with R2 value of 0.9906. It was found that there

Table 4 ANOVA for total phenols by MAE of grape seeds

Total phenols (mg gallic acid equivalents g1 dw)

Source SS df MS F value p value

Model 17.087250 9 1.89858 58.9808 0.0002a
Lack of fit 0.15374735 3 0.051249 14.2319 0.0664
Error 0.160949 5 0.03219
Term Estimate Std error t ratio F value p value
Intercept 10.955 0.103586 105.76 <0.0001a
MWP (100, 200) 0.36855 0.069487 5.30 28.1308 0.0032a
Time (2, 6) 1.03705 0.069487 14.92 222.7352 <0.0001a
Sol conc. (30, 60) 0.69735 0.069487 10.04 100.7143 0.0002a
MWP time 0.77575 0.315043 2.46 6.0632 0.0571
MWP sol conc. 0.8795 0.315043 2.79 7.7935 0.0384a
Time sol conc. 1.14825 0.315043 3.64 13.2841 0.0148a
MWP MWP 0.5905 0.163783 3.61 12.9988 0.0155a
Time time 0.305 0.163783 1.86 3.4679 0.1216
Sol conc. sol conc. 0.125 0.163783 0.76 0.5825 0.4798
R2 0.990669
Adjusted R2 0.973872
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455 447

is a reasonable agreement with the adjusted R2 of 0.9738 Similarly, a regression analysis was carried out to quan-
in the model. The lack of fit was not significant (p> tify the total phenols in terms of catechin equivalents. The
0.05), suggesting that the model was well fitted and could response predictions of total phenols in terms of catechin
be used to predict the total phenols from microwave-assisted equivalents was significant in the given model with p0
grape seed extract. 0.0009 (Eq. 6). The R2 value for the model was 0.9806 with
The model indicated that the linear effects of extraction time a reasonable agreement with the adjusted R2 of 0.9457, and
and solvent concentration had the greatest significance on total the lack of fit was not significant 0.0678 (p>0.05) suggest-
phenols of the extract. Values of (p) less than 0.05 indicate the ing that the model could be used to predict the response. It
significant terms in the model, based on which the linear terms was found that microwave power, time and the interaction of
such as microwave power, time of extraction, solvent concen- MWP and solvent concentration, time and solvent concen-
tration, bilinear terms such as MWP Sol. Conc., Time Sol. tration, and MWP2 were significant factors in the model.
Conc., and quadratic terms of MWP2, were found to be sig- The predicted response for total phenols in terms of catechin
nificant. The predictive, second-order, polynomial model for equivalents, in term of coded factors level, is given in the
total phenols content of microwave-assisted grape seed Eq. 6 neglecting some insignificant terms:
extracts, in terms of coded factors levels, is shown in Eq. 5.
TPCATmg=g dw GS 19:359 0:646MWP
TPGAEmg=g dw GS 10:955 0:368MWP
 1:414MWP  Time
 0:775MWP  Time
 1:547MWP  Sol:Conc:
 0:879MWP  Sol:Conc:
 1:930Time  Sol:Conc:
 1:148Time  Sol:Conc:  
   1:044 MWP2
 0:590 MWP2  
   0:54 Time2
 0:305 Time2
5 6
The Pearsons correlation coefficient for actual vs. pre- The predictive response of total phenols in terms of tannic
dicted value is r00.995 (Fig. 2). Hence this model can be acid equivalents by regression analysis was found to be signif-
used to predict total phenolics under different experimental icant (p value<0.0001). The R2 value of the model was found
conditions during microwave-assisted extraction. to be 0.9939 with a reasonable agreement with the adjusted R2
of 0.9829 and insignificant lack of fit (p>0.05). The final
13.5 equation in terms of coded factors levels for total phenols is:
12.5 TPTAEmg=g dw GS 14:288 0:458MWP
GAE Actual

11  1:429Sol:Conc:
10.5  1:015MWP  Time
 1:155MWP  Sol:Conc:
9  1:498Time  Sol:Conc:
9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5  
 0:770 MWP2
GAE Predicted P=0.0002  
 0:398 Time2
RSq=0.99 RMSE=0.1794
Fig. 2 Predicted (in milligrams GAE/g) vs. actual (in milligrams
GAE/g) for total phenols in MAE of grape seed 7
448 Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455

