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Official Quiz 1: Philosophy 1

Questions and Answers

1. The word "philosophy" derives from:

o A. Latin, meaning "love of knowledge"

o B. Greek, meaning "love of wisdom"
o C. Latin, meaning "love of life"
o D. Greek, meaning "love of science"
o E. Icelandic, meaning "love of fish"
2. A philosophical argument is a form of verbal disagreement.

3. Plato's Allegory of the Cave can be interpreted as:

o A. A move from wisdom to ignorance

o B. A way of educating young children
o C. The experience of the Forms
o D. The process of becoming a journalist
o E. All of the above
4. Sherlock Homes found clues that led him to make deductive conclusions that led him to the
actual characters responsible for the crime.

5. An assumption is:

o A. Any idea
o B. A hasty conclusion
o C. A principle taken for granted
o D. A proof
o E. All of the above
6. Thales and Anaximander would be considered:

o A. Monists
o B. Pluralists
o C. Rationalists
o D. Empiricists
7. Knowledge often is defined as (by Plato and other philosophers):

o A. Any idea
o B. An idea about God or the supernatural
o C. Justified true beliefs
o D. The foundations of self-consciouness
o E. Any idea held to be true
8. The subdivisions of branches of philosophy (according to Lee Archie) are:

o A. Ontology, epistemology, cosmology

o B. Epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, ontology
o C. Aesthetics, ontology, scientology, epistemology
o D. Epistemology, ontology, ethics
o E. All of the above
9. Cogito ergo sum means "I think, therefore I am." By making this statement, Descartes argued
that thinking is essentially the foundation of all human behavior.

10. Every time it rains, it is cloudy.It is cloudy.Therefore, it will rain.If we assume the premises
above are true, that the following argument would be considered:

o A. Inductively valid
o B. Deductively valid
o C. Reasonably sound
o D. Certainly true
o E. Not necessarily true
11. Socrates was put to death because he was accused of corrupting the youth through his
educational techniques.

12. The statement, "I am and am not an animal." would be an example of:
o A. An assumption
o B. A conclusion
o C. A proof
o D. A paradox
o E. All of the above
13. If you think that beliefs can be best justified in light of the evidence we receive from the mental
process of reasoning or intuition, then you are a:

o A. Rationalist
o B. Empiricist
o C. Materialist
o D. Idealist
o E. All of the above
14. Dualism:


o A. Explains how minds and bodies are linked together

o B. Explains how only mental states can be completely understood in terms of physical states
o C. Explain how minds or mental states tend to construct the world in terms of opposites
o D. Rejects the idea that our minds or mental states are less fundamental than our bodies or
physical states
o E. Rejects the idea that our minds or mental states are more fundamental than our bodies or
physical states
15. Heraclitus:

o A. Believed that the world was made up of tiny "atoms"

o B. Believed that the world was made from water
o C. Believed that change has a form that underlies all reality
o D. Believed that there was an ultimate force ruling the universe
o E. All of the above
16. The Easy Problem explains how we feel about being "conscious."

17. Race is a biological construct that allows us to distinguish groups from one another.

18. Steven Pinker argues that the "mystery of consciousness" can be explained:

o A. As an immortal soul separate from the body

o B. As a "ghost in the machine"
o C. As a "brain in a vat"
o D.As biological or neurological processes
o E.As a distinction between mind and body
19. W.E.B. DuBois used this term to describe an awareness of one self and the awareness of how
others perceive us.

o A. Dualism
o B. Split personality
o C. Identity
o D. Double consciousness
o E. All of the above
20. What author criticized the philosophy and practice of education by pointing out the fact that
most forms of pedagogy tend to privilege the mind over the body, and often ignore how creativity
can manifest itself differently in individuals.


o A. Plato
o B. Socrates
o C. Robert Solomon
o D. Ken Robinson
o E. Helen Fisher
21. Pythagoras believed that:


o A. Mathematics was the key to life

o B. Numbers were the real nature of things
o C. That the sum of the two lengths of a triangle is always greater than the the third
o D. 1 + 1 = 10 (in binary, or base 2)
o E.He would one day discover one of the most important theories of all time
22. Democritus, in his belief that the universe was made of tiny bits of stuff called "atoms," would
be considered:

o A. A monist
o B. A pluralist
o C. A materialist
o D.A and B
o E.B and C
23. Air is the a source of ultimate reality according to:

o A. Thales
o B. Anaximander
o C. Anaximenes
o D. Heraclitus
o E. Parmenides
24. The process of distinguishing mere belief from knowledge is called:

o A. The mind-body problem

o B. Dualism
o C. Double consciousness
o D. The method of doubt
o E. All of the above
25. Consider the following argument:If you get a good grade on this test, then you will feel good
about yourself.If you feel good about yourself, then you will do better on future tests.Therefore, if
you get a good grade on this test, then you will do better on future tests.If we assume the premises
are true, this argument would be considered:


o A. Inductively valid
o B. Deductively valid
o C. Reasonably sound
o D. Unreasonably shaky
o E. Honestly true
26. Sherri Ortner argued that women, if seen as a mediating element between nature and culture,


o A. They would be seen as powerful agents of change

o B. Their roles would be restricted and circumscribed
o C. They would be seen as having different status than men
o D. They would promote aspects of lesbianism
o E. They would castrate men in dark caves
27. When we travel to far away places because of their exotic allure or "natural" escape, we we call

o A. Love
o B. Eros
o C. Xenophobia
o D. Xenophilia
o E. Stereotyping
28. In Meditations II, Rene Descartes invoked this entity to help him explore the doubts and
certainties of our existence.

o A. Immortal soul
o B. God
o C.Wax sculptures
o D.Evil genius
o E. All of the above
Socrates was put to death because he was accused of corrupting the youth through his
educational techniques.


Malcolm X advocates that we trust only those who share cultural features to our own.


What author criticized the philosophy and practice of education by pointing out the fact that most forms of
pedagogy tend to privilege the mind over the body, and often ignore how creativity can manifest itself
differently in individuals.
Robert Solomon
Ken Robinson
Helen Fisher
What is the early concept of love in classical Greek culture that describes our intense, passionate desire
for others?
Kwame Anthony Appiah believes that:

Identity is a social and ethical construction

Identity is byproduct of genetic codes

Identity is only a mental concept

Race is a taboo topic

Affirmative action is the only solution to racial disparities

What is the early concept of love that describes our appreciation for others, like friendship?

Plato's Allegory of the Cave can be interpreted as:

A move from wisdom to ignorance

A way of educating young children

The experience of the Forms

The process of becoming a journalist

All of the above

The word "stereotype" was first popularized in the United States by:

A high school teacher (Mr. Fogli)

A philosopher (Socrates)

A politician (Jesse Helms)

A journalist (Walter Lippman)

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