The predicted vs. actual plot obtained for total phenols in compared to the microwaveless control method. Pan et al.
terms of catechin equivalents and tannic acid equivalents (2000) studied the MAE of glycyrrhizic acid from licorice
were similar to that obtained for gallic acid equivalents root with extraction times of 45 min, ethanol concentra-
(Fig. 2) with Pearsons correlation coefficient (r) for GAE tions of 5060% (v/v).
r 00.995, CAT r00.990, TAE r00.996. Thus the given Similar surface plots were obtained for total phenols in
models can be used to predict the total phenols of terms of tannic acid equivalents and catechin equivalents.
microwave-assisted extraction of grape seeds in milligrams The optimum extraction conditions for maximum total phe-
equivalents per gram of dry weight (dw) grape seed, nols from grape seed was found at 170 W, 6 min, and 30%
respectively. ethanol concentration yielding 13.50.48 mg GAE/g dw
GS with a desirability of 0.982. The microwave power of
Effect of Process Variables on Total Phenols 168 W, 6 min, and 30% ethanol concentration yielded more
total phenols in terms of catechin equivalents at 220.86 mg
The relationship between independent and dependent vari- CAT/g dw GS with the desirability of 0.997. The predicted
able can be well illustrated with three-dimensional response optimum extraction conditions in terms of tannic acid equiv-
surfaces. Figure 3 gives the interaction of MWP and time at alents were 160 W, 6 min, and 33.7% ethanol concentration
a fixed solvent concentration of 45% ethanol concentration. with 0.992 desirability giving 16.10.56 mg TAE/g dw GS.
It was found that there was an increase in total phenols with Ghafoor et al. (2009) studied the extraction of phenols
an increase in time of extraction. By keeping time constant and antioxidant from grape seed by ultrasound-assisted ex-
with constant solvent concentration and increasing the traction. The surface plots obtained were similar to the
MWP, there was a gradual increase in the total phenols. present study with 53.15% ethanol concentration v/v,
The maximum total phenol from the extract was obtained 56.03 C, and 29.03 min of extraction time yielding maxi-
with increased extraction time. It revealed that by decreasing mum total phenols of 5.44 mg GAE/100 ml. In the present
the solvent concentration from 60% to 30% and by increas- study with microwave-assisted extraction, it was possible to
ing the MWP from 100 to 170 W, it increased the total obtain a high amount of total phenols in less time (6 min)
phenols. Wang et al. 2010 reported that 70% ethanol con- with reduced 3034% (v/v) of ethanol. The amount of total
centration, microwave power 255 W, and extraction time phenols obtained by Li et al. (2008) was in the range of 7.5
6.5 min gave maximum flavonoids from Radix puerariae. to 44 mg GAE/100 g dry matter. Mandic et al. (2008)
MAE of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside from flaxseed by reported 3.59 to 11.7 g GAE/kg of dry grape seed using
Nemes and Orsat (2009) reported MWP of 135 W, sodium ethanolic solvent for extraction. Jayaprakasha et al. (2001)
hydroxide concentration of 0.5 M, and 3 min extraction time reported a range of 18.2 to 20.8 CAT/100 g grape seed extract
which gave 10% increase in the extraction yield when for different ratios of ethanol water mixture. Since different
grape variety, solvents combinations, and methods of extrac-
tion were used, the comparison of the results can only be
informative. The variation in the results depends upon factors
such as concentration of phenolic compounds in different
grape cultivars, and it is also influenced by viticulture practi-
ces and environmental factors such as maturity stage, area of
production, and seasonal conditions (Gmez-Alonso et al.
(2007), Cheynier and Rigaud (1986), Mazza and Francis
(1995), Koundouras et al. (2006)).

Antioxidant Activity

The antioxidant activity in terms of DPPH and FRAP for

different combinations of the independent variables are pre-
sented in Table 5.

Antiradical Activity

The radical scavenging activity of the grape seed extract was

determined by the DPPH method. To increase the fitness of
the model, log transformation of the response was done.
Fig. 3 Response surface plot for total phenols in terms of GAE Transformation of the variables is said to enhance the
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455 449

Table 5 Observed responses for the antioxidant activity and color value of the microwave-assisted extraction of grape seed in the experimental design

Antioxidant activity Color value


Actual Predicted STD error Actual Predicted STD error L* a* b* E

R1 67.113 67.173 0.012 115.803 115.883 0.010 31.110 1.327 2.167 2.421
R2 73.065 85.081 0.025 124.210 141.193 0.021 29.630 1.087 2.940 3.996
R3 77.232 76.922 0.011 130.095 129.644 0.010 30.350 0.940 2.663 3.233
R4 56.994 56.736 0.011 101.512 101.091 0.010 35.417 0.813 1.453 2.555
R5 79.464 80.007 0.012 133.247 134.008 0.010 30.840 0.393 3.860 3.352
R6 80.357 80.581 0.012 134.508 134.807 0.010 27.977 0.643 4.640 5.821
R7 79.762 79.913 0.011 133.668 133.872 0.010 28.180 0.530 4.860 5.813
R8 61.012 61.461 0.012 107.186 107.871 0.010 28.217 0.437 3.683 5.075
R9 79.464 79.135 0.010 133.247 132.839 0.008 32.387 0.433 3.083 2.627
R10 76.042 75.514 0.009 128.414 127.669 0.008 32.187 0.863 3.437 3.075
R11 73.661 73.225 0.009 125.051 124.495 0.008 32.690 0.393 3.233 2.715
R12 78.720 78.313 0.010 132.197 131.613 0.008 33.600 0.400 2.377 1.924
R13 71.131 71.680 0.010 121.478 122.323 0.008 34.240 0.633 2.520 2.155
R14 77.530 76.086 0.009 130.515 128.467 0.008 28.350 0.573 4.550 5.479
R15 76.190 77.056 0.005 128.624 129.810 0.005 28.217 0.350 4.047 5.956
R16 77.083 77.056 0.005 129.885 129.810 0.005 28.113 0.376 4.060 6.048
R17 76.190 77.056 0.005 128.624 129.810 0.005 28.583 0.420 4.457 5.928

E total change in color of the extract, DPPH (percent inhibition), FRAP (in micromoles of ascorbic acid eq/g dw)

interpretability of the results (Zumbo and Harwell 1999). A Reducing Power

regression model was used to fit the DPPH data, and the
ANOVA results are presented in Table 6. It was found that FRAP assay was used to determine the reducing power of
linear terms such as microwave power, time of extraction, the antioxidants present in microwave-assisted grape seed
and solvent concentration and quadratic terms indicating extracts. Similar to DPPH, the best fit to the FRAP data was
interactions such as MWP time, MWP Sol. Conc., Time obtained with log transformation. The model p value
Sol. Conc., and Sol. Conc.2 were highly significant factors <0.0001 implies the model is significant. The lack of fit
(p<0.05). The model was significant with p value<0.0001 was not significant, 0.1831 (p>0.05). The R2 value of the
and a nonsignificant lack of fit 0.1825 (p>0.05). The R2 model is 0.9935 and the adjusted R2 of 0.9838. It was found
value of the model was 0.9937 and the adjusted R2 was that the linear and the quadratic terms which were signifi-
0.9843. Thus this model can be used to predict the radical cant in DPPH model were similar for the FRAP model. The
scavenging activity for the microwave-assisted extraction of values obtained for antioxidant activity from DPPH and
grape seed extract. The predictive model in terms of coded FRAP showed significant correlation (r01). The predicted
factors levels for DPPH is given in Eq. 8. response for FRAP in terms of coded values for factors
levels is given in Eq. 9.

Log DPPH % inhibition Log FRAP M of Ascorbic acid eq=g dw

4:3445  0:0234MWP 0:0335Time 4:8660  0:0198MWP 0:0277Time

0:0298Sol:Conc:  0:0674MWP  Time 0:0245Sol:Conc:  0:0554MWP  Time

 0:0404MWP  Sol:Conc:  0:0326MWP  Sol:Conc:  0:0837Time

 0:1015Time  Sol:Conc: 0:0032 MWP 2
 Sol:Conc: 0:0032 MWP2
 0:0174 Time2  0:0424Sol:Conc:2 8  0:0140 Time2  0:0349Sol:Conc:2 9

Table 6 ANOVA for antioxidant activity of MAE of grape seed

Antioxidant activity

DPPH (% inhibition) FRAP (M of ascorbic acid eq)/g dw

Source SS df MS F value p value SS df MS F value p value

Model 0.15008640 9 0.016676 105.9275 <0.0001a 0.10116425 9 0.011240 102.2450 <0.0001a
Lack-of-fit 0.00085406 4 0.000214 4.7175 0.1825 0.00059617 4 0.000149 4.6977 0.1831
Error 0.00094459 6 0.000157 0.00065962 6 0.000110
Term Estimate Std Error t ratio F value p value Estimate Std Error t ratio F value p value
Intercept 4.3445263 0.005425 800.79 <0.0001a 4.8660683 0.004534 1073.3 <0.0001a
MWP (100, 200) 0.023418 0.004839 4.84 23.4238 0.0029a 0.019847 0.004043 4.91 24.0930 0.0027a
Time (2, 6) 0.0335854 0.004839 6.94 48.1792 0.0004a 0.0277993 0.004043 6.88 47.2688 0.0005a
Sol conc (30, 60) 0.02983 0.004839 6.16 38.0072 0.0008a 0.0245048 0.004043 6.06 36.7291 0.0009a
MWP time 0.067422 0.005627 11.98 143.5712 <0.0001a 0.055474 0.004702 11.80 139.1828 <0.0001a
MWP sol conc. 0.04043 0.005627 7.19 51.6272 0.0004a 0.032653 0.004702 6.94 48.2241 0.0004a
Time sol conc. 0.101595 0.005627 18.06 325.9954 <0.0001a 0.083779 0.004702 17.82 317.4527 <0.0001a
MWP MWP 0.0032098 0.007786 0.41 0.1699 0.6945 0.0032216 0.006506 0.50 0.2452 0.6381
Time time 0.0174 0.007786 2.23 4.9940 0.0668 0.014003 0.006506 2.15 4.6318 0.0749
Sol conc. sol conc. 0.042491 0.007786 5.46 29.7822 0.0016a 0.0349 0.006506 5.36 28.7710 0.0017a
R2 0.993746 0.993522
Adjusted R2 0.984364 0.983805
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455 451

Effect of Process Variables on Antioxidant Activity

It was found that by increasing the time of extraction with

decrease in solvent concentration and MWP, the antioxidant
activity of the extract increased in terms of DPPH and
FRAP. Figures 4 and 5 represent the response surface plot
for antioxidant activity in terms of DPPH percent inhibition
and FRAP. The Pearsons correlation coefficient for DPPH
and FRAP was 0.996. It was found that microwave power,
time of extraction and solvent concentration and the inter-
action of microwave power with time and solvent concen-
tration, and interactions of time and solvent concentration
played a significant role in the antioxidant activity of DPPH
and FRAP. The diffusion of the antioxidants from the solids
matrix to the solvent is enhanced when the time of extrac-
tion increases. Grape seeds are natural reservoir of low
molecular weight catechins (monomers, dimmers, trimers,
and oligomers) and flavonoids with orthodiphenolic struc- Fig. 5 Response surface plot for antioxidant activity in FRAP
ture in the B ring (Katalinic et al. 2004). Spranger et al.
(2008) reported that the radical scavenging activity of grape
seed by DPPH is positively related to their degree of poly- the results obtained by different methods are not always
merization, i.e., polymer > oligomer > monomer (catechin). comparable (Spranger et al. 2008). But similar results were
As grape seed has high proanthocyanidin content, it has obtained by Ramchandani et al. (2010) for grape seed (Ban-
higher antioxidant activity when compared to vitamin C galore blue variety) with a percent inhibition range from
and vitamin E (Spranger et al. 2008, Ramchandani et al. 50% to 80%, proving that this variety of grape seed has a
2010). Since the structural features of phenolic compounds high potential antioxidant activity and could efficiently be
are reported responsible for the antioxidant activity, mea- extracted by microwave-assisted extraction. Pan et al. (2008)
surement of total phenols may be related to their antioxidant studied the antioxidant activity of microwave-assisted extract
activity (Katalinic et al. 2004). The methods for assessing of longan peel and found that antioxidant of microwave-
antioxidant activity vary considerably which depends upon assisted extract of Longan peel was superior to Soxhlet extract
the type of radical generated from a given compound; hence, of Longan peel. This suggests that microwave-assisted

Fig. 4 Response surface plot for antioxidant activity in DPPH percent Fig. 6 Response surface plot for total change in color of extract (E
inhibition or DE)
452 Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455

extraction of antioxidants could be an effective method with increase in the solvent concentration and extraction time
respect to time and less solvent wastage. The highly signifi- there was an increase in the color of the extract. Canals et
cant correlation coefficient was obtained for FRAP and DPPH al. (2005) stated that when the ethanol concentration is high,
data (r01). This indicates that both FRAP and DPPH can be the extraction of proanthocyanidins from skin and seed
successfully used to obtain the antioxidant activity of the significantly increases. The color of the extract with 45%
grape seed extract. and 60% ethanol concentration had more intense color than
30% EtOH concentration. The values obtained in this study
Effect of Process Variables on Color were similar to the values obtained by Buci Koji et al.
(2009) who studied the influence of solvent and temperature
Color denotes visual appearance of the product, whereas on extraction of phenolic compounds and color of the
pigments or colorants are the chemical compounds that extracts from grape seed.
impart the observed color (Wrolstad et al. 2005).The color The color of the extract is directly related to the presence
measurements are presented in Table 5. It was found that of anthocyanin color pigments and may be due to the
solvent concentration played a significant role in the color of interactions of non-pigmented compounds like catechin
the extract as shown in Fig. 6 which represents the response and epicatechin (Buci Koji et al. 2009). Stintzing et al.
surface graph for total change in color. It was found that (2002) studied the color and antioxidant properties of








30.633, 140.26577.6113, 84.4823




0 0.25 0.75 1










121.5393 6 32.631016
mwp time sol con Desirability

Fig. 7 Overall optimum conditions of microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic antioxidants from grape seed
Food Bioprocess Technol (2013) 6:441455 453

cyanidin-based anthocyanin pigments; it was found that efficient and economical. Thus the maximum desirability in
methoxylation and hydroxylation of the B ring had predict- terms of total phenols was obtained for catechin (d00.997)
able effect on color. Katalinic et al. (2004) compared the which was the basic monomeric unit present in grape seed
reducing power (FRAP) and antioxidant effectiveness of red phenols. In terms of antioxidant activity, the desirability func-
wines with white wines. It was found that average FRAP of tion for both DPPH and FRAP was almost same. Katalinic et
red wines was almost tenfold higher than the average FRAP al. (2004) studied the antioxidant effectiveness of grape wines
of white wines, which was mainly due to the presence of in comparison with (+)-catechin and demonstrated significant
anthocyanin pigments and catechins that could significantly antioxidant capacity with FRAP assay. FRAP is a very rapid
participate in the antioxidant power of red wine. This indi- and simple method and is very convenient for screening large
cates that grape seed antioxidants make significant contri- number of samples (Katalinic et al. 2004). Thus a multiple
bution to the color of the extract. Thus chromatic parameters response optimization was done for total phenols in terms of
can be a helpful means for comparison and quick assess- catechin, and FRAP resulted 21.61.51 mg CAT/g dw GS
ment of phenolic content in grape seed extract. Further and 135 M of ascorbic acid equivalents/g dw GS with a
studies are required in this area to understand the concepts maximum desirability of 0.991 at 122 W, 6 min, and 33.7%
of coloring compounds and antioxidant activity. ethanol concentration.

Optimum Conditions for Maximum Extraction from Grape

It is relatively simple to determine the exact optimum con-
Thus the principles of multiple response optimization using
ditions for single response using RSM (Bezerra et al. 2008,
desirability function can be applied to the development of
Lundstedt et al. 1998). The predicted optimal conditions for
extraction procedures that demand a search for optimal con-
obtaining maximum total phenols were: 170 W, 6 min, and
ditions for a set of response simultaneously. In our study, we
30% ethanol concentration for 13.50.48 mg GAE/g dw GS
were able to extract maximum phenolic antioxidant with lower
with a desirability of 0.982; 168 W, 6 min, and 30% EtOH
solvent consumption and extraction time by microwave-
for 220.86 mg CAT/g dw GS with a desirability of 0.997;
assisted extraction when compared with results reported in
and 160 W, 6 min, and 33.7% ethanol for 16.10.56 mg
the literature. With the increasing consumer interest in func-
TAE/g dw GS with a desirability of 0.992. The maximum
tional foods, food companies are looking to incorporate new
antioxidant activity was found at 100 W, 6 min, and 39.4%
bioactive ingredients to improve health. Thus grape seed which
ethanol concentration for DPPH providing 86.5% DPPH
is considered as a winery waste can be used as a high value
inhibition with desirability of 0.997, and 100 W, 6 min,
functional food ingredient as substituted or alternative antiox-
and 39.2% ethanol concentration for FRAP giving 143
idant to the synthetic antioxidants. This will in turn increase the
(M of ascorbic acid eq)/g dw GS with a desirability of
economic value of the grape seed obtained from grape pomace.
When various responses have to be considered at the
Acknowledgments We thank the Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Inter-
same time, it is necessary to find optimal compromises
national Trade, Canada for providing the Canadian Commonwealth
between the total number of response taken into account. Scholarship, 2010. Thanks to Simona Nemes and Ashutosh Singh,
Thus Derringer function or desirability function (d) is the Dept. of Bioresource Engineering, McGill University for their technical
most important and most currently used multicriteria method- expertise and support.
ology in optimization procedures (Bezerra et al. 2008). In
order to maximize the response of the dependent variables, a
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